#....but nice try. you're still not going with jacen
illuminatedquill · 10 months
Ahsoka Variety Interview Thoughts
Hello, Sabezra nation!
So, it will probably start spilling out soon but, yes, some of the cast members from Ahsoka - Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Hayden Christensen and some guy named Dave Filoni - did an interview with Variety recently to talk about the show.
Now, I know what you're thinking: was there anything regarding Sabine and Ezra's relationship?
And the answer is a resounding NOPE.
But, it's still a very interesting article and there were a few tidbits that stood out to me that I feel is Sabezra related. So, I'll talk about that here.
First up: an interesting quote from Sabine Wren herself, Natasha.
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I've written about this before in a previous post but it's very nice to have it be validated here by Natasha: that Sabine is, indeed, meant to come off as Anakin-coded in this first season of Ahsoka.
Others in this fandom have also noted this and this certainly lends credence to Sabine's feelings for Ezra being more than platonic. Sabine's decision to doom their galaxy in exchange for her friend's safety has enormous ramifications for the Star Wars universe going forward - and only one other character has had such an impact on the franchise: Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin made his choice out of desperation to save his wife, Padme. Star Wars loves its mythological cycles. Lucas passed on that love to Filoni so, in theory, Sabine should be following in the foot-steps of the disaster lineage of Jedi she is now a part of.
But, as I've noted before, one of Ahsoka's themes is trying to break cycles. Baylon wants to break the cycle of endless wars, Ahsoka wants to break the cycle of darkness plaguing her Jedi lineage, and Sabine wants to break the cycle of loss that's all too prevalent in her life.
What does that mean? It means that Filoni has the opportunity to do something that Anakin couldn't with Sabine: show a proper redemptive arc. Find a way to move forward with Ezra and everyone else she betrayed. Find a way to be forgiven and properly atone for her mistakes - preferably without dying or someone else dying on her behalf.
Of course, this is just interpretation on my behalf. The skeptic in me points out that Natasha is only referring to Sabine's recklessness and inner struggles as being what Ahsoka sees as similar to her former master. There's no mention of Ezra.
But we know that one of Anakin's "inner struggles" was his increasing attachment and feelings for Padme. So, is a stretch to say that these inner struggles that Sabine is wrestling with include her yet undisclosed feelings for her friend Ezra? No, not really.
With what Filoni set up from this first season, it's an inevitability that - at some point - Sabine is going to be questioned about why she made that decision. I personally see it as integral to her journey as a Jedi. Which means that Sabine needs to search her feelings and come to understand them.
It's significant that Natasha points out the echoes of Anakin in Sabine's personality and actions. It says quite a lot.
And to back up the whole "reverse Anidala" theory I have, here's what Filoni says in this next quote:
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So this quote is Filoni referencing Ahsoka's struggles with Anakin's legacy as Vader during Rebels and then later in Ahsoka.
"How does that affect somebody when a person that they really admire and looked up to turned out not to be the person they thought they were? Are we all just capable of a fall from grace? And what is forgiveness? What shape does that look like?"
But, keeping this in mind, you could also apply this to Sabine's situation with Ezra, along with everyone else she cares about that was put directly in harm's way with her decision (Hera, Jacen, Zeb, Chopper).
Ahsoka, having come to terms with her own long struggle of forgiving and accepting Anakin for who he was, now has something else to offer Sabine other than showing her how to fight: how to forgive.
Sabine is, presumably (hopefully if Filoni isn't just going to sweep her actions under the rug), going to be struggling with the ramifications of her betrayal at some point in the future. And, not to mention, everyone else also finding out and will most likely be upset, to say the least.
Ahsoka, armed with her own knowledge of how to navigate that thorny path, can be a mediator in that regard. She'll stand with Sabine, as she promised - not condoning her actions, but providing understanding and her own special viewpoint on how to forgive and move on from such an incredibly selfish and destructive action (thanks to Anakin) - and help everyone else find a way to do so, as well.
I figure Ezra and Hera will probably be the focal point of conflict for Sabine. Hera, for obvious reasons, will be upset since Sabine helped kick-start another potential war with the Empire - something she does not want her child to experience growing up in like she and countless others did.
And there's also the matter of how it directly undermines what Kanan and Ezra sacrificed so much for.
As for Ezra . . . I don't know. It's complicated. No idea how Filoni is planning to tackle that. But it's going to hurt him.
It's going to hurt him so much.
But with Ahsoka's presence, it stands to reason that Sabine and Ezra can find a way to reconcile and build something new and stronger from the ruins of their prior relationship.
Other interesting items/observations from the interview:
Filoni already has an outline for Ahsoka season 2. (Nothing confirmed about a renewal, but he's got one ready.)
Hayden Christensen makes an interesting observation about Anakin's return being that he now has the power to wield both the Light Side and Dark Side of the Force, which also gives him the power to save Ahsoka . . . the same power he was trying to obtain when he pledged himself to the Dark Side during Revenge of the Sith.
There are no current plans on Baylon's recasting as of yet. Filoni is still figuring that out. (RIP, Ray Stevenson).
Natasha sees Ahsoka season 1 as setting up "enduring drama" between Ahsoka and Sabine. They still obviously have a lot to work out to mend their relationship - like what happened to Sabine's family and how that was somehow Ahsoka's fault, also Ahsoka stopping her training shortly afterwards.
There is only one direct mention of Thrawn and Ezra: Filoni's decision to send them to another galaxy was because keeping them in the home one was too easy ("too many people travelling, flying around; you can send a signal and get found"). He knew about other galaxies from a scene in Attack of the Clones.
A word of caution: we'll probably be getting more interviews like this within the coming weeks so there will be, presumably, lots of new info coming in.
Hopefully we'll be getting interviews from Eman and Ivanna, as well, since I'm interested to hear more about their characters (Ezra, for obvious reasons, but Shin we definitely need to know more about) and what they might be up to in a future season.
But . . . some of these interviews might contain, shall we say, indications of where certain relationships might go or where whomever is being interviewed think they might go.
So saying this now: unless it comes from the hat man himself, don't get too caught up in whatever is said. It's all fun and speculation.
Sorry for the long ramble. Hope this all makes sense.
See you all down the road.
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nikki-is-a-nerd · 11 months
Invisible String
While in bed with Ezra, you tell him how you think you two were always destined to find your way to each other.
(it's also my apology for the angst fic and this Taylor Swift song hits in ways you don't know)
Genre: Fluff just tooth rotting fluff.
It has already been about six months since you and Ezra have been reunited and three months since you two started dating and living together. It wasn't a difficult transition from being friends to lovers, not when you and him had so much history. It felt almost too natural, like you two were meant to end up here.
You and Ezra both grew up with the other members of the ghost crew, you more than him. You were younger than him by three years, but you were part of the crew way before him. When he disappeared, you and Sabine took it so hard, but Sabine at least had an outlet for a while when she was training with Ahsoka, while you stayed behind to help out the resistance in any way that you could.
All those years apart and gaining experiences, though different made you think about the what ifs in life.
"What are you thinking about?" Ezra asked softly as his fingers carded through your hair.
"Just...what if you stayed here. Like you didn't get to sacrifice yourself. Would we have arrived at this point in our lives still?" You asked truthfully.
"I think we would, maybe a lot faster than we did. I also think that it would have been less complicated too. I think I would have confessed to you in a nice field somewhere in either Lothal or we could go to Naboo." Ezra said looking at the ceiling.
"I think I would've liked that, but am I biased if I like the one I did get?" You teased.
"What? The one I said while I had the flu? You're weird." He laughed.
"Only for you." You joked.
You lay your head on his bare chest drawing patterns on it and some of the blaster scars he must've gotten in his time in Peridea. Ezra looked down on you, feeling content and happy, when he asked you a question as well.
Imagine how different life would've been if I declined Kanan's offer to teach me the ways of a Jedi." He said softly.
"I wouldn't have met you, gotten close to you and all of our little adventures with Sabine would be non existent. I don't think Lothal would be free without you." You said softly.
"I wouldn't know how happy I could've been." You added as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"Aw geez, you really know how to fluster a guy." Ezra said as a blush creeped up his face.
"You know I did try though, date other people while you were gone but they didn't work out." You whispered.
"I know, Sabine told me and that's totally fine. Like I told her, as much as I love you and wish to be with you, I don't want you waiting around for someone who might not come back." Ezra added kindly.
"No, Ezra. They didn't work out because I was looking for you in all of them. I was trying to see glimpses of you in them but, then again there's only one you."
It was silent for a while as Ezra let those words sink in. He felt so much unbridled happiness at the thought. He just felt so much happiness.
"I read a book somewhere how some people are connected by the force, or for some a red string, but with how life was with us. The way we keep finding each other. I'm starting to think ours is no measley red string. I think ours is a golden thread." Ezra said.
"Well aren't you a romantic." You teased as you poked his chest.
"Only for you." He returned your earlier words to you.
"Since we're not as busy in the resistance as of yet, wanna come with me to Yavin-4. I want to show you somewhere I used to go before I joined the ghost." You asked.
"Honestly I'd go anywhere with you. I don't think I can handle being away from you for too long now." He said as he kissed your temple.
"You're such a sap. Jacen tells me you talk his ear off during training and you just tell him how we met, albeit very different from how we actually met." You teased.
Ezra looks at you with a teasing grin as he shifts himself to hover over you and moves his hands to where you're ticklish. Letting the sound of both your laughter echo in your little haven. Although Ezra finds it funny to tickle you and finds it even funnier that now that you're both older, you're struggling to get him off of you, but he was much more focused on the sound of your laughter. A sound he truly did miss while in exile.
"Stop, stop, I admit defeat to the great Jabba the Hut!" You exclaimed a bit breathless.
"What? The great Jabba can't hear you clearly?" He said grinning.
"Oh great Jabba, love of my life, sunshine boy, I surrender." You said catching your breath as Ezra slowed his ministrations to a stop.
"Yay! You are now the captive of Jabba!" He said as he dropped his entire bodyweight on you.
"Ezra, no, you're heavier now and you're huge. You're as heavy as a loth wolf or something." You whined playfully.
"This Loth wolf wants to cuddle his darling girl, awooo" Ezra said hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
You card your fingers through his locks and he looks at you. Eyes full of affection, one you're sure you're reciprocating. At that moment, Ezra immediately knew that there was no time more perfect than this. No crowds, no fancy preparation, just you two in your happiest moment in your comfortable pajamas, with the light of the moon being the only light source in the room.
"Marry me?" Ezra asked shyly.
"Huh?" You asked, wanting to be sure.
Ezra moved away from you, allowing you to sit up as he opened a compartment in his bedside drawer, pulling out a small box. He then situated himself in front of you once more as he opened the box and got down on one knee.
"Will you marry me, your goofy and very much smitten boyfriend and make me the happiest guy in the universe, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" Ezra asked, his voice shaky as the nerves were settling in.
Your eyes pricked with tears, as you hugged Ezra tightly, nodding your head.
"Yes Ezra. Always yes." You answered as you pulled away.
"Thank the force, I thought I was getting a 'not yet Ezra', I mean I wouldn't mind it but that would definitely destroy my confidence." Ezra said as his own tears of joy rolled down his face.
He grabbed your hand and placed a beautiful ring on your hand. It wasn't too in your face or intricate but it was the perfect ring. You then noticed a certain detail engraved inside the ring.
"Ezra, did you ask the ring maker to engrave this?" You asked, a soft smile on your face.
Ezra looked at you as you handed him the ring so he could see it and he grinned as he read the words.
One single thread of gold tied me to you.
"Yeah, I did. I feel like it sums us up perfectly." Ezra said as he placed the ring back on your finger.
"I love you, I'll always find my way back to you." You said softly.
"I'd wait forever for you too. Now, let's sleep my future Mrs. Bridger." Ezra said with the brightest smile.
"Alright, only because I'd wake up seeing your handsome face." You said as you snuggled closer to Ezra.
The future was truly bright for you two. You won't know what would happen next but as long as you two are together. That would be enough.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
Starlight Part One
Hera Syndulla x Fem! Reader
Summary: As a former 501st soldier, you've been assigned to the Ghost to get rid of whatever Imperial programming you have left. Hera is more then understanding.
Part One | Part Two
You had seen a lot in your 23 years.
Endor, Yavin, Ryloth, Chandrilla. The 501st were the first ones in and the last ones out. You were supposed to be better then the clone brothers who came before. But then the Empire lost, and everything shattered.
All you had known was the Empire. You lived for it. Would have taken your last breath for it. Had you not been captured after Endor and sent for re-education via the Ghost.
The first few weeks were tense. You didn't trust them and kept to yourself. You didn't want their filthy Rebel hands helping you with anything.
Until you had jammed the hydro-spanner, and it had shot back out, hitting you in the head. Jacen, Hera's son, had gotten her; he always stuck around you, and you admitted; he was a nice kid. You didn't mind. But you squirmed away from Hera, hand on your own wound; until she had pried your hand gently away to look at it.
"It's not too deep. You'll have a good bruise." She gently chided you; and you looked away as Jacen came back with the med kit, and Hera patched you up.
"Thank you." You managed to get out, and when you glanced at Hera she was smiling softly.
"You're welcome, y/n." She put one of her hands on your knee as she stood up and squeezed before leading Jacen away. You stared at the door as it shut and felt your stomach flip.
Rebels weren't supposed to be nice.
It was a few weeks after that you had enough courage to join Hera one evening in the cockpit. You were going to Lothal and wouldn't be there until morning. You glanced at her as she turned when the doors opened before making your way to the co pilots chair to sit down.
"Why are you up so late?"
"Why are you?" You countered quietly and Hera laughed.
"Soneone has to keep the ship running." Hera smiles, teasing. "Besides my favorite mechanic."
"I thought chopper was your favorite mechanic." You look at her, startled by how blue her eyes are in the semi darkness.
"He's my favorite droid mechanic." Hera replies. She turns her chair to face you. "You have nightmares don't you?"
"All the time." You answer honestly. "I dream I'm still fighting. About the brothers and sisters I have lost. "
Hera frowns. "Sometimes I dream I'm still fighting too." She shifts closer, and you freeze as she takes your hand, holding it gently. "Your going to be okay. You're safe here in this ship, with me."
You hesitate, "Thank you. I'm sorry I'm so horrible." You apologise.
"You're not horrible." Hera says gently. "I wouldn't let anyone around my family that I thought was horrible."
You nod and sigh, ducking your head; your eyes stinging. But a 501st soldier doesn't cry. Your swallowing hard, trying to keep your sobs quiet as Hera moves closer, pulling you into a hug.
"It's okay." Hera holds you tightly. "You're going to be okay." She rests your head on top of yours as you cling to her. God's, why were you acting like this? She was supposed to be the enemy.
By the time you stop crying, Hera is threading her hands through your hair, and you pull away enough to gently untangle yourself from her arms, although she perches herself on the arm rest to keep an arm around you.
"Yes." You offer her an embarrassed smile. "I'm not sure the last time I cried." You laugh slightly , relieved.
"It's good for you." Hera smiles back. She motions her head to the captains chair. "Let's keep you distracted for now. Go and sit there."
"This is your ship."
"Yes. Which means I can train whoever I want to fly it." Hera replies with a raised brow. "Are you arguing with me? Disobeying orders?"
You hesitate because the way she said that leaves little room for arguing. "No, general."
"Then I suggest you work quickly before I change my mind." Hera suggests. "I've seen the way you watch when I'm flying. If you wanted to learn, you could have asked."
You want to say it wasn't the flying you were interested in, but the pilot. Instead you sit up and move to the chair, sitting down. Your in hyperspace, so there's not much you can do.
"You'll learn where everything is. And once you can do that I'll give you a more practical lesson." Hera moves to stand next to you.
"Now tell me what this is..."
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forcecall-blog · 8 years
luke isn't allowed to die, ben says so >8[
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