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disasterartist80 · 9 months ago
Interview with AI⭕️ chatGpT 4
Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you. It’s understandable ! But that’s a Boring prompt let me show you some interesting interviews and if you worry about your job you should read this to the end . Donot forget try and follow me motivates me it happy me . I am sharing some interning conversation we all should read . AI has made significant strides in replicating and even…
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lapuertaescrita · 10 months ago
Razas del mundo - Samoyedo
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petnews2day · 2 years ago
Hunting Dogs Gather At OWMA
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/woTKq
Hunting Dogs Gather At OWMA
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Hunting Dogs Gather At OWMA – The Progress body{–wp–preset–color–black: #000000;–wp–preset–color–cyan-bluish-gray: #abb8c3;–wp–preset–color–white: #ffffff;–wp–preset–color–pale-pink: #f78da7;–wp–preset–color–vivid-red: #cf2e2e;–wp–preset–color–luminous-vivid-orange: #ff6900;–wp–preset–color–luminous-vivid-amber: #fcb900;–wp–preset–color–light-green-cyan: #7bdcb5;–wp–preset–color–vivid-green-cyan: #00d084;–wp–preset–color–pale-cyan-blue: #8ed1fc;–wp–preset–color–vivid-cyan-blue: #0693e3;–wp–preset–color–vivid-purple: #9b51e0;–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-0: var(–ast-global-color-0);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-1: var(–ast-global-color-1);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-2: var(–ast-global-color-2);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-3: var(–ast-global-color-3);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-4: var(–ast-global-color-4);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-5: var(–ast-global-color-5);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-6: var(–ast-global-color-6);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-7: var(–ast-global-color-7);–wp–preset–color–ast-global-color-8: var(–ast-global-color-8);–wp–preset–gradient–vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 100%);–wp–preset–gradient–light-green-cyan-to-vivid-green-cyan: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(122,220,180) 0%,rgb(0,208,130) 100%);–wp–preset–gradient–luminous-vivid-amber-to-luminous-vivid-orange: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(252,185,0,1) 0%,rgba(255,105,0,1) 100%);–wp–preset–gradient–luminous-vivid-orange-to-vivid-red: linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(255,105,0,1) 0%,rgb(207,46,46) 100%);–wp–preset–gradient–very-light-gray-to-cyan-bluish-gray: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(238,238,238) 0%,rgb(169,184,195) 100%);–wp–preset–gradient–cool-to-warm-spectrum: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(74,234,220) 0%,rgb(151,120,209) 20%,rgb(207,42,186) 40%,rgb(238,44,130) […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/woTKq #DogNews
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paternityexpress · 3 years ago
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How does a home DNA test kit work?
When performing an At-Home Paternity Test kit or another related Home DNA Test kit you will include a set of instructions that will be enclosed along with your DNA sample collection supplies such as, a chain of custody form, cotton swabs, and a return shipping label going back to the lab. Below are the instruction on how to collect your own DNA samples in the comfort of your home.
How to collect your DNA test sample instructions
Complete the chain of custody form enclosed with your DNA kit. The required sections that must you complete are as follows: Relationship, Name, Date of Birth, Signature, Date of Collection and Sex. These sections will be highlighted on the chain of custody form.
Fill out each DNA Collection Envelope, with the name of each tested person as it appears on the Collection Form, (Alleged Father, Child, Mother, Sibling etc.) date of collection, date of birth, name of the collector and initial the back of each envelope. These sections will be highlighted in the sample collection envelopes.
There are two swabs in each cheek swabs package – 2 swab packets are for one person only for a total of 4 swabs person
Remove the first swab by slowly pulling it out of the protective package, do not touch any part of the cotton tip with your hand, and only touch the shaft with your fingers.
Swab the inside of the mouth between the cheek and the gum brushing and twirling for a minimum of 30 seconds on the left cheek 2 x (once for each swab in the packet). Make sure you air-dry the swab for 30 seconds or more to avoid possible contamination.
Then repeat the same process for the right cheek.
After each cheek swab, place each (4) cotton swabs into the respective DNA ID Envelope of the person having their sample collected.
The process described above should be performed exactly the same for all parties involved with the DNA test.
Once completed please make sure you have completed the chain of custody form correctly. Place the chain of custody form and DNA Collection Envelopes into the prepaid envelope that came along with your collection kit.
Ship DNA testing kit back to the laboratory.
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Non-legal Home Paternity Test 1 Father and 1 Child and Mother (if available). Swabs Only! Turnaround time for results to be completed is 1 to 3 business days.
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Non-legal Home Paternity Test 1 Father and 1 Child and Mother (if available). Swabs Only! Turnaround time for results to be completed is 1 to 3 business days.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
What Comes in a Home DNA Test Kit?
As stated earlier in this post. Each kit comes with a cotton swab, a chain of custody to list the names of each party involved with the testing, an envelope to place each sample into after each person has been collected and an express return envelope going to the lab to be tested and analyzed.
How long does an at-home paternity test take?
The turnaround time for a paternity testing result to be completed will be 1 to 3 business days. Related DNA testing results may require additional testing time. Please check out our product services page to learn more about our services and to see turnaround times. 
Are home paternity tests accurate?
Yes. In fact, a home DNA test is tested the exact same as a legal test. The differences are the use of the result. Home DNA tests can not be used for legal purposes and building a chain of custody is not required.
from Easy Home DNA Testing By Paternity Express https://paternityexpress.com/at-home-dna-test-instructions/ via Paternity Express
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diekuechebrennt · 5 years ago
Mini Käsekuchen Rezept mit Beeren - kleine Dessert Idee
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Werbung / Aus dem "Bayrische Tapas" Buch haben wir kürzlich dieses mini Käsekuchen Rezept mit Beeren nach gebacken. Eine schöne Dessert Idee und wunderbar fluffig in der Konsistenz. Dazu gab es lecker Beerchen und natürlich ein Blättlein Minze. Was muss, das muss!
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Dessert aus dem Backofen
Kleines Dessert aus dem Backofen - Mini Käsekuchen Rezept
Kleine Desserts in Auflaufformen oder auch Desserts im Glas sind immer sehr beliebt. Denn sie sind nicht nur ein toller Hingucker, sondern auch super vorzubereiten. Gerade wenn man mehrere Leute zu Besuch hat oder gar eine größere Feierlichkeit daheim plant, wird es schnell eng mit Plätzen auf Herd und im Backofen. Da ist so ein kleines Dessert natürlich super. Ihr bereitet alles vor, füllt sie bereits in die Förmchen und entweder ihr backt sie bereits vor oder ihr schiebt sie einfach bequem nach dem Hauptgang in die Röhre. Dann nur noch ein paar Beeren und Minze als Dekoration dazu - wer mag auch noch Schokosauce - und fertig ist das Dessert. Bei uns gibt es fast nur solche entspannten Desserts, wenn wir mehrere Leute zu Besuch haben. Wir verbringen die Zeit dann lieber mit unseren Gästen, als am Herd beim Backen und Kochen. Viele solcher kleiner, pfiffigen Rezepte findet ihr übrgiens auch im "Bayrische Tapas" Kochbuch. Da sind noch ein paar Sachen mit drin, die wir gerne probieren wollen. .ugb-174b323 .ugb-feature__content{background-color:#eeeeee !important}.ugb-174b323 .ugb-feature__content:before{background-color:#eeeeee !important}.ugb-174b323 .ugb-feature__image{background-image:url(https://www.diekuechebrennt.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bayrische-tapas-rezeptbuch.jpg)}.ugb-174b323 .ugb-feature__title{color:#0693e3}Bayrische Tapas RezeptbuchDas Rezept für diesen süßen, kleinen Käsekuchen ist aus dem Buch "Bayrische Tapas" von Florian Lechner und Tanja Timme. "Weißblaue Appetithäppchen - süß & pikant" - ein wirklich schönes Kochbuch mit tollen, pfiffigen Rezepten.Buch auf Amazon .ugb-9a85e25 .ugb-image-box__item1 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(https://www.diekuechebrennt.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/kaesekuchen-beeren.jpg)}.ugb-9a85e25 .ugb-image-box__item2 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(https://www.diekuechebrennt.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cheesecake-rezept-beeren.jpg)}.ugb-9a85e25 .ugb-image-box__item3 .ugb-image-box__image{background-image:url(https://www.diekuechebrennt.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bayrische-tapas-rezeptbuch.jpg)}.ugb-9a85e25 .ugb-image-box__item:hover .ugb-image-box__overlay-hover{opacity:0.7 !important}
Mini Käsekuchen Rezept mit Beeren
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Eine süße, kleine Dessert Idee 250 g Quark (20%)250 g Schmand50 g Zucker (weiß)20 g VanillepuddingpulverAbrieb und Saft einer halben Orange1 EiBeeren nach WahlMinze Heizt euren Backofen auf 100 °C Ober/Unterhitze vor.Nun verrührt ihr Quark, Schmand, Zucker, Puddingpulver sowie den Orangensaft und Abrieb zu einer schönen, cremigen Masse. Da gebt ihr dann das Ei hinein und verrührt es mit der Hand ein. Man soll die Eistruktur noch etwas erkennen. Also eher weniger viel rühren.Jetzt verteilt ihr die Masse in eure Formen und ab damit in den Ofen. Jetzt kommt es etwa auf die Größe eurer Form an. Unsere hat ca. 45 Minuten im Ofen gebraucht. Schaut am besten so ab 35 Minuten mal nach. Den fertigen Kuchen mit Minze und Beeren garnieren. Tipp Wer möchte kann auch Beeren in den Käsekuchenteig mit geben.
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Mini Käsekuchen Dessert Read the full article
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lapuertaescrita · 10 months ago
Émile Zola - El escritor realista que se arruinó para salvar a un inocente
1894. En medio del entusiasta “iluminismo” propio de la modernidad y sus impresionantes avances tecnológicos; estalla en Francia un caso de espionaje, sin evidencia, contra un militar de ascendencia judía. El proceso revelaría la terrible faz de un antisemitismo que llevaba siglos madurando en Europa, dando pistas del camino a la tragedia que seguía el continente y cuán craso error constituía su…
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lapuertaescrita · 11 months ago
Karl von Frisch y su “himenóptera” obsesión
¡Conoce la historia de determinación de Karl von Frisch y su inspiradora gesta para cambiar los paradigmas de la ciencia en el siglo XX!
Izquierda: Karl von Frisch, joven (dominio público). Derecha: Foto de Gaurav Kumar en Unsplash. ¿Es el humano una criatura tan especial como se cree? ¿Poseen los demás animales habilidades sociales extraordinarias; a simple vista invisibles? Estas son las preguntas que se planteó, seguramente, el zoólogo von Friesch; cuando después de graduarse inició sus estudios sobre diversas especies del…
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lapuertaescrita · 11 months ago
Sandra Díaz - La científica latina que advierte sobre una futura extinción masiva
¡Nueva entrada de la sección "Íconos", con un mensaje claro de una impresionante científica para La Humanidad!
Sandra Díaz, en el 2023. Fuente: Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 4.0. ¿Haz escuchado sobre el Antropoceno? ¿Cuál crees que ha sido verdadero impacto sobre la vida en La Tierra? Para conocer la respuesta, debes conocer a una de las investigadoras a la vanguardia en el tema: la argentina Sandra Díaz. Resumen de su carrera profesional Graduada de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) en…
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paternityexpress · 3 years ago
How Does A Home DNA Paternity Test Work?
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How Does A Home DNA Paternity Test Work?
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Home DNA testing helps determine a biological relationship is an excellent option when you are not looking to use the result for any legal purpose. For example, If you require a paternity test to establish paternity to add your name to a child’s birth certificate. Then a non-legal peace of mind home test is not the best option. If you just want to confirm if a child is biologically related to you without performing any legal action. Then a home DNA paternity test is your best option
How does a home DNA tests work?
The process is simple. Below is a brief outline of how the process works.
1. purchase a paternity express DNA testing kit by phone or online.
2. After you order your kit. Your order will be processed within 24 hours.
3. Once your kit is ready to ship. We will email you the shipping details going to your home so you monitor the arrival of the testing kit
4. Upon receipt follow the instructions on how to collect your DNA samples. After you have collected your samples and completed the chain of custody form. Place these items into the prepaid return envelope and ship them back to the lab.
5. Once the lab receives all DNA samples please allow 1 to 3 business days for the lab to complete the testing process.
6.When your results are completed. A representative from our company will contact you and provide you with a status update regarding your results. A copy of your test result will be mailed to your home and a copy will be sent by email. If you would like to order a home paternity testing kit by ordering online or phone 866-205-8356.
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Non-legal Home Paternity Test 1 Father and 1 Child and Mother (if available). Swabs Only! Turnaround time for results to be completed is 1 to 3 business days.
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Non-legal Home Paternity Test 1 Father and 2 Children and Mother (if available). Swabs Only! Turnaround time for results to be completed is 1 to 3 business days.
from Easy Home DNA Testing By Paternity Express https://paternityexpress.com/how-does-a-home-dna-paternity-test-work-2/ via Paternity Express
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