#... i need sleep
overlordinavoid · 2 days
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Art w.i.p of some bedrock bros for @noastea :3
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llamafox · 10 hours
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twisted vee illustration
this genuinely took me 4 days to draw and i had over a 100 layers xd
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iapetusthefirst · 3 days
(first time acctually writing so apolagies if its bad😅)
Prompt: "i asked you if you wanted to go on a date, you never responded"
A hour had passed since you had send that text, no response. You just laid there in bed staring at your phone before giving up. With a sigh you close and set down your phone, did you do anything wrong? Perhaps taking things to fast or misreading the signs that you believed were there? You regret sending that text now, being left on red is making your mind go crazy with conspiracies and letting you over think. What if donnie finds you weird now? Will this ruin your friendship? Maybe you should just delete the message before- your phone lit up as you got a message. Your breath hitched in your throat as you got nervous seeing that it was a message from donnie. You took a deep breath before grabbing your phone and looking at the message. Your heart raced in your chest as you saw the answer, it was a yes. You were overjoyed, falling back on your bed kicking your legs like a excited highschool girl, childish yes but you were just so happy. You quickly texted back about location and time. You did notice how donnie's texts were shorter than usual but you decided not to think much of it. You quickly got up, opening your closet and grabbing a quick outfit. You went to the bathroom to get ready before leaving the house. It was late, the night was calm and cool. A gentle breeze hitting your face while you walked. You checked yourself over and over as you got closer, making sure noting was out of place or imperfect. Gosh you were nervous movies always made it look so easy. You arrived at the location, waiting outside for donnie. After a while he arrived, he looked nervous too. "Hey reader" he said stammerd not able to make eye contact and frankly neither could you. "Hey donnie" you replied back. Then there was a silence, neither of you knowing what to do or say till donnie eventually decided to break the silence "so... should we go in?" He asked, "Oh yeah ofcourse" you replied quickly. You opend the door and entered the restaurant, keeping the door open for him. You both soon sat at your table accros from eachother. "Sooooo uhm-" you started, you dont really know why. It was just starting to get akward with how quiet it was this was way easier in your head. You quickly tried to think of something to say and just blurted out "hows the weather?" Gosh that was stupid, hows the weather? It was the dead of night. Donnie akwardly replied unsure "cold i guess". And it was silent again. Your food arrived and you two ate in silence. Donnie then asked "why did you ask me out?" He looked well tried looking at you as he asked. You quickly swallowed the bite you had in your mouth "well..." You fiddeld with the nearest thing you could grabb, heart beating fast "because i like you i guess" you managed to mutter, you then looked up at him and asked "why did you decide to accept?". It was silent again before he spoke "i guess because i like you too" he said with a small blush, now both of your faces were a bit red. "then why didnt you reply when i asked you out?" You asked out of curiosity. He was hesitant, you were about to tell him that it was okay not to answer but then he spoke "i have never been on a date before, frankly i didnt think you really liked me" he chuckled sadly "i mean... Im just some geek, and after april-" "well april was a fool" you said cutting him off, you never understood why april didnt like donnie, in your eyes he was perfect. "You are smart, talented-" you paused as you realized that you were talking out loud. Now both of you were completly red, you coughed and spoke "i mean, your a good guy and i would love to be with you... If you want to". Donnie looked at you with a small smile and nodded "i would love to". The two of you started talking and enjoying the date. You two were having fun and went home after, already planning a next one.
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korwolfie · 10 months
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Sleeping Black Cat
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backalleycatgirl · 1 month
Hey transfems who refuse to go to sleep because the evening has been the only time you have every had to yourself throughout your entire life and now you don’t want to go to sleep at decent times…
hai :3 im one of you hehe,,, also very bored so dms are open if ya wanna chat :3
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milkywayhou · 5 months
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I always imagine König as someone who wouldn't hesitate to licks your face like a dog hahah
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daily-haley · 3 months
Co-workers: you're so anti-social, always in your little world.
Me: *sitting in the corner, disassociating while writing my book in my head*
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concentfortea · 8 months
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overlordinavoid · 18 hours
:Drawing suggestion:
Can you make this color pallet into a character?:
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lowkey been thinking about aliens for some reason so boom
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nell0-0 · 8 months
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Had some thoughts about the war from "Hyrule Warriors" when it comes to Linked Universe. That wolf Midna is riding is totally Twilight, so what if it was a post LU Twilight pfpfpf
He was not prepared for the gremlin that was young Time
Not that lacking that comparison helped Warriors any
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vanmec · 1 month
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[My Socials] | [Prints]| [ST Prints]
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powderofcats15 · 3 months
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Heres the fully body version as well ^ ^ Been planning to make a redesign of the mlp characters for a long while now! SO i started off with twilight hehe , i had such a huge blast working on her design, i tried to stick with the original color pallete as best as possible but i think i shifted the colors to be a bit more warmer in the end i wanted her design to be really really focused on the astrological and space aspect of her interests and wanted her design to be more sharper and even closed off from other people, This would be how i imagine twi to look in the very beginning of the series! as time goes on and she learns to enjoy the company of others and becoming more and more open with her friends, the sharper qualities of her design slowly transform into a more softer and welcoming shape language AAAh anyways thats about it i think, HAVE A GREAT DAY PEOPLE!
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I feel like there should be research on why people covered in blood/are insane are so attractive
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Red Hood: Okay you little shit. Give me three reasons why I shouldn't fucking shoot you right now?
Danny: I only need one. You would miss.
Red Hood: I would miss. At point blank? You fucking serious?
Danny: Yup, point blank doesn't matter. You would still miss.
Red Hood was very tempted. His gun was loaded with rubber bullets. The worst the kid would get would be a big and ugly bruise right on the forehead. Like the once he gave his brothers when they were especially annoying, mostly Dick thou. That would teach this little shit of an overconfident teenager a lesson.
Danny just got separated from his class during the school trip and wandered into Crime Alley, interrupting a drug deal and getting then discovered by the local Crime Lord after he beat up the bad guys. Really, he had just wanted to buy a shake real quick.
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