#...does that count as spoiler?? eh i doubt anyone reads those extra notes i put in the tags anyway :v
galaxyacerodoesart · 6 years
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As I promised, more Sanderstuck Panel edits, this time featuring Remy, Emile and Dolian (AKA. Deceit) 
More about my Sanderstuck AU can be find under my sanderstuck tag HERE! And under read more, is the dialogue of the situation going on in the panel, in case anyone is interested in knowing what would be going on behind it, and a little more about some of the events in the AU! :o
If anyone seeing this would like to be tagged in any future Sanderstuck art, please let me know! 
DOLIAN: Let’s face it Princey, despite going around saying how strong and great you are, you are one of the weakest people in this team, and that’s just facts~ ROMAN: WHY YOU- DOLIAN: I mean, if we want to talk about power, Remy would be the most powerful being in this team, seeing he LITERALLY ascended to god status already and not only has ACTUAL powers, but is also pretty much immortal at this point. REMY: idk if you can call me powerful tho, i mean, i literally have no idea how i even reached god-tier gurl REMY: … I literally have no idea, one moment I was good old me, the other i was in a stone bed bleeding to death, and in one more I was back to life with this clothes and wind going wild all around me. REMY: so yeah, i don’t think i can take much credit? i don’t feel like a worked to reach this status or anything so- DOLIAN: Why, see?! Remy doesn’t even KNOW how he did it, and yet, there he is. Started from zero, all the way to hero. DOLIAN: While you are still aaaall the way down here. No powers, no powerful weapon, just the old pathetic Roman.  DOLIAN: I know you are trying to reach the god-tier status, don’t think no one noticed.  DOLIAN: you struggle and struggle, but still, at this rate you will probably be the last one to get any power. IF you even get it DOLIAN: You might just die before it, after all :) EMILE: NOW NOW EVERYONE! Let’s not say things like that, okay? Dol, we talked about this right? Everyone has their time! We can still do great despite not have ascended to god-tier, no problem! EMILE: There is no need to fight, we are ALL working together after all! And I know we will reach god-tier whenever we need to! The fact Remy had ascended already just means it was his time, even if he isn’t sure how he did it, and yet, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have work to improvement, right?! Remy, you aren’t even entirely sure how you powers work, isn’t that true? REMY: i sure don’t. All I know is how to fly and i’m pretty sure that’s like, basic to literally any god-tier, not just because my aspect is breath.  EMILE: See? The fact he has ascended already, doesn’t put him in a pedestal! We can always improve, Remy surely still will, and who knows, perhaps he still won’t be sure how his powers work by the time Roman ascends. EMILE: But still, who says we even need to? I’m sure as long as we work our hardest and give our best, we can beat this game and reach peace! God-tier or not!  REMY: also i’m pretty sure i can still die? like, there is certain conditions, but i remember one of the lil carapace guys mentioning something REMY: i don’t really remember all they said tho, lil guy was talking pretty fast, like he had to get away from there quick, he just mentioned a clock and something like REMY: “Heroic” or “Just” death being the only way to get rid of me??? so yeah, i don’t really understand it, but there clearly is a way to get rid of someone even if they reached god-tier status REMY: so yeah. I definitely can stil die lol EMILE: See Dolian? Everyone still got to work hard to beat this, but most importantly, we have to stay together! We are a team, like it or not. DOLIAN: *sigh* Yes, yes… I get it. DOLIAN: … Doesn’t mean I am entirely wrong in what I said though…  DOLIAN: I still haven’t ascended to God-tier, but let’s not forget who was able to pull dear Virgil out of the void in the first place, hmm~? DOLIAN: Say Roman, where where you when Virgil was almost being consumed by the void? Crying in a corner faced with the reality of not being able to save him, or still trying to hold onto the idea you are the “leader” of this team? Because trying to get him out of there, you certainly were not.  DOLIAN: So really, do us all a favor, and stop trying so hard to be a leader for this team, you are far from one. ROMAN: … EMILE: Dolian, ple- DOLIAN: I’m sure Patton would be a better leader, and he literally doesn’t have the heart to even kill a single Imp, despite his life being at risk. EMILE: Dolian- DOLIAN: And I mean, Logan? That’s someone who knows what he is doing. I’m sure if anyone saw our team without knowing us before hand, they would be sure he was in charge here, because let’s be real…he is, Isn’t he~ EMILE: DOLIAN. THAT’S ENOUGH.  DOLIAN: I’m just- EMILE: PLEASE… Just…Please… I’M asking you to stop. You already made your point. DOLIAN: … DOLIAN: Sure. You are right Emile. There is no reason for me to keep beating a dead horse.  EMILE: Dol- DOLIAN: I’ll just go back to my room, like you said, I DID Make my point already. So, I’ll take my leave. See you all around~
—DOLIAN Left the conversation— 
EMILE: …I…I’m sorry Roman. It wasn’t right of him to say such things. I have been talking to him, I promise! He seems to be making progress every now and then, but suddenly out of nowhere he just- EMILE: …does things like that. ROMAN: …It’s not your fault Emile, it’s mine… He isn’t wrong after all. EMILE: Roman, no! Don’t let what he says get to you, it’s what he wants after all. And it is partly my fault, i’m his therapist after all… Got to take responsability for when he acts like this.  ROMAN: BUT STILL! What he said wasn’t a lie… I am not a leader, I act like one, but anyone in this place has more leadership than I could even dream of! And I HAVE been trying to reach God-tier, I thought- I think that perhaps then, I will be able to do more? I’m suppose to be the Space player of this team, one of the most important parts of the game, but all I do is mess things up! ROMAN: We almost lost the crucial part, that was our time player, but most importantly, OUR FRIEND because I was just thinking about me and trying to make ME be the big hero in this! ROMAN: The universe and everything we knew is GONE, and i keep acting like this is just any other game. If we fail, it’s game over forever. Everything is done for. And it will be all because I couldn’t stop to look around me. REMY: …Dude. REMY: even I know that is all bullshit REMY: pardon my potty mouth, btw REMY: but seriously. You? Not caring about others?? Stop believing Old Dolly lies, gurl REMY: you are putting yourself in the front to make sure no one you care about gets hurt REMY: sure, you messed up with V, but no one is saying you need to be perfect, nobody is perfect. Don’t let Hannah lie to you, she is full of lies.  REMY: you tried so much to get V away from the void, and kept keeping everyone spirits up when they started to think there was no way of doing it REMY: no joke, i’m almost sure even Pat was starting to give up on seeing Virgil again REMY: sure, in the end Dolly was the one to successfully bring Virgil back to us, but let’s be real. he have no idea how he did it, and probably only got as far as he did because of the natural connection with the void that he has for being both, a void player and a derse dreamer REMY: so yeah, don’t be so hard on yourself man, you might be making mistakes, but you are learning from them and improving every day REMY: you are doing pretty great, if we didn’t think so, someone would have said something already REMY: ya’know, someone that isn’t Dolly, lol  EMILE: I couldn’t have said better myself, Remy! ROMAN: I… Thank you guys. The support is appreciated… REMY: no worries R-man, we’re here for you~!  EMILE: Just keep believing in yourself Roman! You are a great leader! We are sure to beat this game and save everything! REMY: heck yeah, my man. ROMAN: I’ll make sure to remember that… Really, thank you, both of you… EMILE: You can count with us! 
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