#0710 navigation
0710studios · 2 years
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ligayangdala’s backup account
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welcome to 0710studios aka ligayangdala ! ✎ this is our navigation 𓆩☆𓆪 𓈒 ࣪ ֢
our works are written in our mother tongue, tagalog as we write for the filipino fans of nct— or as we call ourselves, filozens! ☄. *. ⋆
this blog is handled and owned by two admins; admin l & admin g, admin g will focus on writing, admin l will focus on proofreading. together, you can call them ligaya! (you can also call them by their pen names, lia and gaia ㋡)
both admins are adults, uses she/her pronouns, and are comfortable writing smut, fluff, angst, and romance. read our carrd before requesting/sending an ask!
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silverwingwashere · 1 year
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June 6, 1944
- Pointe Du Hoc -
They were behind scheadule. Due to a navigational error, the landing crafts were initially bringing the Rangers to the wrong landing zone. After some argument and corrections, which caused a forty minute delay, the Rangers were eventually brought to the correct landing point. But now they had to make up for lost time.
Upon hitting the beach, specially made rocket-launched grappling hooks shot up into the air to grab onto the barbed wire and rocks at the top of the cliff. Many of the hooks fell short, but at least one from each landing craft reach the top of the cliff tops and hooked onto something.
Now came the difficult part, scaling the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc under enemy fire.
Pointe Du Hoc was a problem for the US landing force. At the top of the cliffs were 155 mm guns inside concrete casemates. With Pinte Du Hoc located between Omaha and Utah beach, these guns could wreak havoc on the landings US landings on both beaches. Because of this they had to be taken. The task was thus assigned to the US Army Rangers.
Trained under the guidance of the British Commandos, the Rangers were among the US Army's elite forces. Now they were tasked to scale a cliff and destroy the German guns.
The original plan called for Force A, composed of Companies D, E, and F of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, to attack Pointe Du Hoc. Then, Companies A and B of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, and the entirity of the 5th Ranger Battalion, were to join them if they had successfully captured the position, which was to be relayed via signal flare.
However, due to a delay in getting the Force A to the right spot, the signal flare came too late and their reinforcements were thus landed in Omaha beach to support the landings there.
Despite the lack of support, Force A managed to achieve their objective, climbing the cliff and taking Pointe Du Hoc. However, to their shock, the German casemates were emport and the 155 mm guns they were supposed to destroy were not there.
Luckily for the Rangers, a recon patrol found the guns a bit further inland. The guns had been moved away from Pointe Du Hoc after previous Allied bombings made the Germans realize the vulnerability of the position. Quickly the Rangers used thermite grenades to destroy the gun's firing mechanicisms, disabling them.
@bexdrey @nopony-ask-mclovin and @whirlwindflux mod as members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
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zuppizup · 4 years
And They Were Zoom-mates...
 Chapter 10 - Dads and Diversions
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Summary:    Callum thought being a graphic designer for a large, multi-national company would be a boring, if safe, career choice.
Callum thought wrong.
Threatened   with a lawsuit over copyright infringement, he has no choice but to   rely on renowned ‘Ice Queen’ Rayla from legal to get him out of a   nightmare scenario.
This is really the last thing he needs in isolation…
Pairing: Rayla/Callum
Rating: Mature
AO3 Link: And They Were Zoom-mates…
Rayla pulled her pillow over her head as her alarm blared ridiculously loud. Her head ached and her mouth was parched. It was a Saturday, what the hell was her alarm going off at 0710 for?!
Oh yeah, baking day.
She sat up, turning off her alarm, then grabbed her water bottle and downed most of it.
She unlocked her phone, to find a message from Ethari to tell her they would be leaving soon. It was a long drive from Xadia to Duren.
She navigated to her message conversation with Callum. It would make sense to message him to ensure he and Ezran will still on for baking.
She frowned at her screen.
She had no memory of sending those messages.
What the hell?
Oh dear… Oh no.  
She grimaced in embarrassment. Could she have been any more obvious?! What the hell was that single comment?
That was the least subtle thing ever written.
She groaned, face in her hands as she tried to think of how to salvage this mess.
Read More on AO3 - And they were zoom-mates - Chapter 10
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
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It’s not easy reaching the middle of nowhere. We flew from Chicago to Bozeman, Mont., and drove six hours into the infinite grasslands of north-central Montana. Phillips County is one of the least densely populated counties in the U.S., with less than one human per square mile. Our paved road ended in the gold-mining outpost of Zortman, where we turned westward, into the glowing green heart of the reserve. Like so much of Montana, the unbound sky was bold and giant, rolling with storms, then cast with sunbeams and blue. Flippant Americans call this flyover country, but it looks more like America than anywhere else I know — the America of the Sioux and Assiniboine, of Lewis and Clark and Norwegian homesteaders, and the America of virgin prairie and healthy wildlife.
Few places remain where you can witness American bison roaming fenceless in their native habitat. Yellowstone National Park is such a destination, with over 4 million visitors a year and bumper-to-bison traffic through summer. The American Prairie Reserve is a lesser-known site, a bit more off-the-beaten path, but utterly immense in its scope and vision.
Like a pioneer patchwork quilt, this nature reserve-in-progress is stitched together from public and private lands, linking the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monumentand Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge and expanding their reach with Bureau of Land Management claims and purchased ranches that culminate in the largest protected fence-free prairie in the world.
Returning cultivated land to wilderness is a labor of love that is more often legal and financial than physical. Pulling down rusty barbed-wire fences is the easy part — the less glamorous side of prairie conservation involves raising lots of money, purchasing strategic properties, retiring cattle leases, getting local buy-in and navigating the multilayered bureaucracy around land use in the no-longer Wild West.
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