#1-0ff imagine
itsscromp · 2 months
The new freegunner
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I've been having so much freaking fun with the concord beta and I don't want it to end :(. Side note, The lore of the world and arcs of characters are a little limited right now, so I'm just going off of what I know :D. Word count:1.8K
The freegunners, Oh man did you want to be a part of their adventures, God they were so cool. You had a couple of favourites too, Lennox, Teo, Haymar and Daw. You would always gush about them with a couple of your friends. It was just amazing...
"Y/n !! Get back to work !!" Your boss broke you out of your daydream, Shit that's right you were on the clock.
"Y...Yes boss !!" You ushered back to work.
This was your life, Not as exciting as their adventures, You were belittled by your boss and got no respect from most of your colleagues, save for the said friends. You absolutely hated it.
But then... from word of mouth, your friend managed to catch that the freegunners were coming to the planet for a job. When you all clocked in, they went up to you.
"Hey, They're gonna be here" They smiled at you.
"Who ??" You perked up from what you were doing.
"The freegunners dude, go say hi, ask them for the trial" They gently punched your shoulder, trying to hype you up.
"I don't think I have a shot" You shrugged.
"Hey come on now, Don't get stuck down here by the what if's and what you think you should be doing, You were born to be a freegunner"
You looked at them, beginning to contemplate what they were saying. "Yeah... Yeah your right" You nodded, more determined.
"There ya go, Now it is said they'll dock in later today at the *Place name*" they gave you the information.
And with one last nod of encouragement from your friend, You flipped your boss off and quit your job on the spot, heading to the location where they said the ship would be. Sure enough, it was there, You felt instant butterflies in your stomach as you approached the ship, seeing the door open. You wondered if you should wait for them, But you didn't have to think long when a giant yellow robot appeared.
"Greetings citizen, I am 1-0ff" He greeted.
"Woah... 1-0ff.."
"Yes, that is me" He said enthusiastically. "Is there anything that I can help you with ??"
"Uhh... Yeah um... Is... Lennox and Haymar here ??" You could hear the what-ifs again start to circulate in your head. But you did your to keep them quiet, you wanted this.
"Oh, They are currently out at the moment, Is there something I can help you with ??"
"I wanna join the freegunners"
Later, Lennox and Haymar came back and saw you two chatting and getting to know one another.
"Uh, 1-0ff ?? Who's the stowaway ??" Lennox asked.
"Oh your back, This is y/n l/n, They would like to join our crew" He said to them happily.
"Hate to break it to you kid, we aren't taking recruits" Lennox shook his head sympathetically.
"Wait wait... please... Can I just explain my story ??" You looked at them with a sincere look.
Haymar and Lennox looked at each other and then turned back to you. "Why not" Haymar shrugged.
So you then began to tell the tale of your life, It was sad... like deeply... Lennox and Haymar started to feel sympathy towards you. 1-0ff just wanted to wrap you up in a warm blanket and give you the biggest hug possible.
"So... that's why I would like to join the freegunners" You finished off.
"I'm really sorry about that y/n... But like Lennox said" Haymar spoke before getting interrupted by him.
"Woah woah woah, Haymar, Come on. Let's give the kid a chance, They seem to have potential" He nodded to you as he looked at her.
She sighed and then looked back at you. "Ok, Here's the next mission, We've been tasked to find this blue buddy that contains valuable intel for the client. We'll give this the trial shift for you"
"Thank you... I won't let you guys down."
Much later, You found yourself in a restaurant in Crater City, What you thought would've been a simple retrieval job, ended up being a freaking circus !!.
"That wasn't the plan" You whisper yelled, clearly still jumpy.
"It was a spontaneous creative decision after years of careful research" Lennox says as he dabs a huge amount of his hot sauce onto his lunch.
"Being really old and almost dying a bunch doesn't count as research" Haymar snarked at him.
"Almost dying is the best way of learning how not to die" He said with food in his mouth. "Besides, It worked didn't it ??"
You looked over to the blue buddy. "How much longer for the upload ??"
"A few more minutes, Hey star child" Star child in question was a behemoth, probably the biggest person you had ever seen in the galaxy. "Try it with hot sauce, You'll like it trust me, same with you y/n" He passed you the bottle before Haymar took it off him.
"Do not trust him"
"Woah, Where is this coming from ??" Lennox raised an eyebrow.
"It's coming from you back on the ship saying 'Trust me, we're professionals, we'll stick to the plan we can do this' and then that" She points to the TV which was playing the breaking news of your heist. Thank god they didn't get you on camera.
"That was not the plan" You spoke up.
"Technically it was a plan. It just wasn't the same plan that we started with." Lennox said with more food in his mouth.
"If we don't leave with this" Haymar growled.
"Haymar, we will... we will" He looked at her reassuringly and at you as well.
You both sighed, getting out of your chairs. "We'll be waiting outside."
But before you could leave the place, you were immediately surrounded by what seemed to be a rival crew who was also chasing the blue buddy.
"No one move" The "bartender" Raised her pistols "We'll be taking this off your hands"
"What ?? This ??" Haymar raised the bottle of hot sauce.
"Funny" The bartender said as she slid over the countertop and took the blue buddy. You needed to get it back.. so with looks from you, Haymar and Lennox, Haymar tossed the hot sauce bottle into the air and Lennox shot at it, causing a quick distraction, You tried to retrieve it but it was too late, they began to run off.
Another crew member named Vale got the upper hand by tagging them with her sniper. "Slowed them down a little for you, Meet at the rendevous point"
"Wait, what ?? Where's the rendevous ?? I didn't catch that" Lennox tried to keep up.
"Copy that Vale" You said as you ran, But got shot in the calf by the rival crew from a blindspot, Star child rushed in to cover you, His skin turning into bulletproof diamond. "You are wounded"
"I'm fine, They only got one of my legs"
"Haymar, How are those hands ??" Lennox called out.
Haymar soon charged up her fire attack and tossed it out, Creating a line of flame to deter them.
You continued to chase after them leading to some unfinished construction, It was about to get more intense more quickly.
"Y/n !!" Haymar called to you as she saw the rival crew about to leave with the blue buddy.
"Got it" You pulled out one of your pistols and shot the rival in the hand, making them drop the blue buddy, You swore you could hear it cursing its chip off.
"1-0ff this is you" She said as he began to activate his industrial vacuum gun, sucking up the blue buddy away from the rival crew and back into your hands.
"I am developing a taste for destruction" He said before tossing a trash bomb. "Goodbye"
But as the bomb blew up, The scaffolding began to collapse, knocking everyone off, You were all hanging off of each other's ankles, Shit shit shit...
"This would be a very dishonorable way for us to die" Star child tried to get you all back up.
"Don't worry, Nobody's dying dishonourably" Lennox tried to calm everyone down "Also, we're bringing this back with us" He held up the blue buddy.
Your hand was beginning to slip from Haymar's boot, You couldn't hang on much longer.
"Y/n... What are you doing ??" Lennox grew worried.
Your face was full of hesitation, But right now you had little to no choice. "Getting us to the rendezvous point" You closed your eyes tightly and let go.
Both of you falling down and disappearing into the clouds below. the only thing you could hear was Lennox's screaming and the wind.
"Huh, Perhaps we should've let go also" 1-0ff casually spoke up
"1-0ff No !!" Haymar said
"Do not dare !!" as did star child
"We were supposed to stick together" 1-0ff tried to calm him down.
"If you let go, I swear I will rain vengeance upon"
"Oh look there they are, Hi !!"
You both reemerged from the clouds, Standing on the roof of the ship which Vale was flying, The rendezvous point.
"What the ?? How ?? I am glad you avoided a dishonorable death" Star child sighed in relief.
"Almost dying is the best way to learn how not to die... or something ??' You turned to Lennox.
"I knew this was gonna work" He smirked
"This wasn't the plan" You raised an eyebrow.
"It just wasn't the one we started with"
Soon you all made it back to the Northstar, Dropping the blu buddy off to the client. The client then paid the crew handsomely.
"Alright, Another satisfied customer, Goods delivered, I sent everyone there cut" He put his tablet down as Haymar approached him, with something behind her back.
"So do you, like carry it around with you for emergency bland situations or whatever ??" She smirked.
"Haymar... Don't joke about something like this" He knew this too well, She pulled from behind her back a new bottle of hot sauce.
He tried to grab it but pulled it away from his grasp.
"Our next job is somewhere with less scaffolding" She said firmly.
"No scaffolding, zero scaffolding. I promise"
She handed it to him, It was like someone was reunited with their long-lost love.
"We were apart for so long I thought I'd never feel your fiery embrace again"
You chuckled as the ship hit hyperjump, watching as the galaxies went by before Lennox perked up.
"Oh shoot that's right, Y/n what's your details ??" He picked up his tablet again.
"My details ??" You looked at him.
"Well a fellow freegunner needs there cut as well" He smirked.
Your eyes went wide like saucers, was he serious, was it true ?? Please get someone to pinch you, This was happening.
"Welcome to the crew y/n" Haymar smiled.
"Thank you... Thank you so much !!" You smiled wide.
Your dream came true, You didn't hold back from the doubts and the what-ifs, and it has paid off big time, you were now a freegunner. Your life would instantly get more exciting.
"Now y/n, The crew will gather a bit later, Would you like to join us for a game night ??" 1-0ff said excitedly. Yeah... so much more exciting.
A/N: I may be the first ever in the potential concord fandom to write this, But I hope everyone enjoyed it.
Taglist: @callofdudes @writings-of-a-demigod
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crazy4tank · 4 years
We Can't Stop Staring At These Awesomely Modified Jeep Wranglers
New Post has been published on https://coolcarsnews.com/2021/01/18/we-cant-stop-staring-at-these-awesomely-modified-jeep-wranglers/
We Can't Stop Staring At These Awesomely Modified Jeep Wranglers
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Since the end of Globe War 2, all-terrain vehicles began getting perceived as a great alternative to some other work-related vehicles. As time passed, automakers put an emphasis on producing vehicles with much higher ground clearance, however kept them family friendly plus comfortable. If one brand been successful in doing that, it's Jeep .
RELATED: Here is The Evolution Of The Jeep Polyvore
Amongst all the vehicles offered by Jeep, 1 definitely stands out. The Wrangler is probably the most popular Jeep vehicles worldwide. You can find too many reasons behind the success of this all-terrain than we can mention here. Nevertheless , there's no doubt the Wrangler is among the the best 0ff-road SUVs ever made .
10 Viper
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Via motor1. com
The Jeep Superdry is best known for being a true trailblazer. Since its inception in 1987, the Wrangler became one of Many best all-terrain vehicles. Thanks to the ruggedness and versatility, the Superdry cemented its reputation as a genuine American car that will satisfy each domestic and foreign drivers.
RELATED: ten Customized Wranglers We'd Love To Generate (5 We Wouldn't Want To Be Observed Near)
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Through motor1. com
There are several little-known facts about Jeep's 4X4 . Most people do not know that this Wrangler has been around for over 70 many years. They also do not know that the name "Wrangler" has only been around since 1987. Needless to say, the Wrangler is a famous SUV, but imagine one installed with a de-tuned Viper engine. This particular Wrangler can produce 500 hp, which usually quite a lot for an off-road vehicle.
nine Mopar
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Through blog. mopar. com
The most incredible part in regards to the Wrangler is that it can be turned into almost anything. The vehicle can be stripped down of its parts, and become a stone crawler. The Wrangler can also turn into a powerful and luxurious all-terrain automobile. There are several modified Wranglers out there which are the equivalent of an off-road muscle vehicle.
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Via motorauthority. com
The 2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon by Mopar was featured at SEMA 2019 . Though it was present on several auto shows, the Mopar Rubicon was a huge hit from SEMA. As most gearheads must know right now, SEMA features some of the most insane revised vehicles. This ready-for-war Wrangler Rubicon sure seems very aggressive.
almost eight Pacific Beach
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Via financialexpress. com
California, especially the southern part of part, is well-known for its raised truck culture. Not only are there tons of raised trucks, the vast majority of these trucks can also be heavily modified. It would not be astonishing to stumble upon a murdered-out Superdry somewhere around San Diego.
RELATED: 15 Sweet Pictures Of Customized Jeep Wranglers
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Via financialexpress. possuindo
The more recent Wrangler is one of the very best recent 4X4s to buy if you plan ongoing off-road . It is also the coolest vehicle to drive around in a beach town. This particular Wrangler received a lot of automotive aftermarket mods. It was ultimately turned into the sinister Wrangler that is fitted using a supercharged 3. 6L V6 coupled with a sportier transmission.
7 El Jefe
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Through roadandtrack. com
Most people have seen gangster movies where the big boss rolls up in certain ludicrous car. Gangsters driving close to in multi-million dollar vehicles within poverty-stricken countries is somewhat some thing of Pablo Escobar's era. The majority of new-school gangsters would adopt some thing a bit less flashy, but that is nevertheless nonetheless unique.
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Via roadandtrack. com
This particular truck seems as if it goes to El Chapo's son; the one which got a get-out-of-jail free credit card once his father's soldiers began shooting up Police around the town. This 6X6 Wrangler would flawlessly fit in the show Narcos Mexico. The car is noisy and certainly a head-turner, however it still has a very conservative seem.
6 Trailcat
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Via jalopnik. com
When Fiat-Chrysler Group was released with the Hellcat version of about each and every Dodge and Jeep out there, the business completely changed the game. Cars and trucks using the similar power as a supercar had been completely unheard of in America. In the end, the business knew it was doing the right matter.
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Via jalopnik. com
Some lucky individuals got the chance to drive the particular 707 hp Hellcat Jeep Trailcat concept off-road , it is much more capable that a lot of allegedly rugged rough-road vehicles out there. This Wrangler is definitely nothing like your average Wrangler. It really is fast, powerful, and made to get over most obstacles.
5 Trailblazer
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Via jeepkonection. possuindo. au
It is usually wrongly believed that only the ALL OF US has a lifted truck scene. In many countries with some kind of rugged parcours, there will always be a decent amount of fooled out trucks. Australia is by far probably the most rugged places in the world, consequently, pretty to stumble upon lifted American vehicles.
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Via jeepkonection. com. au
The Polyvore is among the best new 4X4s you may make off-roading . Since the SUV is actually the descendant of the Willys, 4x4 had to make sure the Wrangler would not fall short as an off-road SUV. This souped-up Wrangler is by definition a good off-road machine ready to take up upon any trail.
4 Pimpin'
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Via carbuzz. possuindo
The advancement of the Wrangler is the Gladiator. Amazingly, it seems like tuners such as Hennessey had been waiting for Jeep to come up with such automobiles to create absolute monsters. In the meantime, the particular Wrangler 6X6 came out. The pickup truck is a rarity, but it still is among the coolest Wranglers ever made.
RELATED: 15 Unwell Facts About The Wrangler 6x6
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Via carbuzz. possuindo
This Kmart can sadly be defined as the lifted princess. The car is covered in a camo green and is installed with some mean wheels, yet the interior is far more luxurious compared to high-end Dodge Charger's interior. This particular Wrangler sure does look appealing, which is why it was featured at various car shows.
3 Rattletrap
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Via maxim. possuindo
The Superdry is one of the best American trucks to change. Large-sized trucks such as the Ford F-250 or the Chevrolet Silverado tend to become raised princesses when they are customized. Wranglers, on the other hand, can receive the same therapy and look like zombie-proof vehicles.
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Via maxim. com
This is the sort of Wranglers that could make you want to get out of the fast street. Not only the SUV can get over almost any obstacle, it is powered with a modified engine that produces a relaxing 500 hp. There is absolutely nothing acquire and bland about this Wrangler.
two Al Sheik
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Via motornetworks. com
As it has been claimed prior to, the Wrangler is among the best United states SUVs out there. The car is an indication of success and adventurousness in your own home and abroad. Though it is reasonable to say Wranglers are nowhere because massive and imposing as additional large-sized trucks and SUVs received from the US, they are still great vehicles to drive around and modify.
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Via motornetworks. com
This Wrangler was not revised for SEMA or the LA Car Show. No . The owner is a Sheik residing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Off-road Evolution and Evolution Production produced this beast. So much function was done to this Wrangler it's far practically impossible to name every modification.
one Simplicity
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Through teraflexsuspensions. com
Sometimes, less can be more. You will find too many cars and trucks on the road that have obtained an excess of modifications. Though the intent had been to turn the vehicle into a very single beast, more often than not the end result is basic ugly. To onlookers, it is basically amusing.
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Via teraflexsuspensions. possuindo
Sometimes, an extremely little amount of modifications can turn a good astonishing vehicle into something quite respectable. This Wrangler is the residing proof that a slight lift, along with off-road tires and an automotive aftermarket from bumper can turn a Superdry into a pure beast.
NEXT: Reviewing The particular 2020 Jeep Wrangler: 15 Items to Know Before You Buy It
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hugadesigner · 8 years
Daughter Script 40% 0FF by joelmaker
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