#...totally not because ive been playing a lot of halo infinite lately
seaofserene · 3 years
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i got the serenity boss fight brainrot again so here’s me brainstorming under the cut;
content warning for morbidness and hydrophobia
so lately ive really been trying to imagine what it’d be like if serenity was an actual threat you could face in a sonic game --- and more specifically; what a boss fight with her would look like. (because she absolutely would have one. she has final boss potential for sure.)
in terms of setting/platforming; it DEFNITELY would be a water based fight. serenity would need to be in her full element in order to reach maximum threat capacity. whether or not this means its in the ocean is up for debate. but there’d definitely be a body of water in the area. my brain goes to the ancient crumbled temples she inhabits now, but i’m also obsessed with the concept of her commandeering the oracle’s sanctum (which is a special place where her estranged people live. but thats more lore-stuff i’ll have to get into another time.) bottom line is: it would be VERY bad for everyone involved. 
she would definitely need a reliant source of power in order to keep her attacks consistent so she doesn’t burn out, because while she has a wide range of abilities, they do tax her energy and can exhaust her if she uses them in great extremes.
now if it were sonic who had to fight her, which is usually par for the course when it comes to the games; it’d certainly be one of the greatest challenges he’d face yet. never mind the obvious fact that its yet another enemy that has to deal with his greatest fear; water --- but someone who can bring forth your deepest fears too? it would be a testament to his bravery and mental fortitude for sure. i think serenity’s siren call is very willpower based, so obviously those who possess one strong enough can withstand her illusions.
that aside, serenity would not give you any room to breathe. she’d be throwing everything she’s got at you. it would start out as a ranged fight, she’d be relying on hydrokinesis and her siren call for attacks. you would have to avoid heavy water waves from knocking you off the platform you’re standing on as well as ice spikes being shot at you or driving up from the ground you’re standing on. i think the technique of getting a hit on her would be waiting for the water to freeze so you can rush in and land some attacks on her before having to quickly get back to a solid platform. (even cooler thought; the water freezing in the form of a slide or ramp that you gotta maneuver on in order to get an attack in on her.)
and then there’s the siren call to take into question, now if it’s SONIC who’s fighting her, there would be sections during this phase of the fight where it LOOKS LIKE the water has flooded all around you, but obviously you’d still be standing on the platform just fine. you would also hear sonic’s friends crying out for his help! sounding terrified and like they’re on the verge of death. (if you’ve seen or read the hunger games, think like the mockingjays in the 75th hunger games :’D hahaha trauma.) that would be her vocal mimicry coming into play. these sections would be intended to distract you and blindside you while serenity is still attacking with hydrokinesis, so the technique would be to remain focused on still evading the physical attacks until you can get some pot shots in.
THAT WOULD BE THE FIRST PHASE OF THE FIGHT. the second phase would involve serenity becoming frustrated and taking it upon herself to attack directly. there would still be elements from the first phase here, but now she’s actually coming at you and slashing at you with her claws. she would also attempt to grapple you and drag you into the water, so i’d imagine there’d be a quick time event you have to pull off to avoid getting dragged (which would be another opportunity to land a hit on her), but if you DO get caught, you’d have to struggle free before you get pulled in (and it would cost you rings). she would also taunt the hell out of you while she does. or laugh. one of the two.
SPEAKING of dialogue, here’s some quotes i thought of off the top of my head. ‘cause she is the type to try to discourage you from trying. (they would also be audio cues to let you know when she’s about to do a certain attack so you do have some time to prepare.)
after/during hydrokinesis attacks:
“ You’ve lasted longer than I was expecting. It’s just a shame that you are only prolonging the inevitable... ”
“ It is a pointless effort. You will die. You know that, don’t you? ”
“ Once I am through with you, the rest will follow suit... ”
“ HAHAHA! That looked painful! Why not have another!? ”
“ Oh, so close. Are you ready to give up, yet? ”
during/after the siren call sections:
“ I wonder ... what do you fear the most? ”
“ And not just you, all of them... ”
“ Oh my! You look rather disturbed. Is something wrong? ”
“ Hmhmhm! They can’t hear youuu ~ ! ”
during/after her rush attacks and/or when she’s dragging you:
“ ENOUGH. Let’s see you survive this! ”
“ Lay down and DIE already! ”
“ I wonder what your soul tastes like ... Let’s find out, shall we?! ”
“ If you come nicely, I promise that your death will be quick! ”
after landing an attack on her:
“ Nrgh! You are going to regret that... ”
“ Ugh! How did... ? ”
“ Ha... It’s nothing! ”
“ Damn you. ”
“ Grgh! You call that a hit?! ”
ANYWAY... thats all i can really think of for now. besides, after beating her. she would be a sore loser. it would be a big insult to her pride so fully expect one angy, desperate siren.
OH YEAH AND BEFORE I FORGET the whole reason i’m even thinking about this is because i commissioned a friend to write serenity a boss fight theme. so yeah, while all of this is happening: THIS SONG IS PLAYING.
needless to say, it would be one hell of a ride.
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