#1 Trusted Pharmacy
ccsainzleclerc5516 · 8 months
Taking care of his girls (part 1)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
a/n: another girl dad Carlos because I just can't get enough
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Y/N's pov
The newborn stage is extremely challenging. Sleep deprivation caused by countless sleepless nights, lack of energy, baby crying even though she ate half an hour ago, trying to figure out the cause of her crying, colic, baby not latching, painful feedings or lack of milk production - all that and much more comes when you step into motherhood. Trust me, it is exhausting both physically and mentally and anyone who says otherwise is lying!
However, not much is talked about how demanding and tiring and difficult it is when you are burning with a fever and can barely stand on your feet, and you have a two-year-old daughter who also has a flu and who, in addition to all of that, is a very stubborn daddy's little girl and doesn't really like to listen to anyone except her dad. That two-year-old is our little girl Bea. Bea is a very stubborn and smart girl who is very attached to her dad and loves spending time with him. She is completely enchanted by him and whenever Carlos returns home from the race, she does not separate from him.
We've only recently started taking her to the races, but since she tends to run around the paddock and starts screaming when it's time for Carlos to get in the car, we've decided that we won't be able to follow Carlos everywhere he goes.
This time we could not attend the Grand Prix in Italy for another reason, and that reason was because I caught a flu, which almost knocked me off my feet, and two days later Bea was burning with a fever as well.
Being alone with her while I was sick, doing all the housework, cooking and taking care of her was very difficult and exhausting. I was very worried about her because she had a high temperature, she was very weak, she didn't want to eat much, she was crying all the time and she just wanted me to hold her in my arms and cuddle her.
Carlos returned from Italy to our home in Madrid yesterday and we both couldn't wait to see him. When he came back I could finally breathe a little, sit down and rest because he decided to take care of both of us.
It was the same today, even though I felt a little better, Bea was still coughing a lot and her nose was blocked, so I decided to go to the pharmacy to get a children's inhaler. Carlos decided to stay with her and fulfill all her wishes, and today the wish was cuddling and watching cartoons in the living room.
It took me quite a long time to get to the pharmacy, make the purchase and get back home, so I only returned after 45 minutes. The sight that greeted me when I entered the living room brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears full of gratitude.
Bea was lying curled up on Carlos' chest, his arms wrapped around her as his head fell back against the back of the couch his lips slightly parted as both of them were fast asleep while Dora the explorer begged for help in the background. Carlos tied her hair into a small ponytail on top of her head while her baby hairs were messily sticking out. For a moment I just stood next to the couch and watched them smiling and thinking how did I get so lucky?
"Babe" I approach Carlos from the back of the couch and whisper into his ear. "Babe, wake up." It took him a minute to realize they had fallen asleep and to wake up.
"Ay dios mío.." You could also hear the tiredness in his voice because he didn't sleep at all last night. He demanded that I rest and that he would look after Bea overnight.
"Let's take her to bed okay?" I say quietly trying not to wake her up.
"What time is it?" He asks.
"It's only 7 p.m. I'll take care of her tonight, you get some sleep okay?" I say caressing his cheek.
"No, no I'll do it You still haven't fully recovered amor and I want you to." He says leaving a kiss on my thumb. Just as Carlos slowly straightened up from a semi-lying position on the couch, Bea startled and started crying.
"Shh cariño, no llores." (shh darling don't cry) Carlos immediately began gently shushing her and rubbing her back as I sat next to them.
"Do you want to go sleep in mommy and daddy's bed baby?" I asked her placing a kiss on her hand. She doesn't usually sleep with us, but when she is sick we always let her.
"No" She rubbed her eyes nervously, still crying and burrying her head into the crook of Carlos neck. "Papa, mama" She whined extending her little hand towards me, but not wanting to leave Carlos' embrace.
"Está bien mi amor, mamá y papá están aquí, no te preocupes." Carlos said tightening his grip around her with one arm and with the other pulling me closer to them.
We quickly gave up on trying to talk her into going to bed because we realized it would only upset her even more so we both decided to curl up to Carlos.
"Mis princesas." I leaned my head against his shoulder wrapping my arm around our little bean as Carlos kissed both of our foreheads.
Part 2 here
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cvtyvvitch · 4 months
💗💐✨Pick-A-Card: What Is Next for You in Love?✨💐
💕 Pick an emoji (⚡️, 🌸, or 🌊) for a reading on what is coming next for you in love.
✨ Focus your intention and remain open — if none of the images light up for you, there may not be a message for you in this reading! Alternatively, more than one image might connect with you. As always, trust your intuition and take what resonates, leaving the rest.
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#1 ⚡️ Lightning ⚡️
In French, love at first sight is called ‘coup de foudre’ — a lightning strike. This picture makes my eyes water, and I get a few different impressions off it. First, someone sees you and is completely taken back. This could be someone you have met already and they felt this, but for some it’s happening soon. Someone who literally stops in their tracks and is dazed by you. It’s a frenetic energy, hard to pin down. A bit of the madness that comes with a really intense new crush.
The second option I get is that someone reenters your life very suddenly, a bit of a Tower experience. It feels that things were left unresolved between you, and it’s a situation/feelings that still keeps you up some nights. It’s a feeling like horses straining under a harness and energy built up to the point of explosion. Not a bad feeling per se, but definitely volatile and shocking.
Key words: fire, volcano, out of control, thunder, chewed straws, bitten nails, knock on the door, feet on pavement, midnight, nokia cell phone, unknown caller ID, broken glass, be not afraid, late night gas/petrol station, buzzing silence
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#2 🌸 Pink Flower 🌸
For this group, I get the image of someone picking flowers from the garden for their grandmother. Someone very sweet on the periphery of your life who you know or may get the opportunity to get to know soon. They feel like someone with a lot of responsibility with maybe their family or community, but always find the time for you. Sweet, somewhat shy or quiet energy. Feels like a neighbor, maybe, or a neighbor to someone in your family.
There’s hesitation here, maybe on both ends? I don’t feel major turmoil but just the uncertainty mixed with curiosity that comes with a new person who isn’t obviously mutually interested in you. Friendly without being over flirtatious. The type of person who gives you a bucket of lemons because they’ve had a bunch extra in their backyard.
Keywords: bicycle, farmer’s market, pharmacy, picket fence, down the hall, shy, hedge, grandmother, dahlias, peonies, tuna can, plum
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#3 🌊 Waves 🌊
This connection coming in has a feeling of longing. It feels like a period of missing someone or a time in your life that you know you can’t return to. Grief that feels a little bit difficult to place because it feels like wanting something that even if you got it, things wouldn’t feel the same because you have also changed.
I know that’s not a super happy sounding message, but this is a period where you are asked to deeply reflect on what you loved and feel you’ve lost. Allow yourself to move past the surface of yearning to the deeper questions: why did I have this experience? Where did I learn what I wanted, and what does not truly help me grow and feel safe? It may feel very confusing right now in the face of perceived loss. It’s a murky time you must allow yourself to experience and pass through, but take care not to become trapped by the siren’s song of nostalgia. There is more for you to experience on the other side of this lesson, and a version of yourself waiting to embrace new joy based on a profound understanding of these past disappointing experiences.
Keywords: sighs, mirror, fingers along water, long hair, loneliness, emptiness, nostalgia, despair. Salt, tears, egg yolk, relearning, color, passion, glorious comeback and rebirth
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Yesss I can finally request!!1!!!
Sorry I just wanted needed to know this 😔
Yan!Archons with a s/o who acts like a mother. Like with Zhongli, the s/o treats Xiao and Qiqi like their children. I feel like most of them would take advantage of it 💀💀
i'm pretty sure i've said it before but i don't particularly want kids but y'all give me awful baby fever D:<
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including delusional behaviors, uh honestly there isn't much in this one either, other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti thinks it’s cute, seeing the way you interact with the little kids around town. Diona and Klee adore you, loving that you always bring them snacks and treat them with such kindness. It especially warms his heart because he knows how absent their real parents are so he doesn’t mind letting you out of the house more often for their sake. He also won’t deny the absolute baby fever it gives him, the sudden urge to have children of your own taking over his mind entirely. 
Venti couldn’t help the smile on his face as he watched you play around with the two girls. They had insisted you help them with their hair, them having messed it up after playing tag in the city. He couldn’t deny the sudden urge to have a child of your own, a sweet little thing that was the perfect mix of the two of you. Archons couldn’t have children with humans though, so for now he was content to watch you interact with the local Mondstat kids, dreaming of the day you could have your own.
Yandere!Zhongli would find you parenting Xiao and QiQi to be quite humorous. He had spent many years trying to parent the angsty boy himself and yet you made much faster progress in a month. QiQi could also be quite the challenge and yet you had the patience of an Archon themself with her. A true gift to him and both the kids.
Zhongli watched as you scolded Xiao for getting hurt again, leaving QiQi to find him and bring him back to BuBu Pharmacy. It was quite funny to see the boy get so flustered, hands fiddling with his polearm. Zhongli had gotten on the boy's case many times about this and he never seemed to take it to heart, but you had a different effect on the male. Even QiQi seemed to naturally trust your judgment despite her forgetful nature. It warmed Zhongli’s heart to see you getting along so well with the two, loving her naturally you seemed to fall into the parental role. 
Yandere!Raiden doesn’t see any use in children, after everything with Kunikuzushi she simply has no desire to be in the parental role. She also believes it to be unnecessary for you as the two of you will never have children together. Despite this she will still allow you to interact with the local children, namely Sayu.
Raiden sighed as she saw you playing with the young girl in the courtyard, a lighthearted game of tag being played amongst the two of you. Sayu often came here to hide out from Kano Nana, enjoying the sunlight naps that you two would take or the fun, simple games you’d play. Tag was her favorite but she was also fond of hide and seek as well as eye spy. While Raiden would never outright tell you that she disapproved, she’d never join you either, making it known her opinion from across the way. Her subtle glare and cold shoulder all the proof you need. 
Yandere!Furina doesn’t like kids, she thinks that she should be the only one to get your undivided attention and that she’s plenty fun and entertaining. Why do you want to hang out with kids when she's already baby?
An annoyed huff left Furina’s as you continued to interact with the Melusines. You two were supposed to be out on a date together, not hanging out with the Melusines. It was Neuvillette’s job to look after them, not yours! You should be paying attention to her, giving her your love and time and focusing on what she has to say. She’s certainly going to throw a fit if it continues, and even more so if you just try to brush it off. You are Furina’s partner and you should be giving her all your love.
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Every Time You Lie- Ch 1 || Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x female!reader, dark!Husband Lloyd Hansen x Wife!reader.
Synopsis: Any woman is jealous of you, especially with the status of being the wife of Lloyd Hansen—the CEO of the biggest pharmacy company in the country. From the outside, everyone sees you as a perfect family, a successful husband, two kids, and living in a big house. 
But the truth is different. You are trapped in this marriage because of the mistake you made. You are willing to give everything you have to get your freedom. Free from him. Free from your vicious mother-in-law. Free from your snobby son.
This story has manipulation, tragedy, and drama. 
Both of them shouldn’t be together.
Warning: Betrayal, suicidal thought, non-con, smut, harsh language, tragedy. Minors do not read. 18+
Author Note: I do not consent to copying or translating my work. 
Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
Main Masterlist || Ko-fi
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Any woman would kill to take your place—good looks, fame, connection, money, perfect kids, and perfect husband, Lloyd Hansen. 
But outsiders only see the surface. They don't know what happened behind the door. 
Heartbreak, betrayal, distrust, lie.
If any woman could withstand all these four, you are willing to give her the position of Mrs.Hansen to someone else.
You became the head of multiple charities to help people. But you can't save herself. 
All the money you have doesn't give you happiness. It's the opposite. As long as you still breathe, seeing Crystal Pharmacy building standing tall and proud reminds you that it's your fault why it turned out like this. 
Crystal Pharmacy used to be known as Laurent Pharmacy that belonged to your father. 
Your gentle father is a scientist who is friendly, kind, and gentle towards his kids even though they keep making mistakes. You are proud to have a patience father like him. 
But because your sin of trusting the wrong person made you lose everything: your father, brother, sister, and company. 
Your sin is loving Lloyd Hansen. You never thought sales like him could manipulate you and everyone. 
It turns out it was all his plan from the beginning to get close to you so he could access your father's company. 
Now everyone seems to have forgotten the name of Laurent Pharmacy, and the legacy from your father is also gone. 
You are trapped in this sinful mistake, perhaps have trapped marriage and your karma.
You married the man who destroyed everything your father had built. Your brother despised you and made him move away from the city, and your sister doesn't want to see you. 
All that has left is only Lloyd and his mother, your mother-in-law, Krystal Hansen. 
Oh, she hates you; she always has this passive-aggressive talk towards you. 
Every day she reminds you, "You are lucky to marry my son when there are a lot of women that are better than you."
You hold your anger each time she looks down on you. You can't run away or even get a divorce because you can't do anything. Because Lloyd holds everything you got. 
So, the only thing you could do is become a dutiful wife, always do and listen to whatever he says, and become a good mother. 
You thought becoming a mother of two kids could make your mother-in-law start to warm up to you. But no. Having two grandchildren is still not enough for her. 
First, your first daughter, Emily Hansen. She's beautiful, smart, and courageous. You're grateful that she doesn't act like her father. She even defended you when Krystal tried to mock you, and Lloyd couldn't get mad towards his daughter. 
But Krystal doesn't like Emily because she's a girl and wants a male heir to continue the company. 
Then your second child, a son. His name is Lionel Hansen. Everyone was overjoyed when he was born. But at that time, you were stressed and always went to a therapist every week. 
Krystal accused you of having an affair with your male therapist. 
That's the first time you snapped at her; how dare she be accused of something untrue while his son tortured you every night. 
What made you heartbroken is that your husband doesn't talk back to his mother and lets her do the DNA test. 
Well, the DNA proves that you were right. Lionel is Lloyd's son. In a second, Krystal changed, and she wanted to take care of Lionel. 
You were devastated, screamed. She can't take Lionel away from her. It's enough to have one Lloyd in this world. 
You can't help crying about Lionel, but you almost forgot about Emily. She needs attention too. She was 13 years old when Lionel was born. 
No one is taking care of Emily. Seeing you being fragile, her father busy at work, and her grandmother only pouring her affection towards her brother, she felt neglected.
Then she met your sister, her only aunt, Mia. They became close, and then Emily discovered the truth about her father's company and how her father made your family crumble. 
It felt like a jab in your heart when Emily told you she would move out, and she was ashamed to have a father like Lloyd. After her 17th birthday, she left the house and left you alone. 
The only pillar that made you able to stand is gone. 
Krystal gave Lionel back to you because she's exhausted caring for him. 
He's already seven years old. But you don't feel connected to your son. Perhaps you're afraid because his attitude is similar to his father's. 
The only thing you can do is stand still, be pretty in a beautiful dress and jewellery, and be proud to be Mrs Hansen.
Everything changed at your 20th wedding anniversary. 
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A loud moan echoed through the room. A man and a woman were intertwined on the bed. The man's back moved back and forth. Lloyd's cock dug deep into you. 
Lloyd feels pleasure and fullness every morning, making love with you. 
He lifted your legs and draped them over his shoulder. He grabbed your thighs with both hands and moved his back vigorously, speeding his movement. 
When he heard you moan, he knew you already hit a climax. Lloyd leaned his body towards you and moved his waist to reach his climax. He spilled his seeds inside your body. 
"Ha…That was a good way to celebrate our day. Right, Y/N?" 
Lloyd took his cock from your body and lay down next to you. He put your head to rest on his chest. He stroked his hair and kissed your forehead. 
Those who do not know will see you and Lloyd as a normal couple. 
Even though you just had an orgasm, you immediately feel dead again. 
"Yes." You nodded her head. 
Lloyd hummed and stroked your back. "I have booked a boutique store for your dress."
"Thank you."
What Lloyd is talking about is your dress for their 20th wedding anniversary. If anyone asks about that party, you will say it's unnecessary. But Lloyd wants to hold the event and invite all the business partners, and Krystal wants to show off her new diamonds. 
Lloyd smacked your ass. "Let's get up and start our morning."
You hummed and followed him to the bathroom and took a shower together. It's the same activity. After you put on your outfit, you will go to his changing room and put on his tie. 
He will wear the suits that you have prepared the night before. When you came in, Lloyd was already wearing his suit and tie. 
But there's something different. That's not the tie she prepared beforehand. In fact, she has never seen it before.
You grab the jacket suit from the hanger and go to Lloyd's back. "New tie?"
"Hmm, I bought it when I went to Paris." He stretched his arms to the back to wear the suit jacket. Then he straightened his outfit. After that, he sprays perfume on his neck. 
'That's a new perfume too.' You've never seen that perfume before. 
Then your woman instinct sent something to your brain. But you shook it because it's too early to speculate. 
Three of you, including Lionel, have breakfast in the dining room. He's 12 years old and taller than you because he likes to play basketball and volleyball. 
"Lionel, put down your phone." You softly order your son so he can eat his food. 
"Hmm…" Lionel hummed, but he didn't stop playing the mobile game. 
Reading the newspaper, Lloyd put down the paper and said, "Listen to your mom."
Lionel rolled his eyes. "Alright. Geez." He turns off his phone and starts eating. 
Only the sound of food utensils in the dining room until Lionels start the conversation, "Mom, I want to buy new shoes."
"Didn't you just buy one like yesterday?"
"This one is different, it's a limited edition. And these shoes are only available at your friend's store. All my friends already own it and I don't want to get left behind. Pleaseeee, mom…"
"That means you have to be on the waiting list. It will be difficult, Lionel."
"Mom!! I want it!! If grandma is here she will get it for me." Lionel crossed his arms and huffed. 
Under the table, you fisted your hand. Lionel is your son, but you can't scold him because he will tell everything to Krystal, and you will get scolded. 
"Just give him what he wants. Talk to Amelia, you are her top client." Lloyd suddenly joins in. 
You couldn't say no when your husband has made his decision. "Okay."
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You were at the private boutique watching the model walking on the catwalk with the choice of dress that you probably would choose for your party. 
You glanced at your secretary. "I will pick the blue dress and the white shoes from the second model."
"Yes ma'am."
After the short fashion show, every model went backstage. You also grab your bag and leave the room. But one model still stays, "Mrs. Hansen?"
She's the one wearing the blue dress you picked. When she got closer, in an instant, you knew she was gorgeous, and her beauty was captivating. The rosy cheeks on her skin, slender body, and mystery air around her. 
Compared to you, who is aging gracefully, I can't help being jealous towards this young model. 
She smiled shyly and cleared her throat. "Hi, uhm, my name is Zoey. I always wanted to meet you. It's because of your charity I could go to college."
You smiled at her. "I'm honored to hear that. So you became a model?"
Zoey nodded her head. "No, I'm helping my friend since she couldn't come. I work as a secretary."
"All thanks to you. Can I give you a hug? You're my inspiration."
"Uhm, sure." You weren't sure, but Zoey had already made her move and hugged you. After that, she became giddy and left you. 
When you don't see her, you tell the shop assistant, "I don't want the blue dress anymore, change it to black."
You quickly left the store and got into the car. Your heart is beating fast. Because when Zoey gets closer, you smell her. In a second, you knew, that's the same perfume Lloyd wears. 
One thing about Lloyd is he always wears something customized that is only available to him, like perfume. All his perfumes were custom-made only for him. And he said he got it from Paris. Paris is the city where perfumers gather. 
And Zoey said she's a secretary.
Fuck. Both of them fucked. 
Lloyd is cheating on you. You weren't that shocked because deep down, you knew this would have happened. Even though Lloyd is already 43 years old, he still has a muscular body, like 30 years old. He is rich and drives nicely. 
You sighed heavily and rubbed your head. The driver notices you from the rear mirror. "Mrs. Hansen, are you alright? Do I need to call a doctor?"
You raised your hands. "You don't have to. Headed to Amelia's store, please."
"Yes, Mrs.Hansen."
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You sit on the gold chair near the window at the boutique on the second floor. 
"Y/N. Are you're alright?"
You look at Amelia, who is sitting in front of you. She brings you tea and cakes. But you didn't touch anything.
Amelia is the only friend you got. Lloyd didn't stop you from meeting her because she’s rich. Her boutique store only sells limited editions, and many famous people became her clients. 
Your finger touches the teacup. You looked at your reflection in the water and sighed. "Lloyd is cheating on me."
Amelia slammed the table "That bastard!!!"
"Shh, don't be so loud."
"Fuck that; there's only us on this floor." Amelia leaned closer. "How did you know?"
"I met his mistress 1 hour ago."
Amelia clicked her tongue and threw him back to her chair. She was silent for a moment and then said, "Divorce him."
You scoffed, "Like I haven't thought about it a million times."
"Then do it; what's holding you back?" Amelia knew you didn't have a happy life. You're miserable. Under the expensive makeup and the fancy dress, she could see your soul crying. 
'What's holding you back?' That's the right question. 
Even though you have nothing, you still have your pride. You don't want to divorce Lloyd until he apologizes and realizes what he has done. 
But now, you don't even know anymore. 
"I don't know Amel. My kids?"
"Tsk, tsk, that's bullshit. Your oldest have moved out and already became a resident while your son is ungrateful child. If I have a gentle mother like you I won't touch any kind of drugs."
When she mentioned Lionel, you remembered, "Amel, can I ask you a favor? It's for my son. I knew there was a waiting list. I will pay double the price."
Amelia rolled her eyes. "Huh, really, Y/N. You're too kind. It's alright; I will call the designer to make another one."
You smiled at her; at least someone knew your effort. Amelia mother is a socialite whose an alcoholic and doesn't know parenting. 
Your friend became a drug addict, but she turned sober. Amelia sip the tea. "You remember Katherine from flower rearrange class?"
"Yeah, what about her?" You knew Katherine; she's a quiet and skinny woman. Her husband is an oil tycoon.
"She got divorced. Turned out her husband is abusive, and a cheater. Even though she doesn't get any money, she looks happy. I met her when I went to Florida." 
Amelia grabs her phone to open her social media. "See, doesn't she look vibrant and happier?" You look at Katherine's photos; she smiles a lot and seems to enjoy being alone.
Perhaps. Someday. You could be like her. 
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On the way back home, your phone suddenly rang. When you saw the contact, a smile appear on your lips. It's from Emily. 
The only thing that could make you want to stay alive is because of her. You didn't want to be biased towards your children. But you've been through; Emily is the only child that understands you. 
She never stepped foot into the house after she entered university. Both of you only met outside. But it's getting difficult to meet since she got accepted working at the hospital. 
"My dear, how are you?"
"Mom…" Her voice sounds trembled. 
"Emily, what's wrong?"
"Mom, aunt is Mia is sick. Could you come to hospital? Please."
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The moment your car stopped at the hospital, you ran from the car to the lobby. There you saw Emily already waiting for you. She's wearing her blue uniform. She looks exhausted. She lightened up when she saw you, "Mom."
You immediately hug her. "Emily, what's going on?"
Emily dragged your hand. "I will explain it later. Follow me."
She brings you into the ICU. Inside, you see your sister, Mia, lying on the patient's bed. The big sister you used to know was healthy, but now she looks skinny. 
You gasped, and your vision became blurry. "Mia, what happened?"
Mia, whose eyes were closed, slowly opened when she heard your voice. Her younger sister. "Y/N…?" She raised her hand to try to touch you. 
You immediately hold her hand and bring it closer to your cheek. "Sister, why you didn't tell me? Does brother Theo know?"
Mia didn't speak at all; she only nodded. 
Emily put her hand on your shoulder. "Aunty Mia got diagnosed with breast cancer. And… when she found out it's already on stage four."
"Oh no…"
Then you feel someone stroke your head, the movement is slow, but you know it's from your sister. You look straight at her and saw her smiling at you. 
"Y/N… I… miss… you…"  
At that moment, all the resentment and anger is gone. Both of you went back to the siblings you used to know. 
"I miss you too Mia."
You cried silently, looking at your sister condition; if both of you never fight, you could stay with her. If you had never met Lloyd, none of this could've happened.
"Here you are wifey. Damn Mia, you lost a lot of weight."
Your breath hitched when you heard that voice. It's not even an hour yet, and he already found you. 
One of the reasons you can't get a divorce from Lloyd is his possessiveness. And you can't hide from his sight. 
"Fuck… you… Lloyd." Mia cursed at him even though it was difficult for her. 
Lloyd didn't say anything. He only looked down at her. Then he wrapped his arm around you. "Let's go home. There are a lot of germs here. I don't want you to get sick." Your body couldn't fight from his grasp. 
Emily blocked both of you with her body. "Don't get mad at mom. I told her to come here."
Lloyd nodded his head. He patted her shoulder. "Come home once for a while. And don't forget to attend the party. I invited many actor and singers."
On the way back home, both of you were silent. You no longer care if he's mad since you didn't tell him where you're going. 
"I will stay with my sister."
Lloyd was looking at his phone; he scoffed, "Yeah, no."
This man is already over 40 years old but still childish. Didn't he see that your sister is dying? 
"This time I won't listen to you."
Lloyd sighed; he put down his phone and stared straight at you. His hand touches your cheeks and brings your face closer to him. "Wife, if you make me angry, you will attend her funeral tomorrow."
"Lloyd, ehmm…" Before you talk back, he kissed you roughly and bit your lips. 
"Aww." You pushed him away. "You're heartless. She's my sister!!!"
"Yeah, and she's doesn't even worth of your time. I need you to supervisor for the party. It's important more worth it then your sister."
You gasped, "How dare you."
Lloyd rested his hand on your thighs. "My wife, didn't you forget your promise to never meet your siblings?"
You hold your anger, it's impossible to talk through him. As you're getting older, you're supposed to get wiser. But Lloyd?
He is still a man-child. 
"Don't be mad. I will send the best doctor and medicine for her. How about that?"
"Thank you."
"Ah, I'm going to sleep at the office. I have to make sure the product is ready." 
Is this how he will start lying to see his mistress? Sure, as long as he doesn't bother her. "Okay. Thank you for telling me."
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On the day of the party, Lloyd kept his promise. He really came home early in the morning. You didn't ask, and he didn't tell you about his day, so it's a win-win. 
Three of you wear a formal dress. Lloyd and Lionel wear the same design of the black suit, and you wear the black dress you bought. 
On the car, Lionel, who sit on the back, still playing games, ask, "Is Emily going to be there?"
"She will be late, since she's watching your aunt."
"Huh? Whose aunt?"
"Don't you remember? I told you before about aunt Mia. My older sister?"
"Let's forget about her." Lloyd suddenly joined the conversation. 
When the three of you arrived at the party, the red carpet and paparazzi were already waiting for your appearance.
"That dress made you look slim Y/N." 
That arrogant voice. You rolled your eyes before turning to see your mother-in-law Krystal Hansen. 
You turned around and were glad you didn't hold any champagne glass. Because if you did, you would drop the glass. 
The reason is that the woman standing beside Krystal is Zoey. She is wearing the blue dress you picked before. 
"Aw,Mrs. Hansen. You look beautiful."
"Hmm thank you. Hello mother." You greet both of them, when you trying to keep your composure.
Krystal hummed. "This girl is my secretary. Her name is Zoey. She's one of the successful people from our charity."
"Yes, madam Krystal. And I'm always grateful for that."
Krystal felt more proud. She always likes it when someone compliments her. Zoey is a nice girl who knows her place. How she wishes her daughter-in-law would be her instead of you. 
"Excuse me, I need to greet another guest."
Krystal clicked her tongue, seeing you walking away from her "Tsk, you see Zoey? She's really rude towards me."
"But it's true ma'am. There's many of guest here."
"You're right. I should meet my friend."
You lied; you didn't meet anyone. You went to the balcony to get some fresh air. You were suffocated. Now everything has become clear. 
Zoey isn't Lloyd's new secretary. Both of them met through Krystal. You never go with Lloyd every time he visits his mother. It's only him and Lionel. 
Is this Krystal way to make you separated from Lloyd?
"Mrs. Hansen, you need to hear this." Kelly, your secretary, appeared out of nowhere and holding your phone.
You saw the caller's name. It's from Emily. You answered the phone and heard Emily sobbing, "Mom, she's gone."
When you heard that, you dropped your phone and lost your balance. 
"Ma'am?" Kelly, hold your body before you fall. 
"I need to leave."
"Mrs. Hansen you can't leave yet because your husband still hasn't given the permission."
"Kelly, I just lost my sister."
"I'm sorry, ma'am." Kelly and the others knew how scary Lloyd was. They knew how possessive he was with you. 
The only way is to talk to Lloyd so he would let you go. You look around, seeing everyone look like they have no problem.
Your mother-in-law is busy talking; your son is with his friends, your husband?
Where the heck is Lloyd?
You left the ballroom to look for him. He must still be on the same floor. Then you saw a man and woman hugging. You hide behind the wall. 
You knew that broad shoulder even though it was dark. That body belongs to her husband, and the woman who wore the blue dress are Lloyd and Zoey. 
Suddenly you felt a pain in your chest. It's been happening a couple of times lately. Being near them gave you more pain.
Yeah, you should walk away. Give them some space. Besides, you need to be alone. 
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Lloyd was looking for you. He asked his bodyguard where you were and found you sitting on the floor in the quiet hallway. He saw you drinking wine all by yourself. It seems like you have finished one bottle. 
Your head feels heavy; your makeup is ruined because of the tears. "Oh, here he comes, the maestro of my misery."
"You're drunk." Lloyd took off his coat and wrapped it around your shoulder. He helped the man to make you stand up. "What happened?"
"Mia is gone."
So that's why you cry, "Well, anyone will die. But she's quicker."
First, you cried, and you giggled? "What's so funny?"
"My younger self was a fool to fall in love you. My biggest mistake is to trust you."
Lloyd felt his heart being stabbed. You never said these mean words towards him. "Alright, you're completely drunk. You don't know what you're talking about."
You pushed yourself away from him. "No. Let go of me."
You were dizzy because of the alcohol;  perhaps because you're drunk, you dare to say, "You slept with her."
"I didn't."
He knew you were depressed because you lost your sister, but what's with this accused? And how did you know that she was?
Without giving Lloyd a chance to speak, Y/N continued, "Don't lie; I could smell your perfume from her."
He didn't say anything.
Your fingers stabbed his chest. "I could have spent the days with my sister instead dealing with this party. While you fucked your mistress."
Lloyd grabs your hand "Y/N. There's nothing between me and her."
You clenched your trembling hand tightly. There was a tension that could not be hidden in your speech "I shouldn't have married you."
You murmured "My father told me to let go of everything. He never blamed me. But I'm so stupid to believe you. And now I lost the chance to say goodbye to my sister."
Lloyd never sees you like this. "We should talk about this at home." He tried to grab you but he failed.
You squeezed your arms "As I grew older, I learned the hard way to let go. But you…"
You pointed at him. "You are not capable of love. You're selfish."
“If I stop seeing that woman and mother starting from today, can we make up?” Lloyd asked.
"It's not enough." You shook your head and then said the words Lloyd never expected.
"I want a divorce."
He frowned and searched for his cigarettes in his pants pocket. He pulled out a cigarette and held it between his fingers before saying curtly, “So, you want to give her and me your blessing?”
That's even better. He should've married her. You nodded "If I could turn back time or there's another life, I wish I never met you."
Lloyd raised his voice. "I married you because I loved you!"
Your raised your voice and said "Do you know I prayed to God every day to take my life away? I want to be free from you. That's how much you've hurted me."
He launched towards you and clenched your wrist, "Even if you hate me or die before me. We will never, ever get divorced."
Your hands hurt because of how tightly Lloyd held them, but it was nothing compared to the pain you were feeling right now.
“What’s the meaning of dragging on?” You didn’t struggle from his grasp. "Please just once. Stop lying. The first time you lied to me. I lost everything."
“Look, the biggest problem with us is that I love you but I don’t know how much you love me!” Lloyd held your hand up to kiss it. “We communicate too little. You have an unbending and headstrong character, while I’m a conceited and proud man!”
He lowered his gaze, and after calming down his emotions, he held you by the back of your head and leaned his forehead against you. 
“It’s the stupidest thing I did in this lifetime, the darnedest mistake I’ve made! I hope… Y/N, you can give me a chance, a chance to redeem myself, okay?”
Lloyd hated himself a lot, especially at the thought of him cheating on you.
You knew the end of his voice was trembling, but you pretended not to know and shook your head. You pretend not to hear anything and said “It’s better that we sign the divorce agreement and lead our own lives.”
You gave a cruel smile when you saw regret in his eyes. 
You are still staring at each other; none of you speak.
"Mom, Dad?"
You widen your eyes when you hear that voice; even Lloyd lets go of your hand. 
"Lionel." You tried your best to act calm. 
"Mom, I've been looking all over the place for you." He whispered at you because Lionel realized the atmosphere is not right between you and Lloyd.
"What is it?"
"I got the email that my shoes are here. Can we get to Amelia's boutique?"
"Like, right now?"
"Yes pleaseee…. All my friends at school will wear it tomorrow." 
"Son, it's already 9 p.m." Amelia's store closed at 7 p.m. 
"Moommm…." Lionel knew it was already late, but he knew you would eventually do what he asked. You always do. 
You can't stand his nagging, just like his father. He won't stop until he gets what he wants.
You called Amelia's number, asking if her store was still open. She cursed at you, saying, of course, the boutique was already closed at this hour, but she told the security to give the shoebox to you if you arrived. 
"Alright let's go." You took off Lloyd suit jacket and handed it back to him. 
"Is it okay to leave dad alone?"
"He has a lot of friends. He's fine." You dragged Lionel's body to leave the place, leaving Lloyd alone. 
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The rain is pouring hard, thunder. Luckily the road was empty. You and Lionel are inside the car. 
"Emily didn't come." Lionel said while he was still looking at his phone.
"She's at the hospital because your aunt Mia died." Your mind hasn't stopped thinking about your sister. Emily hasn't called you yet. 
"Oh right, I heard she's sick."
"You knew?"
"Dad, and grandma talk about her."
'What? So that means Lloyd, Krystal, and Lionel knew about Mia, and they didn't say anything to you. 
Lionel always plays at Krystal's house, which means, "Do you know Zoey?"
"Grandma secretary? Yeah, we talked sometimes when I was there."
"Uurgh." You feel sick, imagining they act like a family without you. 
There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall, but there is no lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you’re down.
Your husband and son didn't show any condolence about your sister. It's not like you lost a ring. You lost someone that you grew up with and shared the same blood.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I'm not."
You must get out; if you are still stuck in the car, you will lose your mind. "Bring me the umbrella."
Jimmy, the driver, wonders why you want the umbrella, "Mrs. Hansen. I will get the package."
Gosh, you hated that name. 
"It's okay, besides the security knew my face."
"Be careful." Jimmy is worried because the rain is getting heavy.
But this extreme weather can't stop you. With that long dress and umbrella in your hand, you walk under pouring rain. 
Everyone was walking quickly to stay away from the rain. But you were slower than them, with everything in your mind. You just want to keep walking. But the trip is short. 
You have arrived at the store. The light was still on, and someone was waiting near the door. "Hello, Miss L/N." Only Amelia's boutique called you with your last name. 
"Boss has told me. Here's the package." You thanked him, then you heard the loudest thunder.
"Where’s your car ma'am?" 
"It's near. Thank you Jack." You said goodbye and left him.
While you're walking, tears keep falling from your eyes. You could see your tears drop on the floor if it wasn't raining. Leaving the traces of you crying. You crouched down and buried your head between your knees. 
You cry your hearts out before you get into the car. 
The rain was pouring too hard. Even the car headlights couldn't make the stress clear. 
Every car drives slowly, but there will always be one car that wants to go against the rule. 
"Honkkkkkkk!" Someone drives way over the speed limit.
The moment you stand up and walk across the streets, the drunk driver can't control the steering wheel, and the car goes out of control. 
The last thing you see is a blinding light, then something heavy hits you, making you fall and hit the ground. 
You hear someone screaming. Is it towards you?
Perhaps. Because you couldn't move your head.
You heard that you will have a flashback of your life before you die.  They were right.
You don't want to remember any memory of Lloyd. Instead, you want to remember the moment with you celebrating your father's birthday and your sister and brother. 
If you could rewind time, you want to return to that day.
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'Biip' 'Biip'
'Mia, turn off your damn alarm.' You want to shout, but none of the words come from your mouth. Why does your body feel heavy? You try to move your body, but you can't.
"Call the doctor, I saw her finger move." Then a voice suddenly appeared. Why did she hear the word of the doctor?
"Mom?" You hear a female voice. But why does she keep calling Mom near your ears?
"Mom, I'm sorry." Then you hear a boy crying and sobbing. 
'What the heck is going on? Did your brother prank you? Why did someone keep calling you a mom?"
And why is it so difficult to open your eyes? 
You slowly tried to open your eyelids. When you did it. The light was too bright. You were sure you turned off the light before you went to bed. 
"Omg, she opened her eyes!!!"
"I will call Dad."
'Father?' Oh right, today is your father's birthday. 
You try to turn your head, but it hurts. 
"Mother, don't move too much. Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink?"
Yes, even though you don't understand why she called you mother, your eyes blinked to say yes. 
She puts a straw in the glass of water and brings it closer to your lips.
"Slowly Mom, or you will get choked." She gently rubbed your back.
After you tasted the water, you felt refreshed. It felt like you never drank water. Your throat doesn't feel hurt anymore. 
You look around, then realize you're in the hospital.
"I will raise the bed." This girl is kind; when you look at her closely, her face looks like someone's. 
Then the boy who cried before came back dragging a man. 
"Look, Dad, moms awake."
You looked at the man wearing a black turtle neck shirt and beige colour. His face looks like that crying boy.
You've never seen him before, but he kept looking at you. 
He walked closely and touched your face. His fingers gently caressed your face.
"I'm so glad you woke up."
'Did I sleep so long that it made everyone cry?'
This man's face got closer to your face, but you moved away. You met him for the first time, and you felt scared of him.
And he knows your name. 
But you don't know who he is and the other two youngsters. You can't help but ask, "Who… are… you?"
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Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think about this one.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chaper 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 , -
If you enjoy the story, please send me a coffee Ko-fi . Thank you 💖💖💖
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sil3ntfr34k · 5 months
I cannot sleep and having postal brain rot 🫶
Postal 1 Dude Boyfriend Headcanons
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• Homie has been living alone with his borderline psychopathic thoughts since he was about 19, absolutely 0 social skills. But he kinda likes it like that, although it’s not good for him, but when has anyone ever liked what’s good for them???
• It was a miracle that you ever saw him to begin with. This man hasn’t left his run down home in 3 weeks and you just so happened to catch him at the grocery store buying ‘supplies’ as he calls it. You had helped him find a certain canned item (he doesn’t eat a lot so he needs something that will last for a while) and also helped him at the check out.
• Romantic love is a very foreign concept to him. As someone who doesn’t feel a lot of emotions other than fear and confusion, anything that makes him happy is something he so desperately wants to keep around. So meeting you was like a breath of relief
• It’s very hard for him to understand what he’s feeling, the constant mood swings don’t help either. One minute he’s spiraling downward, but when he thinks of you, he’s suddenly overwhelmed with this warm comforting feeling. For a while he’s convinced you must’ve put a spell on him, before you finally visit his house
• Champ, his baby boy, immediately takes a liking to you, his strong tail hitting against and knocking things over around him as he approaches you to give you sloppy kisses. Since Champ is sort of like a emotional support dog, Dude trust his judgement which ultimately leads him to be more comfortable around you
• It takes a longgggg time before Dude even thinks about getting into a relationship with you. He’s never felt this way about someone and it terrifies him. Being anti social and all makes him very skittish, so you’ll have to ease him into such a intimate relationship
• As the relationship progresses, you really start to see why no one ever talks to him. He’s weird. Like, he has a concerningly large dead animal collect, even feeding them to Champ if his food gets too low and Dude is too paranoid to leave the house. Dude also has a large weapons collection with some military grade stuff. Not to mention his expansive knowledge of the human body after death and the various ways to skin various animals (and humans, but he hasn’t told you that yet)
• Since this whole relationship thing is new to Dude, he has no idea what to do or how to do it. He never plans dates, doesn’t give you any big gifts, and hardly ever says “I love you”. Although he does love to have you around and hold you when he’s comfortable enough with it.
• The amount of illness this guy has baffles you. It’s like he’s nothing but a sick mind and weak mindset. Good luck trying to give him any sort of medication, he will run away and lock himself in the bathroom with Champ. Fully believes that any sort of pill will make ‘corrupt’ him, especially if it’s from a pharmacy.
• Having to deal with this guy during any sort of episode is EXHAUSTING. Yes you love him, but everyone has their limits. His schizophrenic episodes are the worst of them. They usually force him into a paranoid and clouded state, his mood becoming fragile and his actions more aggressive. Usually during these episodes he believes that there are people out to hurt him, to kill him, so he has to kill them first. It’s a doozy and a half trying to stabilize Dude, desperately trying to tell him he’s safe in a his home and getting Champ to sit with him.
• It’s very hard to get Dude outside of his house. His paranoia always gets the best of him and drives him right back inside the familiarity of his run down walls. Wanna go for a walk around the city to bond with him more? Good luck with that. Wanna go grocery shopping with him because he’s been living off the same can of peas for 3 days now? He’d rather starve. Wanna go shopping for his wardrobe? He has enough clothes. Although you could probably lure him out with the promise of bone hunting with him in the local forest area.
• There aren’t many dates with Dude. The entire relationship is mainly just you two relaxing on his couch watching tv. Of course y’all still do ‘fun’ things like playing board games and helping him clean up around his house, but it’s mostly just sitting in peace with him. It may not seem like a lot to you, but to him it’s the most calm and relaxed he’s been in years
• Dude doesn’t give many gifts, but he likes to give you little wooden figures he’s made. Living alone for years and having nothing but free time really gives you the ability to learn a new skill. He took up widdling and wood carving as a hobby to make hard chew toys for Champ since those rubber bones never lasted and the real bones were too expensive. Dude will give you little shiny rocks he found around the house too. He’s kinda like a crow, shiny attractive
• Trying to cuddle or hug Dude is a task. Due to his childhood, he thinks anytime someone is going to touch him it’s gonna hurt. You’re gonna have to ask him, and then slowly reach out for him. Any sudden movements will make him nervous
• Despite all these bad traits, he’s rather clingy and possessive of you. Sure he doesn’t want you to touch him a lot, but he still wants you around. Just having you in his house is like having his own personal angel. Anytime you want to leave he gets incredibly sad and starts to make up excuses of why you can’t leave. “The evil ones, they’ll hurt you if you step foot out there! Stay here with me, where it’s safe.“
ok that’s all I can think of I sleep now
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emberfrostlovesloki · 9 months
Lighthouse [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@happyheidi) Center (@agentdilfhotchner) Right (@theindividualchef)
Prompt: Hotch notices some distressing signs from the reader when he bumps into them at the grocery store. He doesn’t say anything, but something tells him that the reader isn’t well. He goes to their job and finds them just in time. Aka, when Aaron and the Non-BAU!reader get a chance to heal together. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Non-BAU!reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns
Category: hurt/angst/comfort
Word Count: 8.9K
Content Warnings: Grief and loss, single fatherhood [Aaron],  depression [Hotch and Reader], brief mention of kidnappings [unsub], domestic violence (fights, implied beating, yelling, chocking, kicking hitting, degrading comments (reader)], hospitals, broken bones. If I missed any please let me know. 
A/N: Good evening, loves! He’s the first Aaron fic of 2024! It’s a bit dark but I tried to handle the subject matter with care. This idea came from @imagining-in-the-margins's amazing January/February Challenge Prompt list: “Character escapes an abusive relationship and the recovery is harder than they thought.” Given that Aaron went through abuse himself and has healed from many things, I wanted to think about how he would try and help someone else going through it too. I just love it when Hotch gets protective and puts someone in their place. I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you do, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you’re all having a good week! Love Levi - ❤️
P.S. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or any kind of abuse, there are resources out there. Please speak to a loved one or trusted individual. If you need help you can contact The National Dometic Hotline at: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or you can visit their website for resources. Please be safe. 
List wil all stories 
_y/n_ = your name 
_l/n_ = your last name 
_y/f/c_ = your favorite color 
_y/p_ = your partners 
_y/p/n_ = your partner’s name (as the partner is a real jerk, put some terrible person’s name here) 
_y/s/hw_ = your style of handwriting (cursive, loopy, blocky, etc.) 
_y/d/a_ = your dominant arm
_y/e/p_ = your ex-partner 
Hotch was walking down the pharmacy aisle of the grocery store. He was looking for the children’s nausea medicine. He’d been looking for twenty minutes. Aaron wondered if they kept it in some other part of the store. Jack’s tummy ache still hadn’t gone away since the night before, and he considered if he should take Jack to his pediatrician. The issue was, that it was Saturday and the doctor's office was closed. Aaron knew he could be paranoid and that Jack probably just had a stomach bug, but he worried. He always worried about his son. Since Haley’s passing, Jack took up a majority of his free time and all of his thoughts when he wasn’t on a case. Adjusting to the grief and loneliness had been hard. Harder than he’d ever imagined, but time, as the saying went, heals all wounds. Even those unseen. Emotional wounds that needed sutures and tender care long after they’d healed. It wasn’t perfect or easy juggling being a single dad and work. It had taken a long time to figure out. But he’d leaned on people, and after a while, he started to feel like a version of himself again. One that still mourned the loss, and regretted his choices, but he was getting better.  Jack was too. Except, this Friday Jack went to a party at a friend's house and caught some illness that was going around. Aaron was so busy trying to find the medicine that he didn’t see that he was about to bump into someone. When the two collided, _y/n_ flinched, but composed herself quickly. So quickly that the familiar man didn’t notice it. They both said in unison, “Sorry.” Aaron straightened and _y/n_ got off of her toes. The pair looked at each other and after a beat, realized they knew each other, at least a little bit. It took a moment for _y/n_ to say, “Oh, cold brew with a shot of espresso on the side. Aaron, right?” For _y/n_, most people she interacted with were associated with some sort of coffee or tea order. _y/n_ was surprised with herself that she’d remembered the tall man’s name. She’d never seen him dressed so casually before. He was just wearing jeans and a dark green t-shirt that accentuated the muscles of his toned torso. In the mornings at six a.m., that man that she thought was called Aaron, only wore a suit and tie. The kind that was tailored just for his tall frame. The expensive material didn’t reveal as much as this outfit did. Even so, he was very attractive. Often, seeing him at the counter was the highlight of _y/n_’s morning. _y/n_ knew that sounded pathetic, but hell the guy actually smiled at her before the sun was up, and he always tipped. Being a barista wasn’t the most exciting job, but at least _y/n_ got to see him on and off during the work week. 
Aaron was desperately wracking his brains for the name of the woman who had memorized not only his coffee order but his name as well. Why couldn’t he remember it? Aaron could picture her name tag with the gold lettering embossed on the enamel pin, but the name was out of focus. Admitting defeat, he replied, “That’s me. And you are?” _y/n_ looked at Aaron and replied, “_y/n_, _l/n_.” She wasn’t disappointed that he didn’t remember her name. No one remembered her name. _y/p_ wouldn’t let her get close enough to anyone to need to remember her at all. _y/n_ told herself internally, “I’m used to it. It doesn’t hurt if you don’t care.” As much as _y/n_ wanted to believe that lie, she was hurting. Her body ached under her dark long-sleeved shirt. She hadn’t meant to make a snarky quip back at _y/p_ last night, but the remark had come unbridled, and she’d paid for it dearly. _y/n_ snapped back to the present as her most irregular, regular customer asked, “Were you trying to reach something on that top shelf? Can I grab it for you, _y/n_?” Something about the way he said her name, had _y/n_ look at him like she’d never seen Aaron before. Like she’d never seen a man before. Not one that oozed confidence even when he was just standing in a grocery store aisle. _y/n_ knew that _y/p_ would never live up to that standard, as hard as they tried, and as long as they lived. _y/n_ flinched at the very idea of the thought. The things _y/p_ would do to her if she ever thought or dared speak something like that in their partner’s presence. Aaron noticed the reflexive jerk of _y/n_’s body like she’d been hit by an invisible hand. He furrowed his brow and took a small step back. “_y/n_, are you alright?” Aaron knew that look and understood the flinching away from things. He’d done enough of it in his childhood. Suddenly, he was concerned about the woman that he saw when he was on his early morning caffeine runs. Hotch felt ashamed that he’d never paid _y/n_  much attention. However, he was paying attention now, as _y/n_ fixed her face back to normal. Back to a friendly smile that hid any physical or mental pain she might be in. _y/n_ didn’t notice Aaron profile her. Instead, she cleared her throat and said, “Yeah, um, could you grab three of those instant ice packs? The cheapest brand on the left?” Hotch nodded and didn’t even need to reach very high to grab the aforementioned items _y/n_ had requested. _y/n_ held out her basket, and he dropped them into the container. Aaron noticed but didn’t comment on the odd assortment of painkillers, gauze packs, and a single pregnancy test on the far right side of the basket. Aaron moved his eyes up quickly to not look like he was prying into her personal life. Sometimes being a profiler had its downsides, and situations where he could see things that didn’t look good were one of them. It’s not like he could just say, “Hey, _y/n_, why do you need those ice packs,” or “Hey. _y/n_ if you lifted your shirt sleeves what would I see?” He wasn’t a mandatory reporter. He wasn’t a professor, or a nurse, or a school counselor. He just had a brain that let him see things that others didn’t. Things that people like _y/n_ probably didn’t want him to see. Then again, he could be reading into the woman’s grocery choices a bit too much. He didn’t know her, at least not more than her name, and she worked at his favorite coffee shop that was closest to the Quanitco Field Office. He liked it because, on a good morning, it took him less than ten minutes to get from the coffee shop to work. 
_y/n_ looked at cold-brew-and-a-shot-of-espresso. He seemed to have gone somewhere else in his brain. She didn’t plan on standing there forever, and had to say, “Well thanks, Aaron. I’ll see you…” she hesitated and finished the sentence with, “...when I see you.” _y/n_ gave the man a little wave and walked toward the self-checkout. Hotch replied, “See you Monday, _y/n_.” It was an odd interaction, to say the least. Aaron realized he’d said, “See you Monday” like a man who worked in a bank, or finance, or some mundane job that let him keep a regular schedule, when he had the opposite of that job. He could be called into the office that moment, and he’d go because that’s what he’d signed up for. Aaron’s phone buzzing made him fish it out of his back pocket and lose his current train of thought. The text was from Jess asking if he was headed back yet. He quickly replied, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Just picking up the medicine now.” Hotch put his phone away and scanned the kid's medicine section once more. At the end of the row, he found what he was looking for. The child-friendly gummies, he hoped, would allow Jack to relax. Aaron and his son had stayed up most of the night as Jack threw up once an hour or so. Hotch felt the tiredness of the night, and his concern for Jack deep down. Those thoughts had him forget, at the moment, the worry he had for _y/n_. As Aaron was texting and recounting last night, _y/n_ was quickly scanning her items and placing them in a _y/f/c_ reusable bag. Once the receipt was spat out of the machine, she took it, crumpled it, and tossed it in the trash by the front door. If there was one thing _y/n_ was grateful for, it was the self-checkout. There wasn’t anyone there to judge you on what you bought, unless it was alcohol, and it was quiet and quick. She saw no one, and no one saw her. Except, today had been different because she had been seen. That was a rarity. Even if it had only been a minute-long conversation with Aaron. He was a customer who was gone for days in a row with no apparent rhyme or reason, yet always came back. Always at six, and always in a suit. He was part of the group that she called, before the morning rush. That’s probably why she remembered him so well. He was distinct and unique and by far the hottest guy who graced the crowd from six a.m. to seven a.m. After seven the people came like a mob and names, orders, and faces all blurred together until the mid-afternoon lull. As _y/n_ sat in her car thinking, she realized that she didn’t have time to daydream. Especially not about a guy. She looked at the clock in her car and realized that she’d spent more time in her thoughts than she’d anticipated. “Shit” _y/n_ muttered to herself, realizing that if she drove fast, she’d have just enough time to ice the worst of her bruises and discard the ice packs in the dumpster outside her apartment before _y/p_ came home from work to notice them. Given the time crunch, _y/n_ started the engine and whisked her car out of the parking lot as safely, and quickly as she could manage. Any thoughts of Aaron were temporarily replaced with thoughts of getting to ease the aches in her body for a few minutes before another fight inevitably broke out when _y/p_ got home from work. 
As it turned out, Hotch didn’t show up to the coffee shop on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, and on Thursday it was another no show, _y/n_ really started wondering what the man did for work. She first thought was a lawyer. He looked the part with his clothes and his stern expression. There were plenty of law offices around the coffee shop, but she never saw him go into any of those buildings after he’d picked up his order from the counter. After he’d told her, “Have a good day,” and then walked out the door with long confidant strides while the bell rang. She considered the possibility of banking or finance, but from what _y/n_ knew, both of those jobs must require consistent hours in an office somewhere. But cold-brew-and-a-shot-of-espresso didn’t seem to keep any type of schedule, and he didn’t seem to be the type that worked in an office. Plus, all the bankers and finance bros she served every morning seemed glum and depressed. Aaron was intense, but he didn’t seem depressed. At least not anymore. The first time he’d come into the coffee shop she’d noticed him because he was new and it was early. He was the first customer of the day, and _y/n_ hadn’t even pulled the cold brew mix out of the fridge when he ordered one to go. As she’d explained that It would be a few minutes,  and the tall man just nodded and said, “It’s fine. I can wait.” The man’s low voice sounded deeply sad. Like he was already dead and buried. It made _y/n_ look at him fully. He had a handsome face, all jaw, and dark hooded eyes. He looked like he sounded, far away. Internally _y/n_ wondered, “Is he going through something? Has this dude slept in the last month?” Both looked true from his slightly disheveled appearance and deep bags under his eyes. At this point, _y/n_ was happily in love with a person that she’d never guessed would lay a finger on her. A person who didn’t raise their voice, threaten them, cheat, or humiliate her in public. No. she was newly in love and everything was perfect. In fact, her partner had just agreed to move in with her last night. But the man in front of her, who’d said his name was Aaron, didn’t look any like she felt. _y/n_ wanted to ask him if he was okay, but it didn’t feel right. He was just a new customer and by now a small queue was forming behind him. So instead, she’d pulled a shot of espresso for him while he waited for his cold brew.  
When Aaron heard his name, he walked over to the counter. Unless he was very behind on the coffee scene he didn’t think the small cup he was being handed was his. _y/n_ saw the look of confusion on his face, and she quickly explained, “Pulled you a shot on the house for making you wait. Hope it will tide you over.” Hotch left something in him that could be gratitude, and he murmured, “Thanks,” as he stepped back with the cup in his hands. It was the kindest thing _y/n_ could think to do for him while she took the next few orders and then started getting out the drinks including Aaron’s. Hotch had found the coffee spot because he had driven past it countless times since living in D.C. and commuting to Virginia. It had caught his eye early on because it seemed to be the only coffee place open that early. It had finally drawn him in when he wasn’t sure if he could live past the grief of losing Haley. Jack kept him going and that was enough, but he could admit he was struggling. He’d decided that doing something different, anything different, might do something for him. He wasn’t sure he could keep doing what he had been doing for the last two months. Even though he wasn’t much of an espresso person, he drank the free shot because it was nice of the barista to give it to him. Shortly after, he was given his cold brew, and he drove toward the office like he normally did. Not much changed for him in the day, except the addition of a lot of caffeine made his body feel like he was buzzing until noon. The sensation wasn’t unwelcome, at least it gave him something else to think about apart from loss. Aaron came back the next day and, just because, _y/n_ gave him another free shot of espresso. After a while, he started paying for the espresso, and as the months passed, he seemed to get better and _y/n_’s life got worse and worse and worse. _y/p_ had shown his full colors, and Aaron had worked on healing while  _y/n_ began hurting. Their paths seemed to be like those of ships in the night. Their lights were never bright enough for the other to fully notice. That was until Friday. 
Aaron had come back from a case in Arizona. It wasn’t the worst, It had been a stalker who kidnapped women who looked like the unsub’s mother due to abandonment issues. When the victims didn’t agree to play the part, the unsub wanted, they were replaced. Aaron moved into Dusk til Dawn like he always did. The bell rang as the door opened and he stood in the short line to get to the counter. He had almost forgotten about his interaction with _y/n_ at the store a little over a week ago. Jack had quickly recovered and then the case came, and time just went on like it always did,  but as he caught _y/n_’s eye, he remembered. Not only did he remember her name now, but he remembered what he’d suspected she might be going through. When he got to the counter, she asked, “The usual?” Aaron nodded as he pulled out his card. He looked over at _y/n’s hands as she wrote his name on the two cups in _y/s/hw_. He noticed the slight bruising and scratches on her knuckles. The signs that something might have happened to her were minimal, but he caught them. Aaron was about to comment something, but as he put his card back in his wallet, _y/n_’s demeanor changed in an instant. The small smile and wide eyes she gave him whenever he came in disappeared. Hotch could almost feel the person behind him shuffle on heavy feet. Hotch stopped himself from looking behind him where _y/n_’s eyes were trained. _y/n_ barely murmured, “You’re order will be out in a second.” Aaron stepped a few feet back and listened from a spot far enough away that it didn’t seem like he was snooping, but also close enough to be able to listen in on the conversation happening at the counter. He crossed his hands over his chest. He could feel the slick material of his grey suit under his arms. He heard the person in front of the register say, “Hey. Good morning, sweetheart.” Hotch looked at _y/n_’s face. It was half reverence, half fear as she replied, “Morning. What are you doing here, _y/p/n_?” In a voice laced with love but a hint of bile _y/p_ said, “Can’t a person see their girlfriend in the morning? Plus I’m in desperate need of a coffee. Make it half soy, half oat milk latte with frothed milk, vanilla, and two pumps of sugar-free syrup. And a shot on the side.” _y/n_’s partner sounded more like an order than a command. Like shouting at a caged dog. _y/n_ knew why he needed coffee. He’d broken her carafe last night throwing it at her head. He’d accused her of cheating again because a friend from high school had checked in on her. 
_y/n_ temporarily forgot all the other orders before _y/p_’s, and with a hurried, jerky movements. tried to make _y/p_’s order. If _y/p_ ever showed up to work, it meant she’d fucked up big time. Done something so big or bad that they had to come and see her before their work started, just to let her know that she was going to get it later. It was a promise. What she’d gone wrong since last night’s accusation and makeup session, _y/n_ wasn’t sure, but there was always something. y/n_ wasn’t paying attention to anything, and as she tried to steam the milk, she accidentally burned herself on the steamer. After a second, the pain circuits in her brain fired and she felt the burn, dropping the metal container holding the hot milk. The metal made a clanking sound on the floor, and a few patrons looked over at her. _y/n_ dipped behind the counter before anyone could notice the soft sob that left her. It was a cry of pain and fear. _y/n_ took the towel from her apron and wiped the floor first. She then fixed her face, got up, placed the dirty metal container in the sink, and remade the drink and espresso shot. It took her about twice as long as normal, but her hand was letting out red hot pulses every second or so. She wasn’t in the right head space to be making drinks at the moment. When the coffees were done, she moved back to the checkout where _y/p_ had firmly planted themself. In a sickeningly patronizing tone, they said, “Now that wasn’t that hard, was it _y/n_? God you always were a clutz. Anyhow, see you tonight, love.” _y/n_ raised a hand and said, “Tonight,” with a forced smile. Aaron watched as _y/p_ took one tiny swipe of her hand to rub under her eyes. The tears were too faint for him to see. _y/n_ then moved back to the cups that had piled up behind who Aaron assumed was her partner. A person who had just spoken to her in such a condescending and humiliating manner. _y/n_’s odd assortment of things at the store, the marks on her hands, and now this interaction only highlighted what Hotch assumptioned about _y/n_. When she eventually called his name for pick up, he approached the counter with care. Aaron grabbed his two cups and after _y/n_ said her normal, “Have a good day,” in a tight tone, he couldn’t help himself but say, “_y/n_ can I see your hand?” _y/n_ froze. She looked over at Aaron and pulled her injured hand to her chest with the other. Softly she replied, “It really doesn’t hurt.” Hotch could still see some of the red skin that looked painful. In the kindest tone he had, Aaron said, “It doesn’t look good, _y/n_. Do you have a first aid kit around here somewhere?” Hotch scanned behind the counter to see if there was a red box holding medical supplies nearby. _y/n_ hadn’t expected anyone to notice her hand. She especially didn’t expect it from Aaron. Without really thinking, she said, “There’s one in the staff room.” “Would you grab it for me?” Aaron asked. Much like the first time _y/n_ met Aaron, the tone of his voice had her look at him. The dark-eyed man looked concerned. It didn’t make sense. Neither did his tone. It came off as a caring suggestion. Something she hadn’t heard in a long time. _y/n_ was used to apathetic orders from her boss, Lisa, and _y/p_ disappointment in her everything. But care? She hadn’t heard or felt it in years. Aaron’s comment alone had her disoriented. To catch a moment to get back into balance, _y/n_ moved to the back room and took the first aid kit out of the cabinet. _y/n_ swallowed back whatever emotions were trying to force their way out before she stepped back into the main room. 
_y/n_ set the red box on the counter. Aaron held out his hand for her hurt one, and to his surprise, she placed it in his large palm. After a moment of looking at the burn. It didn’t seem too bad, maybe a grade-two burn at worst. After his assessment, Hotch said, “You should run that under a cool tap for a minute. I’ll see if there’s some gauze in here to cover it up. As Hotch heard the water run and rifled through the first aid kit. He pulled out a large bandband-aid a generic antiseptic cream. _y/n_ returned in a moment, drying her hands. _y/n_ didn’t know how to react to this kindness and said, “Sorry I don’t mean to hold you up. You’re always so punctual. You’ve got to be late to wherever you go at this point.” She was giving him a way out. She was giving herself a way out because _y/n_ wasn’t sure how to be in this situation. How she would feel about Aaron if he helped her. Aaron looked at her. He saw the hesitation on her face and replied, “I won’t be late, and I’ll be quick here, I promise.” Aaron sensed that _y/n_ wanted this over with as soon as possible. It didn’t give him much time to think of something to check in with her. Hotch couldn’t delay and he didn’t want to make _y/n_ more uncomfortable, so he took _y/n_’s hand back into his. He squeezed a small dot of the cream on his finger and dabbed it onto her burn. _y/n_ flinched as he touched her more deliberately. Hotch finished that part swiftly and tore open the band-aid gently pressing it over the burn, securing it on her hand. He softly dropped her hand and closed the medical kit saying, “Good as new.” Aaron recognized that he was using the tone that he did with Jack when he came home from a play date with a scrape or bruise. _y/n_ took the kit off the counter and said, “Thanks for the help.” She sounded reserved and Hotch nodded, saying, “It was nothing. Have a good day, _y/n_.” With that, Hotch took his drinks again and moved out of the shop with a weight on his shoulders. _y/n_ watched him go and wished she could have a good day, but the threat of _y/p_ hung over her. _y/n_ also wished and tried to get Aaron’s concerned face and kind words out of her head, but she wasn’t very successful at that either. 
Rossi noticed how perplexed Aaron seemed as he entered the building and moved up toward his office. The older profiler also clocked the two cups of coffee Hotch was precariously holding in one hand. Dave, who was at the railing at the top of the stairs asked Hotch as he got to the top, “You turning into Reid or something?” Aaron scoffed and replied, “I hope not. I’m too old from that kind of energy.” Rossi gave a half-smile before saying, “Well today it looks like you picked up more than a caffeine addiction.” Hotch didn’t understand and asked, “What do you mean?” Dave followed his friend to his office and said, “You look like you’re worried about something. Is Jack alright?” Hotch’s deep sigh told Rossi that he was correct. Something had happened. Aaron looked over at him with knowing eyes. Eyes that had seen too much pain and loss for one man. Hotch swallowed his sip of coffee before saying, “I just saw someone getting torn down. Put in a place I don’t think they deserve, and I didn’t know what to do about it. I’m the Chief of the BAU, one of the most revered branches in the FBI, and I see someone get hurt and I don’t know what to do about it.” Rossi leaned his arms on the desk chair opposite Aaron’s and slowly replied, “Aaron, you can’t save everyone from a bad situation.” Hotch bit the inside of his lip and replied, “But I want to. Am I losing my humanity?” Aaron often wondered after the death of Haley what he was becoming. He hoped it wasn’t something bad. Someone who didn’t care. Rossi watched this struggle and uncertainty play out on Hotch’s face and said, “I think this job can warp the way people working it see things. Pardon this reductionist analysis, but we go out and see countless victims and there’s a big bad to get and hold accountable. The scope of the evil we see is like a tsunami, and when we see a wave we don’t always know what to do. But a wave can still drown someone. That person’s no less deserving of a life jacket.” Rossi knew that he was making it sound like Aaron didn’t want to help whoever he was talking about, and knowing Aaron that was never the case. But Rossi wanted to provide some perspective before delving further into the conversation.  Dave then said, “But Aaron, Not everyone knows they're drowning either. Maybe they don’t know to ask for a life jacket.” Dave was taking a guess here. He knew Hotch well enough that if this was a person Aaron knew well or personally, he would have done something already. So most likely this was a stranger or acquaintance that he’d encountered struggling, and Hotch, being the man he was, couldn't bear to see it happen. Rossi didn’t want to press Aaron. He wasn’t the type to go into detail, so Dave just stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and, said, “You’re a good man, Aaron, no matter what you believe, you’re a good man.” With that Rossi stood and walked to the door to let his friend decide what to do after that. And just to lighten the mood, Dave said at the door, “Don’t drink all that coffee at once. You’ll put yourself into cardiac arrest.” 
Once Rossi was gone, Aaron moved behind his desk and sat down. He pulled out his briefcase and set to work on a floor-wide memo about a new policy on overtime. As he worked, he let Dave’s words churn in his head. By lunch, he’d decided that he’d go back to the coffee shop after work. No one had been a lifeline for him in his childhood and he wasn’t going to let it happen to someone else. Yes, he was aware that abuse happened all the time, all over the place and he couldn’t stop all of it. But he could let _y/n_ know that there were places she could go, and resources to her to get out. Something like that would have changed his life, and as it would turn out, Aaron’s willingness to step into a sensitive situation would save _y/n_’s. 
Hotch moved back to Dawn til Dusk after work. Thankfully a case hadn’t pulled the team away. It was just after five thirty and the shop would close in a half hour. He’d never been there in the afternoon. The place took on a more subdued quality. There wasn’t the anxiety, the day was all ahead of me energy that the early morning held. As Aaron stepped inside, there was no one to greet him. Not _y/n_ with her smile that he’d grown used to when he stepped in the door or any customers either. For a second Aaron realized that he might be very silly because maybe _y/n_ didn’t work the afternoon shift and when someone came to out of the backroom or storage room, it would be a total stranger. Aaron assumed that whoever was still in the shop would come out of the staff room because the door stood ajar. He couldn’t see into the room, from where he was standing, but a loud thump had him snap his head to the side quickly. The sound hadn’t come from inside the room, but somewhere just beyond it. The same sound came again, and whatever it was, Aaron didn’t like it. Hotch moved to the side enough to see through the open door which led to another door with a window that looked out onto the alley behind the coffee shop. At first, it just looked like a small corridor that ran out to the street beyond the far side of the building. It seemed quiet until a body was pushed harshly to the ground and into Aaron’s view. Hotch realized that it was _y/n_ from her outfit from that morning. In a split second, Hotch was running through the backroom and out the door as the person who had stood behind him this morning came into view and began viciously kicking _y/n_ in the side. 
_y/n_ curled into a ball on the pavement, choking for air. When _y/p_ came back again on the same day and said they needed to talk, she tried to swallow any fear she had. _y/n_ said they could talk in the back room, but _y/p_ insisted they go outside. That had been her fatal flaw. She didn’t know how to say no to them anymore and even though she was still on the clock, she’d let him into the small space behind the shop. Once the door was closed, _y/p_ had pounced. They pinned _y/n_ against the wall, choking her with such force that she couldn’t get a word out. When _y/n_ was sure she’d pass out from the lack of oxygen, _y/p_ threw her to the ground so hard she felt stunned. When _y/n_ had come to her senses, she tried to crawl away from the pain in her body and the threat of passing out. She still hadn’t fully regained her breath and the sides of her vision blurred at the edges. _y/p_ didn’t let _y/n_ crawl more than a few paces before grabbing her shirt and dragging her toward the dumpster on the opposite wall of the alley. _y/n_ groaned as the pain tore up her body. _y/n_ could feel her shirt riding up due to the rough surface of the concrete. _y/p_ tried for the first time to fight back. To get away, but _y/p_ pushed _y/n_ up to the edge of the dumpster and kicked her in the groin. They crouched down while _y/n_ covered her face and neck. _y/n_ said, “Did you think you could get on birth control and I wouldn’t know. Did you think I wouldn’t know?” _y/n_ shook her head and attempted to explain, but _y/n_ stopped trying when she gasped in pain. _y/n_ had pinner _y/d/a_ under a thick steel boot. The sickening crack that came shortly after had _y/n_ turn to the side and vomit in pain. When she looked up at _y/p_’s face, she knew this was how it was going to end. For some fucking pills. _y/p_ moved in again, pressing their hands to _y/n_ neck, cutting off the air she needed; _y/n_ spluttered fighting for life.However, the pressure was suddenly gone from her arm, neck, and everywhere else. Nothing was making much sense in _y/n_’s pounding head. She could only focus on trying to breathe. 
It took Aaron five long strides to get outside and reach _y/n_ and her assailant. Hotch grabbed _y/p_ around the middle and pulled them off _y/n_. Hotch rolled with the person who trashed and screamed, “Let GO OF ME. Get off me.” Hotch grunted and tried to hold the person still. He found it ironic that _y/n_ was so against being manhandled with what he’d just done to _y/n_. From the anger, the person beneath Hotch showed, Aaron assumed it wasn’t the first time it had been this bad. Rage like that just didn’t start from nowhere, It grew and grew until it became uncontrollable. Aaron knew monsters were bred not born. Hotch caught his breath and said, “Stay still for your own sake. Move and I’ll knock your light out.” _y/p_ spat and said, It’s none of your business.” Aaron tightened his hold and said, “As a federal agent when I see someone get assaulted it suddenly is my business.” _y/n_ stilled for a second but then tried to use all their strength to shove Aaron away. Hotch rocked back on his hip and _y/p_  swung at him. Aaron took the brunt of the blow in his sternum. As big as _y/n_’s partner was, the hit wasn’t strong. It hardly hurt. Hotch was done. He had no place of remorse for abusers and he, unlike the person struggling below him, aimed one solid punch at the dude’s face. Maybe _y/n_ wasn’t fully out, but they were stunned enough to slump back on the ground with a groan. Hotch let them go and moved over to _y/n_ who was coming back to herself. Aaron dropped down on his knees next to _y/n_. The lower half of her body was in a murky puddle at the foot of the dumpster and their upper body leaned against the refuse bin. Aaron didn’t notice as his favorite trousers got soaked in the same murky puddle. He pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. The operator answered asking, “9-1-1, what is the nature of your emergency?” Aaron cleared his throat and replied, “There’s been an attack on Maddison and Smith. Fourth block down from the stop sign. At the back of Dawn til Dusk. I need medical and police services.” Hotch heard the operator typing in the information before asking, “Are you or anyone in immediate danger? Are you the one that was attacked?” Hotch replied quickly, “No, it was someone else.” He took a second to see that _y/n_’s partner was still out of it and added, “There’s no immediate danger.” The woman on the other end of the line said, “Thank you for the information. Can you provide your name and phone number?” At this stage, Hotch was multitasking. He was carefully looking over _y/n_ who was starting to stir. He held a hand up to still her movements and turned his head toward the phone on the ground saying, “Agent Aaron Hotchner, the number’s 982-289-7765.” After a second, the woman on the phone said, “Thank you, Agent Hotchner, please stay on the line, medical and police services are on their way.” Hotch nodded minutely and when he looked back at _y/n_, she was staring at him with wide eyes. She had registered who he was now and heard his conversation in the back part of her head that wasn't screaming in pain. _y/n_ whispered, “Where’s _y/n_?” The weak attempt at speaking had her cough harshly into her chest, and Aaron leaned closer saying, “Don’t worry about them, _y/n_. Just stay still and try and relax. If you can take small breaths, it might help.” _y/n_ nodded and tried to do as he said. 
_y/n_ watched as Aaron pulled out another phone and called someone else. She thought she heard the name, Morgan somewhere and the name of the shop, but for a man of Aaron’s stature and power, he spoke with surprising softness. As she had seen Hotch take down _y/p_ there seemed to be an anger she hadn’t imagined she’d ever see from him. But now he just looked worried for her. Like he had looked worried at the store. His emotions had turned on a dime. She was used to that with _y/p_. But that was from a constant disappointment to a visceral rage. Aaron’s were different. His seemed to shift from anger to firm protection. _y/n_ didn’t know what to make of it. Didn’t know what to make of her life anymore. She hadn’t expected to live a few minutes ago and now time stretched out before her like nothing she’d ever seen before. It was beautiful and horrifying at the same time. _y/n_ couldn’t think about that though. Not now. Instead, she just did as the man beside her suggested, relax and breathe. That was managable at least. Hotch stayed by her, checking every minute or so to make sure _y/p_ stayed put. Aaron hadn’t even put fifty percent of his strength into his punch, but the slumped body on the ground didn’t move. At least until the police showed up five minutes later and hauled them into a cruiser. _y/n_ suddenly got their energy back and bellowed that they had been attacked by Aaron. _y/n_’s bloody face and broken arm plus Hotch’s badge and account of the story had the officers removed _y/p_ from the scene shortly after. The paramedics showed up at the same time as the officers and started to treat _y/n_. Hotch gave his side of things and tried to listen in on _y/n_’s conversation at the same time. The EMT finished his assessment and asked, “Is your vision blurred? How’s your breathing?” _y/n_ softly replied, “I can see okay. My neck hurts, but I can breathe okay. But my arm, it really, really hurts.” The EMT nodded and said, “It looks like it’s broken. My colleague is going to bring the stretcher around the building now. Once you’re in the ambulance we can get you some pain medication, okay?” _y/n_ nodded and the paramedic asked one last question, “Is there someone we can call for you? A family member or friend?” Hotch watched as _y/n_ shook her head no. She looked incredibly sad and lonely in the moment and it pulled at his insides so much they ached because he knew exactly what that felt like. To feel alone in the world. Hotch stepped forward and said, “I’ll stay with her. Which hospital are you taking her to?” The EMT stood and made room for the gurney along with Aaron. The man replied, “Grand Gen on 45th.” Hotch nodded and watched as _y/n_ got loaded onto the stretcher. As she was taken toward the ambulance Aaron walked beside her and said, “I’ll be at the hospital okay. If you need anything just ask for me, alright?” _y/n_ gave a small nod, thankful that anyone was going to be there for her. 
Aaron spent the next few hours talking to the police and waiting in the hospital for an update. _y/n_ called him in before the doctor came to tell her what was wrong with her. _y/n_ even though she didn’t know the man who had saved her well, was the closest thing she had to a friend in town, and she didn’t want to be alone when she found out the extent of all what was wrong with her. Doctor James was compassionate as he detailed her minor concussion, broken arm, and deep bruises on her body. He detailed a care plan and her need for at least a week of rest. _y/n_ looked at the medical professional and asked, “Can I work after that?” James pursed his lips and replied, “I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll need to come in for a check-up next week and we can talk about that then. But for now, I need you to rest.” _y/n_ mouthed okay, trying to think about how to tell Lisa that she wasn’t going to be at work for probably over a week. Lisa had fired much of the staff last year and was a chronic, didn’t show up to work even though she owned the coffee shop. _y/n_ had ended up picking up the slack. The doctor looked over _y/n_’s chart and wrote down the pain medications he was going to prescribe her. He looked up from the clipboard and said, “I’ll schedule your release for an hour. I just want to ensure you’re not confused or don’t have any reactions to the medications we gave you. There are some pretty strong ones and not everyone’s body takes to them well. It’s not safe for you to drive, so you’ll need to call someone to get you. Does anyone come to mind?” No one came to mind. If anything came up, she always called _y/p_, but she wouldn’t be doing that anymore. The realization seemed overwhelming. Everything in her life felt overwhelming right now. Hotch stepped forward and said gently, “I can take you home, _y/n_. If you’re comfortable with that. Or I can get you a cab?” _y/n_ looked over to him and said, “You’d do that?” Hotch nodded and reassuringly replied, “Yes. Of course.” Hearing someone so vulnerable sound so desperate only made Aaron want to look out for _y/n_ more. The doctor derailed that train of thought and said, “Well good. Can you go and speak to the charge nurse at the counter, just so we have your information?” Aaron nodded and moved out of the room. After he’d provided the details the hospital needed, he got a call from Morgan. Hotch answered, “Derek, what do you have?” Morgan replied, “I asked Garcia to look up the dude, they have a record as long as my arm. Assault and battery, resisting arrest, DUI’s. After this, I don’t think they’ll be bothering anyone for a while. It was still a bad situation. The cops told me about the details. How’d you know it was going to happen.” Aaron sighed and replied, “I didn’t really. I had my assumptions but it was just a gut feeling I guess.” Derek hummed and said, “Well it’s good you were there. Things could have gone differently.” That was true, but it didn’t stop Aaron from wishing he’d noticed earlier. After asking Morgan to have Rossi pick Jack up from school and watch after his son for a few hours, Aaron ended the call. Around fifty minutes later, _y/n_ was released and Aaron pulled his car up to the front of the hospital. A nurse helped her into the driver’s side of his car. It was an awkward ride as he asked her for her address and he plugged it into his phone. As Aaron drove there was a silence that neither knew how to fill. 
_y/n_ didn’t know how to thank Aaron for saving her life when, up until that afternoon, he’d only been someone to make her mornings a little brighter. And Aaron didn’t know how to comfort a woman who had helped him heal in a small way many months ago. Finally, Aaron just said, “I’m sorry, _y/n_” while keeping his eyes on the road. _y/n_ looked over at him not understanding. She replied, “Why are you sorry, Aaron? You saved my life today, spent four hours in a hospital, and are using your car to take me home. You don’t even know me and you’re doing all of this” Hotch shifted his eyes to _y/n_ and back to the road as he said, “But I saw you. What was happening a few weeks back and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t ask if you needed help. It’s my job to help people. To keep them safe, and I didn’t do that.” _y/n_ pulled her bottom lip into her mouth for a second before responding. When she found out that Aaron was in the FBI while he was speaking to the police, things seemed to make more sense about him. But _y/n_ didn’t understand why he felt bad. She said, “Aaron, lots of people saw. You’re the first person to have ever done anything about it, and it saved my life. I won’t ever be able to pay you back for that, or the kindness you showed me every morning you come in.” _y/n_ stopped herself from saying that he’d given her something to live for. But seeing him slowly get happier had kept her going over the long months when things had gone from bad to worse. She knew that at least one person wasn’t suffering anymore. Hotch’s soft response of, “You don’t have to thank me, ever.” The conversation stopped there as they reached _y/n_’s apartment. Hotch pulled out his card and scribbled his number on the back saying, “Call or text me if you need anything.” _y/n_ nodded, took the card, and slowly walked to her door to enter an empty home. 
_y/n_ hadn’t expected to need to call Aaron Hotchner. But she also hadn’t expected it to be so hard to be alone, to wake in cold sweats every morning. She didn’t think showering alone would be as hard even though showering with _y/e/p_ always ended in fights. _y/n_ knew she had to talk to someone, and the only someone she could think of had been Aaron. So she called him on a Thursday night and he’d picked up on the first ring with, “This is Hotchner.” _y/n_ wasn’t even sure what she was going to say, but finally choked out, “Umm, this is _y/n_, _l/n_, from last week.” There was a pause as Aaron’s synapses fired and he said, “Yes, _y/n_. Is something the matter? Do you need something?” The was a soft shuffling sound on _y/n_ side before she replied, “Kind of. Can we, talk sometime? If you have time?” Hotch blinked a few times before saying, “Sure. Do you want to talk now or later?” _y/n_ who half hadn’t expected Aaron to pick up and fully wasn’t sure what she even wanted to say, said, “Later. Maybe Saturday?” Hotch agreed and said, “Saturday works. I’ll have to bring my son. Would meeting at a park be okay? Jack, my boy could play and we’d have an hour to talk?” _y/n_ hadn’t known Hotch was a father. “Of course, you don’t idiot. You formally met him last week. Can you read minds now or something?” _y/n_ pinched the bridge of her nose and stifled a sigh at her thoughts. Instead, she said, “That works for me. Is there a time and a park that works for you?” They made their meeting plan, and when _y/n_ hung up, she felt oddly comforted that Aaron was a father. The role fit him in some way that she couldn’t fully understand yet. 
That Saturday at Lincoln Grove Park, _y/n_ and Hotch leaned against the rail. _y/n_ looked at the flock of kids on the playground and asked, “Which one is your son?” Hotch smiled and pointed out Jack saying, “The one in the grey beanie and Power Rangers shirt.” _y/n_ spotted the little boy going down the slide and smiled saying, “He’s cute.” Aaron smiled and said, “As his father, I have to agree.” He took a breath and moved his gaze from his son to _y/n_. She looked at him as he asked, “What’s the matter, _y/n_? Are you okay?” Hotch realized that he could have, should have said those words to her when he’d helped her at the store, but it was too late for that now. All he could do was ask them in the present, and be there for whatever answer _y/n_ gave. _y/n_ had considered this question beforehand and replied, “After the first day I thought it was going to be easy. I thought I was going to be happy and want to do things and live life again.” _y/n_ hesitated and Aaron’s eyes softened. He’d seen and experienced enough trauma to know how hard that sudden kind of change was. You didn’t just go from sad to happy overnight, or scared to empowered either. He gave _y/n_ space to finish he thought, and after a moment she did, saying, “But when I wake up and the other side of the bed is empty, I panic. I wonder where _y/e/p_ is and how the fight is to be once it comes. And when I go to the store, I get the things they liked because I liked them too. _ye//p_’s still everywhere even though they’re sitting in a jail cell right now.” It all sounded pathetic to _y/n_ and she continued, “Am I an idiot for falling for someone like that? I really thought they loved me until they hurt me. And at that point, I loved them too much to see past it.” Feeling ashamed, _y/n_ put her head in her hands, not even sure why she was saying this stuff to Aaron. Hotch took a step forward and said her name, soft and melodically. _y/n_ raised her head and he could see the tears forming in her eyes. He put a hand on her shoulder and replied, “You’re not stupid, _y/n_. Some people are just good fakes. They let you see what you want until you think you know them. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Good people don’t have to hide what they are.” Aaron took a pause and felt _y/n_ lean into his touch a bit. He wondered when the last time was that _y/n_ had been offered comfort without it coming at a price. Hotch chose his next words carefully, as he said, “I can’t speak for you _y/n_. But I’ve felt a lot of pain before. Some I didn’t think I was going to make it through. But in time, things got better for me. Small things changed first, and then bigger and bigger things. And finally, I felt like I could breathe again. Like I was a human deserving of love. I had to work for it, but it was worth it. I hope you can find that too, _y/n_. I’d be happy to be there for you if you want to try.” _y/n_’s tears were falling now, and she nodded her head yes. For the first time since she’d been free of _y/e/p_, she wanted to try. 
As _y/n_ and Aaron stood at the edge of the playground, talking and finally getting to know each other after months of almost being friends, it seemed that perhaps they weren't destined to move past each other without ever knowing the other existed. Perhaps they had both been lighthouses on opposite shores trying to save strangers, but now their warm beams were fully on each other. Shining the way to safe passage. And when Aaron saw the hint of a real smile, not one masked by pain or fear on _y/n_’s face, he thought it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
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In The Low Light- Chapter 2
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Notes: tumblr is fucking testing my patience with this. This will be about the 6th time I’ve tried to make this post, so if the formatting is weird I am going to break something. Quality control by @365granitegirlx thank you Professor Wolfie, you’re a saint and a lifesaver. Anywhoozle, this one has me allllll up in my feels. Enjoy!
Masterlist (please read first)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Tags/warnings/etc: Biker!IV x Fem!OC, disordered eating habits but you have to squint, smoking, aggressive words of affirmation, sweet sugary fluff that’ll make you diabetic
Word count: 2368
Summary: IV takes some time over the week to show Sadie that she can trust him, he drives her home from work, and he asks her on a date.
The following day I found myself replaying the interactions with Mr. Numerals. He was clearly no stranger to dangerous situations and was not to be toyed with. He was about to offer to walk me home or something. Why was he so concerned with my safety? And my biggest question: why was he being so kind to me? He was obviously wanting to get something out of this for himself, but I was lost as to what. He didn’t act like a starving animal drooling over a piece of meat. He said it himself, he may be a criminal, but he isn’t a monster. Maybe he’s just genuinely being nice for the sake of being nice… I’m pulled from my conflicted thoughts by the sound of a customer obnoxiously clearing their throat at the pharmacy counter. I spend entirely too much time explaining to the senior gentleman that he didn’t have any refills left. When he finally leaves with a dramatic huff of frustration and a few colourful metaphors, I tell the pharmacist that I’m going on a smoke break. I take my name tag off, grab my cigarettes and lighter, and head for the front doors.
As I walk along the side of the building, my gaze focuses on the sight of a familiar looking motorcycle, the rider leaning against the seat. He’s wearing the exact same thing as yesterday—helmet on, the visor pulled down. In his hands is a cheap flip phone, and his fingers move deftly across the buttons. I bring my cigarette to my mouth and light it, inhaling deeply before speaking. “I thought I told you not to follow me.” I blow the smoke from my lungs and shiver as a cold breeze blows across the parking lot.
His obstructed face turns towards me and he reaches up to pull off his helmet. Underneath is the same mask as yesterday. “I’m not following you. I swear I had no idea you worked here.” Surprise colours his voice, and his eyes reflect this. I almost believe him.
“Mmhmm…” I walk to the wall of the building and lean against it, taking another drag off my smoke. My eyes catch on his, and I hold his gaze for a few seconds. “I’d tell you I believe you, but I’d be lying.”
He chuckles slightly and breaks eye contact first. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me, however I am being honest. I’m here to make a business deal. I didn’t know you worked here.” He brings his eyes back up to mine, and I see no deception in them.
I struggle to find something to say, and before I can, my stomach growls loudly enough for him to hear it, even from several feet away. I wrap my arms around myself as another icy breeze hits my skin.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” Before I can answer, he turns to the back of his bike, opens a large compartment, and begins searching through it. He seems to find what he’s looking for and turns, walking closer until he’s in front of me. He holds his hand out, one of those high calorie protein bars in his palm, though it’s a brand I don’t recognize.
“I’ll be fine.” I shake my head no at him. My stomach growls again in protest.
“Please, I insist.” He pushes his hand even closer. “You need to eat.”
I sigh, reaching out and taking the bar from his grasp, a small smile playing at the edges of my mouth. “Thank you.” I rip open the wrapper and take a bite. It’s chocolate and some kind of dried fruit. It’s absolutely delicious. My eyes shut of their own accord as I enjoy the taste. “Oh my god…”
I hear a deep chuckle from him and feel a flush in my cheeks. I open my eyes and find him watching me, his eyes crinkled at the edges from the unseen smile on his face. I pull my eyes away and look at my feet, the warmth in my face burning even hotter now. I take another bite.
I hear a faint buzz, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Unfortunately, I need to cut this short. Enjoy the last few bites, princess.” He gives me a small nod, and turns back to his bike. He picks up his helmet, but turns to look at me before he puts it on. “I like it when you smile. Your whole face lights up. It’s a beautiful sight.” With that he pushes the helmet over his head, settles into the seat, and the engine roars to life. He backs out of the parking spot, and drives away leaving me reeling from his compliment.
The next day happens much the same. Only this time when I walk outside, his helmet is off and in his hands are a to-go cup from the coffee shop across the lot and another protein bar. He hands me both when I get close enough, our fingers brushing for a second before he pulls away.
“I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got peppermint tea with a little bit of honey. And another one of those bars.” His voice is soft, with a touch of uncertainty. His eyes avoid mine, and his fingers twitch.
He’s so charming. This thought flies through my mind, catching me off guard. “Uhm- Thank you, you didn’t have to get me anything.” My voice is hushed. “It’s too kind of you.” I step away, moving to stand against the building. A harsh cold wind blows over the parking lot, and I hold the cup close to my chest to absorb the warmth. I shiver hard and my teeth chatter together.
“Actually,” he rummages through the compartment on the back of the bike again, this time pulling out a small throw blanket. “I think I did. I wanted to make sure you had something to eat, and a hot drink.” He shakes out the blanket and walks toward me. He stops directly in front of me, and holds the blanket out with an expectant look in his eyes. “May I?” I hesitate for a second before timidly nodding and pulling away from the cold wall behind me. He drapes the blanket around my shoulders, pulling the corners across my chest and I tuck them under my arms. His fingers land on my shoulders and trace down my arms lightly, and I glance up to find his eyes on me.
A few moments pass before the words tumble out of my mouth. “Why are you being so kind to me? You don’t owe me anything. And besides, you said it yourself: you don’t need to clean up someone else’s mess.” I pause as I flick my gaze between his eyes. “What do you want from me?”
His hands drop from my arms and he lets out a small exasperated laugh; he shakes his head slightly and looks up at the gray sky. “Princess, I don’t want anything from you…it’s what I want for you. And that’s your safety. As for why? Well, I feel obligated to take care of you. Lastly,” he turns his eyes on mine, and I’m captivated by the intensity there. “You are a person deserving of kindness. You are not a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Do not take what I say to a couple of idiots for what I think about you. You would be sorely mistaken.” There’s a stern tone to his voice that makes me feel like a child in trouble. “Am I understood?”
I swallow heavily and nod, my eyes glued to his.
“Words, please, princess.” His eyes are still drilling into mine, and his voice borders on frustration.
“Yes, I understand.” My voice is quiet, and I can breathe again when he finally releases my gaze from his. I study my shoes, and I hear him heave a sigh.
“I should go. Keep the blanket, you need it more than I do. I’ll see you soon.” He puts his helmet on, and starts the engine, quickly pulling out of his spot and driving away. Once again, I’m left standing playing his words over in my mind.
For the rest of the week, the pattern repeats. He hands me a hot cup of tea and a protein bar, and I pull the blanket around my shoulders. We talk about nothing special for a few minutes. He never stays for long, five minutes at most. I don’t question his motives, and I accept his offerings without hesitation. He makes kind gestures to me, and we share a few touches here and there that linger for just long enough. He never pushes any further than that.
Until Friday that is. “If you’re comfortable with it, I’d like to drive you home today. I don’t like the thought of you walking alone in the cold on such a busy street.” He’s leaning against the wall beside me this time. Today he has his own cup, and when the breeze blows just right, I’m greeted by the aroma of decadent hot chocolate.
I’m halfway through my tea, and swallow the last bite of the bar before I answer. “Sure, on one condition.” He looks at me with an odd combination of disbelief and curiosity. I hold his gaze with my own. “Tell me your name.”
He drops his eyes to the ground and laughs softly. “For now,” He looks back at me, and reaches up to his left shoulder and taps his finger on the numerals. “You can call me four. And yours?”
A small smile washes over my face. “Sadie. It’s nice to meet you IV.”
After a few more minutes of easy banter, he finishes his drink and makes for his bike, pausing and turning back to face me. “What time are you off?”
“I finish at 5:30”
He nods, and gets on his bike. “I’ll see you then.” He puts his helmet on and pulls out of the lot.
When my shift ends, I find myself filled with a strange excitement. I put on my warmer layers, and head outside to the usual spot.
He’s there waiting, an extra helmet under his arm. When I stop in front of him, he stands and flicks his visor up. “Ok, first off, you’ll have to take your hat off. It won’t fit under the helmet.” I take the woolen hat off, and stuff it into my pocket. “Now, you’ll have to tie your hair back. Or it’ll all push into your face and you won’t be able to see anything.” I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and look at him expectantly. “Perfect. This is going to feel a little tight at first, but it’s supposed to fit a bit snug. We don’t want it to come off too easily.” He places the helmet on the top of my head and gently pushes it down. Once fully on, he leans his forehead against mine, his eyes holding mine. “How’s that feel?”
“Good. A bit snug, but good.” My eyes flick between his eyes. They’re so pretty. I could look into them for hours. They crinkle at the edges with a hidden smile.
“Good.” He drops a wink at me, and leans back. His deft hands reach for the chin strap, fastening it under my jaw. Lastly he reaches up and pulls my visor down, then his own. “And we are good to go. Ready?”
I nod, “ready.”
He gets on first, and I climb on behind him. He shows me where to rest my feet, and I hesitantly hold onto his sides, suddenly overtaken by shyness. He turns his head towards me. “You’ll want to hold on tight, love. Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” I can hear the smile in his voice. I slide my arms around his middle and lean further into him. I catch a little of his cologne, and the heady scent leaves me breathless. I feel one of his hands come to rest on my forearm for a moment.
He asks me my address, and I freeze for a moment. Anxious thoughts flit through my mind but I push them down before answering him. The engine roars to life and we pull out of the lot.
The ride is short, much shorter than it would be to walk. When we pull into the parking lot of my apartment building, I feel a little disappointed that it’s over so quickly. We climb off the bike, and he takes off my helmet for me. I can’t stop the wide grin that consumes my face, and my cheeks hurt. It’s been a long time since I’ve smiled this much.
He takes his own helmet off, and his eyes have those little crinkles at the edges again, and my fingers twitch with the desire to gently brush over them. He’s so beautiful. “I’d like to take you on a proper date sometime. I hope that’s not too fast.”
My cheeks flush, and my eyes drop to the ground for a second before flicking back to his. “No, that’s not too fast. And I’d love to.” My face still hurts from the smile plastered across it.
He places a hand over his heart, closes his eyes and tilts his head back, while releasing a relieved sigh. His knees bend slightly before straightening again. “You just made me the happiest man alive, princess. How does tomorrow night, 7 pm sound? I’ll pick you up here?” He looks down at me, and his eyes are sparkling.
“That sounds perfect, I’m counting down the seconds.” He nods at this, and I take it as my cue to head inside.
As I go to walk past him, he catches my hand in his. I look at him, surprised by the prolonged presence of his skin on mine. His eyes lock onto mine, and he pulls my hand up to the mouth of his mask, pressing the hard material into my knuckles. I can hear the soft kiss behind his mask. “Goodnight, Sadie.”
My breath shudders a little, and my response comes out as a whisper. “Goodnight, IV.”
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grimm-writings · 6 months
imagine an event where… (part 1?)
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…ft! wanderer, baizhu x gn! reader
…tags! some angst, honestly just word vomit, i love these two so bad, mentioned traveller as a separate character from the reader, reader has baizhu's illness
…wc! 580
…notes! i daydream a lot about hypothetical events with a reader like this sooooo… here’s one of em!!!!! if you’d like more do let me knowwww <3
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Imagine an event where Wanderer, hearing of a certain doctor’s pursuit of immortality, meets with him in desperation.
Initially, Baizhu was sceptical.  Storming his pharmacy, demanding his presence, and nearly scaring the undead life out of his little Qiqi is absolutely not the ideal way to make a first impression, but Wanderer doesn’t seem to care much for appearances.
Before he can even enquire what this impetuous stranger needs, Baizhu is given the blunt question upfront.
“What do you know about making someone immortal?”
Baizhu called on the traveller’s presence hastily through Qiqi.  He needs a reliable witness to make sure this stays under wraps.  He doesn’t exactly trust this vagrant in Inazuman wear to not open his mouth.  He’s had enough visits from authorities.  This is just another thing he can sweep under the rug with adequate help.
Wanderer, on the other hand, is trying to stop his lid from blowing off.  As he tries to interrogate the doctor opposite him, he keeps directing the conversation somewhere else.  The traveller with their floating friend stand to the side, watching the back-and-forth.
“You don’t get it.  You won’t even hear me out!”
“I’m ever so sorry, but this sort of request is not something I can so easily provide.”
On and on it goes, Paimon even murmurs about nothing coming out of this, and it would continue that way until another person arrives at the entrance of the pharmacy.  Heaving breaths from a person spent catches Wanderer’s attention, whipping his head around at an alarming speed.  It takes Baizhu by surprise when he’s immediately at your side– and he’s so gentle when handling you.
It clicks in his mind, and he circles the desk to reach you.  In his ear, Changsheng hisses a question of what in Teyvat he’s thinking, but she gets no clear answer.
Wanderer keeps talking to you as you catch your breath, coughing occasionally in heavy intakes of breath.  The green-haired doctor picks up a vial and walks over to your pair, and gives you the medicine.
He says a word or two, something Wanderer couldn’t quite catch.  Doctor-speak.  However you look up at Baizhu and nod.  He smiles, calm and empathetic.  “I see.  I have the same condition myself…”
You feel Wanderer’s grip on your arm tighten when Baizhu asks your companion if you could stay with him for a bit for a check-up.  Even if protective of you, once given a promise that his request could be fulfilled, he relents.
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This event would be one where the Wanderer becomes paranoid realising his companion’s mortal life might be taken away from him faster than he wishes.  Baizhu, in empathy, feels for said companion upon taking them into his care.  A study on grief, and one with characters you wouldn’t normally associate together interacting.
The traveller would help out with small tasks for Baizhu, creating different concoctions.  Each time, we see Baizhu’s empathy turn into determination to include you in his pursuit for immortality, but the traveller will have to help Baizhu realise that he can’t just save everyone at once.
The traveller would also see Wanderer and his increasing paranoia grow, not trusting in Baizhu’s studies.  The traveller, with probably some aid from Qiqi, will help Wanderer view mortal life as a treasure to keep with him once it passes despite his fear of being left again.
A story of healing, grief, and love.  Immortality from different perspectives, and what exactly immortality will grant oneself.
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gunsandspaceships · 7 days
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"Kheiron's name was derived from the Greek word for hand (kheir) and meant something like "skilled with the hands." In myth it was also closely associated with the word kheirourgos "surgeon."" (Source)
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Fragment from "The seven physicians"
"Wisest and justest of all the centaurs" immortal Chiron, mentor of heroes. He invented pharmacy, medicine and surgery and taught Asclepius, the god of medicine, himself.
He lived in a cave on Mount Pelion until he was driven out of his home.
Statius, Silvae 1. 4. 98 "If there be any herb [to cure this illness] in twy-formed Chiron's health-giving cave."
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Pindar, Nemean Ode 4. 55 ff "Then [Akastos] sought Pelias' son [Peleus], stealing his sword, the blade of Daidalos' (Daedalus') magic, to contrive his death by ambush; saved by Kheiron's (Chiron's) hand, the fate destined by Zeus he made his own."
Ho Yinsen, an Afghan surgeon, saved Tony in a cave using his innovative surgical methods after Tony was betrayed by Obadiah Stane, who stole his weapon and ordered the "wild centaurs" to kill him from an ambush in the mountains.
Propertius, Elegies 2. 1 "Medicine can cure all human pains . . . Chiron, son of Phillyra, healed the blindness of Phoenix."
Ho and the Ten Rings "healed the blindness of Phoenix" Tony by showing him what was really going on with his creations and that he couldn't trust the people in his company. Yinsen also helped Tony see his true self.
Statius, Achilleid 2. 96 ff "Also did he teach me of juices and the grasses that succour disease, what remedy will staunch to fast a flow of blood, what will lull to sleep, what will close gaping wounds; what plague should be checked with a knife, what will yield to herbs; and he implanted deep within my heart the precepts of divine justice".
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"Chiron holding Achilles"
Chiron was wounded by a poisoned arrow while visiting the cave of the centaur Pholus. Even though Chiron was a master of medicine and healing, he could not heal himself from the poison and suffered excruciating pain for several days. He wanted to give up his immortality and die to stop the pain.
Chiron went to Zeus and offered to exchange his life for the life and freedom of Prometheus.
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He died willingly so that Prometheus could go on living and continue his mission of teaching humankind and bringing it science and technology.
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"Chiron sacrifices himself for Prometheus"
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Gifs by @thepunisher
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josphitia · 1 month
TigerCow HRT part 2
“Jo? The Doctor will see you now.”
Jo was walked by the nurse towards the same sparsely decorated room that Jo had been in just recently. Why were there no furnishings? Was it simply because Dr. Erian was that kind of man, considering himself too busy to be trifled with such concerns? Before Jo could give it much thought Dr. Erian sat before Jo. Between them was the only thing that seemed of any monetary worth in the entire office: An intricately designed desk of some wood that Jo, while not knowing the exact material, could surmise was very expensive.
“Ah, Jo. Nice to see you again. How have you been?”
“Jo has been okay. Have simply been waiting for call. Now am here.”
“I see your manner of speech is still… the same. If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you speak like that?”
“No. You may not ask. Is it not enough that Jo simply talks like this?”
“...I suppose. Okay. Well, I’m sure you can guess why I called you in. I’ve been working diligently on your request. Believe it or not, the easiest aspect was making the fur purple. Simply adjusting the amino acids until they produce the right combination of eumelanin and pheomelanin. No, as I said in our last appointment the hardest thing to tackle was finding the right balance between the carnivorous and the herbivorous. Too much of one, and you’re simply a striped cow with fangs. Too much of the other, you’re a tiger with hooves. Although, thank you for what you provided the nurse last visit regarding your own specific phantom feelings. While I may not be able to replicate it 100%, your form should be close enough to provide you relief. But anyway, last week I think I finally figured it out. I won’t bore you with the details but I feel I’ve developed an injection-model HRT that will provide you with the results you’re seeking.”
“Thank you, Doctor. It means a lot to Jo that you would work so hard.”
“Oh by all means, you’re quite welcome. I must admit at some point it became something of a challenge for me. I needed to figure it out just as much for myself as I wanted to for you. I wish I could have simply told you this over the phone, but due to those new laws they’ve been implementing, legally I’m only able to disclose information about your treatment in person. As well as requiring you to sign these forms.”
“More forms?”
“Yes, there’s always some new fear to stoke and it seems you therian folk are the next in the crosshairs. These forms simply state that you understand the risks inherent in Human Removal Therapy. That you are technically a unique species and thus are not protected by nor constrained by the current laws set in place for species that you may be, and I apologize this is their wording, ‘mimicking and/or adopting traits of.’ I assure you this is mostly legalese and a way to protect people from being sued.”
“Hrm. Okay…” Jo signed the papers, probably putting too much trust in the man. But he was the only barrier left to what Jo needed.
“Thank you! Now, I’ll go ahead and fax your prescription to your pharmacy as well as needles and syringes. I’ll fax the instructions as well. I’d like to see you again in about two weeks, to assess how you’re feeling about the preliminary changes. I’ll walk you out.”
Jo picked up their prescription as the pharmacist explained the dosage. 1 shot every other day for 3 weeks, then to speak to the doctor regarding upping or lowering the dosage. Enough in this vial to last 3 weeks.
Jo put on a MeTube video simply labeled “How to inject yourself! (For HRT purposes).” The instructions seemed simple enough. Jo filled the syringe, cleaned the area, and began to inject themselves in the way the video displayed. A rush of adrenaline filled Jo’s body as they pushed the thick liquid through the needle and into their body. A typical reaction to a needle prick, to be sure, but Jo liked to think it was their body's own excitement and eagerness as the new hormones rushing through the body.
Jo went to bed that night with thoughts of the tigercow they were soon to become filling every crevice of their mind.
TigerCow HRT
Another entry in TigerCow HRT. Hope people enjoy, thanks for looking!
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kairologia · 8 months
The Triplicities in Hellenistic Astrology
In Hellenistic Astrology, triplicity is a term used to describe the division of the 12 Zodiac Signs into 4 elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), which represents the third level of dignity. Triplicity rulership on the other hand is the assignment of the Planets to these elements.
Each element has :
1. A main Triplicity Ruler for the day.
2. A main Triplicity Ruler for the night.
3. A cooperating Ruler.
They are divided thus:
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What’s more, is that triplicity can be used to delineate house rulership in a way that brings more meaning to the qualities of each house. Here is a breakdown of it:
1st House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st lord describes the life, life force, preferences, desires and nature of the native, the first years of life, the beginning of any endeavor.
— 2nd triplicity lord indicates life, body and strength in the middle of life.
— 3rd lord represents the life, body and strength of the native, the final years and the end stage of life.
2nd House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: acquiring possessions at the beginning of life.
— 2nd Lord: acquiring possessions, wealth in the middle of life.
— 3rd Lord: acquiring possessions, wealth in the later years of the life.
3rd House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: older siblings (born before the native).
— 2nd Lord: middle siblings (close in age to the native).
— 3rd Lord: younger siblings (born after the native).
4th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: Parents & ancestors. The father according to Ibn Ezra.
— 2nd Lord: lands, field, ancestry, real estate, homes, cultivated lands, buried treasure, concealed objects
— 3rd Lord: final outcomes, endings, prison, the final period of life, the end of anything.
5th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: children, offspring, pregnancy, oldest child.
— 2nd Lord: pleasures, vices, enjoyments, love affairs, middle children, clothing, gifts, eating, drinking and things that bring one joy.
— 3rd Lord: messengers, the act of giving gifts, the youngest child.
6th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: illness and recovery from illness, disease, sickness, medicine & pharmacy, injuries, wounds, poor health.
— 2nd Lord: employees & people working for you.
— 3rd Lord: small cattle, domestic animals, prison and confinement.
7th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st lord: spouse, intimate partner(s), sex partner(s).
— 2nd lord: conflict, controversies, disputes, confrontations, war, adversarial relationships, litigation, thieves, open enemies.
— 3rd Lord: covenants, formal and legal agreements, business associates and partnerships.
8th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: death, fear, grief, ruin, anguish of mind.
— 2nd lord: old things, anything ancient.
— 3rd Lord: inheritances and legacies from the dead.
9th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st lord: travel & its objectives.
— 2nd Lord: religion, faith, ethics, honesty, religious observance.
— 3rd Lord: science, knowledge, wisdom, visions, premonitions, omens, divination, astrology, & related matters.
10th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: authority, honor, high rank, governance, career, profession. The mother according to Ibn Ezra.
— 2nd Lord: reputation, fame, dignity, bravery, boldness, style of action, ability to lead.
— 3rd Lord: the stability and endurance of one’s authority or fame, professions.
11th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: hopes, things given in trust, praise, commendations, recognition from others.
— 2nd Lord: friends, companions, allies, patrons.
— 3rd Lord: benefit or harm from friends or allies.
12th House Triplicity Lords:
— 1st Lord: secret enemies, sorrow, sadness, grief, poverty, fear, disgrace.
— 2nd Lord: imprisonment, fortune or misfortune, labor.
— 3rd Lord: large animals, enemies.
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crinkled-emotions · 6 months
If you are taking prompts for buddie. Could you do one where Buck is sick maybe with food poisoning from the whumperil lists and Eddie ties care of him. If you don't like that prompt maye use the one "I think I need to sit down" for buck. Have eddie catch him and slowly lower him down.
If you arnet taking prompts that's ok! Thank.
Hehehehe anon I hope you're still here bc I'm BACK to be a menace to the 9-1-1 fandom (be completely ignored) and yet they can't get rid of me!)
I started a rewatch so I'd be ready for season 7 then I remembered it won't be (legally) available in Australia for ages... and kept watching anyway bc it's been so long since I did a complete rewatch from s1 e1. It's been SUCH a treat.
I've also got a friend watching for the first time and their excitement is reminding me so much of the first time I saw this bunch of adults in firefighter uniforms and went oh.
Anywho- on to the fic!
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"Eddie, hold up!"
Eddie glanced over his shoulder, frowning when he spotted Bobby jogging down the stairs.
"What's up, Cap?"
"I know you're going home but I was hoping you could check on Buck. He just called out and I need to organise someone to cover him."
Eddie paused, brows furrowed.
"Did he say why?"
"I was hoping he'd told you."
That reminded Eddie- he hadn't heard from Buck all shift which was very unusual. He shifted his bag to his other shoulder and reached into his back pocket for his phone, checking his messages.
"I've got nothing, but I'll let you know what I find."
"Thanks Eddie."
Bobby squeezed his arm then headed back upstairs, calling out goodbye to Hen, Chim and Ravi who were also going home after a long 24 hours. Eddie also waved at them, sending a quick text to Buck to warn him he was stopping by. He was hoping Buck had a minor cold but something told him to stop by a pharmacy on his way over just in case.
One visit to CVS later and Eddie was letting himself into Buck's apartment, plastic bag in hand. The apartment was eerily quiet as he stepped inside, unusual because even if he was upstairs for a moment Buck usually had the TV in the living room playing for background noise. Eddie dumped the plastic bag and double checked the living area for signs of life, poked his head into the downstairs bathroom, and then took the steps to the mezzanine level. His eyebrows knit together in confusion as he took in the rumpled blankets, the empty water bottles strewn throughout the room, and Buck-
"What happened to you?"
Eddie knelt by the Buck-shaped figure in bed, finding his shoulder and giving it a gentle shake.
"Ugh, Eddie no, don't. I'll puke again."
Buck groaned, turning his head. Blue eyes met brown and Eddie put the back of his hand to Buck's forehead.
"You're a little warm. How long have you been puking?"
"What time is it?"
"Nearly 1pm."
"Almost twelve hours."
Buck leaned into Eddie's touch, eyes fluttering shut into a grimace when Eddie pulled the blankets off.
"C'mon, sit up. Let me get a better look."
Unwillingly Buck did as asked, leaning against the headboard.
"Does anything else hurt?"
"My head and my stomach; I think I ate something bad."
"Wait here."
Eddie hefted himself back up, rounding the bed to go back downstairs. Buck huffed, swiping at his eyes.
"Not like I can go anywhere!"
He grumbled, playing with a loose thread on his boxers.
"Not without puking at least."
He glanced up when he heard footsteps on the stairs and Eddie reappeared, plastic CVS bag in hand.
"What are you doing?" Buck asked, watching Eddie dump it on the end of the bed and rifle through it for a moment.
"I got you something... aha!"
He produced a bottle of Pedialyte and a plastic cup he must have grabbed from downstairs, pouring a serving of the liquid and then handing it to Buck.
"Bottoms up."
"Eddie," Buck groaned, "I-"
"-I know, you're really nauseous. Just trust me."
Eddie's never led him astray before and he's not likely to start now. Not after everything. Not after last summer.
Eddie still gets a funny look on his face when Buck brings up that random Friday morning kiss. It's not regret, it's never regret, just... well. Buck's not really sure. He's never seen Eddie like that.
He downed the Pedialyte.
The nausea reached its peak a few minutes later and it was only Eddie's quick dad/medic responses that got the trash can under Buck's chin in time. He'd been sitting on the other side of the bed, flicking through the channels to find something to watch considering it was almost 2pm. The minute Buck scrambled to sit up again after being asleep for almost an hour Eddie had grabbed the trash can and handed it to him with lightning fast reflexes, instinctively rubbing Buck's back. When Buck resurfaced Eddie handed him a tissue, switching that for the soiled bin liner.
"Here. You- uh."
Buck's voice was hoarse as he wiped himself off, cheeks flushed a gentle pink. Whether that was from the fever, the humiliation of throwing up in front of his crush or a combination of both he wasn't willing to think too hard about. Eddie hefted himself off the bed, taking the trash can from his hands.
"Back in a sec."
He headed for the ensuite and Buck listened to the toilet flush then the sink run, hand slapping out to reach for his water bottle Eddie had kindly refilled earlier. A couple sips settled without issue in his stomach and he adjusted when Eddie reappeared, placing the bin back down beside Buck before flopping on to the bed with him and reaching into his back pocket for his phone.
"Chris said they're starting Earth Sciences this week," he said absentmindedly as he replied to whatever was going on then tossed his phone on to the bedside table and glanced over at Buck.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm gonna sue them," Buck complained pitfully as he lay back down, burying his head into his pillow. Eddie snorted.
"Careful Buck, remember last time you did that?"
An eye opened, the blue a stark contrast against the dark sheets, but then Buck smiled.
"I'll sue you too Eddie Diaz."
Eddie rolled his eyes as he swatted at Buck's shoulder, grabbing the remote again.
"Sure you will, man. Now what do you want to watch?"
Buck hummed, scrubbing at his eyes.
"Mmmmm... nothing food related."
Eddie flicked past an old rerun of Martha Stewart, nodding.
"Of course."
The clock struck five and Eddie carefully extracted himself from where Buck had somehow managed to curl up with his head on Eddie's thigh and was having another sick nap. He checked his phone and saw the notification that the food was almost there so he went into the kitchen and grabbed bowls. He heard someone knock on the door and went over to take the food from the delivery guy, thanking him as he carried it back to the kitchen island. In a couple minutes he had Buck's broth in a bowl and warm, his own stir fry hot and begging to be eaten. Considering Eddie had just come off a 24 hour shift when he headed to "check" on Buck, the food was very welcome and he took a couple bites for himself before sneaking upstairs to check on Buck. He was still asleep and for the first time since Eddie had barged into his apartment, he didn't look like he was uncomfortable. A part of Eddie felt cruel for waking him but the other part of him, the medic part, knew Buck needed something in his stomach that wasn't Pedialyte or water.
"Hey, Buck, come eat something," he called up the stairs. Eddie heard Buck groan followed by the sound of him trying to get out of bed.
"Eddie I'm dying," he groaned. Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You're clearly feeling better if you're complaining about dying. C'mon, come down here."
Sure enough, Buck made his way downstairs in a pair of athletic shorts and a shirt just as Eddie tossed a spoon down on the table beside the bowl. He collapsed into the seat in front of the soup, one eye on the downstairs bathroom door.
"Try and keep that down then we can talk about something solid."
"Thanks, Eds."
Buck picked up the spoon and tentatively worked on getting the soup down; Eddie joined him after a minute and practically chewed through his stir fry without even thinking about it. Nothing could ever be as good as Bobby's-
Oh, that's what he forgot.
Bobby: is everything okay?
Bobby: Eddie?
Eddie: sorry Bobby I completely forgot
Eddie: he's got food poisoning but he's already coming out the other side
Bobby: I figured you'd call if there were issues. Thanks Eddie
Buck, sitting beside Eddie working on his soup, raised an eyebrow as Eddie put his phone down.
"What's Chris up to?"
"Hopefully not begging Carla for a second serving of ice cream. No; that was Bobby. He was worried when you called in."
Buck frowned; Eddie could see where his mind was going and touched his shoulder.
"I would have come to check on you if I'd known even if he didn't ask. You don't call out of work unless you're contagious or it's serious."
Buck pushed away the soup, elbow on the table so he could rest his head on his hand. Eddie reached over to check him for a fever again.
"How do you feel?" He asked. Buck made the so-so motion.
"My head hurts."
"Go lie on the couch; I'll change your sheets so you can go to bed."
"Eddie no, you don't have to-"
"-Buck, it's clean sheets; not a marriage proposal."
Buck's mouth twitched upward into a smile; Eddie squeezed his shoulder and left the table to go upstairs. Buck watched after him with a warm feeling in his stomach.
It wasn't nausea.
When Buck stirred the next morning he paused, grimacing to take stock of the situation. His head was down to a gentle (irritating) throb against his temples but his stomach was staying put for the time being. The sheets were still tucked over him and he yawned into his hand, rolling over and tossing an arm over his bed mate-
Cracking his eyes open Buck took stock of the situation. He knew he'd been sick again sometime overnight, barely able to remember tossing cookies (soup) because it had come out of nowhere in his doze. Part of him remembered Eddie being there, a figure in the darkness and he'd-
He'd stayed.
"Eddie," Buck whispered. Eddie cracked an eye open and reached his arm out, brushing a thumb over Buck's cheek.
"You look better," he rasped. Buck hummed.
"You didn't have to stay."
"Hm, well, maybe I wanted to."
Buck's eyes fluttered shut as he revelled in the feeling of Eddie's thumb on his cheek. When Eddie was half asleep he could be incredibly tactile and Buck lived for when he got to see Eddie like that.
"No one needs to see-"
"-Buck. I want to know when you're sick, or you're hurting. Whatever it is."
Buck's cheeks flushed and he buried his face back against his pillow. Eddie's hand moved to the back of his neck, brushing through the ends of his hair like it was something he did all the time.
"Thanks for coming, Eddie."
Eddie gently squeezed Buck's shoulder.
It felt like coming home.
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deliciousangelfestival · 11 months
Every Time You Lie - Ch 4 || Lloyd Hansen
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Character: dark!Lloyd Hansen x female!reader, dark!Husband Lloyd Hansen x Wife!reader.
Synopsis: Any woman is jealous of you, especially with the status of being the wife of Lloyd Hansen—the CEO of the biggest pharmacy company in the country. From the outside, everyone sees you as a perfect family, a successful husband, two kids, and living in a big house. 
But the truth is different. You are trapped in this marriage because of the mistake you made. You are willing to give everything you have to get your freedom. Free from him. Free from your vicious mother-in-law. Free from your snobby son.
Both of them shouldn’t be together.
Warning: Betrayal, suicidal thought, harsh language, tragedy. Minors do not read. 18+
Author Note: I do not consent to copying or translating my work.
Words Count: 3,551 
Any reblog, comment, and feedback are appreciated. I want to know what you guys think.
Series Masterlist || Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,-
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
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Determined to find the missing pieces of your life, you were resolute about leaving the hospital. Despite the doctors' recommendations for more rest, you insisted on speeding up your discharge. Every moment spent confined in the hospital felt like precious time wasted.
Lloyd, your supposed husband, supported your decision. Yet, his concern seemed to stem more from his internal battles rather than genuine care for your well-being. His gaze held a mix of anxiety and something you couldn't quite place, making you feel increasingly unsettled.
Your skepticism towards Lloyd deepened as you struggled to recognize the man presented as your husband. Your instincts pushed you to seek understanding from the one person you felt could trust—your daughter, Emily.
Alone in your room, Emily seized a fleeting moment when the vigilant bodyguard left, feigning concern by pretending to place a bandage on your chest. As soon as both of you were alone, a sense of urgency lit up in Emily's eyes.
"Mother, I don't have much time, but you need to know the truth about our household," Emily whispered urgently. "Father holds the ultimate authority in our household. His decisions shape everything. Mother always adheres to what he says. If he rejects something, it's final. And if he approves, it's unquestionable. Just hold on, Mother. I'll figure out a way to help you escape from here."
You felt a mix of emotions—confusion, suspicion, and a profound need for the truth. Your reliance on Emily as the only familiar and trustworthy figure in this puzzle of your life intensified.
In that fleeting exchange, you realized the grip Lloyd held over the household, and the sense of constraint around your existence magnified. It felt like being caged in a life you didn’t recognize, enforced by rules you hadn't consented to. The resolve to break free and uncover the reality surged within you.
Suddenly, the heavy air in the room shifted as Lloyd entered. His mere presence seemed to suffocate the space, casting a shadow that loomed over everything. Emily's demeanor, despite being related by blood, reflected a facade of grief in the face of his entrance.
Lloyd's countenance softened, adopting a concerned expression as he addressed you. "How are you feeling, my dear?" His voice held a blend of tenderness and concealed apprehension, creating an unsettling aura that made you instinctively retreat.
Your mind churned with questions, doubts, and an instinctive distrust toward this man you were told was your husband. The sense of entrapment in his presence only heightened the urgency to unravel the truth behind the facade of this life you were expected to accept.
You forced a strained smile "I'm alright, thank you, Lloyd."
His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary, then he turned to Emily. "It's late. You should rest. We'll have a lot to take care of tomorrow."
You watched as Emily nodded obediently, her eyes briefly meeting her mother's, a silent reassurance amidst the hidden distress. With a swift, worried glance at you, Emily left the room.
Alone with Lloyd, the unease in the room felt palpable. You attempted to compose yourself, yet the air crackled with tension, making it increasingly challenging to suppress your growing sense of skepticism and fear.
Your mind raced with questions, doubts, and the feeling that you were entangled in a web of secrets and lies. As you observed Lloyd's careful demeanor, you vowed to find the truth, to unearth the reality buried beneath this carefully constructed mirage.
Lloyd, enveloping you in a gentle embrace, held you as if trying to bridge the gap of lost time. His touch conveyed a genuine longing, a yearning for your presence that was difficult to fake. "I've missed you so much, Y/N," he murmured, his voice tinged with a blend of relief and genuine affection. "I'm overjoyed to see you standing again, to witness your recovery. You've made remarkable progress."
Caught in the duality of her own confusion and the necessity to comply, reciprocated the embrace, your mind wrestling with the incongruity of emotions. You masked your skepticism behind a facsimile of reciprocated affection, knowing you had to tread cautiously within this enigmatic household.
Lloyd, as he held you, felt a surge of relief coursing through him. He was elated to see you regaining strength, standing on your feet again. It was a moment he had anxiously awaited, a glimmer of hope in the maze of uncertainties. His joy at your recovery was genuine, yet it was intertwined with the dread of potentially losing the delicate balance he had tried to maintain.
"I've been so worried about you," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and guarded anxiety. "Seeing you on your feet again—it's a great relief, Y/N. I want nothing more than for you to recover fully, to reclaim the life we've shared."
"Thank you, Lloyd," you softly uttered, her words carrying a hint of solace, enough to offer a glimmer of comfort to the man who seemed to miss you dearly.
Your response carefully measured a balance between your quest for truth and the facade you needed to maintain for the time being, even though your heart yearned for answers hidden within the veils of your forgotten memories.
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The car ride back to the Hansen residence was a silent journey. You seated beside Lloyd, gazed out the window at the passing buildings and streets, your eyes filled with a mix of awe and bewilderment. The city looked so different—modern and advanced, a stark contrast to any image you had in her mind. Everything seemed unfamiliar, yet subtly intriguing.
As they arrived at their home, your eyes widened at the grandeur of the mansion. The scale and opulence of the building were truly impressive. However, the facade felt imposing, creating a sense of discomfort within you, an inexplicable feeling that it was all too much.
Stepping into the vast halls of the Hansen mansion, you felt overwhelmed by the extravagance. The grandeur seemed excessive, almost suffocating, as if the walls echoed with the weight of secrets and the burden of a life you didn’t remember living.
Lloyd guided you through the corridors, every step magnifying your unease. The walls were adorned with art, the furniture spoke of luxury, and the air was scented with an air of richness that contrasted starkly with your sense of displacement.
The residence that was supposed to be your home felt foreign, like a stage set for a life you have yet to comprehend. The enormity of the mansion felt less like a sanctuary and more like a labyrinth of hidden truths and unanswered questions.
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Stepping into the grand master bedroom, you felt a shiver of trepidation down her spine. The room exuded luxury, adorned with lavish furnishings and an ambiance that spoke of comfort and wealth. Yet, you couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that this was a space belonging to a stranger, not you.
Lloyd observed your hesitation, his own expression filled with a mix of concern and an underlying apprehension. Sensing your unease, he approached you with a gentle demeanor, trying to mask the weight of his own hidden worries.
"Dear, I know this is all overwhelming. But the doctor recommended that we stay together like we used to. He believes it might help trigger your memory to return," Lloyd explained, his voice tinged with an urgency that mirrored his desperate hope for your recovery.
You're still unused to every time he calls you 'dear.' Your heart fluttered uncertainly, caught between your natural wariness and the doctor's suggestion. The thought of blending into a life you couldn't recall felt suffocating, but you realized the urgency of your situation.
Torn between your instincts and the doctor's recommendation, you nodded, a hesitant agreement borne more out of necessity than genuine comfort. In this unfamiliar space that was supposedly your sanctuary, you found yourself straining to navigate the delicate balance between compliance and your quest for truth.
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Lloyd led you into the clothing room, which he claimed to be your favorite. The room was adorned with an assortment of elegant dresses, shoes, and accessories that radiated opulence and sophistication. He watched you with hopeful eyes, waiting for a sign of recognition or approval.
"This is your favorite place, dear," he said, his voice carrying a note of anticipation.
You scanned the room, your heart fluttering with a sense of disconnect. The elegant gowns, the neatly arranged shoes, and the luxurious accessories felt like remnants of a life you couldn't quite recall. The items bore an air of sophistication that seemed at odds with her own sense of style and taste.
For a moment, a fleeting sense of discomfort washed over you. These weren't the clothes you would have chosen for herself. Your style and your preferences were nowhere to be found among the opulent collection. But understanding the situation's fragility, you fought back the instinct to express your discomfort. You masked your true feelings behind a composed facade, not wanting to upset Lloyd, who seemed genuinely trying to help you reconnect with her lost memories.
"Thank you, Lloyd," you replied with a measured smile, careful not to reveal your inner turmoil. As you stood amidst the lavish collection, you realized that, for the time being, you had to navigate this world, gently treading the line between complying and searching for the truths hidden within your forgotten memories.
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As you perused Lloyd's wardrobe, your attention was drawn to a unique perfume bottle sitting among the array of exquisitely crafted colognes. The bottle's design stood out, and Lloyd's discerning gaze caught her inquisitive stare.
With a faint smile, Lloyd leaned in, his eyes reflecting a hint of pride. "I customize all my perfumes. Each one is unique, crafted to match specific moments or memories."
You nodded, acknowledging his explanation, and continued to scan the bottles. Among them, one bottle captured her attention. Its scent carried an inexplicable familiarity, triggering a jolt in her memory. Curious and inexplicably drawn, you picked up the bottle and uncapped it, the scent wafting gently to your nose.
However, as the fragrance reached your senses, a sudden and piercing headache tore through your mind, almost causing you to collapse. Before you could fall, Lloyd swiftly caught you, his arms providing a secure and steadying embrace.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Lloyd's voice carried genuine concern, his arms ensuring your stability.
Struggling to regain your balance, you fought the throbbing headache and the unsettling dizziness that the fragrance had brought. Despite the agony, a faint memory flickered at the edges of your consciousness, a memory so close yet shrouded in the haze of amnesia.
Barely composing herself, you managed a weak nod. "I-I'm fine, just a sudden headache," you murmured. The scent lingered in the room, its familiarity stirring a faint glimmer of memory just beyond your reach, leaving you in a whirlwind of confusion and questions that seemed to have no answers.
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Seating you on the bed, Lloyd observed you closely, his concern palpable. The perfume bottle, a relic from his past, lay on the dresser, its scent triggering an unexpected turmoil in you. At that moment, his own thoughts turned somber, clouded by the weight of his own past mistakes.
Lloyd's gaze lingered on the bottle, the same perfume connected to his most significant mistake involving Zoey. A wave of regret and apprehension washed over him, realizing the potential impact this fragrance could have on your fragile state.
His resolve solidified, knowing he needed to eliminate any reminders of his past transgressions, especially one that had the power to distress you. The decision to remove the perfume became more than just safeguarding you; it was about erasing a connection to his own grave errors, ones that threatened the delicate balance of the life he was desperately trying to rebuild.
With a determined yet pained expression, Lloyd silently vowed to get rid of the perfume. His biggest mistake, a wound from the past, seemed to have resurfaced, and he couldn't risk the distress it might cause you. Resolutely, he made plans to dispose of it discreetly as a means of protecting you and shielding you from the repercussions of his own regretful history.
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As Lloyd ensured you was resting, he quietly slipped out of the room. In the hallways, his steps slowed as a cold shiver ran down his spine, heralding the arrival of his mother, Krystal. Her aura was as intimidating as ever, emanating an air of authority and unyielding dominance.
"Lloyd," Krystal's voice sliced through the silence, her tone stern and unwavering.
Lloyd turned to face her, steeling himself for what he anticipated would be a confrontation. "Mother," he acknowledged, his voice laden with a mix of caution and respect.
Krystal's eyes pierced through him, cold and calculating. "A daughter-in-law with amnesia is akin to having a dementia patient in our family. It brings disgrace to the Hansen name," she declared, her words cutting deep with a disdainful tone.
Krystal's disdainful words pierced Lloyd's facade, igniting a fire within him. The insult towards you, spoken so callously, shattered the thin veil of diplomacy he had attempted to maintain.
Lloyd's fervent tone shifted as he confronted his mother, the intensity in his voice resonating with a blend of regret, urgency, and an undercurrent of anger.
"Mother, don't you dare speak ill of my wife!" Lloyd's voice quivered with a mix of disappointment and a newfound determination.
Krystal, surprised by the change in her son's demeanor, observed the turmoil within him. The bond between them had been strained after the car accident caused by Lionel, a turning point that shifted the family dynamics.
"Lionel's recklessness nearly took my wife from me!!! I won't allow her to slip away again, especially not because of you or anyone in this family," Lloyd expressed firmly, the weight of responsibility for your safety etched into his every word.
"Looking down on Y/N? If you continue your disrespect towards my wife, I'll erase you from this world without hesitation," his words cut through the air like a blade, carrying a severity that shocked even himself. The rawness of his anger unveiled a side of him his mother rarely witnessed.
The tension in the room thickened, marking a moment that showcased the transformation in the family dynamic after Lionel's mistake, emphasizing Lloyd's resolute stance to protect you, no matter the source of the threat.
Lloyd's sudden outburst left Krystal utterly speechless. Her usual poised demeanor shattered as she stood frozen, aghast at her son's uncharacteristic and forceful words.
Her mouth agape, Krystal struggled to find her voice. "Lloyd..." she stammered her tone a mix of astonishment and disbelief. The sheer audacity of her son's manner had left her momentarily stunned, unable to comprehend how he could speak to her in such a manner.
As the tense confrontation unfolded between Lloyd and Krystal, unbeknownst to them, Lionel had just returned from school. Hearing their conversation from the hallway, his heart sank, realizing the weight of his actions and their impact on his mother, Y/N.
Frozen in the corridor, Lionel stood in disbelief, absorbing the severity of his mistake and the weight of his father's words. His recklessness had nearly cost his mother's life, and he was now witness to the turmoil it had caused within the family.
As Lionel retreated to his room, the weight of his emotions bore heavily upon him. His heart ached with the burden of his mother's absence—the void left by her amnesia that denied her the memories they once shared.
Tears streamed down Lionel's face as he sat in solitude. His gentle and loving mother, now lost to the turmoil of amnesia, was a painful reality he struggled to accept. Memories of her warmth, the moments they shared, and the comfort of her embrace flooded his mind, deepening the ache in his heart.
But how could he ask that? Before you got amnesia, he wasn't a good son; he never listened to you, and he always abused your kindness to get what he wanted since he knew you could never get mad at him.
In the silence of his room, Lionel's quiet sobs echoed the profound longing to hold her once more, to seek solace in her comforting embrace.
"I miss you, mom... Hikss... I'm so sorry. Please remember me."
He wished for the return of the gentle and affectionate moments they had shared, now lost in the fragments of her forgotten memories. The weight of his own actions that led to this situation bore down upon him, and he wept for the absence of the mother he dearly missed.
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Krystal's incident on the first floor resulted in a situation where her leg strength was at risk due to an unforeseen mishap involving her son. During the commotion, her secretary, Zoey, rushed to her aid. When Lloyd encountered Zoey assisting Krystal, a moment of tense silence enveloped the room.
As he observed the scene, Lloyd was deeply affected by the presence of Zoey, his secretary and a figure from a past he wished to leave behind. At that moment, a silent yet weighty realization struck him – the emergence of Zoey, a reminder of past mistakes and the complications that followed, leading to strain in his relationship with you.
As Lloyd encountered Zoey tending to Krystal, he was slightly surprised to see her in front of him. Since you had fallen into a coma, Zoey had seemingly vanished from their lives. Her reappearance at a critical moment, just as you returned home with amnesia, raised questions in Lloyd's mind.
The unexpected reappearance of Zoey, your sudden amnesia, and Zoey's presence at a crucial juncture triggered a series of perplexing thoughts in Lloyd's mind. Who was this woman, and what was her sudden reappearance after your return? The timing seemed more than coincidental, and it sparked a nagging sense of suspicion and doubt within him.
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As Lloyd entered his bedroom, he observed you peacefully sleeping on their bed, no longer reliant on the supporting machines—a sight that seemed almost miraculous to him. Gratitude swelled within him, knowing you were alive and resting in the comfort of their home.
Carefully changing into more comfortable clothes, Lloyd approached the bed. Gently, he slid under the covers, mindful not to disturb you. With a heart full of gratitude for her presence, he wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close, cherishing the moment. Placing his chin on your shoulder, he held her gently, feeling relieved that you were safe and by his side once more.
In the stillness of the moment, as he held you close, Lloyd silently prayed for you to regain your lost memories. He yearned for you to remember the life they had built together, the moments they had shared, and the connection they once had. He hoped for the return of the woman he cherished, hoping that you might once again become the loving and devoted wife you had always been.
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After Zoey assisted Krystal back to their residence, she discreetly excused herself and made her way outside. Pulling out her phone, she dialed a number and waited as it rang.
"She's home," Zoey stated before ending the call. A mysterious smirk played upon her lips, hinting at a concealed plan or hidden motive. Her expression bore an enigmatic assurance, suggesting that more was at play beneath the surface.
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rurulilhaulsies · 11 days
Do you have any cvș tips? Thank you!
im bouta tweak out this is my 3rd time writing this bc it wasnt saving. sb send a nuke to my house rn😣😣😣!!!!! ANYWAYS
1. USUALLY WORKERS DONT CARE!! Most workers don’t, they aren’t allowed to do anything either. C\/$ has no chase and confront policy. They can’t ask to check your bag or for you to come with them, UNLESS its LP.
But that doesn’t mean you should start shoving mad shit in your bag infront if them. Just don’t make it obvious that you mysteriously palmed all hk makeup palettes.
2. LP rotates regionally, usually working two, 8-hour shifts per week at specific stores.
3.CAMERAS. Most of the cameras are fake!!! I believe only the one in the pharmacy and register are real. But they almost never get checked!!
4. They put RFID on some makeup and some medicine (mascara or some weird high-end medicine). But that usually depends on location. Things at my location that are supposed to be tagged arent. But the RFID tags are so easy to pull off.
Its so random cs at my usual location,t hey would put like a RFID on one single product n the others would be untagged. 🌚 umm???
Also, at SOME locations the secruity towers don’t even work…
5. Honestly, c\/$ is one dry ah store. Take your time, don’t be greedy, check your items because you never know.
There really is no concealing tips for this store, just simple common sense. Grab what you want, conceal it, walk around like a normal customer. Trust me nobody is worried bout you. Just do it, don’t act like a shoplifter—trying to memorize all the tips n tricks.
Just conceal it and call it day. A simple “toss item in a bag/or body conceal will do)
There’s really no time-limit for this store, just don’t make it an obviously quick exit or a painfully long exit. Cause walking out a store you were just in for 30 mins empty handed and being a store n zooming out is lowkey sus imo. Ponder, give it some minutes, do you!!
cs u are shopping ur js not paying😊😊!!
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opiatesandspeed · 25 days
To my fellow addicts,
I know the cold/hot sweats are one of the worst things but my least favorite was the restless legs which today it’s your lucky day because I remember the cure. I knew this before my overdose (the in in 2016 that I was the actual closest to death), but when I needed to learn everything from scratch I completely forgot that Nikki always used to stock up on as much gabapentin/neutontin as possible before attempting to come off of H. I have recently come off of suboxone only about a month ago and have been having some opioid withdrawal symptoms that have been delayed. I already know and understand a lot of the science of this because I did so much research on it. Also now that I have finished school and I’m serious this time I would love to get the nodsquad page back up and running. It will be a lot of work but the amount of lives we saved I say fuck you directly to tumblr’s ToS. We never directly facilitate a deal but if someone is using and is asking for help because their supplier got locked up/they don’t trust this person anymore we at least did a little bit of screening beforehand to ensure the legitimacy of the individual pointing the person in at least the general direction. We had a network of people all over the world which we would need to reestablish but now that I have finally graduated from college I have a few weeks of free time before I get stuck with a job and won’t have as much is anyone is down to help out PLEASE DM ME. Also the motto that Nikki and I had was that we never tried to talk individuals out of using because we were addicts ourselves and that would’ve been highly hypocritical. Second, we always tried to get them resource help before just telling them yeah we know someone in (any city, USA/the world) this included ensuring they had narcan and for specific situations we sent out a lot of narcan to people(it was not just in the pharmacy back then). But still I would be interested in getting people clean needles/rigs/sharps… another thing is please because you use different wording do not attack others or make fun of the way things are said in their particular area. This created a lot of unnecessary chaos. If you’re serious about helping others and if you know your shit PLEASE DM ME DIRECTLY ASAP. I will be creating the new email for the new page at some point today. Lastly, all I ask is that if you are interested you at least have 1 hour a week minimum to answer messages or look on the page and that you do your research before answering questions from our fellow addicts. I will be adding on to this message because I have so much more else to say but I hate typing on my phone and I’m too lazy to get to my Mac which is a few feet away from me 🤣. However I want to end this with that no matter how bad things are things can get better. I’m not going to go into my entire story but I completely lost the ability to gain any short term memory and was able to graduate from a top 30 school in the US. You can do it and it is possible no matter how hard it seems to get clean but it is the hardest thing you will ever do but it is worth it. It is not sunshine and rainbows and you will have to fight harder than every other sober person 5 times as hard but after graduating I think my first field before going into cyber security will be addiction counseling. Which is where my true passion is. Just know that you are worth it even if you have no one. that’s what this community is for to support people who are bring constantly criticized by others or not getting the help they need. This may go nowhere but I think it’s worth giving one last shot for @sweet-despondency my fiance who passed away next to me back in 2016. Where if there was a way to see her for just a minute and be able to hug her I would go through hell. I know that is how most of you people feel for the people you lost as well. But the best thing we can do is keep their memory alive by helping others. Thank you so much if you got this far. I love you all and hope to talk to you all very soon.
UPDATE: 13:18 ET: So good news... We at least still have a page up that I am going to try to get the login info for but I'm not sure how hard this will be. Just wanted to let you all know A PAGE still exists... not the original page.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hi! Would you be interested in doing an angst piece for Gaz?
Gaz ends up in the hospital/med tent and meets reader. They get to know each other until he ships out and reader can't wait to see him again - until he ends up back in front of them with extremely severe injuries...
a/n: i am so sorry this took me so long to get to but i LOVED this request and wanted to do it justice! thank you again for submitting anon :) there are no happy endings here so buckle up
a modern day florence nightingale
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summary: Fresh out of training, your first assignment is at the famous Queen Elizabeth's Hospital in Birmingham. While most of your colleagues dread their first assignment, you find yourself slowing falling in love with your newest patient.
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x nurse!gn!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds and violence, ANGST
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"Corporal, you have a last-minute transfer to Room 7," the chief nurse paged and you closed out your evening reports. "Thanks, Captain, I'll check in and collect the vitals for you," you replied and made your way down the quiet hall. You were fresh out of training and on your first assignment which met you had the absolute pleasure of collecting vitals and performing monotonous tasks. However, while some other corporals groaned at their placement, you enjoyed finally having hands-on, out-of-classroom experience. As you approached the door, you pulled the clipboard which identified the patient and some of the pertinent medical history. You knocked on the door gently and announced yourself. "Sergeant Garrick, welcome to Queen Elizabeth's," you said as the man sat up in bed, "hopefully you won't have that long of a stay." You said this to all your patients, while you enjoyed the friendly conversations, a hospital wasn't an ideal permanent stay.
"Thank you, Corporal," he replied and the room seemed to light up with his smile, "besides the shrapnel getting dug out of my leg, it's been a pleasant stay." You smiled at his pleasant attitude, it wasn't often you had a patient like this yes. "Well I am happy to hear it, Sergeant, if you don't mind can I take some vitals?" you asked as you loosened the stethoscope from your neck. "As long as you call me Kyle, I have no complaints, Corporal," he responded and shined another bright smile. "Okay, Kyle, just sit up for me and breathe normally," you said as you went to the bedside and manually pumped the blood pressure cuff, and listened for the Korotkoff sounds. "119/78, nearly perfect," you remarked before you held out his hand to place a pulse oximeter. Just like before, his oxygen levels and pulse were ideal. "Look at you Kyle, the perfect patient!," you proudly said, "I'd give you a lolly if I had one." "I try, Corporal, I try," he joked and you checked his vitals on the monitor to make sure he would sleep through the night.
"Alright final few questions, can you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10?" you asked as you pulled out your chart. "Um a 4?" he said with a questioning tone, "Definitely not the worst injury I've gotten but my thigh still hurts like hell." Your smile faltered a bit before you flipped through the pages to see what medications he was put on post-operation. "The medication will kick in soon, it's not the strongest stuff but it should minimize some of that pain," you explained and he nodded in compliance. "Does the area feel hot or pulsating?" you continued with your routine questions. "Dirty wording there," he joked and you couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "can't say I'm experiencing that though." "Just some routine things, trust me I wish I could rewrite a lot," you sighed before finishing your assessment. "That's all for now, do you need anything before you get some rest?" you asked before adjusting the lights of the room and reclining his bed. "Not that I can think of, have a goodnight, Nightingale," he smiled and you exited the room. You closed the door gently and walked back to your station. As you sat down to record Kyle's nightly intake you found yourself smiling in content. Nightingale, you liked the sound of that especially when it was accompanied by his gorgeous smile and eyes.
The next evening, you were happy to see that Kyle was your first official 1-on-1 patient for your residency. His physical assessment demonstrated he would likely be an easy patient to round on and most people appreciated his positive attitude and lack of signs of sun downing. You were ecstatic as most had been giving difficult patients that would test their profession. As you received report from the morning staff, you couldn't help but wonder how to announce the "good news" to him. You didn't want to seem weird as most patients would be concerned at the enthusiasm a nurse showed at their injuries and hospital stay.
As you entered his room, you decided to play it cool and explain it as if it was a formality. "Good evening, Nightengale," he said as you entered the room. "Evening to you as well, Kyle. I'm just here to check on how you're doing and also let you know that I will be your primary nurse for the remainder of your stay," you explained and gave him a small smile. "Better now that you're here," he joked and your face began to flush, "the morning staff woke me by pulling back the curtains and tugging on my arm!" "They're new as well, not necessarily known for their bedside manner," you commented and Kyle could hear the slight twinge of annoyance in your voice. "Oh you're new as well?" he questioned as he complied with the routine of collecting vitals. "Fresh out of training," you explained as you wrote down his oxygen levels and pulse, "this is my first assignment." After going through your typical questions and happily hearing that his pain had decreased substantially, he continued with the conversation. "You're doing a great job, I honestly thought you had been here for years," he commented and you couldn't help but admit you loved the flow of compliments. "I had some experience in civilian hospitals and general trauma care before I decided on the career change," you explained as you prepped him for bed. "I'm sure you'll be able to tell me all about it while I'm here," he said before settling into bed. "I'd like that a lot Kyle, goodnight," you whispered before leaving the room again.
"I'm not joking, I did have the best sutures," you exclaimed as Kyle laughed heartily. Somehow you had gotten on the topic of basic trauma procedures and he simply could not imagine you on the battlefield. "I don't believe it," he said through a string of laughs, "your bedside manner is too good for that." "Who wouldn't want that after a gunshot wound?" you exclaimed, "If I had a bullet lodged in my abdomen, the least someone could do would be to entertain me." Kyle was just about to reply when you were paged to another patient's room. "Well I'll see you for your medication rounds then, sleep well, Kyle," you said sadly as you walked out. "I await your visit, nurse," he jokingly saluted and you turned off the lights. The next few weeks progressed the same, you learned more about Kyle's life before the military and he teased you incessantly about your previous life as a nurse. You even managed to sneak in some takeout for him so he wouldn't have to suffer through the disgusting, bland rations from the dining hall.
As you ate the buffet of Chinese takeout and looked at Kyle slurping the noodles, it was clear neither one of you wanted your time to end. You were cleaning up when you felt his gaze on you. "I think you have something on your cheek," he said and beckoned you to come closer. You felt his warm touch gently wipe away some excess sauce and linger on your face. Before you could speak, he took the moment to say something that caught you off-guard. "You look beautiful like this," he whispered and you could feel your cheeks turn pink. "You look so relaxed, not worrying about vitals and medications," he continued as he held your face softly. "Just wanted to say that," he finished and you felt his hand dropped. There was probably some manual somewhere that said what you did next was a dischargeable offense but you both didn't seem to care. Maybe it was the way his eyes lingered on your lips or your soft touch to his cheek but the way his lips felt against yours was worth any punishment. It was quick and gentle but you both pulled away with smiles plastered on your faces. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kyle," you whispered as you parted and shared another kiss before you exited the room.
The unit could tell that Kyle's appearance at Queen Elizabeth's changed your mood drastically. Maybe that's why no one told you of his discharge. You happily walked over to his room for an evening chat before you realized the bed was being stripped and prepped for another patient. "Sorry, must have gotten the wrong room," you sheepishly replied as the other nurses looked at you. You walked over to your commanding officer, the head nurse, to find out if there had been a room transfer. "Where's the patient in room 7?" you asked the head nurse. "Oh he was discharged earlier this morning," she replied, looking up briefly from the morning reports. You could feel your smile falter as she spoke. "Did he say where he was going?" you asked her, hoping for something, anything. "You know that information is confidential, Lieutenant," she replied and walked back to her station, leaving you along with a twinge of heartbreak.
Months went on without seeing Kyle. At first, you were saddened he left without saying anything but you gradually became angrier with each subsequent week. You went through all the stages of grief as you wished for any word from him. You thought you honestly had something special with him, he was your first patient after all. Were all the moments you had meaningless? You were at the boiling point when you saw, on your list of patients for the day, a Sergeant Kyle Garrick was in Room 15.
Needless to say, you were pissed when you stormed into the room. You finished your rounds for the day and angrily opened the door to Room 15. It was clear there was tension in the air as your gaze pierced Kyle. "Hey there, Nightingale" the man joked and you lost it. "'Hey there?' that's all I fucking get?" you said angrily. You didn't care who heard. "You sit in this bed for weeks, making me care about you, and then you fucking leave ONLY to come back here like this," you yelled as you eyed his leg casts, black eye, and IV drip. "Why the fuck are you acting like the one who got blown up?" he responded, anger rising in his tone. "I'm not one of your little girlfriends who is amazed that you're in the SAS, Kyle," you said viciously, you could feel hot tears run down your face. "I actually care about you and you fucking left me with nothing." With that, you walked out the door and turned to unleash a final comment. "I'll get another nurse to take care of your sorry ass" you choked out and shut the door on him.
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