#10 seat minibus
ugocoaches · 10 months
Great options for 12 seat minibuses in orpington
If you are looking for an affordable and reliable way to transport many people, you should hire 12 seat minibuses. You probably feel stuck when it comes to finding the best 12 seat in orpington. Why? Because you will see plenty of options. Ugo coaches is the most reliable transport services in Orpington
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riverstardis · 2 years
born lucky:
we’re finally here!!! and let me just say my train home was cancelled and then the next one only had half the number of carriages as usual. so twice as many people but half as much space… at rush hour. yeah so i’ve just spent about an hour and a half stood up crammed on a train breathing too much of other people’s air so i am so ready for this
actually before i start i wanted to say the description of the episode makes it sound like the crash was ethan’s fault because it says that it happens after he takes his eye off the road but in the episode they definitely don’t show him taking his eye off the road and they make it quite clear that it was caused by the other driver so idk where they got that from?????
anyway here we go!
jeff and tamzin snogging in the ambulance station “steady on, we’re on duty, what if dixie comes out?” “yeah could be a bit awkward couldn’t it? being caught by your wife?” LMAO
jeff telling tamzin he loves her and then dixie comes out sjskdkdk
ethan trying to tell connie about his satnav on his phone when she hands him a map and she just ignores him and walks away sjskdkd
connie sent charlie retirement plan info
a pre ffion stirling gallacher!
cal: “they’re letting you drive? obviously in no rush” ethan: “oh yes i forgot the ability to push an accelerator to the floor is one of the key signs of manliness” cal: “remember, our funding depends on this so let’s make sure your little stutter doesn’t make a guest appearance, alright?” ethan looks so hurt when he says that💔 most of cal’s jibes are just brotherly banter but i think he crossed a line there
cal watching a patient in reception from afar and max and noel are like “you know as a doctor who can go right over and talk to a patient” “some say it even helps” and cal’s like “haven’t you guys got any phone to answer? floors to clean? other people to annoy?” and they’re like “no no i’m on a break actually” SJDKFK
“flexible retirements becoming increasingly popular” “yeah with people who want to retire!”
rita getting a “consolation cupcake” for whoever has the worst shift and lofty thinks it’s gonna be him because he’ll fall over or drop something
ash sitting in the passenger seat and ethan’s like i assumed mrs beauchamp was going to sit there and ash’s like “because she has longer legs?” and lily goes “because she’s the boss” ash: “i understand the hierarchy but surely this is a question of leg room and leg room alone” ethan: “well it’s a brave man that puts her in the backseat” and then when ash sees connie coming he immediately goes “anything for an easy life” and gets out and goes to the back SJDKFKD
ethan trying to show connie his satnav on his phone again and she’s just like “does it have a mute button?”
and then he tries to set off and it’s all jerky and he’s like “sorry, trying to find the biting point” sjskdkfk he can’t drive manual
cal watching the woman from earlier and her son again and max asks him about her and he says he thinks he slept with her in the past and then lofty comes over “what am i missing?” max: “cal slept with a patient” lofty: “surely one would remember if you slept with a patient. he’s a 9 year old child i’m not entirely comfortable with this conversation?” cal: “his mother, lofty. i think i slept with his mother” and robyn overhears and goes “she’s only been here an hour!” LMAOOO
and cal says it was about 10 years ago and then he goes to treat the kid
tamzin’s hinting VERY strongly that jeff should ask her to marry him… tamzin mate you were engaged to someone else just a few weeks ago???
the team in the minibus are lost, lily and tess are trying to read the map and ash unbuckles his seatbelt so he can lead forward to see. well as soon as anyone unbuckles a seatbelt in casualty you know a crash is about to happen
aaand CRASH
see it doesn’t even show ethan at all in the moments before the crash let alone him supposedly taking his eyes off the road???
cal and robyn going back to the patient and cal see’s the mother’s mother there and is like “yep definitely slept with her” robyn asks how he knows and he goes “because i slept with her mother too”😬 and robyn laughs at him
lily screaming saying she can’t feel her arm and ethan’s unconscious and has a weak pulse
jeff asks dixie for a divorce
the mother complaining about how long they’re having to wait and cal’s like believe me i’m trying to get you out a quickly as possible and she goes off on one like “i’m sorry, is this a bit difficult for you? is this embarrassing? like, say, the moment i walked in on my mother and my boyfriend!”
and the son’s sat right there😬
cal and the mother’s mother talking and she’s like “she struggles. he’s a handful” “aren’t all kids?” “well, actually, we’re in the process of having him assessed. he’s borderline adhd.” “must be hard” here we go🙄
she say’s the kid’s got his father’s eyes and cal’s like wait huh?
dixie and jeff attending the crash “it’s our lot. it’s our lot, dix” 🥺
connie climbs out of the passenger side window which is now on top
tess saying ethan’s resp rate’s dropping and lily going “get him out! please get him out!” 🥺🥺
the mother confirming cal’s suspicions that he’s her son’s father
charlie has connie as ‘wicked witch’ in his phone SJSKDKKF and he looks annoyed as he answers until she tells him what’s happened
cal trying to talk to the kid asking him he does for fun other than falling off climbing frames and he talks about video games and cal finds out that the kid plays games that are too old for him and that he’s staying up 2 or 3 in the morning to play them
charlie telling them all “i’m afraid there’s been a car accident involving our doctors and tess. paramedics are on sight treating casualties, two of which appear to be serious” and cal immediately looks SO scared🥺🥺
“the driver of the other vehicle is on his way in now” “and how about the driver of our vehicle?”
“how did it happen?” “the way it sounds is the other vehicle just swiped then straight off the road” SEE???
connie, tess, and lily arriving and cal asks connie how ethan is and she says he’s stable but trapped but then after cal’s gone charlie asks how he really is and she’s like “not good”
lily going “morphine! morphine!” sjskfkfk
ethan only just waking up
when tamzin and big mac arrive tamzin’s like “woah! how fast was the other car going?”
tamzin: “is that ethan?” jeff: “yeah. worst case scenario is the vehicle fully ignites.” NOO
ethan going “it’s really cold” weakly🥺🥺🥺
tamzin mouthing i love you to jeff while he’s talking to ethan
lmao lofty having one lucky day because of the consolation cupcake and he doesn’t know about the crash and goes up to louise, noel, and robyn like “today couldn’t get any better”💀
“the next casualty’s coming in from the crash site, it’s ethan. he’s not in a good way.” :(
they need another doctor because connie’s wrist is injured and cal’s family but “they’re all tied up right now” apparently so of course cal ends up having to treat him
cal nervously waiting for ethan to arrive and going to talk to the kid’s mum and offer some financial help but when her mum turns up and they start laughing at him and come clean that the kid isn’t actually cal’s they were just trying to give him some payback
“you know you can laugh all the want, i mean i probably deserve it, but can you just do me one favour? before you go down the route of diagnosing your son with adhd and shoving him full of medication, take a long hard look at how you’re bringing him up.” “what do you know?” “that he’s playing his computer until the early hours! yeah, i see it in kids his age all the time. they get labelled as problematic when actually all they are is sleep deprived”
i really don’t get why they couldn’t just have had them think the kid was a troublemaker or something until cal realises it was actually a parenting problem like why did they even have to bring adhd into it?!?!?!
anyway let’s just put that down to cal being upset and worried about ethan and lashing out to try and get them back because they embarrassed him rather than that being what he actually thinks of adhd shall we?
cal’s face as ethan is brought in😭😭 he has head and chest injury
“so all this to get out of some public speaking, eh? there are easier ways, mate.” typical cal to cope by joking about it
connie having a go at the driver of the other vehicle and then going to her office and breaking down crying🥺
cal doing an almost constant stream of jokes while treating ethan :((((
dixie voicing her concerns to jeff over tamzin having only just been engaged to someone else and trying to convince him not to go back in the bus to treat ash until the fire crew have made it safer but he goes “you know me, what’s life without a bit of risk, eh?”🙃
charlie suspects the driver of the other vehicle has dementia
the mother’s mother thanking cal and saying he’s right about the kid’s behaviour and she thinks her daughter knows it and cal’s like “i just don’t like it when kid’s get labelled, that’s all” 🤔🤔
ethan going off while he’s at ct.
he has a cardiac tamponade and he needs a pericardiocentesis but connie can’t do it with her wrist so cal has to do it
ash isn’t looking good
cal’s struggling and ethan goes into vt😬 he manages it in the end
the other staff all watching cal come out of resus and charlie gives him the consolation cupcake “as tough shifts go, i think yours is pretty hard to beat”
jeff saying he’s going to propose to tamzin🥲🥲
dixie saying she’s happy for him because tamzin makes him happy but tells him to get a good solicitor because she’s taking him for everything he’s got including the dog sjdkfkfk
there’s people standing outside the incident tape or whatever it’s called filming the crash scene
jeff rushing to get ash out “see, easy!” “what’re you like, collier?” “born lucky, eh, nine lives” NOOO JEFF GET OUT OF THERE
welp there he goes…
dixie’s reaction😭😭😭😭
cal going and sitting by ethan’s bedside and talking to him while he thinks he’s still unconscious🥹🥹🥹🥹
“my safety net”🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
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ethan opening his eyes as cal leaves <333
charlie ripping up the retirement plan and having a go at connie about how he’s not gonna give up while she’s just trying to tell him there’s been an explosion at the crash site
also i was just thinking i’ve heard “there’s been an explosion at the crash site” somewhere else too and yeah it’s what ruby says to iain in the market attack ep (and yet we don’t see anyone being worried about ethan???? anyway)
tamzin and dixie💔💔💔💔💔
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shinykittenland · 13 days
Which is the Best Vehicle for 10 to 12 People?
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For group size of 10 to 12 people, you should go for a 12 seater Tempo Traveller. It is very spacious, comfortable and convenient for both short as well as long trips.
It comprises pushback seats, air conditioning and enough leg space that ensures comfortable journeys. It also has extra luggage storage, making it suitable for family trips, group tours, and even corporate outings.
The strong body of the 12 seater Tempo Traveller, along with the compact size, ensures a smooth ride on the most challenging roads. It can travel with complete ease through both urban and rural areas. The minibus comes in handy for even airport transfers or on road trips.
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melbournevanrentals · 2 months
Hire a 12-seater Toyota Hiace from Melbourne Van Rentals to Tour Melbourne in Comfort.
Passenger Vans with 12 Seats Are you looking to hire a passenger van in Melbourne? Looking for a van rental in Melbourne? Look no further. Our fleet includes the brand-new Toyota Hiace New Shape Commuter Bu, which is perfect for businesses and organisations that need to transport big groups of people. This minibus is the perfect vehicle for visitors who want to take a road trip in groups, whether with family or friends, aside from huge business groups. Because their vehicles are kept up to date and accessible for local rentals, the dealer assures you that you will receive the most dependable and efficient service you require. Clients and potential clients have the choice of using a van continuously or just once.
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Regular passenger cars are usually less comfortable than 12-Seater Passenger Vans when it comes to long road journeys where people spend a lot of time in the vehicle each day.
Concerning the 12-seat van
If you are travelling in a large group, Melbourne Van Rentals is the best choice. Our trustworthy and cost-effective 12-seater van rental services will give you the most value for your money. Our expert staff will collaborate with you to choose the perfect vehicle for your requirements, with a focus on exceeding client expectations. If you are visiting Melbourne for business or pleasure, our big van rental services are the ideal way to transfer you in comfort and elegance. So why not wait? Get out and about by booking your Melbourne 12-seater van rental today!
A twelve-person Hiace New Shape Commuter Bus is available for hire from Melbourne Van Rentals.
Hiace Commuter Bus: A New Design
Let's talk about the minibus's characteristics and rental rate. The automated minibus with a diesel engine provides comfort for the drivers. This minibus may be rented for $220 per day, which includes 10% GST and a daily allowance of 200 km. Two types of weekly rent are distinguished. For a least one-month contract, the first is $1100, which includes 10% GST and a weekly allowance of 1400 km; for a minimum three-month contract, the second is $900, which also includes 10% GST and an allowance of 1400 km.
Get in contact with us right now to make a reservation for a Toyota Hiace New Shape Commuter Bus and to learn more about this minivan.
Source: www.melbournevanrentals.au/melbourne-van-rentals/explore-melbourne-in-comfort-rent-a-12-seater-toyota-hiace-with-melbourne-van-rentals/
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bu1410 · 4 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - June 6th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
Gazoducto Samalayuca - Sasabe. Mexico - Nuevos Casas Grandes - Chihuahua.
Part 1
Six months had passed since my final return from Iraq, when I was contacted by the Chief of Personnel of SICILSALDO, a Sicilian company operating in the construction of pipelines. I had already had a first contact with this company in 2009, when I met the owner at the Crown Plaza hotel in San Donato Milanese. The topic then was a possible assignment in a project in Algeria, under sub-contract to SAIPEM: nothing had come out of it, and I had even forgotten the existence of this company. I was therefore somehow surprised to hear HR Manager Giuseppe Verdone's voice again, 7 years after the last call. After a quick all-retour to Gela, the Company's headquarters for the signing of the contract, December 7th - a Milan's patreon holyday of Sant'Ambroeus - I was already on the Alitalia Boeing 777, heading to Mexico City. It's a long flight from Italy to Mexico, like 12 hrs and 30 min, but I was a little worried when I saw on the screen in front of me that the plane was definitely heading North and after a couple of hours we passed over the vertical of Dublin, and then continued on to Greenland, Labrador, New York, and finally heading South, flying over Miami and the Gulf of Mexico. Compared to competitors such as Air France or KLM, the average flight time on the Europe - Central America route with Alitalia is almost an hour longer. The service on board – at least in Business class – is still decent. However, after more than 12 hours I finally landed at Benito Juarez airport. Once the entry formalities were completed, I took the internal train to the domestic flight terminal to continue the journey onto Chihuahua. To the final destination, Nuevo Casas Grandes, from Chihuahuha it would have taken another 4 hours of travel on a company van the next day.
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Flight to Chihuahua After an infinite wait (which could have been avoided - for me like all the other Sicilsaldo employees coming from Italy simply by staying overnight in one of the hotels right outside the airport, but it was too difficult to make those who managed the flights and logistics in this Company) I boarded the plane to Chihuahua. A flight of just over two hours, and after having already spent 12 on another plane, it's really stressful. I asked the elderly Aeromexico stewardess where Mr. Davide Caracciolo - Comany Country Manager - was sitting, explaining that he was my Director, but that I didn't know him personally. She looked at me amazed and told me that for security reasons the names and seats of the passengers were not revealed, and she left. After about an hour of flight, the same stewardess, walking in the corridor and looking at me, made a sign with a finger on the head of a gray-haired gentleman: ''El…el…''. So I called Davide, who was sitting 3 rows ahead of me. He turned and said:
''Ahhh…thank goodness…here you are!!!''
And where was I supposed to be?
But how… I call hoe office, it seemed like you were still in Rome!
Really…. We landed in Chihuahua and it was already night, the taxi driver booked by the company had gotten tired of waiting and had left the airport. Luckily there were others, and so I realized that we were a group of 10 people. In addition to Mr. Caracciolo and myself, there were 8 Italians welders who would reinforce the teams on the gas pipeline. After an hour we arrived at the hotel on that sort of urban highway called Peripheral de la Juventud.
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En route to Nuevos Casas Grandes The next early morning I met Miguel, the driver who with his Toyota minibus would take us to Nuevos Casas Grandes, located more than 300 km North of Chihuahua, along the highway through the Sierra. Quite a boring journey, we stopped for a rest in Flores Magon, when we were about 120 km away from our final destination.
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We arrived at NCG – as it was commonly called by the natives – in time for lunch. I entered the Hacienda hotel for the first time, the location that would be my home for the following 3 years. The hotel itself wasn't bad, but it certainly needed extraordinary maintenance in the common areas and rooms. It had never been renovated since it was built in the 1970s, and you could see it with the naked eye.
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Typical Mexican structure with two floors, with a large internal courtyard onto which the rooms overlooked, a useless swimming pool (the water was perpetually dirty and in 3 years I never set foot in it). Two restaurants, a pub and a recreation room. We ate lunch served by one of the most tired and listless waiters I have ever met. Mexico seemed to confirm its most common stereotype.
People looks perpetually tired and just want to sleep, especially in the early afternoon. I quickly realized that NCG didn't offer any decent apartments or houses to rent, and for safety reasons it was much better to live in hotel. I took possession of my spacious room, with two queen-size beds, bathroom and sitting area: I didn't know it yet, but I would sleep there - eventually with interruption for holydays - until May 8, 2019.
The Project Mexico is an oil and gas producing country but with a serious corruption problem. The state company Pemex is the typical expression of this contradiction whereby Mexico produces hydrocarbons, but must import them from abroad - mainly from USA, especially the refined products that its economy needs to function. The refineries managed by Pemex on the national territory are either closed or are operating at 50% of their capacity. Maintenance is not carried out, or carried out just to keep the few systems still capable of running. In the winter of 2017-2018 there were very serious problems of lack of fuel throughout the country, with a protest movement called ''gazolinazo'' during which ordinary citizens and gangs of criminals caused numerous accidents throughout Mexico.
The Samalayuca – Sasabe project fits into this perspective: a gas pipeline financed by US banks, which will bring the gas extracted in Texas to Mexico – the Americans financed the project with a dual purpose:
Sell gas to Mexico
After 600 km in Mexican territory, the pipeline re-enters the USA and the gas not consumed in Mexico will be sold to consumers in Arizona. So the Texans - by paying a fee for transportation to Mexico - will essentially find themselves selling gas to Arizona with a negligible transportation cost and with a pipeline paid for by Mexico. The final customer of the gas pipeline is Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), while the contracting company is GRUPO CARSO, the conglomerate owned by the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. The consortium set up to carry out the work was called CAFIG and was made up of CARSO, FCC Espana and Italiana Ghizzoni, a company of SICILSALDO group. So on paper it was quite a mess, because two out of three companies were in clear conflict of interests, being at the same time the contractor (CARSO - Ghizzoni) and the executor of the work (SICILSALDO). In reality everything turned out for the worse, at least as far as SICILASALDO is concerned, as the modus operandi of the Mexicans (I am the master and you are the slave) has resulted in so that the Italian company has been subject to continuous injustices and unbelievable pressures from the Mexican and Spanish management of the project. The management of the project was – to put it mildly – ​​disastrous. A gas pipeline, in principle, should be built starting from one point, ending at the other end of the route (unless you want to attack the route at multiple points). Conditio sine qua non is the total availability of the corridor - the so-called ROW - where the pipe must laid down. Well this basic condition was never respected during the project. Not only were the sections made available late, but they were always fragmented, forcing us to move the complex machinery used for the works (heavy vehicles, automatic welding, personnel, transport, etc.) from one end of the route to the other - sometimes at hundreds of kilometers from each other. And always on rough tracks, which put men and vehicles to the heavy test. (There were thousands of punctures and tires changed, especially in the section where the tube was installed at the side of the old route of a disused railway. (In the end the bill for tire replacement will reach the monstrous figure of 176,000 USD).
Furthermore, the route - chosen on GOOGLE Earth with the criterion ''the shortest line from one point to the other'' favored a route of incredible difficulty. Deserts, impassable mountains with slopes of over 60%, 40+ km of rock trenches that had to be opened with explosives. And the Customer who clung to the smallest contractual quibble to deny any type of compensation for the major difficulties, the constant travel, the frequent stops of activities due to the impossibility of accessing the work areas.
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🚐 Rent a 10-Seater Urbania Mini Bus with Maharaja Seats in Delhi Do you need a big car for your family or friends? Our 10-seater Urbania minibus with Maharaja seats is perfect for you! At Car Rental Delhi with Driver, we offer this minibus, which has plenty of room and super comfy seats so you can travel in style.
✨ What's Great About the Urbania Mini Bus? The Urbania mini bus has 10 big seats. These are called Maharaja seats because they are so comfortable—just like a king's chair! There's a lot of space for everyone to sit and relax, and there's room for your bags and other things you must bring along.
🧑‍✈️ Friendly Drivers, Hassle-Free Travel Our drivers are friendly and know all the best places in Delhi. You don't have to worry about getting lost or stuck in traffic. The driver will take you wherever you want, whether for a wedding, a business meeting, or just to see the sights.
Ready to book? Call / WhatsApp 📞 +91 98180 20397, and let's start your trip!
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tempotravellerhire001 · 8 months
Delhi to Udaipur Tempo Traveller
To travel from Delhi to Udaipur by Tempo Traveller (a type of minibus), you have a few options. Here are the general steps you can take:
Hire a Tempo Traveller:
You can hire a Tempo Traveller from various travel agencies or online platforms that offer rental services. Make sure to choose a reliable service provider with good reviews.
Route Options:
There are different routes you can take from Delhi to Udaipur, and the choice may depend on factors like time, distance, and road conditions. The most common route is via National Highway 48.
Travel Duration:
The travel time by road can vary based on factors such as traffic, weather, and the specific route taken. It generally takes around 10-12 hours to cover the approximate distance of 660 kilometers.
Booking Process:
Contact the Tempo Traveller rental agency and inquire about availability, pricing, and terms of service.
Confirm the number of passengers, date, and time of travel.
Cost Estimation:
The cost of hiring a Tempo Traveller can vary based on factors like the type of vehicle, seating capacity, and amenities provided. It's advisable to get a detailed quote from the rental agency.
Comfort and Facilities:
Check with the rental agency about the facilities provided in the Tempo Traveller, such as air conditioning, seating arrangements, and any additional amenities.
Driver Accommodation:
Ensure that the driver's accommodation and expenses are included in the overall cost. Also, confirm the driver's experience and credentials.
Payment and Confirmation:
Once you are satisfied with the terms and conditions, make the necessary payment to confirm your booking.
Trip Preparation:
Plan the trip itinerary, taking into account rest stops, meals, and any sightseeing you may want to do along the way.
Contact Information:
Keep the contact information of the Tempo Traveller agency and driver handy for communication during the journey.
It's recommended to book your Tempo Traveller well in advance, especially during peak travel seasons. Additionally, ensure that you have all the necessary documents and permits required for intercity travel.
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rajasthan-travel · 8 months
Luxury Tempo Traveller in Jodhpur - Jodhpur Cabs
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If you’re planning a group trip to Jodhpur, Rajasthan and looking for a comfortable and convenient way to travel, consider hiring a Tempo Traveller from Jodhpur Cabs. Jodhpur Cabs offers Tempo Travellers in various seating capacities such as 10, 13, 17, 21, and 25 Seater, making it an ideal choice for large groups or families.
A Tempo Traveller is a type of minibus that is commonly used for group travel in India. It is a spacious and comfortable vehicle that can accommodate a large number of passengers. With Jodhpur Cabs, you can hire a Tempo Traveller that is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, comfortable seating, and a music system.
One of the benefits of hiring a Tempo Traveller from Jodhpur Cabs is that you can customize your itinerary according to your preferences. Whether you want to visit the famous Mehrangarh Fort, the Jaswant Thada, or the Umaid Bhawan Palace, a Tempo Traveller can take you there in comfort and style. The Tempo Traveller also comes with a driver who is familiar with the city and can take you to all the best tourist spots.
Another benefit of hiring a Tempo Traveller from Jodhpur Cabs is that you can save money on transportation costs. Instead of hiring multiple taxis or renting multiple cars, you can travel with a group in a single vehicle. This can be a more cost-effective option for large groups or families.
In addition to hiring a Tempo Traveller, Jodhpur Cabs also offers other transportation options such as cars, buses, and coaches. You can choose the vehicle that best suits your needs and budget.
Jodhpur Cabs Tempo Travellers are well-maintained, and their drivers are well-trained and experienced, which ensures a safe and comfortable journey. Moreover, the company offers very competitive rates, providing the best value for your money.
Overall, hiring a Tempo Traveller from Jodhpur Cabs is a great way to explore the city of Jodhpur with a group of friends or family. With a spacious and comfortable vehicle, a knowledgeable driver, and the ability to customize your itinerary, you can make the most of your trip to the “Blue City.”
Transportation Tags:
Hire Tempo Traveller in Jodhpur
Best Tempo Traveler in Udaipur
Hire Tempo Traveller in Jaipur
Best Tempo Traveler in Jaisalmer
Tempo Traveler in Rajasthan
Luxury Tempo Traveler in Delhi
Luxury Tempo Traveler in Agra
Tempo Traveller in Mathura
Drive India By Yogi pvt Tours
India Cab Service
Car rental in India
Tempo Traveler in Mumbai
Tempo Traveler in Bikaner
Tempo Traveller in Pali
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Navigating Comfortably: The Convenience of Warrington Minibuses
In the heart of Cheshire, the town of Warrington boasts a rich history and a vibrant community. Whether you're planning a day trip, a special event, or group travel in and around Warrington, minibuses have become a popular and convenient mode of transportation. In this article, we will explore the benefits and versatility of Warrington minibuses, shedding light on why they have become the go-to choice for local residents and visitors alike.
1. Comfortable Group Travel: Warrington minibuses are synonymous with comfortable group travel. These vehicles are designed to accommodate small to medium-sized groups, providing ample space for passengers to relax and enjoy the journey. With comfortable seating and climate control options, minibuses prioritize the comfort of every traveler.
2. Convenient Airport Transfers: For those jetting off or arriving at nearby airports such as Manchester or Liverpool, warrington minibus hire offer a hassle-free and convenient solution for airport transfers. Whether it's a family vacation or a business trip, these minibuses provide a seamless connection between Warrington and major airports, ensuring a stress-free start or end to your journey.
3. Efficient Corporate Travel: Warrington's thriving business community often relies on minibuses for efficient corporate travel. Whether it's transporting employees to offsite meetings, conferences, or team-building events, minibuses offer a cost-effective and coordinated solution. With professional drivers at the helm, businesses can focus on productivity while leaving transportation worries behind.
4. Tailored Event Transportation: Hosting an event in Warrington, be it a wedding, party, or corporate function, often involves managing the transportation needs of attendees. Warrington minibuses provide a tailored solution, ensuring that guests arrive at the venue on time and in style. The flexibility of minibuses allows for customization based on the size and requirements of the event.
5. Local Sightseeing Tours: Warrington and its surrounding areas are rich in cultural and scenic attractions. Minibuses offer an ideal way to explore local sightseeing destinations, from heritage sites to picturesque landscapes. Whether you're planning a day trip with friends or hosting visitors, minibuses make it easy to navigate and experience the beauty of Warrington.
6. School and Educational Excursions: For schools and educational institutions in Warrington, minibuses play a crucial role in facilitating safe and organized excursions. These vehicles provide a comfortable and secure mode of transportation, allowing students and educators to focus on the educational aspects of the trip without worrying about logistics.
7. Reliable Sports Team Transportation: Warrington's sports enthusiasts, from youth teams to adult leagues, often rely on minibuses for reliable transportation to and from games and competitions. The spacious interiors of minibuses accommodate sports equipment, ensuring that teams can travel together with ease.
8. Environmental Considerations: In an era where environmental consciousness is a priority, Warrington minibuses contribute to sustainability efforts. By consolidating group travel into a single vehicle, minibuses help reduce the overall carbon footprint associated with multiple smaller vehicles on the road.
9. Professional and Experienced Drivers: Warrington minibuses come with the added advantage of professional and experienced drivers. These drivers are familiar with local routes, traffic patterns, and ensure a smooth and safe journey for passengers. Their expertise adds an extra layer of convenience to group travel.
10. Cost-Effective Transportation: When compared to the logistical complexities and costs associated with multiple individual vehicles, Warrington minibuses offer a cost-effective solution. Whether it's a family outing, a corporate event, or a school trip, minibuses provide an economical option for group transportation.
Warrington minibuses have become integral to the fabric of the town's transportation landscape, offering a myriad of benefits for diverse travel needs. From comfort and convenience to environmental considerations and cost-effectiveness, these minibuses are versatile vehicles that cater to the dynamic requirements of residents and visitors alike. As Warrington continues to evolve as a hub of activity, the reliability and flexibility of minibuses ensure that individuals and groups can navigate comfortably through the town and its surroundings, making every journey a seamless and enjoyable experience.
For More Info:-
Warrington taxi Service
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Source Url:-https://sites.google.com/view/diamondtravelwarringtoncom0/home
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chikucabllp · 10 months
A Luxurious Expedition with Tempo Travellers for Rent.
Bengaluru, also known as Bangalore City, is well-known for its glamour, lavish modern lifestyle, and excellent standard of living. Bangalore has it all, including gorgeous lakes, delicious food, fantastic weather, and stunning architecture. Over the past two decades, the "Silicon Valley of India" has experienced significant development. With parks, temples, monuments, museums, pubs, and exciting nightlife, the city is lively and offers a lot to see and do. The city that provides the ideal combination of both worlds is this one. With so much to offer everyone, let our luxury tempo travelers in Bangalore let you experience the city like a local. Take a trip to Bangalore with your loved ones via a Tempo Traveler via Chiku Cab.
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Your seamless and flexible tour
Cost-Effective Luxury
Hire a tempo traveler on rent in Bangalore and take advantage of our fully customizable options on luxury tempo traveller in Bangalore without sacrificing comfort or legroom, whether it's for an airport pickup and drop, a weekend getaway with family, a marriage celebration, or just a local sightseeing excursion. Simply arrange your travel and select the most suitable choice according to your needs and convenience.
This category includes the 8-seater, 9-seater, 10-seater, 12-seater, and 14-seater  tp 19 seater minibus rentals that Chiku Cab is offering in Bangalore as part of its minibus rental service. For modest family get-togethers, sentimental reunions, and weekend trips, the compact Tempo Travelers are just perfect. They provide the perfect tempo traveler to meet your needs, taking into account your comfort level and financial constraints, regardless of your intended location.
In Bangalore, they provide 15-seater tempo travelers, 16-seater minibusses or tempo travelers, and 17-seater tempo travelers for rent. If a vacation or corporate outing is to be planned, opt for a medium-sized traveler. The luxurious interiors of the medium-sized tempo travelers, which provide an unparalleled selection of air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned cars and strive to strike a balance between comfort and elegance, make them the perfect choice for groups of fifteen or more people traveling at a time.
The firm rents out 18-seater, 20-seater, and 24-seater Tempo Travelers in Bangalore under this category. For transportation for weddings or pilgrimages involving big groups of people, these tempo travelers are perfect. Their Bangalore luxury tempo traveler has spacious interiors, excellent amenities, and exceptionally comfortable seats.
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Numerous Choices in Bangalore for Tempo Travelers for Lease
There is plenty to discover in Bangalore, a bustling and diverse city. The Victorian-style Bangalore Palace, the exquisite Indo-Islamic architecture of Tipu Sultan's Summer Palace, the well-kept paths and immaculate natural surroundings of Cubbon Park, and at last some wildlife at Bannerghatta National Park are just a few of the many cultural, historical, architectural, artistic, and natural sights that will keep you occupied and entertained.
Bangalore enjoys a special location that makes it convenient for many weekend excursions and vacation spots. The top destinations in and near Bangalore include Wayanad, Kodaikanal, Goa, Mysore, Chikmagalur, Ooty, Chennai, and Coorg with tempo traveler in Bangalore. Make the most of your time with friends and family by renting a tempo traveler in Bangalore.
Professional drives
Based on your needs, you may select AC tempo travelers and make an online reservation. For pickup and drop-off at your house or the airport, we offer a doorstep service. Experience a convenient and secure travel with ample legroom for all passengers. With Chiku Cab prompt pick-up and drop-off services, you never have to worry about delays.
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ugocoaches · 3 months
Are you looking to book a cheap 10 seat minibus hire in New Eltham for your next group trip? UGO Coaches is the best and most remarkable company for these services.
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gtccabs · 1 year
Best Outstation Taxi Service in Delhi?
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There are several reputed outstation taxi services in Delhi that provide reliable transportation for travel outside the city. Some of the popular ones include:
GTC Cabs is a leading outstation cab service provider in India. They have a presence in Delhi and offer various options for outstation travel, including sedans, SUVs, and tempo travelers.
Ola Outstation: Ola is a well-known ride-hailing service that also offers outstation taxi services. They have a wide range of vehicles available, and you can book a cab through their mobile app or website.
Uber Intercity: Uber, another popular ride-hailing platform, offers intercity travel services in Delhi. You can book an Uber Intercity cab for your outstation trips easily using their app.
Meru Cabs: Meru Cabs is a well-established taxi service in Delhi, and they also provide outstation services. They have trained drivers and a fleet of well-maintained vehicles to ensure a comfortable journey.
MyTaxiIndia: MyTaxiIndia is a reliable outstation taxi service that operates in Delhi. They offer a range of cars and provide options for one-way trips, round trips, and multi-city travel.
When choosing the best outstation taxi service, consider factors such as pricing, vehicle options, driver expertise, customer reviews, and overall reputation. It’s recommended to compare different providers and read customer feedback before making a booking decision.
Outstation Taxi Fare From Delhi?
The outstation taxi fare from Delhi depends on the distance traveled, the type of car you choose, and the time of day you travel. Here are some examples of outstation taxi fares from Delhi:
Car: A small car like a Maruti Swift or Hyundai i20 will cost around Rs. 10 per kilometer.
Sedan: A midsize sedan like a Honda City or Toyota Corolla will cost around Rs. 12 per kilometer.
SUV: A large SUV like a Toyota Fortuner or Ford Endeavour will cost around Rs. 15 per kilometer.
Minibus: A minibus that can seat up to 15 people will cost around Rs. 20 per kilometer.
The fare will also be higher if you travel during peak hours or on holidays. You can expect to pay an additional 25% for night travel.
In addition to the fare, you will also need to pay for tolls, parking, and any other applicable taxes. You can expect to pay around Rs. 100 for tolls and parking for a day’s travel.
To book an outstation taxi from Delhi, you can contact a taxi company or use a ride-hailing app like GTC Cabs, Uber or Ola.
The outstation taxi fare from Delhi can vary depending on various factors such as the distance to the destination, the type of vehicle chosen, the duration of the trip, and any additional charges or tolls that may apply. Additionally, different taxi service providers may have their own pricing structures. It’s always a good idea to check with the specific taxi service you plan to use for an accurate fare estimate.
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I can provide you with a general idea of the approximate outstation taxi fares from Delhi based on common destinations:
Delhi to Agra Taxi : The approximate fare for a round trip by taxi can range from INR 2,500 to INR 3,500, depending on the type of vehicle chosen.
Delhi to Jaipur Taxi : The approximate fare for a round trip by taxi can range from INR 3,500 to INR 5,000, depending on the type of vehicle chosen.
Delhi to Chandigarh Taxi : The approximate fare for a round trip by taxi can range from INR 3,500 to INR 5,000, depending on the type of vehicle chosen.
Delhi to Shimla Taxi : The approximate fare for a round trip by taxi can range from INR 6,000 to INR 8,000, depending on the type of vehicle chosen.
Delhi to Dehradun Taxi : The approximate fare for a one way trip by taxi can range from INR 3,000 to INR 4,000, depending on the type of vehicle chosen.
Please note that these fares are just estimates and can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier. It’s always recommended to check with the specific taxi service provider for the most accurate and up-to-date fare information.
How to Book Outstation Taxi in Delhi
To book an outstation taxi in Delhi, you can follow these general steps:
Research and choose a taxi service: Look for reputable taxi service providers that offer outstation travel services in Delhi. Consider factors such as pricing, vehicle options, customer reviews, and reliability.
Visit the website or download the app: Most taxi service providers have their own websites or mobile apps. Visit their website or download their app from your smartphone’s app store.
Register or sign in: If you’re a new user, you may need to create an account by providing your basic details such as name, contact number, and email address. If you already have an account, sign in using your credentials.
Enter your trip details: Provide the necessary trip information, such as the destination city, date of travel, duration of the trip, and any specific requirements you may have.
Select the type of vehicle: Choose the type of vehicle that suits your travel needs. Most taxi services offer options like sedans, SUVs, and tempo travelers. Consider the number of passengers and the amount of luggage you’ll be carrying.
Review the fare estimate: Many taxi service platforms provide a fare estimate based on the entered trip details. Review the fare estimate to get an idea of the cost of your outstation trip.
Confirm the booking: Once you’re satisfied with the trip details and fare estimate, proceed to confirm the booking. Double-check all the information you provided before finalizing the booking.
Make the payment: Depending on the taxi service, you may have various payment options available, such as credit/debit card, net banking, mobile wallets, or cash on delivery. Choose the payment method that is convenient for you.
Receive booking confirmation: After completing the booking and payment, you should receive a booking confirmation via email or SMS. This confirmation will include the trip details, driver information, and contact details for any further assistance.
Remember to check the specific booking process and steps of the taxi service you choose, as they may have their own variations or additional requirements.
Once you have decided on the type of car, the price, and the amenities, you can start booking an outstation taxi. Here are the steps involved in booking an outstation taxi:
Choose a taxi booking portal or company: Choose a taxi booking portal or company that you trust. Read reviews of different providers before making a decision.
Enter the details of your trip: Enter the details of your trip, such as the source and destination cities, the date and time of travel, and the number of passengers.
Choose a car: Choose a car that is suitable for your needs. Consider the number of passengers, the amount of luggage, and the amenities you need.
Pay for the taxi: Pay for the taxi online or over the phone.
Confirm your booking: Once you have paid for the taxi, you will receive a confirmation email or text message.
Here are some tips for booking an outstation taxi in Delhi:
Book your taxi in advance: It is advisable to book your taxi in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season. This will help you to secure a taxi at a good price.
Compare prices from different providers: Before booking a taxi, compare prices from different providers. This will help you to get the best deal.
Read reviews of different providers: Read reviews of different providers before making a decision. This will help you to choose a reliable provider.
Ask about additional charges: Some taxi providers may charge additional fees for things like luggage, fuel, and tolls. Make sure to ask about these charges before booking a taxi.
Top Outstation Taxi Route From Delhi
Here are some of the top outstation taxi routes from Delhi:
Agra: Agra is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, and is home to the Taj Mahal. The distance from Delhi to Agra is approximately 225 kilometers, and the journey takes around 3 hours and 45 minutes by car.
Mathura: Mathura is another important religious city in India, and is home to the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple. The distance from Delhi to Mathura is approximately 165 kilometers, and the journey takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes by car.
Haridwar: Haridwar is a holy city in India, and is one of the five sacred cities in Hinduism. The distance from Delhi to Haridwar is approximately 224 kilometers, and the journey takes around 3 hours and 45 minutes by car.
Dehradun: Dehradun is the capital of Uttarakhand, and is a popular tourist destination due to its proximity to the Himalayas. The distance from Delhi to Dehradun is approximately 261 kilometers, and the journey takes around 4 hours and 30 minutes by car.
Chandigarh: Chandigarh is the capital of Punjab and Haryana, and is known for its modern architecture. The distance from Delhi to Chandigarh is approximately 345 kilometers, and the journey takes around 5 hours and 30 minutes by car.
These are just a few of the many popular outstation taxi routes from Delhi. There are many other great destinations to explore, so be sure to do your research and find the perfect place to visit.
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10 Seater Tempo Traveller: The Perfect Solution for Group Travel
Group travel can be exciting and memorable, but organizing transportation for a large group can be a challenge. Thankfully, a 10 seater tempo traveller offers the perfect solution. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a corporate outing, or a trip with friends, a 10 seater tempo traveller provides comfort, convenience, and flexibility. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and ideal uses of a 10 seater tempo traveller, as well as important considerations when renting one.
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1. Introduction
When traveling with a group of up to 10 people, having a reliable and spacious vehicle becomes crucial. A 10 seater tempo traveller is a comfortable and versatile mode of transportation that allows everyone to travel together, making the journey more enjoyable and convenient.
2. What is a 10 Seater Tempo Traveller?
A 10 seater tempo traveller is a type of minibus that can accommodate up to 10 passengers, along with additional space for luggage. These vehicles are designed with ample legroom, comfortable seating, and various amenities to ensure a pleasant travel experience. They are equipped with modern facilities such as air conditioning, music systems, and sometimes even entertainment screens.
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3. Features and Benefits of a 10 +/ Tempo Traveller
Spacious and comfortable seating: A 10 seater tempo traveller provides enough space for each passenger to sit comfortably, ensuring a relaxing journey.
Ample storage capacity: With designated areas for luggage, there is no need to worry about carrying extra bags or compromising on personal space.
Entertainment options: Some 10 seater tempo travellers are equipped with entertainment systems, allowing passengers to enjoy music, movies, or their favorite TV shows during the trip.
Air conditioning: The vehicles are fitted with efficient air conditioning systems, ensuring a pleasant temperature throughout the journey, regardless of the external weather conditions.
Professional driver: Renting a 10 seater tempo traveller often includes the service of a skilled and experienced driver who is familiar with the routes, ensuring a safe and stress-free trip.
4. Ideal Uses for a 10 Seater Tempo Traveller
A 10 seater tempo traveller can be used for various purposes, including:
Family vacations: Whether you're planning a trip to the beach or exploring a new city, a 10 seater tempo traveller allows the whole family to travel together comfortably.
Corporate outings: When organizing team-building activities or corporate events, a 10 seater tempo traveller ensures that everyone arrives at the destination together, fostering team unity.
School trips: Teachers and organizers can rely on a 10 seater tempo traveller to transport students safely and efficiently during educational outings.
5. Factors to Consider When Renting a 10 Seater Tempo Traveller
When renting a 10 seater tempo traveller, there are a few important factors to consider:
Size and capacity: Ensure that the vehicle has enough space to accommodate your group comfortably. Consider both seating capacity and storage space for luggage.
Amenities and facilities: Check if the tempo traveller is equipped with amenities such as air conditioning, entertainment systems, and comfortable seating.
Safety features: Prioritize vehicles that have safety features like seat belts, well-maintained tires, and proper documentation to ensure a safe journey.
Reputation and reviews: Read reviews and recommendations from previous customers to gauge the quality of service provided by the rental company.
Pricing and availability: Compare prices from different rental agencies and inquire about availability during your desired travel dates.
8. Cost and Availability of Renting a 10 Seater Tempo Traveller
The cost of renting a 10 seater tempo traveller varies depending on factors such as the location, duration of the rental, and additional services required. It's advisable to request quotes from multiple rental agencies and compare their offerings. Additionally, ensure you book in advance to secure availability, especially during peak travel seasons. Many rental companies offer flexible packages and discounts for longer rental periods or frequent customers, so it's worth exploring different options to find the best deal that suits your budget and requirements. 9. Comparison with Other Modes of Transportation
When planning group travel, it's essential to consider the advantages of a 10 seater tempo traveller compared to other modes of transportation: Flexibility: Unlike scheduled public transportation, a tempo traveller allows you to set your own itinerary and explore various destinations at your own pace.
Convenience: With a 10 seater tempo traveller, there's no need to worry about coordinating multiple vehicles or dealing with the hassle of parking. Everyone stays together, making the journey more convenient.
Cost-effectiveness: When splitting the rental cost among the group members, a 10 seater tempo traveller can often be a more affordable option compared to individual tickets for flights or train journeys.
Bonding and camaraderie: Traveling together in a single vehicle fosters a sense of togetherness and allows for more quality time spent with friends, family, or colleagues.
10. Safety Considerations for Traveling in a 10 Seater Tempo Traveller
1. Safety should always be a top priority when traveling, and the same applies to a 10 seater tempo traveller. To ensure a safe journey: 2. Choose a reputable rental company with a good track record in vehicle maintenance and driver expertise.
3. Confirm that the tempo traveller has all the necessary safety features, including functioning seat belts for all passengers.
4. Ensure the driver is well-rested, licensed, and experienced in handling larger vehicles.
5. Familiarize yourself with emergency exits, first aid kits, and contact information in case of any unforeseen situations. 12. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I find a reliable rental agency for a 10 seater tempo traveller? A: You can search online, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues who have previously rented such vehicles.
Q: Can I customize the travel itinerary while renting a 10 seater tempo traveller? A: Yes, one of the advantages of renting a tempo traveller is the flexibility to plan your own itinerary and explore different destinations.
Q: Do I need to provide a security deposit when renting a 10 seater tempo traveller? A: Yes, rental agencies typically require a security deposit as a precautionary measure, which is refundable upon returning the vehicle in good condition.
Q: Is it possible to rent a 10 seater tempo traveller for a one-way trip? A: Many rental agencies offer one-way rentals, allowing you to drop off the vehicle at a different location. However, additional fees may apply.
10 Seater Tempo Traveller
Contact Us:-
37 Ganga Ram Nagar Gopal Pura By Pass Near Riddhi Siddhi Jaipur 302019
Phone: 9929662255
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (382): Mon 3rd Apr 2023
Up early for a guided bus tour of LA I’m the sunshine today. I was hoping that we’d be going on a double decker open topped bus but we ended up in a small minibus. There was another British guy from Manchester who was there on his own, an American couple from Wisconsin or some shit, then in the seats behind us there was a family from Australia. The tour guide asked where we were from and Dad kept shouting “UK” but Americans just can’t pick up the Geordie pronunciation of words with “A” sounds in them so eventually I had to shout “England” as the guide kept thinking we were saying Ukraine. We went past the Nakatami Plaza from Die Hard and the Manc got into a discussion with the American couple about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. I wanted to chip in that Jaws: The Revenge and Edward Scissorhands are both technically Christmas movies too. The tour guide was lovely but I think she might have been making up part of our tour as we went past a cemetery which she said Charlie Chaplin was buried in. Evidentially I must have drifted off at the start of the tour and woke up when the bus had made its way to Switzerland because that’s where Charlie Chaplin is buried. We went past the public toilet where George Michael got arrested for trying to bang an undercover policeman. I love the fact that a public toilet has essentially become a historical landmark. If you’re concerned that a building that you like might get torn down then why not trick a beloved gay icon to try and suck you off there and then it will be protected due to historical significance. We went past a shop that Wynona Ryder got busted for shoplifting and said that she did it as preparation for a role. Good thing she hasn’t been cast in a Myra Hindley biopic then. We then went past CBS studios where many TV shows are recorded. The tour guide said she can tell which show is recording in the CBS studio by the look of the people in the line. For instance if they have bright shirts on she knows it’s The Price Is Right. I felt like saying “and if it’s to see James Corden it’s people in sneakers with untied laces, sweatpants pulled up to their tits and grey hoodies covered in drool”. We paused the tour so that we could get lunch on Santa Monica pier. This pier is the official end of Route 66. I did the Route 66 10 years ago and started at the official marker in Chicago but by the end I was too tired to go to the pier to see the official end and just stayed in the hotel for most of the trip. This means that I set off on Route 66 in October 2013 and I’ve only technically completed the full journey in April 2023. I know I was lazy but that’s ridiculous. When we got back to the tour bus we were told that someone had missed the start of the tour and would be joining us for the remainder of it. There was only one seat left free on the bus and it was next to me so whoever it was was going to be sat next to the trip…so I even need to tell you that it was a big fat guy? I mean this is me we’re talking about of course it was a big fat guy. It was ALWAYS going to be a big fat guy. I mean it was never going to be a super hot, blonde Australian lass with gigantic tits was it. On the plus side I was in the in the middle seat and this fat fuck was on my right hand side so if a car plowed into the right hand side of the tour bus he would serve as a giant air balloon and I would be safe…though admittedly his blood and guts would probably burst out of him and all over me leaving me looking like the end of Carrie. Our final stop was the Hollywood Sign which took a while for us to get to but it was really breathtaking. I couldn’t get a decent picture of it with me with it but people will just have to take my word that the small white blur next to my head is in fact the Hollywood Sign. I have to say that they’ve really done a good job of rebuilding it after it was destroyed in that documentary The Day After Tomorrow, and then again in that other documentary Sharknado (whenever I go away and see a landmark I always like to do at least one joke where I confuse a fictional movie it features in with a documentary). After the tour ended Dad and I had a nice walk in the sun down Hollywood Boulevard on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We saw stars dedicated to legendary names like Mildred Dunnock, Kitty Carlisle, Vincent Lopez and a load of other dead cunts I’ve never heard of! I got a picture of Buster Keaton’s star but my phone ran out of battery before I could take one of George A Romero’s. I was unaware that to get a star in this walk you have to request one and actually pay for it yourself. That’s a bit shit. Surely it should be like a knighthood where you only get one if you’re deemed to have done a lot of worthwhile things. Imagine if knighthoods were done the same way the Walk of Fame is and we had “Sir Rylan” and “Dame Gemma Collins”. What a day. I definitely feel as though I’ve settled my unfinished business with California now. As I’ve said before the first time I visited this state at the end of my Route 66 adventure I was too exhausted to explore it and so I’ve been determined to come back and do it properly and I can now happily cross California off my list. I would have loved to have rented a surfboard and ridden the waves in Santa Monica beach but I’m not going to let that get me down as there’s plenty of places to surf. Hawaii for instance…
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busrentalindubai · 1 year
How much is Rent a 33 seater Luxury bus in Dubai?
The cost of renting a 33 seater luxury bus for a 10-hour rental within Dubai ranges from AED 600 to AED 900, while the cost for an out-of-town rental is around AED 1100, Included Driver and Fuel.
33 Seater Bus Rental With Driver! Luxury tour Coach
The 33-seater Luxury tour Mini Bus is perfect for 26 individuals, groups, and families. Choose from a wide range of options to suit your needs, including airport transfers, school trips, business trips, and excursions. The air-conditioned minibus offers comfort for all travelers,
Make all your traveling arrangements in one call. Our 33-seater luxury minibus is ready to cater to your every need. Whether it be for a business trip, hotel pick up or school excursion, our driver will be on time and ready at your service. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of a customized tour plan with amenities such as WiFi and a sound system, allowing you to relax and enjoy your trip.
Simple Rates Diagram
Monthly Rent
AED 9500-13000 26-days
Daily Rate
AED 900/650 – 10/5 Hours Per day
Airport Transfers
AED 735 included Airport Parking
Weekly Rent
AED 5600 Per week 6-days
Hourly Rent
AED 150- Minimum 5 hours
Type Of Bus
26-Luggage/ 1 Driver Seat 1 Tour guide / 31 big seats / Total numbers of Seats 33  Tourist Bus
The usage
Airport Transfer, Tourist Transportation, Staff Pick and Drop, Hotel, Parties Shuttle, Events Charter, Sight-seeing, Group of passengers outing,  Friends & Family Trips
Details Rates Diagram| Of 26-passenger minibus
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kratijain06 · 2 years
Are Luxury Tempo Travellers Less Expensive For Events & Parties?
It can be difficult to plan or find the ideal transportation service for weddings, corporate events, or parties. Travel options can be limited when there is heavy traffic and limited parking space. Extend your travel options by selecting a mode of transportation that is best suited to covering the entire tour, from picking up people to dropping them off at the venue on time. We're discussing luxury tempo travellers.
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Regardless of the event, hire a luxury temporary traveller
No one wants to be concerned about how guests will arrive at the event location on time and safely, whether it is a corporate party, wedding day, seminar, award night, college event, family get-together, or college reunion. Hire Tempo Traveller Udaipur to not only alleviate your anxiety but also to help you stay within your budget.
It Provides Several Amenities
Aside from time and safety, a tempo traveller provides a variety of amenities. They have an air conditioner, overhead and rear storage, a flat-screen TV, wi-fi, and other amenities. There are also large plush leather seats that are spacious and comfortable, with enough room for you and your guest to move down the aisles. Tempo travellers are also suitable for long distances due to their various convenience options.
Temporary Transportation or Party Minibus?
A rented luxury tempo traveller can also function as a closed-private venue and can be converted into a party bus. You can play your own video or music. You can play games or have a pre-party on the wheels with some drinks.The 10-seater tempo traveller in Udaipur is ideal for bar crawls and bar hopping before or after a party or event.
How Many People Can It Hold?
Tempo travellers are suitable for both small and large groups. It is equally appropriate for a sports team of eleven or a party of fifteen. You can choose from 12, 15, or 10 seater tempo travellers based on your needs.
So, now that you know both the mode of transportation and the company from which you should rent it, what are you waiting for? Contact our sales representative right away to reserve the luxury tempo traveller in Udaipur!
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