#1/3 of my waking hours on a job i'm only going to tolerate i did that for 4 years of college already
caimitos · 8 months
girl why did i sit in an office for 4 hours for a job interview that lasted 3 minutes
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
if you could please write prompt 14 for a female MC (can be rowan) and abel that'd be awesome! congrats on your milestone!!
tysm anon! congrats on being #1 of 3 of what i'm dubbing the impromptu shower series lol.
i wanted to explore a scenario where mc rejects abel at the carnival (dw, there's a happy ending). anyways, enjoy your extra large blurb🖤
14. Showering together; Abel x Rowan (F!MC)- 3.4k words
Abel was not a morning person. At least, not at first. Multiple alarms were needed in order for him to wake up in time for Mercedes' soccer practices. And Cesar's baseball games. Even Lola would occasionally need a ride whenever she had a Model UN meeting.
Years of early mornings led to him having quite the caffeine tolerance. One cup of coffee turned to two, and eventually, he would just drink it out of habit rather than to actually cure his drowsiness. However, a cold shower never failed to do the trick. He'd grit his teeth as freezing water pelted down on his bare skin, shocking him back to life.
Whatever works, right?
A cold shower to wake up- to bring him back to reality- to silence those cursed screams from the unknown, the ones that fueled his nightmares. More recently, they were needed to stop himself from thinking of her.
The way her lips were oh so perfectly shaped. How they would look saying his name. How soft they'd feel against his... Cold water could only do so much to keep his thoughts at bay.
"I-- I just, don't really see you like that."
His heart dropped. "Oh. Not even after... everything?" All those stolen glances. Their first kiss in his apartment. Dancing like idiots under the stars. Holding her close. Falling asleep in her arms.
"No, it's okay. It's fine. I get it. No need to explain."
He can't look at her. Not now. Not when he feels like he's being ripped apart. His vision blurs with unshed tears. Not here. Not now. The joyful shrieks of children riding the merry-go-round behind them fade, giving way to the pounding in his ears.
Every breath hurts. But eventually, he musters enough strength to push that ache in his chest down. "Want to get a funnel cake?" He does his best to smile. She does the same.
"That sounds like a great idea." The walk to the food stall is quiet. He could get over her. He had to.
Things were always easier said than done.
It had been four months since everything ended. Without eminent danger occupying his time, teaching at Redwood provided a welcome distraction. Even if being the new hire meant taking all the 8AM lectures. There was enough material in the library to stay busy for hours. Enough to help him forget about her. It nearly worked, until...
"Hey," Rowan waved nervously, holding a duffel bag in her other hand. Abel blinked in shock, his mouth slightly agape.
"Ro? What are you... Why are you..." His thoughts scrambled around in his head. She's not supposed to be here. Is she? Did she come for me? No, that's silly, he reminded himself. Still, his heart skipped a beat when their eyes met. Brown and cyan. The ones he could never forget no matter how hard he tried.
"Long story short- my car broke down. Then I remembered you got a job at Redwood. The mechanic said the campus wasn't too far from the shop, so I walked," she explained.
"Y-you could've called. You didn't need to walk all the way here."
"I would've, but my phone died and I stupidly forgot to pack my charger."
"The shop didn't have a phone?"
"No, they did. But I didn't exactly have your number memorized. Or any number, really," she chuckles sheepishly.
"Heh, right..." Abel bit the inside of his cheek, unsure what to do next. He watches her mouth move as she speaks, but none of the words are registering. Say something, you dork. She's staring at you! Dios, have I been staring? Am I being weird? When did my palms get so swea-
"Uh, Abel?" Rowan waved her hand over his face, breaking him out of his spiral.
"Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I asked if there were any phone charging stations here," she restated. "I need to look up a place to stay for the night while my car gets fixed."
"You can stay with me." What am I doing?
Her eyes widen. "Really? I don't wanna trouble you."
"I-it's no trouble, I swear. The hotels around here aren't cheap. Besides, friends give each other emergency places for refuge," he reassures. Friends. The word still felt bitter on his tongue.
She searches for something in his face- any sign of hesitation. Finding none, she slumps her shoulders in relief. "Well, thank you. Really. I'll be out of your hair before you know it, promise."
"Right," he mumbles, an uncomfortable feeling settling in his chest. "Follow me. I've got one more lecture to give, but you can wait in my office. I'll come get you when I'm done."
"Actually... could I sit in on your class?"
"You want to sit in on a two hour lecture about the Sioux tribe?" He could barely hide the disbelief in his voice.
"Yeah, why not? I've never taken an archaeology course before... Plus, Jocelyn said you weren't too boring to listen to," she snorts. He can't help but laugh as well.
"What a stellar review," he smirks. His eyes glance down at his wrist watch. "C'mon, we're about to be late for class."
"Aye, aye professor."
The next two hours proved to be one of the toughest lectures Abel's ever had to present. He's spoken at several conferences with distinguished audience members without breaking a sweat. But here he was, stumbling over his words anytime he glanced at Rowan- and his eyes were hellbent on landing right where she was.
Back row, seven seats from the center. It was hard to look at her, yet it seemed impossible to look away. His nerves dried out his mouth despite the many sips of water he'd taken. The bottle he brought was empty before he made it through half his presentation.
"How about a quick break?" Excited murmurs fill the lecture hall at his suggestion. "I'll take that as a yes. We'll pick things back up in ten minutes." Some students left the room, while others chatted with their friends. With the attention off him, he could finally breathe easy.
Standing at the podium proved to be too much to handle. He made his way to his desk, prepared to finish the rest of his lecture from behind his computer monitor. A small shield for his wandering eyes.
"Here," Rowan places a new water bottle on his desk. Abel looks up. Any calmness he felt was gone, replaced with that incessant flutter of his stomach. So much for the shield.
"Oh, um, thank you," he bowed his head slightly, busying his hands by fiddling with the label. "How'd you-"
"You kept stopping yourself from reaching for your bottle during your spiel on the Standing Rock reservation," she answers.
A hint of a smile crept on his face. "You were paying attention?"
"Of course I was," Rowan scoffs, as if it was obvious. "This stuff is fascinating and you do brilliant work, professor."
Abel's cheeks warm, undoubtedly turning red. "You've only seen my work once."
"And it's brilliant. Take the compliment, Abel. False modesty never looked good on you."
"Hey, everything looks good on me," he jokes.
"There he is," she grins. A swarm of students re-enter the room all at once. "Guess that's my cue. Good luck with the rest of the lesson." His eyes linger on her frame as she climbs up the stairs back to her seat. A hush falls throughout his class, all heads now turned in his direction. From her spot, Rowan gives him a thumbs up. Taking a deep breath, he stands and walks towards the podium.
"Now where were we?"
Back in his apartment, Abel reheats some leftovers on the stove while Rowan takes a shower upstairs.
This is fine. Totally fine. Just a friend helping out another friend. Nothing more.
Lost in thought, he doesn't notice the sound of the bathroom door opening nor Rowan's footsteps heading towards the kitchen. "Smells good," she comments.
Startled, Abel jumps, dropping the wooden spoon he was using to stir the food. A small, high-pitched shriek escapes his lips. "AH! When did you get there?!"
"Sorry- I forgot that you're easily frightened," she bites her lip, suppressing a smirk.
"I am not-" his protest dies as she gives a pointed look at him, then at the wooden spoon on the ground. "... I'm just not used to having another person here, that's all." He bends down to pick up the spoon and tosses it in the sink.
Still fighting the urge to smile, Rowan simply nods. Instead, she moves to stand next to him. "What'cha making?"
"I'm reheating some chicken stir fry. I made way too much, so I've been stuck eating this for the past few days," he answers, grabbing another spoon from the drawer. "Do you want anything else? I should have enough stuff in my fridge to make something new. Or I could order some takeout?"
"You don't have to do that."
"No, really, I-" his words fall short as he turns, realizing how close they are. Every tiny freckle on her face was crystal clear. The faint scent of her shampoo mixed wonderfully with the air, overwhelming his senses. A loose strand hung awkwardly at her brow and his hand itched to push it aside.
"Abel?" She called out softly, peering up at him.
"You okay? You look... spacey."
"Y-yeah," he reassures, snapping his head back towards the stove. "I'm fine. Long day, I guess." His voice lacks any sort of conviction.
Rowan's brows furrow ever so slightly, but she decides not to pry any further. "I hear ya. Teaching. Having your car break down. It all takes a lot out of you."
"It really does," he sighs, unsure if he feels relieved or disappointed. "Anyways, food's ready."
Her face brightens instantly. "One of my favorite set of words."
Her mood is infectious, clearing any lingering awkwardness left between them. "Sit. I'll grab the plates."
"How kind of you," she jests playfully, taking a seat at the dining table. Abel quickly sets the table and scoops a hefty portion onto her plate along with a side of rice. "I think I could cry right now."
He snorts. "Tears of joy, I hope."
"Joy. Merriment. Bliss. You name it. I'm feeling it." Rowan makes quick work of her food. Each bite is followed by a satisfied hum. A quarter of her plate is gone by the time Abel manages to sit down. The corner of his mouth quirks upwards. "Guess I did a good job."
"Fantastic," she corrects him, putting another forkful of rice in her mouth. Following her lead, Abel began eating as well. Somehow, the flavors he'd grown tired of tasting for the past week were now vibrant. As if something breathed new life into the dish. Across the table, Rowan dances happily in her seat.
"Absolutely not."
"But Abel-"
"No, you are not sleeping on the couch! What kind of host would I be if I let you do that?"
"What kind of guest would I be if I kicked you out of your own room after coming here unannounced," Rowan counters, just as adamant.
Abel huffs, exasperated. "Well, I only have the one room."
"I'm aware," she drawls.
"And I'm not changing my mind."
"Me either."
He crosses his arms over his chest while she rests her hands on her hips. Both stare the other down, waiting for someone to break. The silence between them is palpable. He squints, his eyes already beginning to burn. Stupid contacts. A shit-eating grin spreads on Rowan's face. Unable to fight the urge any longer, he blinks with a frustrated groan. "Ugh, this is pointless!"
"You're just saying that cause you lost. Have fun in your room," she taunts.
"I will be having fun right here, thank you very much," he protests, taking a seat on the couch.
Rowan gapes at him. "Hey! You can't do that!"
"Yeah I can. This is my apartment."
"Exactly. Your apartment. Your room," she bickers, trying to pull him off the couch. He firmly plants his feet to the floor, not letting her move him an inch.
"You... are... so... stubborn..." she grunts as she futilely pushes against his shoulder with her back. Eventually, she lets out a tired sigh. "Fine. You win."
"Thank you. The blankets-"
"But so do I.''
"I can't make you leave this couch just as much as you can't make me take your room. So I guess we're both taking the couch tonight," she states matter-of-factly.
"But- you- that's-"
"A great resolution. Thanks Ro. You're welcome, Abel," she finishes for him. "Now- do you wanna keep arguing or do you wanna tell me if you have any more pillows?"
"Side closet. Third shelf. The blankets should also be there," he answers, defeated. This is still fine. Totally fine.
"Great," she beams. It takes little time for them to transform the couch into a makeshift bed. Rowan spreads the sheets over the cushions as Abel folds down the back of the couch. For added legroom, he pushes the footrest to the edge. "See? This looks cozy!"
"You know what else is cozy?"
She smacks his arm. "Quit it. We already agreed on the couch situation."
"Fine. It was worth a shot," he grumbles. Satisfied, Rowan moves to her side, grabbing a knitted blanket from the stack on the floor. She settles into the cushions. Meanwhile, Abel stands, hesitant.
Rowan raises an eyebrow at him. "It's this or that cozy room of yours. C'mon, I don't bite." He gulps. His movements are stiff as he maneuvers his way onto the couch, being extra cautious not to accidentally touch her. He mentally cursed himself as he tried to make himself as small as possible. Why didn't I buy the bigger couch when I had the chance?
Side by side with only a few inches between them, Abel lays very still on his back. "So... did you hear anything back from the car shop?"
"A guy called and said they should be done with the repairs by noon. Thanks for letting me borrow your charger, by the way."
"No problem."
"And for letting me stay here."
He laughs breathlessly. "You don't have to keep thanking me for that."
"Well I'm probably gonna do it at least four more times, so get used to it," she chuckles alongside him. As their laughter dies down, another question pops into his head.
"Hey, Ro?"
She shifts to face him. He stays pointedly still. "Yeah?"
"I didn't ask before but... what are you doing here in California?"
There's a brief pause, as if she's contemplating how to answer. "You could say I was on a business trip."
"A business trip?"
"To Colorado. Ava's coven has a contact there. I drove to buy some stones from them," she elaborates.
"Right. The stones they have are the ones we use to make charms to ward off corruption. It's the best material that absorbs the Power in its pure form."
"Ah. So you're still at it then? Hunting down horrors?"
She nods. "Some days are better than others. Right now, things have been quiet. But that only lasts for so long. There's always a part of me waiting for shit to go sideways. The only thing I can do is make sure I'm there to fix things."
"And does that make you... happy?"
"I have purpose," she says, resolute. "More than I did when I was hunting them blindly. That's something I can't let go of." She shifts again, causing the cushions to dip beneath him. "What about you? Are you happy here?"
"Course I am," he answers too quickly. "Redwood is amazing. The library is incredible. They have enough funding for any research I want to do. More opportunities, resources. Couldn't be more thrilled."
"Guess that's why it's been so hard to reach you," she mutters. He's surprised by the sadness in her tone.
"The job keeps me busy."
"So busy that you couldn't even say goodbye?" His head whips towards her. There are no tears. Just someone looking for answers. "Jocelyn was the one who told me, y'know. I didn't know you were gone for a whole week."
Guilt floods through him. "I- I just had to leave. I had to."
"Was not talking to me a must too?" Her question is only met with silence. "When I saw you on campus, I thought for sure you would run off in another direction. Instead, you offer up your apartment."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I'm confused! We're friends one day, you leave the next. We don't talk for months, and now I'm here. I thought you hated me," she blurts out.
"I don't hate you," he whispers.
"Then why?"
He averts his gaze, choosing to focus on the ceiling instead. "I don't hate you. But being around you- I couldn't handle it. I needed a fresh start. Somewhere to go so... so I could..."
"So you could what?" The air was thick with tension. Brown and cyan eyes met his, unwavering.
"So I could get over you."
"Yeah." Neither of them know what to say after that. This was a line he never thought he'd cross. Not again. "It didn't work," he laughs dryly, his voice hollow.
"I tried. I really did. Buried myself in work. I even applied for a research grant. I was doing everything I've always wanted to do, but it still wasn't enough. Then you show up. And even though I've been a mess the whole day, this is the first time I've really felt happy since moving here." He gives her a sad smile. "I know you only-"
"I lied," she cuts him off suddenly.
"I lied before. On campus. When I said I didn't call because I didn't remember your number. I knew it. 971-542-3378."
"Um... I forgive you?"
"No, listen to me. I've dialed and deleted that number more times than I can count. I didn't know why you left, but I knew it hurt when you did. I wanted so badly to hate you, but I just missed you instead."
He hung onto her every word. The hope he dared not to breathe life into now flickered inside him. "Just like I did?"
She nods. "Just like you did." The implication was clear.
"But- at the carnival, you said-"
"I didn't think I was ready. You deserve someone who is. I'm not saying it'll be easy. I still can't leave Westchester and I don't expect you to move back, but- mmph-" His lips crash into hers before she can finish.
Her surprise melts away and she leans into him. There's so much he wants to tell her and he does as he moves his mouth in time with hers. I never thought I'd get to do this again.
She gasps, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.
I missed you too.
He tilts his head, deepening their kiss.
I love you.
He moves to cup her cheek, relishing the warmth beneath his fingertips.
I love you.
Their breath becomes one- bodies pressed close enough that she can feel just how fast his heart is racing.
I love you.
*one month later*
The morning light peeks through the blinds, casting a soft glow over the abandoned sheets on the bed. A pair of footsteps follow Abel towards the bathroom. He smiles as Rowan wraps her arms around his waist. Through the mirror, he notices her tired eyes, barely open. "You don't have to be up yet," he says softly, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.
She shakes her head with a yawn, hugging him tighter. "I wanted to see you before you left." He hums contently in response. Her feet drag along the tile as he walks over to the shower. Gently, he pries himself away from her just long enough to strip himself bare. He takes care of her next, adding her clothes to the pile. Together, they step through the shower curtain, returning to each others arms. He laughs as she forces him to bend down so she can lather more shampoo into his hair. It's a morning not unlike the others, only this time, the water runs warm.
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