#100% legit and safe to buy here
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jargon-official · 1 year ago
V Design Pro !!!
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Buy Now
The V design gives a attractive design. It is a eye-catching design for unisex. Which highly classy and comfortable to wear. Tshirts which gives you the most confident feel to wear.
It's highly quality product, which is the main aim of quality serve to our friendly customers..!!!
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teaboot · 1 year ago
how do you find/buy sex stuff? I'm sure there are websites, but I don't even know where to start. What would be safe and reputable? Do you have any suggestions, or advice on picking something "good"? Also thank you for opening your asks for stuff like this.
okay, so here's the shake:
I personally believe that you can buy decent sex toys anywhere, providing that:
The listing is honest about the product's materials
You know what to look for
Silicone, glass, and metal are the safest materials you can use. They're the least reactive with natural bodily chemicals and are the least likely to give you problems.
SILICONE: Not 'silicon'- silicon is NOT SILICONE. Slicone solids are never 100% transparent and might, MIGHT appear translucent and foggy at the clearest. Silicon might be shiny OR matte, but if it's matte please know that velvet or soft-touch coatings are most often non-silicone materials added after the toy itself is molded. This is usually fine, but if you know your body is sensitive to that, one brand I know has the texture built into the mold is Fun Factory. It's pricy, but it's high quality and comes with a warranty.
GLASS: Tempered glass is usually fine. If you notice chips, cracks, or hairline fractures in it, bag it up and throw it out.
Metal: Same story. Chipping, flaking, cracks, oxidization, toss it. Acrylic toys with metallic coatings will degrade in contact with oils, unlike actual metal, so be sure to check materials.
People shit on sites like Adam & Eve and Pinkcherry, and yeah those are cheap stores that dont sell the best stuff, but they still have LOADS of good quality product and do frequent sales and clearouts if you're nervous and not looking to drop a lot of cash right off.
If you can afford it, brands I absolutely recommend are Womanizer, Fun Factory, Hitachi (now owned by Vibratex), Tom of Finland, Sinvention, and We Vibe. They're all high-quality and most have warranties for damage or malfunction.
On the cheaper end, Calexotics, Doc Johnson, Evolved, and Ouch!.
Websites like Bad Dragon, Extreme Restraints, and Sinvention are known to have good customer service and high-quality products.
Websites like Adam and Eve, Pinkcherry, and Lovehoney I've heard good reviews for, you just need to be careful about what you buy.
I've yet to encounter a legit site that isn't discrete, btw. Everything is usually sent out in boxes.
Please avoid AliExpress. You CAN buy there, but I don't trust that shit
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aesethewitch · 3 days ago
Advertisement Adversaries #2: "Gender Swap Spell"
Hello, and welcome to the second installment of Advertisement Adversaries! This series aims to dissect unethical, unfair, deceptive, and just plain Not Good sales strategies found in the witchcraft community. We also cover legitimate sellers to highlight good marketing, listings, and business practices! The goal is to improve the legit witches' businesses and educate folks on scams, grifts, and marketing manipulations.
You can read more about this project here (Tumblr) or here (my website). You can also read this post on Ko-Fi or a better-formatted version on my website. (Note: Some images just wouldn't upload to Ko-Fi for some reason, so I strongly recommend using the website!)
Each entry covers one listing from a seller's catalogue. I score the listing on a scale of one to five in six categories: Clarity, Transparency, Presence, Genuineness, Verifiability, and Morality. Legitimate sellers get an extra category of Attractiveness/Advice for Improvement.
Please Note: I had so many screenshots for this listing, I've had to cut out a handful because of Tumblr's image limit. To see ALL of the images I captured, please pop over to my website for the full experience.
Now, let's have a look at today's entry into this series:
Advertisement Details
Who is the advertiser -- or who do they claim to be? Who is their apparent primary audience? What are they selling? What's their tone? What's the vibe? What are the first impressions?
Spell scams on Etsy are a dime a dozen. This one I've chosen has just about everything a scam boogeyman like me could possibly want. But let's start right from the top, shall we?
Now, this is a total scam, so we're naming and shaming, but I have another reason for naming this one. (Note that all other names, such as reviewer names, have been redacted from screenshots or otherwise omitted for their privacy.)
This listing comes from an Etsy shop called "MariahSpells." They last updated their shop announcements on September 6, 2024. The listing we're focusing on is one for a "Gender Swap Spell." Yeah, that's right, I'm fucking going there.
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A lot of Etsy spells targeting trans people look like this. Many of them make it seem like it's a spell for a physical transformation, but really, you're getting an ~emotional transformation~ to help you along your ~spiritual journey~ and make you ~feel things~. But again, they market like it's a physical change and then pull this to prevent complaints or required refunds.
Not so with MariahSpells! No, no! This spell is going to change you physically. No HRT required. You want a dick? Envision it. Write it out. They're gonna make that happen for you. Let's fucking go.
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God, I wish it worked that way.
No frills, no bullshit, and a 100% success guarantee. This Ancient and Powerful Spell is going to Fix You. No refunds.
Normally, I have to make an educated assumption about who these scams are targeting. But MariahSpells is doing my work for me:
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Specifically and deliberately targeting vulnerable trans people who are desperate for a change. Nice. Note also the emphasis on "opposite sex" throughout this listing. We love erasing intersex and non-binary people, don't we?
But I can really see a depressed, desperate trans person buying this spell. And someone did.
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Fucking tragic. This review was put up after I decided to cover this listing but before I started working on this. Someone bought this, perhaps because they can't access HRT safely where they are or because they want quicker results from their transition. I don't know for sure, but that's the kind of person this listing (and listings like this one) are targeting.
This shop, according to the main page, has received over 2,000 sales since it opened. Two thousand sales. Most of the other services in this shop aren't as exorbitantly priced as this one, but many of them are. One is, I shit you not, seven hundred dollars. ON SALE. To become a vampire -- yes, a real one, immortal and all. (But don't worry, that listing says you won't incur bad karma for it. Yippee!)
And that's all just on the surface. Let's do a smidge of digging.
Based on the shop name, you'd think that the seller's name is Mariah. But in their listing, all the way at the bottom in the "waxing poetic about themselves" section, we see this:
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Why would your shop be MariahSpells if your name is Sayran? Now, I thought this was odd until I found a particular review with a link to a different Etsy shop that appears to have been forcibly shut down -- with the same qualifications listed in the description.
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So, this isn't this person's name, and they've reopened a shop despite being shut down on another... which also wasn't their actual name. It makes me wonder how many times this person has done this, and whether they have other shopfronts they're running at the same time. Classic scam behavior: Change shop names after being reported/marked as a scam/taken down and keep on selling the same empty promises.
Admittedly, I'm not super familiar with Syriac magic or its traditions, so I'm staying away from commenting on that. If anyone reading this knows anything about it and is willing to dig into it, please let me know in the replies/reblogs or tag me in a separate post - if you've got the details, I want to read them! I did a little reading, but I had to put it down to focus on the rest of this review.
However, even without knowing about Syriac magic, I can't confirm anything about this person's practice or even their existence, because they have no social media. There are no links on the shop page, in the about section, or elsewhere. Even a wider search (using the current shop name, the prior shop name, and both listed seller names) brings up nothing. This seller doesn't exist outside this shop. Red fucking flag.
The overall tone of this listing is superior. It takes swipes at "fake wizards" and "everyone presenting themselves as a witch" in order to make this particular seller appear more legitimate.
The seller also takes time to shit on other listings that rely on the buyer's "positive thinking" to make their magic work -- or, really, to blame the buyer for spells not working.
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I agree with them that it's scummy to blame the buyer and use their "negativity" as a scapegoat. Hilarious to see it on such a blatant scam.
Now, let's take a second to talk about the price and this sale that's going on. I took almost all of these screenshots on February 18, 2025 (others had to be redone due to formatting issues or because I forgot to grab a couple). I'm doing a first draft on the 19th, and as of literally right now as I'm typing this, the sale has about an hour and fifteen minutes left. I'm keeping an eye on it.
This is an exorbitant price for a service where your only verification is a photo which can easily be fabricated. You can't verify the services via reviews, either, because all of the reviews for spell services are premature ones giving five stars before any results are even given. (And for another reason, which I'll talk about later!)
This is now me, a couple hours later, returning to the listing. Lo and behold:
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The sale is still on. It's still 50% off. But hey, it still has that "biggest markdown" banner on it. That's strange... a glitch, maybe?
Nope. Check the prices. The seller knocked a couple cents off the original price to make the sale price the "new lowest in 60 days." They're artificially forcing that message to keep up the sale hype. It's why the price is such a strange amount; they've been doing this since at least October 2024, maybe longer.
This isn't something you'd notice unless you were obsessively checking on it... like me. Gotcha, bitch.
Overall, the impression is fuckin' bad. Obviously. Between the bootleg Sims AI generated listing picture, the putting-down of other sellers, the product description, and the "sale" rug-pull, this listing is an incredible, pristine example of an Etsy Spell Scam.
Let's talk nitty-gritty.
How clear is the language? Does it use a bunch of obscure terms or talk in circles? Is it obvious what the buyer will receive based on this listing alone?
I mean, it's pretty obvious what you're getting on the surface. It's a spell that's going to cause a physical transformation to you based on your specifications vis a vis gender transition.
But here's the thing: You don't actually know what's happening. What kind of spell is this? What ritual is being done? What concern is there for the buyer? It says this spell is permanent, but what does that mean? Does that mean it can't be undone at all? And if that's the case, how is this spell being bound to the buyer?
The seller says they're a Syriac magician, but that's a pretty niche tradition. The average person isn't going to know anything about it. You'd think they would take the opportunity to play up the exotic, exclusive nature of their magic by explaining a little more about the spell or ritual... but that would require there to be an actual spell happening, wouldn't it?
This listing is constantly talking in circles about how great the spell is and how powerful the magic is and how the effects are worth the price. But note that it doesn't detail what effects you're going to see. Note, again, that it's just repeating the same shit over and over and over again: "it's gonna work, I'm gonna do the spell for you, it's super powerful, you want this spell, it's gonna work..."
The only proof you're going to get of this spell happening is a photo, and only if you demand one. Based on reviews, buyers apparently get a short blurb stating that the spell has been done and the picture. Immediately after purchase, you get a JPG thank you message to download. You get the rest later.
My issue with "photo proof" of spells is that they can easily be faked. They can be stolen from the internet. They can be a set of photos that are being reused over and over again for different buyers. They can be real... but the setup may not be a true spell. It would be pretty easy to light some candles and draw a circle and take a picture to claim it's a spell when it's just... candles and a doodle. You know? Clarity for this listing gets a 1/5. It gets a singular point for saying what the spell is for and generally what it's intended to do, but most of the listing is sucking their own Very Ancient And Powerful dick instead of giving actual details about the spell.
Is the seller honest about their refund/returns policy? Is it obvious where materials are being sourced? Is the seller being honest and clear about their credentials and/or qualifications?
On the surface, this seller is upfront about their refunds policy. As in, they don't do refunds. Their policy and other disclaimers are clearly stated at the bottom of the listing.
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Standard stuff overall. We love to see a 100% guarantee followed up by "but I'm not responsible if it doesn't work." It's required, yes, but it's still funny. Also incredible to have a disclaimer about not providing medical advice on a listing about, y'know, a medical thing. (They also have a weight loss spell. Take that as you will.) The swap to "we" in the disclaimers is a little strange. It strikes me as something they've copied from another seller's listings or a different source and then edited to their liking.
As for materials, I have no idea where they're getting their stuff. They say that they use only the highest quality materials, but who knows?
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We don't know what materials are being used in this spell, so there's no way to fact check this. This is on purpose.
And, once again, there's absolutely no way to verify this person's credentials. I can't even verify that they're a real person who practices magic! So, I can't say one way or the other if they're telling the truth.
It really seems like their refunds policy and general disclaimers are the only verifiably transparent things here, huh? That's worth a point, probably...
Except it isn't. I took a couple hours to read through every single review this shop has ever received, because I was curious. I found a couple strange things that I'll talk about further along in this review, but right now, I want to focus on this:
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(For more examples, please see the version of this post on my website.)
Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite grifter behavior, the old-fashioned bribe for better reviews. What this seller has done is offer refunds, exchanges, or other services in order to convince low-star reviewers to change their ratings. And it seems that at least a handful of people have taken them up on this offer. These folks have said that this is what happened, as you can see. I can't help but wonder how many of these other five-star reviews are fake, now, too.
Peeking at the listings those reviews are from, their prices are significantly lower than this listing we're focusing on. But you can imagine the draw of getting a $200 refund when you realize you've been scammed, right? Wouldn't you update your review to get that much money back? I would be tempted, I'm not gonna lie.
Then again, I'd probably update it again once I had my money back to be as close to zero stars as possible. Because fuck this behavior.
Transparency gets a solid fuck-you 0/5. They're actively lying about not providing refunds to cover their ass and bribe unsatisfied customers while hiding their identity and details of the spell.
Is the seller present anywhere other than their shop? Do they share anything about their process, method, or practice anywhere? Are they actually part of a community, or are they just selling something?
As mentioned way up above, I did a lot of digging. This seller has no social media that I can find. My guess is, because this is a scam shopfront using an alias, that I'm not meant to be able to find them anywhere else. Because they don't exist. This is a scam attempting to get as much money from you as possible before Etsy finds them again and shuts it down. They're not part of any community.
Also, interestingly, while I was trying to find anything about this shop, I found a couple Reddit threads that had been deleted talking about the shop. I couldn't recover any of the contents of those threads, unfortunately. Shame. It is interesting, though, that all of them were scrubbed. No idea if there's something bigger going on there or if it's just a coincidence. But it's interesting.
I found something else really interesting while combing through all of those reviews. There's a period from roughly February 2024 to August 2024 where this seller received a ton of one-star reviews in a row. All of them say that they never heard from the seller and never received their services.
The most recent of these one-star reviews is this one, followed by the reply left by the seller:
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I can neither confirm nor deny the tragedy of this, because again, they have no other presence, and no lasting messages available other than the complaint reviews on the shop. And yet, I'm inclined to believe that this is at least somewhat true. Something happened in this seller's life that caused them to abandon this shop for several months. They'd been making steady sales before this with really positive reviews.
But Etsy has a vacation mode. Sellers can temporarily suspend their shops in the event of vacation, emergency, illness, or whatever else. Why didn't this person use this feature? It could be because of the "star seller" thing, since that's assessed on a three month cycle, and if a shop isn't active at all during the grading period, it'll lose star status. But neglecting the shop for seven months does the same thing! What the hell??
I'm uncertain if these people got refunds. According to the seller's review reply shown above, they apparently reached out to everyone who ordered from them. One person came back to amend their review to be five stars, stating that they spoke to the shop owner and giving their condolences.
One thing I'm certain of, though, is that this sale thing is surely a result of that low period. The shop's seemingly genuine and astroturf-like reviews resume around September/October 2024, and I know that these sales were going on then because of a review talking about "taking your $30 elsewhere." That's the approximate price of the service they bought.
So, either this "sale" tactic has been happening for a long time, or it's a newer scheme to boost the shop back up to where it was previously. I imagine the seller was desperate to get back to their five-star status after all those nasty reviews. No wonder they're bribing for stars and burying those negative reviews under mountains of premature and potentially false praise. Even if it's because of a genuine tragedy, this is gross behavior.
Presence gets an obvious 0/5. Even off-site reviews are non-existent.
Are listing photos genuine? Are any images AI, or is any copy written by an AI? Is this a real person selling something, or is this a bot account?
So, this listing has a bunch of images attached to it. The first one, the one you see in the Etsy search, is AI generated. Take a close look at it and note the blur on the earrings and the frames of the glasses melding into the eye/eyebrow shapes on the right.
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Two of the images provided are collages of five-star reviews. I'm ignoring these, because I think it's gauche to do this when you're a legit seller. Doing it when you're a full-blown scammer is just ridiculous.
The rest of the images in this listing seem real, though! They're real pictures. What a refreshing and reassuring thing that is. (Very heavy sarcasm.)
I have three problems with these images, listed here in order from least to most bothersome.
First, these images don't really... match the spell at all. A couple seem like spells to bind two people together, like the ones with the figurine candles and the two poppets tied together. The others are generic spell circles.
My second issue is that every single spell listing in this shop has the same exact images. It quickly becomes obvious why they don't match the spell in question -- they're being reused again and again because they're eye-catching! The average consumer isn't going to be combing through every single listing, they're using the search bar to find specific spells and clicking the one(s) that catch their eye.
The third issue is that every single one of these images is stolen. Several are images that have been commonly reposted for the past decade (like the voodoo doll one). But a couple of these are kind of strange. Take this one, for example:
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This image, as far as I can tell, comes from this article, which is about Syriac magic. It is, if Firefox's translate feature is to be trusted, a beginner-level article about Syriac magic. The image in the listing is the same one found on this article, just zoomed in and with a weird lightning filter overtop. This makes me wonder if this seller searched "syriac magic ritual picture" or something similar to get this image. I tried a couple ways, but this is a niche website in Turkish, so I'm not surprised I couldn't get it to populate in my search results.
Let's see this one also, since it's similarly stolen:
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This one seems like it might be from this website, which is a French psychic's personal website advertising various spell services. I'm not 100% certain about this image's origins, but this one made the most sense out of the options.
A common thread between all of these images is that they were, at one point or another, reposted to Facebook. All of them, even the obscure one from the Turkish website. Not sure what exactly that means, but it is a pattern.
Well, with that reveal out of the way, let's go ahead and give Genuineness a score of 0/5. Not a single thing here is legitimate or genuine.
Is it obvious how a buyer will know their service is completed? Is it possible for the buyer to know? Are there any reviews verifying the quality/existence of the products or services? Are there negative reviews available?
All of the spells being provided, this one included, are "service only." That means you don't get a physical item, which means there's no tangible proof of service. You get a photo, as previously mentioned, and a reportedly brief summary of the spell's completion. I've already stated my issues with this, since there's no way to be certain that the service was done with just a short summary and an easily-faked photo.
Almost all of the reviews in this shop, and the one review on this particular listing, are positive. There are a sprinkling of negative reviews from 2024 complaining about not receiving what they paid for, a lack of detail in communication, and lack of results. The majority of reviews mention quick, attentive communication and fast turnaround for service completion.
And most of the reviews are premature. Nearly every single one of these reviews was left before the customer could see results, and most of them admit it.
I have two big problems with this. The first is that scammers like this will ask for positive reviews immediately, even when the supposed results might take months to manifest. The second is that a lot of these reviews come from the same person, all saying roughly the same thing about different services, all on the same day. It is possible that these are genuine, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to call this astroturfing. Plus, with the proof of the seller bribing reviewers for refunds/other services, this reeks of falsified reviews.
So you can't trust the images, you can't trust the positive reviews, and you can't even tell if the seller is a real person. To me, that's textbook scam material. This seller gets 0/5 for Verifiability.
Are they offering services related to health, mental health, legal services, or other dubious subjects? Are they knowingly targeting a vulnerable audience using buzzwords and inflammatory language? Is the listing sharing misinformation or encouraging belief in conspiracy theories? Does the listing contain debunkable information? Does the listing participate in bigotry, cultural appropriation, bioessentialism, or anything of that nature?
I would like to fistfight this seller behind a Walmart.
Targeting vulnerable populations with impossible magical results and charging hundreds of dollars for empty promises is deplorable. It's disgusting. The intense "BUY NOW!!!" language coupled with sales that go on seemingly forever while being teased as "limited time" just compounds the scummy nature of this listing.
Not to mention the blatant erasure of intersex people and non-binary identities! "Opposite sex," my fucking foot. Obvious scam aside, if you don't know enough about trans people and the biology of gender to realize that it's more complex than one or the other, you're not qualified to cast spells like this.
This is a scam, plain and simple. It's designed to catch the eye of someone desperate enough to take a chance on wasting over a hundred dollars on the body of their dreams. They are continually adjusting the prices and renewing the sale to keep the urgency of "this BIGGEST SALE EVER is going to end soon!!!" going as long as possible. It's a scam.
Fuck you, Sayran/MariahSpells/whoever the hell you are. Morality is an extremely obvious 0/5.
Average Score & Summary
The average of all six scores comes to a whopping 0.2/5 (rounded up). I'm not surprised. With five zeroes and a single one on the board, this scam really does have everything.
I went into this review knowing that this was going to be a bad one. I wanted to cover this one specifically because it has all the hallmarks of an obvious scam. Because we can look at this and go, "Well, who the hell would fall for this? It's so obvious that this is bullshit, isn't it?"
But people do fall for it. People fall for it all the time. I went to the listing to copy some text for alt text descriptions on February 25, 2025, and saw this:
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Another sale and another review, so the listing must be gone now, right? Only one left, and all that. Nope.
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Of course not, because this is a scam. This asshole is going to keep doing this as long as they can, because it's making them a shitload of money.
Knowledgeable, considerate, genuine people buy this shit, because they want to believe. They're desperate for something they can't otherwise attain easily or safely.These scams are deliberately curated to fool the unwary, the hopeful, the desperate, the naive.
You are not immune to scams.
Let's summarize, quickly, the big warning signs found in this shop that mark it as a scam:
No social media, website, or other presence outside the shop
Big promises without explanation of how they're possible or how they're going to be fulfilled; minimal proof of completion promised
High prices slashed with sales throughout the shop
Sales that don't end to create an extreme and fabricated sense of urgency
Negative reviews with five stars, reviews edited in exchange for refunds, reviews edited by other coercion
Multiple positive, samey reviews from the same person on multiple products all on the same day
A listing that is mostly bragging about power and prestige rather than explaining the product/service in any kind of detail
Mismatch between the tradition/practice of the person and the services being offered and/or the language being used (being of an "ancient tradition" and yet using very modern New Age terminology)
Stolen listing photos, AI-generated images
It's a lot, but like I said, I picked this one because it has pretty much everything.
I believe that magic can help a trans person along their transition journey. Absolutely. Sure. Make your meds work faster, prevent misgendering, protect you from harm, smooth coming out conversations, etc. I've done all of these things successfully myself.
Magic cannot force an impossible change. If something isn't physically possible, magic isn't going to make it happen for you. A spell won't change your chromosomes. In my paradigm, this is explained by knots of Fate and Being that can't be untied.
This spell would not do anything. Even if the seller was genuine, this spell wouldn't do anything for you. Maybe if it was a spell intended to help your HRT act quicker or more effectively, or help you find a surgeon more easily, or something else like that, I could believe it. But a magic spell from Etsy isn't a replacement for medicine.
It can be fun to perform these spells, though. Spells to transform yourself into a fucking dragon rule. They're fun experiments. The day one of these spells works, you'll never hear from me again, because I'll be a jellyfish floating in the deep depths of the ocean forever and ever.
Have fun with magic. Just don't spend $150 on an Etsy scam for a scrap of false hope.
And, just as a final note, fuck Etsy for letting this kind of thing go. Fuck Etsy for giving scammers like this one (and many others) "Star Seller" status. You'd think they wouldn't just award that to anyone. You'd think that kind of recognition would come with some oversight for quality assurance, but no. Etsy lets scams like this thrive because they make a huge profit. Etsy's quality has been dropping across the board for years now, and I would genuinely encourage legitimate sellers looking for a place to hawk their wares to go elsewhere.
Know that I've reported this shop to Etsy. We'll see if that goes anywhere. I'll update if it does.
Final Notes
Many sellers in this series anonymous for a reason. Please do not go find these people. Even if I'm exposing a blatant scam to warn people about it, do not harass anyone. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. When appropriate, I attempt to contact the seller(s) to discuss their ads and listings or report them where possible. Again, do not attempt to contact or bother the sellers, even if my coverage of them is negative.
If you spot an ad or a product listing in the wild that you want me to see or cover, send me a link, a screenshot, or the name of the shop. You can send it via ask or DM on Tumblr or to [email protected]. Or, if you're a legitimate seller and want me to take a look at your listings (anonymous or not), shoot me a message or an email to chat about it! Examples of what to do are just as important as examples of what not to do, after all.
And, if you enjoy this series or my other work, please consider dropping a couple dollars in my tip jar! Writing is my full-time gig, and contributions help keep this boat afloat.
Thanks for reading!
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some-beans · 2 years ago
Hi! I wanted to request dormleaders with a reader like Millie from helluva boss?
yes 100% yes but god i'm bad at answering these fast 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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✎...pairing: twst dorm leaders x millie!reader ✎...themes: hints to murder, mentions of blood, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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ngl a little freaked out
given your horns and tail, and the vague/slightly tad bits of what your line of work is, it's safe to say riddle was very weary of you
but, i suppose that lessens up when he sees you respecting the queen of hearts' rules
lowkey loves that fact you fit in with the red aesthetic tho
also loves when you easily whip Ace and Deuce into shape
riddle feels surprisingly comfortable with you after the overblot incident due to the fact you simply held onto him and allowed him to cry, and get it out of his system
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he laps up ALL the love and affection you give him
such a smug bastard [ affectionate ]
also kind of "he asked for pickles" but it's more that he's just lazy
definitely respects the shit out of tho
girlboss over here
is so impressed when he witnessed you take down, like, 15 of his housemates like it was riding a bike
did i mention cuddles??
cuz you are now his fav pillow
yeah nah, you're not moving until he's awake
well, i mean, you can cuz not gonna stop you, but ready to then deal with a grumpy lion later on
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flustered yet intrigued
you said you did some bodyguard work and know how to deal with problematic customers??
. . . do you need a job??
but in all seriousness, very much becomes your malewife
man legit folds at any and all affection you give him, big and small
very surprised when you help him get more contracts for him and he swoons lowkey
something to do with the fact you're from hell or something
he didn't really pay attention cuz azul's brain had crashed from the smile you sent him
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oh our sweet sunshine baby
you honestly end up taking over jamil's job at this point
jamil cried tears of joy over this
you can easily calm kalim down and divert his attention back on track
and easily dispose of any hitmen *ahem*
he definitely buys jewellery to decorate your horns
you casually mentioned your, uh, job once, and let's say kalim is grateful that he's on your good side
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you're like a slightly more violent cheerier version of rook in a sense
but also somehow less intense too??
ugh whatever
your bright red skin does intrigue him
and your makeup is quite impressive
. . .
what do you mean you have naturally smooth skin?? had no acne too??
vil may kind of reprehend you for your country accent, but quickly shuts the fuck up from the wicked glare you give him
epel snickered to himself when say that happen
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you are intense
but in a good way??
you have successfully bamboozled idia shroud
it confuses
he has heard of imps before bc duh ofc he has
he's watched too many manga and shit to not know what those are
you two very much give "he asked for pickles" and "girlboss + malewife" vibes
gets spooked when you don't bat an eye to the gore when watching horror series with him
may have prayed once or twice
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at first, he mistook you for another dragon fae cuz of ya horns and got really fuckin excited
tho lowkey sad once you explained you're actually an imp from hell
still jazzed about the horns and tail tho
loves to share stories and whatnot
. . . kinda concerned when you mentioned a job that left your leg in a bear trap
malleus may have almost asked to . . . talk to your boss
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363 notes · View notes
fans4wga · 2 years ago
hello! I was looking through links to donate and help! wanna know if you guys think this one is legit???
[Link to the post is here]
Thanks for asking! Yes, these are all legit links! I'm not exactly sure who is behind @/wgastrikeunite on Instagram but the post shows a lot of great places to donate.
-The Entertainment Community Fund gets funds to people in the entertainment industry hit hard by the strike—not the actors and writers necessarily but also drivers, below-the-line crew, support staff, etc. (The WGA and SAG-AFTRA have strike funds of their own so this is the best, most central place to donate to other people affected.)
-The Green Envelope Grocery Aid fund is run by a WGA member and is about getting mutual aid for groceries directly to people affected by the strike, both writers and non-writing support staff.
-Groceries for writers from Humanitas is also getting money for groceries to specifically WGA members.
-Pay Up Hollywood is "a grassroots movement that advocates for fair pay, safe workplaces and better treatment for all support staffers and assistants in the entertainment industry." They have a fund for relief to support staff.
-The Pre-WGA strike support group is an account run by people who want to join the WGA and are working in solidarity with current WGA members. They're a good central page for finding other ways to donate/support.
-Jess Morse runs the WGA pizza fund. Buy the picketers a pizza for $10.97!
-Finally, if you want to support the striking writers and rep a cool shirt, 100% of proceeds from these shirts goes to the Entertainment Community Fund! There are lots of shops with pro-WGA shirts out there but this one is run by a WGA member and lots of other members have vouched for it.
194 notes · View notes
mollidoodls · 8 months ago
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Molli’s Genshin Commissions!!!
Hey y’all! I decided to open up commissions because I so want to raise more funds for future characters/skins in Genshin. (Also if you’re here from one of my non-Genshin fanarts and have no idea what Genshin Impact is, welcome!!!) More info is down below :)
What is Codashop? It’s a website where you can buy in-game currency for your friends without having to log into their account. Codashop is an official partner of Hoyoverse (the company behind Genshin), so all purchases from that site are safe and legit! Also it’s not only restricted to Genshin, but also includes other games like Honkai Star Rail and ZZZ! Basically you pay on the site (with the UID I’ll give you) and the crystals go right into my Genshin account! I will start drawing your commission as soon as I see your receipt as confirmation.
Sketch - Welkin of the Blessing Moon ($5)
Lineart (aka a coloring page!) - $15
Full color without background - $30
Full color with background - $50
What can you draw? I mainly draw fandom characters (not just Genshin), as well as OCs, real people, and ships.
Is there anything you won’t draw? I won’t draw NSFW (I might allow spicy art if you’re at least 18, but nothing too explicit), mech, and just anything that promotes racism, homophobia, etc.
Will you charge extra for more than 1 character? Yes, additional characters will cost an extra Welkin (+$5).
Do all backgrounds cost the $50 top-up? It depends on the background, honestly. I suppose if you want a commission that has a really complicated background, there’s a possibility I might charge the $100 top-up instead.
I can’t afford a commission. What can I do? It really helps to reblog and just spread the word! I appreciate any and all support!!
And I think that’s about it! If y’all have more questions, don’t be afraid to reach out. Thank you for checking out my page! <33
12 notes · View notes
quinloki · 2 years ago
I hate to see that ur Friday eve is going blergh and I’m over here buying cute shit for my cats birthday tmmrw🥲(it’s like he knows) I don’t know how to distract u or entertain u, but I sure as hell know that reading takes off my stress from work and school. 😔
well, enough about me….I read earlier from your asks about how u wouldn’t mind writing about Lucci or Kaku (Lucci and Kaku x s/o if your willing). So off the bat, at the tippity top of your flamborgeous, gorgeous head, how damn kinky are these men??????? Ignore my ask if it’s too much to ask for your kindness, just know I am thankful of how talented you are to keep me off the cashier and reading blorbos. 💕
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\lol/ Awwww Thank you - also happy birthday to your furry gremlin. Please pat them affectionately on my behalf.
Oh Kaku and Lucci are KINKY. I'd almost say they're the CP9/0 version of Kid and Killer.
I don't think Lucci is nearly as open or adventurous as the others, but Kaku is. That boy-next-door Golly-gosh-willickers mask he's perfected is hiding layers of whips and chains.
I don't necessarily think Kaku/Lucci's relationship would be strictly "Healthy" either. I mean, I don't think either would say that they're in a bad relationship or that there's any abuse, but I also don't think these two are working with safe words, and I'm sure sometimes fights for dominance can turn into actual fights.
Which Kaku wins a surprising number of. (I don't think you'll get Lucci to admit he enjoys being a bottom OR a sub, but I think he does, and that's why the fights go in Kaku's favor more than you'd expect).
In a three-way relationship, the s/o / reader would be the sub 100% of the time. Lucci and Kaku would team up to nearly ensure it.
I can see them being a lot kinder to a non-CP style S/O and probably just as competitive with a CP-styled S/O. At the end of the day though, i think there would be a legit caring/loving vibe. Even if no one else understood it or could see it.
But as a kind of wrap up - I imagine it would be some of kinkiest sex around. Even if the most of the kinks revolve around power dynamic struggles and competition XD
45 notes · View notes
maaarine · 5 months ago
we have a website here that's a platform to resell concert tickets in a safe way (not 100% safe but close enough)
you can resell at a lower price than face value, but not higher, so there's no profit to be made
anyway I'm baffled by people who are reselling at face value price for shows that aren't sold out
why would a buy from you and run a slight risk of being scammed when I could buy a legit ticket for the same price???
you don't need an economics degree to understand this one
so you see tons of unsold tickets on the platform because there's just no incentive to buy them from resellers
I've sold tickets at a lower price for shows that weren't sold out, and trust me they go fast
you lose some money but it's better than losing all the money
grow some brains people
5 notes · View notes
subhamnhhd · 9 months ago
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
We offer 100% secure and fully verified personal and business Cash App accounts at the best prices. If you want a secure, stable, and fully verified personal and business Cash App account, you can place your order at Reviewinsta.com. We help you with 100% legit and verified cash app accounts at very cheap rates. You can buy verified Cash App accounts for proper use and security. Get a safe, verified, and stable account from us at the cheapest price. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
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Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Cash App is a peer-to-peer payment app, originally from Square, that lets you instantly send money to anyone, anywhere in the world. The app allows users to send money to contacts stored on mobile devices via text message, email, or phone number. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, raise banknotes in your account, and buy bitcoins very quickly and easily.
You can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts from different sources. But I recommend you Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at www.reviewinsta.com. This is a reputable source and your chance to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at the lowest price. This is the best site to buy verified cash app accounts. Following their instructions, you can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts or Verify here to provide you with pre-made Coins app funds owed to you. Online merchants are starting to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts arrears in the market in exchange for their change. unlike Paypal, and it seems to be perfect for receiving international payments without any hassle in their investments and transactions. Limits, and sagging Accounts, compared to PayPal, are no longer necessary. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
You don’t even want to pay your bills with coins. These days, we will discuss cash transaction software. The calling software is Cash App. Also, we can discuss how to buy verified cash app funds that are allowed in BTC. (BTC way Bitcoin). A cash app account is allowed if you buy BTC. Then you can trade not only cash but cryptocurrencies as well. So use “Buy money owed in BTC with verified cash app” to learn more. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts that are fully registered and verified and have the Bitcoin withdrawal option enabled. You can log out from anywhere in the world. Still, looking for steps on how to open a verified cash app account or where to buy verified cash app accounts with documents? This article will help you. Now that everyone is moving away from PayPal, what’s the next big thing in sending and receiving large amounts of money from anywhere in the world without fear of account suspensions, bans, or restrictions? Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
I thought about it for a while and reminded myself that to always get the amount you want, there are currently very few trusted international payment methods. When I say trustworthy it just means you are safe from getting banned. You can’t use your new PayPal account to trade $1,000 on the first try without running into account issues. Have you tested Transferwise? They have terrible customer support and use ruses to steal people’s money – my Russ went through hell with them. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Cash App has emerged as one of the most popular payment apps in the world. With its simple user interface and easy-to-use features, Cash App has revolutionized the way people make financial transactions. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and as with any financial platform, there are certain risks involved when using Cash App. One of the biggest risks is the possibility of having your account suspended or terminated. This is where buy verified Cash App accounts comes into play.
Buy verified Cash App accounts is a great way to ensure that your financial transactions are secure and that you can continue to use the app without any interruption. A verified Cash App account has undergone a rigorous verification process, and as such, is less likely to be suspended or terminated by Cash App. Here are some reasons why buy verified Cash App accounts is a good idea.
One of the primary benefits of buy verified Cash App accounts is security. With a verified account, you can be sure that your financial transactions are safe and secure. This is because a verified account has been verified buy verified Cash App accounts and is less likely to be used for fraudulent activities. So buy verified Cash App accounts.
Selling cash app accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Selling app accounts for cash have become a great way to make money in the modern world. If you want to make the most of your money, joining a Cash App account is the perfect way to do it. Not only can you get access to various convenient features, but you can also start selling Cash App accounts to interested buyers and buy verified Cash App accounts.
You can make a great profit as cash app accounts are always in high demand Once you set up your account, you can start advertising it and listing it on various websites. This will then attract a large number of buyers who will be willing to pay you for the account, allowing you to earn a lot of money. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make money, selling cash app accounts is the perfect way to do it. Then Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to create a Cash app account
Download the Cash App: You can download the Cash App from the App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device.
Open the app: Launch the Cash App and tap on the “Sign Up” button.
Enter your personal information: You’ll need to enter your full name, phone number, and email address to create an account.
Verify your phone number: Cash App will send you a verification code via text message. Enter the code in the app to verify your phone number.
Add a bank account or debit card: To use Cash App, you’ll need to link a bank account or debit card. This will allow you to send and receive money, as well as purchase items using your Cash App balance.
Set up a PIN or Touch ID: You can secure your account by setting up a PIN or using a Touch ID to authenticate transactions.
Start using Cash App: Once you’ve completed the setup process, you’re ready to start using Cash App to send and receive money, pay friends and family, and more.
Keep in mind that Cash App may require additional information or verification steps to ensure the security of your account and comply with regulatory requirements or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to use the cash app account
The cash app is very easy and convenient to use. To simplify the whole system, Cash App launches the mobile app. Through this app, you can easily manage your Cash App account. With this app, you can send and receive unlimited amounts of money. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
After buy verified Cash App accounts, you will need to install the mobile application. Then, when you open the app, you’ll see all the important features. Choose your preferred language so you can understand it easily. Now you need to choose the option you want. Anything you want is possible in the Cash App mobile app.
You can send and receive money easily with the Cash App, but you need to be careful. Because once your Cash App account is suspended, the chances of recovery are slim. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Cash app premium account
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Cash App does not offer a “premium account” option. The app is free to download and use, and all users have access to the same features and services. There are some optional paid services that you can purchase, such as buying and selling Bitcoin, getting a Cash Card (a debit card that can be used with your Cash App balance), or using a credit card to fund payments, which may incur fees. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
It’s worth noting that Cash App is constantly updating its services and adding new features, so it may introduce premium or paid options in the future. As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, there is no such thing as a Cash App premium account. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gt-Hk0hJ0x8
How do I buy a Cash App account?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business looking to reach new customers and grow. One important tool that many companies utilize is Cash App – the popular mobile payment service. Opening a verified Cash App account provides businesses with a quick, secure way to accept payments and make transactions online.
The process of verifying a new Cash App account can be lengthy and complicated. This is why more and more online businesses are choosing to buy verified Cash App accounts instead. Purchasing an already verified account eliminates the verification hassle and allows you to start using Cash App right away.
There are many advantages to buy Verified Cash App Accounts rather than going through the verification process yourself. Firstly, it saves you a tremendous amount of time and effort. The verification process can take days or even weeks, depending on how responsive Cash App is. When you buy from a reliable provider, the account is ready to use immediately.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts gives you access to aged accounts, meaning accounts that have been open for a longer period. These tend to increase trust and legitimacy, making customers more likely to use your Cash App for transactions.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts enables you to easily scale up your business as needed. Rather than constantly creating and verifying new accounts, you can buy multiple ready-made accounts to meet your growing business needs.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts can streamline your online operations and provide an efficient way to start accepting Cash App payments right away. The time and effort savings are massive. With quick access to aged, legitimate accounts, your customers will feel confident in using Cash App to transact with your business.
To use Cash App, you will need to create a new account using your information and comply with all of the app’s policies and requirements. This includes providing accurate personal information, linking a bank account or debit card, and using the app by its terms of service. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to verify Cash App accounts
To verify your Cash App account, you must have all documents on file with your Cash App account. please provide your correct date of birth and confirm the US or UK phone number you wish to link to your Cash App account.
When you verify your Cash App account, you will also need to provide your correct date of birth, the last four digits of your SSN, and your email address. If the Cash App Community indicates that the information you have provided is insufficient to verify your Cash App account, they encourage you to provide more information. The account has been successfully verified when you see that you can manage the account balance and send and receive funds through the account. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
What is Cash App?
Cash App is a mobile payment service that enables users to transfer money directly from their smartphone to friends, family, or businesses. It offers features like requesting and receiving payments, shopping online, and even investing in stocks and bitcoins. The Cash app simplifies financial transactions, eliminating the need for cash or physical cards. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Fast Transactions.
Benefits of Buy Verified Cash App accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, A verified Cash App account offers many benefits for personal and business use.
Enhanced Transaction Limits: With a verified Cash App account, you can enjoy higher transaction limits, allowing you to send and receive larger amounts of money. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Enhanced Security: Verified accounts go through a thorough verification process ensuring the security of your funds and personal information, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Verification unlocks additional features such as the ability to invest in stocks and bitcoins, enabling you to conveniently grow your wealth. The Cash app integrates with a variety of popular apps and services, making it easy to split bills, pay for goods and services, and even donate to your favorite charities.
* Send money easily
* Safe and legal payment system
* Unlimited transfers
* You can withdraw money directly from the bank
* You can use it for personal or commercial purposes
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, We provide customers with 100% real, convenient, secure, and verified accounts. Our team first checks if the account is OK. To buy with a verified Cash App account, securely connect to Reviewinsta.com, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Why buy verified Cash App account?
Buy verified Cash app account can save you time and effort. Buy Verified Cash App Account means you can skip the lengthy verification process and start using the Cash app immediately
Verified accounts come with higher transaction limits and access to advanced features, allowing you to make the most of your digital payments. Reputable sellers ensure that the accounts they provide are legitimate and verified, giving you peace of mind. Consequently, Buy verified Cash app account.
Are you looking to buy verified Cash App account that’s fully verified and ready to use? There are many great reasons why Buy verified Cash App account from a trusted seller can be beneficial.
Safety and Legitimacy One of the biggest advantages of buy verified Cash App account is the safety and legitimacy it provides. These accounts have already gone through the Cash App’s verification process, reducing the risk of getting scammed or banned. A legitimate, aged account gives you a secure transaction platform right away.
Instant Access and Convenience With a verified Cash App account, you get instant access to all features and privileges without the hassle of setting up and verifying a new account yourself. Log in and start using the account immediately for payments, investing, and bitcoin purchases.
Established History and Reputation Verified Cash App accounts typically have some history and an established reputation. These aged account credentials look more trustworthy to other Cash App users compared to a brand-new account. The account history helps build credibility for a smoother user experience.
So buy verified Cash App account. Why take chances with an unverified account when you can buy verified Cash App account 100% legitimate verified Cash App account? Make transactions confidently and unlock instant access to this powerful money transfer app’s full capabilities. Contact us today to get your hands on a safe, ready-to-use verified Cash App account!
Verified cash app for sale
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and It is essential to ensure that the platform you are using is legitimate and secure. With our verified Cash for Sale app, you can rest assured that your money transfers are secure and seamless.
Our Trusted Cash App accounts come with a guarantee of authenticity, eliminating the worry of potential scams or fraud. Seamlessly link your bank accounts and enjoy the convenience of sending and receiving money with just a few taps. Join millions of satisfied users and experience hassle-free cash transactions with our verified Cash App accounts today and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash Application Statement
If you use Cash App to manage your finances, you might be wondering how to view your bank statement. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that. To view your most recent bank statement, log in to your Cash App account and click the Statements tab. From here you can view all your transactions and any fees that may have been charged. If you need to view older reports, click the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select Reports. You can select the statement you want to review and it will appear on your screen. Here it is all its own! Viewing your Cash App statements is as easy as a few taps.
How to unlock Cash App Borrow?
Follow these steps to activate the Cash App Borrow feature:
* Launch your device’s Cash app.
* Click the Borrowing tab at the bottom of the screen.
* Tap Unblock with the phone number.
* After entering your phone number, select Next.
* You will receive a text message asking you to confirm your identity. Once this is done, you can access the Cash App Borrow feature.
How to make a cash app account
To create a Cash App account, you can follow these steps: Download the Cash App from the App Store (for iPhone users) or Google Play Store (for Android users) Open the app and tap on the “Sign Up” button. Enter the verification code. Create a unique username (also known as a $Cashtag) Add your debit card information (this is how you will send and receive money) Choose whether to link a bank account or use a credit/debit card for deposits and withdrawals. Read and accept the Cash App’s terms of service and privacy policy. Verify your identity using a government-issued ID. Once you’ve completed these steps, your account will be set up and ready to use. You can start sending and receiving money with friends, family, and businesses that use Cash App or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Can I Buy Verified Cash App Accounts?
Are you looking to get started with Cash App but want an account that’s already verified? You might be wondering, Can I buy verified Cash App accounts? The answer is yes, you can purchase accounts that have already gone through Cash App’s verification process.
Buy verified Cash App accounts can save you a lot of time and hassle. When you sign up for a new Cash App account yourself, you have to provide personal information and documents to get verified.
With a Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, all that work is already done for you. The accounts are from legitimate sellers and come with:
– Full verification and identity confirmation – Established payment history and good standing – Working logins to start using Cash App right away
This allows you to bypass the Cash App’s verification process and start using the money transfer service immediately after buying the account. No more waiting around!
There are a few trustworthy sellers that offer verified Cash App accounts for purchase online. Just be cautious of any extremely cheap accounts being sold, as those could be fakes or get shut down quickly.
A legitimate verified Cash App account does cost more but provides peace of mind. You’re getting an established account history, avoiding any hassles with verification, and can cash out or use Cash App’s features safely from day one.
Can I Buy Verified Cash App Accounts – yes, you can buy verified Cash App accounts from reliable sellers if you want to start using the service without any verification delays. Just be sure to purchase from a trusted source!
How to get money off the cash app without a card or bank account
Cash App allows you to transfer money directly to your bank account or use a debit card linked to your account to withdraw cash at an ATM. If you don’t have a bank account or debit card associated with your Cash App account, you won’t be able to get money off the app. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, you can still use the app to send money to others or make purchases with the funds stored in your Cash App balance. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, you can add a bank account or debit card to your Cash App account at any time to start withdrawing funds.
Cash app free money code
There is no such thing as a “Cash App free money code.” Any offer or code claiming to provide free money through Cash App is likely a scam. Cash App does not provide users with codes for free money, and if you come across a website or social media account claiming to offer such codes, it’s best to avoid them. Instead, use the Cash App to send and receive money only with trusted individuals and businesses. If you have any concerns about a possible scam, you can contact Cash App support for assistance.
Buy Cash app verified account
With our verified Cash for Sale app, you can rest assured that your money transfers are secure and seamless. Our Trusted Cash App accounts come with a guarantee of authenticity, eliminating the worry of potential scams or fraud. Seamlessly link your bank accounts and enjoy the convenience of sending and receiving money with just a few taps. Join millions of satisfied users and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How much is a Cash App account?
Cash App is a free digital payment app that allows you to send and receive money. The app can be downloaded and used without any cost. There may be fees for certain transactions, such as using a credit card to fund payments or sending money outside of the United States. The app also offers paid services, such as the option to buy and sell Bitcoin or purchase a Cash Card, which is a debit card that can be used with your Cash App balance. Using Cash App is free, but there may be fees for certain transactions or services. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Can I sell my Cash App account?
You can buy a cash app account to save time but you have to be very careful while buying it you need to verify your number with your face. Cash App accounts are tied to individual users and are not transferable. Selling or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts is against the terms of service set by Square, the company behind Cash App. Engaging in this activity could result in your account being permanently suspended or terminated. It’s important to use Cash App following its terms of service to ensure the security of your funds and the integrity of the platform.
Financial transactions are moving away from traditional methods and toward digital payment platforms. One of the most popular payment apps available today is Cash App. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features, Cash App has quickly become a favorite among users. Setting up a new account can be time-consuming, which is why many people opt to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts instead. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
You might be wondering, Can I sell my Cash App account? The short answer is no, you can’t directly sell your Cash App account to someone else. Cash App accounts are tied to your personal information and mobile device, so they can’t be easily transferred.
Cash app accounts for sale However, there are a few options if you want to get rid of your Cash App balance:
1. Withdraw to Your Bank The easiest way is to simply withdraw your Cash App balance to your linked bank account. This will cash out any money you have in your Cash App wallet.
2. Pay Someone If you know someone you can trust, you can pay them directly from your Cash App account. This lets you transfer your balance to them before closing your account.
3. Convert to Cash Card You can also convert your Cash App balance to a Cash Card – essentially a debit card. Then you can spend down the balance or withdraw cash from an ATM.
4. Close Your Account Once your balance is at $0, you can close down your Cash App account from the app’s settings. Your account and personal info will be removed.
While you can’t directly sell your entire Cash App account itself, you do have some options to cash out or transfer your remaining balance before closing the account. Just be sure to withdraw any money you have first!
Risks of Buy Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts is no exception. There are many scammers out there who will take your money and run. It’s important to research the seller and ensure that they are legitimate before making a purchase.
Some sellers may have obtained the account through fraudulent activity, such as stealing personal information or using a stolen credit card. If you purchase an account associated with fraudulent activity, you may find yourself in legal trouble or facing financial loss.
Cash App has strict policies against the buying and selling of accounts. If the app discovers that an account has been bought or sold, it may suspend the account or take other action against it. This means that you may lose access to the account and any funds associated with it.
Can you Cash App someone $500?
Yes, you can send up to $500 per week on Cash App, provided you have sufficient funds in your account. However, it’s worth noting that there may be limits to how much you can send in a single transaction, and these limits can vary based on your account history, the recipient’s account history, and other factors. To send money on Cash App, you simply need to enter the amount you wish to send, choose the recipient from your contacts or enter their email address or phone number, and confirm the payment. The recipient will then be able to deposit the funds into their account or spend the money using their Cash Card. Keep in mind that the recipient must also have a Cash App account to receive the funds. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Why should you buy Verified Cash App accounts for your business?
A verified Cash App account increases the credibility of your business. Customers trust verified accounts more because they know they are dealing with a legitimate and reputable entity. With a verified Cash App account you can process transactions quickly and securely. This saves time for both you and your customers, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. buy Verified Cash App accounts.
Buy verified Cash App accounts is a smart investment that can take your business to new heights. Embrace the future of seamless and secure financial transactions to stay ahead in today’s competitive market.
The positive side of Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, With a verified account, you can send and receive money without worrying about transaction limits or delays, ensuring a seamless payment experience.
Sometimes, innocent users may face account suspension due to verification issues. Purchasing a verified account eliminates this risk, allowing you to focus worry-free on your financial needs. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
While Buy Verified Cash App Accounts can be advantageous, it is essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to ensure you engage with reliable vendors. Always prioritize the security of your transactions and personal data. Therefore Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Is a Cash App account free?
Yes, creating a Cash App account is free. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and create an account by providing your basic information and linking a bank account or debit card. There are no monthly or annual fees for having a Cash App account. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app accounts for sale, If you use a credit card to send money, there may be a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. There may also be fees for other services, such as buying and selling Bitcoin or purchasing a Cash Card. It’s important to review the fees associated with the specific transactions you plan to make on Cash App to ensure that you understand the costs involved.
How much does a Cash App account cost?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Cash App is a free service to download and use. There are no monthly or annual fees associated with a Cash App account. Certain transactions come with fees, such as transferring money to a bank account, which costs 1.5% of the transferred amount, or purchasing Bitcoin, which can also incur fees. You can choose to pay for premium features within the app, such as a custom cash tag or increased weekly sending limits. Cash app accounts for sale.
How much does it cost to Cash App $1000?
If you’re sending $1000 from your Cash App account to another Cash App user or to a bank account, it would cost $15 to transfer the money instantly. This fee is a standard 1.5% fee that Cash App charges for instant transfers.
If you choose to transfer the money using a standard deposit, which typically takes 1-3 business days, there is no fee for the transfer.
It’s important to keep in mind that Cash App may also charge additional fees for certain transactions, such as buying or selling Bitcoin, so it’s always a good idea to check the fee information before making a transfer or transaction.
Can I sell my Cash App account?
Cash app accounts for sale. No, selling a Cash App account is not allowed as it violates the terms of service of the app. Cash App accounts are tied to individual users and cannot be transferred or sold to another person.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, attempting to sell or transfer a Cash App account is against the law and could result in serious legal consequences. The Cash App account is intended for personal use only, and the company takes action to prevent fraud and unauthorized transactions.
Can you use Cash App outside the USA?
Cash app accounts for sale. Cash App is a mobile payment service that is primarily designed for use in the United States. While it may be possible to download and install the Cash App from outside the United States, you may encounter issues when attempting to use it.
Cash App only supports transactions made within the United States and between users who are located in the United States. If you attempt to use Cash App outside the United States or to send or receive money to or from someone outside the United States, your transaction may be declined, and you may be charged additional fees.
While it may be possible to download and install Cash App outside the United States, it is not recommended to use it for transactions outside the United States, as it is not designed to support international transactions and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
How can I get Cash App in the USA?
Cash app accounts for sale. Getting the Cash App in the USA is a straightforward process.
Go to the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone.
Search for “Cash App” in the search bar.
Tap on the “Get” or “Install” button to download and install the app on your phone.
Follow the prompts to sign up for a Cash App account by providing your phone number or email address.
Once you’ve verified your phone number or email address, you can link a debit card or bank account to your Cash App account to start sending and receiving money.
You can also add funds to your Cash App account using a linked debit card, and you can withdraw funds to your linked bank account.
That’s it! Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll be able to use the Cash App to send and receive money, pay bills, and make purchases online or in person using your Cash Card (a Visa debit card linked to your Cash App account). Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I link multiple bank accounts to one Verified Cash App account? Yes, you can link multiple bank accounts to your verified Cash App account for added flexibility. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
2. Are cash app transactions reversible? Cash app transactions are usually instant and irreversible. However, if you encounter unauthorized or fraudulent activity, you can contact Cash App Support for assistance.
3. Is it legal to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts? Buy verified Cash app account is valid. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts However, it is essential to ensure that you buy from a reputable seller to avoid any potential problems, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
4. Can I transfer funds from a verified Cash App account to another payment platform? While the Cash app allows you to transfer funds to other bank accounts, there may be some restrictions on transferring to other payment platforms. Better to check the specific terms. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
5. What if my verified Cash App account is locked or suspended? If your account is locked or suspended, contact Cash App Support for assistance. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Cash app account with money
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts with money provides instant accessibility to a verified account. This is particularly advantageous for those who are unable to create an account themselves or wish to have an additional account for specific purposes. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts with money can be a convenient option for individuals who face difficulties in creating or verifying their accounts. It offers instant accessibility, enhanced security, and time-saving benefits. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, it is essential to approach reputable sellers to ensure a legitimate and secure transaction. Remember to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any purchase. With a purchased Cash App account, users can embrace the digital payment revolution and experience the convenience of cashless transactions seamlessly. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts money!
Why Choose Our Verified Cash App Accounts?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Our team is dedicated to providing you with original and authentic Cash App accounts. Each account is carefully vetted and tailored to meet your specific needs. You can trust that our accounts are 100% unique and theft-free, giving you the confidence to use them without worry.
With our service, you get instant access to verified Cash App accounts. No more waiting for a long verification process. Get started with your upgraded account now and enjoy the benefits from the moment you sign up and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app accounts for sale
Cash App Accounts for Sale These sellers claim to buy verified Cash App accounts, allowing buyers to access the funds within and in some cases even withdraw money and buy verified Cash App accounts.
While the idea of getting a Cash App account with a ready balance may be enticing, the risks associated with buying an account for sale far outweigh the potential benefits. Violating Cash App’s terms of service, exposing yourself to scams, and engaging in potentially illegal activities make this a dangerous endeavor. So buy verified Cash App accounts.
Buy BTC enable cash app accounts USA
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts because Bitcoin has gained massive popularity as a digital currency, prompting various platforms to accommodate its purchase and sale. One such popular platform is Cash App, which allows users to seamlessly send, receive, and invest in Bitcoins. But the question arises: Can I buy bitcoins on Cash App without verification? Let’s get into the matter in depth, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app users must go through a verification process to comply with regulatory standards and ensure transaction security. Verification typically involves providing personal information, including name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN). Users may be required to submit a photo ID for authentication and buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
As per my latest knowledge update in September 2021, the Cash app does not provide the option to buy bitcoins without completing the verification process. To invest in Bitcoin on the platform, users must comply with verification requirements. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, With our premium account, you can rest assured that your transactions are safe and secure. Say goodbye to dodgy sellers and hello to a seamless Cash App experience. Whether you’re sending or receiving money, paying bills, or investing, our verified accounts ensure every transaction is smooth and reliable. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your financial freedom. Buy verified Cash App accounts today and enjoy the convenience and security you deserve. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at a low price.Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
5 notes · View notes
fimonsrchfhg · 10 months ago
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
We offer 100% secure and fully verified personal and business Cash App accounts at the best prices. If you want a secure, stable, and fully verified personal and business Cash App account, you can place your order at Reviewinsta.com. We help you with 100% legit and verified cash app accounts at very cheap rates. You can buy verified Cash App accounts for proper use and security. Get a safe, verified, and stable account from us at the cheapest price. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Please contact us quickly to avail our services and for details, thank you- 24-hour response/contact Email: [email protected] Telegram: @Reviewinsta38 Skype: Reviewinsta WhatsApp: +1 (717) 896-0147
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Cash App is a peer-to-peer payment app, originally from Square, that lets you instantly send money to anyone, anywhere in the world. The app allows users to send money to contacts stored on mobile devices via text message, email, or phone number. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, raise banknotes in your account, and buy bitcoins very quickly and easily.
You can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts from different sources. But I recommend you Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at www.reviewinsta.com. This is a reputable source and your chance to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at the lowest price. This is the best site to buy verified cash app accounts. Following their instructions, you can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts or Verify here to provide you with pre-made Coins app funds owed to you. Online merchants are starting to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts arrears in the market in exchange for their change. unlike Paypal, and it seems to be perfect for receiving international payments without any hassle in their investments and transactions. Limits, and sagging Accounts, compared to PayPal, are no longer necessary. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
You don’t even want to pay your bills with coins. These days, we will discuss cash transaction software. The calling software is Cash App. Also, we can discuss how to buy verified cash app funds that are allowed in BTC. (BTC way Bitcoin). A cash app account is allowed if you buy BTC. Then you can trade not only cash but cryptocurrencies as well. So use “Buy money owed in BTC with verified cash app” to learn more. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts that are fully registered and verified and have the Bitcoin withdrawal option enabled. You can log out from anywhere in the world. Still, looking for steps on how to open a verified cash app account or where to buy verified cash app accounts with documents? This article will help you. Now that everyone is moving away from PayPal, what’s the next big thing in sending and receiving large amounts of money from anywhere in the world without fear of account suspensions, bans, or restrictions? Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
I thought about it for a while and reminded myself that to always get the amount you want, there are currently very few trusted international payment methods. When I say trustworthy it just means you are safe from getting banned. You can’t use your new PayPal account to trade $1,000 on the first try without running into account issues. Have you tested Transferwise? They have terrible customer support and use ruses to steal people’s money – my Russ went through hell with them. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Cash App has emerged as one of the most popular payment apps in the world. With its simple user interface and easy-to-use features, Cash App has revolutionized the way people make financial transactions. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and as with any financial platform, there are certain risks involved when using Cash App. One of the biggest risks is the possibility of having your account suspended or terminated. This is where buy verified Cash App accounts comes into play.
Buy verified Cash App accounts is a great way to ensure that your financial transactions are secure and that you can continue to use the app without any interruption. A verified Cash App account has undergone a rigorous verification process, and as such, is less likely to be suspended or terminated by Cash App. Here are some reasons why buy verified Cash App accounts is a good idea.
One of the primary benefits of buy verified Cash App accounts is security. With a verified account, you can be sure that your financial transactions are safe and secure. This is because a verified account has been verified buy verified Cash App accounts and is less likely to be used for fraudulent activities. So buy verified Cash App accounts.
3 notes · View notes
erytuit · 11 months ago
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
We offer 100% secure and fully verified personal and business Cash App accounts at the best prices. If you want a secure, stable, and fully verified personal and business Cash App account, you can place your order at Reviewinsta.com. We help you with 100% legit and verified cash app accounts at very cheap rates. You can buy verified Cash App accounts for proper use and security. Get a safe, verified, and stable account from us at the cheapest price. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
24-hour response/contact Email: [email protected] Telegram: @Reviewinsta38 Skype: Reviewinsta WhatsApp: +1 (717) 896-0147
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Cash App is a peer-to-peer payment app, originally from Square, that lets you instantly send money to anyone, anywhere in the world. The app allows users to send money to contacts stored on mobile devices via text message, email, or phone number. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, raise banknotes in your account, and buy bitcoins very quickly and easily.
You can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts from different sources. But I recommend you Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at www.reviewinsta.com. This is a reputable source and your chance to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at the lowest price. This is the best site to buy verified cash app accounts. Following their instructions, you can Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts or Verify here to provide you with pre-made Coins app funds owed to you. Online merchants are starting to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts arrears in the market in exchange for their change. unlike Paypal, and it seems to be perfect for receiving international payments without any hassle in their investments and transactions. Limits, and sagging Accounts, compared to PayPal, are no longer necessary. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
You don’t even want to pay your bills with coins. These days, we will discuss cash transaction software. The calling software is Cash App. Also, we can discuss how to buy verified cash app funds that are allowed in BTC. (BTC way Bitcoin). A cash app account is allowed if you buy BTC. Then you can trade not only cash but cryptocurrencies as well. So use “Buy money owed in BTC with verified cash app” to learn more. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts that are fully registered and verified and have the Bitcoin withdrawal option enabled. You can log out from anywhere in the world. Still, looking for steps on how to open a verified cash app account or where to buy verified cash app accounts with documents? This article will help you. Now that everyone is moving away from PayPal, what’s the next big thing in sending and receiving large amounts of money from anywhere in the world without fear of account suspensions, bans, or restrictions? Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
I thought about it for a while and reminded myself that to always get the amount you want, there are currently very few trusted international payment methods. When I say trustworthy it just means you are safe from getting banned. You can’t use your new PayPal account to trade $1,000 on the first try without running into account issues. Have you tested Transferwise? They have terrible customer support and use ruses to steal people’s money – my Russ went through hell with them. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Cash App has emerged as one of the most popular payment apps in the world. With its simple user interface and easy-to-use features, Cash App has revolutionized the way people make financial transactions. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and as with any financial platform, there are certain risks involved when using Cash App. One of the biggest risks is the possibility of having your account suspended or terminated. This is where buy verified Cash App accounts comes into play.
Buy verified Cash App accounts is a great way to ensure that your financial transactions are secure and that you can continue to use the app without any interruption. A verified Cash App account has undergone a rigorous verification process, and as such, is less likely to be suspended or terminated by Cash App. Here are some reasons why buy verified Cash App accounts is a good idea.
One of the primary benefits of buy verified Cash App accounts is security. With a verified account, you can be sure that your financial transactions are safe and secure. This is because a verified account has been verified buy verified Cash App accounts and is less likely to be used for fraudulent activities. So buy verified Cash App accounts.
Selling cash app accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Selling app accounts for cash have become a great way to make money in the modern world. If you want to make the most of your money, joining a Cash App account is the perfect way to do it. Not only can you get access to various convenient features, but you can also start selling Cash App accounts to interested buyers and buy verified Cash App accounts.
You can make a great profit as cash app accounts are always in high demand Once you set up your account, you can start advertising it and listing it on various websites. This will then attract a large number of buyers who will be willing to pay you for the account, allowing you to earn a lot of money. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make money, selling cash app accounts is the perfect way to do it. Then Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to create a Cash app account
Download the Cash App: You can download the Cash App from the App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device.
Open the app: Launch the Cash App and tap on the “Sign Up” button.
Enter your personal information: You’ll need to enter your full name, phone number, and email address to create an account.
Verify your phone number: Cash App will send you a verification code via text message. Enter the code in the app to verify your phone number.
Add a bank account or debit card: To use Cash App, you’ll need to link a bank account or debit card. This will allow you to send and receive money, as well as purchase items using your Cash App balance.
Set up a PIN or Touch ID: You can secure your account by setting up a PIN or using a Touch ID to authenticate transactions.
Start using Cash App: Once you’ve completed the setup process, you’re ready to start using Cash App to send and receive money, pay friends and family, and more.
Keep in mind that Cash App may require additional information or verification steps to ensure the security of your account and comply with regulatory requirements or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to use the cash app account
The cash app is very easy and convenient to use. To simplify the whole system, Cash App launches the mobile app. Through this app, you can easily manage your Cash App account. With this app, you can send and receive unlimited amounts of money. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
After buy verified Cash App accounts, you will need to install the mobile application. Then, when you open the app, you’ll see all the important features. Choose your preferred language so you can understand it easily. Now you need to choose the option you want. Anything you want is possible in the Cash App mobile app.
You can send and receive money easily with the Cash App, but you need to be careful. Because once your Cash App account is suspended, the chances of recovery are slim. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Cash app premium account
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Cash App does not offer a “premium account” option. The app is free to download and use, and all users have access to the same features and services. There are some optional paid services that you can purchase, such as buying and selling Bitcoin, getting a Cash Card (a debit card that can be used with your Cash App balance), or using a credit card to fund payments, which may incur fees. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
It’s worth noting that Cash App is constantly updating its services and adding new features, so it may introduce premium or paid options in the future. As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, there is no such thing as a Cash App premium account. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Gt-Hk0hJ0x8
How do I buy a Cash App account?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business looking to reach new customers and grow. One important tool that many companies utilize is Cash App – the popular mobile payment service. Opening a verified Cash App account provides businesses with a quick, secure way to accept payments and make transactions online.
The process of verifying a new Cash App account can be lengthy and complicated. This is why more and more online businesses are choosing to buy verified Cash App accounts instead. Purchasing an already verified account eliminates the verification hassle and allows you to start using Cash App right away.
There are many advantages to buy Verified Cash App Accounts rather than going through the verification process yourself. Firstly, it saves you a tremendous amount of time and effort. The verification process can take days or even weeks, depending on how responsive Cash App is. When you buy from a reliable provider, the account is ready to use immediately.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts gives you access to aged accounts, meaning accounts that have been open for a longer period. These tend to increase trust and legitimacy, making customers more likely to use your Cash App for transactions.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts enables you to easily scale up your business as needed. Rather than constantly creating and verifying new accounts, you can buy multiple ready-made accounts to meet your growing business needs.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts can streamline your online operations and provide an efficient way to start accepting Cash App payments right away. The time and effort savings are massive. With quick access to aged, legitimate accounts, your customers will feel confident in using Cash App to transact with your business.
To use Cash App, you will need to create a new account using your information and comply with all of the app’s policies and requirements. This includes providing accurate personal information, linking a bank account or debit card, and using the app by its terms of service. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How to verify Cash App accounts
To verify your Cash App account, you must have all documents on file with your Cash App account. please provide your correct date of birth and confirm the US or UK phone number you wish to link to your Cash App account.
When you verify your Cash App account, you will also need to provide your correct date of birth, the last four digits of your SSN, and your email address. If the Cash App Community indicates that the information you have provided is insufficient to verify your Cash App account, they encourage you to provide more information. The account has been successfully verified when you see that you can manage the account balance and send and receive funds through the account. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
What is Cash App?
Cash App is a mobile payment service that enables users to transfer money directly from their smartphone to friends, family, or businesses. It offers features like requesting and receiving payments, shopping online, and even investing in stocks and bitcoins. The Cash app simplifies financial transactions, eliminating the need for cash or physical cards. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and Fast Transactions.
Benefits of Buy Verified Cash App accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, A verified Cash App account offers many benefits for personal and business use.
Enhanced Transaction Limits: With a verified Cash App account, you can enjoy higher transaction limits, allowing you to send and receive larger amounts of money. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Enhanced Security: Verified accounts go through a thorough verification process ensuring the security of your funds and personal information, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Verification unlocks additional features such as the ability to invest in stocks and bitcoins, enabling you to conveniently grow your wealth. The Cash app integrates with a variety of popular apps and services, making it easy to split bills, pay for goods and services, and even donate to your favorite charities.
* Send money easily
* Safe and legal payment system
* Unlimited transfers
* You can withdraw money directly from the bank
* You can use it for personal or commercial purposes
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, We provide customers with 100% real, convenient, secure, and verified accounts. Our team first checks if the account is OK. To buy with a verified Cash App account, securely connect to Reviewinsta.com, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Why buy verified Cash App account?
Buy verified Cash app account can save you time and effort. Buy Verified Cash App Account means you can skip the lengthy verification process and start using the Cash app immediately
Verified accounts come with higher transaction limits and access to advanced features, allowing you to make the most of your digital payments. Reputable sellers ensure that the accounts they provide are legitimate and verified, giving you peace of mind. Consequently, Buy verified Cash app account.
Are you looking to buy verified Cash App account that’s fully verified and ready to use? There are many great reasons why Buy verified Cash App account from a trusted seller can be beneficial.
Safety and Legitimacy One of the biggest advantages of buy verified Cash App account is the safety and legitimacy it provides. These accounts have already gone through the Cash App’s verification process, reducing the risk of getting scammed or banned. A legitimate, aged account gives you a secure transaction platform right away.
Instant Access and Convenience With a verified Cash App account, you get instant access to all features and privileges without the hassle of setting up and verifying a new account yourself. Log in and start using the account immediately for payments, investing, and bitcoin purchases.
Established History and Reputation Verified Cash App accounts typically have some history and an established reputation. These aged account credentials look more trustworthy to other Cash App users compared to a brand-new account. The account history helps build credibility for a smoother user experience.
So buy verified Cash App account. Why take chances with an unverified account when you can buy verified Cash App account 100% legitimate verified Cash App account? Make transactions confidently and unlock instant access to this powerful money transfer app’s full capabilities. Contact us today to get your hands on a safe, ready-to-use verified Cash App account!
Verified cash app for sale
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts and It is essential to ensure that the platform you are using is legitimate and secure. With our verified Cash for Sale app, you can rest assured that your money transfers are secure and seamless.
Our Trusted Cash App accounts come with a guarantee of authenticity, eliminating the worry of potential scams or fraud. Seamlessly link your bank accounts and enjoy the convenience of sending and receiving money with just a few taps. Join millions of satisfied users and experience hassle-free cash transactions with our verified Cash App accounts today and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash Application Statement
If you use Cash App to manage your finances, you might be wondering how to view your bank statement. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that. To view your most recent bank statement, log in to your Cash App account and click the Statements tab. From here you can view all your transactions and any fees that may have been charged. If you need to view older reports, click the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select Reports. You can select the statement you want to review and it will appear on your screen. Here it is all its own! Viewing your Cash App statements is as easy as a few taps.
How to unlock Cash App Borrow?
Follow these steps to activate the Cash App Borrow feature:
* Launch your device’s Cash app.
* Click the Borrowing tab at the bottom of the screen.
* Tap Unblock with the phone number.
* After entering your phone number, select Next.
* You will receive a text message asking you to confirm your identity. Once this is done, you can access the Cash App Borrow feature.
How to make a cash app account
To create a Cash App account, you can follow these steps: Download the Cash App from the App Store (for iPhone users) or Google Play Store (for Android users) Open the app and tap on the “Sign Up” button. Enter the verification code. Create a unique username (also known as a $Cashtag) Add your debit card information (this is how you will send and receive money) Choose whether to link a bank account or use a credit/debit card for deposits and withdrawals. Read and accept the Cash App’s terms of service and privacy policy. Verify your identity using a government-issued ID. Once you’ve completed these steps, your account will be set up and ready to use. You can start sending and receiving money with friends, family, and businesses that use Cash App or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Can I Buy Verified Cash App Accounts?
Are you looking to get started with Cash App but want an account that’s already verified? You might be wondering, Can I buy verified Cash App accounts? The answer is yes, you can purchase accounts that have already gone through Cash App’s verification process.
Buy verified Cash App accounts can save you a lot of time and hassle. When you sign up for a new Cash App account yourself, you have to provide personal information and documents to get verified.
With a Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, all that work is already done for you. The accounts are from legitimate sellers and come with:
– Full verification and identity confirmation – Established payment history and good standing – Working logins to start using Cash App right away
This allows you to bypass the Cash App’s verification process and start using the money transfer service immediately after buying the account. No more waiting around!
There are a few trustworthy sellers that offer verified Cash App accounts for purchase online. Just be cautious of any extremely cheap accounts being sold, as those could be fakes or get shut down quickly.
A legitimate verified Cash App account does cost more but provides peace of mind. You’re getting an established account history, avoiding any hassles with verification, and can cash out or use Cash App’s features safely from day one.
Can I Buy Verified Cash App Accounts – yes, you can buy verified Cash App accounts from reliable sellers if you want to start using the service without any verification delays. Just be sure to purchase from a trusted source!
How to get money off the cash app without a card or bank account
Cash App allows you to transfer money directly to your bank account or use a debit card linked to your account to withdraw cash at an ATM. If you don’t have a bank account or debit card associated with your Cash App account, you won’t be able to get money off the app. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, you can still use the app to send money to others or make purchases with the funds stored in your Cash App balance. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, you can add a bank account or debit card to your Cash App account at any time to start withdrawing funds.
Cash app free money code
There is no such thing as a “Cash App free money code.” Any offer or code claiming to provide free money through Cash App is likely a scam. Cash App does not provide users with codes for free money, and if you come across a website or social media account claiming to offer such codes, it’s best to avoid them. Instead, use the Cash App to send and receive money only with trusted individuals and businesses. If you have any concerns about a possible scam, you can contact Cash App support for assistance.
Buy Cash app verified account
With our verified Cash for Sale app, you can rest assured that your money transfers are secure and seamless. Our Trusted Cash App accounts come with a guarantee of authenticity, eliminating the worry of potential scams or fraud. Seamlessly link your bank accounts and enjoy the convenience of sending and receiving money with just a few taps. Join millions of satisfied users and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
How much is a Cash App account?
Cash App is a free digital payment app that allows you to send and receive money. The app can be downloaded and used without any cost. There may be fees for certain transactions, such as using a credit card to fund payments or sending money outside of the United States. The app also offers paid services, such as the option to buy and sell Bitcoin or purchase a Cash Card, which is a debit card that can be used with your Cash App balance. Using Cash App is free, but there may be fees for certain transactions or services. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Can I sell my Cash App account?
You can buy a cash app account to save time but you have to be very careful while buying it you need to verify your number with your face. Cash App accounts are tied to individual users and are not transferable. Selling or Buy Verified Cash App Accounts is against the terms of service set by Square, the company behind Cash App. Engaging in this activity could result in your account being permanently suspended or terminated. It’s important to use Cash App following its terms of service to ensure the security of your funds and the integrity of the platform.
Financial transactions are moving away from traditional methods and toward digital payment platforms. One of the most popular payment apps available today is Cash App. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features, Cash App has quickly become a favorite among users. Setting up a new account can be time-consuming, which is why many people opt to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts instead. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
You might be wondering, Can I sell my Cash App account? The short answer is no, you can’t directly sell your Cash App account to someone else. Cash App accounts are tied to your personal information and mobile device, so they can’t be easily transferred.
Cash app accounts for sale However, there are a few options if you want to get rid of your Cash App balance:
1. Withdraw to Your Bank The easiest way is to simply withdraw your Cash App balance to your linked bank account. This will cash out any money you have in your Cash App wallet.
2. Pay Someone If you know someone you can trust, you can pay them directly from your Cash App account. This lets you transfer your balance to them before closing your account.
3. Convert to Cash Card You can also convert your Cash App balance to a Cash Card – essentially a debit card. Then you can spend down the balance or withdraw cash from an ATM.
4. Close Your Account Once your balance is at $0, you can close down your Cash App account from the app’s settings. Your account and personal info will be removed.
While you can’t directly sell your entire Cash App account itself, you do have some options to cash out or transfer your remaining balance before closing the account. Just be sure to withdraw any money you have first!
Risks of Buy Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts is no exception. There are many scammers out there who will take your money and run. It’s important to research the seller and ensure that they are legitimate before making a purchase.
Some sellers may have obtained the account through fraudulent activity, such as stealing personal information or using a stolen credit card. If you purchase an account associated with fraudulent activity, you may find yourself in legal trouble or facing financial loss.
Cash App has strict policies against the buying and selling of accounts. If the app discovers that an account has been bought or sold, it may suspend the account or take other action against it. This means that you may lose access to the account and any funds associated with it.
Can you Cash App someone $500?
Yes, you can send up to $500 per week on Cash App, provided you have sufficient funds in your account. However, it’s worth noting that there may be limits to how much you can send in a single transaction, and these limits can vary based on your account history, the recipient’s account history, and other factors. To send money on Cash App, you simply need to enter the amount you wish to send, choose the recipient from your contacts or enter their email address or phone number, and confirm the payment. The recipient will then be able to deposit the funds into their account or spend the money using their Cash Card. Keep in mind that the recipient must also have a Cash App account to receive the funds. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Why should you buy Verified Cash App accounts for your business?
A verified Cash App account increases the credibility of your business. Customers trust verified accounts more because they know they are dealing with a legitimate and reputable entity. With a verified Cash App account you can process transactions quickly and securely. This saves time for both you and your customers, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. buy Verified Cash App accounts.
Buy verified Cash App accounts is a smart investment that can take your business to new heights. Embrace the future of seamless and secure financial transactions to stay ahead in today’s competitive market.
The positive side of Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, With a verified account, you can send and receive money without worrying about transaction limits or delays, ensuring a seamless payment experience.
Sometimes, innocent users may face account suspension due to verification issues. Purchasing a verified account eliminates this risk, allowing you to focus worry-free on your financial needs. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
While Buy Verified Cash App Accounts can be advantageous, it is essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to ensure you engage with reliable vendors. Always prioritize the security of your transactions and personal data. Therefore Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Is a Cash App account free?
Yes, creating a Cash App account is free. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and create an account by providing your basic information and linking a bank account or debit card. There are no monthly or annual fees for having a Cash App account. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app accounts for sale, If you use a credit card to send money, there may be a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. There may also be fees for other services, such as buying and selling Bitcoin or purchasing a Cash Card. It’s important to review the fees associated with the specific transactions you plan to make on Cash App to ensure that you understand the costs involved.
How much does a Cash App account cost?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Cash App is a free service to download and use. There are no monthly or annual fees associated with a Cash App account. Certain transactions come with fees, such as transferring money to a bank account, which costs 1.5% of the transferred amount, or purchasing Bitcoin, which can also incur fees. You can choose to pay for premium features within the app, such as a custom cash tag or increased weekly sending limits. Cash app accounts for sale.
How much does it cost to Cash App $1000?
If you’re sending $1000 from your Cash App account to another Cash App user or to a bank account, it would cost $15 to transfer the money instantly. This fee is a standard 1.5% fee that Cash App charges for instant transfers.
If you choose to transfer the money using a standard deposit, which typically takes 1-3 business days, there is no fee for the transfer.
It’s important to keep in mind that Cash App may also charge additional fees for certain transactions, such as buying or selling Bitcoin, so it’s always a good idea to check the fee information before making a transfer or transaction.
Can I sell my Cash App account?
Cash app accounts for sale. No, selling a Cash App account is not allowed as it violates the terms of service of the app. Cash App accounts are tied to individual users and cannot be transferred or sold to another person.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, attempting to sell or transfer a Cash App account is against the law and could result in serious legal consequences. The Cash App account is intended for personal use only, and the company takes action to prevent fraud and unauthorized transactions.
Can you use Cash App outside the USA?
Cash app accounts for sale. Cash App is a mobile payment service that is primarily designed for use in the United States. While it may be possible to download and install the Cash App from outside the United States, you may encounter issues when attempting to use it.
Cash App only supports transactions made within the United States and between users who are located in the United States. If you attempt to use Cash App outside the United States or to send or receive money to or from someone outside the United States, your transaction may be declined, and you may be charged additional fees.
While it may be possible to download and install Cash App outside the United States, it is not recommended to use it for transactions outside the United States, as it is not designed to support international transactions and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts
How can I get Cash App in the USA?
Cash app accounts for sale. Getting the Cash App in the USA is a straightforward process.
Go to the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone.
Search for “Cash App” in the search bar.
Tap on the “Get” or “Install” button to download and install the app on your phone.
Follow the prompts to sign up for a Cash App account by providing your phone number or email address.
Once you’ve verified your phone number or email address, you can link a debit card or bank account to your Cash App account to start sending and receiving money.
You can also add funds to your Cash App account using a linked debit card, and you can withdraw funds to your linked bank account.
That’s it! Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll be able to use the Cash App to send and receive money, pay bills, and make purchases online or in person using your Cash Card (a Visa debit card linked to your Cash App account). Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I link multiple bank accounts to one Verified Cash App account? Yes, you can link multiple bank accounts to your verified Cash App account for added flexibility. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
2. Are cash app transactions reversible? Cash app transactions are usually instant and irreversible. However, if you encounter unauthorized or fraudulent activity, you can contact Cash App Support for assistance.
3. Is it legal to Buy Verified Cash App Accounts? Buy verified Cash app account is valid. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts However, it is essential to ensure that you buy from a reputable seller to avoid any potential problems, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
4. Can I transfer funds from a verified Cash App account to another payment platform? While the Cash app allows you to transfer funds to other bank accounts, there may be some restrictions on transferring to other payment platforms. Better to check the specific terms. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
5. What if my verified Cash App account is locked or suspended? If your account is locked or suspended, contact Cash App Support for assistance. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Cash app account with money
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts with money provides instant accessibility to a verified account. This is particularly advantageous for those who are unable to create an account themselves or wish to have an additional account for specific purposes. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts with money can be a convenient option for individuals who face difficulties in creating or verifying their accounts. It offers instant accessibility, enhanced security, and time-saving benefits. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts!
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, it is essential to approach reputable sellers to ensure a legitimate and secure transaction. Remember to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before making any purchase. With a purchased Cash App account, users can embrace the digital payment revolution and experience the convenience of cashless transactions seamlessly. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts money!
Why Choose Our Verified Cash App Accounts?
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, Our team is dedicated to providing you with original and authentic Cash App accounts. Each account is carefully vetted and tailored to meet your specific needs. You can trust that our accounts are 100% unique and theft-free, giving you the confidence to use them without worry.
With our service, you get instant access to verified Cash App accounts. No more waiting for a long verification process. Get started with your upgraded account now and enjoy the benefits from the moment you sign up and Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app accounts for sale
Cash App Accounts for Sale These sellers claim to buy verified Cash App accounts, allowing buyers to access the funds within and in some cases even withdraw money and buy verified Cash App accounts.
While the idea of getting a Cash App account with a ready balance may be enticing, the risks associated with buying an account for sale far outweigh the potential benefits. Violating Cash App’s terms of service, exposing yourself to scams, and engaging in potentially illegal activities make this a dangerous endeavor. So buy verified Cash App accounts.
Buy BTC enable cash app accounts USA
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts because Bitcoin has gained massive popularity as a digital currency, prompting various platforms to accommodate its purchase and sale. One such popular platform is Cash App, which allows users to seamlessly send, receive, and invest in Bitcoins. But the question arises: Can I buy bitcoins on Cash App without verification? Let’s get into the matter in depth, Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Cash app users must go through a verification process to comply with regulatory standards and ensure transaction security. Verification typically involves providing personal information, including name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN). Users may be required to submit a photo ID for authentication and buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
As per my latest knowledge update in September 2021, the Cash app does not provide the option to buy bitcoins without completing the verification process. To invest in Bitcoin on the platform, users must comply with verification requirements. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts.
Buy Verified Cash App Accounts, With our premium account, you can rest assured that your transactions are safe and secure. Say goodbye to dodgy sellers and hello to a seamless Cash App experience. Whether you’re sending or receiving money, paying bills, or investing, our verified accounts ensure every transaction is smooth and reliable. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your financial freedom. Buy verified Cash App accounts today and enjoy the convenience and security you deserve. So Buy Verified Cash App Accounts at a low price.
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officialhealthyproduct · 2 years ago
Choice CBD Gummies Reviews (Scam Or Legit) — How Does It Work?
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What is Choice CBD Gummies
Choice CBD Gummies are natural extracts derived from the hemp plant. Consuming these gummies is safe, convenient, and natural. These CBD Gummies are 100% natural with the property that improves natural body function. The inclusion of the latest technology and science behind the product makes it superior and fast with the results.  The product is now a leading brand in the United States and is very popular.
Choice CBD Gummies come with a non-habit tendency and never keep a mind high. The makers recommend these chewable gummies to take under extreme stress, depression, and anxiety. The anti-ageing properties work to prevent bone loss. Other health issues like sleep deprivation, persistent agony, and aches get restricted with the gummies. Do not miss out on the discount deal opportunity that is available for a limited period.
How Should You Consume Choice CBD Gummies?
Taking these CBD Gummies is easy and convenient. Health experts advise continuing with the regular dose for accurate outcomes. Those who start for the first time, better consult with their doctor. It is better to start with a low-count dose for at least a month. Choice CBD Gummies are advised to be consumed from 50 to 80 mg in a day for best results. This results in reduced stress, anxiety, and depression concerns. Do not exceed the prescribed dose quantity. However, anyone with sleep disorder issues must take a higher dose. Continue the step for at least 3-4 months for accurate results. These gummies are not advised for minors below 18 years, nursing ladies, and people under strict medical attention.
Ingredients of the Supplement
Choice CBD Gummies is one of the most effective and quality-tested products having all-natural and herbal extracts. These chewable gummies are made from real BHB extracts, CBD oil, and cannabis plant extracts. Beta-hydroxybutyrate Ketones allow the human body to produce extra energy and strength level. Additionally, there are natural minerals and vitamins seen with the antioxidant boost of the body. The Ketones' addition makes the human body produce more energy and strength power. Additionally, the product is sourced with Garcinia Cambogia, lemon extracts, chromium, green tea, and magnesium.
The company behind These CBD Gummies confirms that it is free from fillers, additives, and any other chemical compounds. Green coffee extracts added to these gummies produce chlorogenic acid which is a good source for metabolic raise in the body. It regulates the natural blood sugar level and prevents heart attack risk. The presence of linoleic acid in Garcinia Cambogia leads to killing the weight gain cells.
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(Special Offer) Click here to Buy Choice CBD Gummies with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee Now
Positives to Take From the Supplement
Choice CBD Gummies natural bear gummies accelerate health reasons and improve the wellness rating of the body. If you take a regular dose that makes the human body experience great results such as:
Choice CBD Gummies support the elimination of fat-producing cells and prevent weight gain
Chewable gummies support improved metabolic rate of the body and digestion
The health condition of the body gets improved overall
There are low food cravings experienced with these bear gummies regular use
The natural stamina and energy level of the body experience a surge with Choice CBD Gummies
Prevents condition of mood swings and improves the sleep pattern
The thermogenic process of the body gets higher and improved now
Where to Buy?
The pricing of These CBD Gummies is affordable and convenient for use and purchase. The authorized official website is only listed for the sale of this product. To purchase this article, one must visit the official website through the banner section. Fill out the required form and make payment with a credit card. Expect the delivery of Choice CBD Gummies within a week to your doorstep and get going with the weight loss goals.
The product manufacturer assures people of guaranteed results, or else the money would be refunded within 90 days. The shipping service is fast and free of cost. Beware of false claims and websites selling identical items with higher discount sales. Shop for original and genuine brands only and keep your health score higher. Due to higher demand supplies are limited. Please make your order of Choice CBD Gummies as soon as possible. Shopping for this product is highly affordable and genuine so never miss out on the opportunity.
In a final summary, we can consider Choice CBD Gummies as highly affordable and aids for numerous health benefits. The supplement is free from toxins and chemical additions and is completely safe for long-term use. For perfect results, it is advised to these chewable gummies regularly. Perfect health and body shape are seen visible with the fast-growing product. Those who do not feel positive outcomes may make a return of it. A healthy Ketosis condition is visible now with the supplement that allows for an improved weight loss journey. There is a special 24x7 customer support service that one may contact anytime for all queries and services. You can make contact with the officials as well for general awareness related to obesity and weight gain concerns.
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user-generatedcontent · 22 days ago
How GetAFollower Helped Me Skyrocket My Instagram Likes Instantly
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Growing on Instagram isn’t as easy as it used to be. These days, if your posts don’t get likes quickly, the algorithm just moves on - leaving your content in the dust. I spent way too much time hoping for organic engagement, and found out that…waiting doesn’t work. It just doesn’t.
So I decided to try purchasing Instagram auto likes to give my posts the push they needed. After some digging, I landed on GetAFollower, which claims to offer legitimate services from real people, so I gave it a shot. And honestly, it worked out way better than I expected.
Why I Choose GetAFollower
For the past few months, my Instagram engagement had been pretty much non-existent. No likes, no traction—just a lot of pointless posting. I finally decided to see if paid engagement could help and started looking into social media growth companies.
GetAFollower stood out - they had a solid reputation, affordable pricing, and promised legit engagement from real people (not sketchy bots). Plus, their 60-day retention warranty and refund guarantee made it a risk-free move. I wasn’t expecting miracles, but what I got for the price I paid was seriously solid.
Here’s how it went down…
What Happened After I Placed My Order?
One thing these guys do right - keeping things simple. Picking up social media services from GetAFollower really is as easy as it gets:
1.  Visit the Service Page – Head to the Instagram Auto Likes section on their website.
2.  Select the Instagram Likes Type – Whether it’s Instagram Post Likes, Reels Likes, or Ads Likes, you choose what works for you.
3.  Choose Your Target Country – If you want targeted services from a specific region, you’ve got options—Arab countries, Brazil, India, Iran, Nigeria, Russia, Turkey, the U.S., or Worldwide.
4.  Select the Quantity – Decide how many likes each post should get (between 25 and 10,000).
5.  Set the Number of Future Posts – Pick how many of your upcoming posts should automatically receive likes (25, 50, or 100).
6.  Adjust the Time Delay – Likes can come in instantly or be staggered up to 90 minutes after posting for a more natural look.
7.  Choose an Expiry Date – Decide how long you want the auto likes service to continue.
8.  Enter Your Instagram Username – No passwords needed—just double-check that your username is correct.
9.  Check Out or Add More – You can either hit “Buy Now” to finish up or “Add to Cart” if you’re grabbing other services too.
10.  Complete Your Payment – The secure payment system supports multiple payment methods, keeping your transaction smooth and safe.
And that’s it. No complicated sign-ups, no weird verifications - just a quick and easy way to get the ball rolling.
What truly amazed me was the natural delivery speed. The likes weren’t dumped all at once, making it appear organic. It genuinely looked like my content was resonating with people, which helped me attract even more organic engagement.
The Impact on My Instagram Growth
Right after placing my order, I got an email confirmation within five minutes—always a good sign. A few hours later, I was ready to put it to the test, so I started posting. Sure enough, just like they promised, a steady stream of likes started rolling in within minutes. It wasn't a sketchy flood of engagement, but way quicker than real people would typically notice and react to a post.
The impact? Way better than expected. The instant engagement made my posts look more credible, which boosted their visibility. I even saw an uptick in organic growth—more people checking out my profile, more follows, and more real interaction. Over 25 posts, delivery stayed smooth and consistent, with zero drops.
Turns out, having auto likes working in the background made everything easier - definitely a better experience than I thought going in.
What I Loved About GetAFollower
GetAFollower brings a lot to the table when it comes to social media engagement—especially if you’re tired of fighting the algorithm on your own. Here’s what stood out the most:
·   Automatic Likes Delivery – No need to keep reordering. The likes start rolling in automatically every time you post.
·   High-Quality Likes – These aren’t random, empty accounts. The likes come from authentic profiles, so they actually add credibility instead of looking fake.
·   Affordable Packages – Whether you need a small boost or something bigger, there’s a huge range budget-friendly options for everyone.
·   Secure Transactions – Thanks to SSL encryption, payments are completely safe. Plus, no social media account passwords needed to get started.
·   Reliable Customer Support – Quick responses and helpful assistance make resolving any issues easy.
·   Money-Back Guarantee – Not happy? Get a refund—simple as that.
·   Non-Drop Likes – Engagement stays steadily increasing over time, thanks to the drip-feed delivery process, so there’s no sudden drop-off.
Bottom line - real services that actually deliver.
Impact of Using GetAFollower
Using GetAFollower isn’t just about getting likes - it’s about making Instagram’s algorithm work for you instead of against you. Early engagement gives your posts a better shot at landing on the Explore page, which means more visibility, more reach, and ultimately, more real interactions.
A steady, ongoing flow of likes also builds credibility, making your profile look more active and appealing to potential followers. Over time, this can snowball into real brand growth, attracting an even bigger audience. Whether you're an influencer, a business, or just someone trying to grow their page, it’s the kind of boost that can make a serious difference.
Final Verdict: Is GetAFollower Worth It?
Based on my experience, yes—definitely worth a shot. GetAFollower's service quality stood out from the start, with fast delivery, reliable engagement, and a smooth ordering process.
I've tried other social proof sellers before, but this was the first time I was consistently impressed. If you're looking to purchase social media services that actually make a difference, this is a solid investment for boosting your visibility and credibility.
Tried GetAFollower or any other growth services yourself? Drop a comment below - I'd love to hear how the whole thing worked for you!
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phoenix3dart · 2 months ago
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andienova5 · 4 months ago
Buy Yelp Reviews Buy Yelp Reviews | Legit And Safe | Non Drop If you are searching for a reliable source to Buy Yelp Reviews cheaply, you are exactly in the right place at the right time. We are the only seller in this industry providing Yelp Reviews at a low price. Therefore, you can pay for Yelp Reviews as much as you need to get the #1 position quickly on the search engine result page. A higher ranking on Google, Bing, or Yahoo improves any business’s reliability.
Buying Reviews has become business owners’ most common and popular strategy to enhance their visibility. At the same time, purchasing fake Yelp Reviews can harm your business badly. Besides, based on buying amount, you can get banned.
Buy Yelp Reviews to Promote Your Business Buy yelp Reviews Buy yelp Reviews How can you increase your company’s popularity by buying Yelp Reviews? Yelp is the first choice for any local business to dominate a local search engine. Listed Yelp companies get more views from potential customers in the local search and boost local SEO. Besides, agencies listed on Yelp allow owners to reply to negative reviews, making agencies more appealing to consumers.
Yelp is a local business review website and mobile app that allows users to rate and review businesses. It was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. The site features reviews of companies in various categories, including restaurants, shopping, and nightlife. Yelp also provides information such as business hours, price range, and photos. The site is free to use, but businesses can pay to advertise on the platform.
Moreover, Yelp is a well-known online business directory that creates brand awareness for local establishments such as restaurants, bars, shops, or any other services that have physical existence. People can see other’s people responses about those particular firms on Yelp. This is how a business becomes known among consumers.
Buy Yelp Reviews For Customer Engagements Buy Yelp Reviews Buy Yelp Reviews Yelp is a website where many people across the globe share their opinion & ideas. So, having positive comments about your business will attract their attention. This is how your organization will gain a huge customer response.
Yelp provides comprehensive information about a particular business. Therefore, It will help other customers find you who are searching for something similar to your business. Thus, user interaction with your site will go high.
Nowadays, most employers purchase Yelp Reviews for businesses to outrank their marketplace rivals quickly. Getting more Yelp Reviews is the most beneficial and effective way to do that. So are you in a rush? Get positive Yelp Reviews and save your valuable time.
Importance of Customer Reviews Why are the reviews of consumers crucial? Here are some vital points to understand the importance of customer reviews for a business reputation.
A research found 90% of users on Yelp rely on positive reviews. Approx. 93% of buyers check out feedback before purchasing online. The customer depends on local companies those have high ratings. Company Reputation depends on Customer Reviews. A customer’s opinion about a service increases the acceptance of the company. In local searches, consumer feedback plays a vital role. Significant Benefits of Having Yelp Reviews What advantages will you have, If you buy Yelp Reviews? You will get the following benefits for buying reviews on Yelp:
Increased Visibility: Yelp is a widely used platform, and buying Active Yelp Reviews helps a business appear more prominently in search results. Credibility: Legit Yelp Reviews help establish a credible and trustworthy business, increasing customer confidence and engagements. Increased Website Traffic: Non-Drop Yelp Reviews drive more traffic to a business’s website, leading to increased sales or conversions. Improved Search Engine Rankings: Buying 5 Star Yelp Reviews can help a business’s website rank higher in search engine results, which can lead to increased visibility and web traffic. Competitive Advantage: Having more positive reviews on Yelp can give a business an edge over competitors with fewer positive reviews. Yelp Reputation Management: Sometimes, Negative Yelp Reviews take responsibility for managing your authority on Yelp. Buying a few fake reviews makes your company more realistic, as a business without having any negative feedback looks more unusual. Helps to Understand the Customer: Active Yelp profiles give insight into the customer experience and allow the business to understand customer needs and preferences. Improving the quality of the services: The business can improve its services and attract more customers based on “customer feedback” from Yelp. Social Influence: Good ratings on Yelp convince people to involve with that a particular business. That indicated solid social evidence of that establishment. Why You Need to Buy Yelp Reviews: Some Key Points Here are some crucial factors of buying Yelp Reviews for you.
Yelp feedback makes your business looks genuine. Maintain social status Attracts more potential customers. Multiply client’s service. Easily able to outrank your competitors. Raise the Rate of Conversion. Feedback from Yelp is more trustworthy. Increase ROI. Are There Any Related Yelp Service Available? Yes, we have more paid Yelp Review services available.
Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buy 5 Star Yelp Reviews Buy Positive Yelp Reviews Buy Negative Yelp Reviews Buy Remove Negative Yelp Reviews It Would be Best If You Relied On Us To Buy Yelp Reviews Buy Yelp Reviews Buy Yelp Reviews Why should you depend on us to Purchase Yelp Reviews? We offer our customers a variety of Yelp Reviews. It helps them to choose what they need for their business. We use genuine accounts and different Ip addresses to write Yelp Reviews for firms. There are no chances of suspension using our high-quality Yelp Review service.
Let’s discuss the additional deciding points that keep us ahead of our opponents.
Expert Staffs The first thing that we have is a team of skilled members. Our members are hard workers and dedicated to their tasks. They know precisely what to do and finish their job on time. Consequently, we are always able to deliver on time.
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Our Trustworthiness Our customers keep believing us from the very beginning. They are our happy customers. We provided them with the best Yelp service they had ever got.
Our Communication We have no communication gap with our customers. Their problems and opinions are valuable to us. We are aware of that part.
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Our Act of Assistance Our excellent live support staff puts in a lot of effort and is available 24/7. Ask us whatever you want to know whenever you need to. Over time, there is no reason to worry. We will respond to your inquiry right away. You may have peace of mind knowing that about us.
We Do Not Need Your Credentials You may get reviews on Yelp without sharing the details of your account. There is zero danger that your personal information will be lost. Without these qualifications, we can still succeed.
Be Careful About One Thing Please do not get the same service from other third-party sellers after purchasing Yelp Reviews from us. Buy one specific service from one vendor. If not, there is a danger of getting a ban.
How To Buy Yelp Reviews? Buy Yelp Reviews Buy Yelp Reviews Buying Yelp Reviews is an effortless task to comply with a few guidelines. If you get fake reviews from an unknown source, that can cause trouble for you. Before getting online reviews for business, conduct research for your safety.
Our product is for you, without any doubt, if you want to have your expected buyers to get the best possible experience of your business. We will write high-quality, honest product reviews about your goods. This will expand your brand awareness.
If you have already decided to Buy Yelp Reviews from us, follow the steps from below:
Step #1: Choose The Plan You Can Afford You can choose any bundle from our product page, which is right below the short description above. Select your package with the most convenient pricing for you and add to cart. If you still need clarification about choosing bundles, mail us.
Step #2: According to Business Policy, Complete The Necessary Paperwork In this step, you will have to provide us with your in detailed business information. So that, we can give you the evaluation the way you want.
Step #3: Proceed to Checkout When the steps in the preceding section are complete, you will be asked to pay for the service. We work with a number of eCommerce payment systems in addition to Visa and Mastercard. Click the “Add to Cart” button to get to the checkout page.
Frequently Asked Questions Here are some queries about “Buy Yelp Reviews” that customers often ask. If you have any query in your mind, contact us via mail. We will respond instantly.
Can You Buy Yelp Reviews? Yes, you can get Yelp Reviews from Suppliers as per your needs. Many businesses apply this method to uplift their establishment to their potential public sphere. Since reviews work as social proof for companies, you can also have it but adhere to Yelp Review Policy.
Can Businesses Buy Yelp Reviews? Any individual or business can buy Yelp Reviews. It’s not illegal until one breaks the Yelp Review Privacy Policy rules. According to FTC, you can’t write reviews using bots or manipulate others. That means bot Yelp Reviews or false Yelp Reviews are not permitted to get for any business.
Do Elite Yelpers Get Paid? No, Elite Yelpers doesn’t get paid for giving feedback. It’s prohibited to offer Elite Yelpers to provide reviews. For any loss, they don’t have to compensate also. They just work as a volunteer for Yelp events. Elite members only get access in “Elite-Only” events on Yelp. These events are cost-free and managed by the local community manager.
Can Owners Delete Yelp Reviews? No, owners aren’t able to delete Yelp Reviews. This online community platform doesn’t allow removing any feedback. If you get any negative comments or suspicious responses on Yelp, contact Yelp customer support for removal. Besides, you can approach the reviewer to make things right. Otherwise, File a case against the writer for defamation.
Does Yelp Track IP addresses? Definitely, Yelp is able to track IP addresses for suspicious activity from certain Ips or user accounts. If they notice multiple accounts from the same IP, immediately red-flag them for suspicious activity. That’s why we use different IPs for a particular account with a new Gmail.
What Does Elite 22 Mean on Yelp? Individuals who are community leaders and role models both on and off the Yelp website. To determine an elite member, one must have some skills such as a track record of getting along with others, top writing quality, and good-quality photos in the profile with detailed personal information. These members get invites for “Elite-Only” Yelp events.
Can I Buy Yelp Reviews on Fiverr? There are a lot of Yelp Review Services available on Fiverr. But they are not that much reliable for giving review service. You can go to Fiverr to checkout.
Will You Guarantee that Reviews Will Stick? We ensure that our reviews won’t budge without questions since we’ll give them all high ratings, keeping them all in place. Make sure of it.
Does Yelp Ratings Matter? Any business will always be significantly impacted by its Yelp star rating. You have a higher chance of moving on to the competition the more reviews you have. More ratings than your rivals indicate that you give your customers high-quality service.
Do You Offer Money-Back Guarantee to Us? Yes, we do. You will get a refund if you don’t get the service we promised. We assure you about that. Before purchasing, kindly read out Refund Policy once.
What Is The Anticipated Order Delivery Time? For reviews, you will get the service instantly after buying. We start processing every order immediately after placing it.
What If I Don’t Get My Service After Buying? Instantly get in touch with us without delaying a second. We will assist you with any occurrences.
Is it Safe to Buy Yelp Reviews for My Business? Yes, If you get reviews for Yelp from a genuine vendor is okay. Reliable sources like ours will provide you with the best Yelp service. We use active Yelp user profiles with different IP addresses and Gmail to give reviews. So, there is nothing to worry about.
What Forms of Payment Do You Accept? We accept VISA Cards and Master Cards for making payments for your order.
Conclusion Yelp reviews can be a valuable marketing tool for consumers looking to make informed decisions about local businesses. They provide a platform for customers to share their experiences and offer feedback to the business owner, which can help them improve their service.
Moreover, the Yelp.com listing gives any business extra advantages to rank locally. Any Yelp business page on the Business Listing Site gets a positive impression from search engines for acquiring a top position on SERP.
However, it’s essential to remember that not all reviews on Yelp are authentic, so it’s always a good idea to read various reviews from different sources before making a final decision.
Finally, businesses should be aware of the impact that Yelp reviews can have on their reputation and should actively engage with their customers to address any concerns or complaints that may arise. Overall, I’d suggest you buy Yelp reviews that can be helpful for consumers and your business, but they should be used with care.
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best-reviews-usa · 4 months ago
LOTTERY DEFEATER SOFTWARE (SCAM?) Lottery Defeater Software Reviews – Is Lottery Defeater Legit?
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another informative review on the Paixão Sertaneja channel. If you're here, you're probably wondering if Lottery Defeater Software is worth it. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this review, I’ll break down everything you need to know:
What is Lottery Defeater Software?
Does it really work?
What are its key features?
How do you use it?
Is it safe?
Let’s dive into the details!
🧠 What is Lottery Defeater Software?
Lottery Defeater Software is an innovative tool designed by a skilled statistician. Its purpose is to increase your chances of winning the lottery by using statistical data to identify patterns in lottery numbers.
🎯 Does Lottery Defeater Software Work?
Yes, it’s effective! The software uses real-time data analysis to provide number combinations with a higher likelihood of winning. Users have reported great results after using this tool to improve their odds.
🔧 Key Features of Lottery Defeater Software
Smart Number Selection: It analyzes historical lottery data to suggest high-probability numbers.
Real-Time Operations: Processes numbers and patterns instantly, giving you updated combinations.
Easy to Use: Designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible even for beginners.
Safe & Legit: Complies with all regulations, ensuring safe use.
🔄 How to Use Lottery Defeater Software?
It’s really simple to use:
Log In: Access the software and pick the lottery game you want.
Generate Numbers: Use the smart number picker to generate high-probability winning numbers.
Play Your Numbers: Take those numbers and use them when playing your lottery ticket!
❤️ Where to Buy Lottery Defeater Software?
You can only buy Lottery Defeater Software from the official website.
✅ Is It Safe?
Yes, the Lottery Defeater Software operates within legal guidelines and is completely safe to use. It’s a legitimate tool to boost your lottery-winning chances without any risk to your personal or financial data.
💰 Does It Have a Money-Back Guarantee?
Absolutely! The software comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk-free. If you’re not happy with the results, just request a refund.
📣 Lottery Defeater Software Reviews & Testimonials
In conclusion, Lottery Defeater Software has received positive feedback from users. If you want to increase your chances of winning the lottery, it’s definitely worth considering. Check out the testimonials on the official website to see how others have benefited from it.
Key Time Stamps:
00:01 - Lottery Defeater Software Review Intro
01:02 - Lottery Defeater Software
01:45 - Lottery Defeater Software Official Website
02:12 - Lottery Defeater Software Benefits
02:26 - What is Lottery Defeater Software?
02:45 - How Does the Lottery Defeater Software Work?
03:23 - Lottery Defeated Software
04:23 - Does the Lottery Defeater Software Work?
05:46 - Lottery Defeater Software Real Users Feedbacks
06:39 - How To Use The Lottery Defeater Software?
08:18 - Lottery Defeater Software 100% Money-Back Guarantee
08:37 - Lottery Defeater Software Reviews – Conclusion
I hope this review has answered all your questions. If you still have doubts, leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you!
The post Lottery Defeater Software Reviews was first published on Paixão Sertaneja Oficial Channel.
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