greenbetula · 14 days
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mikoto ahoge tierlist
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pokemaniac-d09 · 5 years
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I decided to choose a completely different team for a new play through of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX and somehow when I got to this scene my brain had a moment
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floridabaiter · 3 years
the cornerstone of self-idolization and lack of self-preservation: our ex-twt stan + has a cc as a sibling rant
preface: my system joined mcyttwt a while back (i can't remember exact times due to personal reasons) and it genuinely contributed to the downfall and spiral of our mental health in the past year. especially from my perspective as a protecter alter, i saw the brunt of things that stressed us to the point of detriment. our sibling has half a million followers on some platforms (not mcyt) and we have seen firsthand through him how pressure from online can affect ccs. (we will not be speaking on his experience as they probably do not want us to publically.) also sorry if this is a little incoherent we had a seizure this morning- this is just to get everything off our chest.
b4 i start here's the dictionary definition of dehumanization: "transitive verb. : to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity: such as. a : to subject (someone, such as a prisoner) to inhuman or degrading conditions or treatment "… you treat people with respect, you get respect back." + heres smth from brenebrown.com "Maiese defines dehumanization as “the psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than human and hence not worthy of humane treatment.” Dehumanizing often starts with creating an enemy image."
the dehumanization of content creators on mcyttwt is disgusting. they are placed on pedestals and expected to walk on eggshells when creating their own content and writing THEIR OWN tweets and messages- they are expected to drop FRIENDS over what teenagers on twitter who don't know them personally thought of them. they were expected to respond to death-threats and criticism and harassment with a big smile and an apology for whatever they did. they are people who are not treated as people by stan twitter- they are treated as higher-than while simultaneously lesser-than when they are normal people who make mistakes. this is not okay. having interpersonal relationships + making mistakes & learning from them are basic parts of life that these content creators are being stripped of by twitter's cesspool of a community and it's so blatant and disgusting that they are faced with daily swarms of harassment for simply making mistakes + making friends + having lives while making content.
(side-note: another form of dehumanization is the fact that twitter consistently strips people of their privacy and private lives. cc or not you are expected to put everything about yourself out there [face included ie: selfie day] and that's blatantly unsafe for minors and adults alike. the way they dig into personal histories and pasts and relationships while simultaneously preaching "respect boundaries" is disgusting and deplorable.)
twitter's policy of "i stan this person, i like their content" while simultaneously harassing the ones that they claim to enjoy content from is confusing at best. it is detrimental to any cc's health. the villianization of ccs is fucking ridiculous.
coming from a poc person, twitter has a rampant disgusting problem with white saviors 👍🏼. i don't even need to get into it, everyones seen it and you all know. also i'm not even getting into how mcyttwt treats mexicans 👍🏼 i'm not your little maraca drug cartel "ayyy man" meow meow, emily.
white people on twitter: we are not your toy for activism. we are not yours to use to excuse your harassment of real people. fuck you. shut up. let us speak for ourselves and uplift our voices when we ask. (also stop with the "ugh 🙄 white people" shit. we're talking about you ❤️.)
twitter preaches to not be performaitve in lifting up voice and then is preformaitve.
there's countless threads that are out there just for clicks and likes (ie. "things not to say to a trans person" *states the most obvious shit like 'don't call them their agab'*) for fucking popularity. it's all the time, people chase clout under the guise of pretending to care about minorities. it's sickening, especially when they bring race or ethnicity into these threads for their ""activism"".
twitter's gender bias is again, blatant.
female ccs will call out the same behaviors male ccs get praised for calling out and will get degraded and put down and have their name trending under "[name] neg //" for hours after the tweet is sent, they'll be harassed for days afterward and shamed. their bodies will be judged by fucking randoms who have no place saying anything (women aren't objects!). they get shit for the same thing male ccs do with no consequences. it's disgusting, it's blatant, and it's not being talked about or addressed.
it never allowed for enjoying content. it was contestant stressful pressure to keep up with every minute and miniscule detail of what a cc did, constantly choosing sides and never being allowed to speak outside of what the collective group on twitter thought. having an opinion other than "this is wrong and should be the downfall of this human person" was not allowed. there was an issue every day, we felt like we couldn't say we enjoyed anything without someone coming in our dms like "um.. did you know [insert something mildly problematic]... you should delete that post about liking them." and god forbid when "cc neg //" would trend because everyone couldn't maturely move on from something that wasn't a big deal. twitter has made my system SPLIT NEW ALTERS because of the stress and obligation we felt to keep up with every minute detail. (albeit we are polyfrag and prone to splitting, and our co-host at the time was an emotionally volatile dream introject during a very dream-critical time. that still doesn't excuse the toxic environment that caused the splits in the first place :|.)
what twitter does to people- especially ccs, is unsafe and unpleasant at best and traumatizing at worst. these people need to grow the up, put on their big boy pants and realize that not everything is about them.
all of this is off the top of my head too :| we've been waiting to rant about this since we got ON twitter. this doesn't even scratch the surface of the abelism and babying of ND ppl or people with disabilities + the other horrid shit that happens on that app.
tl;dr twitter touch fucking grass and do it FAST holy shit. please go outside and talk to people. get a job. read a book. do some math or something idk.
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gemmaamor · 7 years
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DECRETOS POTENTES DE LA LLAMA VIOLETA 1 AL DIEZ. — Conviviendo con el Gran Espíritu DECRETOS POTENTES DE LA LLAMA VIOLETA DE LOS MILES SOLES 010 Entra aquí a escuchar o descargar: DECRETOS POTENTES DE LA LLAMA VIOLETA DE LOS MILES SOLES 010 Posted 4 años ago 4 años Espiritualidad 4RepostearCompartirMás 849 reproducciones 849 Reproducir Emisariaamor DECRETOS POTENTES DE LA LLAMA VIOLETA DE LOS MILES SOLES 009Posted 4 […] a través de DECRETOS POTENTES DE LA LLAMA VIOLETA 1 AL DIEZ. — Conviviendo con el Gran Espíritu
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greenbetula · 21 days
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greenbetula · 2 months
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greenbetula · 1 month
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greenbetula · 18 days
i forgot to put this here haha
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transcript of my wonderful handwriting:
ugly name (lol) they literally call you "mido" at least i'm not named after a corpse ...
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greenbetula · 1 month
i dont know how to else to share this but i made a 1 hour "asmr" of john screaming. pls enjoy 🥰
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greenbetula · 15 days
was going through my files and found this again, thought i'd share this here too
i tried to make a mikoto model in vroid (dont ask why hes a catboy)
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i haven't actually worked on this model for months haha. i accidentally gave him boob physics and i got so stressed out i nearly deleted the model
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greenbetula · 14 days
i'm not in a drawing mood rn but i had a vision for an angel mikoto au
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greenbetula · 30 days
catboy mikojohn call that zero-nyan-zero-nyan
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greenbetula · 2 months
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He has witnessed the horrors of commute
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greenbetula · 1 month
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I just rlly liked this one ^^
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greenbetula · 1 month
when did we stop calling mido "kishi" that was a cute name
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greenbetula · 2 months
i understand hinako fans now, thats exactly how i feel about mikosis
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