#100ED ED89
sunthread · 8 years
Routine VS Special Pleasure
Two weeks ago I accepted a challenge that I invented by myself. Before I shared it with you, I should say a couple words about preceded events. In March, I spent half of my saving on coffee (That's a hyperbole, but it exactly reflects my perception). I bought it everywhere, especially in McCaffee. Why didn't I drink it at least at home? Of course, I did, and my coffee quickly was over. I got sort of dependence. I wanted to drink this beverage several times per a day. The funny thing was I didn't have a student's syndrome which means I didn't try not to sleep during all the night or stuff like this. I just drunk. At the end of the March (еo be exact, the 30th of March), I decided to refuse coffee to me in the uncertain period if time. It supposed to be an experiment on my body. <...> Two weeks passed, so I found me in McCaffee again. It wasn't an unconscious act. I went there in order to do my homework. And I felt it was time to order a cup of coffee. Maybe two weeks ago, when I started my funny challenge, I didn't realize precisely why I accepted it. Now I found out clearly what happened. The coffee stopped being my daily routine. I got rid of the dependence. And at the same time I didn't stop loving this drink. So it turned out to be tastier twice as much. I guess, in this case, I distinctly felt a magic power of moderation. When something makes you a special pleasure instead of being a part of your everyday life, you appreciate it much more. And you know, I'm talking not only about coffee.
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