#1 Hot weather hater
justhorizon1 · 27 days
Its my birthday today!
Im 18 now. Dunno what to do with this info, but I wanted to share.
Also Sorry for being Inactive for so long. Summer Job and the weather decided to yoink my want to do anything. I'm not made for 35°C+ weather : (
Another thing : THE DROUGHT MOD IS HERE BABY WOOOOOOOO!! FINALLY, Now I can play it ! •̀⁠ ⁠v ⁠•́⁠ ⁠
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vroomvroomcircuit · 8 months
Sometimes you need to be loud before it can be quiet
Summary: Everyone has their breaking point, even prefectly fine media trained drivers. Especially when people start asking dumb, sexist questions.
Pairing: driver!reader x f1!grid, but mostly Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen, Lando and Charles have a bit of a guest appearing
Wordcount: 1.2k (she is a shy shorty, please be nice to her)
🏎Masterlist🏎 _________________________
“My next question is for (Y/N): What do you want to be perceived as?”
Everyone in the post race press conference halts in their movements. (Y/N) blinks once, twice before she clears her throat and gets closer to her microphone. “I’m sorry, can you please elaborate on that? I fear my English is failing me to comprehend what you just said.”
The reporter is not hesitating, jumping into his explanation right away, as if he had chosen the words he wanted to say beforehand. “Well, you participate in a male dominated sport, being currently the only female on the grid line up. You are never seen in typically female clothing. You even wore a suit to the last FIA gala. We have yet to see you in makeup outside of festivities. That’s why I am asking what you want to be perceived as. A man? A woman? Or something in-between?”
Silence has never been so loud. Nobody really knows how to respond to such an audacity.
(Y/N) pulls her microphone another bit closer before murmuring into it: “I rather be not perceived at all. Thank you for the question, I wanted to clear that bit up for quite some time now.”
Her answer brought a booming laughter out of the one and only Daniel Ricciardo, effectively breaking that spell of awkwardness that has been cast over the room by Mr Audacity. Everyone relaxes and joins in the laughter.
As the media representative is about to call onto the next journalist, Max asks a question. “Can we all answer this? Because I want to make it clear, I identify as a problem and want to be perceived as that.”
“Yeah”, Daniel interjects,”of course you do. I want to be perceived as a menace to human kind, please. What about you, Lando?”
“Number 1 Fish Hater, certified and trademarked already,” he answers with a cheeky smile.
Charles breathes “I’m a hot mess” into his microphone before the media representative is able to call onto the next person.
The following race weekend the drivers stand in the media pits with their PR managers, hopping from interviewer to interviewer like at a speed dating event.
“-overall I would say we have a good pace. I’m confident in the team to help us through this race in spite of the unpredictable weather conditions this weekend.” (Y/N)’s answers the usual questions that are thrown at her after sessions.
The journalist smiles at her. “I am sure of that. Now, onto my last question: Last week you have been asked what you want to be perceived as and you never really answered that. Why is that?”
(Y/N) throws a not amused look towards the woman. “I didn’t feel like it. I didn’t want to answer a question that is just a poorly disguised attack towards my femininity. I can like fast cars and dress however I want without having to answer something like that. I’m secure enough in my own gender identity as a woman to be able to express myself in all the ways I want without having my actions impede on my identity or expression of my gender. I will put on a dress when I feel like it, I will get the brushes out for a glam makeup when it is convenient for me and I don’t have to do ‘typically female’ things just to please the public opinion.
Instead of going around and judging, just work on why you have this urge to comment on my expression of gender in the first place, because your insecurities surrounding my gender don’t look cute on you.”
After that (Y/N) is practically dragged away from the media pit by her PR manager, who probably already has a headache thinking about the mess that will follow on social media and certain online magazines.
But the few drivers who stood around them, having media duties to follow themselves, just stared impressed and with deep respect after the young woman. She usually is softer spoken and obviously went through bootcamp media training. This was the first time they witnessed speaking her true mind in an interview.
Back in her driver's room, where she gets ready for the debrief, (Y/N) realizes the kind of mistake she just made.
Her little outburst will definitely get more of a reaction than it would if a Max Verstappen would have said something along these lines.
Before her inner eye she sees the headlines. Something about women being too emotional for motorsports. Her being too young, too hot headed, too much of everything and somehow not enough of everything.
The team will replace her, the negative PR not leaving them any other choice. The pressure on them is too much, they already took a big chance on her by giving the driver a seat in Formula 1 in the first place.
With the news of her sudden contract ending, at least one news outlet will write “The little experiment failed”, paving an even more difficult path for other women trying to prove themselves in motorsports.
And all that just because she wasn’t able to let this stupid question roll right off her back.
A sudden knock on her door breaks (Y/N) free from her downward spiral of thoughts. Max enters the room with Daniel on his tail. “This was amazing. How you told this interviewer off on life camera? And her face? After you went out, we just had to clap. It was so cool. You were so right, too. I’m so proud you finally spoke your mind. The audacity of these people.”
It seems like Max doesn’t need to breathe, judging from his rant.
Daniel has a much softer approach. He puts a hand on her shoulder, making her look up at him. “I hope you know that you had to say that back there. Even if you are ‘only’ a rookie this season, the questions you got the last couple of weeks were anything but ok or nice. Sometimes you need to be loud before it can be quiet.”
(Y/N) shoots him a thankful smile, squeezing the hand on her shoulder with her own. “You are right. It was just a bit overwhelming at first. But I can see the appeal now. I think I have to take a few classes with Max, because the concept of saying what you think got a new fan and that’s me. It’s the best thing I have done in the context of handling media duties.”
“No, you won’t do that”, (Y/N)’s PR manager stands in the doorway, probably to fetch her for the debrief. “In this case it was a good thing to do. Important, too, of course. The fans are eating this up on social media. They already made edits with the clips. But I don’t get paid what Max’ or Lando’s managers get, so you will return to your media trained good girl roots.” With that (Y/N) gets pulled out of the room by her. Max throws her a subtle nod, to which she smiles.
Sometimes you need to be more than the good girl, especially if it’s for your own sake. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of the story of another media-nightmare-driver.
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deermouth · 4 months
A lot of my friends are hot-weather haters, which I respect, especially as heat intolerance is no joke, and I'm also a northerner, so once it gets into the 90s I'm like Ok This Sucks Real Bad.
However, for me, cold weather and its associated factors (the ground is slippery or covered in sludge, especially perilous for someone with bad balance, limited daylight, having to wear 1 fuckmillion layers to not Literally Die In A Half An Hour) are unpleasant in a life-limiting, deeply depressing way. But up to a certain threshold, my experience of hot weather is unpleasant in a Sublime way. It's incredibly humid, the heat is only just breaking because it started thunderstorming, and I'm laying on my bed listening to the Madeleine Peyroux version of Dance Me To The End Of Love and feeling incredibly romantic. About the weather.
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9cl · 1 month
Here are six+ songs that i've been loving and living daily trying my best not to let it seep into a permanent state of ennui. Some songs that make my heart move more than others or just otherwise songs that are extremely special to me emotionally. Thankyou for the tag @silic0n0asis <3💭 i might do more than six But i think thats allowed
1. Just posted lyrics to a song by this artist. Im linking it below. and it really makes me so sad and melancholic but also just makes me feel so excited. It's the right mix. I'll add another one i'm thinking of right after this one
2. This one is just plain wonderful. it brings back this intense wistful joy it smells like fresh laundy on a rainy day. An intense feeling of belonging. A love for the life that surrounded me. a really crazy headrush joy that reminds me of surfing Satellite tv for the first time in my life. Satellites and satellite dishes became extrenely important to me. Something about being able to escape and enter an unknown parallel world. Moving somewhere not knowing when it'll stop and not caring. At least visually during this era (2020) satellites were like a source of comfort for me, like being hooked up to a big wired world that i could manipulate through my little terminal
3. This song just feels like a lovesick midnight. In almost point black-blue darkness w/ visual snow clouding your entire surroundings. Just sitting there gleeful and enjoying the present. Something that nobody can take you out of during that moment
4. Well this song is just plain wistful to me. A lot of what the music i listen to depends on is the emotional and mental context during which i experienced it. sure music can suggest something to me but mainly it's the feelings i felt during that specific moment that resurface when i hear the music i hear. New things can be good as well as bad. The context can be shifted completely and reformatted and reframed. this one specifically i listened to a lot while running outside. It reminds me of feelings of inadequacy and futility. Nothing good but also nothing too bad. I love this song a lot though. Mark's vocals shine through here
5. Another song from around 2021. This is just perfection in a song. it makes me feel Freaking Cool... i love the dissonances when the keys go too far up around midway through the song. This whole album realy is just filled with song after song of just the most relaxing beautiful improvisational stuff ever listen to it you will not be let down. The opening track is also gorgeous
6. The only r stevie moore song i can really lidten to all the way through. i'm not a hater or anything it's just the only one that has fossilized itself into my consciousness. It's extremely meaningful to me. The chords are beautiful and so sweet. Stevie moore is the bomb... Incredible guitar work. i would love to learn it on the guitar when i get my new strings. Strongest memory from this song is riding around outside on my bike in the rainy thick foggy cloudy hot humid weather and falling multiple times and not really caring that much
7. This song is, i think, The Best Shit Brian Wilson Ever Came Up With, maybe toe to toe with I Just Wasn't Made For These Times, i dont really have much to say about this song the arrengements and the lyrics are beautiful. Brian's vocals are one of a kind and his falsetto is amazing here. The solemn piano part is just gorgeous. Surf's up hmm hmmm hm hmmm hm hmmmmm...
8. One of my most favorite Oli XL tracks ever:) #FREEOLI btw They need to get an album out ASAP
10. ! ! ! :):):) Like a rave in a coven i guess. felicita is fucking awesome. This version of coughing up pearls is beautiful
11. This whole album is some of the most great electronic shit to ever happen ever. not to cheat but im doing 2 here: these cuts specifically are a highlight for me although Romance Frog and Alcoholic are both amazing amazing tracks from this same thing. Gobby's hyperprocessed vocals are a huge inspiration. i fuck with the random Lifetime Discovery TLC samples all throughout
O.K. Thats it i nominate @thesentdowngirl @foodandfriends @kissyouallaway @bish0ps @dog5504 Your turn now if u want:-)
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sleepy-hyperfixations · 5 months
i hate warm weather. if hot weather has a million haters im one, if hot weather has 50 haters im one, if hot weather has 1 hater its me, if hot weather has no haters im dead
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duskspring · 10 months
Snow Day - Aether/Sunshine
Domestic December - Day 15
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Summary: Resident snow lover Aether shows resident snow hater Sunshine the joys of the season
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Seasonal depression, fluff, Air (#1) is named Beta in this
Word count: ~2k
“What’s the weather like there?” Sunshine asked Cumulus over the phone, craning her neck up from where she laid on her bed to give the world outside her window a melancholy look as it slowly gained its snowy blanket.
“Way too hot. I thought I was gonna faint on stage!” The other ghoulette complained.
“How about we swap places, huh?” She asked, wholeheartedly wishing she could.
Cumulus giggled on the other end of the line, “Snow really isn’t that bad. It can be so fun! You just have to stay open minded.”
Sunshine blew a raspberry on her own tongue, refusing to even entertain the idea.
“Try not to let it get you down too much,” The air ghoulette’s voice was softer now, very caring, “Go see Aether, have fun together. We’ll be back before you know it.”
“Fine,” She whined, “but I expect the biggest, warmest hug of your life when you return.”
“That’s a deal.” Cumulus agreed, before being talked to from her end of the line, “I have to go now, sweety. We love you, we can’t wait to see you, try not to get too sad.”
“Well shit, why didn’t I just think of that? Just gotta not be sad.” Sunshine exclaimed sarcastically.
Cumulus sighed sympathetically, “I’ll speak to you soon.”
“Bye bye.” The multi ghoulette stared at her phone as the call ended, leaving her with the simple black mirror of the screen. She sighed herself, dropping her arm to stare at the ceiling.
She got momentarily distracted by it, not noticing the minutes slipping by. The change of the season hit her way harder than she’d expected. The cold air, grey sky and dark days left her exhausted and unmotivated. Snow wasn’t something she got excited about. It felt like an extra weight on top of her, trapping her further in the hopeless mindset she was so desperate to escape from. The fast majority of her pack being gone didn’t help either.
Unbeknownst to her, Cumulus had made another quick call, this time to the aforementioned quintessence ghoul. She wanted to make sure someone would look after Sunshine when she herself couldn’t.
A knock interrupted the spiralling in the multi ghoulette’s mind, “Hm?” She hummed, too zoned out to try finding proper words.
The door creaked open, “Hey, Sunny.” Aether’s voice sounded so cheerful. It reminded her of how she always sounded before it got so cold.
“What’s up?” Her words slurred lazily.
He stepped into her line of sight, bending over her so she’d have to put in effort to not see him. He clapped his hands together, “We’re going outside.” he smiled brightly.
Sunshine stared at him in silence for a few seconds, “No.” With that she turned onto her side.
“I know you don’t want to, but I promise it will be good for you. Just five minutes. For me?”
She scoffed, knowing he was probably right but really not feeling like it, “I don’t know what to wear.” She used as an excuse.
“I’ll help. You can just put some sweats and a jacket over your pyjamas. Stay comfortable and warm. That’s fine. I have gloves you can borrow.”
“Aether-” Before she could try to argue more, the quintessence ghoul had pulled her upright by her arms.
Once she was sat up he walked to her dresser and pulled out exactly what he’d described, “Well, get a move on.” He said, not impatiently, but certainly not leaving room for more stalling.
Sunshine let out a breath, realizing it would take less energy to just do as he said than continuing the fight.
She felt like a doll, movement impaired by the multiple thick layers of clothing meant to keep her comfortable. Aether’s gloves barely held onto her hands, being far bigger than her size. He held her hand, pulling her along as they waddled through the halls.
The closer they got to the main hall, the more joyous the sounds. Many siblings were enjoying their time outside, playing games with childlike joy. Some others were already rushing back inside, ready to warm up with a nice hot beverage or in the arms of another.
Aether let go of her hand as they reached the door, wanting to make her and her alone make the choice to step outside. Sunshine stayed frozen at the top of the stairs, surrounded by laughter and the freezing cold. She watched the condensation leave her mouth in whitish clouds.
“Almost there.” Aether teased, “Do be careful though, it could be slippery.” He walked back up a few steps, holding his arm out for her to hold onto.
She ignored the gesture, staring at the ground as she delicately took the first step. She was a bit caught off guard by the crushing of the snow underneath her foot. She had to admit she liked the sound and feel of it, even if her main focus was on the tense shaking of her muscles in the cold. She only brought her eyes back up when she reached the bottom of the steps.
“You did it.” Aether smiled genuinely.
She couldn’t help but smile back, internally celebrating this small yet momentous achievement, “Just five minutes, right?” Her teeth clattered.
“If that’s what you want.” He agreed, holding his arm out again. She took it this time, letting him lead her way past the abbey towards the gardens.
She had to admit there was a certain charm to all the bushes and, now barren, trees dressed in a cloak of snow. Turning her head to the other side, she spotted little icicles hanging from the bottom of an outside windowsill.
As pretty as they were, curiosity got the better of her. She let go of Aether’s arm to step off the path. He watched her walk over to the window and push a finger past all the icicles, causing them to break off and fall to the ground.
Without more than internal satisfaction she made her way back to his side. She didn’t notice how he smiled at her, glad that she at least did something outside without him telling her to.
“Have you ever made a snowman?” Aether asked, always enjoying doing so himself and secretly hoping Sunshine would do it with him.
She wordlessly shook her head. She never really got the appeal of putting so much effort into something that would inevitably melt anyway.
“Would you like to try?”
“...Could I watch you do it?” She asked after some deliberation. She wanted Aether to have his fun and wanted to see it happen, but the prospect of helping him seemed miserable to her.
“Of course!” He beamed, instantly crouching down to start on the big snowball that would be its body.
She watched him walk around the small field next to the path, not getting up from his crouched position. It looked quite silly, leaving her unable to prevent the smile spreading over her face.
She made her way to the nearest bench, pushing the snow off of it with her arm and pulling her legs up to her chest as she sat down. Her mouth rested against her knees, her breath warming up the bottom of her face.
Though it took some time for Aether to finish the base of the snowman’s body, it didn’t feel like long. Sunshine was glad to watch him do it, like she had stared at the ceiling before. Except this time she felt something. A warm sense of joy spread through her chest, making her momentarily forget about the cold.
“Alright, Sunny. I need your help!” He called her over.
Sunshine didn't even consider her earlier exhausted feeling or the cold. She instantly got up to go help her friend out.
“What’s up?” She asked in anticipation.
“This fella needs to be decorated and I want your input.”
She hummed, bringing her hand to her chin to physically exaggerate her thinking process, “Well, clearly this is a very dapper gentleman. He needs to have some fancy buttons, maybe even a hat.”
“I like the way your brain works.” He complimented, “Would you mind helping me find some stuff to make that with?”
The gears in Sunshine’s brain were immediately turning, a devious smirk appearing on her face, “I’ve got you. If you search right here, I’ll go look over there for any sticks.” She pointed to an area of the garden with more trees.
“Alright! Thank you.” He sounded overjoyed. It melted Sunshine’s frozen heart.
She scampered off as soon as Aether was distracted, making her way not to the part of the garden she said she’d go to, but instead back inside. She ripped off her jacket and gloves in a hurry, needing more mobility. She snuck her way upstairs, acting as casual as possible as she snuck her way into the papal wing of the abbey.
She made her way to her target. She loudly knocked on the door, stepping aside so the door would block her from sight once it opened.
“Si accomodi.” The voice rang out.
Sunshine knocked again, needing him to open the door himself.
“Enter!” He repeated, clearly annoyed.
One more time she banged on the wood. The sound of an office chair creaking over the floor aggressively made her stand at the ready.
“Terzo, I swear to satanas if that’s you-” Papa Emeritus II ripped the door open unassumingly.
Without room for second thoughts, Sunshine popped out from out of view, snatched the mitre off the antipope’s head and sprinted off again. She yelled back an apology, as he cussed her out in Italian, but made no move to run after her.
Still, Sunshine didn’t slow down for even a second, knowing another ghoul would probably be sent after her soon enough. The air rushed past her ears, heart thumping in her chest like crazy. Her adrenaline was high, it was exhilarating. Her mind felt freed for a moment. It was like she was herself again.
Aether smiled when he saw her, glad she didn’t just sneak inside, “There you are-” Aether froze when he saw what she held in her hands, and not because of the cold. He covered his eyes with a hand, “What did- why?”
“Because it’s funny,” She argued, “Now let’s hurry up.” She was shaking, unsure if it was the adrenaline or because she’d left her jacket and Aether’s gloves in the middle of the main hall.
The quintessence ghoul decided not to talk back to her, stepping aside for her to put the mitre on the snow man.
“You go actually get sticks,” Sunshine was still panting, “I’m gonna make him look more angry.” Her grin was wicked, spiteful towards Secondo for all the times he’d ever been rude to Copia.
She grabbed pebbles, dead flower buds and whatever else she could find in the snow to frankenstein together two angry looking eyebrows.
Aether came jogging back soon after, adding two thin arms to the snowman.
The two took a step back together, admiring the hideously beautiful creation they’d made together. Sunshine fished her phone out of her pocket, snapping a quick picture and sending it into their pack’s group chat.
Aether’s arm came around her shoulders once that was done, “I think you can be proud of yourself. You certainly did… a lot today.”
She turned her head to face him, leaving a quick peck on his cheek, “I’m glad you dragged me out. Thank you.”
“At least you are,” The two startled back as the voice of Beta, also known as Air, rang out behind them, “Papa is pissed. And since I refuse to be yelled at for something you did,” He humorlessly took back the mitre from the angry snowman, “you better go explain yourself.” And off he went again.
Sunshine and Aether stayed in shocked silence for a few seconds.
“Fuck.” She whispered.
“I really don’t know what you expected,” He commented, “Why didn’t you take it from Terzo? He would’ve probably laughed it off.”
“Yeah but he’s not as funny to mess with.” Another second of silence was interrupted by both of their laughter, “I’m telling you, it was worth it.”
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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eveningdawn222 · 2 years
dumb reasons i've clicked off of a fic because i take 'don't like dont read' very seriously (a not comprehensive list)
besides the obvious formatting (no space between paragraphs/no paragraph breaks/weird quotations)
author used. too many parentheses (it was a good fic i just couldn't stomach it my head hurts
si/oc was some variation of short/skinny/petite (VERY COMMON) (worlds first skinniephobe)
mc was too basic/had bad fashion taste (ALSO VERY COMMON)
mc has no critical thinking skills (too frustrating it makes me hate mc)
that one bnha fic that assigned 1-A greek god code names EXCEPT THEY WERE ALL WRONG???? first of all kirishima was hephaestus when OBVIOUSLY MOMO WOULD BE???? istg then shinsou was hades which. whatever but it doesn't fit. denki as apollo made me click off. it was obv they were some fucking - [i am dragged away by myself editing this as i do not want to offend anyone]
cass instead of cas(tiel)
op obviously really specifically doesn't like one character and is really biased about it (this is sometimes ok when i also hate that character but. thin line. still gotta be canon evidence for the shit u spewing u kno?)
anything but white tim drake. i'm sorry but making ur problematic blorbos asian (v gross stereotyping because smart = asian right) doesn't take away from the fact that in canon a lot of his character problems come from being a rich white cis man
too much tony stark screen time
not enough violence :(
mc is from a place where it's hot/complains about cold weather
batfam/peter parker/etc celebrates christmas (THEYRE JEWISH)
fics that change the canon mc so much that they might as well be an oc (looking at u bnha fandom)
this isn't a clickoff reason (i don't click on them.) but. aus that completely change the setting/backstory. my dude. heard of theseus ship? at what point is it just a new story
anyway peace and love on planet earth etc etc but also i'm in my hater era
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tricoufamily · 10 months
obscure associations tag 2
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tagged by @itsmariejanel <33 thank youuu maria did 2 in 1 so i'm also doing 2 in 1 these are the rules beckett green connor purple YIPPEEEEEE
ANIMAL: DOG / a snake or a cat but like. lucifer from cinderella you know
COLORS: green / purple 🤭
MONTH: july / january
SONGS: rocky mountain high by john denver, piano man by billy joel, mammas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys by willie nelson and waylon jennings / mama by my chemical romance, you're gonna go far, kid by the offspring, ptolemaea by ethel cain
NUMBER: 12 / 4
PLANTS: dead grass with a prominent desire path going through it / venus fly trap
SMELLS: the winn-dixie from your childhood, cigarettes (he doesn't even smoke), old furniture / conditioner packet from box hair dye, jolly ranchers, jeans
GEMSTONE: agate / jet
TIME OF DAY: sunrise / 3 am
SEASON: summer / winter
PLACES: backroads, appalachia, abandoned house in the woods / gotham in the batman 2022, closed museum at night, cemetery
FOOD: southern biscuits and gravy / fish
DRINKS: MOUNTAIN DEW / black coffee
ELEMENT: air / fire
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: i don't think i've ever given blood sports characters birthdays. please don't make figure out the timeline in minute detail oh god there's so many of them
SEASONINGS: fuck ton of black pepper / garlic and he loves the smell mmm num num num fuck garlic smell haters
SKY: blue and cloudless / pitch black
WEATHER: punishingly hot / bad thunderstorm
MAGICAL POWER: speed / necromancy and he's using it for evil purposes he's bringing random people from the dead to do his bidding
WEAPONS: rifle / his black clip point knives
SOCIAL MEDIA: none #amish / myspace
MAKEUP PRODUCT: he'd despise the texture of all of it / black eyeliner
CANDY: grandma candies from purse / warheads
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: hours and hours in his truck with his music playing he loves it / plane
ART STYLE: regular show / arkham knight
FEAR: what comes after death / uhh nothing at all (😐)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: church grim / siren
PIECE OF STATIONARY: chewed on pencil / scissors
THREE EMOJIS: 🚜🦨🥤 / 💀🥀🔪
CELESTIAL BODY: jupiter / black hole
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transmickey · 1 year
tag game tuesday !! wahoo !!
thank u for the tag @lupeloto 💐
name: ajax
age: in my 20s
pronouns: he/him
tell me about one of your hobbies: i game a lot 🎮 i've finally been playing 'the last of us part I' recently since it finally was released on pc a couple months ago !! very fun very exciting
what languages do you speak? from most to least fluent: english and a little french (i took classes for many years but let's just say that schools here are not the best at teaching languages)
one of your comfort movies: i am not really a movie person but the number of times i have watched 'pitch perfect' after a rough day is frankly embarrassing
do you have any kids? do you want any? no & no. kids are cute and all but not for me!
cold weather or hot weather? definitely cold. i am no. 1 summer hater i despise it.
you’re at an amusement park. what ride are you going on first? whatever the biggest rollercoaster is i fucking love rollercoasters 🎢🎢🎢
what’s your go-to hairstyle/how do you wear your hair most days? my hair is very short so i style it however it decides to look when i wake up. which is often not great!
artist in your spotify wrapped/apple music replay in 2022? taylor swift i think (everyone manifest i Will get eras tour tickets next month. also hi any fellow swiftie moots)
you’ve just been handed $1000 but you have to spend it on clothes. where are you shopping? um!!!!! i do not know, h&m and thrift stores probably
wireless or corded headphones? all my headphones are wireless.. every pair of wired headphones i have ever owned broke within a couple months i do not trust them!!
finally, tell me something that sparks joy: i have returned to my hometown for a couple months now that i have finished university for the summer (yay!) and it has been lovely seeing all my old school friends and seeing whats different and the same around here. ~nostalgia time~
im tagging the last few mutuals in my notifs, but anyone feel free to do this if you'd like!! 😚 : @softmick @callivich @shameless-capricorn @sleepyfacetoughguy @creepkinginc @swiftfootedachilles
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nopeferatu · 10 months
Random ask simply because I can: rank/rate the first uhhh 4 warm drinks you can think of?
Hot chocolate: 10/10, add some vanilla coffee creamer and baileys in it and mmmmmmm best cold weather drink ever 🥰
Coffee: I like iced coffee a lot (gay), but warm coffee is alright too. 4/10
Tea: I'm a tea hater. Don't give me wet leaf juice unless its in an iced milk tea boba. 1/10
Atole: A thick, corn based drink that a lot of Mexicans enjoy around the wintertime. I don't like it bc it has cinnamon, sadly 😔 2/10
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cookiesandbiscuits · 1 year
About the Baker: Additional Information
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Hi, it's me, your resident baker girl! This post are for those who want to interact with me/want to be moots and wish to know what my interests are!
And so, here we are!
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Name: Cookie or Cass (pick whichever you're comfortable with)
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/Her
Likes: chilly weather, books, sweets, sea, music, starry skies, DUCKS!, cats, foxes, forests, hot anime guys/fictional characters
Dislikes: COCKROACHES, garlic, hot weather, annoying noises
1. Anime:
- Yumeiro Patisserie
- Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
- Kamisama Kiss
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
- Gugure! Kokkuri-san
- Hell Girl
- Studio Ghibli movies
2. Manga:
- Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
- Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Kamisama Kiss
- Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
3. Mobile Games:
- Obey Me!
- Ikemen Vampire
- Twisted Wonderland
- Cats Are Liquid
4. Webtoon (there's a LOT ^^;)
- I'm the Grim Reaper
- Siren's Lament
- Eaternal Nocturnal
- Regina Rena: To The Unforgiven
- Lore Olympus
- I'm the Queen in This Life
- The Remarried Empress
- Surviving Romance
- See You in My 19th Life
- Omniscient Reader
- The Guy Upstairs
5. K-drama/Shows:
- Goblin
- Hotel del Luna
- I'm Not a Robot
- Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
- The Lost Recipe
- Maria Clara at Ibarra
6. Cartoons
- Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
- Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
- The Owl House
- Amphibia
- Gravity Falls
- Steven Universe
7. Movie Genres:
- Horror/Thriller
- Adventure/Fantasy
- Romance
- Comedy
- Mystery
8. Science, esp. Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Paleontology
9. History!!
10. Arts & Crafts, and Interior Design
FAVORITE CHARACTERS <3333 (not in specific order)
Lucifer (Obey Me!) - Luci!! The love of my life, my starlight, the apple of my eye... My No. 1 husbando (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Ikemen Vampire) - Mo-Mo!! My lovely prickly pear!! Comes VERY close to Luci when it comes to my levels of simping
Solomon (Obey Me!) - funky magic man!! A guy I would probably have a crush on irl #1
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) - My tackle hug buddy!! We're a chaos-incarnate when combined >:3
Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland) - A guy I would probably have a crush on irl #2
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland) - The character who made me interested in TWST. Also a guy who I'd probably have a love-hate relationship with irl.
Teru Minamoto (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun) - I would defend this guy from his haters!
Tsuchigomori (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun) - He's nice :D
Yako (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun) - A QUEEN! Also very goofy
Joker (Kaitou Joker) - First anime crush but would annoy the hell out of me irl. My darling toebeans.
Howl Jenkins Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle) - a crushable handsome wizard in the movie, a goofy magic man in the book
Rena Rubel (Regina Rena: To The Unforgiven) - ANOTHER QUEEN!! My TWST Yuusona Elyssabeth Alcyone is based on her
Kalego Naberius (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) - My secret manga husbando (have you seen him in the manga?? He's hot >///<)
Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss) - I can't believe I forgot to add him here. Malewife material fr.
Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikemen Vampire) - 🥹😘❤️❤️❤️ He's so... he's so... ❤️❤️❤️ I love him so much AAAAAAA!!! Also someone who's VERY close to Luci when it comes to the amount of simping I did over him. Very stinky at first but he'll grow on you. A very very sweet (and traumatized) guy. I would love to marry and take care of him.
Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs) - Scared the hell out of me the first time I saw him from Auburn's post. A silly, goofy, and unhinged guy.
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
Pens Twitter is really toxic right now, just a warning for all. I came across a tweet by a fan account saying that our current 5-game losing streak is unacceptable when everyone else in the East is winning right now and we we are falling behind fast. And that the game we should've only lost was the Isles game. First of all, again any team can beat anyone at a single night as you'd always say. Last I checked a lot of winning streaks have been snapped recently? Like are they aware things can change really fast in the NHL? Plus it's only January, all teams have not played at least 1 team yet, no major trades yet? We haven't even made it to the All Star break where momentum can significantly change with the mega long break. Wordspill inconing.
The way they talk about the Pens, you'd think all Metro teams are on simultaneous 7-game winning streaks (spoiler: they are not). Even I am frustrated but come to think about it: it is easy to be loud about the your own team's struggles when you just look at the out of town scoreboard every time ignoring other factors like games in hand, strength of schedule, team health. Injuries can't be predicted, so can slumps and hot streaks. For proof momentum matters and nothing is sustainable: remember in the shortened 2019-20 season, the Flyers were on a roll with a 9-game W streak, quickly took 1st seed then the league pause happened? When the bubble playoffs happened 4 months later they were not the same team anymore and were eliminated in R2 by an Isles team that lost 7 straight heading to the pause. The Blues and Bruins both had high odds of a SCF rematch as they were leading the league in March, then things went south at the playoff bubble. As much as we rag on the Oilers, they had a massive losing streak in January 2022 that prompted them to fire their coach and five months later they made it to the WCF.
The Pens won't be losing for this long. We'll be playing some West teams and non-divisional opponents next, our low momentum now can quickly go up. Once we get a few players back for a compressed schedule from January onwards, it can change the way we're playing. All the bounces that didn't go our way now will come soon when we need it the most. After the ASG break, there'll be a lot of team and player movements guaranteed that can change the whole makeup of the league standings. I'm open to the Pens trading for someone to hopefully fill our current needs - but again we have to wait for Sully to make either the right adjustments. Nobody, just no team can only do so well or bad for long. No team will get all the bounces all the time, neither will be this unlucky either. The comeback wins now could quickly become blown leads later. Even the players themselves have already said it's an 82-game season with ups and downs, why not listen to the very people who play the game?
I quickly came to realize there are quite a few types of fans in sports:
Bandwagon or Fair-weather
Ones That Know Everything™
Fans of the game
No real way to distinguish between them consistently, nor do I really care most of the time. The Haters over on twitter will continue to do what they do, Sports Social Media much like any other form of interaction comes with the caveat that so long as you don't interact with or consume the hateful stuff you can mostly stay away from it. Block what you need to or take a break from there if needed.
Nothing anyone says right now other than the people in that room matters. We cannot fix them as fans, no matter how we wish we could at times. Its all about staying positive and riding the waves the sport throws at you. I know we're all varying levels of upset about this winless streak, but I am firmly in the know as a Jacksonville Jaguars(NFL) and Arizona Coyotes(NHL) fan that the wins will come, sometimes even at the most unexpected of times. You can't always be good, but you won't always be bad. Its the life cycle of a sports team
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The Lemon and the Grape: Chapter 1
Here in this story, we follow Mineta Minoru on the way back to the dorms after a hangout. On his way back, he encounters a creature with a lemon for a head. How will things play out? Read this to find out!
(Mineta haters, do not read! This isn’t a hatefic.)
It was a quiet, but foggy night in Musutafu, Japan. Most people were in their homes by now, either watching TV, hanging out with their friends or lovers, or sleeping the night away. And most would avoid walking around at this time, especially with fog around and are alone.
Unfortunately, there was one person who was doing exactly that: Mineta Minoru. 
Mineta is the short, purple haired, perverted student at the hero school known as U.A High, residing in Class-1A. Due to his lecherous behavior towards women, he wasn't very popular. However, he didn't mind it all that much. Sure it would be nice to be popular with hot chicks, but at least he had his best friend, Denki.
And speaking of the Pikachu boy, Mineta had a hangout with him not too long ago, along with Midoriya, Shoji, Tsuyu, and Jiro. Though, Jiro only went for two reasons: 1. Denki invited her. And 2. To keep both him and Mineta in line with Tsu. 
Unsurprisingly, the two perverts spotted some girls that wore rather revealing clothing and and attempted to interact with them, but the music and frog girls kept them at bay, much to their dismay. Apart from those few incidents, the two, Mineta especially, didn't try anything else. The two girls kept their guards up just in case, but they all had fun hanging out.
Midoriya, Shoji, and the girls ended up leaving a bit early due to their phones alerting them of some slight fog rolling in soon. Denki and Minoru, however, hung out a bit more before deciding to leave. Denki was originally gonna walk back to the dorms with his buddy, but he insisted on walking alone as he wanted to enjoy the scenery on the way back. 
Kaminari was hesitant about it, but the grape boy insisted that he'll be fine and said he'll use his quirk if he needs to. He still didn't like the idea of the short boy walking around on this foggy night alone, but accepted it anyways. The two then went their seperate ways, leading up to the present time.
Mineta looked around his surroundings, seeing how spooky everything looked now with all the fog everywhere. At first, he thought the scenery would be relaxing to look at on the way to the dorms. But now, everything just looked spooky. He thought the alert said there would only be SLIGHT fog in the area?
"Damn weather app..." He grumbled, a bit upset that the weather app had lied to him. He was starting to regret not letting his best friend accompany him. 
"Next time, I'm not gonna insist on walking alone on foggy nights." He noted to himself as he continued to walk. Suddenly, he heard the sound of grass crunching nearby, startling him to a stop and quickly look in the direction of where he heard it.
'Wh-What was that?!' He thought, a bit scared. He stood there for a few seconds to listen for if anyone else was nearby. When he was met with silence, he slowly resumed his stroll, but looked around every few minutes.
"M-Maybe that was just me hearing things..." He said to himself, hoping that his mind was just playing tricks on him. Being followed was the last thing he wanted right now. 
Unfortunately for him, he heard some more nearby footsteps, a bit closer this time, making him stop again and look in the direction where he heard it. His heart was pounding now. More so, when he heard them again.
"Ok, nope, it's not my mind fucking with me! If that isn't it, then ma-maybe it's just an animal?" Yeah… Yeah! That had to be it! The footsteps belong to an animal passing by, that's all, nothing to be afraid of. … Oh, who was he fooling? The crunches were too heavy sounding to be an animal! 
He started to speed walk now, not wanting to stick around any longer, looking around every few seconds to make sure no one was following him. However, he stopped when he realized something: He was a hero in training! He shouldn't be running away from the creep following him. Instead, he should defeat them. It's what Midoriya would've done in this situation. Plus, there's a chance he'll be popular with the girls if he takes this villain out!
He heard the footsteps for the fourth time, but they were much closer than before now. Still feeling scared, but now determined, he popped off one of his balls and turned around.
"H-Hey! Whoever's following me, you better sh-show yourself now! I-I'm a hero, and I'm not a-afraid of you!" He exclaimed in an attempt to sound brave. Unfortunately, his stuttering wasn't helping the brave face he was putting on.
"Are you sure you're not afraid, little grape? You stuttered a few times just now."
Mineta froze when he suddenly heard someone speak up behind him. The voice sounded normal, but it had a slight echo to it. 
He didn't know why, but he suddenly had a dreadful feeling about whoever was behind him. He didn't want to turn around and wanted to run away instead. But… he needed to be brave! As a hero, he needed to stop being a coward. 
So, gulping down his dread, he slowly turned around to face his assumed follower.
He wished he hadn't.
There, standing a few feet away, was a creature he had never seen before. The creature had a black body with pinkish purple scribbles, stubs for his hands and feet, a neck that was the same color as the scribbles, and a lemon for a head. However, that wasn't what horrified Mineta. No, it was the creature's face that scared him.
The thing's face consisted of huge, light pink eyes with enlarged pupils, light pink teeth, and a big, open grin. The under part of his eyes and his teeth were soaked in dried blood, which disturbed him the most as he could already tell why this monster's teeth was soaked in it.
The grape boy stood there, frozen, eyes wide in fear at the unsettling sight before him, the ball in his hand dropping to the ground. One thought that decided to appear at a bad time came to mind in his moment of fear. 'Why does it sound like that one pre-quirk era musician, Neil Cicierega?' 
Nevertheless, the demonic figure's grin seemed to widen at his expressed fear.
"Ah, delicious fear…~ It never gets old~ However, I'm not here to feed on your fear. No, I'm here because I'm rather curious about you, little Mineta."
That comment snapped him out of his horrified state. He was still scared, of course, but now it was mainly confusion.
"Wh-What do you mean? And h-how do you know my name?!" He questioned, wondering why this demonic looking villain was interested in him. Better yet, HOW does it know him? He's never heard of nor seen this guy around before! … And come to think of it, this creature seems… off. Like it doesn't belong here in this world, or something.
The thing spoke up, bringing him out of his thoughts. "I've been watching you and your classmates for a long time now, ever since the incident at the rescue training ground that was ambushed by villains."
Mineta's eyes widened. 'It's been watching us for THAT long?! Well, that explains how it knows me. I don't think I wanna know how it's kept its eye on us all this time, though…'
"While that answered how you knew me, it doesn't answer my first question. Why are you so interested in me that you decided to come to me? What makes me so important to you?" Mineta's fear had gone down some now, but didn't dare drop his guard.
The Lemon Demon, that's what he's calling it now, seemed to grin more, making the grape boy cringe. He does not like how he grinned wider. Not one bit. But what else can you expect from a villain?
"I will not explain why you're important to me, but I can explain why you interest me. While I was observing you, the first thing I noticed was how you have an uncontrollable, lecherous thirst for females, your lust resulting distrust, dislike, and discomfortability between you and them."
Mineta narrowed his eyes at the demon's words. "What the hell are you talking about? They don't dislike nor are they uncomfortable around me! I'll admit that they don't trust me, but I won't let you think I'm disliked by them in my class!" All the leftover fear he had before was now gone and replaced with anger. 
"... Who said I was talking about your class?"
Mineta's anger died down some at that. "What?"
"I never stated that the women in your class disliked and were uncomfortable around you, little Mineta. All I stated was that your actions resulted it in between you and the opposite sex, nothing more."
"Can you stop calling me little?" He gave the Lemon Demon an annoyed look. 'He's right, though. He never specified if he was referring to my female classmates or not. … Well, that's his fault for not specifying in the first place!' The grape boy looked more annoyed now. The Lemon Monster ignored him and continued.
"Anyways, as I was saying, your lust caused this infamy in female groups, mainly your school. But it applies around the world too, thanks to the Sports Festival. You are quite the controversial and questionable hero because of this, my grape friend. And it intrigues me why you want female attention so much, but I won't get into that right now. Despite your lewd desires, you are also one of the smartest heroes in your class, aside from the rich girl. Which brings up part of the reason why I'm curious about you. Your desperation for female attention and cowardice makes you seem like an easy target, yet when your smarts come into play, you reveal how difficult of an opponent you can be. So I must ask: Why waste most of your intelligence on lustful schemes when you can do so much more than that?"
The grape hero seemed to go into thought at his question. '... I could just give him a vague answer or something similar, but I don't want to get on his bad side, so I'll give him an actual answer. I still don't understand why this should matter to him, but I'll play along to see where this goes. Not like my class, except for Denki, is gonna notice me still gone anyways…'
"... I don't always use my smarts for my perverted antics, you know, but I mostly use it there because 1. Who doesn't like eyecandy? And 2. What else can I use my intelligence for, other than the obvious school and hero work? In case you haven't noticed, not many people go to me, other than my best friend at times, for help on difficult studies or anything else. They mainly go to Yaoyorozu for that. And if you're trying to suggest I should use my intelligence for villainous schemes, you've come to the wrong person. I may be a pervert, but I draw the line at becoming a criminal!"
The Lemon Demon chuckled at his words. A sound that sent shivers down the grape boy's spine. 
"Little grape, I may look like a villain, but do you really think I'd consider something so easy and predictable? I've got other ideas in mind for what your intelligence could be used for."
'Yeah right… says the Neil Cicierega persona with blood soaked teeth…' The ball headed hero thought with a mental eyeroll.
"Now then, your answer to my question is much appreciated. Let's go ahead and move on to the main part of my curiousity. Your cowardice."
His… cowardice?
"Why is my cowardice the main part you're interested in? I thought you'd be more interested in why I lust over girls so much than that." He pointed out, confused.
"Well… you aren't wrong, but there's a reason why your cowardly nature intrigues me. In fact, not too long ago, you were more than ready to run away when I was toying with you with my footsteps, yet you stopped and chose to play the brave card, even after seeing my appearance. That, right there, only interested me more. Last I checked, cowards, most of the time, aren't exactly known to fight back against dangers nor scary things. So tell me… Why are you, a coward, striving to be a hero? Surely you know the dangers and horrors of hero work, right? It's no place for someone like you."
The Fresh-Picked Hero gritted his teeth in anger at the taunt used by the Citrus Spectre, but held himself back from flying off the handle at him. He had to remember the danger he was facing. So he took a deep breath to calm himself down. It worked, but he was just irritated now.
"A coward I may be, but I'm aware of how dangerous this job is. And I'm well prepared for whatever I face in the future, both in my training and career. After seeing Midoriya in action, I'm willing to put my cowardice aside if it means saving others." 
"... And picking up chicks." He added a second later.
'I believe you aren't mentally prepared for what your future hero career will be like.' The Lemon Demon thought, knowing fully well how being a hero will be like being a soldier in the military. "An expected response, but I suppose I can admit that you do have your brave moments. Little Midoriya must've inspired you this much if you're willing to put on a brave face in dangerous and scary situations."
"I guess he has…" Mineta admitted, not too thrilled. Now normally, he'd be more than happy to admit this. But because he's talking to a demonic entity that eats people… not so much.
"Now, with the main part of my interest out of the way, let's go back to your perverted nature. Your out of control hormones are the most infamous part of you, as I've mentioned before. Any time there's a girl showing even the slightest of skin, you proceed to drool all over her as if she showed more than that. Not only that, but you also make lecherous comments about her, which makes her uncomfortable. I find it fascinating how you freely speak your mind without thinking nor caring much about the consequences."
The grape flinched at that, then looked away. Looks like the lemon had struck a nerve.
The entity's grin widened a little at his reaction, enjoying the delicious guilt that appeared on his face.
"Oh, but don't mistake this as me trying to change your ways. I wouldn't have dreamt of doing something so boring and tasteless as reforming someone. No, little hero, I don't care if you continue to lust over women. Afterall, it's not my problem."
Mineta was shocked. Usually when he pervs on girls, he gets punished and lectured for it. But here, this lemon doesn't care if he does it! 
He should feel relieved that someone wasn't gonna lecture him about his pervertedness, but he didn't. Why didn't he feel relieved? Was it because this demon said? Or was it because… of the guilt?
Lemon Demon took his silence as a sign to speak more. "From what I've seen, you would sometimes peep in on your female classmates, whether it's in the locker rooms, or baths, like at the summer camp."
"Don't remind me…" Mineta replied, looking away, remembering what happened when he tried to peep on the girls bathing. That horned kid told him to be a 'decent human being' before pushing him off, causing him to land on poor Iida's face. The humiliation he felt after that was something he'll never forget…
"Another thing you'd attempt is peeking at their chests and under their skirts. These many attempts have always made me wonder why the women of your class haven't bothered wearing shorts to hide their underwear if they didn't want you peeking underneath, aside from that one time where the pink girl breakdanced. Perhaps they secretly like it, but pretend to not like it? Forget to do so? Haven't thought about doing it before? Or, maybe, they just aren't that smart for not choosing the logical option. Who knows, these are just mere guesses. Their reason for not hiding their underwear doesn't matter to me. Afterall, I'm not the one with the dirty mind, you are." He pointed a stub at Mineta's head, who waved it away with annoyance.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, these were pretty good guesses as to why they didn't bother wearing shorts if they so badly didn't want him peeking there. It's not his fault that they don't pick the smart option! Although… the idea that they were pretending to not like it did sound pretty hot.
"Anyway, your attempts would always result punishment and lectures. Yet, despite that, you continue the actions that result this. Surely you know continuing this behavior could result you expelled, right? I'm surprised you aren't kicked out already, after the first few times during your first year. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Humans are foolish creatures, afterall. And the staff at U.A High are no different." He shook his head in mock-disappointment.
The grape boy seethed at the demon's insult. How dare this fucker insult U.A?! 
"Shut up, you lemon bastard! I don't care if you're a people eating monster, I will NOT tolerate you insulting U.A! The teachers may have their flaws and I may not understand why I haven't been expelled yet, but that doesn't mean they're foolish! They might have a reason for keeping me at U.A. Kami knows what it is, but all I know is that, at the end of the day, they always have the best intentions!" He yelled, glaring angrily at the monster in front of him. 
The Pop-Off user didn't know what he was expecting, but he certainly wasn't expecting Lemon Demon to chuckle. 
"Wh-What's so funny?!"
"Hmhmhmhm~ Oh nothing, my grape friend. I just think it's naive of you to believe that they always have the best intentions. If they truly did have the best intentions, then they would've attempted to stop you from continuing your behavior. Or expelled you a long time ago. Why do you think I called them foolish, little Mineta? That wasn't just me calling them foolish because of humanity's decreased intelligence over the past few centuries, you know. Had they expelled you, you wouldn't be here right now, heading back to the school's dorms after spending time with some of your classmates. Including spending some more time with your electric friend. And little Kaminari likely would've taken your place as the class pervert, but tame. If not, then that brainwashing fella would've been your replacement. Not as the class pervert, but in general."
Mineta glared at him again. "You're w-wrong! They would never allow me to be replaced! And Denki especially wouldn't allow it!" He says it with confidence, and yet… why is doubt starting to seep in now? And that stutter on the 'wrong' part didn't do him any favors.
Monster noticed this as well and could tell he was starting to get through to him, so he kept on going.
"Are you sure, little grape? How can you know for a certain that they wouldn't allow your replacement? They could be pretending to tolerate you when, in fact, they hate you and are just waiting for you to be kicked out and be replaced with someone better. With all of the complaints the girls in your class have made and the way they complained about you made it sound like they didn't like your presence."
W… Was that true? N-No! It couldn't be!
"Y-You're lying! You have to be…" He said, trying to sound confident, but failed to, due to him thinking back to the disgusted expressions on the girls' faces after doing something perverted around them. Even the boys' expressions after he attempted to peep in on the girls bathing at the summer camp. All of this resulting more doubt.
Citrus Spectre's bloodied grin stretched widely. "Oh, but am I?~ What if I was speaking the truth? Think about it, you've done nothing but see the girls as objects for yourself. Why wouldn't they wish for someone who'll treat them with respect? Take a look at your friend, little Denki." He used his hallucination powers to make an exact copy of the grape's best friend appear before him, a grin on the Kaminari clone.
"He's beloved." He then made copies of the Class 1A girls appear around the cloned electric quirk user, all of them wearing smiles and happy expressions while Kaminari looked happy as well, his mouth moving as if he were chatting with the girls, but no words came out.
"Respected." The Class 1A boys soon joined the girls and Denki, all of them laughing at what appeared to be a joke made by the electric boy. 
"And above all, isn't out of touch with his lust." Lemon Demon then played many clips of Mineta's perverted moments, then compared them with Kaminari's moments. 
Mineta watched with horror on his face. "N-No…" He whispered, not wanting to believe that they actually hated him behind their neutral faces when he's not doing anything creepy. 
His friends stopped laughing after a bit then turned their heads and looked down at him. Their smiles and happy expressions had all dropped into the same look that shared 3 emotions: hate, disgust, and even murderous.
Seeing such expressions on his friends', especially Midoriya's, faces terrified him, so he took a step back, staring up at them with a look of fear, almost swearing that their eyes glowed red for a second. The fog didn't help the scene, only made them look much scarier. He knew that they weren't real, but the way they looked at him…
It almost seemed genuine. 
Then, their mouths opened, and actual words came out.
"You're a worthless hero, Mineta."
"You could never be a hero!"
"You should've been expelled!"
"Shinso would've made a better hero than you ever could."
"You don't deserve to be in U.A!"
"You're unflattering!"
"Disgusting gremlin!"
"Die, you scumbag of an extra!"
All of his classmates, except for Denki and Tsuyu, kept on calling him names, insulting him, and more unflattering things. 
The purple haired hero stood there, shaking from both fear and the painful words of his cloned friends.
"St-Stop it! They would never say these horrible things!" He attempted to beg for the Lemon Demon to stop, but his friends yelled to drown out his pleas. 
He pressed his hands against his ears tightly, closing his eyes, trying to drown out the hurtful words, but it did him no good. Their yelling only got louder and louder, until it suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes and unplugged his ears, thinking it was over until his best friend finally spoke up. Looking up at Denki, he hoped that he would say something nice.
Wishful thinking on his part, and the electric user's words proved that. 
"At least I never told a 6 year old girl that I 'couldn't wait to see her in 10 years'. 
Mineta could feel his heart shatter at that sentence, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Hearing his own best buddy say that stung HARD. And what Tsuyu says next doesn't help it.
"I should've left you behind with those villains at the rescue training facility, kero."
"N-No… No! No! NO! I don't believe it!" He fell to his knees, hitting his fists on the ground, tears pouring down his face as he stared down. 'I can't believe it! I won't believe it! … Bu-But what if…?'
As his tears hit the concrete below, the lookalikes soon disappeared, leaving only him and the Monster.
He stared down at the ground, still crying as the Citrus Spectre walked up to him, got down on one knee, and used his stubby hand to lift Mineta's chin up, making him look at the demon's face.
"Chin up, little Minoru. I understand that the truth hurts, but you must accept it as reality. Those were your friends' true thoughts."
Mineta stared at Lemon Demon, wanting to say something, ANYTHING, to rebut that. Yet, he couldn't get a word out. A part of him was starting to believe it now.
LD pulled away his hand and stood back up, staring down at the emotional grape themed hero.
"I believe this calls for a remedy to help ingest the truth. How about we have a rap battle?"
"A… rap battle? W-Why a rap battle of all things? And how would that help? You know I can't sing, right? Let alone rap." He slowly stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Don't worry, my purple haired friend, I can teach you. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine. This song will be a good way for you to get away from all of your troubles."
'I sure hope so… I don't trust this guy at all, but I'm willing to try anything after what was shown to me.' Mineta thought as he waited for the lemon to start singing. 
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albonoooo · 25 days
💕Positivity prime time! Share five things you love about yourself, four things you're excited about, OR three people you care deeply about and why. Pass this along to someone whose posts make you smile💕
oh this is sweet! i'm gonna go with four things i'm excited about:
1. reading. obviously, as most people here, i like reading, but i struggle a lot with it. between reading slumps, depressive episodes, busy periods at work and in uni and such, sometimes months go by in which i don't even think about picking up a single book. however, in the past couple of weeks i've been reading a lot, both for uni and pleasure, and i'm having so much fun (except for reading shakespeare, it's just not for me) and hope to be able to keep this going.
2. autumn. and after that, winter. i am a passionate hater of summer and particularly hot weather so i'm counting down the days until i can start wearing hoodies and scarves and don't dissolve into sweat every time i step out of the house. plus, the colder seasons bring the perfect vibes for cozy reading, hot beverages and nice walks.
3. the 2025 rookies. i know this season isn't even finished yet, but especially since there was no driver change from 2023 to 2024 (at the beginning of the season at least 🥲), i am excited to see so many new, young drivers on the grid (even though it's also kind of terrifying to see these kids younger than me operating those death machines; i already had a crisis about franco and i being the same age lol). do i agree all of them should be in f1 next year? no, not necessarily, but i will absolutely root for them to have a great rookie season and get to show off their talent and potential.
4. presents. as in giving them. it's both my best friend's and my sister's birthday this month and i think i've done a good job with their presents this year! pretty much all the loved ones i need to get birthday and christmas gifts for every year are hard to buy for and seldom have any specific requests, but in 2024 i have started early with asking them for wishes and taking notes so christmas should be a bit easier, too. it's still nerve wrecking, though, because i am always so so worried that people don't like my present for whatever reason.
thank you <3
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withleeknow · 3 months
my letter from across the channel: darling, and I say this with so much endearment~
FOOTBALL'S COMING HOMEEEEEE ⚽️ however, i'm humble enough to admit that spain are 100% taking us in the final; i'm proud, not delusional 🫡
also my friend and I are in the trenches rn with jin's fred x wkorea moment - tinyurl.com/td7rm662 - him in the black + silver jewellery combo is absolutely unreal ✨️ this is just the first concept video in the set i'm not going to survive this week istg
have this 2022 crumb that randomly came on my tl today 🥹 I've never noticed until now that they have such complementary visuals to one another . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ vm.tiktok.com/ZGeGcGDW1/ + I've just seen that heeseung's pink hair's back + as lovely as it is, I wasn't ready to depart from his iconic red hot-girl-summer hair 🥲
lastly pls tell me the “summer” where you are is somewhat okay bc here it's been so unpredictably miserable 🙃🙃 like the heavens are unleashing their wrath one second and then the next the sun is like “hello i'm here but i'm dipping in 5 minutes”. there is zero promise of a summer here if you're thinking of visiting
omg onigiri i have to say that i am england's (football) no.1 hater !! alas, mayhaps we're enemies when it comes to this 😭🫡 although, credit where credit's due, they were actually pretty decent during the match with the netherlands
how does he still look like that with his cute choppy bangs 😭 i was wondering what fashion house would snatch him up but jewelry came out of nowhere and knocked the wind out of me. face economy is so back, i forgot how his photoshoots always HIT the spot my god. imagine the cunt he'll serve when ksj1 finally comes 😭
MY BABY !!!!!!! it's honestly kinda weird to see beomgyu be relatively calm around heeseung (and jeongin) i'm so used to his unhinged ass on the loose around tubatu lmao. heeseung's summer fling fantasy hair is gone?? 😭 that color on him really does tickle my brain in such a peculiar way i think that'll always be my favorite hair color for him :( but the pink.......... u know what.......... i can actually get wit this too........
summer is terrible this year over here lmao. people were still in sweaters a couple weeks ago, now it's hot as balls during the day but also rainy and stormy and disgusting and i have never witnessed such an awful summer in 4.5 years here. the nicest weather i've had this summer was when i was in budapest for 3 days for coldplay 😭
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throughmilkyway · 1 year
I've just read some influencer thoughts about why they think summer is the best season for many reasons and why winter is "stupid", that 90% of winter is bullshit and winter enjoyers are weird people.
Since there's no point on answering directly and I don't want to be pointed as a hater, I want to express my feelings about why I'm a winter enjoyer.
First of all, I don't think summer is a bad season, but I don't like it for personal reasons I'm going to explain here. If you're a summer enjoyer THAT'S GREAT and I wish I could love summer as you but I can't.
Ok, let's get started.
1. I can't handle hot weather. I mean, I don't like freezing to death either, but cold is easier (for me) to handle. You can wear more clothes, drink something to warm you up, at night you can go to bed and cover yourself completely (which is the most comfortable way of sleeping if you ask me). I really love drinking coffee, tea or hot chocolate, but drinking them in summer is almost suicide, even more if you live in hell on earth as my city.
2. mosquitos. does not need and explanation.
3. headaches. Since I was a child I've experience strong headaches when it's too hot, those days I technically useless, I need to stay in bed because even open my eyes is painful.
4. sweating. the worst sensation in the world. I hate the feeling. and the smell of people in the public transport makes everything worse.
5. sad past memories. Most of my saddest memories happened in summer so my brain linked both concepts.
I can't think more things now but well, that's it. As I said it's mostly personal reasons but let me know what you think about it.
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