#001. STEVIE ( interactions )
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camgarza · 1 year ago
location: southern drawl country bar and line dancing
status: closed for @stevienelson
Say what you wanted about Cami Garza, but she wasn't a woman afraid of flying solo on a Saturday night. These days she much prefered a night in over a night out but special exceptions could be made.
Going to Southern Drawl on a whim was one of them.
She'd gotten up for all the usuals - Cotton Eyed Joe, Copperhead Road, even Texas Hold 'Em - but it was when the first notes of Austin came on that she really perked up.
Was she well into a man-hating phase? Not quite— But she'd be lying if she said the aftermath of the auction and the new release by Dasha didn't feel oddly well timed.
What better way to vent frustrations over an ex than learning every word to a song bashing one (even if the actual lyrics bore no similarities to her own life)?
Hair swaying, hips dipping, and boots stomping along she let it all go out there on the dance floor. Every last bit of guilt, stress, and heartache that'd been following her like a shadow for weeks now.
Apparently, she wasn't the only one.
When the song ended she wandered back to the bar, making a point to sidle up next to Stevie. "How the hell didn't I already know you like to dance, too?" She would've been inviting her out on a regular basis if she had. "You looked great out there."
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bekturan · 1 year ago
location: bek's apartment, downtown
status: closed for @stevienelson
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"Somebody help me. Please..." It was a soft, desperate plea. "There's no more peanut M&Ms in the freezer"— Glasses on, laptop open, a spread of papers scattered across her lap, Bek jolted out of the dream and upright in bed, wincing from the assualt of sunlight peeping through sheer curtains.
Daylight. That was daylight. And at her front door— Another knock rattled the old wooden plank in its frame, its sound echoing throughout her otherwise silent apartment.
Shit. What time was it? Forget that, what day was it? Was she late for work?
"Coming. I'm coming!" Tripping and stumbling her way out of bed and through the room she somehow made it to the entrance in one piece.
Blinking sleep from bleary, bloodshot eyes she cracked the door open an inch. Stevie - not her landlord or, more inexplicably, her boss - stood on the other side. "Hey." A yawn cracked across her face while she stepped back, silently welcoming her in. "I'm sorry. Did I— Do we have plans?"
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st4rburster · 1 year ago
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" no one, and i mean no one, can ever know about this, okay ? it will not end well for either of us. " / @fruitpoem
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saintcrment · 4 months ago
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odette just needed a fucking drink. it felt like a never-ending loop of frustration and disdain, another agonizing day spent battling the urge to take her stencil — a tool meant for creation — and plunge it into her own eye, followed by the thought of hurling it at the inconsiderate customers at the boardwalk. it was another day steeped in the bitter taste of regret, one spent loathing the path her life had taken, and with each sunset came the gnawing uncertainty of what to do next, as if she were trapped in a maze without an exit.
as she trudged into the dimly lit bar, she found solace in the fact that it was surprisingly quiet. the usual raucous laughter and loud chatter were absent, leaving just the soft hum of the bar's ambient music. thankful for the moment of peace, she made her way to the counter, and slid onto one of the worn wooden stools that had seen better days. however, her brief moment of relief was quickly disrupted as she was met with the unfriendly gaze of the bartender. ❛ you couldn't at least pretend to be happy to see me. what's a girl gotta do to feel loved around here? ❜ it was clear that she wasn't in the mood for chatter, and that suited odette just fine; all she wanted was to drown her frustrations in a drink that would momentarily erase her sense of inadequacy and the heavy weight of her unfulfilled ambitions.
❛ i don't even like tequila, so the joke's on you. gin with a splash of water. ❜
open starter! capping at 5 replies! @kilmerstarters
location: the drunken poet
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the bar had dwindled down to a handful of regulars and a few solitary patrons nursing their last drinks. the drunken laughter from a group of men in the corner only served to sharpen the dull ache in her head. with just a half hour until closing, stevie’s mind was already on autopilot, her face resting in its usual scowl. she had worked enough late shifts to know that the final stretch always dragged. stevie shot a glance at the clock, watching the seconds tick by slower. thirty minutes. thirty agonizing minutes. the bell above the door chimed, signaling yet another late arrival, and stevie’s shoulders slumped. “of course,” she muttered under her breath, tossing the rag over her shoulder as she turned to face the new patron. “make it quick,” she called, her tone cautionary. “i ran out of tequila and patience an hour ago.”
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memorymistress · 3 years ago
w / @doctor-crowe​ at their shared building ♡ 
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Min-ji was walking to her apartment when she spotted a familiar face at her own door. “Stevie?” she called out, walking toward her with a smile on her face. “It’s been awhile. I’ve been seeing more of your brother than you,” she teased, before her eyebrows raised. “What are you doing sitting out here?” 
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kanibalss · 4 years ago
      ———   @fewmuses​  gets  a  starter  !!  for  𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑
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               finger - tips  wrap  around  the  cold  glass  of  scotch  as  he  carries  himself  through  his  kingdom,  and  when  lucifer  walks  through  the  blackjack  tables  and  the  slot - machines  ;  everybody  usually  scrambles  to  get  out  of  his  way,  or  throwing  themselves  at  his  feet  just  to  catch  some  conversation  with  him.  he  knows  everbody  that  comes  to  his  casino  —  mainly  because  of  his  divinity,  the  fact  that  he  once  helped  CREATE  these  people,  he  can  know  their  soul  with  mere  glance  ;  but  when  new  faces  start  to  mingle  in  with  his  locals,  the  serpent  puts  on  his  best  suit  and  even  better  host  personality.  the  gentle  art  of  making  allies  —  god  forbid  they  try  to  get  onto  lucifer’s  bad  side.  the  devil  had  no  problem  with  breaking  his  father’s  toys  if  the  need  were  to  arise.
               the  two  gentle - man  are  chatting  idly  as  lucifer  approaches,  the  archangel  holding  his  head  up  high  —  his  walk  ALONE  screaming  one  of  pride,  and  the  charming  smile  easily  takes  the  devil’s  lips.  ❝  gentlemen,  ❞  he  greets  them  with  an  outstretched  hand,  and  he  notes  the  way  the  younger  one  is  currently  eyeing  him  like  something  is  wrong.  in  a  way,  he’s  not  very  far  off.  there  was  many  a  thing  wrong  with  the  host  currently  buttering  them  up.  ❝  i  hope  you’re  enjoying  your  time  here  at  king’s  serpent  —  breaks  my  heart  anytime  a  patron  is  uhappy.  ❞  lucifer  speaks  with  a  calm  and  collected  smoothness,  almost  as  cold  as  the  ice  in  his  scotch  glass.  turning  his  attention  back  down  to  the  shorter  pair,  lucifer  simply  quirks  an  eyebrow  at  the  scarlet  liquid  beginning  to  make  itself  apparent  —  more  worried  about  the  blood  that  would  drip  onto  his  carpet  as  opposed  to  the  man’s  well - being.  ❝  your  nose  is  bleeding.  ❞
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lovehurried · 4 years ago
LYRIC STARTER  •  @blueletterss  •  Twyla Sands           I Think We’re Alone Now  ( Tiffany,  Tiffany  (1987) )
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“There doesn’t seem to be... Anyone around,” It comes out almost like a question, and she catches Twlya’s eye as she moves to sit at the counter. “Have I missed some kind of town crisis? Wait, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”
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st4rburster · 1 year ago
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" so ... not anymore ? " lips forming a small pout. " maybe we should change that, no ? "
open   to   :   f
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“   baby   ,   you   were   mine   .   ”
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dusty-anderson · 2 years ago
location: lockwood springs high school
starter for: @stevie-adler​
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Dusty had surprised himself, and possibly everybody else by arriving at the school before the doors were locked. He even found a little room for himself, first come first served basis. A rule that Dusty loved, because he was fast. Somehow. The eldest Anderson was snoring loudly, and drooling from the corner of his mouth across a set up “comfortable” area. Something he fought a kid for by pulling the blankets away and showing the child a middle finger for being a loser. His nap was interrupted by the door opening and he leaned up when he saw the familiar face of Stevie. “Normally, the idea of you waking me up is a nice one but I don’t feel like being in a very sharing mood, Miss Adler. Because I know you charged me double the other week for shitty whiskey, and don’t deny it. I didn’t even do anything.”
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smoshers-comment · 7 years ago
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As promised, to celebrate my 450 subscribers, I created a hundred Smosh & Smosh Games related questions, my sweat and tears all for your amusement. So you all better use it and have fun! Ask me anything; 1, 5, 10, 20, all 100 questions, I've got the answers! Enjoy!
Edit: Hey guys, [these brackets] represent a group, you have to choose one element of that group and include it in your ask (e.g. question 1 for Mari). I didn't feel like repeating 30 times the same question to cover all Smosh fam/shows!
001-049: Smosh family 050-091: Smosh & Smosh Games shows 092-100: Smosh Summer & Winter Games
What do you like most about [Smosh family member]?
Who do you think is the funniest?
Who do you relate to the most?
Who do you think would be the best parent?
Have you ever found a Smosh family member annoying?
Do you ship anyone?
Which friendship is your favorite?
Who do you think should hang out more often?
Have you ever confused Mari and Olivia?
Do you love candy more than Wes?
#Jovenrage or #Sohinkism?
Do you make #Wescuses?
Are you a try-hard at video games?
What is your favorite nickname Damien gave to someone?
Marhinki or Marishire?
Iancorn or Ianthony?
Shourtney or Courtivia?
Koah or Shaymien?
Do you follow @mattraub? Why not?
Have you ever interacted with a Smosh family member on social media and gotten a reply/ shoutout?
Have you ever mailed anything to either Smosh or Smosh Games?
Have you ever met someone from Smosh or Smosh Games? If not, do you intend to?
What would you say if you met Smosh?
What would you say if you met Smosh Games?
What would the Smosh girls be the Queens of?
What would the Smosh boys be the Kings of?
Ian or Anthony?
Stevie or Ian's Mom?
Courtney or Olivia?
Keith or Noah?
Sohinki or Lasercorn?
Shayne or Damien?
Boze or Wes?
Joven or Pinecone?
Whose tattoo(s) do you like the most?
Whose fashion style do you like the most?
Courtney: Long hair or short hair?
Boze: Long hair or short hair?
Shayne: Brown hair or blond hair?
Lasercorn: Orange hair or brown hair?
Wes: White hair or brown hair? (He's 80 and he looks fantastic)
Mari: Which hair color did you like the most?
Anthony: Emo haircut, short hair or curly hair?
Ian: Bowl haircut or short hair?
Smosh Squad or Smosh Games?
What is your favorite [Smosh family member] quote?
What is your favorite [Smosh family member] moment?
Which Smosh Games member would you like to see more on the Smosh main channel?
Why do you like Smosh?
Which Smosh shows do you currently watch?
Which Smosh Games shows do you currently watch?
What's your favorite Smosh show?
What's your favorite Smosh Games show?
What's your favorite episode of [show]?
What's your favorite bonus video?
What's your favorite Smosh music video?
What's your favorite Smosh or Smosh Games cameo/collab on another channel?
If you could bring back one show, which one would it be?
Do you watch any of the Smosh family personal channels?
Do you watch ToasterGhost?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Block of Love - The Bachelorette?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Outlaster?
Who did you root for in Maricraft: Hero House?
Has watching a Maricraft video ever tempted you to go play Minecraft?
Has watching Smosh Games gameplay ever convinced you to buy the game?
Every [Blank] Ever or If [Blank] Were Real?
Did you watch Smosh: The Movie and/or Ghostmates?
Did you watch Part Timers?
Which Food Battles did you watch?
Have you played Food Battle: The Game?
Who did you discover first: Smosh or Smosh Games?
Who do you watch more: Smosh or Smosh Games?
What was the first Smosh video you watched?
What was the first Smosh Games video you watched?
What was your favorite Game Bang punishment?
What was your favorite Cage Match Challenge punishment?
Is there a game you wish Smosh Games had played?
If you had to choose 3 weird items for a What're Those?! episode, what would they be?
What title would you give the next Dames and Shames video?
What case would you have wanted to see in Smosh & Order?
Who's your favorite Carvenger?
Who's your favorite villain?
Who's your favorite [Smosh family member] character?
Who's your favorite Smosh sketch character? (Boxman, Stevie, Manspider, Billy, ...)
Riot Shield Man or Knife Man Guy?
Do you like teddy bears?
Beef 'n Go or Veg 'n Go?
What's your favorite Just Dance video?
What's your favorite Halloween costume?
Have they ever got you on April Fools?
Do you leave comments on their videos? (I hope you're nice)
Dablizzards or Spaghetti Yetis?
Blues Balls or Snow Fleeks?
Bananarama or Jiggle Physics?
Harshmallows or Kumbayaaas?
Cowbaes or Randy Bandits?
Who is your favorite Smosh Summer/Winter Games referee?
When did you think #SunnyIsATerribleRef?
What theme would you suggest for the next Summer/Winter Games?
What was your favorite Summer/Winter Games competition?
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