#1 point snorkelling
madridfangirl · 2 months
A Weekend in Ibiza - Part 2
(Jude Bellingham blurb)
(Part 1, Part 3, Part 4)
2.6k words. Jude*female reader. Suggestive language.
A/n - When we don't get Jude holiday content, we make shit up
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The cold shower calmed your nerves and cleared your head. The fog lifted from the brain, replaced with fury. 
That fucker, that assholic fucker, really thought he could play you like this? Just waltz into your peaceful space & bend you to his will?
What a sad, little life he lived if that’s the kind of people he was surrounded with. 
Oh, you were gonna show him his place. Real good.
What you did next shocked you. But propriety had gone out of the window the moment he turned this into a battle of wits, dragging you in as an unwilling participant.
Jude was done with Round 2 & was lounging on the deck when he heard his spare phone buzz. He lazily felt around the surface for his waist bag, too blissed out to move. The naked woman lying half on top of him, feeding him grapes was a factor too.
What he saw made him rub his eyes & sit upright. The woman whined at the interruption, which he barely registered.
‘Naa I am busy. Going snorkelling with this one.’ 
Attached was the back image of a man. A big, well built, shirtless, heavily muscular, glossy skinned, wet man. A surfer’s body. 
‘And who is he?’
‘Met him on the beach just now. Said he wanted to show me a few things. Am gonna let him.’
That was a sucker punch to the gut that he didn’t see coming.
‘You are bluffing.’
‘Yeah? Want me to send you a pic after? Don’t think we’ll find a bed but a remote island maybe?’
He called you. Disconnected in the first ring. He called again. Same result.
‘Don’t do this. It’s not safe.’
‘I am a big girl, I can handle myself.’
‘What happened to the no casual sex policy?’
‘A girl can change her mind. CERTAINLY for a guy like that.’
‘Rubbish - he looks OLD.’
‘Word you are looking for is experienced. A MAN, not some little boy fresh out of his teens.’
‘Look, I’ll stop if you stop.’
‘Never asked you to stop. Never asked you for ANYTHING. Infact, I explicitly told you to go with the woman throwing herself at you.’
‘I’ll find out soon, won’t I? Hope he likes my new swimsuit.’
Jude resisted the urge to throw his phone in the water. The woman looked at him curiously as he paced around the deck.
Confrontation wasn’t helping his case, so he changed tact.
‘Listen, we got off on a non-ideal note. I can see that. But we can talk this through. I’ll come back right now, yeah? Just give me like 15 mins.’
‘1) The world does not revolve around you 2) Actions have consequences 3) Chris is waiting & I am going to him now. Will be MIA for a few hours. Bye.’
Jude called again. You didn’t pick up. He left one final, desperate message.
‘Please don’t do this. I am sorry. You can get back at me in other ways. Please.’
You smiled victoriously as you looked at his plea. Two please and a sorry in one sentence. Ergo, mission accomplished. Who knew a picture of Chris Hemsworth in your gallery would come in so handy one day. Oh, the benefits of thirsting.
Putting your phone on airplane mode (to let him stew further), you got under the covers, still in your bathrobe, and drifted off to a peaceful afternoon nap.
Complete contradiction to his state.
Jude was struggling to wrap his head around what just happened. And why it was bothering him so much. He stripped to his briefs and jumped in the cool, crystal blue water. To erase the images plaguing his mind. Of you in your swimsuit. Of you and that horny geriatric fucker.
At one point he even looked around the water, trying to look for the snorkelling spots. Then cursed himself for being reduced to that. 
The current was brisk, numbing him enough to think straight. All wasn’t lost. Not yet. He just needed to come up with a better move. A different move. Coz you were different, it had been well established. The rebuttal did bruise his ego, he admitted to himself, but he was still sure he wasn’t wrong in sensing your attraction. It just needed the right nudge to bring you to him.
He emerged from the water, enthused again, and the woman rushed to him, offering to help him de stress & unwind from whatever was bothering him. Jude was never gonna pass up on a quick head in the loo. As he thrusted into her mouth, he found himself wishing it to be you.
If only you had been that easy. But then, the chase won’t be as fun, the anticipation not as deep. Plus he was certain your affections couldn’t be gained from fame, money or expensive gifts. You’d probably throw them in his face if he attempted that. 
He wondered if things would be different if you knew who he was. That there was a different side to him too. An idea struck him then, right at the peak of his orgasm.
You woke up after 3 long blissful hours, stretching your limbs, still burrowed under the covers, and put your phone off airplane mode.
One message from him, from an hour ago.
‘Atleast tell me you are back safely.’
The change in tone did not go unnoticed and you figured this merited a response. 
‘Just got done. Exhausted. Gonna sleep it off now.’
Letting the innuendo hang in the air, you ordered your evening cappuccino & croissant, enjoying them in your private balcony overlooking the waters. And played your favourite music, as you watched the evening sun cast patterns in the sky. Splurging for this room was turning out to be a great decision after all.
Curiosity got the better of you then, and you succumbed to googling him, to know more about this ridiculous/ridiculously handsome creature.
When you looked, you prayed you hadn’t. The guy wasn’t just atrociously hot, but he was many other things. Damn good at his day job (excellence at work was your primary turn-on). Well spoken & articulate (wtf happened to him today then?). Wholesome with his family (your number 2 turn-on). Unbelievably amazing with kids (you could jump from the balcony right now with the number of boxes he was ticking). And just generally affable & affectionate to everyone around.
You scrolled & scrolled through countless reels, & wondered which was the real him. The dickhead he was this morning or this angelic creature loved by all & sundry? Everyone seemed to swear by him. Did you catch him on a bad day then? Or was this a carefully crafted public persona to fool the world?
You kept going back to that one video with kids, which was melting your insides. 
That, and another one with him being abrasive on the pitch, picking up fights. Some would have called it cocky, and it was, but it was also inexplicably hot? Knee-wobbling hot? It was the same cockiness he had this morning but that had put you off. This video, though, was making your head spin. Giving him a power you never wished for him to have over you. And his body, oh god that body, plus the way he carried that attitude. 
You quickly threw the phone away, hoping you weren’t in too deep already. Consciously reminding yourself what an entitled prick he had been and how furious it had made you.
Needing an immediate distraction, you called home & listened to your 4 year old nephew babble for a good 30 mins. And your mom telling you all the news from back home for another 30 mins. 
Dinner was the next distraction. You took your time in picking a delicacy, settled on paella, a glass of wine and put on a comfort movie on Netflix as you enjoyed your dinner in bed. For some reason, you were avoiding going outside.
It was 10 pm, the sun had finally set making it feel like night time. No more messages from him since the last one to check on you. Which was a good thing. Which is what you wanted. Right? 
Yes, of course. Finally you were rid of him. He must be out, doing something, or someone. Far far away from you.
A quick look at his Insta won’t hurt, would it? It would just confirm his whereabouts, so you can finally be at peace, away from him.
One new post. From 2 hours ago. Captioned ‘Making memories’. A bunch of pics from his day - sunbathing at the yacht, lunch with friends, frolicking in the water & sun-set. Carefully avoiding any hint of the women she knew were a part of his entourage. Just the guy friends made it to post, making you roll your eyes loudly.
When you reached the last pic though, you did a double take. For the second time today, the glass nearly dropped from your hands.
The pic had a glass of wine, and a tissue paper next to it. You could tell it was the same tissue they had used to exchange notes - it was in a blurred background, difficult to spot for others but you could make out your handwriting. And his.
Tagged to it was a song - Can’t we start over again.
You questioned your grip on reality as you read the lyrics of the song.
I know I’ve caused you pain.
Took you for granted.
I’ve been such a fool.
Can’t we start over again?
What the holy fuck was this? What in the name of god was he playing at?
Half-mad, half dazed, you quickly dialled his number. It rang & rang for eternity, he picked up on the last ring.
‘Missed me?’
It just hit you that you were hearing his voice for the first time. It was deeper & huskier than you had imagined. But you quickly regained control of the situation.
‘Are you mad? Are you totally completely mad?’
‘Saw the post, huh?’
‘Damn right I did. Seriously, what were you thinking? What if your horde of fans put two & two together? What if people start assembling here to inquire? God, what if people find that waiter? Jude, what did you do?’
You started to hyperventilate, pacing around the room.
‘Ok. Take a deep breath & listen to me, yeah? No one knows we are talking, not even my friends. The waiter I tipped handsomely to forget about what happened. The note is blurred, no one can make out what’s written other than you & me. All others will see is just a glass of wine on a holiday. And a reminiscing song which can be for anyone. Or maybe they’ll think I am drunk. There is zero way to trace it back to you. Heck, even I don’t know your name yet. So relax. I won’t compromise your privacy when you made it clear how important that was to you.’
His soothing voice, coupled with unassailable logic, calmed you instantly. You could almost laugh at how you had overreacted. Almost. You weren’t gonna tell him that.
‘Are you with me?’
‘Umm yeah, guess you are right.’
You could hear music blaring in the background. He must be out partying at some club when you rudely interrupted him. You were about to ask him to go back to what he was doing before he chimed in.
‘So, did you have fun today?’
You rolled your eyes at his roundabout attempt to ask what he really wanted to ask. Well, two can play this game.
‘Oh yeah. Great day, super relaxing, after a long time.’
‘Ended too quickly, no?’
‘Excuse me?’
‘Well, if you were with me, no way we would be done in just 3 hours. No way you would be alone tonight, checking out another man online.’
He had just shown you how you were an amateur in the game he was a pro in. Honestly, you hadn’t even anticipated this line of thought. But clearly he had. In the same way he knew you would check him out online. Damn him, to the moon & back.
‘Told you he looked geriatric. Did he even…?’
‘Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Not another word on this.’
Your breath was laboured by now. What gave you solace was that his was ragged at the other end too. He wasn’t unaffected either. Both were silent for a bit. He broke it eventually. 
‘I meant what I said in the post. Shouldn’t have done what I did. Not to you. Wasn’t really thinking straight.’
‘Not to ANYONE.’
He had the good sense to stay quiet and not point out that it worked with others.
‘Yes. Can we get past it? I feel like I have been rejected enough for one day.’
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling, & he caught the shift in your mood.
Now that was a window he didn’t think he was gonna get. And was extremely pleased with himself for getting here.
‘I’ll take that. Now, you know damn well I want you. And I know you are thinking about me too. Don’t start denying it, that wasn’t a question. Why are you fighting this, baby?’
Again he was cutting straight to the chase. This time though, it didn’t annoy you. It made you nervous, as you twisted & turned in your bed.
‘I told you why.’
You said softly, surprised at the tone of your voice.
‘Let me come over there & change your mind.’
‘I..I don’t know, Jude.’
He gripped a nearby pole harshly at the way his name sounded in your voice. 
‘Tell me, do I make you nervous?’
The accent was thicker now, making him even sexier. Making you bury your head in the pillow.
‘The situation makes me nervous.’
‘But me too?’
A pregnant pause. Then, a faint whisper.
‘I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for - trust me. Heck, knowing you, you’d probably kick me out naked if I try anything like that.’
You sighed into the pillow, and had no idea what these sounds were doing to him.
‘Aren’t you curious? Haven’t you pictured us together in bed, naked & wrapped around each other? Coz that’s all I have been doing since morning.’
‘Think of it as an adventure, yeah? A weekend in Ibiza that both of us would remember. We are wasting precious time, baby girl. Please, just please let me come to you right now & show you a good time.’
He had laid all his cards on the table, and waited for your response. Like it was judgement day.
You breathed heavily into the pillow, as you arrived at your decision.
‘Not tonight.’
‘Not tonight.’
You could hear him breathe raggedly at the other end.
‘So, tomorrow then?’
‘I…don’t know, not yet.’
‘You are seriously gonna leave me hanging like this?’
‘I am sure you can find ways to distract & humour yourself in the meantime.’
More heavy breathing from him.
‘Are you a professional torturer of some kind? If not, you are in the wrong line.’
‘Thanks for the suggestion, I will think about it. Now, go back to your party.’
‘HANG ON. Are you for real?’
‘Very much. Now, be a good boy & let me think, yes? Bye, Jude.’
You blew a kiss into the phone & disconnected it, leaving him squirming & stunned at the other end.
Hoping and praying this delivered the tension & takedown you all so vociferously wanted :))
There will be a Part 3 and I swear it will have smut 😂
Feel free to drop in your asks / suggestions for the next chapter - I moulded this chapter on the overwhelming sentiment in the asks :)
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katrotica · 2 months
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It’s been a while since I posted an Ana Dias pic. For a while there almost all Katrotica posters featured Ana Dias pics. I took a little break. But then pics like this one of Emily Agnes come along and it’s pretty hard to resist. Because 1. Emily Agnes. 2. Perfect photo. 3. Snorkel gear. Ok, admittedly 3 was a lie. I don’t have a thing for snorkel gear. Admittedly I find snorkeling kinda stressful tbh. I might even prefer this pic without the snorkel gear, but then again, gear in general is a signature of Ana Dias’ work and I do find that charming. Let’s bring this full circle back to point 1. Emily Agnes. Ya.
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peachjagiya · 3 days
You know what?
I did it.
Lets find out how much Tae didn't want to be there/was on his phone/was not involved, shall we?
Note 1: y'alls keep saying "Except for episode 1" but no, I'm not going to discount the bit that proves you wrong. You don't get to pick and choose what bits of his expended energy to consider when these episodes happened over 3 consecutive days.
Note 2: I have considered "not involved" to be any time he isn't with JK or Jimin or both.
Note 3: You can't measure "looks like he doesn't want to be there". It's subjective. So I have noted where his energy is dipped or doesn't match the other two.
Note 4: As we're in the business of assuming every word is accurate representation of feelings, I've included where Tae expresses joy and happiness that the trip is happening.
Note 5: These numbers are obviously simply what we saw on screen but that's what we have to go with. You can make logical assumptions but for the purpose of this, I have not.
Note 6: This is ridiculous and I fundamentally don't agree that any of them need to be on screen at all times to prove their interest to us. But asks like this really spurred me on:
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The arrogance.
Anyway. Numbers:
Episode 1
🐻 After the intro where he has not yet been introduced, Tae is present in activity for all but 1m17s, just 2%, of the episode run time.
🐻 But those 1m17s are when Jimin is being filmed and we know Tae was in the restaurant with JK and in the pool with JK at those moments. So Tae is actually present in conversation or activity with either JK or Jimin or both for 100% of what the show presents as chronological events.
🐥 Incidentally, those Jimin moments were Jimin choosing to be on his own, first looking at the sea and then not being in the pool with JK and Tae.
🐥 Jimin also sleeps for 4m24s of screentime. In terms of not being involved, Jimin is uninvolved in conversation or activity with another member for 10% of the episode.
🐥 But it's important to remember Jimin was not well. We give him that allowance as a human being with bodily function that sometimes does not align with what is required for their work. Jimin was ill. If we assume he slept because he was not well, he actually only misses 1m17s through choice. That's just 2%.
🐰 JK was either showering or motorbiking any time he wasn't with one or both of the other two. He really pulls double duty these three episodes.
Episode 2
🐻 Taehyung is not involved in activity or conversation with another member for 14m9s or 20% of the episode.
🐻 That 20% comprises:
Being too stuffed to swim.
Going to bed early.
Being on a call at the cafe - organising his training workout for the next morning
While JK and Jimin were diving - he was unwell at this point; kinetic tape visible on his neck.
While JK and Jimin are snorkelling - unwell. See above.
While JK and Jimin are on the net drawing the shark
🐻 That seems a lot! But at 5m36s he first complains of neck pain, then at 26m17s the next morning he says he has a neck cramp.
🐻 So 7m9s or 10% are times when he is too hurt to be involved or is taking/making a call.
🐻 By choice ie; being too stuffed to swim, going to bed early and not laying on the net with them at first, he's not present for 7m or 10% of the screentime.
🐻 At the cafe, they all three look shattered. JK says he wants to sleep, as does Jimin. Tae is chilling in exactly the same manner as them. He also does a little skit as server when he's giving JK his drinks and then he's shown laughing - with JK - at something we don't see happen on screen.
🐻 He says a few things that suggest he's enjoying himself:
At 2m24s he says "It's so great travelling with you guys. Lets do this more often."
After snorkelling while they eat ramyeon, "This is great."
When he joins Jimin and JK on the net, "I love this."
🐻 You can hear Tae singing to himself over the headset as they ride to the boat. There's no numbers attached here, I just thought it was sweet.
🐻 What about "constantly on his phone" though...
At 42m21s he sends a message on his phone and puts it back in his pocket. He talks to Jimin as he does this.
At 42m30s he again sends a message on his phone and again puts it back in his pocket.
He makes a call in the cafe. He's talking to someone about when the workout finishes and that it's an indoor gym. This is probably the workout he booked for the morning.
At 55:49, he is shown on his phone while he's sitting out of snorkelling and then puts it aside and gets up to watch JK and Jimin snorkel.
Approximately 7s of phone time we see though we can guess more on the boat. But we don't see it so we won't assume.
Episode 3
🐻 This is his most detached episode. He spends 25% of it separately at times when the other two are together.
🐻 This includes:
He disappears from the BBQ restaurant for 1m34s. Jimin is also gone for this time. Discounted because all were not together. Any time when Tae is not the only one missing has been discounted.
Tae disappears briefly for 12s
Tae is unaccounted for while Jimin plays with cat and JK plays with dog for 2m11s. He does point the cat out to them but he could well have done it as he walked past.
In bed and then at gym for 5m32s
Napping at house for 6m31s. Jimin is also asleep for 2m16s. Subtracted Jimin's nap from Tae's time.
🐻 Phone time wise, he picks his phone up for 47s or 1% of episode time.
🐰 However JK uses his phone for 2m21s of the episode whilst in back of car. That's contrary to the TKK assertion that JK only used his phone in NYC and Sapporo, for the record. 👍
🐥 Jimin uses his phone as he's laying in the kitchen while JK cooks. He goes from sitting with it to laying on his back with it. Half of this he converses with JK while he's on phone, as Tae did at BBQ place.
🐻 At end of episode, he says he "felt like a kid again."
🐻 His energy does drop for the third episode. It's undeniable. But this guy wakes early and goes to work out - a planned early work out suggests it might have been important for some reason - and then the next time we see him, he's fighting sleep to the point where he drops off in the car.
🐥 Remember that Jimin fought sleep in episode 1 of Jeju and finally gave in for his little terrace nap. In the run up to him dozing, he was a little low energy too.
🐻 Of the seven activities they engaged in - swimming x 3, climbing, go karts, snorkelling, fishing - Tae didn't partake in two of them due to his neck. Jimin missed one. Jimin also doesn't climb as much as Tae and JK but he was not feeling his best either. JK took part in all.
🐻 All told, there is 16% of the whole show where Tae isn't involved. For a "guest", that seems a pretty big contribution.
Well. Do what you will with this information. You might think I'm biased so you're welcome to do your own analysis obviously. But you now know that I personally think you live in a house of lies, anonymous Tae haters.
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jasfhercallejo · 3 days
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Cambugahay Falls is arguably the best waterfall on Siquijor Island that is most famous for its tiered levels, strikingly blue water, and freshwater cascades, all of which are surrounded by lush rainforest.
Cambugahay Falls is located in Lazi on Siquijor Island. From the main tourist area of San Juan, it’s approximately a 30-minute drive to reach the falls. The first level of the falls features a large natural swimming hole and some man-made structures including rope swings, bamboo rafts, and a wide set of falls. It’s an adventurer’s playground! To use the rope swings and rubber tubes down at the falls, the cost is only PhP20. On the other hand, to use the bamboo raft to get a close look of the falls, it would only cost you PhP100. This includes all the photos and videos of the talented rope-swingers (haha I don't know what to call them lol).
Most people stay on the first tier, especially when they clock the Tarzan swing on the right. However, there are two more levels to see, though the ones you will want to spend time in are the first and third.
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A trip to the Sambulawan underground river offers a 3-in-1 experience. Firstly, you will trek down a steep terrain into the cave, navigating a combination of stone steps and a concrete ladder. Secondly, the rough rock and narrow passageways inside the cave make for an adventurous journey. And finally, the river itself is deep, but with the assistance of a swim vest, you can enjoy a snorkeling-like swim in its waters. This underground river is known for its narrow passageways, which make it impossible for even a small boat to navigate. Instead, visitors can explore the river system on foot, as it stretches for approximately 200 meters.
Quite frankly, Sambulawan Underground River is probably one of the best things we've done in Siquijor, next to Cambugahay Falls.
Actually, there are quite a few alternatives to Cambugahay Falls in Siquijor. If you fancy visiting another falls in the area then head to Lugnason Falls. While they weren’t as impressive as Cambugahay they were really quiet even when we went on a Saturday afternoon. For the most part we had the lovely jungle pool all to ourselves. It’s quite small but still big enough for a few lengths.
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Salagdoong Beach is attached to Salagdoong Beach Resort Siquijor on the far east corner of the island in the town of Maria. It boasts of two beautiful coves lined with coconut palms and white sand shorelines. Just off the shore is a colorful reef that is great for snorkeling and swimming. 
The cliff jumping is the main attraction at this location and one for the thrill-seekers! There are two diving boards here, one is around 5 meters and the other is 10 meters. Jumping from the top of the cliff into the turquoise waters below is one of the best things to do in Siquijor!
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Paliton Beach is rated as one of the best beaches in Siquijor for its glistening white sands and palm tree fringed shoreline. This particular beach faces west making it the perfect spot to watch the sunset on Siquijor Island. A few oceanside cafes and beach bars are dotted along the beach, serving up cold brews and delicious meals. Here, we ate a lot of seafood, and all the sea urchins were served to us fresh. We even had the chance to watch the locals prepare them!
You can find several tree swings tied to bent palms that you can have a turn on and swing out over the water’s edge (human drone another! haha)
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Pitogo Cliff is located at the southwestern side of the island facing the breathtaking Sulu Sea. The serene cliffside gets its name from the Pitogo plant that grows in the area. There are also 10- and 20-foot jumping-off points available, which can be used even during low tide.
We didn't jump, but the alluring view of the vast ocean kept us invested and exploring. Worth the visit!
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quaranmine · 4 months
you were in Iceland?? epic! I've been there as well (in 2022), how was it? how was the volcano? (if you don't mind me asking, feel free to ignore this)
Yes! I was there 5/18 to 6/1. I've wanted to go for like a decade and have been semi planning this trip for 2024 for a year and a half, then properly researching and planning since January. It was SO AMAZING. Exactly everything I wanted :) I was ready to go home at the end for like, my own bed and some rest, but now I miss it and want to go back lol
If you went in 2022, did you get to hike to the Fagradalsfjall eruption? I know those were the "tourist" ones that people could get closer to. The current eruptions are part of another volcanic system on the Reykjanes peninsula, Svartsengi. They aren't open for hiking. It erupted again 3 days before I left. I got to see it twice! On our last full day we drove out of Reykjavik and saw it along the highway, and then the day we left we stopped on the way to the airport. I took this with my 250 mm from literally the side of the highway:
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It caused no interferences with our travel. It's a fissure eruption, so the lava is erupting along a fissure and isn't as big and explosive. Initially they were afraid this one might disrupt air travel if the lava flowed to the sea (producing more ash and steam) but it didn't. It was very cool to see! I feel bad for the people who lived in Grindavik though, it’s been months since they had to evacuate and there isn't an end in sight for them yet. The Icelandic government really stays on top of things like road closures, weather reporting, etc so I checked their websites daily. The main concern with the eruption as gas pollution, so I just checked their pollution forecast to see if the wind was going to blow it over us or not (it didn't.)
Our trip went great. We had mostly good weather and apparently left just in time because this last week there's been a pretty nasty problematic storm across the whole country that left a bunch of people stranded. But we left 2 days before that. We drove 3,300 km in our rental car (2,050 miles) and did the entire ring road + some of the Westfjords + Snæfellsnes + Húsavik + Borgarfjörður Eystri as detours. Our rental car was named Jim because that was his license plate. We bonded with him lmao
Here's a few photos :)
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Major things I did: Katla Ice Cave, Vestmannaeyjabær, Silfra snorkeling in 2°C water, Jökulsárlon boat tour, Húsavik whale watching, countless waterfalls, puffins at Borgarfjarðarhöfn, Hvammsvik hot springs & Sky lagoon, and Mulagljufur Canyon.
It was at coldest, 2°C (35°F) with downpour rain being pushed sideways into your face by wind to the point you could hardly open your eyes. It was at hottest 19° C (66°F) and sunny. We mostly got great weather, it was only one day that was particularly bad. Mostly it was between 7°C - 13°C (45°F - 55°F) the whole time.
I NEVER saw it get dark and that was a novelty to me the entire trip. Like it never settled in as something I got used to. Presumably it got mostly dark somewhere around 2 am but I was always asleep by then and even if I woke up to go the bathroom, it'd be like 4 am and already light again. The furthest north we stayed was Ísafjörđur, and according to timeanddate.com by May it never reaches full dark, only civil twilight for 3 hours and daylight the other 21. I can't imagine if I'd actually have been there during the solstice, with just that extra month for the days to be even longer!
Now I want to go back for a short winter trip to see the northern lights and then for a proper summer trip to see the highlands (closed the whole time we were there for thawing season)
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pix4japan · 2 months
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Ubara Island: A Diver’s Destination
Location: Otaki Town, Chiba Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 09:49・2024/07/10
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP + 10-stop ND filter 73 mm ISO 100 for 3.0 sec. at ƒ/5.6
From the scenic vantage point at the end of the Ubara Utopia Trail, you can gaze out over the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean to the tiny Ubara Island. This idyllic spot off the coast of Myojin Cape is a popular destination for scuba divers and snorkelers alike.
Whether you're a seasoned diver or new to the underwater world, Ubara Island offers a delightful blend of beauty and biodiversity that promises to captivate and inspire underwater adventurers.
Access details and sources for further reading available in my full write-up, (1-minute read): https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240710-dive
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learnwithmearticles · 21 days
Coral Bleaching
In 2017, the documentary Chasing Coral was released on Netflix, a follow up to 2012 documentary Chasing Ice.
The documentary chronicles the journey of a diving team, made up of scientists and photographers, to capture the state of coral reefs around the world. In many cases such as in Lizard Island and New Caledonia on the Great Barrier Reef, they captured major bleaching events that had been leaving the world with fewer of these essential habitats.
Importance of Coral Reefs
A coral reef itself is a network of individual organisms - polyps - connected by calcium carbonate to form the firm, stony ‘skeleton’. But coral reefs are far more than just the individual coral organisms that form the foundation. They are entire ecosystems of millions of marine species. They are considered some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.
About 25% of ocean species depend on coral reefs for habitat, food, and reproduction. Clownfish, for example, depend on the protection of sea anemones that grow on hard surfaces of coral. In return, the anemones gain food and maintenance from their fish inhabitants.
Many crustaceans also inhabit coral reefs. The Coral Crab (the Trapeziidae family) even specifically adapted to a life within the nooks and crannies of coral. They feed on excretions from the coral while cleaning it of harmful debris and sediment.
Additionally, coral reefs provide income and jobs for local communities. Fishing, diving, and snorkeling at reefs make up billions of dollars in economic benefits in Mesoamerica alone. Economists also predict that maintaining the health of reefs will produce billions of dollars in return on investment.
Current State of Coral Reefs
The sheer number of organisms that depend on coral reefs mean that changes to them have devastating impacts. 
At the time of the Chasing Coral filming, coral reefs were going through the 2014-2017 Global Coral Bleaching Event. Increasing temperatures caused heat stress in ocean ecosystems, leading to the most widespread deaths of coral reefs ever recorded. 65.7% of coral reef area around the world was affected by this event, and 14% of the world’s coral died between 2010 and 2018.
Another heat stress event is occurring in 2024. An increase of even 1°C sustained over several weeks can cause bleaching - a process where coral expel algae living in their tissue, which often means the death of the coral. Throughout the 20th century to 2023, ocean temperatures rose 0.14°F on average each decade, with the past three decades being the warmest in recorded history.
How to Recover Coral
The oceans have cooled before, and can cool again. First, we have to get to a point of not worsening the current global warming.
The Paris Agreement on climate change established the goal of keeping the global temperature increase to 1.5°C. This would improve conditions for coral reef survival. U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement. In 2021, President Biden had the U.S. rejoin the Agreement, and Presidential candidate Kamala Harris would further keep commitments to that agreement.
How we can recover coral rests primarily in our voting. We are responsible for voting into office people who care about the environment and will commit to implementing policy that saves the earth.
IUCN.org also specifies the need to transfer into economic systems that enforce sustainable consumption and production. Such systems would facilitate the move to greenhouse gas emissions, slowing temperature increases.
Spreading awareness has a large impact, as well. Current economic thinking, according to IUCN.org, does not consider coral reefs as the asset they are, and doesn't acknowledge their many social, medicinal, and environmental benefits. We need to treat the world as the finite, invaluable resource that it is.
Like rainforests on land, coral reefs foster the highest biodiversity in the ocean. They foster a plethora of life that all contributes to the health of the planet, even harboring some medicinal resources, like compounds used in treating leukemia, ulcers, and cardiovascular diseases. Addressing global warming is imperative to reaching the future we want. We have to make sure we work towards green energy goals and keep the oceans and lands from becoming uninhabitable.
Additional Resources
1. The Coral Reef Ecosystem
2. Coral Reef and Economy
3. Coral Crab
4. 2014-2017 Global Coral Bleaching Event
5. Current Bleaching Event
6. Coral Bleaching - IUCN
7. Ocean Warming
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blushinggray · 2 years
change of plans: part 11
sero hanta x fem!reader
part 11/12 (part 10 | part 1)
oops. more porn.
cw // nsfw; lingerie, teasing, more recreational drug use (weed), cockwarming, slightly public sex (sorry to their friends here, they did not consent to this 😔), allusions to exhibitionism, crying, comfort
You didn't realize that the phrase, "distance makes the heart grow fonder" applied so literally to Sero Hanta.
He has never texted you consistently in the time that you've had each other's contact info. Yet, now that he's several time zones away from you, he somehow can't seem to leave you alone.
Or it could be that he’s technically your boyfriend now and just wanted to keep in regular touch with you.
Either way, you can’t say you mind all of the stable communication and more consistent response times after all the head games you played with yourself before this. All the good morning and good night texts, food and travel pictures, random videos of him and his relatives, and constant requests for video calls are far more preferable to the once a day texts or psyching yourself out to make a phone call.
You only feel bad that you didn’t have much to offer in return in comparison. While he was off traveling between countries in South America to visit different relatives and family friends, you were back in your hometown for the holidays and enjoying what you could of them with your family and hometown friends, so aside from the dinner and family pictures, you didn’t really have anything as exciting to share with him.
He had plenty to be excited about though, apparently. Because of the time zone thing, you didn’t often accept his video call invitations, whether it was because you were asleep or busy or just away from your phone at the time. So when you missed those, he’d ask for a picture or selfie to make up for it.
There was one instance where you both did happen to be available for a call since he got back in late after a night out with his cousins, and you were about to get ready for a shower. When you answered, he was clearly still a bit tipsy as he only spoke in slurred, sleepy Spanish to you for the first five minutes. At which point, you just chuckled and continued preparing for your shower as you listened to him go on.
He only switched back when you told him you were going to hang up to wash up.
“Nooo, don’t go, querida.” He had whined, “Bring your phone into the bathroom with you and let me watch.”
You snorted at that before bringing up, “Isn’t the camera just going to fog up?”
“Just tuck me into a little zipper bag and keep me close.” He insisted.
So you ended up digging around in your room for that water protectant plastic phone pouch you bought for snorkeling during a trip once to bring Sero into the shower with you. He kind of just watched you with a glazed look in his eyes most of the time while you were washing up, which you thought kind of defeated the purpose of bringing him in with you in the first place.
But by the time you were drying off, he just sighed all dreamily, saying, “Wow. I cannot believe that you are my girlfriend.”
And, well. That was nice to hear.
So… you may or may not have let him watch you get off on your vibrator a bit later that night.
You were completely sober, yet you didn’t find it all that hard to say embarrassing things like, “God, I wish it was you. I wish it was you so bad. I miss you so much, Hanta” as you were riding your favorite toy in front of your phone propped on the bed. Probably because he was behind a screen that you could easily hide from, but you didn't really feel the need to hide.
The way that he was breathing hard and jerking himself off as he watched you and occasionally directed you actually gave you a bit more confidence. The fact that he was in a completely different part of the world, able to do whatever or whoever he wanted and probably get away with it, but still only thought of you fanned out your ego like a peacock's feathers.
You never imagined him to be so needy. He was all cool and unbothered when you first met him, and he seemed to let things go easily since he would always brush off your rejections. But now that he has you officially, all the playboy smooth talk and smiles have been scooting over to make room for the goofier, whinier side of his personality.
It’s pretty cute.
All the mischievous smirks, cheesy lines, and cool guy airs have given way for more silly faces, rambunctious laughter, and stupid jokes. And all of them together are much more endearing to you than simply one side of each, because they're all still parts of Sero. And being able to see more of all of them feels like something only you get the privilege of.
And he, in turn, obviously starts to see more of the embarrassing sides of you, too. The sudden bouts of huffiness or jealousy, the pettiness that comes out in French when you don't want him to understand what you're saying, the ugly noises you make when start laughing too hard, your own needy and whiny side that you’ve been toning down until now, the random spells of lust you get for him at the slightest things.
No, that's especially embarrassing; how horny you are for him. While it's not unusual to be attracted to your own boyfriend, he just... you don't even know what he does to you. But just noticing the slightest detail about him — an outfit you've never seen him on before, the way his voice sounds when saying a certain Spanish phrase, a growing tan line on his skin — you find yourself warming at the core or rubbing your thighs together. It's especially pathetic because you haven't even seen him since the morning after the holiday party.
Okay, so maybe you miss him a bit too. And you're looking really forward to what's to come; sex, dates, pictures, music, language and all.
Which is why you're preparing so much for the next time you see him. He's actually heading back to the university area a day ahead of you, so you agreed to meet at his apartment after you got back into the city too. You both agreed to just have a simple date at home first (to keep the horny energy in a controlled environment), so you are pulling a few extra stops to make your reunion a bit more... dramatic.
The day you get back into the city, after stopping by your own apartment to get ready, you head to Sero’s place with a bag of some extra groceries, in case you want to cook something together later. But you almost drop them when your boyfriend swoops in for a big kiss and hug before he even says hello.
You struggle to keep a grip on the bag handles, but you still lean up and wrap your free arm around his neck to kiss him back. Because wow— maybe you missed him more than you thought. It's only been a few weeks since you last met, but suddenly it feels like color has been restored to your vision. There's a lightness in your chest that makes your heart feel like it's floating in zero gravity.
His arm around your waist and his big hand splayed against your back make you feel at home, warmer than you were just minutes ago. And he is still as good at kissing as ever. You can taste a hint of orange from his mouth, probably from a juice or something, and it pairs splendidly with his woodsy cologne that has a touch of cinnamon.
"Get in here." He chuckles against your lips as he pulls you inside, closing the door before he presses you against it to keep kissing you.
You have to fight him off, but you do it with a laugh as you say, "Hey, calm down. At least let me put these in the fridge first."
"You brought something with you?" He asks, letting you go rather easily, as if he hadn't just been trying to suck your face off.
"Just some extra groceries. In case we wanted to make something. Here," you pull out a big, bright orange, "Your favorite."
He hums with a hooded smile, leaning in to kiss the orange in your hand before taking your wrist to trail a few kisses along your fingers, "You trying to feed me to win me over, bella?" he asks as he leans in to peck at your shoulder and cheek as well.
"I still have to win you over?" You joke back.
"Nah," he smiles, kissing you on the lips once more before finally pulling back and taking your bag, "You took care of that a long time ago."
"How long ago, exactly?" You ask, more to keep the light, springy pace of the conversation than out of curiosity. But when Sero hesitates to answer, that suddenly changes.
But he only diverts the question with another smile, walking off with your groceries, "That's for me to know."
You suppose you could pry further, or maybe even use a little promiscuous persuasion, but it's also not something you mind waiting to find out later. Maybe it'll mean something even more by then.
So for now, you're just going to focus on today. And how excited you are for this little at-home date.
Following him into the kitchen, you watch as he organizes the items into the refrigerator, catching up with him about his flight and some of things he did on his trip that he didn't get to mention in your texts and calls. At some point, he brings out a vacuum-sealed package of coffee beans to give to you, "These are the ones I was talking about that time at the grocer a while back."
"You mean that day you dragged me through a storm without so much as a warning?" You recall with a smile as you accept the bag. There's no special print or label on the package, so it must be from a local cafe or something.
Sero laughs as he pulls two mugs out of a cupboard and brings out his own bag of coffee beans. "I guess I did do something like that, didn't I?"
You hum, leaning back against the kitchen counter, thinking back to that fateful day you ran into him and had some of the most fun you’ve ever had in such a moment of spontaneity. Now that you can look back on it from where you stand with Sero currently, it brings out much more fondness than it did before.
“That was one of my favorite days.” You find yourself admitting, though you don’t look at him as you say it.
That doesn’t happen for long, however, as he steps in front you to plant each of his hands on the counter around you, leaning down to bring his face close to yours. Not to kiss you or anything this time, just to kind of look at you and... appreciate your presence, maybe.
As self-conscious as it makes you, you also kind of enjoy having the moment to appreciate him, too. It's only been a few weeks since you last saw him, but there are already some new changes about him. His skin has warmed up with a tan from being outdoors most days. There's a slight glow on his face that must've come his replenishing break from university. Even the lilt in certain words when he speaks sounds a little different after speaking Spanish for so long.
He's sexy.
You don't admit that very often just because you're still too used to underplaying your feelings for him, having tried to "protect" yourself from him at the beginning. But now that you really look at him, appreciate him, you can tell you've got a catch. Not only is he attractive, and charming, and smooth, but he also makes you smile and feel special. Even when you doubt it, he works hard to convince you of it.
You really like him. So much that you can't hold back from taking a kiss for yourself after holding your gazes for a while.
Sero sighs through his nose as he accepts your kiss with hot gratitude, pulling you even closer with an arm around your waist and a hand cupping the back of your head. You both just stay there for a while, making out in his kitchen, until you start letting out small sounds of growing desire and he has to pull himself back.
"I'm gonna make us some coffee so you can try it. Why don't you head to my room and get comfortable first?" He says with a smack to your ass before turning to pull out his coffee grinder.
You huff lightly at his dismissal before checking him with your hip and whipping around to strut to his bedroom. In all honesty though, this works out for you, because now you can really give him a surprise to walk in on.
While you arrived here wearing a long coat and sweater dress under the guise of protecting yourself from the cold weather, Sero's apartment heater and kisses have warmed you up enough to take them off. You're at the perfect threshold of warm and horny to just bring out the lingerie set you picked for today.
After hanging your coat and sweater dress on the empty wall hooks in Sero's room, you take a moment to admire yourself in the full length mirror. You've got on a sheer bustier bra and a silky, mesh skirt that ends just below your mid-thigh. It's only about a tone lighter than your skin, so the sheer material doesn't leave you naked, but still leaves little to the imagination.
It's a rather simple ensemble compared to the many you've browsed through and impulse-bought over the years, but this one immediately reminded you of how much Sero enjoyed the skirt you wore to the holiday party. And it looks pretty damn good on you, the silky material that practically blends into your skin makes you feel ethereal and almost fairy-like, yet still sexy.
Originally, you had planned to just enjoy hanging out and catching up with Sero for a bit before breaking out the fancy underwear for sweet bout of reunion sex. But if there's anything you've learned from being with him, it's that it's fine to switch things up a bit.
You're digging through your bag for the CD that you brought for him when you hear voices coming from the living room.
Huh, you had assumed that Todoroki wouldn't be home today since Sero invited you over. Though it's not like you've abstained from doing the nasty while his roommate was home in the past. Todoroki's always been chill about it, but you suppose if you had the choice, you wouldn't want to subject anyone to hearing the kind of person you become when Sero is pummeling your guts.
But then you hear a few more voices, some of them quite recognizable, and then Sero having some sort of discussion with them. You can't really make out the conversation through the door, but you're already wondering if you've jumped the gun by taking your clothes off too early.
Just a minute later, while you're idling in front of his CD player, pondering whether or not to play the album you just put in, Sero walks into his room with the two mugs of coffee in his hand, "Hey, [Name]. I'm really sorry, but it looks like Todoroki agreed to host our friends' usual movie thing this we—"
He stops short when he catches sight of you, half naked in your sheer lingerie in front of his music shelf, holding the CD case of the album that you wanted to listen to with him. And he kind of just stands there, frozen, with the two coffees surprisingly secure in his hand as he just... tries to make sense of the admittedly ridiculous sight that he's probably seeing.
"Oh." You say, closing the plastic case to place it on the shelf before stepping towards the adjacent wall to pull your sweater dress back on, "Never mind, then." You try to play it off as if you hadn't just exposed how stupidly eager you were to get fucked.
"Wait wait wait." Sero says as he hurriedly closes the door behind him and sets the mugs down on his desk, then pounces towards you to yank the dress out of your hands and hold you in front of him to get a good look at you.
Okay, now you feel self-conscious. He can probably see right through you — in both the physical and metaphorical sense. How you were prepared to get your shit wrecked within the first hour of seeing him again.
"Did- Did you wear this for me?" He says with more genuine awe than the flirty smugness you expected. As if he's received a gift he didn't expect rather than walking in on his embarrassingly horny girlfriend. What business does he have being so damn cute?
"Well— yeah, obviously." You avoid his eyes, trying to shift away from his hands on your shoulders as well. "But clearly, you have guests."
"I'll tell them to leave." He resolves immediately, holding you in place so he can keep staring at you, "Or I'll just tell the guys to watch without me tonight. They'll understand."
"This is like a regular boys' night thing that you guys do?" You ask.
"Yeah, I mean, we all just hang out and smoke while watching movies and stuff. We do it all the time." He sighs, letting you go to run a hand through his hair, "But I guess I was so gassed up about seeing you today that I didn't check the group chat this time when Todoroki agreed to host it today. I honestly didn't even know we were doing it today, I swear. I’m really sorry about this."
Well. That certainly puts a damper on your plans.
You do kind of wish that this was prevented, but you’re also kind of amused by the idea that he'd actually be that excited to see you again that he would completely forget about his usual plans with all his other friends. Especially if they’re close enough that Todoroki can agree to host on Sero’s behalf and everyone will assume it’s okay.
Either way, you are definitely not trying to get it on with even more people around now, so the sexy part of this date will have to wait. You do still want to be with Sero today, so you’ll just have to recover your dignity somehow in the meantime.
Ugh, what a way to spoil your own surprise though. You really couldn’t have waited just ten more minutes before throwing all your clothes off?
"It's okay," you say, reaching for your dress again that Sero had tossed onto his bed, "They're all here already, so we can just watch with them. If I'm allowed to join, that is."
"What?!" He shouts, sounding offended, "No! Fuck that! You really think I'm going to sit through some dumb movies when I know that you're wearing this?!"
"Well, it'd be kind of rude to ditch your friends on a routine hangout when they already know you're here." You point out, "Also, I kinda don't want them to know that I'm getting railed, let alone what I sound like when I'm getting railed."
"Fuuuuck," Sero groans into the ceiling, digging his palms into his eye sockets, "I don't want that either..."
"So let's just go watch with them. You were going to let me stay the night anyway, right?"
There will still be plenty of time to fool around later. Maybe this was a sign to slow down anyway, for your own good.
"Yeah, but..." he sighs, then groans again when he brings his eyes back down to you, "God, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. Baby, look at you. You're like something straight out of a fantasy. Are you—" His brows furrow a bit when he takes a closer look at your skirt, "Are you even wearing any underwear?"
"I can put some on." You offer.
"Don't you dare." He growls, burrowing his face into your neck, kissing it, and letting himself touch your skin and feel the garment for a moment.
His hands roam everywhere, just massaging and getting re-familiarized with your body while he can. Then he lets out a little whine when he drags them up to your bare ass, letting the loose silk of the skirt completely curtain his hands.
"They're like butterfly wings." He whispers into your neck, curving one hand down to the apex of your thighs to tickle your lower lips with his fingers. The soft touch makes you shiver and form a new wave of wetness like he had beckoned for it himself, "And I just know this is gonna taste like sweet ass pollen."
You're tempted by the way he pulls back to make you watch him lick off the thin layer of wetness he gathered onto his fingers. You're tempted to take back everything you just said to let him remind you just how well that tongue can treat you, because his eyes certainly tell no lies.
But at the same time, it's kind of fun torturing him. Despite your initial embarrassment, his reaction is still in the realm of what you were hoping for. So maybe it'll be fun to see how far you can push him. Sure, it'll be hard on you too for the next few hours, but you kind of want to enjoy this while you can.
"Let's just go." You chuckle, stepping away from him to get properly dressed.
"Are you serious, babe?" He looks heartbroken as he watches you put your clothes back on, "You came here all cute and dolled up just for me. Don't you want the nice, long pussy worshipping that you deserve?" He tries one last time to convince you, coming up to the mirror behind you to caress his hands down your now wool-covered sides.
You watch as he noses along your jawline to come up and brush his lips against your temple, but once he finally meets your eyes, you give him a cheeky smile, saying, "Plans can change sometimes."
The dumbfounded look on Sero's face just might be entirely worth this sudden left turn in your day. Because even if you don't get anything else out of today (which you doubt), you'll at least have that.
With a last adjustment to your outfit, you take one of the mugs of coffee on the desk and exit his bedroom.
When you walk out into the living room, you find Kaminari, Kirishima, and Tokoyami on the sofa, setting out food and rolling up blunts, and you see Todoroki and Bakugou arguing in the kitchen.
"Hey, guys." you announce your presence.
"Hey, [Surname]!" Kirishima greets you first, and the others follow after, "Heard we crashed your date with Sero. Sorry about that."
"That's Sero's own fault for not checking his phone." Kaminari says as he perfectly seals up the blunt he was working on, "But hey, you're free to join us if you want. Or if you wanna just make out with your boyfriend in another room, we won't judge. S'totally up to you."
"Yeah, I'll make out with him some other time." You chuckle as you join them, "I don't mind a little movie marathon, as long as you guys are okay with me crashing the boys' night."
"For sure! You're always welcome." Kirishima reassures you, the kind, golden-hearted guy that he is.
"For the record," Sero appears behind you with a hand on your hip, "I definitely voted for making out in another room over another All Might marathon."
"Yeah, I bet you did. Simp." Kaminari snorts at him.
"And actually, we're not watching the All Might movies this time." Tokoyami corrects, "Kirishima won first pick, so we're actually starting with Crimson Riot this time."
"Crimson Riot? Didn't most of his movies flop because they were too boring?" Sero says.
"Hey, don't be a hater." You find yourself defending, "What Crimson lacks in power, he makes up for in story. His character arc is so good."
"That's what I'm saying!" Kirishima thrusts his arms out at you as if to physically indicate how much he agrees, "His powers aren't flashy but his backstory is so good! He's like, the man's man when it comes to chivalry and spirit, ya know?"
"Okay, I get that. But for a superhero movie? If there's not enough action, then people lose interest." Sero argues skeptically, then holds a defensive hand up when you give him a look, "Okay, babe— babe, just hear me out, okay?"
A bunch of debate and discussion jumps about the room until Bakugou and Todoroki join in with some hot lasagna and apparently fresh pizza that they had been reheating. Soon, everyone is settled either on the sofa or the bean bag chairs in the living by the time the movie starts and the blunts are lit.
Despite how big the single armchair adjacent to the sofa is, it's still hardly build to fit two people. Yet Sero insists that you share the seat with him so that he can have you to himself for the movie. One of your legs is draped over Sero's because you can't fit both of your asses onto the cushion.
You tried for some other position where you were perpendicular to him or on the arm of the chair, but he insisted on this one so he could hug you from behind while watching. Which you don't mind, you suppose. Especially since Sero brought you a blanket from his room to cover your legs with, so you can spread as much as you need to without worrying about flashing his friends with your naked pussy.
The movie is good, since you haven't watched it in a few years, so it feels like a refresher. But your focus trails away every so often when Sero's fingers play with your thighs underneath the blanket, slowly squeezing and massaging. Every time his hand moves a little too high, you squirm a little bit, inadvertently scooting yourself closer into his lap. And just when you think he's about to cross the line, he pulls his hand away to accept the blunt passed his way.
You gratefully take a puff for yourself in hopes of calming down from Sero's small touches, but as the movie plays on, and the blunt burns down, and the food disappears, you only find yourself becoming more and more fixated on how Sero's body feels against yours.
Since he’s preoccupied with hugging and touching you, he asks you to feed him from your plate. Each time you reach around to give him a bite of lasagna, he hums in satisfaction and squeezes your thighs in thanks. And since you’ve got a plate in your hands, he’s usually the one who accepts the blunt and holds it to your lips for you to take a puff. And while it’s perfectly innocent, something about pressing your lips up to Sero’s fingers in front of everyone, even just to smoke, feels intensely intimate.
This division of tasks discards any attempt at subtlety you were hoping to keep around the others, but for the most part, they accept it graciously. Some of them even comment on how cute the two of you are. But while you are at least reassured that you don’t have to be embarrassed, you still can’t hide the heat that flushes up your body from Sero’s constant groping.
Maybe he's getting revenge on you for choosing to draw this out. Because you can't imagine that there is anything but ill intent behind every touch that just skims the top of your thigh but doesn't rest on your damp pussy. He keeps massaging your thighs, rubbing your skin, leaving kisses on your neck and face every few minutes, but he never does more than tease. Which you know is the most he should do with all of his and your friends around, but damn... what you would do for even a little finger fuck right now.
About two-thirds into the movie, your dress and lingerie skirt have long been bunched up at the top of your thighs, leaving the blanket as your only cover for your bare legs and now sopping pussy. It's start to become unbearable, and at this point, you've just shimmied your ass onto his waist. God, you are so strung up right now, and you think the weed is only making it worse. Because fuuuck, your brain is so clouded and light, you’re really contemplating just straight up grinding on that bulge you're sitting on right now.
Sero is still leaving kisses on you every so often, which must look innocent enough if your friends ever happen to glance this way. But the slight dampness his lips leave on your skin paired with the tender squeeze of his hands underneath the blanket only makes you drip even more. You swear you let out a little moan once or twice.
Once the big, climactic fight scene starts playing and captures everyone's attention, you let out a sigh as you spread your legs out to hook over each of Sero's knees, all but inviting him to stick his hand down the middle.
You can feel a low thrum in Sero's chest against your back as he leans into your ear to whisper a raspy, "I swear to god, I'm this close to just fucking you right here in front of all of them."
You gasp at the prospect, images already blooming from the seed he planted in your head. You, spread out and riding his lap without any more pretenses, letting all of your friends see exactly how you look when you're being pleasured, how good Sero pleasures you. Or Sero pushing you onto the coffee table to fuck you from behind, letting them hear just how loud you scream when he spanks you. Or Sero showing off his incredible upper body strength by holding you up in his arms to just fuck you like that until you've become the entertainment for the night instead of some pointless, superhero movie.
"Joder… estás tan mojada," Sero curses into your ear, breaking you out of your dazed imagination by finally cupping his fingers around your cunt.
Fuck… you’re so wet.
He hasn't even dipped them inside or anything but just having his big, warm touch there, finally in direct contact with your sopping core, makes you sigh in relief. Yes, thank god. That's really all you needed, you just needed his hand on your pussy, to keep it warm while it's leaking. His physical presence is enough to get you through the rest of this film.
That's what you're convinced of in the first minute. But as he starts slowly rubbing his fingers up and down the length of your wet lips, massaging them and occasionally dipping into your slit, the tension in your gut starts to build again. Because as he kneads at your sensitive flesh and rubs against that little bud of nerves that sets off a shock inside of your body, you start to feel the harrowing need to be filled up.
You need to sit on something, to have a sizable object inside of you. If he would just slip a couple of those fingers into your hole, you'd be right as rain. You know it.
Turning your head back to look at him, you give him your biggest, most begging eyes, sending a strong telepathic message of, "fill me up, daddy, please, please, please fill me up."
Whether he understood it or not though, he only leans down to hold your chin in place with his free hand and kiss you on the lips now that you've tilted enough for him to reach them. Shit, this is like poison, being kissed so sweetly while his fingers are secretly rubbing at your pussy underneath your clothes. You feel so naughty, sitting in his lap and getting pleasured like this. You’d probably feel guilty for letting yourself get touched in front of everyone if Sero hadn’t wound you up so much that you stopped caring.
But you do let go and face forward again once you hear the music for the ending credits start rolling. You adjust the blanket as subtly as possible to close your legs and pull your dress back down as the discussion starts up again. Both you and Sero try to contribute as naturally as you can, and you eventually stand up to help clear away some of the trash and used dishes before they get the next movie queued up.
After they've decided on a popular Hollywood movie, Kaminari lights up yet another blunt as he directs a question at you and Sero, "You guys gonna watch this one too, or do you need a little lovey dovey break?"
"Shut up." You roll your eyes at him. Even though you could actually use it right now...
You've calmed down a bit after distracting yourself with a task, but you have yet to clean up the mess that's formed between your thighs.
"Hey, I'm just tryna be considerate since Sero's been having a hard time hiding his boner and all." Kaminari raises his arms defensively in the air, clearly babbling from all the smoke that went to his brain and unscrewed his already loose filter.
"Hey, who's telling you to peep my chorizo anyway, bro?" Sero throws a few chips from the coffee table at Kaminari, who tries (and fails) to catch at least one of them with his mouth.
"You did not just call it your chorizo..." you groan, looking away.
“No shame, dude.” Kaminari says as he reaches over to pick up the chips that landed on the sofa and toss them into his mouth anyway, “You should be proud of your grande chorizo. But there’s no hiding that thing from anyone.”
"'Chorizo' means sausage, right?" Todoroki turns to ask Tokoyami.
"I believe so."
"I heard it's also supposed to be slang for—"
"Everybody shut the fuck up about cocks and sausages and just start the goddamn movie already." Bakugou is the one who interrupts the tangent everyone starts to spiral off of, "If you're gonna stay and watch, then just watch."
"We'll watch." Sero decides, surprising you.
He wants to stay for another one after all of that teasing? Was he really working you up all that time just to drag it out longer? Was it because he got called out by his friend, so he doesn't want to confirm his suspicions?
When Sero pulls you back into his lap, you try not to wince at the feeling of sitting on your own wetness. Then he tilts his head over to meet your eyes, an easy smirk decorating his face, "If that's okay with you, bella."
Oh, okay. Now you see. It's because he's challenging you.
That face he's got on is all but a proclamation, that he can hold out longer than you. That you were the one who decided to join the group, so now you have to play along with his little game. Likely until you give in and drag him back to his bedroom like he originally wanted, or one of you comes while everyone else is still in the room.
Well, if he's going to light the fire in you, then he better be prepared to stoke all of the flames.
"Yeah, of course." you say, raising a haughty brow at him before turning to the screen.
He hugs you closer against his chest, subtly rolling his hips up into your ass like he's signaling with a checkered flag. You pretend to readjust the blanket over your lap as you rub back, dragging your ass along the slope tenting his sweatpants. The corners of your lips automatically tilt up in victory when you hear the hiss echo into your ear.
Both of you are pretty good for the first twenty minutes of the film, still joining the occasional conversation about the plot with the others as the new blunt goes around. Sero still holds it up for you to puff from before bringing it up to his own lips, never missing an opportunity to turn you slightly in your seat so he can hold eye contact with you as he inhales.
Sometimes, after he blows out the smoke, you take his wrist and bring the filter back to your lips to suck in another puff for yourself as you return the sticky gaze, maybe even leave a kiss on a knuckle. Only to turn back towards the TV after you've drank in his expression. It’s a painstaking rally of sexy little stunts, but you’re not going to drop the ball if you can help it.
The burning in your core is mild, still controllable, but so very present. It only gets warmer with time and touch, as the movie plays on and Sero's hands return to your thighs. This time, he keeps skimming his fingers along the bottom hem of your skirt, not really reaching any higher than that with his squeezes and caresses.
You think he's going to keep at that pace for a while, but then he starts grabbing hold of your hips on occasion, manually dragging you across his bulge when he's sure that no one's looking. You hold in your surprised breaths as much as possible, just letting yourself feel the deep-seated friction as he uses your body to get himself harder.
Your dress and skirt are riding up again, but it almost feels like a relief to be able to sit directly on his dick, even if it's hiding behind his sweatpants. They're black, so you can only hope that the stain from your pussy juices don't show when you eventually have to stand again.
At this point, you're kind of lost on the plot. Your dazed eyes are facing the TV, but all that's going on in your head is how much you wanna feel that raw, heavy cock again. It's so close, you could literally be sitting on it right now, if only it weren't for those sweats and this movie marathon and so many friends in the room.
However, while you think you're only stuck daydreaming about it, it seems like Sero doesn't let any of those things stop him. When he adjusts his sitting position beneath you this time, he must pull his sweats down just enough to let his dick out, because you really are sitting on it now!!
You clench your jaw to keep hold of your expression, fisting the blanket in your lap as you feel that undeniably warm, thick, and smooth flesh line up against your wet slit. Oh my god, there it is. That enormous, heavy cock that you've been longing for these past several weeks. You cannot believe you're finally touching it again under these circumstances...
For a minute, you convince yourself that Sero is just teasing you again, that he's just going to rub your hot flesh together like this for the rest of the film. That there's no way he'd be stupid enough to try and sit himself inside of you while all of your friends can very easily catch you.
Until you feel him lift your weight up slightly so he can press his tip between your lips, pushing in enough to breach your opening.
Putting a hand on his forearm that's wrapped around your waist, you turn around to whisper, "Are you fucking crazy?!"
"It'll be fine, baby. I'm not gonna move anything. I just wanna be inside you." He murmurs back with a face that is way too calm and innocent for what he's doing underneath this blanket.
"They're gonna notice!" You argue, still whispering as subtly and quietly as possible.
"They won't. Look, everyone's already faded. Some of 'em are already asleep." Sero subtly points his chin over to the guys who, when you look over, are indeed glazed over.
Bakugou and Todoroki both have their eyes closed and heads lulled to the side on their bean bags, out like lights. Kirishima’s eyes are hooded and blinking slowly as he leans against the arm of the sofa, like he's about to quickly follow after the sleeping beauties. Tokoyami is staring blankly at the screen and nothing else, sunken into the sofa like he's become a part of it, inanimate and all. And whatever focus is left in Kaminari’s brain seems to be concentrated on his phone, his thumbs moving slowly as he texts through his smoky haze.
So while you suppose you could possibly get away with letting Sero slip the tip in — or a bit more than that — without the others realizing it, that doesn't really mean that you should?? Because??? That would be so wrong??? And totally uncalled for, especially when they gave you plenty of outs to fuck in private already.
But... you do kind of want it.
Again, it's literally right there, pressed against your skin and already waiting at your entrance. The perfect size, the perfect temperature, a magnificent density to it that you can practically taste…
And... fuck, you would be lying if you said that it didn't excite you a bit, the idea of secretly taking a full dick right in front of all of your friends. Just playing a role as a flesh doll for your boyfriend while he's hanging out with his bros. The exaggerated thought of Sero casually having a conversation with his friends while he’s got you riding him leisurely or bent over a piece of furniture for him makes you shake with arousal. You can already feel another drop of wetness leaking out of your cunt as if to prove it.
"Come on, baby, lemme inside." Sero whispers again, pressing kisses into your neck, "Just for a bit. Promise I won't give it away. I won't even come, I swear."
"Are you fucking serious?" You quip back, more just to say it and buy time rather than because you're genuinely opposed to it at this point.
"I can already feel your pussy twitching against me," he teases with a quiet chuckle, "If I didn't move my pants out of the way, you've would've soaked right through them."
You shiver at his increasingly persuasive words, knowing more than anyone just how ready your pussy is to take him in. You've already been toeing the line of appropriateness this entire afternoon, but are you really ready to cross the border?
"Don't lie to me, querida." He says while rubbing your thighs this time, totally cheating, "Do you want me?"
"Yes, obviously. But..."
"I want you, too." He kisses your cheek this time, then pulls your chin to turn towards him so he can kiss your lips, "I want you so fucking bad. So will you let me? I swear, I just wanna be inside. I wanna feel close to you."
Wow, he really knows how to tug at the heartstrings. Stupid fucking playboy.
After taking in a deep, contemplating breath through your nose, you grumble out, "Fine."
He thanks you with a kiss before letting you pretend to adjust your seat and the blanket, when he's really just guiding you by the hips to sink down — slowly, slowly — inch by inch onto his stupidly large cock. Your eyes dart around the room, watching for any suspicious reactions as you get seated on your forbidden throne. But you can't keep them from closing in bliss when you feel yourself completely filled to the brim.
And your most immediate thought is, thank goodness.
The sigh that escapes your lips as you lean back into his chest is also against your will, but already, you feel changed. Grateful to finally have something to hug your walls around. Relieved after you see that no one seems to have noticed a thing. And somehow, safe, even in this dangerously scandalous predicament because you've got Sero's strong, warm arms wrapped around you.
You can't help but use your inner walls to give him a squeeze of appreciation out of the pure bliss you're feeling, but that doesn't seem to be the right thing to do, because Sero hisses and scolds you, "Careful there, [Name]. I said I'd be good, but you gotta behave too."
You have half a mind to tell him not to threaten you with a good time. But you figure that he’s right. It’s just to feel close, not to come. This is already crossing a line; you don’t need to take his cock and orgasm with all your friends around.
"Fine," you agree, "I'll be good. I can be good."
You say it almost like a chant to yourself, to convince yourself that you can do it. You can just sit here for the remainder of the film, completely calm with a hard dick inside of you, and not try to get yourself off on it.
You can do that.
You will do that.
Only it’s hard. Just the slightest thing triggers a tease of pleasure that only makes you seek out more. A twitch, a breath, a touch, adjusting your seat, even something that surprises you from the movie makes your walls contract in surprise, and Sero receives the direct blow of that reaction. Sometimes you even feel him twitch inside of you.
He’s pretty good at hiding it, just hugging you like he’s been doing all afternoon, still leaving innocently light kisses on your skin every so often, and keeping a casual demeanor even as he stays completely erect inside of you for the remainder of the movie. You’re rather impressed at his self control. He really did keep his promise to just be inside of you without doing anything else.
And you admit, past all of the sexual torture of this endless tease of a movie marathon, you do feel close to him. You’re learning about Sero’s more wild, daring, borderline criminal side, and he’s really been treating you like a girlfriend in front of his closest friends. While this is a rather unexpected turnout of events for a date, you have been enjoying yourself. And it only makes you more excited to spend time with him again. To find out what else you can learn about him.
Until you learn that he is actually a liar after all.
His claims about ‘behaving’ seem to have been forgotten as you feel his hand travel across your thigh to reach for your clit with his fingers. And when he starts gently rubbing at it without a word of warning, you know that he’s up to no good.
“What happened to ‘just being inside’?” You accuse, turning your head back enough so that only he hears you.
“I’m not moving, am I?” He has the gall to ask as he gives your clit a little pinch, making you gasp in surprise with a buck of your hips.
“Fuck, Hanta.” You rasp breathlessly, collapsing back against his chest and fisting the blanket into your hands to bring up to your chest, “D-Didn't you say you weren't gonna try to come?”
“Yeah. But that has nothing to do with making you come.” He points out, speeding up his fingers just a tad, “And I wanna feel you come around me, mami. Want you to fucking fall apart on top of me, right here, while you're warming my cock in front of all our friends."
The speed increases with the intensity of his dirty talk, and you find it harder and harder to believe that he's really just saying all of this in front of the everyone, whether they're barely conscious or not. What if one of them wakes up? What if they hear the sounds your wet clit is making under Sero's fingers and wake up to the sight of you coming right in this open living room?
"You f-fucking jerk..." you tremble, completely at his mercy. You aren't even keeping watch on anyone else anymore, having closed to your closed and brought the blanket to your nose with a hopeless prayer that no one will bear witness to your growing desperation to come.
"I know, baby, I know." He kisses your cheek before going down to start sucking harshly at your neck, making you muffle a squeal into the blanket bunched at your mouth now as you're attacked on two fronts.
The more Sero plays and swipes at your clit, the more your inner walls just start to pulse and tremble on their own around his dick, dancing from stimulation. Which makes him rub even faster in turn, using your clit like a dial to increase the pleasure for himself. He really is just trying to make you come around him like this, when the movie's just about to end.
"Fuck, fuuuck, don't do this to me..." You whisper breathlessly into the air as you lay your head back on Sero's shoulder, still clutching tightly to the blanket.
"Mmn... it's okay, bella." He rises to nip at your ear again, "Come for me. Come all over papi's big cock."
With a whimper over his words, you hide your face into the blanket as you roll your hips onto his cock and into his fingers, finally chasing your high for yourself. And it only takes a few seconds before you hit that long awaited peak. But all the pain of the buildup, teasing, anxiety over getting caught, embarrassment, and overall relief (mixed with all the pot that amplifies it all) also purge from your body at the same time.
Through your eyes.
You break out into tears — as quietly as possible — as you come, muffling your sobs as much as you can through the blanket as you orgasm intensely around Sero's cock. The pleasure is so good, but you're simultaneously so concerned about keeping quiet that you can't completely enjoy it, which only feeds into your tears even more.
Eventually, Sero notices something wrong, and he's quick to take action, pulling you off of his dick and scooping you up in a princess hold to hurriedly carry you back to his room. He speaks in a soft, soothing voice to you as he gets the door closed behind him and sets you down on his bed.
"Baby, baby what's wrong? [Name], I am so sorry, I went way too far, didn't I?" Regret laces his voice as he hovers over your body, holding your face in his hands as he gives you an apologetic kiss, "I'm so sorry, querida. Are you really upset? Talk to me."
You cry it out for another minute or two, waiting for the overflow of emotions to drain out of your body. All while Sero gives you kisses and comforting words and touches in the meantime. And eventually, your body calms down enough for you to speak again.
"I'm n-not upset," you hiccough a bit as you wipe at the tears, "But that was definitely a lot... More than I expected."
"Oh my god, I am so sorry—"
"No, I thought I could handle it." you admit, sniffling as you wipe away the last of the tears. You don't feel any more forming behind your eyes, so you should be good now. So you continue, "You didn't do anything wrong, I still enjoyed it. I would've stopped you if I really didn't want you to do it."
"Are you sure?" He asks, eyes worried and thumbs caressing your cheeks. This is yet another face you're seeing on him for the first time. He really does care about you.
"Yeah, but... maybe we shouldn't do that again." You suggest with a bloated laugh.
"Agreed." He presses a kiss into your lips that feels like a vow, "I really am sorry about all of that. I just got so caught up in you. I... I've actually never done something like that before."
"You've never stuck your cock inside someone in front of your friends?" You raise your brows playfully at him, as if you find it hard to believe.
"Call me a prude." He shrugs, coming in for another apologetic kiss. He kisses you for a while longer, taking it slow but moving freely without the barrier of other eyes on you.
His clothes and your sweater dress finally come off, and he marvels at you as he lies on his back with you straddling his waist. The way he drags his hands up your thighs to slip beneath your translucent skirt, you'd think he was working with cake fondant or something equally delicate.
"I cannot tell you how much I fucking love this on you." He sighs, playing with the soft material.
"I was hoping you'd like it," you confess, a sultry smile on your face as you rise to your knees and maneuver yourself to straddle him in the opposite direction instead. Your smile only grows wider in triumph when you hear Sero's pained groan as he drinks in the view from the back.
His hands are already drawing up your sides to help support your weight as you lift and lower yourself back down to sheathe his cock again. Then, making a show of arching your back and sticking out your ass, you plant your hands down on his lower thighs to start gently bouncing on him.
"Mmm... your pussy is even silkier than this skirt. Fucking perfect." He praises, pulling his hands aside for once, just letting you show off and enjoying the view for himself a while longer.
You only turn your head halfway around to look back and say, "Mm, it missed you, daddy."
And then you squeeze him as you drag your hips back up the length of his cock, earning you a playful smack on the ass in return.
"Oh, I know." He reassures you, "Your pussy is probably the most honest thing about you, mami. It's been dripping for me since the moment you stepped foot in the door, hasn't it? Sweet, pretty, little thing..." He praises, massaging and spreading the globes of your ass as he speaks. As if trying to bare the sight of said pussy to his eyes, even while it's swallowing cock.
"Always. For you." You sigh as you adjust your legs, bring them to lie between Sero's legs this time as you lean back, "Hold me up."
His hands are quick to support your weight at your sides as you lean back, hovering above him as you continue to stay sheathed on his dick. After planting your hands on the bed beneath you, you engage all of your ab muscles to start dropping yourself down on his hips again, fucking yourself on his cock that you're sure is going to burst soon.
Sero is moaning behind you, lifting his own hips to meet yours while still supporting your weight. And once he's gotten used to the rhythm a bit, you lift up one leg to cross over the other, effectively tightening your pussy around him as you continue to ride him this way. Admittedly, it's a lot tougher trying to balance your weight on one leg when you're trying to fuck yourself on a cock, but Sero's loud, helpless groan is entirely worth it.
"Holy fuck, hoooooly fuck." He practically sings, slipping out a few Spanish curses as well, "God, baby you are so— so fucking tight. Feels so damn good."
"Yeah, papi. It's all for you. So you can fill me up again." You return his dirty talk in stride, getting lost in yourself, emotions awhirl from the pot and the orgasm earlier and all the excitement from the afternoon. You just need to get your fill of Sero, and everything will fall into place later.
"Fuck, baby. You know I love that shit—" He growls as he hugs you to bring you down to lie completely on top of him, taking completely control of the pace.
His arms keep you caged to his chest, so you can only watch and hold on as Sero plants his feet on the bed and lifts his hips to just start fucking up into yours. All of the patience, teasing, and tension you've piled up throughout the day has all crumbled into this avalanche of desperate, carnal desire. His playfulness is lost on you as he growls through this last spurt of pummeling through your guts to finally come inside you.
And you barely manage to muffle your scream in time when he fucks you into a more freeing orgasm. One where you can come without worrying about who might catch you shaking like an electric current has passed through you, or seeing what kind of slutty, wanton face you're making, or watching you desperately grind and milk Sero's cock for all he's worth even after he finishes coming.
"Fuck, daddy. It's so fucking good. I love it..." You babble mindlessly as you come down from your high, already searching for your next one.
Neither you nor Sero offer even the slightest thought to your friends outside for the next hour as he eats the cum out of your pussy, feeds it back to you with open-mouthed kisses, fucks you with your feet above your head, lets you suck him off until you can paint yourself with his cumshot, takes a few nasty nude photos of you, fucks you while just sitting down on his bed, fucks you on the floor, and finishes you off with the sweetest, honey-thick kisses.
By the time you wake up from your post marathon nap, the moon is bright in the sky and everyone is long gone. Todoroki seems to have turned in for the night when Sero leads you into the bathroom for a shower.
You feel awkward about the whole thing, but Sero reassures you, "The group chat's full of eggplant emojis and shit. So you know they're super supportive."
As if that's supposed to dissolve how deeply embarrassed you are for likely exposing them to all of your embarrassing sex noises. And somewhat sorry for keeping Sero to yourself on their boys' night. Even though it was technically your date night in the first place.
But your boyfriend soon kisses all of your worries away again, washing you clean, whipping you up a late night meal to share with the groceries you brought, and holding you close as he cuddles you in his bed with his laptop open to actually watch a movie together this time. And as you're huddled into Sero's blankets and arms, wearing only one of his t-shirts, bantering back and forth about the characters and actors that appear on the screen, you realize something again.
"You know," you say during some random lull in the film, turning to look up at him, "I really like you."
Sero blinks for a second, like he's in shock, but he reels back quickly and pulls in you closer by the waist, face calm but eyes deeply serious, "Well, I really like you, too."
You share the sentiment with a soft kiss, one that feels far gentler than any other kiss you've shared today. His lips only pucker and smack quietly against yours, barely pushing. Like he's purely focused on the sensation of your lips and trying to savor exactly how they feel and taste in this particular moment. It doesn't get any deeper even when he brings a hand up to cup your face, but the atmosphere does feel delicate when you both pull away to stare into each other's eyes.
And somehow, miraculously, the two of you only share one more short peck before turning your attention back to the movie. As if that moment didn't just remove the feeling of gravity from your body. Whatever was keeping you tied to earth has gone out for a smoke break.
Yet, it feels good to enjoy and savor a moment exactly as it is. While you wouldn't have been upset if that kiss went further, there is something to be appreciated about keeping it pure and clean. It’s almost magical. That la vie en rose type of feeling.
Your heart stirs in your chest, keeping you awake even when Sero’s fallen asleep beside you. You just listen to the even sound of his breathing, feeling his heart beat soundly against your cheek, waiting. Waiting until you’re sure that he’s really asleep. Because you want to say it just once. Just to see how it feels. You might not be able to sleep until you get it out.
So maybe thirty minutes after you’ve both said goodnight, when Sero’s arms have slightly relaxed around you, you lean up to leave a soft kiss on his jaw just below his ear, whispering, “Je t’aime.”
Once it’s done, you curl back into your place against his body, trying to get a hold of yourself as your heartbeat actually increases for a short wave before lowering once again. It actually takes you a while to fall asleep after that, but eventually you relax into the lull of Sero’s heartbeat until you drift off into a dream where he kisses your head and tells you “Te quiero” back.
a/n: lmao i know they literally just got together but if u know me then u know i can't finish a slow burn fic without at least one (1) dramatic ily confession
part 12
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cutepastelstarsalior · 8 months
Clone high season 3!!!!!! Let’s goooooo!!!!!
Episode 1
Joan is being exulted from the group :( also Jesus is here!!! I miss him..
Omg roll call song!!! Joan pls let them sing. Jackie the ripper….. Grell Sutcliff vibes. Ohg Vincent!!!!! The blorbo…
Oh yeah, the new teacher is definitely suspicious, and that new guy and Harriet are totally gonna be a thing. For some reason Abe and JFK feel a bit off? Also the husbands…I love them.
His I forgot what it’s like to laugh at jokes in a show…
😔 rip to jfgosh….maybe…
Honest to god I too would also try to pick a color before graffiti it…I now love the bench creatures
The eyeball scene….gross.
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Random person in the hat, I love you.
Why do people think Joan try to kill them? Like yeah, she throw everyone in a pit, but then they were led to a room to be brainwashed??? I can understand them think the pit would kill them or something but???? Murder?????
Episode 2
Cinnamon being a rising star of snorkeling but flailing, Mr b a sex worker who ran away from home…….the elements for a hurt/comfort fanfic are here…..👀👀
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Maybe it’s just me, but this painting reminds me of Saint Sebastian. It might be the arrows?….
Marie….NooOOOOOOOO. (I literally screamed seeing her knees) tho it make me wonder, marries can fully speak with her head off. Can clone just, not die? Is this just silly cartoon logic, or can clone can lose body parts and keep going? If that’s the case then thats a major reason why Joan’s mom want to clones to be leaders, they could be physically be un-killable.
Everyone wanting to get out of their small rural/supern town….Mood. Pls pls pls let there be an indie type coming of age romance or friendship episode!!! Pls pls.
Abe going a sport team!! Again!!! JFK doing more sports!!! It’s cool to see Abe, JFK, and Confusious as a trio. And to see Abe not being romance focused, JFK too.
Vince trying out for cheerleading, Genghis too <3
It’s kind of weird to see Harriet as the cheer leader captain? I thought it would be Cleo since that more of a mean girl/popular stereotype? Harriet taking the mean girl role feels weird? Like last season she was a nervous theater kid who wants friends? Now she the cheer captain??? But also snappy. She the mean smart girl??
Cleo charter moment!!!!!!! Her caring about Frieda’s art and respect it!!!!
I love this episode
Episode 3
:( did JFK not have an accent anymore? It goes and goes..
Catherine the great x Anna Boleyn 👀 👀 oh that a cute ship!!! Also LGBT background characters let’s gooo!!!!!!
“I’ll happy let you take my virginity” Abe…ABE.
JFK not like the label “slut” :(
Oh my god is bi/pan jfk going be canon??? Also hella Abe x jfk vibes, nice
Christian rock…..do you think Jesus clone would be weird out by this music or like it?
Side note, Vincent isn’t an active Blecher Creature. So if he’s not that, not popular, is he middle ground? Are all the background characters just….middle ground?? (I’m thinking to much of the logic here)
Abe x JFK…:..boyfriends/QPR real <3
The whole “jfk didn’t want to do sex/be seen as a slut/want to do more things in life” is like, a good premise but the execution on this episode???? :/ idk.
Clone Cleo x 2 and cloe Frida x 3. 👀 👀
Oh neat, my thoughts about how other schools/people outside of Exclamation Point don’t know that clones exist!!!!
Abe did you puke that ring out or something else???
Episode 4
Oh neato, that how Harriet texts!!! It’s always cool to find out how fictional characters text and talk to people!! (That and it makes chat fic more realistic if you cope the canon way characters text)
The husbands have sex dolls of each other….👀👀
HE IS NOT THAT BUFF I REFUSE to believe that’s canon
Confucius breaking up with Harriet. I mean, I don’t think looking at another man is cheating? But it’s nice to know that is isn’t in the wrong or did anything bad, well beside the whole bear thing.
Episode 5
Oh, so Confucius and Jain are fake dating…
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Oh my god there doing a manic pixie dream girl…
JFK and Abe nothing seeing and hearing the shoulder angels and demons…..👀👀
Mr B acting more human <3
Harriet’s dance outfit is cute.
Ok, Joan and Confusious talking by the water, then then dancing was super cute. Also Abe and Mary? They seems like a cute couple. Also skinny poo and cinnamon dancing in the rain was nice (wish it was Mr b tho… :( )
Oh nice, Harriet and what’s his name ended on good terms! I was afraid they were going to fight.
Ennui = a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction. 👀 JFK having these feelings because the shoulder angel and devil aren’t there, representing inner conflict. 👀 👀
I really like Confusious’s character growth, he’s not into technology to find praise and company. He’s friends with Abe and JFK and him and Joan dating seems….healthy? Tho I do wish Joan stay single, 2 out of 3 seasons she’s been dating someone and it would be cool to see her be herself and do things she likes to do.
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nandneeeeeee · 3 months
Discover the Wonders of Baratang Island: 15 Must-Visit Places and Hidden Gems
Baratang Island, a hidden gem in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, offers natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences. Known for its unique geological formations and pristine beaches, Baratang is a paradise waiting to be explored. Here are the top 15 places to visit on Baratang Island and Andaman Chanting Island. In addition to this, there are a lot of places to visit in Andaman for next-level experience!
1. Limestone Caves
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One of Baratang's most famous attractions, the limestone caves, is a natural wonder. Accessible by a boat ride through dense mangroves, these caves feature impressive stalactites and stalagmites formed over centuries. The journey itself is an adventure, as you navigate through narrow waterways teeming with wildlife.
2. Mud Volcano
Baratang Island is home to the only active mud volcanoes in India. These fascinating geological formations are created by natural gases pushing up from underground. Although the eruptions are relatively small, they provide a unique and intriguing sight, especially for geology enthusiasts.
3. Parrot Island
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A visit to Parrot Island offers a magical experience as thousands of parrots return to roost at sunset. Accessible by boat, this island is a birdwatcher's paradise. The sight of these colorful birds filling the sky is nothing short of spectacular.
4. Baludera Beach
For a tranquil beach experience, Baludera Beach is a must-visit. This serene, less-crowded beach is perfect for relaxation and picnics. The calm waters are ideal for swimming, and the surrounding forest adds to its untouched beauty.
5. Rangat Village
Rangat, located nearby Baratang, offers an authentic glimpse into the local culture. This village is known for its eco-tourism initiatives and lush greenery. Visitors can explore local handicrafts, interact with friendly villagers, and enjoy the peaceful rural setting.
6. Guitar Island Beach
Named after its unique guitar-like shape, Guitar Island Beach is a secluded paradise. Accessible by boat, this pristine beach offers crystal-clear waters, soft white sand, and a perfect spot for snorkeling and swimming.
7. Mangrove Creek
A boat ride through the mangrove creeks of Baratang is a surreal experience. These creeks form a labyrinth of waterways, providing a serene and picturesque journey. The dense mangrove canopy creates a tranquil environment, ideal for nature lovers and photographers.
8. Aamkunj Beach
Aamkunj Beach is an eco-friendly beach located in Rangat. It is well-maintained and features facilities like eco-huts and changing rooms. The beach is a great spot for swimming and sunbathing, and the nearby turtle nesting grounds add to its ecological significance.
9. Merk Bay Beach
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Located on North Passage Island near Baratang, Merk Bay Beach is another hidden gem. Known for its stunning white sand and clear blue waters, it's an ideal spot for snorkeling and exploring marine life. The beach is relatively untouched, offering a peaceful retreat.
10. Nilambur Jetty
The Nilambur Jetty is the starting point for many boat rides to various attractions on Baratang Island. It’s also a great spot to observe the bustling activity of local fishermen and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding waters.
11. Ramnagar Beach
Ramnagar Beach, located in Rangat, is known for its scenic beauty and serene environment. The beach is lined with tall coconut trees and offers a peaceful spot for relaxation. It's also a great place for watching the sunset.
12. Panchavati Hills
The Panchavati Hills near Baratang offer stunning views of the island's lush landscape. It's a great spot for hiking and nature walks, providing an opportunity to see the diverse flora and fauna of the region.
13. Lalaji Bay Beach
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Located on Long Island, near Baratang, Lalaji Bay Beach is a pristine beach known for its turquoise waters and white sandy shores. It's a perfect spot for snorkeling, swimming, and sunbathing.
14. Amkunj Beach
Amkunj Beach is another eco-friendly beach located in Rangat. It is known for its cleanliness and natural beauty. The beach features eco-friendly huts and is a great spot for picnics and family outings.
15. Yeratta Mangrove Park
The Yeratta Mangrove Park offers an educational experience about the importance of mangroves in the ecosystem. The park features a walkway through the mangroves and provides information about the various species of flora and fauna found in the region.
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Baratang Island is a treasure trove of natural beauty and adventure. From the awe-inspiring limestone caves and unique mud volcanoes to serene beaches and vibrant local villages, there is something for every traveler. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Baratang Island offers a diverse array of experiences that will leave you enchanted. Plan your visit to this hidden gem in the Andaman Islands and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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cyberphoenixsstuff · 4 months
A Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy(Part 1)
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Vicky Jang just got an invitation from Giselle to her private evening fetish party,and she sure to be quite excited about it.
When Giselle come to IVE dorm to pick Vicky up,she was ride on a motorbike,she is wearing a full body tight latex suit,the helmet,the boot heel,make she look wild and sexy as hell
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It makes Vicky stares as her for a while,before she could hop in Giselle's bike.
After a long ride,they finally arrive at Giselle's place.Vicky get off the vehicle quickly,she can't wait for the party anymore.
"Wow,Aeri unnie!why do you have to cut your hair that short?"Vicky held her cheeks with both hands and stared wide-eyed as Giselle took off her helmet.
"I got the cut for a while,honey, and i cut it often.The long hair you and everybody saw is because I wear a wig or hair extensions."-Giselle replied with a smile.
She hold one of Vicky's hand then lead her to the basement.It is a big waterpool,and next to the pool is the playroom.
"I am overflow with excitment already!" Vicky's thoughts
"Check this out,Wonyoung.A part of my...fetish collection" Giselle said,waves her hand at the wetsuits,and the loads of gasmasks,scuba tank,fins,snorkeling...
"Those suit made by rubber of PVC,right ?"Vicky replies with a smile,her eyes stare at the suit and gears,now she is feeling a bit awkward.
"Yup.But i prefer calling it latex.You feels interested already?Wanna try it out?"
"Sure,I am curious about it now.Never thought you are into that kind of fetish,Aeri unnie."
"Fine then.Which one do you want to try on,Wonyoung-chan?"
"I don't know...none of them look like it would fit me...you know how tall i am,and the mask is kind of small and hard to breathe..."Vicky said with a hesitates tone.
"Ahh...don't worry about it,honey.Once you try it,you will feel so good that you just want to do it over and over again"Giselle's smile haven't stop.
"Okay.I want that one"Vicky point at the suit.
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"Excellent choice,hon!But you have to tie up your hair so it can fit to the hood"
"You don't say,unnie..."
Vicky didn't have any troubles to put on the tight latex suit that not even her size on,with Giselle helps.Now she is cover in shiny rubber from neck to toe and finger,it was so freaking tight,but Vicky feels quite comfortable.How weird is that.
"Well,i still look beautiful.What do you think,Aeri unnie?"
"Your body always look smoking hot,hon.Now it is even more sexy than ever!And you are very cute,too."(I am really turned on right now just by looking at her,I wonder...)
"Oh right,I have to put on the rest of the gears..."Vicky reached out for the air tank,slowly attached it to her back.
"This thing is so heavy,i can't keep my back straight!oh well...anyway,lets put on the flipper..."
"Don't forget about the hood and mask,Wonyoung-chan"
It took a while for them to neatly tied up Vicky's long hair so she can put the scuba hood on.Now she is putting the mask on her face.
"Let's see...I have to pull it up like this..'"
"Let me help you with the tubes...Alright,it connected to the mask,all good to go."
Vicky gropes all over her body,she breathes hard,enjoy this weird feeling of the latex rubbing all over her smooth skin.
"Why i am feeling really horny now?I haven't touch my cunt yet.Oh no, i feel wet already..."
"I know,right.I gonna gear up too,keep enjoy yourself,hon"
Giselle wasn't take to much time to change.The rubbery and zipper noises she make was quite sexy tho.Her suit is also tight and shiny,but the gear look a bit different tho.
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"Your are wearing a gasmask,right unnie?"
"Yup.I look hot,do I?"
"I don't know...Your voice sound funny now and your breathe sound is...i don't know how to describe..."
"Your breath is like you just has a long run,Wonyoung-chan" Giselle giggles.
"I feel excited,horny,and maybe sweaty now.Can we start?"
"Of course.But first let's go underwater,hon.Ahh,what the hell,let's groping each other till we got climax"
Giselle's hands is putting on Vicky's breasts,slowly caress them,then she squeezes them and gropes them more roughly.One of Vicky's hand reach out to Giselle's crotch and rub it.
"You have been a naughty girl,Wonyoung-chan...You are feeling it now,right?Your breath is even harder now...I bet your pussy is super wet already,hehe..."
"Oh yes...this suit...it felt like...a second skin,and the gears and stuff...i feel more and more sensitive...my mouth is dripping..."
"Oh my,how horny can you feel now?
Giselle's hand is touching and rubbing Vicky's crotch,she keep rubbing it harder and faster,make sure she feel it.
"Oh no...I'M CUMMING!"Vicky's body was shaking,her breaths become messy,she can't control her legs for a moment,so she holds on Giselle's shoulders.
"Feel greats,isn't it.I bet you love it already."
"I'm pretty sure...i was cum and piss myself at the same time...how is this thing feel so good?"
"I told you so...Wanna feel something else?"
Giselle go back to the suit and gears rack to pick up a vibrator,then she come to Vicky,now sitting on the floor,try catching her breaths after a nice orgasm,
"Turn it on and rub it on your pussy,hon.The rubbery and this magic ward will make sure you go crazy,hehehe..."
"But I want to take a break,Aeri unnie..."
"Oh Wonyoung,you have to do it non stop,if you rests for too long the heat will gone,then you won't feel so good any more...fine,let me do it for you."
Giselle does not wait for Vicky to reply.The vibrator rubbing on her crotch though the rubber,give Vicky the pleasure like no other.She is leaning to the back,her hand pushing to the floor,her legs is spreading wider,and her mouth can't stop making the sluty moaning sounds.
"Look at you,hon.Did you enjoy it that much?"
"Ahh..Ah...Oh..Ah..."Vicky keep moaning and staring at the ceiling.
Giselle reachs her hand to the van of the air tank behind Vicky and turn it off.
"(Let's see how long it will take for her to realize what is happening)"
It was only few seconds for Vicky to run out of air,and 1 minute for the mask to stick tighter to her face.
"What the...I can't breathe anymore!!!"
"How are you feeling now,Wonyoung-chan?"
"You are doing it just fine,hon,keep going,i'm not going anywhere."
Right in the time Vicky reaches climax,Giselle have turn the van back on.Vicky was breathing really hard like her life depend on it.
"I am pretty sure that was probably the strongest orgasm you ever had.Are you alright,hon?"
"That...was...insane...and...intense"Vicky still try to catches her breathe.And once she was recover,she said"I might get addicted to this"
"Good.Now it my turn to feel it"
Giselle stick the vibrator into her crotch and turn it on.She was rubbing it quite hard,while making a hentai ahegao face behind the mask.Her eyes rolled,her breaths harder and her knees is shaking.She is making weird but lewd moaning sound as if the vibrator were raping her.She was making Vicky confused.
"Turn off the van of my air tank for 30 seconds,hon"
"Okay"Vicky does it immediately.
"YES!CUMMING!".Giselle screams.She was squirting and pissing all over.This is the first time Vicky see some girl other than her reach climax like that.
When the van is turn back on,Giselle was lay down to her right side,breathing hard.
"I am satisfied already.But it you want to play some more..."
"No,it's okay,Aeri unnie.You should rest.Next time i hope we will do something even more kinky"
Vicky can't wait for the next time.
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gloomiegalaxie · 9 months
Top 23 of 23
thank you for the tag @plumbewb >///<
so the fun part is, some of my favorite screenshots have actually not been posted yet and are currently sitting in my queue. womp womp. i'll share them anyway tho, oldest to newest.
23) Corinne
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22) Flynt + Corinne, when they still got along
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21) Glade faerie, fighting Corinne
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20) Sylvan Glade
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19) Toddler Demeter
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18) Flynt carrying toddler Sybil
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17) Moody teen Demeter
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16 + 15) Lombax Babes
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14) Freyr slaying
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13) Winter in Windenburg
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12 + 11) Ivy + Elm
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10) Saucy underwear cc featuring Elm
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9) Demeter's old barn
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8) Himbo Matthew
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7) Don't have a title, this is just the point where i found making composed screenshots is fun
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6) Zander + Zita hanging outside The Solar Flare
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5) Photosynthesizing on Ohan'ali Beach
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4) Mandrake root
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3) Brite Lite preview pic
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2) [not posted yet, still in queue; part of a set] snorkeling in Ohan'ali Beach
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1) [not posted yet, still in queue] my current fave screenshot ever, im quite proud of this one.
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gonna tag @occultradio, @blvckentropy, @sadraccoon061 & @void-imp (if you wanna, no pressure!)
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Blog 1
I have always had an interest and need to connect with nature ever since I was a child but my care for it has evolved over the years. My earliest memories interacting with nature were when I started collecting snails and caterpillars at probably just 4 years old. My mom would buy me small plastic containers for me to house the critters I collected. One of my favourite things to do with the snails was poke their little eyes on the tip of their stalks and watch as they recede into the body of the snail. It is funny to look back and think how interested I was in such a small uncleanly creature. I would put grass and rocks in the container hoping that it would make the space more comfortable for the snails or to provide food for them. 
When I was in grade 6 I decided to go vegetarian as I could not deal with the ways that animals were killed for food. I later learned how much the meat industry impacts the environment and specifically land usage. I wish the world could be like it was before humans urbanized the planet, but nature could have so much more room if people just changed their diet. 
The summer after grade 10 I worked as a gardening assistant at a food centre. At this point in my life I hadn’t put in an hour of gardening so this was a learning curve. I not only learned what plants look like before we consume them, but I also learned the diseases they interact with and the pests that consume them. Gardening isn't as simple as one might think, you have to work with nature and respect its boundaries. My relationship with nature became more spiritual with this job. The energy moves through the soil and into the plants and then we eat these plants as the final process. Those cells are broken down and become part of our cells, we make DNA out of their DNA, it is quite fascinating. 
On my trip to Hawaii this year I was able to connect with nature in a different way than before. I spent many hours snorkelling on the surface of the ocean just staring down at the reef which was teeming with life. There were so many different kinds of corals and sea stars that I have only been able to see in an aquarium but here they were out in nature where they may have been for millions of years. I found myself drifting over the reef in awe every time I went snorkelling. 
Throughout my life, my dad has offered me a sense of place in nature. He has always loved going on family hikes and sharing his knowledge about the surrounding area. I remember one time we walked past this giant boulder at the bottom of a hill in a forest and he described how it would have been brought there by a glacier.
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silurisanguine · 5 months
15 questions
I was tagged by @andromedaholic thankyou!!
1-Are you named after anyone?
My mum's best friend in high school. She was Norwegian and her name was very unusual at the time and still is rare in the UK.
2-When was the last time you cried?
Tears of joy watching the Fallout tv show!
3-Do you have kids?
Only furkids
4-What sports do you play/have you played?
I dont play any sports. Never played anything competitive beyond what i had to in school. But 'sports' wise I was semi professional trampolinist at one point, practiced archery as well as swam A LOT. inc board diving and snorkeling.
5-Do you use sarcasm?
I'm British, what do you think?
6-What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The vibe they give off, I can't explain it any other way. Then their eyes and mannerisms.
7-What’s your eye color?
Light sage green.
8-Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movie with a happy ending......
9-Any talents?
I write, paint, cosplay, sing, garden. Used to do the above sporty stuff, but since chronic illness nicked that in the bud, I no longer do those things.
10-Where were you born?
in a hospital in Cardiff, South Wales.
11-What are your hobbies?
As above - writing, painting, cosplay. Also video gaming, makeup artistry, gardening and interior decorating.
12-Do you have any pets?
Just one cat now, though I did have up to 4 at one point.
13-How tall are you?
5' 2"
14-Favorite subject in school?
Art followed closely by history.
15-Dream job? Acting honestly. I loved the opportunities i had back when i was younger and have appeared in front of the camera a few times. So i'd love to act either on camera acting or voice acting.
I tag the Coemancer crew, @vorchagirl @despicablediet which should make up at least 15 people XD But hey this is open to anyone who'd like to do it! Considering yourself tagged.
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moonjxsung · 5 months
hi star! it’s ☁️
i’m glad i got the emoji i wanted omg 😭 anyways i don’t know much about you (other than what’s on your bio) so to get to know you better, what are five things you’ve always wanted to do but have never done? i hope you’re having a wonderful day! remember to drink plenty of water ♥︎
Hi my loverrrrrr I hope you’re having the best day!!!!! I am chugging water as we speak 👼🫶
I love this questionnnn oh my gosh I love when you guys ask questions that make me think super hard. HMMM okay let’s see
1. Travel to another country w my sister (preferably for a concert!) we’ve been talking about going to Japan to see shinee if we’re able to and I’ve always wanted to go to Japan so I think it would be super fun 👼
2. Have a tattoo sleeve! I only have 6 tattoos as of now, but I get around 1 tattoo every year and eventually I’d love to have a sleeve of little tats on one of my arms. My next one is currently planned for August 👀
3. Go scuba diving! I’ve been snorkeling before, but I’d love to go deeper and be able to see some really cool sea creatures that dwell a little bit further down. I love swimming and I loved snorkeling when I went so I think it would be super fun 🏊‍♀️
4. Live in New York!!! I’ve said it on here so many times before but I love love love New York and I WILLL live there by myself for a short chapter of my life at some point. I know it’s so heavily romanticized but I just feel like I have to I am a huuuuge lover of city life 🌃
5. Publish a book! Self-explanatory but still would be a dream come true 💓
Hope you’re having the best week my dearest, make sure to take care of yourself!! Sending you all my love 💖👼🫶
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incompleteguide · 6 months
nicest beaches we know
we did a review of dune: part two as our main article for the substack, so as a thematic spin-off we made a list of the nicest beaches we know (because we’ve been there):
1. stormalong bay at disney’s beach and yacht club resorts, walt disney world (united states)
a lot of people traditionally picture beaches as the sandy (or pebbly) spots where you spend time outside of the water. if you’ve clicked the link above, you’ve obviously seen that stormalong bay is categorised as a swimming pool. however, and it’s a big however, this swimming pool feels like a miniature water park - including a beach that transitions into the more lively elements, like a waterfall pool. still, the fact that you can feel the sand under your toes keeps you feeling beachy.
2. kamari’s “black” beach, santorini (greece)
kamari has much to offer - its historic dig site hosts what assassin’s creed: odyssey would like to tell us is home to atlantis, for instance. its black beach is better for folks who have less time. sure, the sand isn’t legitimately black (the only time we’ve ever seen that was in sri lanka, after the 2004 tsunami, so not a great memory). but it’s eye-catching, and this beach is a peaceful place in the off-season. visit between november and april for low crowds, but also few amenities.
3. preethipura beach, wattala (sri lanka)
colombo itself doesn’t have the best location for beaches - galle face and its adjacent “beach park” are far too urbanised and inauthentic to qualify for this list. drive out to wattala though, and you get more of a view. colombo’s skyscrapers grace the horizon, but the soft sand underneath feels more than just a couple of miles away. by now the genuinely black sands of the christmas day tsunami have washed away, leaving crystal clear water hugging the pristine beige shoreline.
4. hengistbury head, dorset (united kingdom)
about two miles east of bournemouth, is christchurch, a beautiful little town, which has marshes and a river mouth that connects to hengistbury head, a far superior beach to what bournemouth can offer. it takes nearly an hour to traverse its mile of undisturbed smooth sands and dunes. Its most easterly point offers ferry access to mudeford harbour. it’s the most quintessentially english spot, but shockingly desirable, with some of the beach huts, which have no amenities, available for weekly rent of up to £600 a week. if you’re going to visit, you’ll find it you can do it as a day visit or stay a few towns in land much cheaper (my childhood association with the area was down to us having a caravan). worth the view of its cliff sides full of nature reserves though!
5. seven mile beach, grand cayman
there isn’t a whole lot of culture to dig into on grand cayman, the largest of the cayman islands. its beaches though? they are spectacular. the caribbean has truly earned its reputation for white, fine sand and turquoise, yet transparent water. seven mile beach is walkable, providing several hours worth of beachcombing entertainment, and you can easily swim, or depart on a snorkelling adventure from there. avoid hurricane season, and ensure you have some kind of shade alongside sunscreen for protection.
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