#.you gonna bark all day or are you gonna bite ? ; arlynn | inbox.
dimensionalspades · 5 months
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@ruinouss said: “Eyes on victory, tummy on dinner.” (for Arlynn)
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. "Eyes not being on dinner is a crime," she lamented with a sneer at nothing in particular. Her eye remained in the scope of her rifle, the weapon braced and her finger astride the trigger.
A pause.
"I'd look at your ass through the scope if I wasn't such a stickler for gun safety." Though she intended it to be flirty, the tone was bland and straightforward, no lilt to her words as she exhaled. The sound of Gréine firing could deafen if she wasn't wearing ear protection. A body dropped a ways from Faye, unmoving. Arlynn inhaled deep as she began to process of reloading.
"When we get back to friendly territory, we're going to that revolving sushi place. I'm craving it now." Her stomach rumbled as she settled back into place.
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dimensionalspades · 5 months
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@ohsunshine said: “No rest for the wicked, I see.” / nim @ arlynn
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. Arlynn spread her arms, as though to gesture to her base entirely.
"Not all wicked need rest, gorgeous," she said as she shifted to sit back in her chair, one arm slung lazily behind her to affect a sort of faux nonchalance. Beneath the blinding self-confidence was the way her shoulders drooped just so, the drow's lean more fatigued than relaxed. Though, her expression remained sharp enough, red eyes locked onto Nim.
"What can the Sanguine Rose do for you? Or is this a social call?"
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dimensionalspades · 7 months
plots please!
- plots please! || accepting -
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Injured and stranded, Sova and Omen are forced to hold out against an onslaught from Kingdom's forces going on the offensive. If they want to survive against a sizable force, they'll have to get very, very smart.
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Engineering what she does, Io sometimes needs very, very delicate materials and her sources aren't always allowed to be above board. So, she turns to Pasiphos, who is all too happy to supply this for a bit of Io's time
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Honestly any where someone works with Arlynn, either field work or researching markets or otherwise. She's good at figuring that stuff out and good at moving things.
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
TAG DROP: Arlynn Neely Warrd
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