#004 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      in.      ❨ come &&. save us / catch us before we fall. ❩
dracokeep · 2 years
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ah - choo ! zinnia wipes her nose with the back of her sleeve. it feels like someone's talking about her.
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dracokeep · 2 years
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❝ you there ! you look local enough to me. ❞ hands are placed upon zinnia's hips as she hops down from a small ledge in front of ree, a small ' hup ! ' escaping her as she hits the ground ; it's less than graceful, with the way she slightly staggers a bit ( it's been a long time since she's done an entrance like this, ) but she regains her composure quickly as she flashes a grin.
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❝ what is this region called again ? aloha, or something ? whatever. do you have any dragon types ? are there any region specific ones around here ? ❞ / @skullkxd ( starter call. )
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dracokeep · 2 years
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zinnia doesn't know exactly what she's looking at ⸻ but she can't deny that, whatever it is, it's beautiful. she remains completely still in the in the bush she hides herself in, crimson gaze narrowing into a squint as she silently watches the creature that roams this area ; zinnia's seen many peculiar pokemon in paldea as a whole so far, though none catch her eye as much as the red, feathered one that seems to be near the top of the food chain in this area, if not at the top of it entirely. it's incredibly strong, chasing after &&. even tearing into its prey with ease ; at this point, she's lost track of how long she's been following it from the safest distance she could without being noticed ( at least, she hopes she hadn't been noticed. it was almost impossible to tell if it was toying with her, or ... what. ) is it a dragon type ? from here, zinnia can't tell ... it certainly has some features of one, sure, but to know exactly what it is ... well, she'd have to get closer. deep breath is taken in as she finds an opening to carefully leave her hiding spot, hand placed on the pokeballs at her hip as a precautionary measure ⸻ before she completely blows it by stepping on a loose branch, a loud snap resounding within the confined space.
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❝ oops. ❞ / @koraichalcum ( starter call. )
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dracokeep · 2 years
001 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      v1.      ❨ fourfold knowing / no end in sight. ❩ 002 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      v2.      ❨ slowly drifting down into twilight. ❩ 003 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      out.      ❨ emmy speaks. ❩
004 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      in.      ❨ come &&. save us / catch us before we fall. ❩ 005 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      visage.      ❨ finding hope / don’t lose hope. ❩ 006 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      answered.      ❨ our tears are painted red. ❩ 007 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      dash commentary.      ❨ the final hour upon us / no more time to breathe. ❩ 008 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      dash games.      ❨ to rise from the ashes… ❩ 009 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      saved.      ❨ faith slowly wasting away. ❩ 010 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      inbox.      ❨ scions &&. sinners. ❩ 011 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      headcanons.      ❨ our hearts beat aloud / unafraid. ❩ 012 ╰   ––––––– ✧   dracokeep      :      musings.      ❨ without a compass / wandering lost in lies of faith. ❩
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