#.and yes for the curious i've read the entire manga since ...
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aihoshiino · 1 month ago
Hi! I've really enjoyed reading all your writing about OnK. I'm curious if you think the general reception of the manga and it's ending in Japan are similar to your feelings? I read analysis more than I contribute myself, but reading all of your posts really makes me want to see how many people felt similarly and also makes me wanna hear what the author felt about this ending. Aqua was always a self-sacrificial character, but was the ending really always meant to be this?
I'm actually not really sure, unfortunately! The only JP fan space I've spent a ton of time in was the Oshi no Ko Community, basically an official centralized fandom hub run by the folks managing the franchise. You'll note the official part there - which means that any really anti-Akasaka or anti-OnK in general takes probably don't stay up long if people even bother to post them in the first place.
I do remember hearing that the backlash on Twitter was pretty nasty and a quick scan of the replies to Aka's final tweet (back in November! sheesh!) do show some people getting, uh, heated. Aka also seems to have ducked off Twitter in the wake of it, but he's also never been a particularly prolific Twitter guy (Tweeter????) so I don't necessarily know that it indicates anything.
As for Aka's thoughts on the ending, BennoSubs recently took the bullet for me and translated Aka's post-ending interview with Shueisha Online. He and the interviewer chat about a few things (I rec the whole interview honestly, it's really interesting) and there's this exchange specifically about the ending:
You've said you were sure 【OSHI NO KO】 would be a big project from the beginning. Could you clarify this? Did things go as you expected until the end? Aka: Yes, the ending went as I expected. But there are parts of 【OSHI NO KO】 that I had and had not decided at the beginning. I used to be the type of writer who could plan everything from the start and follow through with it, but I changed after "Kaguya-sama". There are occasions when a character's hidden side, which even the writer hadn't noticed initially, would suddenly come to light. And I wanted to be the kind of writer who could treat such discoveries as important aspects of the character's personality. As a result, it became impossible for me to decide every single aspect of the story beforehand. I thought of 【OSHI NO KO】 as a manga in which I placed huge importance on the characters despite having already decided on its ending. Perhaps this has become a quirk of mine?
Even if only accidentally, I think this confirms something I've kind of criticized Aka for before, that he tends to get distracted by his New Shiny Ideas in the writing process and then not really know how to adjust for their inclusion in the story. Since his ending was pre-planned but he was making all these wild improvisations, it was inevitable that it would feel mismatched.
Other than that, he seems satisfied enough with the ending, which... as much as I personally don't like it, I actually think it's really cool that a franchise as huge as OnK was able to end on the author's own terms. With as much fandom hype (and thus money) churning around this brand, I can imagine that Aka was under a lot of behind-the-scenes pressure to deliver a 'safe' ending that didn't alienate anyone but he ultimately stuck to his guns with an ending that he wanted, even if he knew it would be controversial.
And idk. In a world where so much shit is aggressively focus tested into beige mush before it gets forcefed to us, I would much rather read a work like OnK that is messy and maybe not entirely what I wanted but is at least a representation of an author getting to tell a story they want their own terms.
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shakespearean-snape · 1 year ago
Hi there! so glad to see you posting again I like a lot of what you have to say about Snape. I noticed you say a few times tho that your visual headcanon for Snape isn't conventionally attractive and I just wondered if you had any reference of what he looks like in your mind? An actor or other famous person? just someone like that?
I'm just curious how you imagine Snape because I admit I just see Alan Rickman as Snape in my head since I started with the movies as a kid and didn't read the books a few until years later. It always interests me so much when people say they read the books before the movies or read the books with the movies coming out and saw Snape as someone else.
Its ok if you can't think of anyone just thought I'd ask. thx!
*waves enthusiastically like an idiot with zero chill*
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I get so giddy when someone sends me an ask like this so I hope no one thinks I don't enjoy questions about Snape or my headcanons. As anyone who knows me knows, I think a lot and especially about those things I love so I always have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head I can be positively overeager to share with anyone interested.
So to answer your question, I don't have a specific person pinned down that is 100% like how I picture Snape in my mind but some close candidates would be a young Adrien Brody (which I think is common enough among Snape fans as a choice, right there with Adam Driver these days), obviously the man that JKR based Snape around, John Nettleship, someone like Adarsh Jaikarran as a potential Hogwarts-era and early 20s Snape (even if he is more good-looking than I usually lean, in some pictures he just channels Snape vibes for me quite a bit) and a very young Julian Richings if you've ever seen photos of him in his younger years (I have two here for you so you can see my point a bit, here and here).
Ironically, Julian Richings in the later years of his acting career would probably have been my first choice for a Voldemort fan cast back in the day when any Harry Potter reboot was purely in the realm of the hypothetical (I mean, c'mon, look at this and tell me you can't see it too) but as JKR is an unapologetic anti-feminist/TERF I provide no monetary support to any of her projects including any licensed games, the watching of future reboots or purchasing of future tie-in books in the HP universe, officially licensed HP merchandise, or even by giving traffic to what was formerly Pottermore, etc.
All I bring to the fandom now is my fan theories and love for Snape, which she not only does not benefit from but never seemed entirely at peace with given how the character got away from her and took off. I can't think of a better way to spite someone so utterly spiteful herself than to take the character she was most shocked by people loving in any capacity and celebrate him in every incarnation (gay, bi, trans, ace, autistic, poc, etc.) with my queer, gender-nonconforming little heart while she gets zero money off me for it.
Anyway I hope the visual guide gives you a little more insight into my mind. I've never seen Snape as "ugly" (even when I joke my Snape is "ugly" and I like him that way) but my mental picture of him is of a man whose looks might fall into that unconventionally attractive sphere or what some people call homely. Occasionally I veer off that a bit, as with Adarsh Jaikarran, oh, oh! And also Lee Soo Hyuk, Song Jae-Rim and Kento Yamazaki (ever since I saw him in the live-action Bloody Monday manga series adaptation)!
But yes, my favorite Snape and the Snape I love isn't usually model attractive but also not quite the gargoyle Harry describes (that kid had some ridiculously high standards of beauty tbh, about the only characters he didn't have mentally critical notes on their appearance was the unnamed Veela, Fleur, and Narcissa Malfoy so yeah he totally thought "Draco's mom has got it going on..." Lol!) but somewhere in that "unconventional" categorization of attractive which I feel really suits a man who so often defies easy categorization in general.
(Excuse all the edits. After I gave a few examples more started hitting me and I was like ohhhhh I should have shared them, why didn't I think to share them? So I may come back and make more edits throughout the day, no promises I won't! Lol)
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professorcocoa · 2 years ago
okay, i'm curious (genuine) with the examples of gallade being male-only you mentioned.
so if an amab (ama-hatching?) kirlia who was trans but didn't have any idea yet touched a dawn stone, would it not work on them? that could be a stressful realisation, they expected to evolve but instead got some processing to do. (side note: i'm using they/them because i don't know if they'd immediately switch to using she or stay with he while processing)
how about if an amab kirlia touches the dawn stone and at that time their gender identity is male, but in the future their identity will shift to female over time? (ooc note: i hope i'm wording this right. my sibling was always non-binary and just didn't know as a child, but i know some people (myself /sort of/ included?) identified as their agab as a child and then their identity changed (i just threw out the gender) as they grew up, but they would still say 'yes i was x gender as a child')
and what about genderfluid kirlia? it would definitely be interesting if one could tell what gender they were that day depending on if they woke up as gallade or gardevoir but unless that one eevee from adventures is real i don't know how feasible that one is. it's more than just a form change... (ic note: adventures is a manga about pokemon in my universe. there was an eevee who could switch between eevee/vaporeon/jolteon/flareon at will until they evolved into espeon and stuck there)
thanks for reading/answering; i am legitimately curious about these cases but if you haven't come across any or don't have any guesses i understand
well, thanks for the question!!
I studied pokepsychology as my major, one of the things that we learn is that in the pokemon world, the mind is stronger than the body. That's actually how evolution itself works. The pokemon levels up, gains more knowledge about the world/gets closer to their trainer and boom, their body reflects that.
When it comes to gender related evolutions, it can get complicated sometimes, but to keep it simple, if an amab kirlia doen't know she's trans yet, she still won't be capable of evolving into a gallade. Her mind would reject the dawn stone energy because she might not know about that, but her brain does know.
In the case of genderfluidity and an identity out of the binary spectrum, things get wonky. A genderfluid kirlia would be able to evolve into a gallade whenever they felt like a man, but they wouldn't be able to reverse the evolution and instead, they would turn into a variety of gallade that still goes unnamed, but I like to call "Gallevoir". Their bodies have small differences, but nothing too big (a small "dress" can be seen on them, their horns are less pointy. In some cases, I've seen gallevoirs lacking the classic "elbow swords"). This also happens for nb kirlias.
how about if an amab kirlia touches the dawn stone and at that time their gender identity is male, but in the future their identity will shift to female over time?
well, this one I don't know how to answer. It might be like the gender fluid effect, with the pokemon turning into a gallevoir, or maybe since it's a "stronger" thing, with the brain shifting it's gender identity entirely, the gallade may fully turn into a gardevoir. I can't answer it for sure tho. I gotta research more about this.
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evelhak · 1 year ago
Old art #12: Fate/Once Upon a Time
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Some more ancient history. I used to be obsessed with Fate/Stay Night and could not swallow the ending of the Fate route of the visual novel/2006 anime when I was in high school, so obviously I drew several hundred pages of fan comic to fix it. I used to post it on DeviantArt, but life got in the way back then, so I left it in like chapter 3. (Yes it took like a hundred pages per chapter because I'm me). And I had something like 52 chapters planned, I think. I still pretty much remember the story, so I've been considering reposting the pages somewhere with a summary of how it would have gone, to give closure to people who loved it back then, even though it's very late, and it's pretty unlikely anyone from that time would stumble across it anymore.
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At least I had been able to draw and post the whole reason why I began to make the comic, by the end of chapter 1, so I wasn't completely torn about it when I wasn't able to continue. Anyway... in case anyone was curious, this is kind of where I come from. This was my start in fan works. It was a fix-it comic that consumed my life for a while. (Two years, I think.) I could not stop, I was drawing every minute I could. I remember carrying a folder with me everywhere, not only was I drawing on breaks at school and secretly in class, literally even during my folk dance groups' training camp I was already in some corner drawing if we had a five-minute break, same at backstage while someone was braiding my hair for a performance. I could not waste a minute. (My days were full already.)
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This was the first long story of mine that had readers I didn't know, who left comments and begged for me to continue. That was really something. I bet that really marks a turning point for a lot of storytellers. I had had ideas for fan works before, but I had always resisted because it "isn't original". Fate/Stay Night was the first time my need to create was too strong, it made me throw that philosophy out the window for a while. (I'm glad it did, obviously, even though part of the reason I quit was because I decided I had to focus on my original fiction at the time.)
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My English was still not great, and I had even more problems with anatomy than I do now, but this project definitely made me develop both of those skills a lot. It's always the uncontrollable need to create something that makes me get better at things, because there's just no other way to accomplish what I want than to acquire the skills I need for it, and my brain just doesn't accept not succeeding. If it weren't for this fan comic, I probably wouldn't have done a lot of things I have since then. So I feel like I owe a lot to Fate, and I have many fond memories of this project.
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Obviously, I also got mansplained a lot, since it was a pretty male dominant fandom. Guys who hadn't even bothered to read my story yet came to me like "Uuuuh do you have a clue how Fate works, I bet you don't so let me go on paragraphs of monologue" of things that I of course knew just as well as them. Or telling me that my story wasn't even possible because X, Y and Z problems would need to be solved before there could even be another Grail War as the Grail was destroyed... like, really? You thought I didn't think of that? You didn't even consider that maybe I actually have a brain and came up with entirely new concepts that don't exist in canon? (Not to mention, a gigantic franchise with multiple contradictory routes for the same story is a really stupid place to start telling people what is or isn't possible, geez. Why so small-minded?)
Or they were just dismissing me because my story "looked like a shojo manga". (Lol, I know, and that's not an accident. That's what's so great about it, actually. When you combine the high stakes and suspense of shonen with the aesthetic and emotional expression of shojo, how can you lose? When you combine conventions from two different sources, you'll always end up with something that doesn't exist in either of them. A union, a synthesis, is more than the sum of its parts. That's my philosophy, anyway...)
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And appearances can be deceiving. Once these guys actually read my story, they told me I was "so good at creating suspense!!!!" and the emotional catharsis of a particular scene had them writing to me that I made them cry. Hah. In your face. (I certainly thought that, even if I had too much manners to tell them.) Don't you just love changing people's minds?
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Anyway, looking back at this more than a decade old thing made me quite emotional.
Shiro x Saber forever. 💙💙💙
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thewriteflame · 2 years ago
15 Questions, 15 Tags
Thank you @emelkae for the tag! ^^
Rules: Answer these 15 questions as yourself or as an OC, then tag 15 mutuals.
Tagging: @blue-kyber @megarywrites @pinespittinink @moonscribbler @lucysnotebook @jamieanovels @the-finch-address @isherwoodj and open tag
Since I prematurely started And They Were Roommates I've decided to do my "little prince." I will base the answers around the beginning of the novel/series.
The rising influencer, Jayme Matthews, enters the empty classroom enthusiastically, apologizing for his lateness with an iced latte. His iron curled, shoulder length raven hair bounces as he plops into the chair across from me. His feminine beauty and friendly air add to the allure of this eccentric freshman who has quickly become the talk of the art college. I have taken it upon myself to interview him as part of my project for the school paper.
Jayme starts to fidget with a purple and gold bracelet as I set up my recorder.
Are you named after anyone? 
"Nope!" He responds, brightly, kicking his feet out. "My mom thought Jayme with a y was a cute name so she took the chance to name me it. And she was right, it is the best name!"
When was the last time you cried? 
"Oh, uhm..." He pauses to think and switches to playing with the hem of his royal purple Gucci top. "I forgot!" He finally says after a moment with a chuckle. "But I do cry a lot so it probably wasn't that long ago."
Do you have kids? 
Jayme giggles, a hand over his mouth. "I really want a daughter some day. I want to name her Violet or Lily, after my favorite flowers."
Do you use sarcasm? 
"When I want to, yes." He nods, taking the question seriously. "But Takashti- he's my roommate and best friend- uses it far more than I do."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Jayme thinks for a moment, his eyes going to the ceiling. "Oh!" He sits up straight. "Their outfit! I always notice someone's outfit! And how I could make it better."
Self-confidence seems to be something Jayme is not short on.
What’s your eye color?
"It's sort of a blue-ish violet isn't it?" Jayme asks, tilting his head and staring at me with wide eyes. The violet in them pop with all the purples in his outfit and make-up. "It's the prettiest color in the entire world." I can't help but agree, they are some of the most striking eyes I've ever seen. "It was my mom's favorite color." He adds with a sad smile.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Jayme blanches at the question. "Anything but scary or sad movies!" he says fervently. "I can't handle scary movies."
Any special talents?
Jayme laughs as if the question is a no-brainer. "Everything about me is a special talent." He seems rather proud of his answer.
Where were you born?
"Oh, you know, California." He looks down as he mutters, "I've never left California."
What are your hobbies?
Jayme starts counting on his fingers as he says them one by one, "Designing clothes, putting outfits together, cosplay, playing games with Nim and Cris, watching anime, reading manga, and uh... Oh! Social media! I like posting things and taking pictures."
Have you any pets?
"I just have my plush squirrel, Ella. Do you want to see a picture of her?" Before I can respond Jayme pulls out his phone, his case pale blue with a glittery violet crown. I can't help but note that his cute and unsurprisingly purple squirrel has more followers on Instagram than I do. In each picture I see she's dressed in a little jacket or dress, bows and necklaces completing each look. It's an impressive wardrobe for a plushie living inside a dorm.
What sports do you play/have played?
"I don't do well with sports... plus there's hardly any sports with cute outfits! I think there's just tennis and cheer-leading. I was banned from the tennis court in high school."
"Banned from the tennis court in high school?" I ask, curious about the story.
"Oh, yes. I kept hitting the teacher with the ball, no matter where he went. And then I managed to hit the ball really hard through a hole in the fence and broke one of the school's windows."
How tall are you?
"I'm far too tall." Jayme replies with a sigh. "I wish I was short and cute, like my best friend, Nim."
Favorite subject in school?
"Art is always the best! Even if it the first class cut when school funding is low..." He rolls his eyes. "Of course football doesn't have that problem. It doesn't matter if the creative students get to have fun as long as the jocks can get all sweaty and brain-dead."
Dream job?
"I want to be a world famous designer and model!" Jayme bounces back from his earlier rant. "Nim and I will design clothes together and make this world a prettier, more fashionable place! And I'll be on magazines and-and talk shows. And we'll be-" he suddenly stops, a blush spreading across his face and ears. "Well, Nim and I will be the envy of everyone, won't we." He finishes, his grin somehow managing to be shy and confident.
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monstermaster13 · 2 years ago
TftW: How To Be A Hamon User.
Lisa Lisa (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) TG
Nathan Forester wasn't very big on anime transformations
well, he occassionally did do Pokemon and Digimon and Dragon Ball ones but there was a specific rule in which he stated if he has to do an anime tf, it has to be one he was familiar with and on his tumblr page there had been a bunch of questions about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, initially he never understood the show or the manga, he wanted to see it but didn't have a crunchyroll account, he had a netflix account but it wasn't paid for, money was never his speciality. He knew a selection of things about the show but wasn't entirely familiar with it, he knew about the 'stands' and also the theme naming aspect and of course he was aware of the pillar men and the vampires since he was always looking for new vampire related movies. He was looking all over for something that could help him understand the lore of the show and why some people enjoyed writing fanfics about it so much.
He wanted to know what the attraction was to the show, and he wanted to learn more so he watched a few review videos and reblogged several jojo things on tumblr to get into it, he was still curious about it and wanted to know what it was about, and that's when he discovered a way to do so. He remembered he came up with a special tv show finder outer app which he decided to use, he looked up Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and came across a means to summon a character, so he used it to summon Josuke and Okuyashu.
'This is a most unusual place. I don't think we've been here before.' 'Hey Josuke, I think that someone must have used the za hando to teleport us here. Huh
my own stand being used on me, that's definitely quirky.' 'Have we been kidnapped?' 'Relax fellas
both of you have not been kidnapped, but you have been summoned. '
"Look, maybe this guy can help us. Did you summon us?"
'Yes, uhhh
hi, my name is Nathan and i'm new to the show you guys are from and I want to know how it works and what it's all about.' Nathan responded nervously. He blushed, but Josuke looked over at him and sensed something
he sensed there was a supernatural aura to him. 'I'm sure you know who we are. Hmmm
you have a very powerful aura, are you a Do you have powers?' 'Well I do have some magical abilities, but I don't think I have a stand but i'd think i'd make a good hamon user.' 'You don't? Would you like to learn from us about our world?'
Nathan nodded as the two guys taught him about where they came from, they gave him a funky history lesson including a lesson explaining the history of the Joestar family, he had a bit of a hard time digesting it all at first but he adjusted to it and even took up a few lessons in making his own set of moves and how to use hamon. 'Woah
I was wrong about this stuff, this is amazing. Your world sounds a lot like the one I live in.' 'You've got vampires in your world too?' 'Oh yes, all kinds of vampires but we haven't seen them yet.'
Josuke knew Nathan was going to make a good student (but he didn't expect to be such a good teacher since he was usually just a rebel with ridiculously good hair) and that's where he got an idea
'I notice you've read a lot of fiction in your world about people turning into the characters from our world.' 'Yes
I'd like to understand why they do it though.' 'Would you like to be transformed yourself? You don't have to if you don't want to.'
"Actually, yes
He thought for a few minutes and explained to the duo he was a shapeshifter, he could turn into anyone as long as they were human or humanoid. 'Can you show us?' 'Sure..i'm going to need to concentrate though.' He closed his eyes and concentrated and as he did, his skin slowly lost imperfections and smoothened. 'Woah
this actually feels comfortable.' 'I can tell that you definitely think that.' 'Yeah, the fiction i've read featuring these kind of transformations always came across as being graphic or scary with same depressing elements, but I guess experiencing it personally is different.'
Nathan examined himself as his arms lengthened and his hands shrank in size while his nails lengthened, his chest developed out a bit, becoming slender but also a bit muscled as a pair of breasts developed on them, his torso also slimmed as his clothing remained the same but took on a more radical looking style, in addition to this his back arched while his hips flared out
Josuke was amazed at what he was watching. 'How are you able to do that? Does your stand give you this power?' 'Although you taught me how to use one, I've always been able to morph.'
He chuckled as his stomach slimmed and his legs lengthened, he didn't mind the slurping sensation that was what was going on down below as his privates retracted, he actually thought this was pleasant, as his feet shrank. His shoulders shrank inward as his hair lengthened, turning from brown to jet black. A blue earring formed from a beam of light and flew onto one of his two ears, as his eyebrows thinned and his eyes turned from brown to blue, becoming quite hypnotic as eyelashes blossomed around them. 'Blue
my favorite eye color.'
In addition to this his features softened and feminized, his nose shrank while his lips plumped up, his features warping into those of Lisa Lisa..he couldn't believe it, he was turning into her and it felt nice, he was becoming a Jojo character and he was actually liking it, he dreaded it would be painful like what he had read but it wasn't, it was nice and soothing. As his voice feminized and contorted to match, becoming identical to his appearance.
His or rather 'her' transformation came to a close, 'she' was still Nathan but she looked and sounded like Lisa Lisa herself. 'I gotta say, the women in your world are pretty gorgeous. And so are the guys for that matter.' She examined herself in the mirror, examining herself
this had been the first time 'Nathan' had become a character from that world and she actually liked it.
"How does it feel to be her?"
"Peculiar but nice
Josuke chuckled, he knew that he had taught 'Nathan' well. 'Your magic is very versatile I must say.' 'Why thank you. I've spent years practicing how to control it. The first time it was uncontrollable, but over time one does get used to it.' Nathan/Lisa Lisa twirled around for a bit and then discovered there was a new spell in her spellbook a bonding spell which she used to connect them together.
It was through this bond that Nathan/Lisa warmed up to Jojo in general and learned to understand what it was all about and he/she appreciated it even more, which of course proved to be useful later on. And thus brings us to the lesson of the story, sometimes if you are new to something, it's good to give it a go yourself and learn what it's all about by experiencing it yourself.
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arlecchno · 2 years ago
AND I CAN INFACT “SIGN YOU UP” BECAUSE I HAVE A PART OF THE PROLOGUE THING WRITTEN :D here is the doc !! since i dont want to kill tumblr by pasting the entire thing in this ask lol . if you have any feedback after reading it would be appreciated if youd share it ehe . for better reading context though , the “prologue” happens much before the main storyline when rin and ashe are still pretty young so dont take their prologue selves as their core personalities and stuff , they will change :3c
lmao rin would absolutely walk you through her routine and ashe would just shrug their shoulders and say he just uses what the servants give him LMAO - they both do have very good hair and skin though since theyre given the best products in their kingdoms .
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also this happened when we i asked how theyd respond to your message LOL
figuratively praying for your survival rn im wishing you the best with asphodelus . i live laugh and love all your series but sPEAKING OF YOUR SERIES you writing aL HAITHAM ?!!!!???!! sign ME up bro !!!
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heart eyes . stares in al haitham simp and kinnie .
do u mind if i ask what u study tho ? js curious tbh . and also , yk honkai star rail ? asking bc ive been kind of brainrotting over it lately tbh im so gay for the star rail men HELP ME SJKDNSKD [ dies in homosexual ]
i got carried away but ykw why not say another random thing . if youre an anime watcher you should totes watch houseki no kuni / land of the lustrous 😍😍😍 both the anime and manga are amazing ( read as: OH GOD THE ANGST ITS KILLING ME AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH (( esp in the manga 
)) ) and i love love love the series sooooo much im OBSESSED ‌ not forcing obvi but i cannot rec this anime / manga enough because my goodness the visuals are to die for and im a big simp for the soundtrack of the anime ( thats probably weird to say but idc )
ANYWAYS IVE PROBABLY SAID ENOUGH LMAO !! again best wishes to you for your studies and writing <3 <3 GOOD LUCK SOLDIER đŸ«ĄđŸ«ĄđŸ«Ą LOL
just read the prologue AHHHHHHHH it's so good already rin and ashe are already my favourites!!!! the part where the sat on the railing and thought of one another as cold and fire..... i seriously cannot wait for what's to come like i NEED to see what they're going to be like when they're older and are ruling their kingdoms, i can already imagine the amount of angst and the flipsides of their personalities in the timeskip đŸ«‚ them being young right now though hshdjji i want to squish their cheeks so bad
thank you man i still have yet to start the next asphodelus chapter LOL not sure if i'm still up to writing it now that i'm on the works of writing alhaitham aka my no.1 babygirl 😞💔 the writer's block on asphodelus is crazy
YOUR CHIBI IS SO CUTE THO AND YES!!!! alhaitham islove alhaitham is life am i right or am i right
i'm still in hs so i study the usual hs subjects yada yada but i also take additional electives like accounting and economics! honestly speaking i kind of regret taking economics but it's a bit too late to back out now LMAOO i also take another elective which is this math qualification but like,,, we don't talk about it man i'm failing in every damn class 😭 so yeah my schedule is PACKED packed it's a bit silly
YESSS OF COURS I KNOW HSR!!!!! when it first came out i was like really obsessed with it but now that i finished the main story i'mkimd of slumped 😞 dw tho i'll be back once 1.2 comes out because.... blade and kafka obviously hahahahhahahah lol i need them hahahhaha
my favs are dan heng, blade, gepard, serval, seele and many more!!!!!! they are all so babygirl i just need gepard and blade and my babygirl collection is complete 💯
will definitely watch that anime/read the manga whenever i'm free!! always open to recs because i've kind of been bored lately with the lack of entertainment 😭 currently jjk s2 and these 2 kdramas (king the land & see you in my 19th life) are the only ones that have kept me going GOD i need to consume more media 😔😔😔 thanks for the rec i'll check it out soon!!!!! and did you say angst đŸ‘ïžđŸ‘ïž oh i'm definitely tuned in
THANK YOU AGAIN AND I HOPE YOU'LL HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!!! AND ALSO good luck to you and your friend on your story 📌📌 you guys are doing really great the prologue already got me hooked haha KEEP IT UP!!! (from your no.1 rin and ashe fan 😋) SAY HI TO THEM FOR ME TOOO <333
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usaghinanami99 · 2 years ago
I agree with the general sentiment, although I’d like to clarify that the line you're mentioning was not at all added by the Crystal screewriter but taken straight from the manga source, and in both cases Michiru doesn't actually state that Haruka is neither woman nor man, but rather that she possesses the peculiar strenghts and characteristics of both sexes, which is something else entirely - yes, it's still a concept deriving from an underlying sexist worldview, but it does not say that Haruka's sex is anything but female in the slightest. Not that it could be any other way, since otherwise she wouldn't be able to transform into a Sailor Warrior to begin with, lol! Btw, if you want there are two official sources from Word of God herself clarifying Haruka's sex and the nature of HaruMichi's relationship to the (pretty dense) Western audience, which should logically qualm any doubts from even the most fervent gender cultist: http://www.kicie.net/realm/naoko.htm (interview given by Takeuchi to an Italian magazine) and https://www.tuxedounmasked.com/what-information-did-naoko-share-with-american-sailor-moon-fans/ (in-person encounter she had with US fans). While yes, some of the comments she makes imply some sort of non-aggressive sexism and lesbophobia, by the gendies' standards they would be committing the ultimate sin if they kept on claiming that Haruka is something else than what her very author has very openly stated she is and "identifies" as! :O As a side note, the type of censorship the first English dub decided to go with will never not be funny to me... They could have made them "just friends" like literally any other non-Japanese dub had done (although to be fair, in the French dub FrĂ©dĂ©rique does pretend to be MylĂšne's boyfriend when she's posing as FrĂ©dĂ©ric, they're still not girlfriends in real life), but no, they had to go the extra mile and create a family connection just to be extra sure the kids wouldn't be confused! 'xD Imo it's too bad the English dub didn't reach the final season, because I'm curious about what they would've done with the Starlights' sex change (a dumb anime-only change that goes against the very basis of Takeuchi's lore, but never mind) and whether or not it could've topped the silliness of the Italian dub about that matter. But alas, we were denied that chance.
Imo the worst thing about all this "Sailor Moon is the highest feminist masterpiece" nonsense is that most of the fans saying this actually believe it from their heart... for the very good reason that they know close to nothing about real feminism, so they equate it with all the super-liberal, empoweringTM and pro-beauty standards ideals that Takeuchi seemingly supports and shows through her oeuvre. And yeah, there are absolutely some great messages for young girls to be learnt from reading SM, but they're counterbalanced by the negative ones. There's no reason to claim otherwise when the text is very open and unapologetic about what it preaches, but the problem with these people is that they can't accept not being the purest of all, and they want all the authors they like to comply with their woldview (hence lying about the fact that Takeuchi secretly agreed with their gendie theories about her characters). I say this all too often, but I promise you can love The Lion King without supporting absolute monarchy. 😭
Lol, no worries - I am super monogamous when it comes to my shipping choices and I don't like seeing Usaghi being paired up with anyone who isn't Mamoru, but you do you of course, as anyone else. I draw the line at people who ship her with Demand, but obviously no feminist would do that, lol. And I'm sorry for writing all this wall of text in response to your concise post, but I'll never stop being a hopeless logorroic. 😅
[Edited because, after almost a decade on Tumblr, I've still got troubles posting hyperlinks.]
I know, right?!? Every day it seems like the SM fandom is filled with more and more gendies who claim stuff like how Haruka isn't actually a woman or worse... And what's more, this is far from being the most deranged take I've seen recently, especially now that June has started. But then they'll turn around and claim that SM is actually the pinnacle of feminism in manga, when it's so clearly liberal-leaning and pro-beauty standards that it's anything but. What can I say, the sane people have to stick together! While to be honest I have to say that I don't share your shipping opinions in the slightest, I'd always admire a "rival" like you more than a shipmate who's also a hardcore TQ+ cultist. Sorry if my English isn't exactly the best, I hope I can convey what I want to all the same. ^^
I was absolutely devastated that in Crystal they seriously added the line 'Haruka isn't a man or a woman.' Like... sorry, no. If that was the case then why the hell did Michiru and Haruka get that awful "they're cousins" treatment for the western localization in the OG anime 🙄
I swear ....claiming that SM is a "feminist" work has to do with the fact that people don't want to admit that they enjoy things that aren't politically "pure". Because in their minds it would reflect on who they are as a person, and if something they enjoy isn't perfect, then they aren't either. Tbh I think there's a lot of unchecked narcissistic behavior in fandom communities as a whole đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž
Oh GOSH. My shipping is a mess !! LMAOOO. I should be ashamed of it but I'm so shamelessđŸ€Ł Tbh i recently started shipping Usagi with practically everyone đŸ˜­đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž I'm ©onflicted, that's for sure
but hell yeah, shipping wars be damned, female solidarity til death >:] 😂😂
and omg no, don't even worry! I had no idea English wasn't your first language from your ask!! your message got across Crystal (đŸ€­) clear ♄
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everyneji · 3 years ago
Tell us about Neji! Since when did you start liking him? What do you like most about him?
Anything works. I miss him so much my eyes become teary when I see him đŸ„ș
[This is one hell of an amazing ask to receive ehe thank you very much fellow teary-eyed Neji lover.]
So I started watching the dub when it first aired, right at the start of the Waves arc, so it's been [checks calendar] about 16 years of being a fan of this series. 😹 I always liked Neji and considered him a favourite, but I really became a stan after joining the more gen fandom spaces, particularly the narutoforums which gave us such classic quotes as this:
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For me, Neji is a very easy character to love. In fact, from 2016:
"definitely Neji. i like geniuses who get humbled lol. but his whole story, his tense + complicated + horrible relationship with his family, the bird metaphors, the hair, how he came out a nice guy after struggling in ~~the darkness~~ and was always quietly improving 
 yeah man it's been years but he'll never stop being my #1.
eta oh yeah and his team, team gai ftw"
So I guess past me sums it up fairly well. Also, please appreciate how Kishimoto read this thread on what would be your breaking point for the series and decided to ruin my life, in particular:
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{screaming white woman.gif}
For my 2022 opinion ... Neji is a fascinating character. When we meet him, he's so angry, justifiably so, but it's hardly a healthy state to be in. He's drowning, and no one around him cares. His address of Hinata is superficially respectful but the actual tone of his words is anything but. He's probably learned a lesson or two on respect in his day, and he toys with the limits of what's possible. He pushes, and he pushes, in hopes of finding a little give. He could have made chunin based on skill alone, but he's clouded by his feelings AND puts a state secret on blast in front of a whole arena of people -- can you imagine the unbelievable levels of emotional stress he was under, to do that?
As I endeavour to write about Neji as much as possible, I once summed it up as such:
"Neji was an odd study of contrasts. He was quiet, yet never timid. He had more secrets than most, but never hesitated to spill the darkest things at the slightest provocation. Listening to him, Shikamaru had to wonder if it was because Neji had so few people in his life who would listen, he was scared to lose the chance to speak."
There's this raw vulnerability to his character which is always fun to see with otherwise 'cool guys', and it speaks to how big his heart is. Neji was mean for a few years as a traumatized kid lashing out and to this day people still act like he's particularly callous. He really isn't! One of the greatest Neji moments is this flashback of his apology to Lee, during Hiruzen's funeral:
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Neji is aware that he was projecting his own beliefs onto Lee and strives to make it better. We assume Hiashi reached out to him after the exams, but Neji still meets him halfway, which is very big of him. He fights side-to-side with Hinata as 'equals'. Much like Gaara apologizing to his siblings for the first time in years after they carry him away from the Naruto fight, we see someone who has really no reason at all to be kind learning that they can be, and choosing to be.
I had fallen off the manga by the time Neji died; my friend called me up to break the news. I read the chapter and then lay down on my basement couch, and spent the rest of the day sobbing. I thought a lot during those hours about how Neji was fundamentally a good and kind person, but in a way he was living on borrowed time (as it's rumoured Kishimoto wanted to kill him and Choji in the Retrieval arc but decided not to.) To have someone so young -- and the older I get, the more his youth strikes me -- and kind exist in a liminal state ... it's a tragedy. His whole life is a tragedy, but he tried to make the best of it for what he could. That means more to me than I can ever properly communicate.
Also, he's a gay boy, and that's always a bonus in a character. ☝
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troius · 3 years ago
As I hope you're aware, I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts on BLEACH during your reread! I was thinking today though: do you have a personal top 10 chapters or a favorite chapter [so far]? Totally okay if you don't want want to answer this, I was just curious.
No, thank you, that's a very good question! And an interesting one, since I don't tend to think of Bleach in terms of chapters. Unlike in anime, where the episodes have clear dividing lines with the openings and endings, manga chapters just sort of blend into one another when I'm reading them. Even during this reread, where the plan is to do roughly one chapter per day, I'm actually just posting my thoughts on interesting pages, so some chapters get more or less time depending on how much stuff catches the eye.
But I think it'd be an interesting exercise to see what chapters I do really like as isolated works of art! And if it encourages anybody to reread these chapters, or read them for the first time, so much the better! Troius's Top Ten Bleach Chapters (limited to those I've covered in this reread) under the cut.
34. Quincy Archer Hates You. A funny thing about looking at individual Bleach chapters is that they are clearly designed to run together, to keep the reader interested in what's going on so that they buy next week's copy of Weekly Shonen Jump. So they often are part of an ongoing storyline, and include several scenes, some of which are characterization and some of which advance the plot. This chapter, IMO, is the first one that does all of that and still feels "complete". Yes, it ends on the cliffhanger of Uryu's introduction, but that's the natural culmination of all the scenes in the chapter, including a really good one about low-stakes discrimination to set us up for the Quincy. Excellent stuff.
98. A Star and a Stray Dog. For once, Kubo uses one chapter to tell one story, end to end, and it's a tour de force. Granted, it's in the larger context of the Ichigo/Renji fight, and the Soul Society arc as a whole, but the entire Renji + Rukia relationship flashback is in this chapter, and it's magnificent. Renji starts the chapter as the closest thing Ichigo has to a rival, and by the end, Ichigo is the closest thing he has to an ally.
124. Crying Little People. This chapter title kinda sucks, and the title page is a pretty boring illustration of Ichigo, who doesn't even appear in the chapter proper. But as an Uryu stan I could not in good conscience leave off the moment where he sacrifices his powers and his childish aspirations for moral principle. The fathers-and-sons dynamics here are impeccable, and the Quincy worldbuilding flawless. I can't recommend it enough.
159. Long Way to Say Goodbye. It turns out that while single chapters often don't tell a complete story in Bleach, they do frequently tell one complete story, and that's the patented Bleach Characterization Flashback, where Kubo cuts away from the end of the fight to give you the backstory of whoever's fighting. In this chapter we get Soi Fon and Yoruichi's history, and it's incredibly effective once again in turning an antagonist into a sympathetic character.
168. Behind Me, Behind You. A complete change of gears -- the Byakuya/Ichigo fight wraps up in the previous chapter-- this is a complete information dump that nonetheless Extremely Works in getting the reader invested in the Hitsugaya/Matsumoto Spirit Detective plotline. Those two, Kira, Momo, Gin...none of these are the main characters of Bleach, but even if you didn't have strong emotions about them coming in you will once the chapter's over.
169. End of Hypnosis. This is just a run of killer chapters, and this one features both the start of the Matsumoto/Kira fight, as well as, uh, Aizen revealing himself. Now, obviously the latter is probably one of the more notable moments in all of Bleach (and maybe shonen manga in general), but what actually makes the chapter work is the taste of violence introduced in the opening, which is then tied to the Gin/Momo/Aizen stuff with just the briefest flashback-- one page! But it's essential to making the story cohesive, and to putting the appropriate focus on Gin, who would otherwise be overshadowed, I think.
171. End of Hypnosis3 (the Blue Fog). Okay, I promise I'll stop in a second. But I just cannot get over the pacing of this thing, starting with Unohana walking in on Aizen right as he finishes gutting Hitsugaya, and the tense standoff where Aizen reveals how he pulled it all off. And of course, that exposition is interwoven beautifully with the inevitable reveal that Tosen was in on the plot all along. When the chapter finally closes with the reminder that "oh yeah, Rukia was the target of all of Aizen's schemes" . . . it's magnificent. I don't know if anybody's ever paced anything better.
221. Eat the Worlds End. This chapter is just excellent when it comes to working with the existing concepts and characters to develop Ichigo’s character further-- and not in a good way! It’s basically Bleach’s version of inception, with Ichigo’s inner hollow letting Ichigo get the “victory” over him, while at the same time using the image and likeness of Kenpachi Zaraki to get Ichigo to embrace his “killer instict”. Really well done.
268. You Are Forbidden to Die. It’s another end-of-fight flashback chapter! This one might be the best though, as Rukia’s journey back into her memories to honor the Kaien she knew contains the thesis statement of the series as a whole, and makes for a very satisfying last couple of pages where she stabs Aaroniero in the face.
283. You don’t hurt anymore. The Grimmjow/Ichigo fight has so many layers to it, but what makes this chapter stand out is that it works independently of all that. You don’t have to know that Orihime’s concerns about Ichigo are extremely well grounded, or that Ichigo’s been fighting a massive battle about how much he should lean in to his dark side, or that Grimmjow is fighting in part because he’s scared about what he’ll feel if he doesn’t fight. The story the chapter tells in isolation-- of our hero being given the strength he needs to fight by the person he’s rescuing-- works well enough on its own.
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chili-aux · 4 years ago
Since I'm sick and tired of the Hange Erasure some shippers tend to do...
During my break these past days, I've been lurking on Twitter (a very bad decision, i must say) and I keep on seeing terrible takes on my tl. But this one ticks me off entirely.
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Back in 132, we all know that Hange sacrificed themself for the rest of the alliance to get on the plane and escape. They fought four Colossal Titans before they were burned alive and went to the afterlife where they met their late comrades again.
However, before Hange's death, they shared a theory that must be the way to stop the rumbling: And that is killing Zeke. Levi acknowledged and stated this in 133. In later chapters, Zeke sacrificed himself also by letting Levi decapitated him, which, as Hange said, did stop the rumbling and save the rest of humanity that were yet to be trampled by Eren's Colossals.
Now, this fact can coexist with Levi's promise to Erwin.
In the time of the rumbling, it has been four years since the Battle in Shiganshina happened. Erwin, Moblit, Marlo, and other brave soldiers had already died to retake Wall Maria. And their sacrifices never had been in vain as Levi fulfilled his promise and at the same time, stopped the rumbling per Hange's theory.
The question now, what if Hange was deleted from Levi's final arc, would it just be the same?
Obviously, it's a big NO.
I'm a Hange stan and I will not just shut up by how my favorite character has been constantly butchered in the latest chapters of the manga and by those people who worn their shipping goggles too tight that made their oxygen - a necessary ingredient for the brain - lack in supply.
Since some of y'all might have forgotten, I would enumerate some of Hange's accomplishments before and after they have become Commander.
Without Hange, the Survey Corps wouldn't have enough knowledge about Titans. If it wasn't for them being inquisitive and curious, they wouldn't be capturing Titans, experiment on them to know if they have other weaknesses aside from their nape.
Without Hange, Eren wouldn't have complete control of his Titan Powers. Through their experiments once again, Hange helped the boy to have a full grasp on his powers which is necessary in retaking Wall Maria.
Without Hange, Thunder Spears wouldn't exist. This technology was capable of piercing right through the Armored Titan's thick skin.
Without Hange, the year after the Battle in Shiganshina, the rest of the Titans outside the walls wouldn't be eradicated. This enabled them to go to the ocean and discover that there are humans (enemies) on that other side of the vast body of water.
Without Hange, improvements in Paradis wouldn't happen. In the time skip, they were almost acting like the Prime Minister of the Island just by how hands-on they were on being the Commander and the modernization. But i'm not saying that they have done this alone. The rest of the SC helped them, of course.
But back to the screenshot. This might be controversial af and I might get hate on this. But sorry, take it or leave it. I rest my case.
Without Hange, some of your favorite characters would have been dead by now. And yes, including Levi. Most importantly, Levi.
If not for them, he would've been killed by Floch or in other circumstance, died due to infections he got from the Thunder Spear.
If Hange wasn't brave enough to dive into that river, Levi wouldn't have survived.
And lastly
Without Hange, a promise wouldn't have been fulfilled.
So if you're one of those people who are shitting on Hange, fix your reading comprehension because it seems like we haven't been reading the same manga.
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honouredsatoru · 4 years ago
JJK Characters x You on a date
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notes : I tried including Gojo's love for Digimon since I also grew up watching Digimon and loving the anime with all of my heart, also because Gojo's seiyuu, both Japanese and English versions, voiced for characters in Digimon, so I wanna pay homage to the both of them. other than that, I also included my love for arts and history, something I tried to incorporate into my writing, just to make it like.. lilith's style, ya know?
extra notes : also I wrote megumi for Elli, just because haha.
warnings : slight cussing. not proofread lol. other than that, none. 100% fluff!
characters : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, nanami kento, itadori yuji.
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Gojo Satoru - Arcades, vintage shops, especially collectors, especially Digimon, comic book/manga stores.
[Your name]! [Your name!]! Look, look! It's the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 series! All 9 of them! Let's get in!"
"Ahh hold on. Towu! We're supposed to visit the cat cafe, you promised that you would go with me and take pictures with the cat hairband on! And I'm starving!"
You jokingly scowled at him, tapping your Doc Martens feet on the ground, arms folding.
"Fucking adorable. Let me see if I can tease her more, hah." A smirk soon appeared on this blue-eyed darling of yours.
"Let me get the manga and I promise, I'll go to this cat cafe with you, baby. Hm?"
"Oh alright."
"I love you, sweetheart. I know how much you wanted to go there but the manga. I- ahaaaa"
He started pouting as he kept pointing in the direction of the Digimon manga by the window. You quickly opened your camera, taking pictures of him sulking, emitting a soft giggle that actually made his heart squeezed with joy.
He presses his lips against your forehead, thumb circling your cheek, gently squishing them before opening the door, yanking you into the comic book store with him. You vowed to hide the comic books once he goes on a mission. After all, he made you wait a month before the two of you finally get to go to this cafe you always wanted to visit.
"Baby, I can read what you're thinking. Your face shows it too. Hehe. Watch me hide your panties."
Taking in a few gulps of air to deepen your breath, you opened your eyes, to meet the love of your life's own eyes, snickering at you, his large hands on the crown of your head before ruffling your already messy hair. There is no way you can stay mad at this man, as childish as he is, you know he loves you and deep down? He knows you love him too.
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Itadori Yuji - Thrift stores, internet cafes to play online games with you, cinemas.
"Candy! [Your name] love! Don't! Make! Me! Ahhh cover up for me! I am gonna lose! I am gonna-"
He turns around to face you with soft eyes, his eyebrows slightly droopy before looking back at the computer, taking in the seconds in his head to register the fact that he lost in his mission with you in Inferno.
"Awww sorry babe. I mean.. you just started playing CSGO, so tell me, why- again- damn it- you wanna- AH. Damn it! Throw the fucking grenade! I mean why you wanna play this game, you need more practice- FUCK YOU."
Gentle chuckles were heard, emitted from his throat, his soft, peach toned lips landed on your cheek repeatedly as he rubbed soothing circles around your back.
"Breathe, bunny baby. You're so feisty whenever you start having online matches. Breathe. I love you, and I don't want you to get your blood pressure rising because of these dumbos, hm?"
Your lips curl into a faint and appreciative smile, nodding while your eyes are glued to the screen, ignoring the fading laughs and snickers from the people acknowledging your mini rage.
"I love you too. If I win, I'm getting us boba and chicken nuggets. So let me fight them, okie?"
"Yes ma'am!"
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Megumi - Museums, art galleries, photo exhibitions, aesthetic cafes.
"Oh Gumi bear, look at that! That is the Raft of Medusa, it was done by ThĂšodore GĂ©ricault, he himself interviewed two survivors from the shipwreck."
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He looks over your eyes that shine with excitement and pure happiness.
Was what he thought every time he laid his sight onto you. God knows that he falls in love with you every single time he is blessed with your presence. Resting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of mixed berries and wild roses, he swore he heard his heartbeat increasing every two seconds in a span of one minute.
"Oh really? What do you think this painting is all about?"
Glancing at him before returning to the painting, you puffed your cheeks, pressing your lips together with your index finger curled on your chin and your thumb under it.
"Lord, she is so cute whenever she does that. Can I kiss her? Should I? No wait, she's trying to tell me her own interpretation of this painting. To me. Oh wow. I'm gonna kiss her... later. I can't interrupt her." That is all he could think of. You. He is deeply, madly, beautifully in love with you.
"In my opinion, it tells me the ways of how men, or human beings, seek out in order to survive. When we are at the brink of desperation, insanity, happiness, greed, lust, desire, wrath, grief, don't we all do things unimaginable to help us go through the day? They even resolved to cannibalism. I think even I would commit to that if I was in an extremely dire situation."
You looked at him, a wide smile on your face, emitting a soft giggle that entered his right ear and stayed within the chambers of his mind. He closed the spaces between the both of you, sealing his lips onto yours, with the intention of making this very moment last a little longer heavy within his heart.
Was what you thought of him.
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Nanami Kento - Theatres, historical museums, fine dining restaurants.
You squealed, lightly clapping your hands as you ran to a block of marble, your foot tapping against the floor. He chuckles, hands in his pocket, taking fast strides towards you.
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"Namnam! Look look! That's the Parthenon Sculptures! It was founded in hm... Athens, yes! If I am not mistaken, around 438 to 432 BC. These sculptures decorated the insides of the Parthenon, it is a temple located at the fortress of the Athenian Acropolis. It is said that this temple was built to appreciate and worship the Goddess Athena, she was the deity worship in Athens. Also, ah ah! Did you know that the word parthĂ©nos means "maiden", "girl" or ‘virgin"? And I-"
You look at him, your magnificent lover wearing a dark brown trench coat, with ecru brown trousers and a black turtleneck tucked in, his neck layered with white gold necklaces. Your hand unconsciously scratches your sideburns, giggling at the side of his stoic expression, eyes piercing yours beneath that yellow-green glasses he constantly has on his chiseled face.
"Oh... I am sorry... I didn't mean to bore you. I was just so excited because you know me! I love anything that is related to ancient greek history and mythology. I can't seem to get enough of it and it is absolut-
"I'm not bored, [your name]. I was just paying attention to every single word that pretty lips of yours uttered. It's magnificent that you knew all of this. It shows just how smart, curious, bright your mind and soul is. And darling?"
"I am lucky to be blessed with someone like you. With Gojo constantly following me, there is no way I can read the books I bought for myself. However, having you around, breaking the ice with your random history tib bits, I feel like I am reading the pages, savouring each word, alphabet, sentence, thus expanding my quest and love for knowledge."
You looked down. Normally, you're not the type to tear up this easily but seeing how this man, this angel of a man, appreciates the little things you loved and adored, you can't help but let the waterworks out. You lifted your head up to meet his gaze, the tip of your nose slightly stuffy. You grabbed his arms, clinging onto him, the difference of height and size makes it sweet to the eyes of strangers surrounding you both.
"Oh Namnam. Thank you so much. This means the world to me. Shall we... go and see the best of Ramesses the Great? I've loads to tell you!"
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Nobara - Shopping malls, ferry rides, beach dates, parks with cherry blossoms.
"Baby... tell me, have you ever seen anything as joyous as the ocean?"
You two stood by the seashore, fingers intertwined, your head resting on her shoulders, the sound of the seas splashing against the rocks and the warmth around your foot, it tingled but it feels good at the same time.
"I don't want this moment to end, [your name]."
"Why is that, pretty one?"
A faint sigh leaves her lips, you feeling her body loosen up.
"I just.. school is sort of stressful so my time spent with you liberates me from the pressure, fatigue, and image of curses embedded in my brain. Walking with you... through this airy womb of skies and clouds, don't you know it makes me happy?"
You leaned closer, pressing a soft peck on her cheeks, earning yourself a pair of scarlet cheeks with a gorgeous smile from the one next to you. You turned yourself to face her, hands on her shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours.
"Whenever and wherever you need me, I will be there. I might not be perfect, but I am gonna do my best to be the one you can always count on."
You pressed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss on her right cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss to the lips of the woman whom you shared your entire universe with.
"To the moon and back, I love you, Kugisaki Nobara."
The end.
tags : @tojisveryown @sookyshima @megumifushi @sixeyesgojo @sirthisisa-wendys @sasso-oda @fushigurocockslut @nkogneatho @kotarousgf @noritoshiikamo
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babu-haitani · 3 years ago
hi this is for your current event but before that
 woah congratulations for having 900 followers! you're so amazing for achieving this feat and i look forward to more of your works ❀
my hobbies are reading anything ranging from literary works, fan made fiction, and manga to instruction manuals (is dis weird? im sorry T^T), watching horror movies and rewatching my favorite tv show criminal minds, taking a very long nap, playing with my cats, and spending almost my entire life on social media :')
my personality, from my understanding, is that i'm nice to all people i meet because spreading thy love is key ❀ but once i get to know a person or see their actions and personality, i get indifferent with them or may even come off as mean to them
? i find it hard to befriend people in real life and even online because i can't help but feel anxious whenever i talk or chat with people. my personality, that my friends tell me, is that i'm a responsible and caring individual. my close friends are scared to have me know about their relationships because they say my aura changes from a nice aunty to a very nasty mother hen
my dream date is uh, i have to say i've never thought about this before probably cos i've never been on a date with someone who's interested in me :') but thinking about it now, i'd say going to the arcade or carnival is a dream ❀
that's all thank you! and again congratulations! *sends virtual hugs and kisses* đŸ’•đŸ’žđŸ€â€
I ship you with...
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-Anon...You're too sweet and I hate myself for shipping you with Hanma but your personality with his kinda gives it like a soft chaotic dynamic? Do you get me?
-Like I can see your relationship with Hanma is full on CRACK. Like Everyday...
-Mother Hen Reader x Nasty Cat (Weird ship..I know...)
-I have no words for this ship, all I can say is your tired of Hanma's bullshit. Period.
-BUT! Hanma loves you though! It just so happens, he doesn't know how to show his love aside from being a pain in the ass (you still have soft moments with him but it's like once in a blue moon).
LITTLE SCENARIO: You were slouched on the couch, a book in hand, a bottle of orange juice on the table and your reading glasses on your face. It was quiet, Hanma was beside you as he scrolls thorugh his phone. "Hey Babe..." Hanma called out, you let out a hum. "What happens to the people born on 29th of Feb?? Do they like?? Stay one until 4 years past???" He asked, dropping your book, you looked at your boyfriend who was staring at you with curiosity. 'Oh shit...He's serious...' you thought, with a deep sigh you smiled at your boyfriend. "If you're born on February 29th the FBI would take you away and bring you to Science Lab and Disect you, apparently people who are born on the 29th of feb is immortal" You replied with sarcasm but as soon as you heared Hanma gasped, you just know you fucked up. "Disect them?! What?! Is there like an infinite stone inside them?? kinda like what Thanos used or whatever that movie was with the purple dude with a gauntlet" Hanma asked. To be honest, you were suprised he knows the word gauntlet but is asking you stupid questions. Your lips formed a thin line as you stared at Hanma. "Yes" You replied, Hanma let out a long 'oh' before going back to his phone and leaning over you. Sighing, you grabbed your book once more and slouched on the couch. "Okay but like if Batman's parents are dead then how was he born? Did a human fuck with a---" "HANMA!!?" "What?! I'm curious?? It makes sense since he is BATMAN" "That's it! You're going back to pre school!" "WHAT?!? NOOO!!"
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philologer-mosaic · 4 years ago
Hey! Fellow writer here! I was curious as to how you learn to write characters and /keep/ them in character without it being overly stereotypical or stiff? I've read your work and I'd love to learn from you ;^;
Hi! Glad to meet you, and wow, I am so flattered to be asked this. Happy to help out a fellow writer, and I’m always down for rambling about writing-related stuff! I’m not sure how helpful some of this will turn out to be, but here goes.
I’m not sure if you’re asking about characterisation in general including crafting OCs or specifically about writing canon characters, and a lot of this advice will be relevant to both, but I will say this straight off: I’ve seen a fair amount of quibbling about how fanfiction won’t teach you how to worldbuild and maybe that’s true, but there is nothing like writing fanfiction for teaching yourself how to craft character voices. Especially when your source material is a movie/ TV show/ whatever definition RWBY falls under. So: rewatch! Pay attention to all the little details. What turns of phrase do they use? How do they stand, how do they move? What’s their usual emotional range? Pick a line they speak, think about what descriptors you’d use to get across their tone of voice or their emotional state if you were writing the scene in a fic. When you’re writing new dialogue for them, try to hear it in the actor’s voice (if that’s a way your imagination works; some people don’t have great auditory imaginations. Mine can be kind of hit and miss!).
Rest of this advice is going under a cut, because this got looong!
With canon characters: start from what you know, then extrapolate. Especially with characters we don’t see all that much of, boil them down to a handful of personality traits/ ways-they-present-themself first, then consider what might underly them. And in reverse: take the things we know about their status and backstory, consider what that implies about them as a person.
So, Clover: I think I boiled him down to ‘confident, friendly, professional’, and what’s underlying ‘confidence’ is really obviously his semblance: he’s never had to hesitate about anything, he always knows he can rely on himself. So in his internal monologue, he’s not going to second-guess his decisions. He calls Qrow out on deflecting compliments, so he’s good at reading people and also wants to help them; I assume that applies more broadly than just to Qrow. He’s leader of Ironwood’s flagship team of Specialists, and semblance or not I made the assumption he didn’t get there without working for it [that is an assumption, though! People less inclined to think well of Clover will make a different assumption, in-universe as well as out, and how he responds to that is also something to consider], so he’s got to be smart, dedicated, a good tactician, a good leader. And building from that: he’s smart and perceptive but we know he’s also loyal to the bitter end (very bitter); what sort of personality can we project that reconciles those two, what sort of person would respond like that? What I went with is that he trusts the system because he understands enough pieces of how/why it works that he trusts the bits he doesn’t understand are also created with the best interests of the people at heart. (Even when that’s really not true.) So then that’s a consistent philosophy-like thing that underlies a lot of how I write him: he understands the reasons for a lot of why things are how they are and then assumes the best of all the rest.
– This looks like a lot, now I’ve written it out. I thought all this out while working on the early chapters but I never put it some of it into words really. In coming up with the plot or story idea you’ll have made plenty of these assumptions and extrapolations already. Take a second look at them; take them further, find places to link them together or pit them against each other.
And remember, these are your interpretations. There’s not a right or wrong way to flesh these out. Work with semi-canon stuff like the mangas or discard it as you wish; follow fanon or argue with it or throw it out entirely. I interpreted Yang as ‘normal outgoing teenage girl in a non-homophobic world’ and wrote her as having dated people from Signal before she got to Beacon; the other day I came across a tumblr post interpreting her as “a rural lesbian”, by which standard she definitely didn’t have any romantic experience before canon; they’re both entirely plausible takes! Where we don’t know stuff for sure, slot in whatever your story needs, or whatever you think seems interesting. I settled on Clover’s backstory for Soldier, Spy mostly by going ‘ok, what’s an interesting way to contrast him with Qrow?’ And in some of my other fic ideas, he’s different.
Limited third person perspective (or first person, if you can pull if off) is the best for dropping in characterisation smoothly. Though I’m probably biased because I love it so much. Omniscient third person POV is when the narration’s impartial and uninvolved, and skips between person A’s thoughts and person B’s thoughts and pure description of what’s happening, objectively speaking; limited third person is – when the camera’s always over one person’s shoulder in a given scene. It’s less close in than first person, but we get the POV character’s thoughts and no others, we only see/notice what they notice and pay attention to, descriptions are coloured by the way the POV character thinks about the world. I don’t want to be setting you homework, but, a neat writing exercise, if you want it: pick an object, place or person, and consider how two different characters would see it differently. Write those two descriptions. For fun, pick something that at least one of the characters is going to really look down on or dislike parts of! (Qrow’s snark is so much fun.)
This is cynical, but: people lie to themselves a lot. When you put yourself into a character’s head, they’re going to be telling themself a narrative in which what they’re doing is the best thing to do and makes them a good person. (With a few exceptions, the big ones being depression- and anxiety-brain, which instead do their best to convince you you’re the worst.) Get your characters to justify themselves to you.
Goals, motivations, priorities. It feels like a massive oversight to write about how to characters and leave that one out, but honestly I can’t think of anything I can say here that hasn’t been covered better by tons of other writing advice. [Incidentally: https://www.writersdigest.com/ . Subscribe to their email newsletter, it’s free, they will try to get you to buy their how-to courses but there’s no need to, the website has all kinds of articles about the craft and details of writing and the newsletter will send you all the new ones plus curated picks of what’s already there. And also: https://springhole.net/writing/index.html . There’s some stuff specific to fanfic in there, and also general writing advice.] Just: keep it in mind.
Related to that, but a separate thing and one that I haven’t seen other writing advice talk about so much: how does the character try to achieve their goals? What are their skills and resources? And more than that, what’s their preferred approach? In the simplest terms. It’s a matter of mindset, and what options they see as available to them. So the things I would keep in mind for this are: Who’s got social skills/ is good at thinking in social terms, and who isn’t/doesn’t? (Not just interpersonally speaking. James “not really concerned about my reputation” Ironwood is a good example of a character who always thinks in terms of hard power over soft power; even when public opinion is an important strategic consideration he only thinks about it in the broadest and most simplified strokes.) Who would rather work within the system, and who prefers to do an end-run around it? (That doesn’t have to correlate with who’s actually got power, though obviously there are trends. I’m writing Clover as tending to take charge even when he officially shouldn’t because he’s more concerned with solving the problem than with rank, and that’s a case of circumventing the system, it’s one of the things he’s got in common with Qrow.) Who’s more analytical about their approach and what they’re trying to do (which means their failure mode is overthinking and decision paralysis) and who reacts with their gut instinct (which means their failure mode is getting in over their head)?

 I could talk about this one at length. There’s a whole framework I use to categorise characters in this way (I came across it in, of all things, the flavourtext of a supplement to an RPG no one’s ever heard of and it just stuck with me, and I’ve made it my own in the years since) and I could go into all sorts of detail about how it works/ what it means. But I think this is enough to be getting on with, on that topic. If you want to know more, send me another ask? But no one else talks about this thing in writing advice, it might be completely orthogonal to the writing process of anyone but me.
So! Related to the topic of characters’ skillsets, a really great tip I can’t remember where I picked up: how do you write someone who’s smarter/wittier/better at tactics than you? Spend minutes or hours turning something over in your head that the character is going to come up with in seconds. The great advantage of writing: it’s so much easier to be eloquent when you’ve got time to think. [If you had asked me this question in person you would have got ‘i don’t know?’ and then half an hour later I would have thought of half of this stuff and kicked myself. A week and change later, you’re getting the other half too :p ]
And lastly: you said you were worried about your writing getting “overly stereotypical”. And my immediate response to that was stereotypes bad, yes, but archetypes great. The difference being: stereotypes are lazy and offensive writing that let ‘membership of a social category’ stand in for ‘actual characterisation’ and if you’re asking for advice on characterisation you’re obviously too thoughtful to commit them; archetypes are pre-made sketched-out personalities that you can take as your own and flesh out into your own thing. Tropes are tools. No one ever said ‘They were roommates? Ugh, how unoriginal’. By the same token, ‘lone wolf who pretends he’s fine and doesn’t dare trust anyone no matter how much he secretly wants to’ is a fantastic trope that exists for good reason, the CRWBY used it for good reason, and when we found out Qrow’s semblance I went yes please I will have some of all that angst and then laughed at myself because when it comes to fictional characters I have A Type. I’m pretty sure I’ve never written the exact scenario ‘pushes themself way too hard and passes out, wakes up in unexpected safety and immediately condemns themself for not sticking it out longer’ before the opening of Soldier, Spy, but I know I’ve come up with plenty of things that were like it, and if they’d made it to a state of publication you’d be able to see that.
It’s like artists using references. Just because they looked up how to draw that hand and that pose doesn’t mean the final product’s not their own. There’s no reason not to start with your ideas of the character (no matter how ‘stereotypical’ they feel) or a collection of traits you’ve grabbed from other characters that seem like they’d fit – or, for OCs, an MBTI type or a roleplaying class/background combo or one of these or some other personality type you feel like you can find your way around the basics of – and just take it from there. When you start writing/outlining/daydreaming-about-ideas you’ll run into scenarios/setups you can’t copy across from but you can see what responses might come up, and that’s how the template becomes your own unique iteration of it.

 Because really all writing advice does come down to: just write. In your head or on the page, try things out, see what works, see how it goes. I’ve been doing this a long time; most of it never made it to words on a page, let alone to the internet at large. Read across genres, read things people write about themselves and how they live and think and feel, and just – go for it.
I hope this helps! Once again, I was really glad to be asked; feel free to ask me to elaborate on any of this, or about anything else you want advice about. I wish you all the best in your future writing!
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linkspooky · 6 years ago
I absolutely adore your Medaka Box Metas. Honestly reading you talk about the series got as much of an emotional response out of me as reading it myself. So now I'm curious to see how you'd tackle Iihiko, a character I've never quite come around to. What's Iihiko's Meta?
Thank you!
I have written about Iihiko before [here]. Since you bothered to send the ask though let’s approach it from a different angle. I’ve already talked about character so let’s talk theme. 
Medaka Box is a story about a story, as pretentious as that sounds. It’s also a manga about shonen manga. It’s a story that constantly comments on the fact that it is a story.
There are several characters who act like the archetype they are usually presented as in manga, Kumagawa is the antagonist who believes he could never win because he’s not a main character, Ajimu is the last boss/mastermind, Medaka is the main character, Zenkichi tries to become the main character. 
For some of these characters the roles they inhabit are a relief, a comfort even. Seeing real life through the lens of a narrative can give meaning to what is otherwise meaningless and senseless. In stories everything has a purpose, everything happens because the author wrote it that way with intention behind it, and in comparison the world is meaningless. Medaka Box is a manga that toys with the idea that it is a story over and over again, but eventually asserts life is nothing like a story and that it’s real. It rejects the idea of seeing life like a story. 
Center to all of this is Medaka herself. She is the typical shonen protagonist in almost every way, she’s pure, ditzy no matter how smart she is, kindhearted and willing to help everyone, she fights for her friends, she always wins every battle and gets a new power up whenever she needs it.
Yet, Medaka Box the manga is about how terrible it is to be a main character. Yes, it may be empowering to see yourself as the main character of your own life, but that narrative ultimately harms much more than it helps. 
Here is how we are introduced to Medaka at the beginning of the manga. She loves people apparently, but she also looks down at them the same way a god would a mortal. She is incredibly distant from them. 
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But, in Zenkichi’s mind she is always right. The world seems to be rigged in her favor, as if she was a main character with an entire story written around her. Ultimately, even if she’s misguided, even if she has her flaws, she’s still always right in the end, because that’s what it means to be the main character. 
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However, as good as this may seem it’s a role that is ultimately more restricting than freeing to Medaka. After all, Medaka’s view of her own birth is abysmal, she calls her mansion a coffin. She acts like this role is something that liberates her, but instead it’s a crushing burden that warps and isolates her. 
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Main characters are terrible. Thinking the whole world revolves around them, how selfish really. In a more serious sense though we get the impression as Medaka’s mindset is further and further deconstructed as the manga goes on, that she really is selfish in a way as all of this exists not to really help other people, but to give herself her own personal meaning, to make sure she has somewhere to belong in the world, so humankind does not reject her.
The Ajimu arc is really where the idea of being a main character really starts getting deconstructed. Ajimu says it straight out, that if this world were a manga Medaka would be the main character. 
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Ajimu is the most blatant one about it, but in a sense all of these characters to some extent apply narrative terms to real life like this. This is how Zenkichi sees himself, Medaka is the main event, and he is the sidekick, he is her pitbull, he’s the one who is supposed to help her with her ideals less of his own person and more of an extension to Medaka.
This is also the arc where Nisioisin starts to heavily show the danger of Medaka’s mindset and that Medaka’s role as the main character might not actually be a good thing. Once again, the villain of this arc is using all these narrative terms. When the villain tempts Zenkichi to her side, she doesn’t ask him to be a villain like her, she tells him to become his own main character. Being a main character is a bad thing. 
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Being a main character does not help Medaka in any way. It makes her lonely. It makes her unable to understand other people because her own viewpoint of the world is so self centered, like the world is a story being told about her and everybody else is just side characters. While Medaka is a selfless person, the mindset that she embodies is unhealthy and even self destructive as she erases her own identity to try to fit into the role of a main character. It’s why even Zenkichi eventually turns against her for her own sake.
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Medaka’s mother even lectures her about that. In the end there’s no good, or bad, reality is just reality, without any particular meaning, rhyme or reason to it. If you give yourself a role and stop being yourself, you’re not going to be embraced by people it only drives them away because they no longer see you as a person. Medaka in her attempt to find meaning in her life, actually made everyone else around her reject her even more even though she wanted them to accept her as a human.
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Medaka thought it was wrong for someone like her to have been born with so much talent and privilege in life by what came down to nothing more than pure luck, she felt guilty just for living because she did not have to struggle with what everybody else did. Therefore, she tried to give a meaning behind her birth and desperately searched for that. She adopted the role of a main character, but that too was just another chain on her that made it harder to be herself. 
It’s a terrible thing to be a main character. It warps your perspective. It makes you egocentric and unable to empathize with others. You stop seeing them as people. 
So, Iihiko himself is not really a person. The reason you don’t understand him as a character is because he doesn’t really have one. He’s an entirely empty being that just occupies a role.
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Iihiko is introduced as the opposite of Medaka, if Medaka is someone who was born to save the world, then Iihiko is a man born to destroy the world. 
Iihiko actually has a lot more in common with Medaka, or at least the Medaka we were introduced to at the start of the manga. He’s a “main character” in the sense that Medaka is, because he has an egocentric viewpoint of the world, and whatever he tries he suceeds at. In a way he’s a Medaka from the first few arcs who never grew up.
Just like Medaka he sees everyone as beneath him. Just like Medaka he doesn’t understand other people at all. Just like Medaka he forces his viewpoints onto others. He’s battle crazy like Medaka and seems to enjoy getting in fights with strong opponents, because otherwise there’s nothing to challenge him in this world. 
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It’s explained that he’s a hero from a story book, and that’s why he does not fit in at all with reality. For example heroes from the greek era hardly match our modern definition of hero, heracles, theseus, they have all done things that would make us label them as jerks. However, cultural values were different 5,000 years ago. 
Except, Iihiko once again does not care about changing for other people, or the values of other people at all, he just wants to continue on living forever in his own storybook. hence why he displays such antiquated values and refuses to change them. He looks brutal because what was acceptable for his time is not acceptable now.
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For Iihiko there’s nothing left accept his narrative, that’s why he alligns with the Shiranui village who just wants to perserve his own story. Iihiko so perfectly inhabits the role of a hero that it’s the only thing he has left now, it’s his entire identity. To admit that he is not a hero, that he’s nobody special, would completely destroy him. That is why, when he sees Medaka give up her ‘character’ as a hero, and just act like a person begging to have her friends life spared he’s confused. 
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He wants things to play out the way they should in a story. Everyone should live respectfully to their roles. When they don’t, Iihiko gets angry and tries to force them. What Iihiko fears the most is that he’s a nobody. That none of his actions even if they were legendary had any particular meaning. That he was a normal mortal just like the rest of us. He fears the lack of meaning in the world, the same way that Ajimu embraces it. 
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His definition of a monster is someone who does not see meaning in life. At the end despite having greater strength than Medaka, we see him lashing out at her if he’s nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum to prove his point. 
Being a main character is something that completely destroyed Iihiko’s identity, and all we are left with is the dregs of a person, the shell of his former self left behind. Hence why there’s not much going for him as a character, hence why he has little to no personality and there’s nothing to get invested in. It’s a terrible thing to be a main character, it prevents you from being a person. 
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monstermaster13 · 1 month ago
TftW: How To Be A Hamon User.
Lisa Lisa (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) TG
Nathan Forester wasn't very big on anime transformations
well, he occassionally did do Pokemon and Digimon and Dragon Ball ones but there was a specific rule in which he stated if he has to do an anime tf, it has to be one he was familiar with and on his tumblr page there had been a bunch of questions about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, initially he never understood the show or the manga, he wanted to see it but didn't have a crunchyroll account, he had a netflix account but it wasn't paid for, money was never his speciality. He knew a selection of things about the show but wasn't entirely familiar with it, he knew about the 'stands' and also the theme naming aspect and of course he was aware of the pillar men and the vampires since he was always looking for new vampire related movies. He was looking all over for something that could help him understand the lore of the show and why some people enjoyed writing fanfics about it so much.
He wanted to know what the attraction was to the show, and he wanted to learn more so he watched a few review videos and reblogged several jojo things on tumblr to get into it, he was still curious about it and wanted to know what it was about, and that's when he discovered a way to do so. He remembered he came up with a special tv show finder outer app which he decided to use, he looked up Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and came across a means to summon a character, so he used it to summon Josuke and Okuyashu.
'This is a most unusual place. I don't think we've been here before.' 'Hey Josuke, I think that someone must have used the za hando to teleport us here. Huh
my own stand being used on me, that's definitely quirky.' 'Have we been kidnapped?' 'Relax fellas
both of you have not been kidnapped, but you have been summoned. '
"Look, maybe this guy can help us. Did you summon us?"
'Yes, uhhh
hi, my name is Nathan and i'm new to the show you guys are from and I want to know how it works and what it's all about.' Nathan responded nervously. He blushed, but Josuke looked over at him and sensed something
he sensed there was a supernatural aura to him. 'I'm sure you know who we are. Hmmm
you have a very powerful aura, are you a Do you have powers?' 'Well I do have some magical abilities, but I don't think I have a stand but i'd think i'd make a good hamon user.' 'You don't? Would you like to learn from us about our world?'
Nathan nodded as the two guys taught him about where they came from, they gave him a funky history lesson including a lesson explaining the history of the Joestar family, he had a bit of a hard time digesting it all at first but he adjusted to it and even took up a few lessons in making his own set of moves and how to use hamon. 'Woah
I was wrong about this stuff, this is amazing. Your world sounds a lot like the one I live in.' 'You've got vampires in your world too?' 'Oh yes, all kinds of vampires but we haven't seen them yet.'
Josuke knew Nathan was going to make a good student (but he didn't expect to be such a good teacher since he was usually just a rebel with ridiculously good hair) and that's where he got an idea
'I notice you've read a lot of fiction in your world about people turning into the characters from our world.' 'Yes
I'd like to understand why they do it though.' 'Would you like to be transformed yourself? You don't have to if you don't want to.'
"Actually, yes
He thought for a few minutes and explained to the duo he was a shapeshifter, he could turn into anyone as long as they were human or humanoid. 'Can you show us?' 'Sure..i'm going to need to concentrate though.' He closed his eyes and concentrated and as he did, his skin slowly lost imperfections and smoothened. 'Woah
this actually feels comfortable.' 'I can tell that you definitely think that.' 'Yeah, the fiction i've read featuring these kind of transformations always came across as being graphic or scary with same depressing elements, but I guess experiencing it personally is different.'
Nathan examined himself as his arms lengthened and his hands shrank in size while his nails lengthened, his chest developed out a bit, becoming slender but also a bit muscled as a pair of breasts developed on them, his torso also slimmed as his clothing remained the same but took on a more radical looking style, in addition to this his back arched while his hips flared out
Josuke was amazed at what he was watching. 'How are you able to do that? Does your stand give you this power?' 'Although you taught me how to use one, I've always been able to morph.'
He chuckled as his stomach slimmed and his legs lengthened, he didn't mind the slurping sensation that was what was going on down below as his privates retracted, he actually thought this was pleasant, as his feet shrank. His shoulders shrank inward as his hair lengthened, turning from brown to jet black. A blue earring formed from a beam of light and flew onto one of his two ears, as his eyebrows thinned and his eyes turned from brown to blue, becoming quite hypnotic as eyelashes blossomed around them. 'Blue
my favorite eye color.'
In addition to this his features softened and feminized, his nose shrank while his lips plumped up, his features warping into those of Lisa Lisa..he couldn't believe it, he was turning into her and it felt nice, he was becoming a Jojo character and he was actually liking it, he dreaded it would be painful like what he had read but it wasn't, it was nice and soothing. As his voice feminized and contorted to match, becoming identical to his appearance.
His or rather 'her' transformation came to a close, 'she' was still Nathan but she looked and sounded like Lisa Lisa herself. 'I gotta say, the women in your world are pretty gorgeous. And so are the guys for that matter.' She examined herself in the mirror, examining herself
this had been the first time 'Nathan' had become a character from that world and she actually liked it.
"How does it feel to be her?"
"Peculiar but nice
Josuke chuckled, he knew that he had taught 'Nathan' well. 'Your magic is very versatile I must say.' 'Why thank you. I've spent years practicing how to control it. The first time it was uncontrollable, but over time one does get used to it.' Nathan/Lisa Lisa twirled around for a bit and then discovered there was a new spell in her spellbook a bonding spell which she used to connect them together.
It was through this bond that Nathan/Lisa warmed up to Jojo in general and learned to understand what it was all about and he/she appreciated it even more, which of course proved to be useful later on. And thus brings us to the lesson of the story, sometimes if you are new to something, it's good to give it a go yourself and learn what it's all about by experiencing it yourself.
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