#.....mhm... so a tall hunk of a man over here is fucking LYING... mhm... YEAH LYING OT HIMSLEF IDK WHERE THE FUCK HE GOT THE IDEA
inoxske · 3 years
Kirishima Eijirou vs. 1A Girls Insecurities
momo, in a tank top: *cooking some kind of dinner*
kirishima, staring at her arms, eyes wide, awestruck:
momo, confused, looks at her arms: *notices he's staring at her stretch marks* umm.... whats up, kiri?
kirishima: is there something on your arm?
momo, eyes wide: ..... oh. yeah, they're called stretch marks.
kirishima, eyes wide: ..... they're super pretty
momo, looking away: thank you
-kirishima leaves-
momo, takes a deep breath: im fine.
momo, staring to cry: this is fine.
jirou, running in: wow! hey, mo, whats wrong? why're you crying, are you hurt?
momo, smiling and wiping her tears: no no no... i just.... i feel really pretty right now
ochaco, awkwardly sitting at a breakfast table in a summer dress: *self-conscious aura oooOooHH*
kirishima, walking in and seeing her, gasps: OCHACO!
ochaco: ‼️ YES?
kirishima, yelling, a huge smile on his face: IS THAT A NEW DRESS??
ochaco, turning beat red: Y- YEAH?
ochaco: *FUCKIN BEAMS*
ochaco, posing like a model, smiling like crazy: THANK YOU EIJIIIII!!!!!!
jirou, walking into the common room with masculine clothes and makeup: *nervous nervous nervous*
kirishima, eating an orange, talking to kami: bro i was talking to jirou yesterday, and they were telling me about- oh, hey bro! i like the outfit you look hansome as fuck! and they were-
jirou, eyes wide: did he just-
momo, eyes just as wide: i think he did
tsu, at the mall with 1a, about to get a drink: *notices pretty worker*
kirishima, to tsu: you better ask her out before denki scares her away *walks away*
tsu: .....how did he know-
----------------- tw abt eating :/
mina, sitting on the couch looking sad: *on her phone*
kirishima, jumping over the back of the couch with a bowl of curry and rice: ASHIDO I MADE YOU CURRY TO CELEBRATE HOW HARD YOU WENT IN TRAINING TODAY
mina, cringing at the idea of eating: u- im not really-
kirishima, smiling still: you dont have to eat all of it. but remember
kirishima, no longer smiling: only racists skip meals, mina
she ate all of it lol
------------------ tw abt harassment 😐
class 1A out at the mall, again: *having fun noises*
some random douche: wooowww, arent you a pretty little thing
random girl, extremely uncomfortable: i guess....
douche: oh dont be modest! your stunning! we should go out sometime!
girl: im not interested
douche, looking upset: wha-
kirishima, walking towards them: hey Mio! I found the- oh! Who's this?
the girl, looking confused:
the douche looking even more confused: who the hell are you?
kirishima, looking at him like hes an idiot, jokingly: um, her wonderful perfect bestfriend who the hell else?
the douche: oh yeah, sure buddy, prove it
kirishima, glaring hard: excuse me?
the douche, looking at the girl: look, i can tell this guy doesnt know a goddamn thing about you, so why dont we go somewhere private, yeah? *he reaches for her*
kirishima, standing infront of her: as a matter of fact, i do know her, but i dont need to even tell you that because i dont owe you fucking shit, and neither does she. Shes obviously not fucking interested in your creepy ugly ass so spare yourself some dignity and turn around and walk out before the only way you can leave is on a fucking stretcher
the douche, frozen:
everyone in the store staring at them:
kirishima, loosing patience, glaring harder: you have five seconds.
the douche, looking embrassed: .....look-
kirishima: 5.
he runs.
kirishimas glare drops, along with his shoulders: WHEW! That was scary, are you okay? Did he touch you?
the girl, shaking her head: no, no, im okay thanks to you. i cant thank you enough he was so fucking scary, he followed me through like 3 stores.
kirishima, looking disgusted: im so sorry that happened, are you okay? i can stick around for a couple minutes if you're still shaken up
the girl: .....no- no im fine, who are you exactly? and how did you know my name?
kirishima, gaping: wait your names actually Mio??? No way??? Oh! Im kirishima eijirou. aka, red riot
all the class who just saw what went down: *heart eyes* he's a fucking angel
kirishima, sitting in the common room: *eats chip* you ever feel like youre manipulating everyone into liking you and your not actually a good person?
all the girls aggresively turning to look at him at the same time: excuse me?
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you do a bad boy Harry blurb because he is my weakness and I would do anything for him? Thank you.
hun bad boy harry is ALL of our weakness. that man is kryptonite. anyways let’s do a lil blurb for something that might become a lil series - lemme know what you think?! im thinking maybe strangers to fuck buddies to lovers hmm??
You had been on your third fourth jack and coke by the time you saw him.
Burning, lustful, emeralds for eyes. Hair that was so messily unkept that it looked so put together. Black t-shirt. Black jeans. Black shoes. His aura was dark, but his smile told you otherwise. The dimples that were carved into his face told you he was hiding a completely different person behind this exterior, which is why he was so enticing. You saw a piece of yourself in him. Your outfit was a lot like his; black upon black, but it was veil to keep your true self protected. Hidden. You’d exposed yourself before and it hadn’t gone too well for you. The lesson had been learnt.
Other lessons, like ‘stay clear of bad boys and danger’ were much harder to learn. This moment being a prime example of that.
“Another round?” His voice was not as you expected. It held gravity and strength. It was holding so much behind it, you could tell.
“No thanks. I think i’ve drank my poison for the night.” You countered back and turned to look at him for the first time up close.
Fuck, was he perfect.
His cupid pink lips. The freckles on his nose. The slight signs of a permanent frown line to his upper forehead. He was just… wow. You suddenly felt like he could put Brad from Sex/Life to shame - a recent show you’d watched where you’d questioned your entire existence and entire future existence. You could sense there was so much behind his emotionless front too, just waiting for someone to take the risk and divulge in him completely.
He leaned his arms on the bar, letting the weight of the bar-top hold him up. The way he stood let his arms bulge from his tight t-shirt, expressing the veins and concentrating muscle making him look like a Greek sculpture, let alone a human - beautiful - being of a man. He was so carefree in his body language and he definitely didn’t shy away when you caught him checking you up and down.
“Yeah? Well i’m staying for one more round and I kinda hoped you would too.” He waved a hand for the bartender to come over, standing up properly now. He towered over you, even with you sat high on a barstool. He was intimidating and powerful, and you liked that.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked, wiping down the counter you two sat behind as a good-willed gesture.
“Whiskey. Neat.” The mysterious hunk of a man ordered, nodding his head in thanks to the man but before he could go off anywhere you quickly added in your own drink too.
“Another jack and coke too.” You said, causing the man to turn and smirk at you only for you to then do the same. “On his tab this time.” He chuckled at you for being so bold and demanding, but didn’t resist nonetheless as the bartender walked off to fulfil your order.
“Jack and coke?” He sounded surprised, but also not.
“Disappointed. You want a girl who drinks pink gin or white whine?” You teased, sucking on the end of your straw from your previous drink. He looked at your mouth, watching the way your lips danced with the straw and the way your tongue licked the remainders of a previous drink away. The sight was so minimally sensual, yet it sent his body into overdrive.
“No, but why? Are you offering, darling?” The way he spoke so smoothly had you weak at the knees, so you were grateful you were sat down.
“I’ll be whoever you want me to be.” You kept eye contact with him as you spoke, biting down once on the straw for added effect - until he snatched it away. You didn’t expect him to be so quick with his movements, but as he stole your straw he kept his face close to yours.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He whispered hotly against your face, before leaning back again. Just in time, your drinks came and both of your thanked the bartended. Watching him put your straw back into your new glass, you weren’t expecting him to lean over and take a sip from your mix. He hummed in delight, looking up at you as he leaned back to sit closer to his drunk.
“Tastes like you.” He chuckled before facing back forwards to watch the passing bartenders and crowds of people in this thumping club. “You have a name, darling?”
“Obviously, but why should I give it to you sweet cheeks?”
“Sweet cheeks?”
“Seems only fair, what with you calling me darling don’t you think?”
“No.” That made you stop drinking your drink and look at him abruptly, to find he was already waiting for your stare, “I don’t play fair.”
You thought he was joking about the whole thing, but the look in his eyes told you a completely different story. He was angry and frustrated, a combination in your history that doesn’t mix nicely together. At least not as nicely as jack and coke. If you were ever going to get this guy to reveal at least an inch of himself you were going to have to obey his rules, even if they were slightly indifferent to you.
“No more sweet cheeks then. Sorry.” You blushed, turning away from him to stir through the liquid in your glass.
You had never really been one to apologise to people. Never really had the need you. You’d always kept yourself to yourself, although that not always being most helpful. Apologising, you thought, made you seem weak. Turns out you’re weak for not. Manners make you stronger, build you to be a better person and strengthen you to me mentally stronger.
The crowds of youths and strange elderly people swarmed the sweaty room, making you sweat more than you would like. Still, the room had atmosphere and reminded you that your life was very much alive. You were very much alive.
“Sorry what?” You realised the guy had said something next to you, but you’d completely missed what. Apologising, again.
“It’s uh Harry.” He cleared his throat midway through speaking. You understood that he was nite telling you his name and you could tell he wasn’t lying by the sincerity in his eyes, the same way he could tell you weren’t lying about yours.
“Lovely name.” He smiled at you when you caught his eye, making you grin back.
“Well I like yours too.” You nodded, trying to repay a compliment even if it was slightly lacking something special.
“Mhm,” he laughed, throwing back the rest of his drink, “you come here often? I haven’t seen you before.”
“I come when I need a release.”
“Oh I bet.” You didn’t miss the words he boldly spoke. You like him. Harry had spark and he was passionate. You could feel the lust radiating from him body like a heatwave and you craved it all so badly.
“I also come when I shouldn’t.” You finished the rest of your drink, returning your mouth to your straw whilst looking at him. Harry was now standing so close to you that your head was tilted back ever-so-slightly.
“So you’re disobedient.” He asked, reaching his hand forwards to take the straw of your mouth and putting it down on the side. The distraction was unnecessary and, quite frankly for Harry, a real dick-hardener.
“I like being punished.” You spoke quietly, as if the walls weren’t vibrating from the loudness of the music amplifiers.
“Are you here right now even when you shouldn’t be?” Harry asked, licking his lips and looking between yours and yours eyes. He was having a hard time focusing on which one he found more perfect. Your eyes were full of treasure and wonder, but your lips. God, were they so kissable. Too kissable.
He wanted to make your lips bleed from lust.
“And so you’re going to be punished for it, you say?” Harry’s torso was getting dangerously close to your chest. His head tilted down so he was only inches away from yours, allowing you to smell the whiskey on his breath and the perfume on his body. He was sensory overload.
“By who?”
Now that was an interesting question.
You chuckled, invasive and repulsive thoughts running through your head, as you stood up out of your seat, standing tall in your high heels and yet even still you were small in comparison to Harry. In a good way though.
Too bad you had to cut it all short.
“Find a pink gin lady, Harry. She’ll be easier than me.” You picked up your jacket and your bag, swinging it over your shoulder. You tap his shoulder as you round the chair, giving him a half-hearted smile before leaving.
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