#.you think Mikah sounds sexy in French all the time? WRONG
sansloii · 11 months
random fact 728: mikah fucks up English and French so bad when they're exhausted. because French is their first language, that's the language they think in for the most part. when they're running on negative sleep, it kinda just shuts off their willingness to... be coherent in a language everyone understands so even if they start off in English, it's probably a one or two word response before they give up. but at the same time, they're so used to speaking English now that their mouth and the way they speak will kinda.... stick with English way of speaking and pronouncing thing. so what comes out is this fluent but very... awkward string of words in French that doesn't sound quite right if they heard themself talk but to them, it accomplishes exactly what it needs to ( which is nothing but... you know )
bonus points: they get so huffy and hissy when, reasonably, the person who they are talking to has difficulty understanding them or just... can't at all. they've chewed out Evan ( who knows French but it's more conversational than actually fluent ) when they've had to repeat something to him more than once in this state. even though it's their fault.
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