#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]
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This is a PSA (and I wish I didn't have to)

//All right, so here we go. I had this saved in my drafts for a while now, like at least a month, because I didn't want it to be a vaguing post, nor a call-out. The person who prompted this is long gone from my life, but the problem isn't. Which is why I didn't delete this draft, I suppose. And am now posting it.
Ever since my blog has entered the Genshin RPC, my load of active threads has reached levels I have never experienced before. Back before February, I could go days and days before getting a reply at all. My drafts sat at zero most of the week, and so my replies were faster. But now.. now I have many wonderful new friends here. And I want to write with all of them. This necessarily means that the time I can dedicate to each individual partner has sadly gone down as a consequence.
This is where trouble begins. There has been an increasing number (nothing dramatic, don't get me wrong) of people among my new mutuals, or non-mutuals, who have been a bit too pressuring for my comfort to get replies from me. Some straightforwardly so, others through more passive-aggressive and manipulative means.
I do not want to get into that with this post though. All I'll say on the matter is that I know what you're doing. Don't think you're a smooth criminal because I am too. I've done these tricks before and I can recognize them.
Those who I deemed to be bothersome enough to earn an upfront request to stop have already been dealt with. Some I parted ways with (glad it's been civil), others have stayed and I am happy things are better now. But there's always going to be new ones. I think it's a form of blog growing pains, maybe.
To these people, I want to say that I feel you. I was where you were before. I know the excitement of finding a RP partner that inspires you and the frustration when they're not as quick to respond to you. But you need to keep in mind that just as I am excited to get to our things, I am excited to do the same for my other mutuals. I will not be able to prioritize our threads all the time, because there's fifty threads I feel exactly the same love for and I want to prioritize those too, but I only have a few hours a day. I need to pick and choose. I'm sorry.
I'd like to recommend that you do not make one or two blogs responsible for your happiness on Tumblr. I know finding new mutuals is hard, but please don't make my same mistake: I used to sit on my ass for months here, waiting for people to send me things. It was a mistake, really. If you want to write, you must be the one who sends things. Even if others don't respond. Even if others don't ever send things back.
Throw your muse at anything that moves. Something will stick, I promise. And what if your dash is full of things you're unfamiliar with? What if your partners all have muses out of your interested fandom? It doesn't matter. Throw your muse at them anyways. Chances are your threads will be noticed by others on your mutuals' dashes, and then, all of a sudden, people from your fandom are finally finding their way to you.
That is how I got to meet each and every one of you, after all.
So, yes. I'm sorry my replies are slow at the moment. My drafts are currently 2 weeks old at the oldest, but I'm trying to bring it down to at least a weekly reply for everybody. It's not easy. But you know what you can do to make the wait easier? Write with more people. Even if it's not things you were looking for; crossovers may surprise you. Give OCs a chance.
And, well, nothing else. Don't be a dingus. I love you. Leave my soda alone. And thank you for your patience.
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Tumblr still being Tumblr [Sorry]

//So a little PSA, since I've had this happen twice now to me.
Apparently there is a glitch going on that makes posts randomly unrebloggable. I replied to a closed starter with a mutual before and my reply resulted unrebloggable to them; then yesterday another mutual told me a few drafted replies they got from me also resulted as unrebloggable.
I just want to let people know that this is completely unintentional and sadly not something I can fix on my end, because when I go to check my posts, the Reblog setting is set on Everyone as usual. The only thing that can be done is, I guess, make a new post with your reply and @ me to it (if you do, include a link to the previous post, just for my navigation sake). We will continue from there.
The only posts I make unrebloggable with purpose are headcanon posts.
Tumblr, fix your stuff ffs.
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//By the way, did you know that one cool thing about the beta editor compared to legacy, is that Trim Reblogs on xkit rewritten actually works on Asks? No more need to make a new post to start a thread off of an answered ask! You can just reblog it and trim the ask box off in the next reply.
I'm sure many have discovered this but if you're a dummy like me maybe this is happy news to you~
#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]#//I mention this especially because#many blogs have it as a rule#to start threads from asks in new posts#now that problem can be a thing of the past yes?#yes\\#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]
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So this should be addressed..
//I don't know what exactly is causing this issue, but it's happened twice now so I want to make other people aware. There may be times someone will @ you to a post without you receiving notification of it - at all.
Sure in the past there were times where someone would @ me in a post and the notif icon wouldn't pop up, but clicking on Activity always did show it in the list at least, which was better than nothing. Now however... there may be times where it's just not there.
So I want to let my followers and mutuals know, if you ever @'d me to something and I didn't acknowledge it in any way, chances are I never received it! Please let me know if that's the case.
I will make an effort to Like posts I get now, as a countermeasure, until this stops happening hopefully.
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//Just dropping this here, not to put pressure anyone in particular, but because it's already happened twice in the past and I want to be safe.
I know there were 4 or possibly more people who have either directly offered me a starter or for whom I have liked a starter call, that I have not received notification for yet. If you have already posted a starter for me and I haven't at least Liked it yet, that means I did not get notification for the @ in your post! Please IM me with a link to it if that's the case.
I know this is a thing and until Tumblr fixes it I will be forever worrying I am missing things and I hate that, because these people are making an effort to write for me and I want to reciprocate. Please let me know if I haven't Liked a started you have written for me. The FOMO is real~
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Blog Update / Muse Retirement

//Hate that it's got to this point. Going to be a bit of a downer here so, read at your own discretion.
There is little to say really. Like many people here, I use RP as a form of escapism to my own stress and life. It makes me genuinely happy to get into character and forget about problems for a while.
These past weeks I have been in dire need of RP more than I had in a very long time. An awful timing really, to hit a slump in interactions.
I did my homework, I tried to network. I reached out. A few became welcome and beautiful mutuals, but many, many many others unfortunately did not. At my age, I tell myself I can handle rejection well, but that is only true to a certain degree. Even if I don't let these feelings impact my routine and real life, they are there nonetheless. And I don't want them to be.
After doing research on how to help with the situation, I have reached the conclusion that I have been in denial just how much my choice to make a multimuse blog has come back to bite me in the ass. Things like anonymous RP confessions say it like it is: multimuse blogs are stigmatized and often passed on without a chance given.
We are considered to be unorganized, lack commitment, and not provide the muses we put in our roster we asked. Personally, I thought multimuse was an excellent idea. I thought that making single blogs muses for such niche fandoms would lead to no activity, since my pool of potential partners would be smaller. I thought a multimuse would equal to fish with a net rather than a rod.
I was wrong, haha.
I can be super organized and tag every post with its fandom; I can provide all the tools for my followers to blacklist fandoms they are not interested in; I can commit to respond to any muse in my roster one may ask for. All this hard work won't amount to anything to those who just look at a number and decide I do none of those things without actually giving me a chance to prove them wrong.
So what is it that I can do? Create single muse blogs. The idea of having to log out and log in from tumblr for each individual muse to check notifications, reblog memes and post replies seems like even more work than what I already am doing, but if it is what gets mutuals, then so be it.
I feel like I have lost a fight here, but RP is a hobby, my favorite hobby, and it shouldn't be making me miserable.
So what is the TLDR? Do not panic. This blog isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But I will be slowly retiring muses that haven't gotten any engagement in months. Those I care to keep will get their own blog, and when those are set up and running, I will update you and provide links for anyone interested.
We are talking about an endeavor that will take months, so do not throw me away as a mutual just yet. This blog will stay up and running until everything else is set up properly. I have over 1500 posts to scan through and decide whether to transfer or not (I hate to leave my own writing behind, I like to go back and reread these threads for my own enjoyment).
In the meantime, I hope to still RP with everyone here. If you want to make sure I update you regarding a specific muse getting their own blog, DM me and I'll write a memo to do so. Just know that it is a long term project.
Thanks to all of my new mutuals and the old ones who have stuck around. You guys are keeping me sane everyday and trust me, this is less of an overstatement than it sounds.
#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]#rant kinda?#hopefully not#it's not like I can be angry at anyone for this#just need some changes to fit the RPC better#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]
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//This is an unprompted and very occasional reminder that this blog does not drop threads without warning given! If you ever feel like it's been too long since your last reply to me and worry I may have lost interest: think otherwise. I am always waiting and eager to continue all of our things.
Of course threads need to come to an end eventually, but when that happens I always tag my last reply with //end thread. If I think YOUR last reply works as a fitting end-thread, I will leave a comment instead to let you know.
I only end threads when I feel the scene has run its course and it's time to start something new. I usually do not stop for OOC reasons (such as being put off by the plot, or incompatibility with my partner), but when I do have those issues, I still make an effort to lead the thread scene to a fitting ending before I call it off.
That's it! So never worry about it being too late, all right? If we have something going on, I will get to it eventually. And you can take all the time in the world too. Don't let anxiety or self-doubt stop you from continuing our things.
And remember when in doubt, my IMs are open. If you think you missed a reply from me or are still waiting for my new reply, ask me there. I will let you know anything you need~
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To anyone feeling down today~

((Time for some Saru-mun pearl of wisdom.
I hope everyone is having a fantastic Valentine’s Day! But, at the same time, I know that is not the case. For reasons I struggled to understand when I was little, many people are bound to feel lonely and take this day as a slap in the face for being single.
As someone who will die on the hill that society shouldn’t pressure people over things like dating, marriage, and making a family, let me tell you one thing:
Valentine’s Day isn’t about celebrating being paired to someone. It’s about celebrating love.
From an exquisitely scientific standpoint, love isn’t exclusive to romance. We have many forms of love that we know of, but have you ever sat there and considered that they might all be the same thing? After all, the chemicals in our brain that make us feel in love do not change. It’s always the same endorphines and seratonin we get, regardless of what the object of our love is.
So, if you have a romantic partner,
or a pet,
or a child,
or a family member you really cherish,
or a friend you think you couldn’t do without,
a hobby that fills you with joy even when you’re feeling at your worst,
a food, song, an idol, a book, a movie that has changed your life for the better?
The love you feel for those things is all coming from the same place. A sexual relationship does not make love love. It is just a component that goes in tandem with one of these.
If you have someone, or something you love, Valentine’s Day is about that.
So celebrate what or whom you cherish; the one person, animal, activity you enjoy spending time with and see thrive and grow. Valentine’s Day is your day too.
Me personally? I love roleplaying more than anything. It has saved me from very dark pits throughout my life, and allowed me to meet wonderful people like you guys. Consider this lil essay as a valentine letter for all of you, because this hobby fills me with joy and laughter.
Today I want to remind you that I love what we do, and I’m grateful from the bottom of my tiny salty heart.
Love you guys to bits~
#valentine's day#((okay))#((this has like))#((nearly given me diabetes so))#((I'm gonna get some chips to restore the balance now))#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]
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I’m hard at work restructuring my tag list right now, but will be soon resuming with the drafts I have. No obligation on continuing our old stuff if you’re over it; it’s just something I feel I need to do to get my head into gear.
Among the shiny new things, I am slowly but surely tagging all my posts by fandom. This way, if you don’t want to see my posts from fandom muses you’re not interested in, you can easily blacklist that tag to cut them out. I can basically become a single-muse blog to you that way!
Also, probably will be adding a new tenant to the madhouse. I’ve recently been watching an anime that caught my RP feels. You’ll see!
Talk soon,
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//Look who’s lurking here again. I’m currently going through the patching up of the blog to get it running again. I started from updating the tags and the Deep Rules page. Common rules are unchanged, but feel free to give it a look anyways.
Can’t wait to be mingling with everyone again.
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A sensitive PSA...

//All right. So, this is related to stuff of the past, and I waited a long while before making a public announcement because I didn’t want to come across as vaguing or calling out anybody. But it needs to be said because it’s serious and I sincerely hope to not experience this again.
I do not mind when my mutuals use their blog also for personal stuff, and I also do not mind when personal stuff posts outnumber their actual RP posts. People have spells of inspiration and drought, I do too, so I don’t mind.
What I do mind however is that some common sense is maintained in what to share in your personal posts. And very specifically here: if I see you posting death threats to others, specific individuals or not, I will be unfollowing you. I don’t care how angry you are, or what they did to you, or how much you love someone and wish to protect them. Wishing death upon, telling someone to off themselves or threat violence of any kind is definitely in my WHOA DUDE book and an instant turn off. I do not need to see it. It will not make you look cooler, or make me more sympathetic to your cause; it will only make me worry and that’s not what I log on Tumblr for. This is my safe space.
I hope I made this as friendly but direct as possible, without ruining anybody’s day. Stay cool and hands off my soda~
#tw: cyberbullying#tw: death threats#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]
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For a few months now I’ve been contacted intermittently by the same guy asking to RP with me. Usually on a ninja turtle blog, but later on different muses blogs too.
The pattern is always the same:
- They ask me in IM if I want to RP
- I tell them sure so long as they agree to the rules
- They say they’ve read them
- I tell them to go ahead and send me a meme
- They say okay and shortly after delete their blog.
- Some time later they contact me again on a new blog and the cycle repeats.
This has happened at least 4 times now, and this last time, they actually finally sent me a meme in the Asks, to which I said I’d respond when their turn would come as I had a few drafts piled up.
Except I went to answer their ask today and...
You guessed it. They’ve deleted their blog. Again.
So, to whoever you are. Dude. Sis. Coffee teapot.
I can’t RP with you if you keep deleting your blogs.
Please stop doing this. Don’t contact me until you’re sure you’re going to commit to the blog you’ve made. It’s getting frustrating.
Sorry to be making this a post but I don’t know how else to get in touch with this person. All I know is that s/he keeps contacting my blog for some reason so obviously s/he’s reading my posts. I hope you get the message.
Thanks for reading and bye for the last time, hopefully.))
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[Muse Update] Saruhiko Fushimi
Hello! Saru-mun here to introduce the new story background for Saruhiko Fushimi to be used in the “Final Fantasy VII Divergent Megaverse” of my creation with other RP buddies.
HUGE FFVII Lore Dump in this, bear with me.


Full Name: Saruhiko Crescent, Saruhiko Fushimi (adoptive last name)
Age: 20 (biological age at the beginning of the OG game events), though legally he’d be 27.
Blood Relatives: Lucrecia Crescent (mother), Doctor Hojo (Father), Sephiroth (Half Sibling, hetero-paternal twin).
Profession: Former Turk, AVALANCHE fighter.
Skills: Hacking, Programming, Intel Gathering.
Weapons of choice: Saber, throwing knives.
Materia: Fire and Ice.
Background Story Timeline:
ΕΓΛ 1966-1978: Fuhito Fushimi
It all started with Fuhito.
Born on April 1st 1966 and raised in Wutai from a wealthy family, Fuhito always felt he was meant to follow a bigger calling than what the archipelago could offer. Uninterested in the tradition and martial arts of his hometown, he was drawn to the sciences and technology, and soon seeked to find like-minded individuals to challenge his quick wits and high intellect. This lead him to Cosmo Canyon, where he was immediately intrigued by the Study of Planet Life and the teachings that argued that the planet is a living organism with all living creatures being part of it, all life deriving from the lifestream.
- Saruhiko sealed in 1984 (age 6)
- Finds Saruhiko in 1993
- Find Elfe in 1999/0000
- Avalanche funded in 0000/0001
ΕΓΛ 1977: Fuhito and Professor Hojo
Learning everything he could from Bugenhagen, young Fuhito soon discovered the old man’s past with the up and rising Shinra Electric Power Company, and craved to know more. Through research, he discovered the prominent name of Professor Hojo, and began to closely follow his scientific achievements with growing interest, finding himself like-minded and fascinated by the man’s unique genius.
In particular, Fuhito was drawn to Hojo’s theories regarding the possibility of fusing mako energy and materia into a living body for psychic and physical enhancement.
ΕΓΛ 1977-1984: S-II, birth and infancy (0-4yo)
“S-II” was an unwilling part of Project S. Conceived by Doctor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent, he was in the woman’s womb alongside “S” at the time of the experiments (”S”, unbeknownst to all, actually the biological son of Vincent Valentine, making him and “S-II” a rare case of heteropaternal twins aka two fertilized eggs from different fathers within the same mother). By pure luck, “S-II”’s fetus was spared from the injection of Jenova Cells when the experiment was carried out.
Carried to term and delivered alongside “S” on November 7th 1980, “S-II” was very quickly considered a failure and scrapped from the program, Lucrecia being allowed to keep him for herself, unlike “S” who was taken under custody by Hojo and separated from his mother and sibling.
When Lucrecia left ShinRa following the events surrounding Vincent and his sealing in the ShinRa manor, she brought 4yo “S-II” to the Crystal Cave, sealing him with herself in the crystal, worrying that he too may be soon suffering for the Jenova Cells that were implanted inside her when he was still in her womb. While in this frozen stasis, “S-II”’s aging halted.
ΕΓΛ 1980-1990: Adolescent Fuhito
Continuing his studies on the Planet, at the same time Fuhito sought to meet Professor Hojo in the flesh, doing everything he could to locate his idol and follow his progress and latest endeavors in ShinRa. When one day Professor Gast visited Cosmo Canyon alongside the Cetra Ifalna, Fuhito overheard them talking about the experiments going on in Nibelheim, as well as Dr. Hojo’s participation to the project. This brought him to wish to seek out the place for himself.
To his dismay, by the time he was old enough to travel to Nibelheim independently, Hojo had already left the area, now promoted as the new Head of the Science Department after Gast quit the company. Unable to meet his role model, Fuhito continued to investigate the man’s experiments in Nibelheim in private, eventually stumbling on the tracks of the Professor’s closest colleague and alleged lover: Lucrecia Crescent.
ΕΓΛ 1991-1996: Early Childhood (4-9yo)
On a fateful day, Fuhito made at last his discovery of the Crystal Cave, astonished to find a sealed Lucrecia Crescent encased within a crystal with a small child. Studying what documents Lucrecia left behind in the cave, Fuhito learned more about Project S, and was definitely intrigued to discover that the small kid sealed here was none other than the son of Hojo himself, as well as a leftover specimen of his experiments.
Fueled with desire to put his hands on the research of Professor Hojo, Fuhito made the selfish decision to remove the kid from inside the crystal, bringing him back to life after a 7 years cryostasis. Fuhito took “S-II” away from the Crystal Cave, but not before also retrieving a shard of crystallized mako from the selfsame crystal the child and Lucrecia were sealed in.
Taking the child to Wutai, Fuhito named him Saruhiko, giving him his family’s last name Fushimi. He made a necklace out of the crystal shard he collected, and has the kid wear it with the intention, one day, to possibly complete the research of Dr. Hojo by fusing the materia together with the the child himself. Saruhiko being a remnant of Project S, had Fuhito believe he could be a fitting host for this experiment, once provided with the needed equipment to carry it out.
Until then, he’d spend the following years rising the kid as his own, not sharing with him the secret behind his origins. Fuhito was delighted to see that Saruhiko shared a similarly bright mind as his own, and nurtured it with his own knowledge, albeit in his usual detached and professional manner.
ΕΓΛ 1992-1997: The Wutai War and Elfe (5-10yo)

While the Wutai War still raged on, tensions rose amongst the population, with anti-ShinRa groups becoming more vocal and common. Fuhito had become involved with one of these groups, the newborn AVALANCHE, after meeting its founder in Cosmo Canyon; both of them shared radical ideas regarding the Planet and the harm that ShinRa had brought to it with its greedy use of mako energy.
In this chaotic environment, Saruhiko grew with a bitter and nihilistic attitude towards the world, both bored with it after hearing Fuhito’s incessant preachings about the Planet and resentful of it for stealing the full dedication of his only guardian. At the same time, the young boy found himself oddly fascinated by technology, and frustrated with how his country repelled its use. Withdrawing himself from everyone, he spent his time exploring the battlefield and playing around with scraps of warmachines he could find.
Fuhito was a little displeased to notice that his passion for the Planet’s cause seemed lost to Saruhiko, but ultimately didn’t pressure him either, understanding of his young age and deeming him possibly still too immature to see things through his eyes. His detachment for the boy further increased when an amnesic girl stumbled her way into Cosmo Canyon, with a piece of materia etched into the back of her hand. Fascinated by her, Fuhito took her into AVALANCHE, where the girl would soon raise as its new leader under the name of “Elfe”.
With Elfe at his side, Fuhito’s attention was now fully focused on AVALANCHE and its cause. His interactions with Saruhiko grew sparse, the man spending most of his time in Cosmo Canyon with her and the other anti-Shinra insurgents.
ΕΓΛ 1997: Awakening GLaDOS (10yo)
Eventually, Saruhiko picked up and managed to restart a small reconnaissance drone. Initially wanting to keep it for himself as a friend, he was baffled to see the small thing take up and run, headed to a specific direction.
Following the drone, 10yo Saruhiko discovered the Cradle, a secret ShinRa facility where weapons appeared to autonomously build and repair themselves to be deployed back on the battlefield.
Exploring the facility for his own amusement, he discovered the central core that kept the facility running: GLaDOS. Saruhiko fiddled with it, finding himself enthused like never before, and attempted to take control of its console.
He achieved this by inserting his crystal necklace into a materia socket, unknowingly bestowing the machine with powerful intellect and consciousness. GLaDOS came to life and began to speak to Saruhiko, talking to him in a feminine voice that he couldn’t help but find eerily familiar. Upon Saruhiko’s offer, GLaDOS connected to his mind, and transfered a copy of his intelligence and personality into her own mainframe.
Finding himself in full control of the facility, Saruhiko turned all robots currently in Wutai against ShinRa, quickly dispatching their military forces and turning the tides of battle in favor of Wutai. However, this was done more out of childish competitiveness rather than any patriotic sentiment, and as the company focused its efforts into seizing control of the Cradle, Saruhiko’s impetus against them only got him more and more carried away. His sentiment of spite, arrogance, boredom and sadistic apathy towards other people imprinted into GLaDOS’ circuit, making her more and more ruthless and cruel.
When Sephiroth and other 1st Class SOLDIERs were sent against GLaDOS, the AI suddenly stopped functioning properly. To Saruhiko’s shock, the machine sought to violently expel the crystal he’d given it, to the point the stone was almost destroyed.
The young boy retrieved his family heirloom just in time to save it, and could only watch in shock as GLaDOS became a sentient entity of her own, completely out of his control and now refusing to cooperate. Forcefully, he was thrown out of the facility and allowed to escape while GLaDOS focused her attention on Sephiroth and the other SOLDIERs.
Confused by all of what happened, Saruhiko decided to seek out the origins of the crystal in his possession, approaching Fuhito with many questions. Amused by this unexpected development, Fuhito directs the young boy to the Crystal Cave, seeing no issues in letting him in on the secrets of his origins now, and rather hoping that finding the truth may push Saruhiko into embracing the cause of AVALANCHE.
Saruhiko travels with him to the Crystal Cave, discovering his sealed mother and faced with her research notes where everything about Project S, Doctor Hojo and Sephiroth was revealed to him. Discovering what became of his mother and the terrible experiments that were behind his very origins, Saruhiko grew up with a seething hate for ShinRa and vowed to personally destroy it, a sentiment that Fuhito could only endorse, despite their contrasting feelings towards the twisted mind of Professor Hojo.
From this point, Saruhiko began to study and devote himself to his academic credentials, aiming to be hired in the Electric Power Company so that he may find his biological father, confront him, and destroy every remnant of Project S from within.
ΕΓΛ November 0000: AVALANCHE moves to Wutai, Misaki Yata (13yo)
The end of the Wutai War marked the true birth of AVALANCHE. Under the guide of its new leader Elfe, the group found new allies in the recently promoted Vice President Rufus Shinra, as well as the infamous bandit Shears. Bolstered with new equipment, resources and a strong influx of new members, the new anti-ShinRa group moved its base to Wutai.
Amongst its new members was young Misaki Yata, a lively and fiery young boy who had unexpectedly befriended Saruhiko in the past few years. Though the two got along surprisingly well, their views began to diverge around this time: Yata becoming increasingly engrossed into AVALANCHE’s cause, regarding the group like family, admiring Elfe and Shears in particular and looking up to the anti-ShinRa group; while Saruhiko had kept himself distant and dismissive over the whole matter, much more focused on Project S and his personal agenda of vendetta against ShinRa. While Saruhiko strived to take revenge on Professor Hojo and destroying Sephiroth, Yata’s ambition was that of becoming one of AVALANCHE’s top warriors, the mighty ‘Ravens’ hand-picked by Fuhito himself to undergo “special training”.
During this time. Saruhiko develops a strange father-son bond with former war veteran Reisi Munakata, an ex SOLDIER retired in the village after receiving a fatal wound. The man helps with filling a little of that void in Saruhiko’s heart from his absent parent figures, and though the boy isn’t bound to stay, he is strangely loyal to the man.
ΕΓΛ FEBRUARY 1ST 0002: One Step Further Toward Uncertainty (15yo)
While in Junon studying at the ShinRa Military Academy (with the intention to become a ShinRa employee and infiltrate the company for his own purposes against Hojo and Project S), Saruhiko was caught in the middle between the Turks and AVALANCHE as the eco-terrorists attempted to take over the city.
To his own shock, Saruhiko ran into his friend Misaki Yata, who had now been made into one of the Ravens. But this was done at the price of his own consciousness and will, becoming a mindless fighter ready to keep rising on his feet and keep killing for as long as his body could carry him.
Distraught, Saruhiko attempted to make Yata snap back into his senses, to no avail. He was almost killed by his mindless ex-friend, surviving the attack only thanks to the timely intervention of the Turks. This became a turning point for Saruhiko, who finally opened his eyes on the insane methods of the man who had raised him.
Now regarding Fuhito to be no better than Hojo himself, Saruhiko confronted him, only to be met with condescending coldness. Saruhiko swore war against Fuhito, promising to join ShinRa and use it against Fuhito, if only to find a way to stop the insanity brought forth by both him and Hojo in their crazy schemes. Fuhito would show no concern in this betrayal, rather taking the comparison between his mind and Hojo’s as a compliment. Though he expressed regret to not have been able to see Saruhiko become one of his Ravens, he very gladly allowed him to leave and join ShinRa, perhaps believing he’d be able to make a use of him from inside the company later.
With nowhere else left to go, Saruhiko completed his graduation at the Academy and then headed to Midgar, with the intention to find the Turks who once saved him and join them as a new recruit.
ΕΓΛ SEPTEMBER 21ST 0002: Becoming a Turk (15yo)

Once old enough and having successfully graduated, Saruhiko was successfully hired in the company and moved to Midgar. On the same day in which the Nibelheim Investigation Team (Zack, Sephiroth, Cloud amongst them) was deployed, Saruhiko entered ShinRa HQ as a new recruit of the Turks. He briefly crossed paths with Cloud and the SOLDIERs on their way out, exchanging a foreboding look with them.
Here, his personal pursuit of everything related to Project S became his obsession. Soon becoming part of the intel-gathering department of the Turks thanks to his exceptional intellect and abilities with networks and computer programming, he investigated the works of Professor Hojo and more closely the ultimate result of Project S: Sephiroth himself. Though knowing him to be his sibling, Saruhiko had no familial attachment for the war hero, and saw him as merely another component of the whole Project S freak show to destroy. By retrieving samples of Sephiroth and studying them for himself, he discovered that the two of them actually had separate fathers, though he couldn’t say who the second father was.
ΕΓΛ 0002-0007: ShinRa Years and Defecting (15-20yo)

Once strong enough to move independently around the city, Saruhiko eventually noticed and begans hunting down the strange caped figures that he identified as Sephiroth clones. Unaware of what exactly was drawing them to Midgar, he spent every bit of free time he has in following them, hoping to find new clues about the untimely disappearance of the war hero, and killing them once it was clear they would take him nowhere. He kept a list of crossed numbers for every tattooed clone he managed to destroy.
After the events following the Genesis War and the Nibelheim Incident (not long after Saruhiko had become a member of the Turks), security within ShinRa became even tighter, too tight for Saruhiko to move freely as he’d like to pursue his plans. Frustrated, he slowly developed a complicit friendship with Reeve Tuesti. The two decided to become allies and as the methods of President ShinRa to cull all threats to the company became more and more extreme (year 0007), the two set forth a plan: Saruhiko would be leaving the company and infiltrate the second incarnation of the most infamous group of anti-ShinRa fighters, the new AVALANCHE, while Reeve would stay inside the company and work from within to support Saruhiko and his movements in using the resistance fighters against ShinRa.
As a member of AVALANCHE (20yo)
Saruhiko was successfully recruited in AVALANCHE a little before Cloud, using documents left behind by Fuhito to blow up Reactor 1 in Midgar as a bargaining chip to get through Barret Wallace’s reservations. Even so, Barret still holds a healthy amount of skepticism towards Saruhiko, seeing his background with the company as a threat. “A guy who has no hesitation becoming a turncoat can do it twice without batting an eye.”, will be something he’ll repeat often about the young man.
Alongside Jessie, Saruhiko is the main brain of all plans made to destroy the mako reactors, having in-depth knowledge of ShinRa’s security system (most importantly, GLaDOS herself) and how to infiltrate it undetected.
While in AVALANCHE, Saruhiko has kept his true motives a secret. On the side and unbeknownst to all, he is still looking into Project S, and in particular is interested in the events surrounding the Nibelheim Incident and the disappearance of Sephiroth, still hunting down his clones whenever he spots any. He takes a great interest in both Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart, upon realizing they are actual survivors of the fire, and not part of ShinRa’s huge cover-up operation to replace the whole country town with fake inhabitants.
He is aware that Cloud is lying about being a former 1st Class SOLDIER, but decides to play along with him in order to pursue his personal agenda.
Because of his past as a Turk, Saruhiko is furthermore aware that upon defecting, an order for him to be killed would be given to his former colleagues still in ShinRa. Though Tseng and the rest of the Turks are in on Saruhiko’s plots with Reeve Tuesti, they still must keep up appearances and thus will not hesitate in engaging into battle with him when crossing paths.
(More to be added upon development through roleplay~)
Personality & Appearance:
Saruhiko retains his original personality and looks from K Project in this verse.
Saruhiko is the secret founder and administrator of Cloud’s Fan Club on the Shinra Network. Saruhiko created it in order to help Cloud keep up the facade of being a former 1st Class SOLDIER, as all SOLDIERs of that rank are known to have had a fan club. The Fan Club name is “The Thunder Heads”, and Saruhiko uses it to exchange coded messages with Reeve without raising suspicions.
Wishlist / Plot Hooks:
Have yet to decide his relationships with other Turk members.
Has presently no love interest.
Open for more in-depth dynamics with other unmentioned FFVII characters. (see full list here)!
Would love to RP/explore his life pre-OG events.
#[MUSE UPDATE]#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]#00B || You should check this out~ [PSA]#au06 || four seasons [final fantasy vii]#v01 || k project#k01h || fushimi saruhiko [headcanons]
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[Muse Update] Sesshōmaru
((Hi all, Saru-mun here with a few update notes regarding my favorite doggo muse.
Shipping with Sesshōmaru
Considering how popular this muse has gotten on my blog, I have decided first and foremost to lift the ship ban for this character. Shipping with this Sesshomaru will now be possible, but it will be selective and chemistry-based. I still will not involve him in prompts with forced shipping. Nothing personal with that, it’s just that shipping him without a background for the romance doesn’t come natural to me. I need to know why this Sesshōmaru came to love your muse first.
Yashahime relationships
I will be easing my restriction on Yashahime characters and welcome them to interact with my Sesshōmaru! Kids, nieces, what have you. A disclaimer here though: I have not watched and will not watch at any time soon the Yashahime series. My portrayal is strictly based on the manga version of this character and will stay as such. So, in interacting with characters such as his kids, I will portray Sesshōmaru as behaving in ways that may not match with his Yashahime portrayal (I heard his character was changed considerably in it?). I hope you’re okay with that. All my knowledge of Yashahime characters and portrayals are limited to hearsay and wiki information.
I also heavily rely on this rewrite for my muse (thanks to @rebcrnmiko for writing it!), so give it a look.
Regarding Sesshōmaru/Rin
I have decided to give this relationship a go on one condition only. I want Sesshōmaru to meet Rin for the first time as adults/close to adults. For this to happen, I have a specific verse called “1300AD”. If you can have your teenager/young adult Rin travel back in time to that age, she can meet Sesshōmaru in his teenager/young adult stage of life. In that era, Sesshōmaru hasn’t met Rin yet, even if your Rin has met him back in the original Sengoku era. From there, we can make them interact and see where chemistry takes us. Just be aware that if chemistry doesn’t work, the ship won’t sail.
I will not use this post to discuss my reasons for this choice, so I hope you will respect it. If this post causes any of my current mutuals to unfollow me, I’m sorry. I’m trying to make as many people as possible happy here.
If you have something against Yashahime, do as I do and boycot it. Don’t watch it. It’s a peaceful way to protest with the author without bashing on the community itself. Remember that you do not elevate anyone by putting other people down.))
Lastly, thank you all for giving my muse love and appreciating my portrayal. It really makes my day!
#[MUSE UPDATE]#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]#IY01H || Sesshōmaru [Headcanons]#00B || You should check this out~ [PSA]#V02 || Inuyasha
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[Muse Update] Reisi Munakata
Hello! Saru-mun here to introduce the new story background for Reisi Munakata to be used in the “Final Fantasy VII Divergent Megaverse” of my creation with other RP buddies.
HUGE FFVII Lore Dump in this, bear with me.


Full Name: Reisi Munakata
Age: 39 (age at the beginning of the OG game events).
Noteworthy Relations: Fuhito (childhood friend); Sephiroth (trainee).
Profession: Former SOLDIER trainer, former Wutai militant.
Skills: Fencing, military strategy and materia-enhanced combat.
Weapons of choice: Saber.
Materia: Ice.
Background Story Timeline:
ΕΓΛ 1966-1976: Childhood, Reisi and Fuhito
Reisi and Fuhito were born only a few months apart, and consequentially were bound to share a lot of time together by being in the same school class and in common childhood activities. People in Wutai village were drawn to put the two to comparison because of their similarities, which went beyond the polite disposition and poor eyesight. Both children were gift with undeniable genius.
But whereas Reisi took everything in stride, following family traditions and applying himself to become a proud swordman of Wutai, Fuhito appeared to be a wasted talent in the small insular town. Eventually, Fuhito started to look beyond the coasts for a new calling, and left for Cosmo Canyon.
Alone and without his fondest friend and rival to stimulate him, Reisi found himself unchallenged by all that surrounded him. Bit by bit, Wutai started to feel smaller and suffocating.
ΕΓΛ 1977: Midgar and “SOLDIER 0″ (11yo)
Going against his family’s wishes for the first time in his life, Reisi accepted the Turks’ invitation to become a recruit to the ShinRa security division to undergo a ‘special training’. His unquestionable swordmanship skills had been noticed, and considering himself to belong to something greater than just living in the peaceful archipelago, Reisi thought this to be his path.
In Midgar, Reisi’s performance exceeds the wildest expectations of everyone. Immediately, he is added to the newborn SOLDIER Program, an experimental training with the aim to provide the company with enhanced fighters to do its bidding.
Being still a prototype branch, Reisi does not undergo the surgery with mako transfusion that would later become a default practice in SOLDIER. He is however successfully promoted to become the very first high ranked member of the new squadron. Labeled “SOLDIER 0″, he is put at the President’s service to complete missions swiftly and precisely.
ΕΓΛ 1992-1997: Reisi and Sephiroth (24-29yo)
On a fateful day, a small boy is brought to ShinRa HQ. Reisi is introduced to young Sephiroth right away, informed that from this moment on he is tasked with training him to become a SOLDIER 1st Class: his very first pupil. Reisi is able to tell with a glance that Sephiroth is not common child, yet his enigmatic nature doesn’t disturb him.
Slowly, a bond of trust begins to form between the two, and while the young boy starts to bloom as a powerful weapon of his own, ShinRa company goes to war with Wutai, Reisi’s homeland.
ΕΓΛ 1992-0000: The Wutai War (24-32)
In the early years of war, Reisi does his best to not let the conflict sway him from his purpose. His sole focus is on his student and fledging him into an invincible warrior. Directly proportional to Sephiroth’s strength however, his restlessness grows.
At last, one day in year 1997 while in the middle of the battlefield, Reisi declares to his trainee that Sephiroth no longer needs his help. He’s passed down to him everything he knows, and the two of them must now return to their rightful places. With that ominous last order, Reisi deserts ShinRa and returns to his home, turning against the company and repelling their advance on the island without any restraint.
He will be later defeated by Sephiroth himself. Though tasked with killing his old mentor, Sephiroth refuses to complete the order, and instead strikes Reisi at the base of his spine, rendering him impaired. Never again will the SOLDIER 0 be able to wield his sword.
ΕΓΛ November 0000~: After the War (32yo+)
Disabled and chairbound, Reisi retreats to spend the rest of his days back in Wutai. Though the company is aware of Sephiroth’s failure to take him out, they decide to accept his whim, and let Reisi live for as long as he remains in the village without involving himself further with the company’s dealings. Still, Turks are constantly sent to watch over him and make sure he is no longer a threat.
Reisi’s feelings towards his fate are mixed for a long time. He does however take a new unexpected under his wing while in the village: Saruhiko has grown up to be a sharp, smart boy that reminds him of himself in part.
With Fuhito now back to Wutai also, his relationship with Reisi has become complicated. Reisi is aware of the new resistance group his old friend has gathered, and Fuhito even attempts to recruit him, hoping to use his knowledge of the company’s methods to his advantage. Reisi however sternly refuses to assist him, and prefers to witness what’s to unfold from the sidelines.
At the beginning of the OG, Reisi is still in Wutai Village, as a wise and calm observer mourning his pupil and old childhood friend.
(More to be added upon development through roleplay~)
Personality & Appearance:
Reisi retains his original personality and looks from K Project in this verse.
Wishlist / Plot Hooks:
Have yet to decide his relationships with Turk members.
Open to make him a mentor to young Genesis and Angeal as well.
Has presently no love interest.
Open for more in-depth dynamics with other unmentioned FFVII characters. (check the list here)
Would love to RP/explore his life pre-OG events.
#[MUSE UPDATE]#k06h || munakata reisi [headcanons]#00a || saru-mun is still alive! [ooc]#00b || you should check this out~ [psa]#au06 || four seasons [final fantasy vii]#v01 || k project
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[Muse Update] GLaDOS (FFVII)
Hello! Saru-mun here to introduce the new story background for GLaDOS to be used in the “Final Fantasy VII Divergent Megaverse” of my creation with other RP buddies.
HUGE FFVII Lore Dump in this, as well as some Portal elements, bear with me.

“Jenova, sister... There is only enough room for one parasitic, omnipotent life-consuming entity on this Planet. Let me show you what a real ‘Mother’ can do.” - GLaDOS
Full Name: Genetic Lifeform and Operative Disk System
Age: Technically ageless, as it is a machine. The first activation and “birth” of the early GLaDOS prototype dates back to Year 1993 (14 years before the events of FFVII).
Relations: Lucrecia Crescent (genetic morality core), Saruhiko Fushimi (digital mainframe personality source), Doctor Hojo (artificial morality core)
Profession: Artificial Intelligence, formerly assigned to warfare deployment, successively turned into the Central Operative Core of ShinRa’s Eletronic Network in Midgar.
Skills: Surveillance, Intel-Gathering, Weapon Manufacturing, Data Collecting, Testing and Training.
Weapons of choice: Anything electronic containing a ShinRa-manufactured computer chip can be controlled by GLaDOS.
Materia: Lucrecia’s Essence (originally), Hojo’s Morality (artificial)
Background Story Timeline:
ΕΓΛ 1985 - Early Concept and the Wutai War
The early conception of the GLaDOS Project dates back to 1985 in the wake of the Wutai War. Head of Weapons Development Scarlet personally oversaw its creation.
Because of Wutai’s notorious highly skilled militant power, as well as the distance of the battlegrounds in the archipelago from ShinRa’s central station in Midgar, Scarlet planned to create a factory able to assemble robotic weapons, control them on the battlefield, retrieve the scraps and transport them back for recycling in complete autonomy to compensate the undermanned capacity of the company in the western region, ultimately with the goal to pressure the locals into submission, exhausted fighting against endless waves of warmachines.
However, this was easier said than done.
ΕΓΛ 1986 - First Activation and Deployment
Built in its own facility in a remote corner of Wutai (codenamed ‘The Cradle’), GLaDOS was able to do most of the tasks required of it. But its intelligence was limited to that of a basic machine, lacking the refined strategy-making that a human brain is capable of in efficiently deploying robots on the battlefield. For its first years of service, GLaDOS was little more than an automatic machine factory with a built-in homing system for damaged robots to return for repairs.
While being used to this extent in the war, modifications were made to its mainframe with the assistance of the Science Department. It was theorized that GLaDOS’ original vision as an independent artificial intelligence could be achieved successfully through the combined use of a machine able to copy and transplant a human’s conscience into a digital frame, with the ‘undecaying’ structure of materia, crystallized mako energy capable of containing memories and knowledge of people even after they had long passed.
For the next few years many experiments were made in order to create this new artificial materia. However, the growing lack of funds due to the war’s expenses eventually brought all progress to a halt, and GLaDOS was left to maintain itself in its primordial, incomplete state while ShinRa focused its investments and efforts into other methods, such as deploying SOLDIERs on site against Wutai.
ΕΓΛ 1997 - Evolution and Corruption
10-years-old Wutai refugee Saruhiko Fushimi discovered and infiltrated the Cradle, driven by curiosity after his ‘adopted’ pet robot lead him there with its homing system. Gifted with curiosity and a particular knack for technology, he approached GLaDOS and fiddled with its console, connecting himself to it. Inserting a crystallized shard of mako the kid kept on himself as a family heirloom (a shard, in fact, coming from the crystal in which Lucrecia Crescent, Saruhiko’s mother, had sealed herself in, unbeknownst to him at the time), into the materia socket for GLaDOS, he accidentally achieved what ShinRa had been struggling with all this time.
Saruhiko’s personality was copied into GLaDOS’ mainframe, and through the influence of Lucrecia’s materia, the completed AI finally came to life. It began to speak referring to herself in feminine pronouns, her voice uncannily resembling that of Lucrecia Crescent herself behind the robotic notes.
Now in Saruhiko’s hands to control, the AI turned against ShinRa, deploying warmachines and deadly traps against its military. Single-handedly, she kept the company at bay on the battlefield, forcing it to temporarily withdraw. This sudden turn of tides forced ShinRa to respond by deploying its 1st Class SOLDIERs against the Cradle, ordering that the machine they had created to be destroyed.
While Genesis and Angeal substantially challenged GLaDOS’ strategies, it is only when Sephiroth himself appears on the site that something unexplainable occurred. The morality materia prevented GLaDOS from attacking him, and all robots and traps were quickly dispatched by the war hero and his comrades.
Perhaps realizing that the materia itself was preventing her victory, the mainframe of GLaDOS short-circuited, attempting to destroy the stone in its very socket. Shocked to see his precious heirloom endangered, Saruhiko disengaged the console and extracted the stone, causing a corruption in the Artificial Intelligence.
Now deprived of Lucrecia’s morality, GlaDOS turned into a cold and calculative killing machine, gifted with immense knowledge of all of ShinRa’s weaponry and strategies, alongside the copied intelligence and spiteful, childish attitude from the boy who had awakened her. This turned her into a sadistic and completely independent entity. After banishing Saruhiko out from the facility (sparing his life due to lingering remnants of Lucrecia’s will in her circuits), GLaDOS turned at last all her cruelty and cold attention on Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal, but was ultimately defeated by their combined efforts.
ΕΓΛ 1997/’98 - Transfer and Reassembling
Just as she was about to be completely burned to the ground, Heidegger stepped in with different orders. The man, impressed with GLaDOS’s intelligence and ability to take against SOLDIERs, had different plans.
The motherboard of GLaDOS was thus spared and removed, to be taken to Midgar for research with the intention to turn her into a software for the training of Public Security and SOLDIER in the city. The Cradle was mostly dismantled and abandoned, now incapable of functioning properly.
ΕΓΛ 1999 - Resurrection, The Enrichment Center Incident, and Hojo
((See video reference!))
After many simulated testing runs in an attempt to reanimate and control GLaDOS, ShinRa made a final push and revived the AI in the Enrichment Center deep beneath Midgar to see if their efforts finally could bear fruit. This ended up being a fatal mistake: GLaDOS immediately turned against her creators, sealing all doors and killing most of the researchers and technicians in the facility.
She almost took over the rest of the computerized parts of the main building at the center of Midgar, but was stopped by the unexpected intervention of Doctor Hojo, when GLaDOS intruded the controls of the Research Center he was in charge of.
Having recognized Lucrecia’s voice in GLaDOS, the lead scientist comes up with a plan, and immediately receives permission to modify the AI’s decision-making processes by programming an operative disk containing data of his own knowledge. Carefully tailoring the ‘substitute’ morality core to match what he recalled to be Lucrecia’s most vulnerable and easily manipulated thought processes, Hojo effectively ‘tames’ GLaDOS to his bidding, his artificial disk effectively replacing the missing materia of Lucrecia’s essence that had once awakened the AI.
Thanks to him, GLaDOS was at last under control of ShinRa once more, though her murderous and calculative nature remained alive underneath her more robotic and professional mannerisms. Fully trusting Hojo with her maintenance, President Shinra had the Enrichment Center where GLaDOS’ mainframe lies be sealed off, so that no one may access her motherboard and possibly turn her rogue once more.
ΕΓΛ 0000/’07 - The All-Seeing Eye of ShinRa
Over time, Hojo’s influence on GLaDOS only increased, to the point that the AI’s become less and less concerned with the security and safety of Midgar and more interested into pursuing science and testing any and all specimen entrusted to it. This translates into an overzealous, merciless mistreatment of SOLDIER candidates as they are put to face her many trials within the training rooms of the facility, as well as her complicit tortures on the specimens residing within the Research Laboratory of ShinRa.
As ShinRa’s influence around the world spread and its technology advanced, so has GLaDOS’ power and presence in the world. Where there’s a camera manufactured by ShinRa, you know she is watching. GLaDOS breathes through every robot and machine electronically connected to the company’s network, and Midgar functions as her heart and lungs. Nothing happens on the upper plate of the city without her knowledge. Only in the slums, where technology has become obsolete and old, her watch is weaker, which is why it is no surprise that this is where the anti-ShinRa groups would be hiding.
GLaDOS has personally overseen the training of all SOLDIERs since her activation, including Zack Fair. She is also responsible for Cloud’s failure to making the cut into becoming SOLDIER: the AI takes great delight into mocking and humiliating her subjects, especially those who give her the most attention.
She also manages all security within the city, and serves as a personal aidee to President Shinra and Vice-President Rufus Shinra.
Throughout the events of Final Fantasy VII, GLaDOS functions as a secondary villain against Cloud and the party. She plays a crucial role in the character arc of Saruhiko Fushimi.
GLaDOS retains her original personality and looks from Portal 2 in this verse.
Open for more in-depth dynamics with other unmentioned FFVII characters. (see full list here)!
Would love to RP/explore her life pre-FFVII OG events.
During the Main Events of Final Fantasy VII:
((spoilers below, read at your own risk!))
Throughout the events of the game, GLaDOS will repeatedly play as a villain to be faced by Cloud and the party, through her control of ShinRa’s most deadly machines as the company obstacles the heroes.
Overtime, under the command of Rufus Shinra, GLaDOS develops a personal competition against Jenova, believing the two of them to be eerily similar: while Jenova is a parasitic alien that consumes all life on the Planet, so does GLaDOS also contribute to the drain of the Lifestream by overseeing the work of ShinRa’s mako reactors. Another similitude is seen in how both Jenova and GLaDOS spread around the world: the former through the clones containing her cells, and the latter through the computers of the ShinRa network as the company expands its control all over the continents.
This uncanny rivalry between the two will eventually bring GLaDOS to sympathize with Cloud and his mission, up to the point where she becomes a temporary ally and shoots towards Jenova with the Sister Ray.
Redemption Arc
GLaDOS’ redemption will occur once she learns about her origins and the morality of Lucrecia is restored inside her. Understanding who she is and what became of her, she stops Hojo from dealing a fatal blow on Cloud and the group, rescuing what remains of her loved ones: Lucrecia’s sons, and Vincent Valentine.
As Meteorfall approaches, GLaDOS decides to self-sacrifice by collecting all the energy inside the city to create a barrier. She also opens the vaults to the Enrichment Center, leading all the people of Midgar to seek refuge inside so that they may survive the predicted impact. This effort greatly damages her mainframe, and it is implied that should the Meteor strike, she will be destroyed by it.
After Ending
At the end, once the world is spared, GLaDOS opts to deactivate herself for good, saying that her power is too dangerous to be maintaned without the risk that someone will use her again to harm the Planet. Stating that her children are loved by those still alive, she says her purpose is complete and that she is no longer needed.
Still, despite this, Saruhiko decides to gift the crystal with Lucrecia’s essence to Vincent. Knowing the love the man had for her, and the fact that he’s doomed to immortality, Saruhiko reasons that GLaDOS’ immortality could be perfect to give Vincent a companion to be with. He promises him that he’ll study to find a way to give Lucrecia a proper body once more, so that they may lead a normal life together, but that he’ll leave it up to Vincent whether to leave her to rest or bring her back to his side.
It is unknown whether Saruhiko will succeed in his research.
#[MUSE UPDATE]#p01h || glados [headcanons]#v12 || portal#00A || Saru-mun is still alive! [OOC]#00B || You should check this out~ [PSA]#au06 || four seasons [final fantasy vii]
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