#0.3 eth to usd
cryptopie-malaysia · 4 months
最近,Cardano(ADA)在市场上取得了显着的进展。 根据数据提供商TradingView的报告,ADA的价格已经达到了0.643美元的峰值,这是自2022年6月以来的最高水平。 同时,该加密货币的交易量也创下了同期最高纪录。 这一上升的人气反映出Cardano重新吸引了市场的关注,使得ADA成为值得投资者考虑的被低估的加密货币之一。 本文旨在深入分析Cardano的市场表现、技术进展、未来的价格预测以及相对投资策略,以帮助更多的加密货币投资者做出明智的决策。 Cardano(ADA)币是什么? ADA,中文称作「艾达币」,是Cardano区块链主网的原生代币(Coin)。它可以像法定货币一样用于转账支付,并且可以参与Cardano生态系统的流通、质押挖矿和治理(包括提案和投票)。ADA的最大供应量为450亿,流通量为350亿,流通率为78%。当前市值为100亿美元,全球排名第七。 Cardano,中文称作「卡尔达诺」,是一个类似于Bitcoin(BTC)、Ethereum(ETH)、BNB Chain(BNB)和Ripple(XRP)的公共区块链平台(通常称为「公链」),它可以为各类应用提供安全、透明且无控制的基础架构。 在2015年,以太坊的前联合创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)和杰瑞米·伍德(Jeremy Wood)在香港成立了一家研发型公司Input Output Hong Kong(IOHK),并由该公司的成员启动了Cardano的开发工作。在2018年,Cardano主网正式上线,标志着Cardano区块链平台的正式诞生! 比较 ADA Cardano 中文名称 艾达币 卡尔达诺 属性 原生代币、主网币、公链币 公链 诞生时间 2017 2018 创始人 Charles Hoskinson、Jeremy Wood 最新艾达币价格走势图表 卡尔达诺(ADA)在加密货币市场展现出了强大的韧性,能够承受各种市场条件。 据预测,卡尔达诺(ADA)可能上涨32%,但具体取决于该代币是否能够保持关键价格水平。 这种乐观情绪源于一种表明其下跌趋势已逆转的技术模式。 目前,卡尔达诺(ADA)的交易价格约为0.64美元,在过去一周内涨幅显着,达到了16.36%,超过了其他十大加密货币。 这表明市场对卡尔达诺(ADA)的强烈青睐。 预计卡尔达诺(ADA)的价格可能上涨至0.70美元,这取决于它能否保持势头并突破关键价格点。 交易活动的增加和强烈的购买兴趣可能推动这一增长。 2024-2033 年ADA币价格预测 在2024年至2033年期间,Cardano(ADA)的价格预测显示出了看涨的前景。该加密货币在全年内经历了大幅波动,但近期的价格上涨提振了投资者的情绪。为了更好地理解这种动态的金融格局,我们将深入分析Cardano在2024年至2033年期间的价格轨迹。 年 最低价格($) 平均价格(美元) 最高价格($) 2024 $0.6911 $0.7107 $0.7885 2025 $0.9673 $1.00 $1.17 2026 $1.39 $1.44 $1.69 2027 $1.90 $1.96 $2.37 2028 $2.74 $2.82 $3.32 2029 $3.99 $4.14 $4.82 2030 $5.90 $6.07 $6.93 2031 $8.77 $9.07 $10.27 2032 $13.12 $13.58 $15.63 2033 $18.43 $18.97 $22.66 艾达币值得长期持有吗? ADA币是一种适合长期持有的虚拟货币。目前,它在数字货币排行榜上排名第七,并显示出巨大的潜力。ADA币是Cardano项目的代币,该项目旨在解决比特币和以太坊等第一和第二代区块链的限制,提供去中心化的应用程序、无与伦比的安全性和可扩展性,以及部署智能合约的能力。 Cardano项目由以太坊联合创始人Charles Hoskinson等人发起,该概念于2015年首次提出。ADA代币的总供应量为450亿,其中260亿个代币以0.0024美元的价格在ICO中出售。ADA代币的名称来自于18世纪的英国数学家Ada Lovelace,她被认为是早期推动电脑程式语言发展最重要的人物之一,被誉为人类史上第一位程序员。 ADA币不属于任何国家,它是一种去中心化的数字货币。尽管Cardano项目的发起人和一些参与者来自不同的国家,但这并不意味着ADA币归属于这些国家。与其他数字货币一样,ADA币是一种全球性的数字货币,可以在全球范围内使用和交易。 目前,ADA币的主要竞争对手包括以太坊(ETH)和EOS等。在项目规划方面,Cardano团队展现出了很大的野心,意图打造一个能被广泛使用并可持续发展的新系统。相较于现有的公链项目,ADA计划在可扩展性、互操作性和可持续性这三个方面实现突破和提升。 ADA币为何曾被视为下一个以太坊? 在区块链领域,Cardano的ADA币曾被视为下一代以太坊的候选者。Cardano的PoS(权益证明)机制备受关注。尽管其他虚拟货币如ALGO、CELO也采用PoS机制作为共识机制,但Cardano在这方面确实有其独特之处。 在2017年,PoW(工作量证明)机制是区块链市场主导的共识机制,同时基于DPoS(委托权益证明)的EOS共识机制也问世。当时,一个由一群专业技术人员高效运行和监管的新型区块链成为市场焦点之一。 Cardano凭借其出色的PoS技术引起了市场高度关注。它被誉为下一代的以太坊,并且曾一度在市值排名中位居第三,仅次于比特币和以太坊(2022年排名下降至第七位,已被Solana和XRP超越)。 与其他虚拟货币不同,Cardano的PoS机制具备货币保护功能,并为用户带来更高的权益。更重要的是,它具有更好的可扩展性,未来可以实现更高的交易速度和更低的交易成本。 总之,Cardano的PoS技术优势明显,其状态和前景令人期待。 如何投资购买 ADA 币? 在加密货币市场,投资者有两种交易方法可以交易加密货币。 第一种交易方法是在加密货币交易所直接购买加密货币,例如在Binance交易所购买ADA币。这种方式是购买实际的ADA币现货,通常用于长期持有,等待价格上涨后出售以获取利润。 第二种交易方法是选择加密货币差价合约(CFD),通过投机加密货币价格的变动来进行交易。 差价合约(Contract for Difference,CFD)是一种热门的衍生金融产品,通过保证金方式进行加密货币的多空交易,而无需实际持有资产。 投资者可以选择开立CFD多单(预测价格上涨)或空单(预测价格下跌),例如选择ADA/USD交易货币对,投机ADA币的价格走势。由于CFD合约的期限较短,这种交易方式非常适合短线操作,也适用于用作现货避险。 第一种交易方法“购买加密货币现货”和第二种交易方法“投资加密货币CFD”之间的最大区别是什么呢? 首先,第一种交易方法将购买的加密货币存储在钱包中,而CFD交易的是帐户中的持仓,受金融监管机构的监管。 交易CFD不受交易资产的限制,买入/卖出的仅仅是一份合约,因此具有更大的灵活性,并且CFD是受监管的成熟金融产品。 2024年CardanoADA投资策略大公开 了解卡尔达诺项目:在投资之前,建议您深入了解卡尔达诺项目的背景、目标和技术特点。了解项目的基本信息可以帮助您更好地评估其潜力和长期前景。 研究市场趋势:密切关注加密货币市场的动态和趋势对于制定投资策略至关重要。了解整个市场的走势以及ADA币在其中的表现可以帮助您做出更明智的投资决策。 分散投资:在投资加密货币时,分散投资是一种常见的策略。考虑将您的投资资金分配到不同的加密货币项目中,以降低风险并获得更好的回报。 关注技术发展:卡尔达诺作为一个科学驱动的项目,不断进行技术研发和创新。关注项目的技术进展和里程碑事件可以帮助您更好地了解其发展方向和潜在影响。 考虑长期持有:加密货币市场具有高度波动性,短期内价格可能会大幅波动。如果您相信卡尔达诺项目的长期前景,考虑长期持有ADA币可能是一个不错的策略。 购买ADA币最佳加密货币交易所推荐 马来西亚最佳加密货币交易所 评分 手续费 奖励优惠 Huobi 3.8/5 0.20% 获得 700 美元 + 90,000 SHIB Huobi 3.8/5 0.20% 获得 700 美元 + 90,000 SHIB MEXC 3.8/5 $0 获得 1,000 USDT 奖金 Binance 4.9/5 0.10%-4.5% 没有任何促销 KUCOIN 4.7/5 0.1% 获得 500 美元奖金 BYBIT 4.0/5 0.1%-0.3% 获得 50USDT 奖金 BingX 4.1/5 0.1% 获得30USDT etoro 3.9/5 1% 获得 10 美元奖金 总结 ADA币作为第三代区块链平台Cardano的原生代币,得益于其领先的技术优越性,由此获得市场的认可。诞生之后,市值持续飙升,长期霸占前十排行榜,始终不因熊市的到来而动摇。 然而,ADA币作为一个公链币,虽拥有比较健全的底层网络基础设施,但是应用层的生态还比较欠缺,还需要继续发力才能跃升。否则,不仅停滞不前,甚至可能会被其他公链甩掉。
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levilagann · 4 months
最近,Cardano(ADA)在市场上取得了显着的进展。 根据数据提供商TradingView的报告,ADA的价格已经达到了0.643美元的峰值,这是自2022年6月以来的最高水平。 同时,该加密货币的交易量也创下了同期最高纪录。 这一上升的人气反映出Cardano重新吸引了市场的关注,使得ADA成为值得投资者考虑的被低估的加密货币之一。 本文旨在深入分析Cardano的市场表现、技术进展、未来的价格预测以及相对投资策略,以帮助更多的加密货币投资者做出明智的决策。 Cardano(ADA)币是什么? ADA,中文称作「艾达币」,是Cardano区块链主网的原生代币(Coin)。它可以像法定货币一样用于转账支付,并且可以参与Cardano生态系统的流通、质押挖矿和治理(包括提案和投票)。ADA的最大供应量为450亿,流通量为350亿,流通率为78%。当前市值为100亿美元,全球排名第七。 Cardano,中文称作「卡尔达诺」,是一个类似于Bitcoin(BTC)、Ethereum(ETH)、BNB Chain(BNB)和Ripple(XRP)的公共区块链平台(通常称为「公链」),它可以为各类应用提供安全、透明且无控制的基础架构。 在2015年,以太坊的前联合创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森(Charles Hoskinson)和杰瑞米·伍德(Jeremy Wood)在香港成立了一家研发型公司Input Output Hong Kong(IOHK),并由该公司的成员启动了Cardano的开发工作。在2018年,Cardano主网正式上线,标志着Cardano区块链平台的正式诞生! 比较 ADA Cardano 中文名称 艾达币 卡尔达诺 属性 原生代币、主网币、公链币 公链 诞生时间 2017 2018 创始人 Charles Hoskinson、Jeremy Wood 最新艾达币价格走势图表 卡尔达诺(ADA)在加密货币市场展现出了强大的韧性,能够承受各种市场条件。 据预测,卡尔达诺(ADA)可能上涨32%,但具体取决于该代币是否能够保持关键价格水平。 这种乐观情绪源于一种表明其下跌趋势已逆转的技术模式。 目前,卡尔达诺(ADA)的交易价格约为0.64美元,在过去一周内涨幅显着,达到了16.36%,超过了其他十大加密货币。 这表明市场对卡尔达诺(ADA)的强烈青睐。 预计卡尔达诺(ADA)的价格可能上涨至0.70美元,这取决于它能否保持势头并突破关键价格点。 交易活动的增加和强烈的购买兴趣可能推动这一增长。 2024-2033 年ADA币价格预测 在2024年至2033年期间,Cardano(ADA)的价格预测显示出了看涨的前景。该加密货币在全年内经历了大幅波动,但近期的价格上涨提振了投资者的情绪。为了更好地理解这种动态的金融格局,我们将深入分析Cardano在2024年至2033年期间的价格轨迹。 年 最低价格($) 平均价格(美元) 最高价格($) 2024 $0.6911 $0.7107 $0.7885 2025 $0.9673 $1.00 $1.17 2026 $1.39 $1.44 $1.69 2027 $1.90 $1.96 $2.37 2028 $2.74 $2.82 $3.32 2029 $3.99 $4.14 $4.82 2030 $5.90 $6.07 $6.93 2031 $8.77 $9.07 $10.27 2032 $13.12 $13.58 $15.63 2033 $18.43 $18.97 $22.66 艾达币值得长期持有吗? ADA币是一种适合长期持有的虚拟货币。目前,它在数字货币排行榜上排名第七,并显示出巨大的潜力。ADA币是Cardano项目的代币,该项目旨在解决比特币和以太坊等第一和第二代区块链的限制,提供去中心化的应用程序、无与伦比的安全性和可扩展性,以及部署智能合约的能力。 Cardano项目由以太坊联合创始人Charles Hoskinson等人发起,该概念于2015年首次提出。ADA代币的总供应量为450亿,其中260亿个代币以0.0024美元的价格在ICO中出售。ADA代币的名称来自于18世纪的英国数学家Ada Lovelace,她被认为是早期推动电脑程式语言发展最重要的人物之一,被誉为人类史上第一位程序员。 ADA币不属于任何国家,它是一种去中心化的数字货币。尽管Cardano项目的发起人和一些参与者来自不同的国家,但这并不意味着ADA币归属于这些国家。与其他数字货币一样,ADA币是一种全球性的数字货币,可以在全球范围内使用和交易。 目前,ADA币的主要竞争对手包括以太坊(ETH)和EOS等。在项目规划方面,Cardano团队展现出了很大的野心,意图打造一个能被广泛使用并可持续发展的新系统。相较于现有的公链项目,ADA计划在可扩展性、互操作性和可持续性这三个方面实现突破和提升。 ADA币为何曾被视为下一个以太坊? 在区块链领域,Cardano的ADA币曾被视为下一代以太坊的候选者。Cardano的PoS(权益证明)机制备受关注。尽管其他虚拟货币如ALGO、CELO也采用PoS机制作为共识机制,但Cardano在这方面确实有其独特之处。 在2017年,PoW(工作量证明)机制是区块链市场主导的共识机制,同时基于DPoS(委托权益证明)的EOS共识机制也问世。当时,一个由一群专业技术人员高效运行和监管的新型区块链成为市场焦点之一。 Cardano凭借其出色的PoS技术引起了市场高度关注。它被誉为下一代的以太坊,并且曾一度在市值排名中位居第三,仅次于比特币和以太坊(2022年排名下降至第七位,已被Solana和XRP超越)。 与其他虚拟货币不同,Cardano的PoS机制具备货币保护功能,并为用户带来更高的权益。更重要的是,它具有更好的可扩展性,未来可以实现更高的交易速度和更低的交易成本。 总之,Cardano的PoS技术优势明显,其状态和前景令人期待。 如何投资购买 ADA 币? 在加密货币市场,投资者有两种交易方法可以交易加密货币。 第一种交易方法是在加密货币交易所直接购买加密货币,例如在Binance交易所购买ADA币。这种方式是购买实际的ADA币现货,通常用于长期持有,等待价格上涨后出售以获取利润。 第二种交易方法是选择加密货币差价合约(CFD),通过投机加密货币价格的变动来进行交易。 差价合约(Contract for Difference,CFD)是一种热门的衍生金融产品,通过保证金方式进行加密货币的多空交易,而无需实际持有资产。 投资者可以选择开立CFD多单(预测价格上涨)或空单(预测价格下跌),例如选择ADA/USD交易货币对,投机ADA币的价格走势。由于CFD合约的期限较短,这种交易方式非常适合短线操作,也适用于用作现货避险。 第一种交易方法“购买加密货币现货”和第二种交易方法“投资加密货币CFD”之间的最大区别是什么呢? 首先,第一种交易方法将购买的加密货币存储在钱包中,而CFD交易的是帐户中的持仓,受金融监管机构的监管。 交易CFD不受交易资产的限制,买入/卖出的仅仅是一份合约,因此具有更大的灵活性,并且CFD是受监管的成熟金融产品。 2024年CardanoADA投资策略大公开 了解卡尔达诺项目:在投资之前,建议您深入了解卡尔达诺项目的背景、目标和技术特点。了解项目的基本信息可以帮助您更好地评估其潜力和长期前景。 研究市场趋势:密切关注加密货币市场的动态和趋势对于制定投资策略至关重要。了解整个市场的走势以及ADA币在其中的表现可以帮助您做出更明智的投资决策。 分散投资:在投资加密货币时,分散投资是一种常见的策略。考虑将您的投资资金分配到不同的加密货币项目中,以降低风险并获得更好的回报。 关注技术发展:卡尔达诺作为一个科学驱动的项目,不断进行技术研发和创新。关注项目的技术进展和里程碑事件可以帮助您更好地了解其发展方向和潜在影响。 考虑长期持有:加密货币市场具有高度波动性,短期内价格可能会大幅波动。如果您相信卡尔达诺项目的长期前景,考虑长期持有ADA币可能是一个不错的策略。 购买ADA币最佳加密货币交易所推荐 马来西亚最佳加密货币交易所 评分 手续费 奖励优惠 Huobi 3.8/5 0.20% 获得 700 美元 + 90,000 SHIB Huobi 3.8/5 0.20% 获得 700 美元 + 90,000 SHIB MEXC 3.8/5 $0 获得 1,000 USDT 奖金 Binance 4.9/5 0.10%-4.5% 没有任何促销 KUCOIN 4.7/5 0.1% 获得 500 美元奖金 BYBIT 4.0/5 0.1%-0.3% 获得 50USDT 奖金 BingX 4.1/5 0.1% 获得30USDT etoro 3.9/5 1% 获得 10 美元奖金 总结 ADA币作为第三代区块链平台Cardano的原生代币,得益于其领先的技术优越性,由此获得市场的认可。诞生之后,市值持续飙升,长期霸占前十排行榜,始终不因熊市的到来而动摇。 然而,ADA币作为一个公链币,虽拥有比较健全的底层网络基础设施,但是应用层的生态还比较欠缺,还需要继续发力才能跃升。否则,不仅停滞不前,甚至可能会被其他公链甩掉。
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Bitcoin BTC/USD moved lower, with the cryptocurrency prices trading below the $27,200 level on Wednesday.Ethereum ETH/USD, also edged lower, trading below the key $1,600 mark this morning.Producer prices in the U.S. increased 0.5% month-over-month in September, versus a 0.7% rise in the prior month, but above market expectations of 0.3%.Render RNDR/USD was the top gainer over the prior 24 hours, while XDC Network XDC/USD turned out to be the biggest loser.At the time of writing, the global crypto market cap fell to $1.06 trillion, recording a 24-hour decline of 0.6%. BTC was trading lower by 0.9% at $27,171 while ETH fell by around 0.2% to $1,572 on Wednesday.Here are the top ten crypto gainers and losers over the past 24 hours:Gainers Render RNDR/USD Price: $1.82 24-hour gain: 4.5%eCash XEC/USD Price: $0.00002424 24-hour gain: 3%Maker MKR/USD Price: $1,405.25 24-hour gain: 2.9%Frax Share FXS/USD Price: $5.37 24-hour gain: 2.5%Lido DAO LDO/USD Price: $1.56 24-hour gain: 2.3%Losers XDC Network XDC/USD Price: $0.04752 24-hour drop: 4.4%IOTA IOTA/USD Price: $0.1407 24-hour drop: 4.1%Cosmos ATOM/USD Price: $6.65 24-hour drop: 3.7%Mantle MNT/USD Price: $0.3571 24-hour drop: 3.2%dYdX DYDX/USD Price: $1.89 24-hour drop: 2.9%Read This Next: Sportsman's Warehouse And 3 Other Stocks Under $5 Insiders Are Buying
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hellokittyvx · 1 year
Hello, I'm back here this time to tell you a trick that almost happened to me, yesterday I was on Instagram as usual, when a lady sent me a message offering to buy my work, I work with paintings and she offered to buy them in format nft... but I don't work in this market, not at all, but I decided to listen to what she had to say. She said she loved my work and would offer 3 ETH for each of the paintings she was interested in. Well, I had never heard of this currency, I researched how much it was worth and each coin is worth around 5500 USD, which is too much knowing the conversion to my country's currency, and I multiplied the value of the coin by the amount of paintings she wanted to buy it and I saw how much I would receive, around 80,000.00, and I was surprised because never in my life had anyone come close to me with all that much money.
So I followed her requests and agreed to sell, I registered on the platform, sent the paintings with titles and everything and sent her the link to buy, but I didn't know that the platform was paid, about 0.3 ETH, from a currency that I didn't have and money that I don't have either, I would have to pay the fee, for her to finalize the purchase so I asked her if she wouldn't be willing to pay the fee and I would return it to her in ETH after her paid me, and she said no, the fee had to be paid by me. But I didn't have the money, so I just apologized for wasting her time. I could have had a lot of money now but it wasn't possible. But I am very happy to know the price someone would have paid for my work, and to that I'm very frateful
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coinnewz · 1 year
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Banking Crisis May Be Attracting Buyers To Bitcoin
Bitcoin (BTC-USD) extended its rally to a nine-month high in Monday morning trading as the tumult surrounding the banking sector spurred speculation that the Federal Reserve would slow the pace of interest-rate increases.
The token climbed 3.6% to $28.29K at 8:36 a.m. ET, helping drive up the global crypto market value by 1.1% to $1.18T, according to CoinMarketCap data. Its upswing comes after soaring 26% last week, marking the biggest weekly gain since April 2019.
A slew of altcoins, though, slipped during the session, including ethereum (ETH-USD), which edged down 0.3% to $1.78K.
"The recent macro reset (banking crisis) has accelerated the recovery path," Bernstein analyst Gautam Chhugani wrote in a note, adding that "the fundamental shift is that crypto is now trading as a risk-off, uncorrelated asset, and the last 2 years prior to FTX' demise, was more an aberration as a risk-on asset."
Crypto-exposed stocks, especially those affiliated with the bitcoin (BTC-USD) mining space, gapped up during the premarket session, despite uncertainty prevailing across the broader stock market ahead of the Fed's rate decision on Wednesday. Marathon Digital (MARA) gained 4.2%, Riot Platforms (RIOT) perked up 5.9%, MicroStrategy (MSTR) +4.9% and Coinbase Global (COIN) +3.4%.
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Bitcoin, Ethereum Muted, Dogecoin Spikes: No Signs Of 'Santa Claus' Rally As Analyst Says Tech Rout Behind Risk-Off Mood - Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD)
Bitcoin, Ethereum Muted, Dogecoin Spikes: No Signs Of ‘Santa Claus’ Rally As Analyst Says Tech Rout Behind Risk-Off Mood – Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD)
Bitcoin and Ethereum were trading nearly flat on Thursday evening, ahead of the holiday weekend, as the global cryptocurrency market cap rose 0.2% to $811.2 billion at 7:16 p.m. EST. Price Performance Of Major Coins Coin 24-hour 7-day Price Bitcoin BTC/USD -0.6% -3.15% $16,817.27 Ethereum ETH/USD 0.3% -3.9% $1,217.56 Dogecoin DOGE/USD 4% -9.45% $0.08 Top 24-Hour Gainers (Data…
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cahgagahsworld · 3 years
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APESWAP UNIQUEThis platform is unlike any other platform you are familiar with. It is very easy to use, it fully covers all aspects of trading and Investing on the basis of Auto market builder and works on the same principles as platforms like sushiswap and PancakeSwap. Through this platform, all tokens that conform to the BEP-20 class can be exchanged and staked. Getting to know other AMM protocol platforms means that you only need to learn how to use the new features added in these platforms. This platform has evolved beyond the traditional platform and can stand alone. It offers a token called $ BANANA which is very attractive. On the platform, tokens will be the only way users can make the most of the platform and make use of the new features.
The cryptocurrency money space is planned so that when you offer monetary help to others through cultivating, you get remunerated.
How does this cultivating work?
This works like seed and reap time: you loan your tokens to individuals on the stage for a specific period, and you are remunerated with tokens thereafter.
There are a few ranch/blending choices accessible on the Apeswap stage:
Homestead sets are not unchangeable. You can make your own pair on the stage. Everything relies upon what you need!
The APESWAP team is doing a wonderful job! There are some excellent features: Have you been looking for a place to bet, farm, sell NFTs and exchange tokens? These are some of the amazing features that Apeswap has to offer. You can easily do all the things mentioned above on the APESWAP platform.
APESWAP TOKEN The team at APESWAP decided to go the Ape route by naming their token $ BANANA. Sounds pretty interesting, right? Well, you can exchange and farm for Banana tokens on the platform. And you have several exchange options available. Whether it's BNB or USDT, you can easily exchange and stake your $ BANANA and earn rewards. And oh, there is also a lottery feature that you can win.
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AMAZING FEATURES OF APESWAP Now, let's dive right into the awesome features APESWAP has available for you.
APESWAP is on the blockchain today and is supported by the Binance Smart Chain. Its sole purpose is to help users generate profits and to help them achieve those who already provide $ BANANA features and tokens for their daily transactions. In this way, users will have a high level of control and can take advantage of existing finances. There is so much more available to users than they can even realize on ethereum, taking them to the top as they become free to trade and use the newly provided information. What you should look forward to in this platform is how to use the $ BANANA token, how to use agriculture and how to take part in an Initial Apes Offering. The Defi platform is growing steadily and will continue to do so on the Binance Smart Chain.
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APESWAP LOTTERY FINANCE: When you hear the lottery, what comes to your mind? Free! Free stuff! Chance to win! The same goes for the Apeswap Financial Lottery: You can win a lot of $ BANANA if you play the lottery.
How do I play the lottery, you ask? Simple! You buy an APESWAP lottery ticket. Yes, the same way you buy a lottery ticket, get a unique lottery code, it's the same way the APESWAP lottery works. There is a four digit code on the ticket you get. Tickets sell for $ 10 BANANA. One ticket goes for 10 $ BANANA. When the four numbers on your ticket match the four winning lottery numbers, you win.
For people whose four numbers don't match the four lottery numbers, there are still wins for them, but not as many as those who have all four winning lottery numbers. Winning the lottery is simple: the order of your ticket numbers must match the winning numbers of the lottery.
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POOL AND EXCHANGE: In cryptocurrency, pool is when people get together, and then lend people out of that pool of money.
The advantage of the pool is that people get rewarded for pooling their money to help others. With APESWAP pools, you can create your own, and other people will join you.
Some of the popular pools on this platform are: Banana Pool JDI Pool Lyptus Pool Exchange on APESWAP is fast and secure. And the exchange fee is as low as 0.3%. Exchange fees are used to keep the platform running well. NFA Auction: You can create and auction Non-Fungible Apes on APESWAP.
Yes, NFA is Apeswap's substitution for NFT. The world is going crazy about NFT, Apeswap has created the NFA, the digitally created Kera art. This monkey is available for auction and has changed hands of late. So if you're looking to step into the exciting new world of the NFA, this is your chance!
You will definitely want to make purchases and transact tokens or even exchange, tokens will allow you and with that, it will be easy to access Defi and also grow your finances. You will not be in a position to compromise when you use this platform as it offers the best security and will always put all its users ahead of the crypto market. Everyone needs to understand this and then move on with this platform at once. 
The multitude of opportunities available on the platform makes it the perfect platform for those starting cryptocurrency trading, staking, farming and selling NFTs. Follow APESWAP! Get your $ BANANA!
LINKS YOU MAY NEED: Website: https://apeswap.finance/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ape_swap Telegram Group: https://t.me/ape_swap Telegram Channel: https://t.me/ape_swap_news Medium: https: //ape-swap.medium.com/ Github: https://github.com/ApeSwapFinance
AUTHOR DETAILS Bitcointalk Username: Gedang_goreng Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3243664 BSC Address: 0x36cf2Fdf76E1CEFE2357a9bba779F0F7c363d735
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sharma765 · 4 years
Yearn.Global! A MultiChain DeFi Platform.
Blockchain concept got high attention and welcomed in current era as we can see more and more people, organizations are accepting the blockchain technology because of its transparency, security, cost cutting and speed of transactions. This is the era of evolution of technology. Day by day new solutions are coming for the flaws which are in current system.
For purchasing and selling crypto assets, Decentralized exchanges are becoming a critical tool. The decentralized exchange refers to distributed ledger protocols and applications that enable users to transact cryptocurrencies without the need of the third party intermediator.
Next step in the revolution in disruptive financial technology that began with bitcoin is DeFi concept. The one step advanced DeFi technology is now in trend. DeFi platform is giving more flexibility and opportunities to users to gain more. Lend and borrow assets, Stake your assets and get high returns, can earn with Yield farming. We have seen the massive growth of Uniswap.
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What is Yearn Global
The Yearn.Global team is working very hard to bring you the best cross-chain DeFi platform. Interoperability, Decentralization, Security, Privacy are the sound concepts of this unique platform.
In the blockchain space, interoperability is when two more blockchain systems can talk to each other and exchange value.
Yearn Global is the best DeFi platform which provides its user the comfort of not to worry about what the blockchain of particular token is, users can Farm, trade, swap, stake and earn.
Very limited options are there in present market that can provide yields for idle assets in the wallet. Interest can be earned on very limited assets and other assets are suffering from the gap in the present conditions where no or very limited options are available to deposit the digital assets in order to earn good APY
In the present market, there are very limited options that can provide yields for the idle assets in the wallet. Soon Yearn Global project will be introducing its native currency YG Tokens. YG Tokens will allow the users to earn rewards by farming through this platform’s pools which have been tailored to produce great rewards for the users.
YG platform will provide following DeFi products :
1.Yield Farming
In Yield Farming, Yearn Global has Three major pools:
YG Pool
Users will be able to farm their YG tokens in this pool and in return they will yield high APY rewards. The total allocation of rewards for this pool will be 20%.
The users will be able to Deposit other major DeFi tokens, such as YFI, YFII, COMP, LINK, USDT, etc to earn attractive APY on their farming. This pool will also have an allocation of 15% rewards.
The users will be able to Deposit other major DeFi tokens, such as YFI, YFII, COMP, LINK, USDT, etc to earn attractive APY on their farming. This pool will also have an allocation of 15% rewards.
2. Swap
The project is getting in partnership with various liquidity providers and platforms for integration with its platform to offer the customers a smooth experience. Yearn.Global will offer a cross-chain swap opportunity to our traders and users, to swap between various tokens.
There will be ERC20, TRC20 & BEP20 tokens that will be made available to deposit to earn high rewards and APY. The total allocation of 50% of rewards in form of YG tokens will be allocated in addition to the APY generated. This allows users to earn Interest in their native stable coin tokens along with 10% share of YG tokens.
Tokens that will be available are:
4. DEX
Yearn.Global is trying to get in agreement with major cross-chain liquidity providers to offers a decentralized exchange solution. DEX will be available in late December 2020.
5. Stable Coins & Pegged Tokens
Besides the major chain that will be available, Yearn.Global plans to release in future following tokens that will be 100% backed by real assets:
. yUSD/yEUR/yGBP — A USD/EUR/GBP backed Stable coin to be used on YG platform for staking and swap.
. yETH — Token backed by ETH to provide easy swapping on YG Platform.
. yBTC — BTC Backed ERC20 & TRC20 Tokens.
. yGLD — Gold backed ERC20 & TRC20 Tokens.
YG & xYG Tokens
YG Token Tokonomics
● Name : Yearn Global Token
● Symbol : YG
● Token Type : ERC20 Defi Token (Already created) TRC20, BEP-20 to be developed after deploying Masterchef Contract on ERC20 chain.
● Total Supply: 50,000 YG
● Current Supply: 25,000 YG Tokens Distribution:
● Team: 1500 YG (Locked for 2 years with Team.Finance)
● Pool Liquidity : 10,000 YG (Locked for 6 Months with Team.Finance)
● Private Sale : 3600 YG (No Lock Period)
● Public Presale : 7875 YG
● Marketing : 2025 YG (Including Airdrop and Bounties Tokens)
● Uniswap Listing: 5000 YG
● Yield Farming Rewards: 20,000
xYG Token Tokenomics
● Name : xYG Token
● Symbol : xYG
● Token Type: Multiple Blockchain Token.
● Total Supply : To Be determined later
● Current Supply : 0 xYG (Freshly minted as a Yield Farming, Staking & Vaults Rewards.
● Price : Pegged against YG Token. Rate to be decided later through community Voting.
YG is growing project with unique features
The Yearn Global platform is an advanced cross chain DeFi Protocol project with awesome concept. On investing their assets with YG Platform, users can earn interest in their assets blockchain along with additional reward of YG/xYG Tokens. Initial investors will get benifited by the liquidity pool's upto 2000% APY which will be halved on regular interval till it is stabilized at somewhere around 125% APY. It is being developed in such a way that the early adopters can be benefited with the platform’s high APY.
The platform provides best swap option where the user can Swap between favorite pairs using YG Platform and pay low fees of just 0.3% on every trade. The Fees earned will be used for Buy Back & Burn of YG Tokens till the circulation supply can be capped at 30,000 YG.
YG Devs are exploring possibilities to develop Stable coins that will be asset backed and pegged with the rates of assets such as USD, EUR, GBP, ETH & BTC.
YG platform is a nice project with sound concept and strong fundamentals. This project is on successful journey and is supported by the best innovative team. Look at the Roadmap of this growing project:
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The projects like Yearn.Global are the real gem in current era which belongs to the best use of advanced technology for the comfort and security of the prime users of the platform. As usual the early adopters always enjoy the best return from the growing platform, so what are you waiting for, join and be a part of this revolution of technology. With the concept of cross DeFi protocol where two or more blockchain can interact with each other,You always have best chance to transact with comfort and earn from the assets which are lying idle in your wallet.
Join This promising project, already trading in Uniswap, Coinsbit, Yearn Global is now listed at @coingecko​
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This platform is a revolution in crypto field with its unique concept and approach which is much handy and is a real gateway to the sparkling future for its users. Do not miss the opportunity to become a member of this best platform. Join as soon that you can since the golden rule of First come,First get really counts and the early joiners always enjoy the more discount and much benefits.
Website: https://yearn.global
Telegram https://t.me/yearn_global
Twitter: https://twitter.com/globalyearn
Medium: https://medium.com/@yearn_global
Bitcointalk Name: dank305
Biotcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2842316
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD) – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Muted: Are Traders In For Pain Ahead As Analyst Says 'Bulls Have Had Their Fun?'
Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD) – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Muted: Are Traders In For Pain Ahead As Analyst Says ‘Bulls Have Had Their Fun?’
Bitcoin was in the green on Sunday evening, even as the global cryptocurrency market cap fell 0.3% to $1.1 trillion at 8:20 p.m. EDT. Price Performance Of Major Coins Coin 24-hour 7-day Price Bitcoin BTC/USD 0.75% 9.1% $21,800.95 Ethereum ETH/USD -0.7% 11.4% $1,761.84 Dogecoin DOGE/USD -1.8% 0.7% $0.06 Top 24-Hour Gainers (Data via CoinMarketCap) Cryptocurrency 24-Hour %…
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Bitcoin BTC/USD traded lower, with the cryptocurrency prices falling below the $28,000 level on Tuesday.Ethereum ETH/USD also moved lower, falling below the key $1,700 mark this morning.Bitcoin SV BSV/USD was the top gainer over the prior 24 hours, while Pepe PEPE/USD turned out to be the biggest loser.At the time of writing, the global crypto market cap fell to $1.09 trillion, recording a 24-hour decline of 2.5%. BTC was trading lower by 2.4% at $27,609 while ETH fell by around 4.2% to $1,657 on Tuesday.Here are the top ten crypto gainers and losers over the past 24 hours:GainersBitcoin SV BSV/USD Price: $40.41 24-hour gain: 8.1%Gala GALA/USD Price: $0.01621 24-hour gain: 5.9%UNUS SED LEO LEO/USD Price: $3.73 24-hour gain: 1.5%Conflux CFX/USD Price: $0.1366 24-hour gain: 0.4%Polygon MATIC/USD Price: $0.5663 24-hour gain: 0.3%LosersPepe PEPE/USD Price: $0.0000007405 24-hour drop: 10.5%Sui SUI/USD Price: $0.4546 24-hour drop: 8%THORChain RUNE/USD Price: $2.03 24-hour drop: 6.9%Curve DAO Token CRV/USD Price: $0.4888 24-hour drop: 6.7%ApeCoin APE/USD Price: $1.16 24-hour drop: 6.6%Read This Next: McCormick, Delta Apparel And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Tuesday
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alexthehills · 2 years
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\\ "El bajo brillo de una estrella siamesa" es la pieza seleccionada con la cual hoy participe en la primera colección de @chestr.nft 👽 \\ \\ Este proyecto puso a la venta este diseño dentro de un 'Cofre Digital' Junto a otros 27 cofres más; todos con 1 o más piezas de arte digital dentro. ✨ \\ - \\ Este es un sistema de venta con mecánica de juego ya que los coleccionistas descubren cual fue la pieza que obtuvieron después de abrir su cofre. 🔮 \\ \\ Cada cofre tuvo un precio de 0.3 ETH [ethereum] ( ±$923 USD ) y todos se vendieron en menos de 2 horas 🎉 🔥 \\ - #ChestrNFT #blender (at Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSXV4QrNVT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
Bitcoin ($BTC), Dogecoin ($DOGE), Ethereum ($ETH) - Ethereum Firm, Bitcoin, Dogecoin Tread Red: Analyst says 'weak' Apex crypto could hit June lows if that happens
Bitcoin ($BTC), Dogecoin ($DOGE), Ethereum ($ETH) – Ethereum Firm, Bitcoin, Dogecoin Tread Red: Analyst says ‘weak’ Apex crypto could hit June lows if that happens
Major currencies were trading mixed Tuesday evening as the global cryptocurrency market cap fell 0.8% to $973.7 billion at press time. Major currency price performance Currency 24 hours 7 days price Bitcoin Bitcoin / US Dollar -1.3% -7% 19963.73 USD Ethereum ETH / USD 0.3% -6.2% 1,548.52 USD Dogecoin DOGE / USD -3.3% -10.3% 0.06 dollars Top 24 Hour Gainers (data via…
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viphyips · 2 years
Bitquad.biz - 0.15% hourly for 240 hours
Bitquad.biz – 0.15% hourly for 240 hours
Bitquad.biz Started: Tuesday, 17 May 2022 Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT, 1 USD, 0.0001 BTC, 0.001 ETH, 10 TRX, withdrawal fee is 0.26 USDT, 2% + 0.05 USD, 0.00004 BTC, 0.00035752 ETH, 0% for TRX) Ref-offer 1.5% – 0.6% – 0.3% Accepts: Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Perfect Money, Tron (TRX), USDT TRC-20 Investment plans: $10 – $999999: 0.05% – 0.15% hourly for 240 – 960 hours…
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Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Mixed After Fed Rate Hike: Analyst Says Apex Crypto's Path To $20,500 'Open' - Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD)
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin Mixed After Fed Rate Hike: Analyst Says Apex Crypto’s Path To $20,500 ‘Open’ – Bitcoin (BTC/USD), Ethereum (ETH/USD), Dogecoin (DOGE/USD)
Bitcoin traded nearly flat and Ethereum was in the red on Wednesday evening after the U.S. Federal Reserve signaled more rate hikes for 2023. The global cryptocurrency market cap fell 0.3% to $867 billion at 8:05 p.m. EST. Price Performance Of Major Coins Coin 24-hour 7-day Price Bitcoin BTC/USD 0.4% 5.6% $17,832.16 Ethereum ETH/USD -0.75% 6% $1,309.34 Dogecoin…
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outfitandtrend · 2 years
[ad_1] Right now, the best interest rate you can get with a traditional bank tops out somewhere around the 1% p.a. mark – in what the big banks still laughably call a “high interest” savings account. This widespread shortage of interest-bearing savings products has left a pretty substantial gap in the market – a gap that a new wave of crypto-savvy fintech companies like Block Earner, are rushing to fill.  Block Earner is an Australian fintech startup that harnesses the power of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) to offer Aussies a minimum 7% interest rate on their savings. For most people that don’t have a vested interest in cryptocurrency, navigating the technical world of DeFi isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.  That’s why the team at Block Earner wanted to streamline that process and create a product that allowed everyday users to deposit regular Australian Dollars onto their platform and take care of the complex lending process in the background. Block Earner Home Page — Screenshot In an interview with DMARGE, Jordan Momtazi, the co-founder of Block Earner, said that Australia’s current economic climate makes products that offer even the smallest of yields on savings attractive, especially when it’s literally impossible to get the same returns in the world of traditional finance.  Comparing the difference between interest rates in traditional finance and DeFi, Momtazi said: “The best returns Australians can get from a traditional savings account ranges from 0.1-0.3% – compare that to a stable 7% product like Block Earner, it’s easy to see where people are going to end up.” Momtazi added that Block Earner was designed to take the  “heavy lifting” out of accessing the benefits of cryptocurrency, so that anyone can grow their savings over time. While Momtazi promises that investors will receive a guaranteed 7% return until July of this year, he added that Block Earner’s variable interest rate product could see new users receive up to 18% p.a. returns on their savings. While Block Earner is one of the first fintech companies in the world to offer mainstream, direct access to the world of DeFi, other crypto-based companies are also expanding their horizons when it comes to offering Australians higher interest rates.Swyftx EarnSwyftx, is Australia’s first crypto exchange to officially offer Aussie investors interest bearing yields on cryptocurrency through its recently-launched product, Swyftx Earn. Earn offers Australian and New Zealand residents the ability to earn interest on 21 different digital assets, including large-cap cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) as well as stablecoins like Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC).Swyftx EarnSwyftx CEO Ryan Parsons said that the exchange’s Earn feature was one of the most competitive in the crypto industry, offering investors flexible, zero-fee yields of up to 6.7% on stablecoin deposits.“Very few global exchanges are offering crypto users the level of interest rates that we are without also having lock-in periods.”“You’ll start to see many more Aussies using crypto wealth services as they become more familiar with digital assets,” Parsons added.Swyftx states that the amount of interest that can be offered to investors depends on the volatility of the underlying asset. Large-cap crypto assets like BTC and ETH will offer interest rates of up to 5.1%, while riskier assets like Polkadot (DOT) can offer returns of up to 12.7% It goes without saying, but lending crypto to earn yields does carry some risk, but Swyftx is fully insured against any potential losses, meaning that investors’ funds are always safe.  If you currently own cryptocurrency that’s just sitting there, putting them into a yield-bearing account can be a great way to get your digital assets making gains while you sleep. Read Next [ad_2] Source link
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