#.old habits are hard to break ; sol.dier | recall.
dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@ovcrwctch said: "Have you stolen the last one of my protein bars?" Rein looks mildly frustrated as he walks towards Jack, holding the empty box in disbelief. He was determined to find the culprit!
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. Considering he still had part of that protein bar in his mouth, there wasn't a ton he could do to deny it.
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. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry- but in my defense," he started after swallowing the bite. "They were left unattended for more than an hour and I just jogged in 40 celsius." He looks primed to take off like a hare, looking less than apologetic.
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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. He sighed. He didn't like this kind of gentle needling. It made him feel guilty for clamming up so hard. He made a face under the mask.
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. "Got my own hobbies," he said, carefully taking another bite of food. The opening of the mask was a tricky thing. More than once, he'd had to wipe off food, grease, other things from the latches. "Like training, sparring. Western flicks, rock music. What do you do for fun around here? Gibraltar ain't exactly a good hub space."
@unfogged from x
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@unfogged said: "Hang on, I'm doing some math in my head." / brig to jack!
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- outer worlds || accepting -
. He reloaded the pulse rifle's magazine. For a moment, the visor was on her, red light glancing off the armor on her back. He didn't doubt she could do the math needed, here, the question was time.
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. "Take all the time you need, kid, it's just Null Sector breathing down our necks," he replied as he shot down a flying drone- though it'd been intended comically, his tone was still gruff, sounding far more agitated. Another foot soldier was alerted, but a few shots took its head off, leaving it spinning and wobbling in circles.
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dimensionalspades · 1 year
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@unfogged said: "I just think, when you gotta make a decision that'll hurt somebody, you gotta see the right and the wrong of it." / mei to jack!
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- outer worlds || accepting -
. Jack never considered himself a man with no faults, but there were far too many situations where he'd come out the other end of things broken and bruised despite his best efforts. That was just life, but he still resented it.
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. "Sounds reasonable," he responded blandly. He liked Dr. Zhou. Though he didn't really admit it, he'd spent a fair amount of time reading posts she'd made about her travels. He considered her insights generally good, but... Her optimism about the world always hit a sore spot in him, knowing he'd once been that person. It was a good quality, but a part of him sneered at it. Optimism always seemed to be destined to be ground into the dirt at some point. "Sometimes you still have to make the call that'll hurt someone and the regret'll be yours afterwards."
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
TAG DROP: Soldier: 76
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