#100horrormoviesin92days 2024
webbywatcheshorror · 2 months
100 Horror Movies in 92 Days 2024
Helloooo beasties and ghouls! It is that time once again, where I undertake the challenge and watch a HUGE chunk of horror in just three months!
The rules are simple- starting August 1st and ending on Halloween, I have to find and watch at least 100 horror movies that I have never seen before!
Like last year, reviews will probably be on hold until the challenge ends, and also like last year, I'll be reblogging this post with my list as I complete them! (I will also be keeping up with them on Letterboxd, I am Webbyghost there as well).
Unlike last year, though, I might liveblog some of them! If I do that, they'll be tagged with #Webbyliveblogshorror along with the name of the movie.
If any of you guys are also doing the challenge or have movies to suggest then by all means hit me up!
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cmrosens · 15 hours
#100HorrorMoviesIn92Days: Around the World
I've completed the #100HorrorMoviesin92Days challenge, and here are the films by country! 100 films, 30 countries. Check out my post! #WorldCinema #HorrorLover #HorrorFilms
I’ve completed the 100 Horror Movies challenge in less than 92 days, which means October is all about re-watching my comfort films. My goal was to try and watch fewer US-made films since I’m in the UK, and expand on the decades and global films I’m able to access. I’ve still ended up with a lot of US films, but I’ve tried to go for classics, new-to-me by directors I already enjoy, and a mix of…
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cinn48 · 7 days
#81 September 2024
It's September and we are back! Tune in to hear what we've read over our summer break and what we are looking forward to coming up! Including what reading project Candice will take on when she's finished the Stephen King project.
On Freedom by Timothy Snyder
On Property by Rinaldo Walcott
It's Not You, It's Capitalism by Malaika Jabali
The Internet Con by Cory Doctorow
On Our Best Behaviour by Elise Loehnen
The Bill Hodges Trilogy by Stephen King (Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, & End of Watch)
The Curator by Owen King
Other Maps by Rebecca Morris 
Learn more about the 2024 Massey Lecture and the book What I Mean To Say, by Ian Williams 
See Candice's August Wrap Up graphics from Storygraph
Follow Candice on Storygraph
Follow Steph on Storygraph
Follow Candice's horror movie challenge #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days
00:00 Intro and welcome
06:27 Steph's non-fiction summer reading update
19:00 Candice's non-fiction summer reading update
30:00 Looking at our Storygraph reading stats and talking about genres
38:00 Steph's other non-fiction reading
43:49 Candice Stephen King reading update and Steph's fiction reading update
Find all of our past episodes at Stories From The Village
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Theme music from the Free Music Archive, by The Underscore Orkestra
  New episode from The Village at the Bookshelf
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