#004.    REPLIES.
crimesoughtarchive · 8 months
Cassian nearly scared the pants off of Gale. He was used to Tara doing things like this, in her more playful moods. But a giant cat? That was a bit much, even for his tastes. As it was, the yelp that left him at being batted with a tigers paw was, well, slightly embarrassing. Color rose to his cheeks, and Gale furrowed a brow at the tiger. "Oh, you are just loving this, aren't you?" Knowing that there was no danger, he couldn't help but reach out, scritching at Cassian's ears. "You're lucky you're very cute."
Cassian's ears went back when the wizard furrowed his brow at him. Though if a tiger could smile he would be right now because he was loving it. Seeing the wizard nearly jump out of his skin was great.
He leaned into his touch closing his eyes as behind his ears were scratched. A rumble coming from him as he relaxes into the touch.
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loyaltyforged · 2 months
starter for @secondbornavaricious
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Ling was right -- she was incredibly tired both from the anxieties and sleeplessness of the night before, but she wasn't going to let something like that affect her ability to do her duty. She stuck to his side all day, in and out of meetings, filling out paperwork, and other official business. His day was jam-packed and, honestly, she felt guilty for keeping him awake so late.
Still, it seemed there was no time to talk to Greed, let alone enough of a gap for the young Emperor to invite him to dinner. It would be rude not to let him know ahead of time, and knowing things would likely be resolved by the end of the evening, the guard volunteered to seek out the Sin and invite him herself.
She promises Ling she won't be gone long, giving him time to eat something in his office as she retreats through the window and climbs onto the roof. Lan Fan reaches out with the Dragon's Pulse, pin-pointing his location quickly and sets off. He isn't far, so finding him isn't difficult as she leaps between rooftops, eventually skidding to a rather silent stop next to him.
If she had the time, she may have sat with him for a bit, but she doesn't even remove her mask, bending over with hands on her knees to meet him at eye level. "Greed!"
A pause, mostly to give him time to react should she startle him. "I'm sorry I can't stay long, but the young Emperor and I wanted to invite you to the imperial family dining hall for dinner tonight. He extends his apologies for not talking to you directly. His schedule is a little full."
The bodyguard waits for a few moments then settles a hand on his upper back, almost hot to the touch from the summer sun. "I hope to see you there." And she's off again, back in the direction she came from.
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ofmagiick · 7 months
✧・゚ ——— ❛ @tapalslegacy | continued from here !
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✧・゚ ——— ❛   merrin struggled to not smile at cal   ,   at his confusion   .   his actions were endearing   ,   the concern   ,   and puzzling over the meaning of her words   .   maybe they had been a bit confusing   ,   after all   ,   explosions never meant anything good was coming their way   .   she refused to take them back   ,   though   .   not after she ' d put her feelings out there   ,   one way or another   .   now   ,   cal just had to find the meaning   .   and given his problem - solving skills that had gotten them this far   ,   he should figure it out   ,   sooner or later   .
❝   i ' m fine   .   no pain   .   ❞   merrin moved to stand next to him   ,   dark eyes glancing over the horizon in front of them   .   ❝   i think it might be a good idea to make camp   ,   though   .   sunset looks close   ,   and the wilderness hasn ' t been the nicest in the daylight   .   ❞   nodding towards a nearby outcropping of rock   ,   the nightsister hitched her pack higher   ,   before stepping off   .   ❝   that should provide us some nice cover while we sleep   .   no imperial patrols   ,    no skritons   .   just the stars and all this sand   .    ❞   her nose wrinkled as she once more brushed fine grains from the folds of her clothing   ,   callused hands chaffing against the particulates   .   it truly did get everywhere   .
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the witch turned her head back to look at him   ,   chin brushing her shoulder as she did   .   ❝   i don ' t think i ever properly thanked you for pulling me from the wreckage of dathomir   .   ❞   she turned her head back towards her destination   ,   intent on not slipping on the shifting sand   .   what a mood - killer that would be   ,   opening her heart to him only to tumble to the ground   .   ❝   i would have rotted with the corpses of my sisters if you hadn ' t stumbled along and showed me how my desire for revenge was eating me from the inside out   ,   like drinking bane back acid   .   so   ,   thank you   ,   cal kestis   ,   for saving me from my ghosts   .   ❞
upon reaching the rocky outcropping   ,   merrin shrugged off her pack   ,   resting for just a moment   .   they ' d need a fire soon   ,   but lingering daylight lit the desert around them well enough   ,   even with the long shadows being cast across it ' s surface   .
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faerieheart · 3 months
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@dryadologist asked: how'd you know where to find me?
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A smile curls at her lips at his question, ❛ Wendell, the Little Folk here tell me everything. They are curious, little creatures and when they see a man in a suit traipsing through their forest, well, they'd like to know why. ❜
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lcstpaths · 1 year
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"I'VE ONLY EVER HAD ONE QUESTION FOR YOU, Katerina," Elijah starts, his tone measured as he stands before her. Even to his ears, it doesn't quite ring true - but the one thing he's never been able to wrap his head around... Ever since she turned, it was a question in the back of his mind, itching to be answered. "Why... do you run?" @malka-lisitsa
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spiderz0mbie · 9 months
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𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙. | @inhcritance
ㅤthere was no way spider-zombie was slow. she can get across the city faster than any other mode of public transportation. she never took in consideration how fast she was swinging until the goblin sprang the insult upon her. another web shot out of her wrist, the material attaching to a near by roof top, she lunged her body forward to land upon the ledge. her feet touching down gently upon the brick.
ㅤ"and you're 𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐞." spider-zombie retaliated. shooting two mini webs at his googles. obscuring his vision before she attempted to do a take down.
ㅤluck seemed to be on the goblin's side. a gust of wind threw her off course, causing her body to completely glide past him and go straight into the side of the comcast building.
ㅤher nose felt the impact the most, dark blue blood gushing from her nostrils and staining the front of her white mask. despite the excruciating pain, she held onto her web.
ㅤtake two.
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seeingvivianne · 1 year
Time: !!!!!! Location: Either the Dahlia House or their Faerie Forest home, daddy chooses Characters: @alastordahlia & @seeingvivianne​
It had felt like a long time since Mercuralia, or even since Vivianne had taken Alastor out after to buy a few last minute necessities for the children. When they came, she had no notice but the text that she’d made him promise to send. The Dahlia House held a small, intimate celebration on their own that night. Because while Alastor had not been a marked witch, he continued to be a part of their family and coven, so much so that the Dahlia children from the safehouse had mailed over little letters and special toys to the demon that they’d known and many of the witches had hand-stitched and handmade things for the children and the fathers. Vivianne had only taken Alastor shopping, but there was a few little things she had to give now that the children were here.
She was adamant to do it in person. And when the moment was finally arranged, Vivianne could hardly contain herself with the excitement. Still, she was a few minutes late in securing the last of her gifts and nearly breathless as she finally made it to where they’d agreed to meet. A few tentative knocks to the room where she knew her best friend waited before Vivianne opened it. “Alastor?” She murmured, both uncertainty and excitement palpable in her quiet voice.
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toxichem · 8 months
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it's  a  MOMENT  .  a  beat  ,   a  surge  of  SOMETHING  that  sage  can't  quite  put  her  finger  on  but  still  finds  herself  INTERJECTING  herself  between  viper  and  the  OTHER  (     he'll  utter  something  bitterly  ,  in  french  ,  in  his  usual  style    )  ;   sentinel's  hand  tugging  gently  on  the  other's  wrist  ,   but  once  left  alone  ,  she's  at  a  loss  for  WORDS  .   (   say  something  .  ANYTHING  .  )   eyes  will  linger  on  sabine's  features  ,  awkwardly  ,  before  averting   .    ❛     sorry  ,  i  just  ---      ❜      (    you  just  what  ?  you're  jealous  of  someone  you  have  no  claim  over  .  )     ❛     ...  nevermind  .      ❜        [   soft  inbox  call  +   sage  &  viper  !  ]
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✧・゚ ——— ❛   ling ' s presence at her side came as quite a surprise to sabine   .   of all people to save her from chamber ' s smothering attention    ❪   again   —   when will he learn he would earn her approbation if and when AT HER PACE   ?   ❫   the healer was one of the last she thought would step in   .   if she were to   ,   the chemist would swear it was on chamber ' s behalf   ,   not hers   .   NEVER HERS   .   the second shock to her system was the monk ' s continued presence at her side   .   had the other sought her out specifically   ?
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confusion flits across her face   ,   brows furrowing as she watched the other glance at her and AWAY   .   ❝   it ' s clearly not   .   was there something you needed from me   ?   ❞   her own hand   —   the one grabbed prior   ,   AN ECHO of the other ' s warmth encircling her wrist   —   lifts as if to reach out before hesitating   .   no   ,   @knifvd pulled her away to keep vincent safe   .   disappointment blooms   ,   eyes falling dull   .   ❝   or   —   never mind   .   I UNDERSTAND   .   ❞
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
(  unprompted  :  galdino  )    //    ♠   @waxgentleman
"Mr Ace! Good to see you're here without warning us as usual, ga ne. Richie's got a little sick so would you be so kind and help us with the show today?" Mr 3 is holding big lion onesie in his hand with a stern look on his eyes. He isn't joking. ( ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_adorable ace for us pls?)
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❝  howdy  !  ❞  as  easygoing  as  ace  always  was  the  attitude  never  washed  even  if,  as  always,  he  crept  onto  the  ship  completely  uninvited.  a  small  laugh  dared  to  pass  his  lips  as  fingers  reached  to  tip  the  brim  of  his  hat  for  a  small  greeting.  upon  hearing  the  request  however,  the  hazel  orbs  widened  slightly  in  pure  surprise,  washing  over  him  like  a  waterfall  and  got  fueled  even  more  when  galdino  showed  what  to  wear.  a  long,  almost  looking  too  fitting  lion  costume.  as  if  it  had  been  made  with  him  in  mind.  
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he  kept  staring  at  it,  head  tilted  slightly  to  the  side,  however  mr.  3  looked  quite  serious  about  it,  as  if  it  was  a  great  matter  and  since  it's  not  going  to  hurt  anyone,  ace  eventually  sighed  with  a  slight  smile  over  his  lips.  ❝  i  mean,  sure.  if  i'm  already  eatin'  your  supplies  off  the  ship,  at  least  i  can  be  of  some  use.  ❞  his  hand  reached  out  for  the  onesie,  the  texture  was  fluffy.  so  nice  to  touch  and  slightly  tickling  under  his  fingertips.  a  sensation,  stimulating  his  senses  and  even  sending  a  pleasurable  jolt  over  his  frame.  ❝  it's  so  nice  in  touch  damn.  ❞  ace  commented,  taking  his  hat  off  to  place  it  on  the  side  and  then,  he'd  reach  down  with  a  single  yank  of  his  hand  the  silver  buckle  clicked  and  his  shorts  fell  to  the  ground  with  a  soft  whisper.  
galdino  was  lucky  that  ace  was  wearing  any  underwear  this  time.  he  slowly  started  making  his  way  into  the  costume.  one  leg  by  another,  then  his  arms  and  he  zipped  it  up,  putting  the  hoodie  on.  his  whole  skin  was  even  tickled  by  the  soft  fur.  making  him  show  his  sharp  teeth  in  a  grin.  surprisingly,  the  material  didn't  settle  badly  on  him,  didn't  make  him  uncomfortable  to  move  around,  nor  was  it  too  tight  for  his  muscles.  really,  it  was  made  for  him.  ❝  so,  how  do  i  look  ?  ❞  the  fire  fist  asked,  now  baring  the  teeth  with  an  almost  animalistic  growl  rumbling  through  his  chest  only  to  be  followed  by  a  loud  laughter.  surely  no  one  but  galdino  would  see  him  like  that,  right  ?  ....  right  ?
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ofmythsandfablesaa · 2 years
for the wonderful @traumamade ❤️
— “I’ll be alright..” The werewolf sighed, hoping the other wouldn’t notice the bloody stain on the side of his shirt caused by an injury beneath it. “Nothing to worry ‘bout.”
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crimesoughtarchive · 8 months
@never-surrender continued from here.
Shaking not out of panic or pain, but out of bloodlust, Aurelia was certainly a mess at the moment as she breathed heavily through her mouth. Feeling Cassian close by, hearing his heartbeat and knowing that she could feed from him certainly wasn't helping either... but she was frightened of what she could possibly do if she gave into it.
"No... No Im'-" she cuts off as she makes another sound of agony, doubling over as she holds her stomach tightly. "I need you to go.." the words are a whine on her lips, tears tracking down her cheeks in silvery streaks.
Cassian shook his head, letting his long black hair move with it. He wouldn't no couldn't just leave her to suffer. "I can help, and I trust you." He spoke the words while holding her shoulder. His words rang true, though there were few that the criminal trusted so.
Though it really may prove to be one of his more idiotic stunts if his trust was misplaced. Not that she could easily overpower him. He would give her a run for her money, but she could kill him easier than he would admit. "Tell me what you need."
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linagram · 1 year
If we’re doing questions, I have one for everybody: what’s one thing you’d like to do when/if you get out of here? (This applies to the guards too, if we can ask them questions.)
this is such an interesting question, thank you for sending it!
Akio: I hope- um, I know that I will definitely get out of here, but.. I'm actually not so sure what I want to do when that happens. No, actually, how would it even be possible for me to go back to normal life? Of course, I want to go back to school, I want to continue getting good grades and being loved by everyone, but.. Even though he's not here anymore, it wouldn't be possible for me to just go back to that school and hope that everything will be fine. They already know what happened anyway. Maybe I'll convince my parents to let me go to a different school, I think they would be okay with that. But before that.. Maybe I'll try to reconcile with one person.
Aimi: .. Haha, that's such a silly question. I can't just go back to my normal life after what I've done. How can I go back to school and pretend like everything is okay? And my family.. They won't be happy when they hear about my crime. I don't know if they will forgive me.. No, no, they are very good people, trust me! They love me a lot and I love them too! It's just.. never mind. So, the first thing that I'd do if I manage to get out.. I miss my dogs. I want to play with them like I did before I ended up here.
Shun: To be honest, I don't really want to leave?.. This place isn't that bad. I finally get the attention that I've always wanted, isn't that wonderful? I don't want to go back to that apartment, I don't want to go back to my boring job, I don't want to see my parents who will just say how much of a burden I am again.. But if I had no choice and I would be forced to go back to the outside world, I think I would.. I just remembered how messy my room was. I really have to clean it, don't I..
Naomi: I think I would just move to a different town. I wouldn't be able to stay there after everything I've done. I love my students, I really do, but going back to that school would be too painful. Maybe I'll be able to start a new life, but I know I will never forget about my crime. Also I would never talk to my parents after that. I would ignore their phone calls, I would ignore their messages, I wouldn't tell them where I am. My siblings?.. Maybe I would talk to them, but I'm not sure if I can trust them.
Kei: I would just keep living like I did before arriving here, that's it. I miss the one who inspired me too much and I want to go and see him as soon as I can. I hope he's not feeling too lonely without me.. Hm? You think he already escaped? Haha, now, maybe I did kidnap him, but he stayed with me because he was okay with that. He was too sick and tired of everything, so I basically saved him. Uh, what do I want to do when I see him? You really want to know all the details?.. I'm just joking around, don't look at me like that. I want to take another photo of him, of course. But I think I would want this photo to be a bit different from my other works. It would be nice to see him smile and take a picture of it when I come back.
Eiko: I'd just go back to my normal life. I have a lot to do, I want to graduate, I want to keep working as a model, who knows, maybe I'll become popular.. No, I don't care about my crime at all. That guy was pathetic, no one would miss him anyway. Well, maybe except his friends.. Hm, maybe I should kill his friends next.. Just kidding. They do deserve it though.
Asahi: .. Me and my mom will try to figure it out. That's all I can say right now. But I will get out of here. I know I will.
Yurika: It would be nice to see her again, but I don't think she would be proud of me for getting caught. Also, I have a question: if I kill someone again, does it mean that I'll be sent back to this place? Because if so.. oh no, I'll become useless to her.. Ah, I also have to watch everything on my list when I come back. Sure, maybe I can watch some anime here too, I don't know how this place works, but doing it in prison is just.. weird.
Riku: I don't know about other high schoolers, but for me, I'd have no problem with moving on and living like nothing happened. Listen, that guy's death was so predictable that when he died, everyone just went "Yeah, I should've seen that coming". Other students didn't care and they just felt sorry for me, meanwhile the adults were like "Oh no, how horrible, we will just use his death to show how bad bullying is and we will talk about it for like a week and then ignore the kids who are getting bullied and need our help".. Maybe I also should start acting like my real self more. Maybe people wouldn't judge me for that.
Reina: .. Haha, who knows, maybe I'll get a redemption arc or something. Yeah, maybe I'll just come back to my family and say how sorry I am while crying. And then I'll continue committing crimes while they think that I'm done with all that stuff!.. Acting like this is starting to become boring, honestly.
Eiji: To be honest, if it's possible, I would like to stay here and keep working as a guard. There's too many criminals to punish and I can't just let someone else do it instead of me. And getting replaced sounds.. A-anyway, if I still had to go back to the outside world, I'd try to live like a normal person. I would go to college, I would make friends, I would do things that I like.. And I also would do anything to make Kei go to prison again. But like, not this one, just the "normal" one. Or I would just ignore him and my parents and pretend like they don't exist.
Miki: Um.. I guess I still have to graduate high school.. And I also have to decide what to do after that.. And my grandparents probably miss me.. There's so much to do, it's so overwhelming to think about. Wait, how can I even explain what happened to me? Oh no, now I'm scared.. But also, if that's possible, I think I would invite Asa- um, Yano-san to live with me. I don't know if he really is my younger brother, but I don't think there's anyone who can take care of him when he comes back.
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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open to: all mutuals!
plot: forrest is telling his life story to your muse. yeah, that’s about it.
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“YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE IT if I told you… but it’s true.”
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apollospacedout · 2 years
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Close your eyes… Listen to all the sounds around you the soft buzzes, clicks, scratches. it’s never silent there’s always a sound if you just look for it.
‘7 … 6 … 5 …—‘
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Let the imagination seep in like that day at the museum with Joel.. The sounds of the astronauts taking flight humming through my ears…—That’s when i felt at peace. That’s where every bad thing, every horror, every aching bone melts into nothing…
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It’s almost like i’m floating. Just like those astronauts i’m weightless every burden that was pushing me deep into the earth vanished… i could finally breath.
‘… 4 … 3 … 2 …’ ‘—deep breath.’ ‘…1 … blastoff.’
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absolutesort · 2 years
day 28 — frankie & dylan.
setting :    living room  /   casa amor.
time :  idk sometime in the afternoon but obviously before the big game. 
featuring :    dylan, her best friend in the world, dont hate her  @cruelsxmmcr​
he had noticed frankie rushing inside after the whole race and consequent naked laps, but with adela following her first, he figured he’d check up on her later. he sits next to her, bumping his shoulder to hers. “not going to lie, i never thought we’d streak together.” or with josh and val. but frankie and josh is the most shocking of it all. “day one’s not over yet and it’s already crazy.” he’s very rarely the type to want alone time, but after everything, he doesn’t mind some quiet time right now. 
“really?” frankie responds, a bubble of bright blue gum snapping back against her lips. “that’s funny. i’ve always dreamed of streaking with you. it’s like the number one fun bonding activity for future inlaws. maybe callie and naomi are doing it in the other villa, too.” smirking, she shoves her shoulder back against his, then drops her weight back against the sofa cushions, legs lifting to tuck over his lap. “tell me about it. i’m wiped.” yawning, she tucks her head into one of the cushions, curling up like a cat. “y’wanna take a nap with me?” frankie asks, foot kicking against dylan’s thigh. “i’m a really good big spoon. and a little one. i just like spooning, really.” half-asleep, she blows another bubble of gum, only opening her eyes to see how large it’s gotten. 
he lets out a loud laugh at her words. “you dreamed a little too hard, i reckon, but hey, your dreams just came true. true, we’re now bonded on a much deeper level.” he looks at her with a dimpled grin, moving to rest his arms over her legs. “oh yeah, mate, i’d kill for a nap right now. i need to be able to last through tonight.” he reaches to pop the bubble. “oops.” he grins. “okay, i’m the big spoon, you’re the little spoon. with arms like these, i give the best hugs and cuddles.”
"wow,“ frankie responds, astonished when dylan pops her bubble. "that’s like… dirty.” or at least it feels it somehow, swallowing the gum as he nestles in behind her for a nap. she wonders how much gum she’s swallowed in her life — whether it’s really all that bad or if, when she eventually kicks it, the coroner will cut her open like a pinata to find putty sculptures coating the inside of her lungs in a bright kaleidoscope of colour.  "i told miles you have dwayne the rock johnson arms…“ frankie muses, tiredly, as she tugs one of his arms over her waist, wriggling to get comfortable. "it sucks that we can’t just share a bed later. will you read me a bedtime story?” even though it’s 4pm, and the evening’s entertainment hasn’t even begun. she trusts that someone will wake them in time, and she’ll throw on a sequin boob tube, throw her hair in a bun, apply some lipstick in about five seconds flat and call it a day.
"you lost the race and made me run around the villa naked, so i pop your gum bubble,“ he says like he’s retaliating, playfully narrowing his eyes at her before he lies down behind her. he’s so tired he’ll probably be out within the next ten minutes. he needs that nap if has to be his usual cheery self tonight, especially since there’s definitely going to be entertainment. "hell yeah, my arms being compared to the rock’s? that’s a grade A compliment.” he only wishes he can have the rock’s physique. his arm goes around the blonde’s waist, pulling her closer to him in a comforting cuddle. “mate, i know. i’m salty about that.” it’s like the producers are setting these rules with the sole purpose of tempting them to fuck up. he’ll probably end up sleeping outside, else he would’ve shared a bed with frankie if he could. “you want an australian tale?” he remembers a lot of them, all dating back to the days his grandparents would read him and callie stories as kids.
eyes half-shut, her focus on the world is slipping, as if somebody had cranked up the dimmer switch. “i’ve got your gross germs in my mouth until i die, now,” she sighs, the only weight behind it being the vague desire to wind him up. she’s probably the least likely person in this villa to care about germs, a strident believer in the thirty-second rule when a sandwich hits the floor, licker of anything sticky she comes across and a serial minesweeper for abandoned drinks in clubs. “yeah. obviously. i’m great at compliments.” her hand fastens over dylan’s when he draws her closer, nuzzling into the warm contact. if one of their new roommates walked in right now, they might get the wrong impression, which probably wouldn’t help either of their chances at getting to know the bombshells ( a good thing, depending on who you asked ). still, it would be funny to fuck with them. frankie almost suggests as much, but she’s too tired for planning the mechanics of half-baked ploys right now, safe and sleepy in the comfort of dylan’s arms. “yeah, why not. does it have spiders? i love those freaky little fuckers.”
"you’ll be fine. you like picking noses for dares, apparently,“ he retorts, a smile curving up his lips, although she can’t see it. he’s already shut his eyes and pretty much disconnected from everything happening around him, save for the conversation he’s happening with frankie. after having to hear four people tell him he’s made out a fool, all he wants is to think of something else. "spend one day with me and callie over there and you’ll meet like five different kinds. you’ll befriend them right away,” he says, keeping frankie close to him, arms tight. “i don’t think there’s a tale about spiders. there are ones about wombats, emus, and possums though.”
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spiderz0mbie · 1 year
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x | @inhcritance
"𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓." the web-shooter quipped from the other side of the rooftop. spider-zombie finally landed a clean web shot on the green goblin. managing to pin both the culprit and his board in one large sticky trap.
cassandra crossed the rooftop to stand close to the masked foe. completely unaware that the person caught in her web was her friend.
her gloved fingers outstretched in front of her to pluck one of web strings. it was holding up just fine.
"i just need you to sit tight until the cops come. then, you guys can do all that boring paperwork."
as she spoke, the hero reached into her pocket to pull out her burner phone. seeing the time roll around to six in the morning. she had to be at the café in thirty minutes.
"normally i'd wait and hear how you want to crush me; but, i really have somewhere to be."
she pocketed her phone back into her suit, turning her full attention back to the guy in the hood and goggles.
the thought of unmasking him did cross her mind. cassandra wasn't the only one who wanted to know who the green goblin truly is. the people were buzzing, taking to social media on to guess who it could be.
"are those new googles?"
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