#...Krispy Kreme is just the only major doughnut place we get around here
skyward-floored · 4 months
It’s doughnut dayyyyyy
which means free doughnuts at doughnut places hehe
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mischiefmakingmuses · 5 years
Tawagoto’s Gate: The Disappearance of Tokyo Ghetto
[Here is a fanfic I wrote for all you lovely people, I hope you have an enjoy.]
Chapter 1: The Adventures Of Mumu-chan
In a world where darkness and light intertwined heavily and lovingly, never fully separating from each other and always continuing through existence in their dance of love and death, lived a Girl by the name of Mumu, who was secretly the Moon in a previous life. When Link did not manage to save Termina from Majora's Wrath due to being distracted by a Massive Display of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, 2,400 Doughnuts All Shaped and Flavored Like Several Pokémon, Yokai, and Digimon (As Created For "The Great Mons Game War Against Pretentious Pokémon Fans Who Think Pokémon is the Only Mons Game When in Reality the Megami Tensei Series is the Literal Ur Example of All Mons Games"), all of Termina was banished to The Shadow Realm, but in the middle of The World of Light, and it was here that the Moon took her new form as Mumu-chan.
By Day she was a regular Schoolgirl, and By Night she became The World's Greatest Magical Girl. She was The Only One who could save the town's cats from falling prey to the Evil Tree Organization, who would often capture the poor cats and trap them up on high branches from which they could not leap down from. Every other night, she was visited by her Good Friend Tuxedo Mask...a month ago, Tuxedo Mask had begun to help out a Man from town named Mike Dawson, who was trying to find out what happened to his Totally Not Girlfriend, Rita Scanlon. Even one day, Mike Dawson interrogated Tuxedo Mask.
"Tuxedo Mask, what was YOUR relationship with Rita," asked Mike Dawson.
"My work here is done," Tuxedo Mask declared before being beamed up by his spaceship and transforming into A Whole Chicken In A Can.
It was when Things were beginning to fall apart. At One Point, Mumu-chan saw Nobita and Doraemon at a candy store!!! And she saw Kitaro and Nezumi-Otoko getting ramen at a ramen stall!!! What was going on?!
Chapter 2: Chapter 2
In this hard boiled world there is only one hard boiled detective named Gummie, who was a octopus bat alien thing given form on Jack Box's Drawful 2 one day when the Author wanted to be cute in a Twitch stream they frequented.
With a Large Pretzel Stick in their mouth, Gummie looked over the case files while her dear friend Star Sheep sat in the corner playing Splatoon 2 For The Nintendo Switch™, for the Salmonids were something Star Sheep became really obsessed with because they were Funny Fish and Very Interesting.
"Do you think this is a homicide case?" Gummie asked Star Sheep, pulling the Pretzel Stick out of his mouth and acting as if it were a cigar.
"Sorry, I'm Splet," Star Sheep replied.
"Hmm. That's true," Gummie mused, lifting up her hat to look outside the window. It was a Marvelous Night, but they had not been making much headway on the case so far. Perhaps it was time to get Reinforcements involved. "We don't even have a sus cuz the sec with a mo's got a perf al."
"Eko, You Don't Drink," Star Sheep commented wisely from the corner.
"Shut up, Maya, we're getting burgers," Gummie proclaimed loudly as he put the Pretzel Stick back in their mouth.
Chapter 3: Help Me Dr. Cox
The Next Day Gummie and Star Sheep left to find Reinforcements, first coming by Richard AKA Dr. Dick AKA Dr. Cox because the Author Wanted To Be Meta and The Real Dr. Dick knew Everything that they had planned for the week that had passed.
In front of a Dollar Tree, Gummie and Star Sheep awaited for Richard to show up, playing a bootleg version of Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? For The Nintendo Switch™ which landed on their doorstep one day. The reality of the situation was that the game functioned almost entirely like the PC version except that The Baron wasn't called Baron Grinnit, but Baron Wasteland Because I Think That Makes More Sense.
"When my mom and I played this game, we really liked Ivan Idea," Gummie admitted.
"How are we even doing this?" Star Sheep asked, without the monotone tone that this fanfic is read in as it's being written Because It's Ironic. It was then that Gummie squinted their eyes at the screen, only for the screen to melt away and turn into The World Ends With You: Final Remix.
"Oh hey, look, it's Neku," Gummie murmured happily. "Y'know, I really love Neku?"
"Yeah, I know," Star Sheep replied. "Comfort character, right?"
"I'm inclined to believe so," Gummie answered as he attempted to play the song Calling which was her favorite song because he first heard it in the DS version in 2012 and it really stuck with them.
It was then that Richard had finally shown up. She looked around with shifty eyes, seeming a bit nervous and unsettled.
"I don't think I'm supposed to be here," Dr. Dick admitted.
"I'm vaguely getting that kind of idea too," Gummie commented. "Anyway, so I heard from my friends Smile, Urien, Netalina, Gambit, and Jizo that their friends Nobita and Doraemon have gone missing, and have no idea where to go to find them."
"Eko?" Star Sheep began, pulling on Gummie's wing. "I'm sorry, but...how do you know about the Yokai?"
Both Richard and Gummie looked at Star Sheep wide eyed, in Gummie's case you couldn't tell very well because they always made it a point to never reveal their eyes.
"Shit. Shit. SHIT. I don't know what's going on." Gummie grabbed the sides of his head in confusion, narrowing their eyes at the ground. "Something's extremely wrong here."
It was then that Kaite20 had suddenly shown up. Yes, her name is actually Kaite20 because she feels the need to constantly append the "20" to her name even when just "Kaite" would suffice.
"Hey, you guys, I found a portal somewhere and it kind of looks like one you might see in Puyo Puyo Puyo Puyo Puyo Puyo Land. Is that...supposed to be normal?"
Gummie stared at Kaite in shock.
"Like hell it is," they responded. "Guys, we're going to the portal. Don't be surprised if we end up having Adventures in Bootleg again."
Chapter 4: Peter Was Not Available So Phoebe And Plumule Are Here
Through the portal, they had reached the home of Mumu-chan, in a place between the Shadow Realm and the World of Light. It wasn't QUITE time to play Lifelight, though.
"This feels more like how in ChalkZone, half of the world was day and half of the world was night," Star Sheep commented. And she was right, as the town was split entirely between night day, right down the middle.
"...this is cool but complicated," stated Dr. Cox.
"Focus guys, I'm inclined to believe that Nobita and Doraemon are here somewhere. I dunno how the FUCK they ended up here, but I imagine that they HAVE to be here," Gummie commented.
"Do you think it's because of...HIM?" Kaite asked.
"Absolutely not, because if anything makes sense in this goddamn world we're trapped in, it's that They Above wouldn't fucking put him in this story. Then again, I have no idea who else it could be."
"You're getting KINDA too meta, now," said Richard. "Sounds like a fanfic."
"It IS a fanfic, Dr. Dick," Gummie responded. "So that means that we'll probably meet the Kitaro Family and Ittan-Momen will be really suave and shit despite not being a major character. Also we now have an autistic girl and her baby bird monster friend on the team because They Above asked a certain someone if they wanted some influence on the story."
"Actually, he's more or less my tulpa." And there was Phoebe, with Plumule right next to her. The tiny bird monster chirped in an affirmative manner.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's tulpas all the way down. ANYWAY, you guys, we need to find Nobita and Doraemon. The first step is finding Ittan-Momen flying around because like Hell he won't be here."
As if on cue, a dashing white cloth with beautiful blue eyes flew through the area and down the street.
"Fuckin' typical; OK, let's go." Gummie spread their arms...wings and took to the air, trying his best to keep up with the white cloth. Naturally, being part of the Kitaro Family and being Objectively The Best Kitaro Character In The Universe, at least according to the Author, Ittan-Momen was very fast and hard to keep up with. "Hey, sir, would you mind slowing down? I'll buy you some sweet potato sake if you do."
"Huh, what? Are ya talkin' to me?" Ittan-Momen flipped over in the air to look at Gummie, who wasn't keeping up very well. The cloth stopped and allowed the alien to catch up to him. "Do ya need me for somethin'?"
"First of all, very honored to meet you. Congrats on actually making it into a written work made by my Ghost Writer! They really like your voice and manner of speaking...down to the subtitles that Crunchyroll gives you."
"...Huh...? What...? I don't really understand," Ittan-Momen said. He was blushing though. "Anyway, what do ya need me for?"
"Gonna take a wild guess and say your friend Kitaro is somewhere in the area! Have either of you happened to see a boy in glasses, yellow shirt, black hair, kinda looks like a loser? Or his robot cat friend, no ears, bright smile, red collar with a bell, white belly, a pocket on said belly? I'm inclined to believe that we have a trickster afoot and that those two have been taken here for some reason...as well as you and Kitaro."
"Err..." Ittan-Momen tilted his head slightly to the side. "Yeah, I think so. I'm still not sure I really understand, though..."
"Don't worry about it!" Gummie piped up. "Just let my friends catch up with us and then you can take us to Kitaro, alright?"
"Cotton shochi!"
Chapter 5: When You're Too Afraid To Wake Up
At Ittan-Momen's introduction, the group found Nobita and Doraemon, who were actually having a conversation with GeGeGe no Kitaro himself. While presenting himself politely, it seemed like a lot of the futuristic aspects of Doraemon's existence had confused Kitaro quite a bit. He was just getting used to the fact that people had Smartphones, what was this about a 4th Dimensional Gadget Pocket...?
"Really glad to meet you, Kitaro! Yes, They Above is right, you are definitely Badass Adorable," Gummie gushed.
"Um...thank you," Kitaro replied quietly. "Ittan-Momen, who are...your friends?"
"Don't know. The purple one asked me to bring them to you."
"Sorry, Eko, I'm kindof tuning out here, hahaha. Everything I know about these guys is just what you've told me before..." Star Sheep laughed nervously.
"Trust me, if this got any more out of control, then fucking Ashens would've been mentioned. By the way, he gave the whole chicken in a can a negative review because it just looked like a melted chicken carcass.
"Anyway, Nobita, we've finally found you--and GeGeGe no Kitaro, to boot--at Urien and friends' request, so I'd consider this case closed..." Gummie adjusted her glasses. "...except that someone obviously was behind everyone's displacement, including ours and Kitaro's. So that means the case is still open...until we find the culprit!"
"I thought it was just Ekoro," Nobita replied.
"Ekoro?" Kitaro asked.
"Who's Ekoro?" Richard asked as well, despite the fact that The Real Dr. Dick knew very well who Ekoro was.
"I don't know any Ekoro," Phoebe replied bluntly. Plumule cheeped in agreement.
"I thought you said it couldn't be Ekoro," Kaite responded.
"I did," Gummie said. "So that means that it's someone we don't actually know. Kitaro, do you sense youkai activity?"
"Yes," Kitaro replied without skipping a beat. Gummie's sight wandered to the top of his head, where his ahoge was pointing straight up.
"Well, golly gee, that was fucking easy. Which Youkai of the Week do you think could've possibly done this?"
"I don't know," Kitaro responded. "It's not any youkai I've ever encountered."
"But they're a youkai? And they're close?"
"I wouldn't consider myself a youkai, per say..." came a voice. Everyone looked around, but to no avail. Suddenly, the world fell apart. The group panicked for a second, until the voice came back. "Give it a moment, I'll send you all back home in a second!"
They tried to focus on the source of the voice. It was coming from a definitive direction, but it still seemed like no one was there...
"I'm right here," came the voice again. Everyone looked downwards. In the middle of the group was...something. Almost exclusively what could be made out was a white mask with three heart-shaped holes in it and two horns. The rest of...whatever it was...was completely transparent. Its shaped was also inconceivable, almost as it was hardly there at all.
"The fuck are you, a Phanto?" Gummie asked in a sassy tone.
"Not...really. I'm not a youkai, either. Or a demon. Or really anything...I guess that means I'm...nothing?" It seemed to put a hand over where its chin would be. "It's kind of hard to be here, sorry."
"O...kay...so why did you bring everyone here?"
"Oh! I just wanted to have some fun and let you all construct a silly story in a world of my creation! I hope you enjoyed it! Happy April Fools'!" Nobody seemed impressed. "Aw, c'mon, I can't imagine it was that bad? I understand that all of you enjoy ridiculous humor like this! Not counting Kitaro and friends, of course, because they don't really represent anyone in The Other World, but surely the rest of you found parts of it funny!"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Dr. Dick asked.
"I don't really know! I would say I'm Nanashi but Kitaro and Ittan-Momen would get mad. But similarly to him, I have no name. No one's given me one, and I might never have one."
"Oh, I know you," Gummie responded, "you're the one They Above have been struggling with for a while; they call you Not Melon."
"Ah, but that's not actually my name. Similarly to how they've called other characters in progress 'Not Ekoro' and the like. I don't have a name yet. But, I do have a birthday! It's today! April 1st is my birthday!"
"I'm inclined to believe that's bullshit because your concept has been floating around for more than a fucking week," Gummie grumbled.
"Well, they didn't make Smile on May 18th, and yet that's his birthday, right? And Urien was conceived sometime in November or December, but his birthday is somewhere in June or July, but it's still not decided because they want a date that would perfectly reflect Urien's personality similar to how it seemed to happen with Smile, right?"
"Wait, Urien's birthday is in June or July?" Nobita asked. "It would've been great to know that last year!"
"Yeah, but the date's still up in the air. Plus, that plot thread was going to be explored with Ekoro, with Star Sheep's Ghost Writer taking the role of Ringo so she and They Above could roleplay some fluffy EkoRin stuff. And then they decided that they didn't want to do anymore, and ran out of time anyway."
"...I think that's beyond even my understanding, Mister...err...what did you say your name was again?" Doraemon asked, tilting his head.
"Ah, well...firstly, I'm not a mister...and secondly...I don't have one. However, my birthday being today was inspired by Subeta's Elwood's birthday being today, and that Elwood's Pizza is in between time and space, kinda like me! Ultimately They Above decided they actually wanted to go down this route for me!"
"...OK." Both Nobita and Doraemon had given up at this point.
"Actually!" they piped up, clapping their hands together...or something? They were so intangible it wasn't really clear. "They Above decided to plan all this out as a way to introduce me, even though I kind of don't fully exist yet! That's part of the reason why you can't really tell what I look like...the only thing confirmed is my mask, you see?
"Anyway, that means that you, I, and the Yokai might all meet up sometime soon, in another universe! Exciting right? I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Did you understand any of that, Kitaro-san?" Ittan-Momen asked.
"No," Kitaro answered bluntly.
"It's OK, you aren't really involved. They Above are just such a huge fan of you guys that they wanted to include you. Anyway...as much as I'd love to stay and chat with you all, it's time for you guys to go back, and for this story to come to a close.
"It was really nice meeting you all! Especially because...I don't really have any friends yet! But, again, I hope you all enjoyed your time here, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all again! I'm not sure when or where, but it'll definitely happen!"
And all will fade to black.
Chapter 6: Home At Last
Gummie awoke with a start. Apparently they had fallen asleep on their desk. Star Sheep was in the corner, playing Splatoon 2 For The Nintendo Switch™.
"Star Sheep, what the hell happened last night?"
"I'm not really sure, but I had a really crazy dream where we went to solve a case...something about two people going missing? And then Kitaro was there?"
"Kitaro? You mean like GeGeGe no Kitaro Kitaro?"
"Yeah. Also there was that guy, there was that guy you like."
"Fuck yes. I had the same dream too. Ittan-Momen was fucking incredible." Star Sheep turned to her friend's general direction and gave him a warm smile.
"Glad you liked it."
At the end of the day, much fun was had...and also Nezumi-Otoko Is Still Underground.
Thank you to @astarrymusenight, @jellipuddi, @robocatandboy, @timeandspaceandmagic, and my Twitter friend Peter Puzzling for letting me use your characters/personas!
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Survey #111
You know you’re from North Carolina when...
- You either have the lighthouse or the plane on your driver's license (nobody gets the seal). (don't have my license *shrug emoticon*) - You roll your eyes and correct people that pronounce it "App-a-LAY-shun" instead of "App-a-LATCH-un." - You have probably been to the Biltmore Estate (AKA America's only castle) before on a school field trip. - If there is even a CHANCE of snow school will be cancelled for a week, the grocery store will be out of milk and bread, and everyone will be afraid to drive. (THIS IS SOOO FUCKING TRUE) - You either like light blue or dark blue, not both. - Some of your family members probably make/sell real moonshine and it's WAY better than that knock-off crap they sell in gas stations now. (I know someone who does, though.) - Cook Out is life. - You have waited in line in your car for two or three hours just to see a street of Christmas lights in McAdenville (AKA Christmastown, USA). - In elementary school you heard the phrases "Duke is puke! Wake is fake! But NC State is the one we hate!" and "You can't get to heaven in a red canoe 'cause God's favorite color is CAROLINA BLUE!" thanks to your obnoxious UNC-loving classmates. - Billy Graham is a state-wide hero and you've probably been to his beautiful library. - You often wonder why Charlotte isn't the capital instead of Raleigh. - Two of God's greatest gifts were invented in North Carolina: Cheerwine and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. (I've never had Cheerwine) - NASCAR is a big deal. (Not to me, but to literally almost everyone else, yeah.) - In school there was importance placed on the Lost Colony, Blackbeard, and tobacco. - It doesn't matter what time of year you go swimming in the mountains, the river water is always freezing. - You've been to Sliding Rock before. - "Wagon Wheel" (by Old Crow Medicine Show) is a very important song to you and you knew it way before Darius Rucker covered it. - Occasionally, you have to worry about a hurricane destroying your town. (We get hurricanes every couple years I'd say, but the bad ones usually curve back into the ocean.) - Bojangles is the best way to cure a hangover. (You haven't fuckin' lived until you go to Bojo's, but it's not gonna cure a hangover.) - We love going "all the way," AKA chili, slaw, onions, and mustard on our hotdogs. (Again, not me, but pretty much everyone else.) - You brag about all the amazing movies filmed here, including "The Last of the Mohicans," "Dirty Dancing," "The Hunger Games," "A Walk to Remember," "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," and "The Color Purple." - And also the popular TV shows filmed in North Carolina, including "One Tree Hill," "Homeland," "Under the Dome," "Sleepy Hollow" and "Dawson's Creek." - You rep 23 because the greatest basketball player of all time is also from here: Michael Jordan. - There are two kinds of barbecue: Eastern-style and Lexington-style, and you probably have a preference. Either way, North Carolina has the best barbecue in the country. - And barbecue is a NOUN, not a verb. - We have some of the best breweries in the country, also. - The ACC tournament is an extremely important time of the year where families and friendships will be torn apart. - Many people think North Carolina is super conservative, until they make their way to Asheville. (Uh, no. The entire state is conservative.) - There's nothing more relaxing than driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall. - You've definitely been to Carowinds and then realized it's not that great. - Every hour is happy hour to you, because North Carolina legally cannot have an official happy hour! - You can always see a lovely dogwood tree blooming in the spring. (Never, ever, do you want to smell one.) - You will fight anyone who says Ohio was first in flight. - If you need to buy furniture, there are only two places to go: Hickory or High Point. - You know the North Carolina mountains are the best and only place to get a Christmas tree. - You know the struggle of waiting to get your after 9's when you first get your driver's license. (It's the same for a permit.) - Even though we're on the coast, most people go to the beach in South Carolina. - You think the Rocky Mountains are great, but the Blue Ridge Mountains are home. - Tracking red clay into your house is normal. - You had to memorize the names of all the North Carolina lighthouses in 4th grade. - You either conquered the swinging mile-high bridge on Grandfather Mountain, or turned around halfway in fear. - There's a certain time of summer when it's too hot to even go swimming because the pool water feels like bathwater. - People from other states get confused when you say you're going to Beech and grab your skiing gear. (Lmao what.) - You know our state motto "esse quam videri" (meaning "to be, rather than to seem") is an appropriate representation of our great state. (Well that's a load of shit.) - You have strong feelings about barbeque. (Yeah, in the sense that I hate it.) - Somehow our favorite team always come down to some last-minute victory or loss. Ensue floods of tears. - On a Florida vacation at least three people have asked you where you're from. (My grandma lives in Florida.) - You LIKE tobacco, as in, the gorgeous tobacco fields and the rich heritage it has in our state. - You've partied in a field. (We were what, 13, so it wasn't exactly a "party," but we played out there, if that counts?) - It's not Christmas unless you watch the Andy Griffith Christmas Episode - It doesn't feel like fall unless you visit the State Fair. - Summer vacations meant one thing, ferry rides to the Outer Banks. (Again, to other people. OBX is huge here.) - You've bought watermelons, peaches, and vegetables off the side of the road. (I don't trust that shit.) - You have mixed feelings about Myrtle Beach. - You've attended a pig pickin'. (And they're fucking gross.) - Your accent and dialect varies depending on which part of the state you grew up in. - You've never met ANY celebrities. - You measure distance in minutes. (Literally everyone here does.) - Down South to you means South Carolina. (It can.) - You know Pepsi originated in New Bern, Cheerwine in Salisbury, and that Mountain Dew was invented in Fayetteville. (I knew they were all invented here, but not where specifically.) - You know Coke tastes better in the little bottles and that peanuts make coke taste even better. (Don't like peanuts) - Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves. - Your school took a field trip to the State Fair in Raleigh. - You watched as Dale Earnhardt was the only man who ever lived who could go 200 mph, spin somebody out, flip them the bird, call them a you-know-what, and win the race all in the last lap. - You skipped school to go to Dale Earnhardt's memorial service. - You know a bunch of people who have hit a deer. (Like everyone lmao) - You know a few that have also hit a bear. - You remember watching the ACC Tournament on television at school. - The local newspaper covers state, national, and international headlines in one page, but sports require six pages. - Most men in town consider the first day of deer season a national holiday. - Fifty degrees Fahrenheit is "a little chilly" (To other people; that's like perfect for me.) - You have no problem spelling or pronouncing "Conetoe" or "Top Sail" (I've been to Conetoe once and it blew my mind how it was pronounced lol.  I didn't know Top Sail had a weird pronunciation...?) - Your school classes were canceled because of cold. - Your school classes were canceled because of heat. - Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway. (Happens rarely.) - You know tea is served sweet unless you specifically asked for unsweetened. - You've ever had to switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day. - You end your sentences with a preposition, for example, "Where's my coat at?" "What's that made out of?" (Doesn't... everyone sometimes...?) - All the festivals around the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, or tobacco. - You know the difference between a deer dog, a bear dog and a coon dog by the way they bark. - Your four seasons are almost summer, summer, still summer, and highway construction. (PRETTY FUCKING MUCH.) - You think the four major food groups are beef, pork, beer, and Jello salad with marshmallows. - Schools and churches hold barbecue fundraisers with banana pudding as the dessert. - Your folks would rather eat at Bojangles's than McDonald's. - You know what "cow tipping" is. - You say, “it don’t” instead of “it doesn’t." - You sometimes eat country ham, grits and eggs for supper. - “Onced” and “twiced” are words. - You know how much a "mess" of anything is. - You say "tater" instead of "potato" - You say "skeeter" instead of "mosquito" - You say "possum" instead of "opossum" - You say "coon" instead of "raccoon" - You know that "barbeque" means cooking pork on an open pit and a "cook out" is grilling hamburgers and hotdogs. - You know that "pop" is a sound, and "soda" is used for baking. - Everything tastes better when served in a mason jar. - You'll never hear anything more passive-aggressive than "bless your heart!" - Everyone knows someone who's in the military. - Everyone seriously loves the North Carolina Zoo. - People have to ask, "Is there alcohol in this?" - You loooove Sun Drop. - You know to NEVER go to the Crabtree Valley Mall on the weekend. (Never, ever, do it.)
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lalka-laski · 4 years
How far away is the person you miss? I miss quite a lot of people recently thanks to this whole quarantine thing... Life is weird right now. Do you find the opposite sex confusing? Not to generalize but I find them pretty one dimensional. However I do find their overall stupidity and lack of sense confusing as all hell.  Has a heavy shampoo bottle ever fell on your foot while you were taking a shower? THE WORST. And why is it the LOUDEST sound known to man?!  If you were to die today would your life be complete? It would not. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? My mom and my grandmother, for starters!  What is on your wrist right now? Not a thing What does your hair look like right now? It’s clipped up in a messy bun/wannabe beehive type of style.  Your phone rings, what do you say? Hello?  Can you speak another language? I’m decent at Polish and I might be able to recall some of the French I learned from 6 years at school. Both languages need a dusting up, maybe that’ll be one of my quarantine activities  How are you feeling? Uncertain about everything right now Will your next kiss be a mistake? Absolutely not  Will you be in a relationship next month? Seeing as he just officially moved into my apartment yesterday, yeah I hope so. Ha! Are you wearing any clothing that doesn't belong to you? Well the sweatshirt I’m wearing came from Plato’s Closet so it technically belonged to someone else first  You're thinking about someone, aren't you? Well NOW I am Do you have a reason to smile right now? I struggle to recognize the positives of this situation. Things are just shitty right now, and it’s ok to say so.  Has anyone said they loved you today? Yes, multiple times What are you thinking about right now? I just cracked a window and the fresh, crisp air feels so refreshing so I’m just taking a minute to savor it.  Are you tired? I just fell asleep not even seconds after finishing my dinner lol. But I forced myself to get up. I’m trying to maintain somewhat of a sleep schedule despite all that’s going on  Have you ever woke up next to someone and freaked out? Yes, but not necessarily for the reason you may think.  Anything you'd like to say to anyone? Grrrr......  Have you ever told your mom/dad you were in love? They know I am now. I previously kept all my romantic relationships private though, until this one. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms? Yes. It’s a sweet feeling but I’m also an overheated and restless sleeper SO it’s not the most ideal for me ha! Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? Glenn. And I plan on it! What is the last thing you got in trouble for with your parents? I’m 27  Do you act differently around the person you like? I actually realized the other day that I’m my most candid and genuine self around Glenn. I’ve always heard people say “I can completely be myself around (my SO)” and never understood it. I was under the impression that I was my true self around anyone. But I now realize there were details about myself, however minuscule, that I dimmed in the presence of others.  How is the weather right now? It’s chilly and gray, which is actually my ideal. And everything smells so FRESH!  Is it easy to make you cry? You don’t even know...  Why do you think so many people cheat on their bf/gf? I couldn’t tell ya Are you afraid of getting cheated on? In my relationship now, absolutely not.  Do you know anyone that drinks? Nope, not a single person. *Sips Riesling*  If you could go back in time and change things, would you? At this point, no.  What's your opinion on pot? It should 100% be legalized and any and all persons incarcerated for related crimes should be freed. And compensated for their time.
Where is your ex right now? My most recent ex is probably at his mother’s house where he will be for the rest of his life.  Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color? Pretty much. I’m a natural blonde, I just dye it a slightly ashier/cooler tone. I’m going for that snow princess look! Will this weekend be a good one? There really is no telling what any day will be like these next few weeks... I’m trying to keep hope alive but the anxiety overpowers.  What would your name be with the first three letters? Eli  Are you someone who worries too often? DO YOU KNOW ME Would you ever donate blood? I do frequently. I find it’s one of the simplest acts of charity. And you usually get a free tee shirt or at least a juicebox out of it. How could you pass that up? Do you care if people hate you for no reason? I would be devastated by that Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? SOUR! Give me all the sour gummies!!
Have you ever hugged someone named Joe? Mhm  Have you ever been kissed in a bedroom? Where do you think majority of kisses in the history of mankind have happened...?  Is there someone you will never forget? Many, many people Do you like somebody right now? A little :P Do you think somebody likes the same person you do? He’s a well-liked guy! Are you a morning person or a night person? I don’t really know. I’m inclined to say I’m a morning person but my current job has me up at 5:30 every morning and that shit is for the birds. LITERALLY. Ha! I didn’t even do that on purpose but now I’m cracking myself up...  Tears are falling from your eyes, what's the reason? It could be anything, literally anything. I’m a major crier.  Who sits in front of you in math class? I’m not in school  Do you like to cuddle? Love it. Well, when I’m in the mood.  When's the last time you laughed really hard? Yesterday or today, though I can’t remember at what Last reason for going on youtube? I looked up tips for a recipe I was following Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed? Like I said above, I just fell asleep immediately after finishing my dinner. We were eating at the coffee table and I started nodding off.  Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? That’s ALL I own. Skinny jeans or jeggings. How many times have you dyed your hair? I’ve lost track now Last song you listened to? Whatever song is in the background of the video game Glenn’s playing  Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Maybe not everyone, but in most cases I’d be inclined to offer a second chance  What are you looking forward to tomorrow? I hope to check another category off my cleaning list. Yes, I have a categorized cleaning list. AND it’s color-coded  Do you think you can last for an hour without talking? Probably Do you love your friends? Of course! They keep me sane Do you think people dwell on the past too much? @ me next time  What college did/do you want to go to? I graduated from SUNY Brockport  Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you liked? Mhm  Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for? I’m with him currently  Are you friends with any of your ex boyfriend/girlfriends? We’re friendly and we keep in touch, but I wouldn’t consider myself “friends” with any of them Were you anyone's first love? Yes If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? Spring maybe When's the next time you'll be kissed? Probably in a few minutes Do you like the sound of a piano? I do. I’d LOVE to learn how to play, but I’m not sure I have the dexterity  Do you own any pets? Not currently  When's the last time you were at the grocery store? Yesterday  Do you have any siblings? 2 sisters Are you a sensitive person? To the extreme Would you ever want to go to Minnesota? For what reason...? How many times a day do you shower? I shower every 1-2 days. Are your parents still together? Yep  Do you know anyone who has been adopted? Mhm  Do you enjoy just sitting outside for no reason? Love it! Preferably with a drink in my hand Would you rather live in a big or little town? Hmm...  Describe your ex in two words: No thanks When was the last time you had coffee? Few days ago  What was the last thing you bought? Groceries  What's the closest thing to you that's yellow? There’s a little snowman figurine on the table to my left and it’d holding an assortment of balloons, one of which is yellow.  Last time you had someone cook for you? I stayed at my sister’s the other night and she made me pancakes in the morning!  Last thing you drank? Sipping a (cheap ass) Riesling as I sit here  Would you like to learn to play the drums? It wouldn’t be my first choice for an instrument  Are you ticklish? EXTREMELY. To the point I refuse to be tickled. I don’t find it fun, I find it maddening! Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Years ago!  What are you doing later tonight? This is pretty much the extent of my night. Drinking wine, scrolling social media, maybe reading a bit  How late did you stay up last night? 11-12ish. I don’t fully remember falling asleep  Have you dated someone longer than a year? Mhm 
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minnievirizarry · 6 years
The top 12 Instagram tips your brand needs to act on
If you’ve been sleeping on Instagram, now’s the perfect time to capitalize on the platform’s current boom.
Over a billion active users and counting. New features and functions for business being rolled out on a regular basis.
The hype is real.
However, the ever-changing Instagram algorithm is proving to be a challenge for brands looking to maximize their engagement.
And while  the change in reach isn’t as significant as Facebook’s recent updates, this is a prime opportunity to double-check that you’re following Instagram’s best practices.
That’s why we put together this list of Instagram tips to ensure that your presence isn’t stuck in 2010. Whether you’re totally new to the platform or want to double-check that you’re running your Instagram by the book, all of these tips deserve your attention.
1. Optimize your bio
Businesses often obsess over their photos and captions so much that they forget about one of the most important pieces of their Instagram profile.
That is, their bio.
Your Instagram bio represents some seriously valuable real estate. From funneling visitors to your promotions to serving as a call to action, there’s a ton that brands can do in just a few words.
Here’s a quick checklist of what you can include in your bio regardless of what your business might be:
A branded hashtag to encourage tagging and sharing
A slogan or brief description that speaks to your brand voice
An Instagram-specific relevant bio link pointing to your homepage or a promotion (hint: you can use a URL tracker like Bitly to further assess your Instagram traffic)
Check out how Hello Fresh manages to tick off all of these boxes with their simple, clean bio.
2. Don’t sleep on Stories
Among our most pressing Instagram tips for brands, this is a big one for your content strategy.
Stories represent a clear priority for Instagram right now. They’re among the most popular types of content by far, acting as a sort of spiritual successor to Snapchat. Users can’t get enough of today’s time-sensitive, “self-destruct” style content.
Meanwhile, new features such as Stories ads and audience polls further signal that the platform wants brands on board. If you’re looking for a boost in engagement, look no further than running regular Stories.
The beauty of Stories is that there’s no expectation for them to be polished. Snapshots, selfies and bite-sized posts that show off your brand in the real world can be put together in no time.
3. Produce more video content
Although Stories might be king in terms of content, videos aren’t far behind.
The need to produce video is universal among all social networks and Instagram is no exception.
The good news? Doing so is easier than ever thanks to the slew of Instagram apps out there that serve as your pocket studio.
Native apps such as Boomerang and Hyperlapse allow for straightforward video editing. In fact, even big brands like Krispy Kreme rely on bite-sized Boomerang videos as part of their feed.
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Party favors with spooky, spectacular flavors.
A post shared by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (@krispykreme) on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:17am PDT
Instagram is all about compelling visual content. Videos are a prime way to instantly step up the entertainment value of your feed.
4. Figure out your publishing frequency
If you’re looking for Instagram tips to raise your reach, start by looking at how you time your posts.
In other words, how often you’re posting and at what time your content is going live.
Do you stick to a schedule? Are you pretty much posting at random?
Don’t sweat it if your answer is a resounding “no.”
But bear in mind that there are optimal times to post on social media.
Although trends change and this doesn’t guarantee a flurry of new followers, anything you can do to set yourself up for more engagement is a plus. Here’s a quick overview of Sprout’s own findings in regard to post timing.
Consider that most brands are publishing to Instagram at least once a day. This allows brands plenty of time to map out what they want to publish and fine-tune their posts, too.
Beyond Sprout’s own Instagram scheduling, features such as Viralpost can do the legwork for you of figuring out the best times for your brand to post based on audience behavior.
5. Include a call-to-action in your captions
Much like your bio, there’s much more to any given Instagram caption than meets the eye.
Rather than post passively, captions serve as an opportunity to not only show off your creative side but also encourage engagement.
Here are some examples of how you can drive fans and followers to take action via captions:
Asking questions
Encourage sharing via hashtags and regrams
Publish “tag-a-friend” posts that encourage conversations between users
Point people to your bio link
Playful captions like this one from Terrapin do double-duty of encouraging action and putting the brand’s personality on display.
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Show us where you are tailgating with Terrapin today! 🚗🏈🍻 #tailgatewithterrapin #tailgatebeer #gameday #footballsaturday
A post shared by Terrapin Beer Co. (@terrapinbeerco) on Oct 13, 2018 at 8:00am PDT
In short, putting a bit of extra effort into your captions can help step up your engagement rate.
6. Rethink how you use hashtags
Speaking of captions, many brands are scrambling for Instagram tips on how the heck to use hashtags.
The two big functions of hashtags are making your posts searchable while also encouraging hashtag shares among your audience.
Oftentimes you’ll see a combination of branded hashtags (#RedCup) and broader, community tags (#coffee), serving as a sort of best of both worlds.
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✨It’s red cup season!✨Tomorrow (Nov. 2), get the limited-edition #Reusable #RedCup for free with the purchase of any holiday drink, and celebrate all season long! (US + Canada, at participating stores while supplies last.)
A post shared by Starbucks Coffee ☕ (@starbucks) on Nov 1, 2018 at 4:00am PDT
If you’re still stuck on how to use hashtags, perhaps the biggest Instagram tips we can offer is to not stuff them.
Based on our own numbers, a “less is more” mentality seems to work best versus trying to cram dozens of tags into your captions.
But consider that sometimes the best way to use hashtags is to, well, not use them at all.
At least not all the time.
Again, creativity counts on Instagram. Don’t be afraid to post the occasional photo that speaks for itself. Bold statements like this one from Universal Studios are a great example of what we’re talking about.
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Follow us to Hogwarts.
A post shared by Universal Orlando Resort (@universalorlando) on Oct 19, 2018 at 7:10am PDT
7. Regram your fans and followers
Feel overwhelmed with how much you’re expected to post on Instagram?
That’s why it’s ideal to let your followers do some of the work for you.
With the help of a branded hashtag, you can regularly encourage fans to post user-generated content that you can in turn regram yourself. This allows you to show your audience some love while also having a constant stream of content at your disposal.
Here’s an example of curated content from Vans, sourced from their #MyVans hashtag.
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Our favorite part of fall. vans.com/classics 📷:@JulesDenby
A post shared by vans (@vans) on Oct 26, 2018 at 9:52am PDT
And here’s another from Anthropologie.
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Our bags are packed and we’re headed to FINLAND! Follow along here and on Stories for all #adventuresofanthro with @ourfinland ✈️ Photo via @noorauusitalo #AnthroinFinland
A post shared by Anthropologie (@anthropologie) on Oct 28, 2018 at 8:03am PDT
Whether you’re strapped for ideas or just want to show some appreciation to your followers, regrams deserve a place within your content strategy.
8. Promote your presence beyond Instagram
Do your customers and existing social followers actually know that you’re on Instagram?
Seems like a no-brainer, but you might be surprised how many brands squander their off-platform promotion.
For example, you can totally make occasional references to your Instagram on other networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
As far as your website goes, social media buttons and embedding your feeds on your homepage are a good start.
And if you have an email list, likewise include social buttons and regularly make reference to your Instagram presence. Check out how MeUndies published an entire email campaign centered around their Instagram and branded hashtag.
9. Actively engage with other accounts
Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that brands make on Instagram is that they do all the talking.
Replying to questions and tags from your followers is not only good customer service but also a positive signal for your engagement rate.
Because how you go back-and-forth with actual people matters more than an arbitrary follower count.
Check out how Black Milk Clothing thoughtfully responds to each and every fan and how they get some serious love in return.
The need to respond to followers speaks to the importance of social listening and monitoring your mentions. This makes it easier to respond to questions and concerns in a timely manner.
10. Make your presence more human
Beyond comments, anything you can do to show off the human side of your brand through your Instagram content is a major plus.
There’s a reason why more and more businesses are focusing on storytelling and people-centric posts rather than just blasting products and promos.
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"… all grins and smiles as we set up camp … Maybe it was the bag of wine that kept these smiles going as we made our way through the TCT." // @makcrist, Teton Crest Trail, #Wyoming. #ForceOfNature
A post shared by REI (@rei) on Oct 11, 2018 at 2:00pm PDT
Not everything needs to be explicitly product-focused. In fact, the occasional off-the-cuff, personal photo is actually a smart move when in doubt.
11. Keep up with a content calendar
Obviously there is no shortage of options in terms of what you can post.
Product and customer photos. Text overlays and memes. Selfies and snapshots in the wild.
And that only scratches the surface.
In order to organize what you’re posting and look at your Instagram presence in a more holistic way, a content calendar is a game-changer. Sprout’s own Instagram integrations can help you keep a birds-eye view on your Instagram presence in addition to your social media strategy at large.
12. Monitor your Instagram analytics
Piggybacking on the last tip, brands need to know which types of content are their top-performers and where they need to improve in terms of their reach.
Sprout can help with that, too.
Analytics that cover everything from engagement rate to hashtags and beyond are part of Sprout’s suite. You can also tag posts as part of internal campaigns or other themes, allowing you to track how related sets of content are performing. Rather than fly blindly, having access to more robust analytics beyond Instagram’s native platform allow you to experiment with peace of mind.
What Instagram tips do you think are the most important for today’s brands?
If you’re looking to figure out the kinks in your Instagram presence, you certainly aren’t alone.
More competition and Instagram’s updated algorithm signal the need for brands to make some serious changes. This combination of Instagram tips is key to optimizing your presence no matter what your industry might be.
And with the help of Sprout, you can streamline those tweaks quickly and efficiently.
We still want to hear from you, though. What Instagram tips do you have for fellow brands? Anything you’re still struggling with? Let us know in the comments below!
This post The top 12 Instagram tips your brand needs to act on originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/instagram-tips/
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austenmarriage · 8 years
New Post has been published on Austen Marriage
New Post has been published on http://austenmarriage.com/impressions-of-australia/
Impressions of Australia
On the week-long visit to Australia to discuss the time and works of Jane Austen with fellow Janeites, the schedule set up so that I had a day on and a day off, giving me the opportunity to see a little of the country-continent. This was a welcome change from my only other visit, a business trip in 1998, when all I saw was hotels and conference rooms—and Michael Palin of “Monty Python” fame in an elevator.
When my time in a new place is limited, my preference is to find one or two things to do and strike out on foot. With an early morning arrival, I promptly set off to explore Sydney after fueling up at the nearest eatery—a 7-11 selling urn coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I found authentic Australian food later. …
Weather in the country had been dreadfully hot in the weeks before my arrival—above 100 degrees Fahrenheit—but had cooled to the high-80s (about 30 in their Celsius), which made for pleasant if occasionally sweaty walks. Remember, it’s summer in the Southern hemisphere. At the Sydney talk, the day was so sultry that the dress code was casual. Ceiling fans shoved the hot air around, and the talk ended just as the skies unleashed a barrage of hail. I felt like I was back home in an Arkansas summer T-storm. When the hail abated, we dashed for the car, but on the way home got hit by several pieces so large we thought it was going to break the windshield (it didn’t!).
On a day off, I walked Oxford Street from the Paddington area of Sydney through Hyde Park to Sydney Harbor. (Many place names in Australia refer to the English homeland.) The street is lined with fashionable dress shops for women on one side and more specialized shops for male clientele on another. (All I bought was a pair of bicycle socks from a U.S. expatriate who had made his career in the Coast Guard, then met an Aussie girl and came with her here.)
Ancient Moreton Bay fig trees cover much of Hyde Park in Sydney
One turns and goes downhill through Hyde Park, a cool respite populated with exotic birds and huge trees, including the Moreton Bay fig tree with its convoluted branches. The harbor is anchored on the right by the clamshell roofs of the famous Sydney Opera House and on the left by “The Rocks,” where a handful of the original stone buildings survive from the colony’s founding. Sydney’s first citizens were convicts transported from England for mostly petty crimes—in essence, England dumping its impoverished citizens on a largely empty land.
Sydney has a huge harbor with lots of coves—the city of 4.5 million wraps around almost too many coves to count. A two-hour cruise provided an appreciation of the scale of this beautiful city. Sydney’s Harbor Bridge is a magnificent structure, completed in the 1930s, which gave the people the confidence that they could create a city to rival any in the world.
I dined twice with members of the Jane Austen society at 5 Ways, an intersection of five streets in Paddington that sports a number of restaurants, including the Thai and Italian where we dined. Food is somewhat pricier in Australia than the U.S., but we landed upon pasta specials one night and did well for the sum spent. Bright and lively conversation in all three cities I visited convinced me of what one woman said, “Jane Austen has a way of bringing good people together.”
Paddington lace–wrought-iron metalwork–on colorful buildings
The Paddington area is known for its ornate wrought-iron work on the front of houses, called “Paddington Lace.” These designs, along with the warmth, humidity, and subtropical plants, remind an American of New Orleans. As does the Mardi Gras celebration scheduled for the next weekend!
In Sydney, Susannah Fullerton, the president of the Jane Austen Society of Australia, took me along a hill on the south side of the Sydney Harbor, where our loop brought lovely views of the entrance of the harbor to the sea, along with the original lighthouse and gun emplacements that were still active in World War II. One stone path had been built by the convict laborers transported from England to Australia.
Detail of the wrought-iron metalwork known as Paddington lace
Those who survived the year-long voyage, and the initial years of hardship and near-starvation here, were the hardiest stock. Having earned their freedom, they carved out a nation from a stingy land. (And, like settlers in the U.S., had often brutal encounters with the natives, a troubled legacy that lingers to today.)
My journey continued Wednesday with a 2.5-hour train ride north and west to Newcastle, like its English namesake a coal-producing town. The train went through densely forested hills and alongside Lake Macquarie. Efficient and fresh, the train gave me the opportunity to work on Volume III of my trilogy. Writing in a new location stimulates creativity.
Like the U.S. west coast, the Australian east coast can be hot and dry, and the danger of bush fire is serious. On one side, a fire had come right up to the railroad tracks. Recent rains had been very welcome.
In Newcastle, my host lived at the top of an area known as the Hill, and we walked on an engineering marvel of a pedestrian bridge that spanned several small headlands. We went only partway; the entire bridge tied together the beaches and port below with the upper parts of town. Later, we also strolled the main port area.
Though coal is still exported (a long line ships stretched into the distance offshore, waiting their turn to come in for loading), the steel mill shut down years ago. The closure was a severe shock to the economy, but Newcastle has rebounded and is now becoming a tourist destination and cultural center.
An author on parade must balance the number of books he hopes to sell with the number that one can physically carry. My arms are several inches longer than when I started. The people of Newcastle were particularly receptive, leaving me with much lighter bags to schlepp back.
Downtown of Brisbane, largest city in Queensland, still another port in Australia
In Brisbane, I stayed in an area known as Ascot, which has two racecourses, named of course for its English parallel. On Saturday, the men in their suits and the ladies in their finery strolled down to the horse track. Their return, after a hot afternoon and the consumption of adult beverages, left the ladies holding onto their bonnets while swaying on their heels.
Racecourse Road—a half-mile stretch of bars, coffee shops, restaurants, and interesting shops—leads to the Brisbane River. One eatery is called 5 Burroughs, named for the five divisions of New York City but feeling more like a rib joint in the American South. If Sydney felt like New Orleans with its upscale feel and wrought-iron work, Brisbane feels more like Charleston by the sea or Little Rock by the river. The local variety of cicadas begin to call the minute you get off the main street, even in the day.
On the river itself, with tall new buildings on three sides and a large cruise ship on the other, the air saturates a courtyard with the smell of curry. Dinner was at a restaurant at the old brick power plant, a huge structure that has been converted into theaters, restaurants, and other night-life venues.
I’m hesitant to generalize about a country from meeting only a dozen or so, but Australians are a gregarious folk. Everyone I met was eager to speak to me, eager to visit with a visiting American. Granted that I was spending much of my time with well-educated and well-read people, but even those I ran into on the street were engaged and interested in the world around them.
No doubt one reason is that Australia is an island nation—and a coastal country. Every major city is a port town. People look out to sea rather than inland. Out-country visitors are common, from all over the world. That may be why many Australians think of international rather than in-country travel. With few mountains to generate weather, the interior of Australia is hot and dry and relatively unpopulated. The big cities are all on the coast. Darwin is closer to Jakarta, Indonesia, than to any major Australian city. As one person in Brisbane put it, she can fly three and a half hours still be in Queensland. A little farther, and she can be in a different country.
Being part of the British Commonwealth and being the only nation of Western heritage on this side of the Pacific, Australians pay much more attention to international affairs, particularly American and English, than the average American.
After all, World War II came right to Australia’s door—Brisbane guns exchanged fire with Japanese ships in World War II, submarines attacked Sydney Harbor, and the battle of the Coral Sea stopped a fleet intent on invasion.
Every Australian with whom I said more than a few words—my accent gave me away—peppered me with questions about the U.S. election. Though Americans tend to think of England, Germany, and other European nations as our allies, Australians consider themselves America’s closest ally—they are the ally in the Pacific. They’ve fought beside the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan—not to mention in Vietnam and the two world wars. They could not understand why our President had attacked their Prime Minister. They were more confused and disappointed than angry—doesn’t America know who our friends are?
After just ten days, I certainly know who mine are.
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