#...as a patient
katyspersonal · 2 years
Maria: *stands on one of the Research Hall balconies and smokes rolled dry lumenweed like cigarette*
Adeline: Lady Maria, I’ve found new friends! :D
Maria: Oh, someone good for you?
Adeline: Yes! Vicar Laurence and Gehrman the first hunter! :D
Maria: Suka blyat’
Gehrman: I was the one who taught her to say this!! :D
Laurence: Let’s all go go in the bar that serves blood instead of alcohol and talk about how great it is to engage in the cycle of blood and hunt!
*all three leave*
Micolash: Ohohoho, that wasn’t very ‘lady’like of you to say~
Maria: If I throw a pink high heel shoe in you, will THAT be ladylike enough?
Micolash: But you can never be faster than us! >:3 Huhuhuhu~
Maria: Then, running away like a coward is not quite ‘manly’, no?
Micolash: We are not a coward, no... On the contrary, you are playing OUR game every time. We make YOU run as much as we please.
Brador: *crawls out from the shadows* Well, I for one enjoy playing games! :)
Micolash: ...
*Brador starts chasing him and Micolash is actually scared right now :( *
Maria: *giggles*
Simon: *drops from the nearby tree on the near balcony when Brador left, knocks on the balcony’s door*
Rom: *opens the door*
Simon: Is this the Research Hall?
Rom: No, this is Rom *closes the door back*
Ludwig: *he was supposed to be one of the Church friends too, but I accidentally mistyped ‘hunters chief’ as ‘hunters chef’ so now he has to cook meals and use his moonlight sword like kitchen knife :(*
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boabelboo · 2 months
this is so shit i need [remembers suicide jokes are bad for my mental health] mouse bites to live
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greelin · 1 year
idk man being violently hateful/resentful towards children for existing is weird. it’s legitimately just weird.
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aroaloe · 1 year
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
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tell me the worst thing your choice has done
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hymnoeides · 23 days
'Cause I'm stuck with your stories
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tariah23 · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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zouffle · 4 months
they should invent a doctor that actually helps you
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harmonicabisexuals · 2 months
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he is literally God to them.
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kings-highway · 1 month
okay but third year Kageyama, Hinata and Yachi realizing they're actually Tsukishima's friends
Hinata freaking out because he can't find a black pen before a big test and Tsukishima wordlessly handing him two spares (in case one is almost dry) and telling him to smarten up but not actually making a big deal about it.
Yachi going over to his house to study with him and Yamaguchi and having a genuinely good time and yeah Tsukki makes fun of the bow she has in her hair but he also laughs at her jokes so... they end up playing Mario Party until like 1 am and he doesnt even complain about it.
Tsukishima showing up at Kageyama's house looking really annoyed and saying his brother is home for the holidays and is pestering him about college and the future and hey, do you want to go throw a ball around?
Kageyama, Yachi and Hinata all receive a birthday gift on time that year, neatly wrapped, and even if theyre simple gifts they're all *real* gifts and not one of them is a joke gift or a prank and they have to host a meeting to go through all of the options of why Tsukki's behaviour has changed until Hinata realizes what's happening and starts shrieking because FUCK YEAH I DID IT. TAKE THAT SUCKER. GET FRIENDED.
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mistxmood · 2 months
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this is the funniest outcome ever
[Image description: digital art of Bill Cipher, tangled up in electrical wires. He has a nervous expression, as he holds up a ripped wire and says: "Oops!" There's a glitchy effect behind him. End ID.]
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crumplstiltskin · 2 months
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drulalovescas · 4 months
Jensen Ackels' mind during the homosexual declaration of love
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He was flashbacking to the most pivotal moments in their relationship I'm gonna be sickkkkkkkk
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
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BREAKING NEWS: traffic jam on the cat shelves!
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feminist-space · 4 months
9. Plaintiff Alexander Morris is an African American man and is the lead singer of the famous Motown group the "Four Tops." At the time of the incident the Four Tops were on a national music tour with the Temptations and had recently performed at the Grammy Awards.
10. On or about April 7, 2023; Plaintiff was transported to the Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital emergency room via ambulance, and he presented to the emergency room with difficulty breathing and chest pain, he was on oxygen, and he had a significant known history of cardiac disease including the placement of stints and defibrillator. During his hospitalization, Plaintiff was ultimately diagnosed with a heart infraction that may require a heart transplant, pneumonia, and he suffered three seizures during his stay.
11. When he presented to the emergency room Plaintiff informed a nurse and a security guard that he was a member of the famous Motown group the "Four Tops," and that he had current security concerns due to stalkers and fans.
12. Shortly after check-in a nurse Holly Jackson, a White male security guard Greg Ciesielski, and a White male emergency room doctor Brandon Harris Fishman, DO racially profiled him and/or profiled him based upon a perceived disability and placed an order for a psychological evaluation for Plaintiff because they did not believe he was a singer or member of the "Four Tops." Doctor Brandon Harris Fishman, DO, the emergency room doctor who was on staff met with Plaintiff and interviewed him, Plaintiff informed him of his medical history, and informed him that he was having difficulty breathing and chest pain. Defendants and Brandon Harris Fishman, DO wrongfully assumed he was mentally ill when he revealed his identity as a celebrity figure. Defendants and/or Brandon Harris Fishman, DO made the decision to remove him from oxygen and pursue a psychiatric evaluation instead despite his clear symptoms of cardiac distress and significant medical history.
13. Plaintiff had a valid identification on his person and could easily have been identified as a singer in the Four Tops group.
14. Brandon Harris Fishman, DO ordered a psychological evaluation for Plaintiff instead of ordering the emergency medical treatment he needed. Plaintiff was denied the emergency medical care he needed due to his heart condition and pneumonia, and instead a security guard was instructed to ensure he was placed into a restraining jacket and/or a four-point restraint mechanism, removed his belongings, and Plaintiff was told he was going to have a "psych eval" or psychological evaluation. Plaintiff was referred to Virjaya Gopal Kotha, MD for the psychological evaluation.
15. Plaintiff asked if he could prove his identity by showing his identification card, and the White male security guard ordered him to "sit his Black ass down." None of the nursing staff intervened to stop the racial discrimination and mistreatment of Plaintiff. Upon information and belief none of the nursing staff reported the mistreatment or use of the racial slur to a supervisor. Moreover, none of the nursing staff thought to simply ask for Plaintif's identification.
16. Plaintiff told medical staff he was having difficulty breathing and asked for the oxygen back but was ignored. Plaintiff asked to have the restraint device removed and asked for his personal belongings back so he could leave and seek treatment at another hospital, and he was told he was not free to leave; thus, he was falsely imprisoned and deprived of his personal property. During this time his medical condition continuously declined and he was denied the medical treatment he desperately needed.
17. Several security guards were called to surround the nursing station to ensure Plaintiff could not leave. During this entire incident Plaintiff was not being treated for his medical emergency, namely a severe heart condition and pneumonia. Defendant Hospital and Defendant Jackson blatantly refused to provide Plaintiff with medical treatment due to his race and/or perceived mental disability. Instead, Plaintiff received a deliberate misdiagnosis and received a lower standard of medical care based on his race that amounted to racial discrimination and delayed his actual diagnosis.
18. Finally, Plaintiff's wife came to the nursing station to collect his belongings and she saw what was transpiring and Plaintiff informed his wife that the doctors thought he was delusional. Plaintiff's wife informed one of the security officers that he was actually a member of the Four Tops, but he took no action on Plaintiff's behalf, and he was left in the restraints and denied medical treatment. A nurse came to Plaintiff's side, and Plaintiff asked to show the nurse the video of him performing at the Grammys. The nurse realized Plaintiff was a member of the Four Tops, and the nurse went and got the emergency room doctor to inform him. The emergency room doctor returned and said he was cancelling the psychological evaluation.
19. The restraint jacket was finally removed, and he was placed back on oxygen. Plaintiff was restrained for approximately an hour and a half or 90 minutes. As aforementioned, during his hospitalization, Plaintiff was ultimately diagnosed with a heart infraction that may require a heart transplant, pneumonia, and he suffered three seizures during his stay.
20. Plaintiff was offered a $25.00 gift card to Meijers as an apology for the dehumanization and discrimination he faced at the hands of the hospital. He refused to accept the gift card.
21. Subsequent to the incident, a security guard that worked at the hospital contacted Plaintiff and informed him that Greg Ciesielski the security guard that restrained Plaintiff and made the racist comment, made racist comments and jokes to him and other coworkers about African Americans, and that he frequently used excessive force with patients.
22. The security guard who called Plaintiff also reported that he witnessed employees tampering with the internal incident report made on the incident involving Plaintiff, and he believed the use of racial slur was removed from the internal incident report, and he stated that employees were instructed not to discuss the incident. The security guard also stated that Greg Ciesielski was not disciplined or suspended because of the incident.
23. As a result of the above actions and inactions of Defendants as described above and below, Plaintiff suffered injuries and damages. Defendants are sued jointly and severally."
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cabinette · 5 months
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SHOUTOUT @seagiri for drawing chilchuck here <3333
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