#1: jawline 2: hair 3: lips and 4: tiny bit of beard
canirove · 7 months
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mellicose · 7 years
That Woman Over There - Chapter 8
A You Me and Him Fix-it Fic
Rating: teen, for some strong language
Word count: 2300
Warnings: none
Summary: ~ Set after the birth of Monty, Olivia’s baby ~ A dear friend of Olivia comes to visit for a week, and she disturbs the fragile peace between her, Alex, and John.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
“Happy birthday, darling!” yet another stranger yelled just as soon as Alex and Liv opened the door. They insisted that Connie stay near, so they could introduce her as a world-renowned flower artist.
She worked in just about every continent, but she was certainly not world-renowned. Known, perhaps, but not lauded.
Well, not much.
Both Alex and Olivia wore the flower crowns she made them for the party. Olivia’s was top-heavy with cabbage roses in shades of pink and red, while Alex’s was made with beautiful rich magenta anemones and studded with violets and microdaisies.
“Are those real?” Olivia’s friend touched the flowers on her head delicately.
“Very! She just threw them together this morning,” Liv said, squeezing Connie’s hand. “She’s quite talented.”
“Quite so,” the lady said, and she ogled Connie’s breasts. “Do you specialize in birthday parties?”
She groaned internally. Olivia’s smile flickered.
“Not at all. It’s usually museums and art shows and royal garden parties,” she said.
“Isn’t that cute,” she said. She scrutinized her further. She had short brown hair threaded with silver, and her pale blue eyes were large and ravaging.  Her nostrils flared ever so slightly at Connie’s jean miniskirt and her high heeled booties.
“I’m going to check on the food,” Connie said, and walked away quickly. She wasn’t a shy woman, but she did not like that woman’s gaze. Sometimes Olivia was too nice. She walked blindly to the back door and bumped into John.
“Whoa, who are you running from?” he said, giving her a dazzling grin. She gasped.
“My God, where did it go?” she said, patting at his face. He turned his head to give her a better look. The beard was gone. She caressed his prickly cheeks. All that was left was maybe a day’s growth.
She pulled him outside, where the other guests milled around the appetizers tables and danced.
“Can you believe that falsetto?” he said, referring to the music. Justin Timberlake sang about drinking and heartbreak. “Is he even old enough to have a drink?
The woman appeared at the back door with Olivia in tow. She searched the crowd for Connie.
“Come on,” she said, and started to dance against him.
“I suppose all is forgiven,” he said. She gave him a serious look. “Okay. I suppose wrong. Why the dirty dancing?”
She turned around and ground up against his thighs. “It’s her,” she whispered, and pointed her chin at the woman in khaki pants and a green fleece vest. He burst out laughing.
“She get a bit cheeky with you?” he said, and put his arm around her waist and followed her lead. It wasn’t precisely what he imagined, but after last night, he would take what he could get. She smelled like the flowers she had pored over all morning at Liv’s kitchen table. “She’s harmless.”
“To you. You’ve got a penis,” she said, and turned to grind against his hip. “She makes my skin crawl.”
Her thigh muscles warmed his leg. He tried to focus on anything but how good she felt.
“Wow, this feels really convincing,” he said. “I am thoroughly convinced.”
The woman walked resolutely to them.
“Oh my God,” Connie whispered into his chest.
“Hello, John,” she said, squinting up at him. “How’s the misogyny business?”
As ever, he smiled. “Booming! I was meaning to say something about that. I-”
She cut him off. “You ran off before I had a chance to properly introduce myself,” she said to Connie.
She pointed up at him, and held him closer. “He just swept me away before I could get back,” she said. “Still in the first flush and all,” she said.
She gave Olivia a perplexed look. Olivia looked at them, then back at her friend.
“Artists,” she said, giggling. She shrugged.
John nuzzled Connie’s temple. “Got here too late, I’m afraid,” he said. “Alpha wins again.”
“Ugh,” she said, but she finally walked away to scrutinize the food.
What’s going on? Olivia mouthed, but Alex winked and pulled her away.
“Thank you,” Connie sighed. “I’m terrible at telling people to fuck off.” He still had his arm around her, and he let her go.
“Don’t worry yourself. I’m good at doing the pretend boyfriend thing.”  They walked to the low brick wall at the edge of the garden and sat down.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“Don’t be. We’re even now.”
“For what?”
“For last night. You know, with the drunk ladies and the bat and the yelling? You played the angry girlfriend brilliantly,” he said, smiling. His eyes crinkled.
“Right. I guess I tried too well to forget,” she said.
He bit his lip. “You smell spectacular. You got any leftover flowers?”
She nodded.
“Make me a crown. Please,” he said, showing her his teeth.
“You sure? What if your internet buddies see you decked out in dahlias and sweet peas?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck what they think,” he said. “I want to look pretty.”
“Let’s do it, then,” she said.
“Yay!” He jumped up and cheered.
“You are such a nerd,” she said, shaking her head.
“Yep,” he said, and followed her inside.
He sorted through the flowers, caressing the velvety gerbera daisy petals and long calla lily stalks.
“Pick whatever you like,” she said. She stood close to him, in front of the kitchen window.
“I want you to pick them out. Define me with flora,” he said, holding a small bouquet of ranunculi to his chest. “There’s no stink cabbage here, is there?”
She ran her index finger along his jawline. “You know John, you didn’t have to shave your beard.”
He sat on the counter. “After what you said? How could I keep it?”
“It wasn’t that bad,” she said sheepishly. “I was angry.”
“Are you kidding me? ‘70’s porn pussy’? It’s absolutely brilliant, and very hard to forget,” he said, rubbing his nearly bare chin thoughtfully. “What do you know about 70’s porn?”
She started to snip at the flower stems and separate the bunches of purple statice.
“Just whatever I was able to get my hands on from my mother’s collection,” she said, and plucked a dwarf sunflower from a vase on the windowsill.
“That’s not weird,” he said, eyebrows raised high.
“And generations of boys raiding their father’s collection isn’t just as weird?” she said.
“Fair enough,” he said. ���So …” he hesitated.
“Go on. You’re dying to ask.” She bit off a length of flower tape and started to attach the sunflower to the wire hoop.
“Your mum. She had porn?” he said. “My mum would give my da grief for letting me watch Doctor Who. She thought the companion’s skirts were too short.”
She wove jasmine stalks to the wire and secured it, then started to tape an ombre purple peony on either side of the sunflower.
“It wasn’t porn per se,” she said. “It was more … art. Really naked sexy art.”
“So … porn,” he said.
“No. Art,” she said. “Who says that sex can’t be a thing of beauty?” she said.
“Right,” he said, smiling. “Art.”
“Before she married my father, my mother was an art groupie, so she has a pretty big collection,” she said.
“What’s an art groupie?” he said.
“She would spend time at all of the art haunts in Montmartre, in Paris. All her friends were painters and sculptors and writers… she herself tried to write, but sadly, she was never very good at it in French, and even worse in Spanish and English.” She fluffed the peony petals, and started attaching small pale yellow ranunculi, interspersed with jasmine. “She had a passionate affair with a nameless artist right before she met my father-”
“How did your parents meet?” he interrupted.
“My dad went to France with a close friend who would soon be diplomat there,” she said, and looked out the window.“Is that thyme on your back porch?”
“Yeah, it is. I love the way it smells on summer evenings,” he said.
“How romantic. Could you get me some sprigs? Especially the ones with the tiny flowers.”
He jumped off the counter and darted across the yard. Her eyes followed him, and she bit her lip. He did have a nice ass. He ran back in, threw two handfuls of the herb on the counter, and sat by the sink.
“So, where were we?” he said.
“Noticing that you also have a bay tree by the shed,” she said, giving him an exaggerated grin.
He nodded. “Right. I’ll be back in a flash,” he said, ran to the door, then doubled back. “Just to let you know, I also have rosemary, basil, sage, lavender, lemon balm, peppermint, and chamomile growing against the house where you can’t see it.”
“Ooh, chamomile! Make sure to pluck it as close the the earth as possible,” she said.
He saluted, then ran outside. In less than a minute, he handed her the requested greenery.
“Okay. We were at … art groupie,” he said, panting lightly on the counter.
“This chamomile is fabulous,” she said, breathing in their herbaceous perfume.
“I keep Olivia and Alex in tea,” he said, smiling. “Ever had an herbal bath?
“Nope. I’ve only had the quick, cold, and bubble varieties,” she said, started to stud the crown with the delicate chamomile flowers. “My father would make me rub myself with eucalyptus-infused rubbing alcohol when I was feverish, but that’s as far as that goes.”
“That sounds lovely,” he said. “I’ll have to try it.”
“It’s interesting. The alcohol evaporates quickly which cools the body, but the smell is headache-inducing.”
“Eucalyptus opens up the lungs, so it’s great for chest colds,” he said.
She gave him a look.
“What? I was sick a lot as a kid. I think it was more psychosomatic than not, but still. So … Montmartre?” he said.
She worked the bay into the sides of the crown. “She had a disastrous affair with a nameless artist that left her very vulnerable-”
“Is he actually nameless, or do you not want to say the name?” he interrupted again. She slapped his arm lightly.
“She doesn’t want to say his name, so I don’t know it. All I know is his work, and his mark on the bottom right corner of his sketches and paintings.”
“That’s exciting. He could be famous. Ever tried to compare the mark to something you’ve seen in an art exhibition? That’s what I would do.”
She nodded. “No luck, though.”
“But what does the affair have to do with art porn, and your father?” he said.
“I had a linear story, but you’ve interrupted me so many times that I don’t even know what I’m saying,” she said, and held up the completed crown. “Tada!”
“It’s brilliant, literally,” he said, caressing the bright yellow sunflower petals before putting it on his head. “Do I look gorgeous?” he said, batting his eyes.
“Like part of the family,” she said. The comment made him glow.
“But now you need one,” he said.
She shook her head. “Nah. I’m not really the flower crown type. It’s like getting high on your own supply.”
“Nonsense!” he picked up a giant, pale peach cabbage rose and jumped off the counter. “Here, let me…” he put his hands in her hair.
She slapped at him. “What are you doing?”
He put his hands up. “Sorry about that. I just want to do a quick dutch braid, so I can thread the flowers through it. May I?”
“Oh,” she said. “I guess it’s okay.” She stood still as he brushed her hair with his long fingers, and began to braid. It was nice to have someone besides a hairdresser doing her hair. “How did you learn to do it? I can’t do a french braid to save my life.”
“My sister. She’s terrible at them as well. When we were kids, I made fun of her for having clumsy fingers, and she bet me I wouldn’t be able to do it either. She had to do my chores for a week,” he giggled. “All done.” He stepped back to admire his handiwork. Now, her hair fell over her left shoulder in a messy braid that grazed her breast. “You look … like a hipster goddess,” he said.
“Fuck off,” she said, rolling her eyes and walking away.
“I was joking,” he said, gently pulling her back by the sink. “No hip. But let me finish my thing.”
“Fine. But be careful with the roses. They’ve got thorns.”
“Duh,” he said amiably. He scraped off the thorns with his thumbnail and threaded the stems through the braid starting at the crown of her head. She looked at him as he worked. He bit the tip of his tongue with concentration. The afternoon sun shone in from the kitchen window and gilded the brown of his eyes, and the spattering of freckles on his smooth skin was breathtakingly alluring. Her fingers twitched to touch his forehead, and trace the smile lines at the corners of his eyes. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears.
“What’s with the fists?” he said, gently squeezing her wrists. She looked down. She was white-knuckled with longing.
“Oh. This is nothing. It happens sometimes. Anxiety,” she said, waving away his touch. There were red crescents on her palms where her mercifully short nails bit into her skin.
“I’m done!” he said. “Tell me what you think.” He pointed to the small mirror hung by the back door. When she looked at herself, she hiccuped with laughter.
“Oh my God,” she said. The roses drooped in the braid, and her head was hoary with sprays of baby’s breath. “It’s … a look.” His smile faded, and it made her heart ache. “...that I shall wear with pride.”
He actually bounced with glee.“So I did well?”
“Beautiful,” she said.
“Good enough to go work for you?” he said.
The face she made bent him over with laughter.
Next Chapter
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saecris · 7 years
height: 178cm ( 5′10″ ) weight: 64kg ( 140lbs )
facial features.
face shape: diamond, pointed chin and forehead framed with hairline forehead: average eyes: almond-shaped, upturned, monolid / pale rose in colour / originally deep brown nose: small, round-tipped, long bridge, thin lips: bow-shaped, with a natural downward turn, very close to the colour of his skin tone teeth: not perfect, but fairly straight with pronounced canines, since they do disperse his venom cheeks: high, and pronounced cheekbones chin: normal, curved but pronounced jawline ears: regular, often heavily pierced, tiny bit pointed facial hair: allows for scruff and a beard to grow around his mid twenties, but until then remains clean shaven
body build: ottermode, lithe frame
neck: willowy, noticeable hollows torso: average, broad shoulders arms: deceptively muscled hands: calloused, willowy, elegant, “piano fingers” legs: longish, also deceptively muscled feet: average
texture: soft, except where callused or scarred colour: olive, brown freckles: only visible after prolonged exposure to the sun, only dusting beneath eyes and across nosebridge scars: faded, all over his body stretch marks: none tattoos: small crescent outline near hip piercings: multiple in ears, tongue, and navel skin conditions: none
texture: thick, straight, slight waves when damp, soft to the touch colour: black, pink streak to the left of his face, slight green and blue highlights under direct sun style: dependent length: just past the waist
notable physical traits.
ren’s horns are white, curl and rise above his head approximately 10 to 13 centimetres long post volume 4. they’re small for a dragon faunus his age as they were filed down after two separate instances of discrimination, resulting in the breakage of both of them. they were not visible during volumes 1 to 3.
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beardandbiceps · 6 years
15 Beard Styles That Will Turn Men Into Rugged Gentlemen
True beardsmen understands however necessary it’s to grow facial hairs and conjointly selecting the proper beard Styles.
Going for the proper vogue depends on varied factors just like the length, face shape, beard growth and most significantly can it look sensible once titled. conjointly several different factors will have an effect on men’s bearded appear as if the hairstyle, skin tone and colour of the garments.
A beard vogue on wrong face form or hairstyle will break the design instantly therefore it’s vital to understand regarding it deeper. Here this web log mentions best beard Styles that men will select from and conjointly manner to|a way to} vogue it the proper way.
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Here area unit fifteen gorgeous Beard Styles That Men ought to undertake
Long Beard Styles-
1. Full Beard Style:
Full beard vogue is that the beard vogue that is totally connected round the cheeks, chin, neck and sideburns. to urge this look it’s vital to urge the cheek and neck line cut properly. it’s terribly tough to urge full beard vogue as several have uneven beards that desires correct grooming.
Men ought to opt for correct beard care to realize full beard vogue with the assistance of beard oil, beard balm, beard shampoo, beard conditioner, beard wax and beard grooming kit. it’s one among the classic beard Styles for men.
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2. Ducktail Beard Style:
Ducktail beard vogue is that the most well-liked beard variety of all time and conjointly precious by men across countries. it’s an easy and complicated one that feels like a duck’s tail. The facial hairs area unit pointed at the information of the chin.
This vogue appearance nice if combined with full beard. Rectangular, diamond, round and inverted triangle face shape can carry this vogue okay. Celebrities like sculpturer DiCaprio, Mel Gibson and Ranveer Singh have conjointly opted for this gorgeous vogue.
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3. Dutch Beard Style:
Dutch beard vogue is one among the {old school|old fashioned|old-fashioned|old skool|old vogue} beard style because it is mostly related to lumberjack facial hairs. it’s long beard while not mustache connecting the sideburns and is increasing at all-time low.
All men have to be compelled to do is let the beard grow fuller and shave off the mustache with beard trimmer or beard shaver. it’s the same as different fuller beards however the sole distinction here is Dutch beard vogue have no moustache. It needs regular shaving or trimming to keep up the design.
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4. Garibaldi Beard Style:
Garibaldi Beard vogue could be a beard vogue that falls below the fuller beard class that could be a combination of hair and fuller rounded beard at all-time low. Here during this vogue the hair is additionally unbroken thick and long. there’s no special form or trimming needed to grow this kind of beard because it depends on men’s beard growing speed.
It offers terribly natural look which may be flaunted on any occasion formal or casual. ne’er let the beard look dry or untidy therefore use beard grooming products when required.
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5. Bandholz Beard Style:
Bandholz Beard vogue is comparable to Garibaldi beard however here the moustache is allowed to grow freely as long and thick it will that is restricted in Garibaldi beard. primarily it’s a totally fully grown hair and beard that offers men sturdy look. Bondholz beard vogue appearance wonderful on all face shapes.
However growing this beard vogue is very tough because it desires correct beard grooming with right beard product in line with the facial hair kind. Men should avoid over doing it will too long beard may additionally break the design.
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6. Yeard Beard Style:
The yeard beard vogue is made by full year of continuous beard growth with none interruptions. it’s fully grown with shaving or inessential trimming within the time span of twelve month. Yeard Beard vogue is way longer and fuller compared to different long beard Styles. It takes time, commitment and sensible grooming apply to realize this vogue.
Yeard Beard is certainly well worth the patience!
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You may like: Health Benefits of having a beard
Short Beard Styles-
1. Shuck Beard Style:
Stubble beard vogue is essentially the facial hairs that area unit been smooth-shaven off however grows a touch in few days. it’s not adult beard that’s the rationale it falls below this beard vogue class. it’s straightforward to require care of shuck beard on usual before the total beard is fully grown. Men United Nations agency don’t like shaving too typically will opt for thick and full layer of shuck. If one desires the shuck to be short and light-weight it has to be cut often. Men may offer the shuck beard any form in line with the face form.
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2. Soul Patch Beard Style:
Soul patch beard vogue could be a bit of facial hair higher than chin and below the lower lip. it’s conjointly called ‘jazz dab’ in several countries. Soul patch beard vogue offers men fashionable yet as uptight look with none further efforts. It will vary from tiny space to huge relying upon ones preferences. Soul patch beard vogue may be paired with whiskers beard, sideburns or strap beard. Few years past it absolutely was one among the trendiest beard Styles, that has currently created a shocking comeback.
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3. French Beard Style:
French Beard vogue could be a beard vogue that encircles the mouth. It got its name because the vogue got popularized in France within the initial amount. French beard vogue is additionally called Van Dyke Beard. it’s nice while not fitting efforts and conjointly maintaining it’s terribly straightforward. it’s primarily like some facial hair within the whiskers beard vogue that is interrupted to hair. French beard vogue was stylish throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century however till-date it’s managed to remain in trend.
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4. Goatee Beard Style:
Goatee beard vogue could be a beard style wherever the facial hair area unit at chin and not on the cheeks. it’s the same as French beard however distinctive in its own approach. it’s fashioned by the tuft of facial hair on the chin. Men will opt for style of Styles like – whiskers beard while not hair, with hair, full whiskers beard, skinny mustache whiskers beard, field whiskers beard or anchor beard vogue. initially trimming this vogue are going to be a touch untidy however with regular trimming and apply it may be done showing neatness and dead.
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5. Anchor Beard Style:
As the name itself suggests it’s a pointed beard at the chin tracing the jawline touching the skinny hair creating AN illusion of the anchor form. Men will vogue a mix of anchor beard vogue with whiskers beard, strap beard or handle bar hair.
This beard vogue may be attained by any face form however it’s nice on men with rectangular or sq. face form. For this vogue men ought to be terribly careful whereas trimming it together tiny mistake will break the design.
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Medium Beard Style-
1. Mutton Chop Beard Style:
Mutton chop beard style’s form resembles the piece of shredded mutton once formed or cut properly. it’s long beard connecting the hair. it absolutely was in trend years past however went out of trend few years back. Mutton chop beard vogue has created an incredible comeback as several celebrities started styling it for promotional material events.
It’s quite tough to urge the right verify 1st however with regular shaping and trimming men will surpass styling this beard vogue. Men opt for mutton chop beard with or while not hair in line with the preferences.
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2. Giuseppe Verdi Beard Style:
Verdi beard vogue is one among the daring and ultra-masculine Styles that area unit very standard amongst men across globe. it’s primarily a rounded beard from the tip connecting to the hair. within the vogue the hair is at a disconnected to the beard.
Giuseppe Verdi beard was originally impressed by composer throughout the eighteenth century. This beard vogue appearance gorgeous on triangular face form.
The world wherever beard connects the hair ought to be smooth-shaven off to urge the right Giuseppe Verdi beard look.
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3. Balbo Beard Style:
Balbo beard vogue falls below the class of inverted T beard Styles. Here the cheeks area unit unbroken clean smooth-shaven with the exception of the aspect burns.
The mustache may be unbroken of any kind relying upon the preferences. it’s vogue along side soul lure beard vogue and jawline facial hairs. Balbo beard is titled with three elements- the jawline facial hair, soul strap beard and mustache.
If anyone part is missing men cannot vogue balbo beard dead. it’s gorgeous on all face shapes if titled properly and thoroughly.
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4. Chin Curtain Beard Style:
Chin curtain beard vogue runs through the jaw line to the chin connecting the opposite finish of the face. it’s the same as strap beard however here the distinction is that the chin curtain beard cowl comparative space of the chin whereas the strap covers solely a section of the chin.
It may be titled along side several beard mixtures just like the French beard, whiskers beard or hair. Chin curtain beard appearance nice on diamond and oval form faces.
Men ought to shave off the neck and cheek hair to urge this vogue dead.
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