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marieforster20 · 4 years ago
Day 46: What does your editing/revision process look like?
This is basically it right here. 😅
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writingonesdreams · 4 years ago
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Event by @the-wip-project
What ideas came to you recently from daydreaming?
A whole story totally made of hurt/comfort scenes but with emotional arcs
It isn't related to Stormkeeper's newest plot version, but it has the core trio plus an old-new character getting a focus (Jonah)
heavily inspired by the current Megalo Box 2. Though Joe has been a major inspo for years
Maybe I should treat it as it's own project. People jumpy from wip to wip here all the time, instead of re-imagining and re-plotting the whole other idea and destroying it in the process
Maybe I should start training to write these scenes in snippets and sew them into a whole later. Like not forcing them into a story and leave it a free flow
Something of a plot around a tournament. And the magic types worming their way in
Magic just hurts a lot. The ideas keep coming
No villians. Ahh if I could just pull of the characters being mean, hurtful, human, redeemable and no one really being bad, just real clumsy in doing the right thing for others and themselves. Did anyone notice how much every writing advice and plot structure centres around bad guys/villains? No wonder a plot without it looks like a revolution
Watched Wish dragon movie yesterday with my brother and gotta say, it's a great example of main character with a flat arc. No less interesting for it, because the MC knows money isn't everything (the story's central truth) but he struggles against the world and all the characters that pressure him against it. He stumbles, occasionally hesitates, doubts himself and the lowest point comes when he succumbs to the lie ridden world and gets a pep talk from the change arc character he was influencing the whole time.
The story plays with themes like pride, machismo, vulnerability and self-worth
Kyler and Wes being full on estranged brothers this time, with Kyler hiding from things he needs even when at a breaking point, Wes stuck in a rebellious ignorant wounded circle and Jonah being the spark to set them both on the right track again.
Playing with these trio's dynamics is really fun. Wes seeing Jonah will show him what growing up and being a partner instead or the younger pampered protected one means and he really needs that
Kyler just wants to take care of people. He might have developed that tendency while caring for Wes, but it's not limited to him anymore.
Jonah never had anybody care or believe in him. I'm still working out his arc, but his inner insecurity engraved quite deep.
Just want these three to save each other in various ways.
Acacia is probably the only sane person, there to say out loud what nobody wants to hear
This picrew is so true to my daydreamed images I can't stop looking at it
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Wes - Jonah - Kyler
I have been thinking of changing their names for the story, something like
Lukas/Julian/Kayden or
Andrew/Jacob/Kieran or even
But what's the point when their personalities and emotional arcs are so similar?
This would be so much easier if it was fanfiction. No wonder about AUs and playing with the same characters there. When an author uses the same original characters, it just looks like she has no imagination to make up new ones
On the other hand lots of authors just write the same story over and over with different characters and settings, it just isn't as obvious
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writing-whump · 4 years ago
#100daysofwriting, Day Eighteen, 2021-06-18
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Event by @the-wip-project
What ideas came to you recently from daydreaming?
A whole story totally made from hurt/comfort scenes
Basically a Megalo Box inspired story with my three favourite boys and a girl MC
It's so self-indulgent and whumpy I'm legit scared to post it on my writeblr main even though I don't really know anyone in the whump community
It's basically these three getting hurt in various ways, from the physical strenuous sport of boxing, to motorcycle crashes to emotional turmoil
With themes like overcoming ones pride and machismo
And it actually has a plot of a tournament driving this around, but the focus is on the characters(' injuries)
The only question is if it's too whumpy to be a legit story and if it's enough material to be a longer story 🙈👀
Can something be too whumpy and self-indulgent to write? I just need reassurance
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betttart · 6 years ago
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Прекрасная Фаина @faina.yunusova проводит #сфс, поэтому переходите и участвуйте. ⠀ Также, я думаю, все уже заинтересовал её сильный, заставляюший задуматься проект #100daysofQuestions, где люди обсуждают разнообразные проблемы. ⠀ Наверное для меня, тема тела и принятия себя навсегда останется актуальной. ⠀ Я честно пытаюсь ценить себя, свое тело. Хвалить за достижения и не ругать, если что-то не получается. Однако, если однажды ты уже усомнился в себе, то чувство вины тебя никогда не покинет. И остаётся лишь бороться с ним, стараясь принимать себя таким, каким ты являешься. С этими многочисленными родинками, волосами на теле, горбинкой на носу, странным телом. И это совсем не про #бодипозитив, это просто то, как мы все пытаемся ужиться в своём теле. ⠀ Тяжёлая тема, но, думаю, такая близкая каждому. 🧡 (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrPX-aWnBrK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9ao3bu0nyt3r
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the-wip-project · 4 years ago
#100daysofwriting, day thirty-six, 2021-07-06
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Vacation time post. Today’s question:
The relationships you write, what kind of power-dynamics do they tend to have?
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The daily questions are just an offer to give you an idea what to write about, you don't have to use them. You can talk about whatever you want and show off whatever you like. You can reblog from this post but I think it's better if you make your own post. Tag with #100daysofwriting, mention this blog, keep mature themes under a cut. Please let me know if you don’t want to be mentioned anymore. I like and reply to your posts as barbex.
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the-wip-project · 4 years ago
#100daysofwriting, day forty-one, 2021-07-11
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Vacation time post. For today, let’s have moodboards again. Use the Mood Boards Photo Collage template on Canva if you want.
Make a new moodboard.
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The daily questions are just an offer to give you an idea what to write about, you don't have to use them. You can talk about whatever you want and show off whatever you like. You can reblog from this post but I think it's better if you make your own post. Tag with #100daysofwriting, mention this blog, keep mature themes under a cut. Please let me know if you don’t want to be mentioned anymore. I like and reply to your posts as barbex.
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