#... I'm gonna go cry over blorbo now
jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
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This will force him to open up and, for the first time, let someone in - Jonathan Byers's character description in The Montauk Pitch
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majorproblems77 · 11 months
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Random thoughts here, gonna add stuff for trigger warnings
Tw being trans pregnancy, I guess could he considered mpreg? Buggy identifies more masc but is AFAB. Nothing necessarily explicit
I just. Mm. Babies. Baby fever, lowkey. Can't have kids of my own, but I can day dream about my blorbos.
Buggy is trans, he's on T, but surgeries are wonky at best, uninteresting and frankly a liability. He'd be down for a good deal of time, something he isn't all too crazy about. When the dysphoria gets bad, he just chop-chops his chest and uses a packer ((his packer being, of course, a drawstring back of muggy balls, and opportunities for Many Jokes)).
Due to an event in his youth, pre Devil Fruit, he was told he's likely infertile ((Got stabbed a few times and a good chunk of his reproductive system is more scar tissue than actual organ tissue)). Between that, the difficulty for conception when a parent has a Devil Fruit, and his testosterone, he's decently certain it's not an option.
Of course, Buggy D Clown, the genius jester and Flashy Fool of the Seas, is a living embodiment of doing the impossible.
It starts with a sudden nausea when he smells his usual drink of choice. Alcohol was once something he adored, maybe in a little excess, but he was a pirate and pirates party. It's a given. Shanks' alcoholism was born from their shared past, and Buggy wasn't all too different on that front.
But suddenly, during lunch, when he went to take a sip of his rum, he caught a whiff of it and had to lean back and force down a gag. He exchanged it for a water, something not TOO unusual, as sometimes he'd have things he wanted to work on with a clear head, like in his workshop. Nobody really batted an eye.
Then he declined it at dinner. Then the next day. Then he was eying Crocodile's plate and his extra tomatoes, something he NEVER does, given his general dislike of the fruit. But now...? Mm.... it looks.. really good...........
Crocodile, thinking this is an opportunity to tease the other, offers a bite, expecting a dramatic recoil and complaint. But Buggy just absolutely beams at him, takes the bite, and damn near swoons. The logia user glances over to the swordsman, both uncertain but willing to roll with it. Not too big of a deal.
Then suddenly Buggy is more emotional than usual, something nobody was expecting. He's usually pretty expressive, all of his emotional responses keyed up to at least eleven. It's only noticed as off because he's crying a lot more, and hiding it far less. He happy cries, sad cries, angry cries. And it's like a switch is flipped. Something will happen and the clown is suddenly bawling. The first few times it happens with the crew, they all panic, but it's happy tears, infectious ones at that and so the men wind up crying too, offering embraces and spinning hugs of emotional care.
Crocodile and Mihawk share Looks.
Then Buggy is getting sick. Like. Throwing up almost every meal time, sick. The only things he can keep down are water, orange juice, and toast with honey or applesauce.
The two dark haired men finally put their foot down and demand the other go to a doctor. They expect a fight, expect tears or anger or yelling or something, but Buggy just nods, blinking slowly from his place curled into Mihawk's side, in one of Crocodile's shirts. He seems exhausted, shadows under his eyes from the newly worsened insomnia.
His easy acquiescence alarms them the most.
The next day, Buggy is seen, and there's a few tests and observations done, culminating into the doctor pursing her lips and ordering a urine sample.
Buggy, pale, head on Croc's chest while Mihawk toys absently with his hair, dozes off in the office while they wait on the results. An hour, and a nap, later, she returns with papers and a tentative air.
"Well... it's not a virus," she begins with. "Your hormone levels are elevated, specifically your progesterone and your chondrionic gonadotropin levels..."
Buggy stiffens, eyes wide. "I'm...?"
She sighs, smiling softly. "Congratulations, Chairman. You're in your first trimester of pregnancy, by the levels we can see here."
Buggy gapes. Crocodile is still as a statue. Mihawk had a thousand yard stare.
There is a soft sound, and suddenly Crocodile has vanished, now but a pile of sand on the floor and partially on Buggy. Mihawk looks faint himself. Buggy just glances between them numbly. "Oh."
"Mm. Quite."
Then, the world's greatest swordsman joins his logia partner in a tangle of limbs on the floor. Buggy stares for a moment. The doctor stares for a moment. Buggy flushes an angry red.
"Those motherfuckers couldn't even stay conscious long enough to get me back?!"
The doc tries to hide her laughter. "In their defense," she choked out, "they were quite worried about you and suddenly received such news. That said, I do have some smelling salts. Here..."
Buggy does not let either of them live it down, for obvious reasons, and they do have to announce it to the Guild because Buggy is now not allowed to have alcohol, can't do his typical tricks, and will need to cut back on a lot of the physical activities he does daily, let alone the topic of fighting. He's nervous about it, because it will involve both announcing a pregnancy as well as coming out. He's made damned sure his crew is inclusive for all sorts of people, regardless of love, color, age or body. But welcoming your fellow man (non gendered), is not necessarily the same as answering to a person like himself.
The reception is largely warm, though. The crew is over the moon, they don't even follow up with a "how does that happen, you're a man", they just immediately are screaming their congratulations and vows to step up and help as they can. Buggy winds up crying again, and Mihawk just wordlessly hands him a water bottle. Hydration is important, especially with all the tears.
His pregnancy is fairly typical, and the morning sickness passes fairly quickly, though the cravings get absolutely hog wild, and EVERYONE is suffering. Buggy tries not to be too needy but he can't control the responses and everyone else is hurting for him when he's so upset. He ends up absolutely obsessed with lemon-lavender ice cream, and the Guild keeps it on hand by the buckets full in the freezer.
When Buggy starts showing, Mihawk finds he has a new favorite place to nuzzle, finding the tiny little whirls of Haki within the clown's abdomen to be mesmerizing. He often finds himself cuddling in, Listening and Sensing, even talking softly to the little life growing within his lover, singing lullabies.
Crocodile near constantly has a hand or hook pressed over the growing swell. If Buggy is within arms reach, his touch is there, protective and mildly stunned. The paternity of the baby is unknown, but none of them particularly care. The baby will be theirs collectively regardless. That baby will be Crocodile's as much as it is Mihawks, as it is Buggy's. That baby is his, too. And he will protect this one ((the way he couldn't protect another, so long ago)).
Alvida, Galdino, Mohji and Cabaji are very hands on with everything. Al never wanted kids, but she is absolutely delighted to be the cool aunt, and the fella are excited to be uncles. It's Daz's quiet excitement that throws everyone for a loop. He's second only to Crocodile and Mihawk when it comes to pampering or spoiling Buggy. He still carries himself as a stoic stone faced man, but he is the one who brings the snacks, who offers a hand when Buggy gets to a size where standing is mildly more difficult, when it's time to convince the blue haired man to take it easy or rest. When asked, he will cite that he is merely doing his duties, but everyone could see when Buggy took Daz's hand and placed it on his bump when the baby was big enough to kick and haveit be felt by others. They saw the way the blade man's eyes widened, the shimmer there, the microexpression of wonder, of care, of brewing love. That baby would be safer than anyone else in the entirety of the grandline, of that nobody had a single doubt.
Shanks could not visit, but he made frequent calls and sent countless gifts, all of which made Buggy blubber like a child or rage like a harpy. Nothing was discarded, though, and in the nursery they set up is a small little bear with a red heart embroidered on the chest.
Rayleigh showing up unannounced was not anticipated. Nor was how Buggy remained blank faced despite the tears on his cheeks. The older man just smiled sadly, wiping away the tears, and handed over a small box. "Shakky and I worked together on this. It only felt right to pass this on. To new generations."
Inside is a stuffed cat, the fabric soft, yellow and worn. It was sun-bleached in some areas, little nose embroidered with red and eyes in blue. Buggy takes one look at the cat and crushes it to his chest, nearly doubled over as he let's out a heart broken keen, falling to his knees. Crocodile and Mihawk are quick to rush to his sides, but Rayleigh is closer and faster, falling down, wrapping around the other, queezing him tightly, softly, teary eyed himself.
"I know," he chokes, hugging his boy tighter, "I know, Blue, I miss him too, baby boy...."
Buggy clings to Rayleigh, holding the cat toy tenderly as he wails.
Ray stays for a few days before Buggy just tells him to pick a damned tent and hang out, damn it, his kid should get to meet at least one grandparent.
Ray doesn't cry but it is a close thing.
The pregnancy is an ordeal all across the board, from reopening wounds to general, typical difficulties, it's a wild ride start to finish and beyond.
There's more than one night of pure domesticity. One where Buggy and Mihawk are shooting baby names back and forth in the kitchen while Crocodile writes them down in the Yes, No or Maybe column. One where Croc and Mihawk are pouring over research for the baby. One where Buggy is in an oversized shirt, feet up on the tummy of a particularly big and spoiled 'wani, singing sea shanties softly as he tinkers with some harmless little trinkets, using his tummy as a table. One where Crocodile, pressed into Buggy's back, confesses to his past and breaks to pieces under dimmed lights in the clown's calloused hands to no judgement, only understanding, only compassion. Nights where Mihawk is wired so tightly by his own past that he sits upright in their bed, a sentinel of protection because he refuses to lose them the way he lost everything before.
You have to drain the infection, the bacteria, for a wound to truly heal.
It's difficult. It's painful. It's worth it.
The 9 months, the 26 hours of labor and the little bundle of life at the end was absolutely worth it.
Especially when newly named Bronwyn D. Crown ((their little Winnie)), with her midnight blue hair and pink little nose, her strawberry marks on fair skin, the curls of her locks and the shade of her lashes around sapphire eyes, is born into the world screaming her displeasure and only settles once clean, once swaddled, once brought back to her parents. She is small, smaller than expected, but every ounce of her body is the foundations of a fighter - she got her baba's temper, that much is certain.
Winnie is the apple of everyone's eye. Cute and small and bold and boasting a nose so much like Buggy's, almost everyone is taken with her. Rayleigh especially is wrapped around her finger within less than thirty minutes together. Shanks is absolutely in love even without seeing her first hand - he meets her the first time when she is two, and he cries because she threw an elephant toy at his head and cackled.
It's not easy. But by the Seas and Skies, it's absolutely worth it.
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Achilles Come Down (Gang of Youths)
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken/Remember the pact of our youth/Where you go, I’m going, so jump and I’m jumping/Since there is no me without you
How, the most dangerous thing is to love/How, you will heal and you'll rise above/Crowned by an overture bold and beyond/Ah, it's more courageous to overcome.
You may feel no purpose/Nor a point for existing/It's all just conjecture and gloom/And there may not be meaning/So find one and seize it/Do not waste your self on this roof
Soldier on, Achilles, Achilles, come down/Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
"I'm sure you'll get other submissions for this one. I have no idea who this band even are outside of this song but it fucks me up like it does everyone else. It's the tragic love of it all. The desperation of trying to save your loved one from themselves. Or are the narrators of the song Achilles' own conscience representing his indecision on whether to kill himself or not? It can mean so many things and SO many parts of the lyrics are very poetic and powerful. (also again for me this makes me cry over a Specific Blorbo in this case Dimitri Blaiddyd but that doesnt matter)"
"The cellos in the background, the lyrics, telling the story of Achilles, the fact that it's fucking 7min long, it's beautiful, it breaks me to then pull me back together, it gave me hope in a moment where I wasn't in the best mental space, it's like getting undressed to your very soul only to be cover up with a weighted blanket afterwards and be told "it'll be alright." It's like that image with the guy that's like "this is cinema" but with a song, god I love this song so much"
"Ohhhg my god. It’s so. It’s a fucking heartbreaking song but it gives hope (^^see abovw lyrics. there may not be meaning so find one and seize it gets me the most). I can’t say anymore about it but yeah"
"Achilles is about to jump off the roof, his lover is trying to convince him not to. the vibe of this song itself is so unique, the violin and the segments of French reading really grip at your soul. Towards the end there are two voices seemingly arguing. One voice is Achilles’s inner monologue and the other is his lover trying to yell over it. This part is my favorite, especially if you’re envisioning your blorbo. Tbh in my darkest times I would fall asleep to the ten hour loop every night. It felt like laying on a rooftop and looking out at the stars and the street lights. I think maybe it kept me from doing things I would regret."
What Would I Do? (Falsettos)
What would I do if I had not seen you/Who would I feast my eyes on/Once I was told that good men get better with age/We're just gonna skip that stage
"So basically Whizzer is now dead due to AIDS and marvin (his lover) is speaking to his spirit. and the fact that they’ve gone through so much shit just to end in heartache but HE DOESN’T REGRET IT AT ALL. that’s how powerful love is!!! they deserved more time though!!!!!!!"
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
Domestic K-9: The Worst Pokemon Evolutions Ever
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Oh boy, time to explore the ramifications of trauma and how it impacts people!
(Note: I do NOT have trauma or PTSD, although I've done a fuck ton of research on the subject for a different story and am applying the things I learned here. If anybody with any kind of trauma or PTSD spots any inaccuracies, please please PLEASE feel free to let me know. I wish to portray these issues with as much care and respect as possible)
So here I've display the three, I guess, stages of these fuckers. Life, the immediate response to, y'know, everything, and how they're holding up now. Except for Rosemary because I'm kind of an asshole to my blorbos. But obviously with Charles and Susan, they are not in any way "fixed" or even "healed" from their trauma, they moreso stabilized and got used to it. And now let's finally get into it!
SUSAN WOODINGS: So in life, Susan was generally closed off except for a select few amount of people and, while she could be snippy, she was actually pretty chill despite always looking like she wants to murder everybody in the general vicinity. Basically she looks a lot meaner than she actually is.
In death though, that's a completely different story. For the first year or so she had an EXPLOSIVE temper and would blow up over the smallest things, like a powder keg kept near sparklers. If the facility had a swear jar and money, she probably could've funded college for Sophie, Edd, AND Molly. She said many hurtful and cruel things to people she was close to (mostly Charles) that she now deeply regrets. It's all water under the bridge at this point but it still sometimes keeps her up at night.
As of the current point in the timeline, she's since calmed down quite a bit. She's less likely to snap over small shit unless it's Bon, to which she will gladly be just as bitchy as she was. She does have bad days though and is generally much more easily irritated and snippy.
CHARLES BROOK: In life, Charles is the ultimate dad. Easy going, friendly, very jokey, admittedly kinda naive, loves his kid. In death... well...
When they first got to the facility, he was an absolute wreck. He had resisted giving into Bon up until the point where he was starting to fade and, absolutely terrified of the idea of being Thanos snapped out of existence, reluctantly possessed the Boozoo animatronic. But even still he deeply regretted that choice. As well as that, he was extremely distraught about leaving his daughter and wife behind, on Lily's birthday no less, and that he was never found. He spent the first several weeks consumed by the intense misery and grief and was incoherent at best and delusional at worst. As previously mentioned, he got it into his head at some point that if he could just break down the walls, he could escape and constantly flung himself into the solid concrete walls. It didn't help that Susan wasn't terribly understanding and had little patience for this.
After a few weeks passed though, he began to stabilize and was generally able to recover a semblance of his goofy, friendly personality. That's not to say the trauma hasn't impact that though; he has to constantly distract himself or else he'll have a full on breakdown and desperately tries to change the topic whenever his death or his family is brought up. He and Susan have also since smoothed things over and Charles holds no resentment towards her now.
ROSEMARY WALTEN: Everyone's favorite sad mom!
So in life, Rose was generally kind, caring, humble, creative, and introverted, although she had come out of her shell since her younger years and was perfectly capable of being social.
But in death... hooooo boy, buckle up chucklefucks, 'cause this is gonna get SAD
As previously mentioned, Rosemary is a mess. Constantly crying, completely drawing into herself, rarely speaks to anybody but Rocket, and is unable to bring herself to do anything outside of draw, think, or cry. She's kinda just frozen in time, unable to stabilize like Charles and Susan, which is why she has no stage 3. The closest thing to that I can confidently say she's gotten is pouring herself into her art and caring for Rocket, but even still it's not much.
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tarabyte3 · 6 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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Yeah i went again on sunday and really wanted to cry after because it's over forever Q_Q i am inconsolable but for the fact that there may be a halloween party... but uhhhhhhh anyway here's what I noticed this time!!
(also here's the notes from my first time for reference [x])
Ad libs:
Final show energy & lots of ad libs! Which were apparently real unscripted ad libs!! A lot of them were just little things (so I can't recount most of them) but they were very very good. the blorbos became real people for a second there
When Rich is looking for Mountain Dew Red at the party, Jenna appears and says "I have Mountain Dew Blue?" and he explodes at her (possibly "Not now, Jenna!")
When Christine and Jeremy talk together at the party, they're sitting on beanbags; after they get scared off by the skeleton guy, they're laughing and crawling back to their seats - Christine, through laughter: "oh where's the beanbag...."
Changes (?)
VIMH: Rich: "The ladies are gonna get to know the real Richard Goranski... And the dudes." Then he stares into the distance for like 30 seconds (a very long time), making calculating gestures in the air (like the woman with math meme) before going "Oh. My god............... I am totally bi!"
Maybe wrong, but I swear there was a wind part added to the middle of Michael in the Bathroom??? I thought it might be a flute or digital flute..... but as a flautist I might be projecting.....
The Play: Multiple thin green lights flickered down on people as they got squipped, with a cute video game chime sound. But fairly certain this was always there and I just noticed it this time lmao
Smartphone Hour: Background acting on the little platform at the very back of the stage: a scooby-doo esque chase sequence where a firefighter rushes on from SR and disappears SL (implied Jake's house is SL); the fireman reappears with Jake in his arms and runs back SR to safety. Then Jake runs back across to get something from his house and the fireman is trying to stop him. Then Jake runs back out of the house holding a teddy bear he saved from the fire; the fireman is chasing him back out of the house. It was fucking hilarious 10/10 especially because I couldn't be sure if it was a new addition or if I just completely filtered it out last time like a basketball gorilla dslfjdslfk
Also on Jake: between the teddy bear and the Upgrade scene (also detailed by Dani) where he's talking about archery while holding a plush duck - unsure dramaturgically if it's supposed to be a real dead duck or a toy, but anyway.... Jake who likes stuffies??? IDK if I buy it but I don't know enough about Jake to NOT buy it and its also a very fun headcanon I think so it's going on the pile for me. he can collect plushies with jeremy as far as im concerned dsljfsdkfjs
Oh yeah Jeremy also had a big white duck plush on his bed. edit: this is actually a seagull plush! Its name is Katie and it belongs to stage crew member Anya!
More details I saw this time
Christine actor was actually amazing she has this giggly honk voice she uses when being like obnoxiously loud and silly and idk how to describe it but such intense LOUD SILLYGIRL ENERGY. A little different than the chris im used to and it was fun to see another version of her!!
Maybe I'm insane but I think Christine also pronounced Jeremy kinda like 2 syllables (Jare - me). This extremely slight difference somehow led to me perceiving her singing "Is he worth it? Germyyyyyyy!" IDK Sorry Jaclyn if you are reading this ldksfjdlsk
Lots of times when Jeremy is talking about becoming cool he does little hip gyrations (think Rich at the urinal i guess but more subtle)
Jeremy does this thing where he holds his hand bent stiff with his fingers all together and taps hard on his right temple to express some kind of frustration with the SQUIP- e.g. when he's trying to get the SQUIP to turn on after the first day; during the end of the Halloween party, etc. Actually it very much has the same conceptual energy as "C'c'c'come on....." now that I think about it
Michael blows a cloud of smoke during a few of his entrances (MTS and maybe Halloween - or that was Dustin maybe)
He also uses a vape pen I think? When he says 'we gotta get stoned in my basement'
Preshow montage
Before the show, there's a montage of screenshots from the teens' lives on the back wall --- that is, their selfies and their text convos. Pretty sure the texts were that gossip submitted by fans? I only remember two:
"i heard that guy who wears hoodies all the time only listens to weezer" <- (I only noticed this one 'cause it KILLED ME honestly I feel like Jeremy would love Weezer and Michael would hate it sdjkfljdsf ) edit: this text was submitted by @/thesquirrelqueer!
I don't remember who was on which side, but Brooke or Chloe sending Chloe or Brooke a big comforting text after her breakup and making plans to go get ice cream I think?
"Dad haven't you ever heard of privacy?" He says this while putting on his belt after the opening.
Jeremy's actually gesturing towards his locker for like the entire conversation between Brooke, Chloe, Jenna; when they notice him finally it kinda looks like he's just pointing at them and that's part of why they think he's weird I think?
M: "Humanity has stopped evolving!" Jeremy then takes like 20 seconds of looking confused before going (approximately) "is that supposed to be good...?"
"Christiiiiiine Canigula!" Each Christine section he eventually (around 3rd time) starts using this fanboy totally-losing-his-mind-over-this voice which is REALLY hard to describe but i'll try: like lower & less articulate, like how it sounds when you raise your soft palate (?), and going up at the end kind of laugh-like like he's really excited. (For a bmc reference maybe sounds a little like will roland's tone in i even got some blood flowing / with no computer screen around). Anyway i'm not gonna lie it did make him sound really lame jsdlkfjdsf
"Why can't someone just help me out?" As Jeremy sings this bridge it's all dark except for a light on him. Students line up chairs behind him and sit down. At this line, two guys walk forwards on either side and touch his shoulders (looking kind of solemn / sympathetic) , and guide him back to sit in the chair in the middle. Then the lights come up on everyone and more group choreo wheeee
Post-ILPR MTS reprise
Christine: "Sorry, Jeremy, did you say something?" -> after this scene, she runs off giggling loudly, apparently glad to not be interrupted and VERY visibly excited about Jake asking her out
Jeremy sings "I don't wanna be special / Don't even want to survive...." (Instead of usual "Don't even need to survive.") Not sure if it was intentional but it happened at both shows I saw and made me sad both times noooooo........... guy...........
Squip song
Rich actually rubs his hands all over Jeremy's face (in addition to his arms)
"Top secret can't even look it up on the internet type shit": Rich looks to the side and mimes a rectangle (computer screen) then mimes typing where the keyboard would be
"I don't want that to be my future! Sad, and alone, and ... " - The music cuts out at "sad" instead of at the beginning of this line.
On their relationship in general, I think Michael irritates Jeremy more than fanon typically has it lol. Very excitable Michael who kinda lacks volume control (in several scenes - including VIMH even after Jeremy tells him to be quieter). Constructive interference of autism etc etc
(Again fun to see this!! as a jeremy stan i am definitely guilty of making michael a godlike perfect friend to jeremy and like.. no... they don't actually mesh that well even just in the script!! Often times Jeremy doesn't understand or care about the things Michael says. So yeah absorbing this into my headcanons now thank you)
Also back wall was this like vaporwave looking low-poly 2 person first person shooter game footage (think wolfenstein but with a very different aesthetic - purple and blue, and i think with some objects depicted in mesh).
When Jeremy's spasming on the ground (last time I thought he looked mostly in pain - this time he was vibrating a bit more like he lost muscle control) - local build-a-bear employee Jared Kleinman (JARED KLEINMAN...) and some other people start filming him.
Jared keeps filming him through the scene until SQUIP: "All they see is you having an animated conversation... with yourself." Jeremy turns and notices him; Jared doesn't stop filming but just waves at him nonchalantly (in a mocking way like hey buddy welcome back to reality)
Jared also has a BaB apron and BaB backpack on (or a bear sticking out of his backpack i dont remember). Pretty sure he also had a bear with him in another scene, probably Halloween?
"Lookin pretty sexy, brooke" -- says it in like a low Elvisy voice (like will connolly)
"Everything about you is going to be wonderful" -- Jeremy rolls up his cardigan sleeves so they're just below the elbow. (One of them slipped back down and he put it up again but I didnt think it was intentional lol). I was surprised how much instantly cooler that made him look but maybe that's just because my older brother wears his sleeves like that ljdsfkdsfklsfdlk
......also note that MICHAEL usually wears his sleeves rolled up like that in this production.... inch resting.....
MTS reprise
When the lights first come up, Jeremy is snoring with his head hanging off the side of the bed. He stops breathing for a second, then jerks awake.
Chris: "I know you and Jake used to date...." Chloe and Brooke simultaneously go "Oh my god, no!!!" --- Chloe to Christine (mockingly), meanwhile Brooke is unrelatedly browsing her phone and says it in distress because she (implied) has just seen that Eminem died. As convo continues, Brooke sits next to another student (Leo Collins?) and shows them the article. (She still says 'yeah jake is so gross' to Chloe, just sounding upset)
I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT JEREMY AND BROOKE WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER JLKSDFLDFSJ. I decided to only watch them during this song (/ _ \) Based on their acting when they walked near the stage stairs, they had climbed to the back of the bleachers and were walking precariously on the outside of the railing - specifically, they went over the stair railings - first Brooke and she teeters a bit and jokingly pretends like she's gonna fall off; Jeremy goes under the rail, comes up on the other side and does a gesture like *tada!*. Then they sit down together and are talking and its just really cute. making me ship puppy love over here jdsifojdslkfdjsflk
Michael was at the dance in costume - during a certain point (I think right before Rich starts losing it) Michael gets lost out of the group choreo, seems to be stressed out and runs off stage (presumably to the bathroom)
One of the guys is dressed up like Guy Fieri and it's really good. Like I remember last time I even had a moment where I realized I was interpreting this actor as playing The Real Guy Fieri At Jake's Halloween Party. Also in MITB he uses his hat (which is a combo of visor and fake hair) to knock on the door.
Chloe: "...rock this baby fast asleep" then, laughing: "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she kinda topples onto him. The actress said she got this from the West End production!
When Jeremy says "I can't stand up." It was kind of implied it's because he has an erection not because his legs are frozen; right before this line he stands up then sits down and puts a pillow in his lap. Either way though ig it was still the SQUIP stopping him (S: "you're welcome.")
GTIKBI reprise
as Dani pointed out, Christine was sitting kinda numbly on the beanbag with headphones on; she takes them off when Jeremy starts talking to her.
Voices in my Head
Jeremy's wearing an X-Men shirt!
Re: expensive headphones - Michael's rubbing Rich's shoulders (???) when he says "I'm sure someone would be lucky to have you" (and then of course he still says but not meeeee while sending him flying)
"Throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice" Jake fist bumps with Jeremy (or equivalent gesture i dont remember)
Stagedorks kiss: after C says yes, they walk to the center of the stage. Jeremy rushes forwards and puts his hands on her cheeks (i think?) to pull her into a kiss. They separate, beat, then Christine goes forwards again and they have a long slow kiss while the ensemble keeps dancing and singing around them.
Not intentional i dont think but Patrick the Jeremy actor was crying a bit at the end /( T_ T \ )
OK YEAH i might add more to this if I remember and/or edit it back into the first post...... but hope that was fun to read????
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pastelslugcat · 10 months
I started playing Laika: Aged Through Blood a few days ago and I've been loving it. I'm the kind of person who needs to mentally prepare for a sad ending so I look at spoilers in advance. Of course, there will be spoilers for the ending of the game.
Oh no it's Artificer's story all over again. I only watched the final boss and end animation, but I'm literally crying. Since at this point I hadn't gone back and watched the part before and I had no idea what was going on and that two headed bird thing seemed almost silly. Then I saw that there was an explosive and I realized what was going to happen. The conversation she has with Puppy made me cry and the music that played while Laika was falling down after the explosive was super emotional. The ending where you see her destroy it and get caught in the giant explosion is already so sad but it had to show a close up of Laika's face as she closes her eyes and sheds a tear. Of course, it also has to show the village watching the explosion and then Puppy sitting by her mother's grave just to make sure you know she is dead.
Of course, my mind immediately went to creating an AU where everything is okay for everyone (except the birds). It would be much easier if the game didn't literally show her grave, but that's what AUs are for. I guess the first thing I have to do is just overcome the mental block that is cannon. Even if I've been making AUs and headcannons in Rain World and Hollow Knight for more than half a year now and it isn't difficult for me now, I struggled at first because it somehow felt wrong to just ignore cannon. So, the first step is to get to know the lore better. Since I've played the first few hours and seen the ending, I'm gonna need to play through the rest of the game before I can really say anything much about this AU other than that Laika somehow survives the explosion. Who knows, that might even be the only difference.
Maybe I'm crazy or delusional for not being able to accept the cannon ending, but when I see a character I find relatable and almost develop a bond with, it's just my first instinct to want to give them a happy life. It might be weird but it's how I cope and it makes me happy. Another thing about Laika is that she reminds me a lot of my version of Artificer. They both have kids who they are afraid will grow up too fast, both live in a tight community in a pretty bad area and both go out to fight to protect those they care about. Those are just the things I've noticed within a few hours of playing. Plus, the birds remind me of scavengers. It just feels wrong to let a character that so closely relates to another character which is basically my blorbo go in such an awful way. I see e lot of myself reflected in both of them.
Anyways, thank you for listening to this vent of sorts.
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rayofmisfortune · 7 months
*confused crying*
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Rayyyyy they're being mean to the British baby againnn
Poor Sun trying to talk him down, too- @ikamigami was right (at least I think it was them) Moon is paranoid and going off the deep end
I'm on the verge of making a "the canon is not real if I do not look at it" AU so I can pretend the AU is canon and my babies can be happy
Blorbos confiscated. If they can't play nice with their own characters, then they can't play with them anymore :(
(insert free invitation to rant at me)
This'll be a little long so, the whole rant and ramble is under cut hehe
I refuse to accept canon as canon so- *drags over RJ AU Ruin Eclipse* THEY ARE THE CANON RUIN NOW I DON'T MAKE THE RULES
BUT TO BE FAIR... I've noticed a few things that should've been a glaring red flag to Ruin still being a little off the rails I guess-
It's a thing we love about them and it makes then unique i guess... but.. but THEIR ACCEPT STAYING THE SAME SHOULD'VE BEEN A GIVEAWAY THE MOMENT THEY CAME BACK ONLINE AFTER REBOOTING
We've HEARD the actuals Ruin Eclipse before on.. very few occasions.. BUT WE HAVE HEARD THEM! (In the episode where Ruin rescued Foxy and the first Interview with Jigsaw) it wasn't for a long time but... the ACTUAL Ruin Eclipse had talked through Ruin on few occasions.
Linking them below here
With this ^ one, I think that when they start chanting "save me" it was already Jigsaw back in full control.
BUT WHAT I MEANT! Do we hear a poor british accent in any of these instances? NO WE DO NOT!
With this one v
I'm not sure what this one meant. When the video first came out I thought we were hearing Ruin Sun and Moon talking through Ruin who was going on and on about needing to get back to connection and internet..
I mean.. from the Ruin DLC, we know they can probably seperate and talk for themselves?? As seen with Sun who thanked Cassie after being rebooted into Eclipse. (Yes I'm dragging the canon dca into this, Ruin WAS based on that DCA itteration after all..)
And what do we hear when Ruin gets rebooted?
RUIN'S BRITISH ACCENT! I'm probably looking too deep into just how their voice sounded at first vs now... by all means they could've changed their voice over time (as was seen with Puppet). But... I dunno... if they really were just playing everyone a fool this whole time.. I don't think the voice is something we should overlook.
Granted... I believe a lot of things with Ruin may have been retconned or rewritten after the DLC came out. (As canon Eclipse acte nothing like the teams Ruin at the time)
Because of a little theory and hc of mine I've slapped onto them! The antivirus DID NOT get rid of the virus as a whole. RJ Ruin Clipsy over here needs to take periodical dosages of the cure to keep the virus at bay and chip away at it to finally be rid of it!
That... that's what I'm gonna hold onto as the reasoning behind how Ruin acts. The actual Eclipse (and even Sun and Moon) is still somewhere in there. As seen in the clips listed above.
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pevensiechase · 5 months
Hi Lexi!!
*finger gun 👉* *attempt at a threatening voice*: this is a robbery, hand over your thoughts about TTPD. (pls 🥺)
I wanna know what you thought of it, what was your favourite song? Most hated song? Theories about lore? Blorbo connections? General impressions?
Oh gosh, I have THOUGHTS
Favorite song: I Can Do It With A Broken Heart and Peter
ICDIWABH is just so...I love it. Such a mood. Also very sad. My favorite part is "I cry a lot, but I am so productive. It's an art." Also, I LOVE how they have the counting from her in-ears to symbolize The Eras Tour.
AND PETER. It's so bittersweet. And also makes me think of Jason Todd. It gave me a fic idea, and it's been on brainrot rotate for a few days.
Most hated song:
I really don't like doing this, but probably Guilty as Sin? Idk, the biblical references/heresy and innuendos just kinda make me uncomfortable.
Theories about lore:
Idk if this is lore but in How Did It End? Okay, so this one is people asking how it ended (assuming her relationship with Joe), but I also hear it as she's asking herself and Joe how? Like, how could it end? How could it have ended? They were going so well, how could it have ended? Because she thought he was her forever.
And I can't stop thinking about how much she wanted to get married. Like, were they engaged? Did he break it off?
Also, idc what people say, I can't believe that Down Bad is about Matty Healy. He doesn't deserve a heartbroken love song like that to be about him.
Blorbo connections:
I've already connected Peter to Jason in my head. Cassandra as Cass Cain, and Robin as all the Robins. I saw a post saying "don't listen to Robin and imagine Dick singing it to Jason" so that made me sad.
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? reminds me of Dick because there are a lot of mirrorball parallels.
General Impressions:
Don't @ me, I'm gonna tear it apart a little bit.
I'm so sick of Jack Antonoff's synth.
A lot of Midnights, 1989 Vault, and TTPD sound THE SAME. And I know, I know, Taylor knows what she is doing, and she trusts Jack, but I'm tired of that freakin' synth. Jack is good, but can bro change it up a bit?
I listened to it all the way through with my friends, so I didn't really have a lot of time to unpack everything *insert John Mulaney "now we don't have time to unpack all that" meme*
But, a lot of them just...didn't make an impression on me. I thought I was gonna like Florida!!! because I like Florence + the Machine, but it just...idk, Flo's voice didn't feel right to me.
I have no memory of the first three songs.
THE BABY LINE IN But Daddy I Love Him. Oh my gosh, that took me out.
I like the Anthology better than the original release.
Overall, the witchy/biblical references kinda weirded me out a bit.
I honestly feel bad for her. She's going through it. The songs are kind of all over the place, and I feel like that kinda represents her mental state. It's a bit unsettling though.
Idk, I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, but there are a few songs that stood out.
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theviridianbunny · 8 months
WIP WHENEVER (11.02.24)
@ouroboros-hideout and @aggravateddurian both tagged me for WIP whenever (thank you both !!)
so here are a few things i've been working on recently (inbetween brainfog and RSD , extra shifts at work, fighting a head cold and screaming crying because my ipad charger broke - but i have a new one now so i am no longer screaming over that-)
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Do I have to many cp2077 blorbos that are under developed? hell yeah I do-! Meet Edith - my newest blorbo who i've only had for like two days but i'm already trying to figure out how she's slotting herself into Viridian's canon as an NPC (like all my other cp2077 blorbos who aren't viri - they all become NPCs within her canon !!) It's still early days for this lady - everything is mega blury and hazey but thinks will fall into place. All I know for certain is She's gonna bully Bryce Mosely (affectionately !!) and be an aroace queen (we love to see it!)
UPDATING AMRIN'S FACE TEXTURE (aka wolvenkit hell)
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When taking vp of Amrin (aka M0CK1NGKAY) recently- it came to a conclusion she looks to young - as of the year 2077 - Amrin is in her mid to late 40s - and I really want to try to replicate that on her skin texture. I've been trying to edit her skin by laying npc textures (for now i just pulled the "old rouge" texture because it was the first one that came to mind) with my custom burn scar. Things WILL need editing/tweaking/ blending- but Amrin is starting to feel more like her - slowly but surely.... For now i only have that one shot of her updated skin texture as my game crashed soon after i tried to take more vp *cries in british-*
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Cropped WIp shot of a couple portarit for @aggravateddurian - featuring his ocs ! progress has been slower than usual due to my ipad charager giving up the ghost (but i'm back on it now - and it should be finished very soon- I know I always say - but Durian - thank you for your on going patience and understanding!!)
tagging (with no pressure): @marazhaiaezyrraesh @dustymagpie @wanderingaldecaldo @withoutyouimsaskia @bethesdas @socially-awkward-skeleton @lilacmox @artabella-art @highblooddrumming @valsilverhand and you!
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Let me just say that your writing is absolutely immaculate and it should be praised 24/7. You're amazing!!! The way you've managed to write the characters to the point where I'm like "damn this could be canon" and it makes everything so much more easier to picture too.
I honestly feel so sorry for her (the reader) especially when she achieved something so great, in record time, and was at an all time high only for her to be hit by a wave of reality when she realised she was all alone and no one was there to see her do it. It was very realistic, I'm sure many of us have experienced that feeling before, of doing something we finally deem as amazing only to have no one there to celebrate such an achievement and it really had me hurting for her 😭.
Now let's talk about how she did not want her father to see her injury, not because she didn't want to worry him but because she didn't want him to get angry at her which is so telling of how jake has been treating her 😢 honestly her bleeding out in front of him is the cruel punch in the face that Jake 🖕🏻🤠🖕🏻 deserves. The fact that she thought he was mad when he told her to be quiet but really it would've been to just save her energy so she could stay awake and that being the last thing she heard???? yeah im crying from the pain!
I absolutely love her relationship with her mum, it's so heartwarming to think about but also so harsh on Neytiri, not only was her child dying out in her arms but she missed out on a rite of passage the whole family should've been there for. Considering we know Neytiri is very traditional that must hurt really bad to have missed out on such a big ceremony. (AND I JUST READ YOUR RECENT POST HER SPREADING THE BLOOD LIKE THE PAINT IS SO MORBID I LOVE IT)
Now the relationships between the siblings....honestly i have mixed feelings but it's like good mixed feelings ✌🏽😭 neteyam is a sweetheart and it makes so much sense that they understand one another, being the oldest. The way he panicked when he couldn't find his sister 😔 there's so much pressure on him too and it just feels good knowing they have each other. I'm honestly really interested in the relationship between the siblings, especially lo'ak and the reader. Because they are literally the same, other than the fact that lo'ak knows when to go quiet 😶‍🌫️ you'd think they'd bond over that but instead he was just taking the piss out of her and excited for whatever punishment was heading her way. And she did get punished to the point where she's dying. Idk I'm just so interested in the sibling dynamics, I think you did mention a few times that she usually cuts in whenever her siblings are getting scolded at (probably lo'ak lmao) which is so sweet to think about. How she doesn't want her siblings going through what she has to. The difference in treatment especially for her, compared to Kiri and Tuk, I'd be seething 🥊🤡 because that is so shady. Even if she had a small amount of resentment towards them I honestly couldn't fault her because you can't help it when you see that difference.
Honestly I love this family that you've built. And I'm so interested in seeing how/if this conflict will resolve. Please don't let it be resolved within a paragraph 😧 the daddy issues are too strong to be resolved with something simple.
IM AWAITING THE EVENTUAL "I SEE YOU" THATS GONNA HURT IK IT BUT ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES!!!! Imagine him being like "I see you, sweetheart" (cue my immediate sobs)
Also I am so sorry idk how this went on for so long but like whewww sorry if this got boring. Thank you for this amazing fic!!! I can't wait for pt.4!!
- Nini ✌🏽🤡
So you think the characters are close to canon? you can picture them actually acting this way? I have passed the trial of "my blorbo would never say this [clicks out of page]" ?
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thank you..... thank you.............. never a bigger compliment than that.... ah.....
AND I GET BROWNIE POINTS FOR THE IKNIMAYA SCENE BEING REALISTIC? Damn ur spoiling me today!!!! It's such a heart-sinking sensation, really. to be alone in a moment you've looked so forward to all your life, expecting the pride of your family and finally having your moment - but in the end you're on your own, and you've chosen it to be that way because you want to prove yourself & are trying to achieve that high you've always imagined knowing it won't be like that. Idk i have a lot of feelings about that 🤸🏻‍♀️🕳
AND YEAH!!!!! Jake totally told her to be quiet to conserve her energy but he couldn't relay it to her . in his head he's focused on how much she's bleeding and if it's the liver or the spleen and no na'vi biology is different and how long has she been bleeding and it's all a chaos cluster that he cant hang on to any solid thought. its gonna sink in later for him, god. you guys might get bored from the thought process parts but i love writing them 😭
also nini, are you british or anywhere related by any chance? "mum" 🤨🤨
BUT, ABOUT NEYTIRI....... she has me in my feels,, like, this is happening because reader went out for her iknimaya BEING TAUNTED BY JAKE . she bled out BECAUSE SHE DIDNT WANT TO TELL JAKE. She told him to fix this every single time and he didnt, thinking it wasnt urgent and physically protecting his family had to come first, to him, he has to keep them alive first and they can handle whatever come their way together. and now this incident has proven how wrong that mindset was. as her mother, neytiri is beyond wrathful, but as his mate, she is disappointed and miserable. not only has she missed her child's most important moment she wanted to put in her songcord she may lose her for it. she has had enough 😭 and the blood paint is going to be so OOF....
NOW ONTO THE SIBLING DYNAMICS! ABt lo'ak and reader,, like, lo'ak can be a cheeky bitch because they're so close, you know? they havent emotionally bonded as neteyam and reader did because lo'ak would play it off whenever feelings are involved at that stage in life but he likes his sister bc she knowingly wants to take all the fire directed towards him bc she wants to throw hands with her father 😭 he's like ur generic younger brother you fight over your belongings a lot, but he's also like jake, he'll do something in the fic that im looking forward to see you guys react to! 🤠
and dont worry, in this house we like angst, you know i'm not gonna let you guys off easy LMAOOOOOO THAT I SEE YOU SCENE IS GOING TO BE 😙🤏🏻
AND NO, THANK YOU FOR THE ASK, have an amazing day!
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tiredassmage · 1 month
oc questionnaire
I'm delightfully spoiled because I actually have two of these to fill out now, but finally getting the time to catch up on some tags now that I'm moved in for the new fall semester! Gonna tackle my tags for this individually, starting with @kemendin's set! Tysm!
I said I missed my bg3 blorbos, so I decided to do this for Ambrose! (And got to crying over his playthrough clips again, what of it? x3)
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What is your OC's preferred/favorite environment? Bustling or serene, filled with people or totally alone? Do they like being out in nature or surrounded by technology etc? Do they have a favorite climate/weather type?
Either extreme in excess have posed challenges for Ambrose before. The hustle and overflow of Baldur’s Gate, for example, poses as much opportunity to disappear among the crowds as it did numerous opportunities to be trampled underfoot, or find herself in yet another arrangement using her for her abilities - or, perhaps worst of all, enough unfamiliar faces he was uncertain there was anyone to be trusted to keep him out of her former master’s hands.
So, that said, he prefers something more quiet, though he’d like to still share it with some small company. Not all of their travels were to locales she’d be keen to revisit, but when the dust settles, Ambrose still enjoys traveling at Shadowheart’s side and takes great comfort from living amongst the recovering trees with Halsin. In her youth, when he would not be busy with magical drills and training under the hawk-like gaze of her master and overseers, Ambrose would enjoy some of the quiet to be found on a rocky section of beach on their island home. She would often sit out there with Ysabel, her closest friend from those days. The crash of the waves would often do much to soothe his frayed nerves. These days, the brush of grass and leaves underfoot is similarly soothing. She’s fond of spring, when flowers begin to bloom and the earth begins to come alive anew - a little taste of liberty, love, and hope that does much for one that was often plagued by doubts.
What’s something your OC is often conflicted about? A choice they made, their place or purpose in the world, a relationship they have with someone, etc? How does this conflict manifest, and how do they deal with it, if at all?
What isn’t she conflicted about, she may have bitterly wondered not all that long ago. Again, the trials she came to share with her companions did… a lot, really, as much as they also challenged and strained her even further. Ambrose would love to say he never set out to save the world, or ruin it, but it felt as though he was doomed to one or the other from birth. Her parents were foretold her magic would be quite strong - something that posed wonder and excitement for those of her homeland before it grew quickly apparent that she… had some oddities. Wild Magic. Uncontrollable magic. Something to be reprimanded, then feared, then… reprimanded some more.
Her parents let the master take her away - for training, he said. So she wouldn’t pose such a risk to herself or others. He would give her purpose, he said to her. He promised her. As long as she followed the rules, his orders… everything would be fine… He’d said…
But Ambrose could never quite get the kind of control of his magic that her new ‘caretakers’ desired. She could decimate armies, they believed - so long as the ice storms and lightning didn’t also backfire - with… some actual fire. Several times. He prefers to wear longer gloves with his robes to mask some of the more… scarring, explosive incidents that left their marks up her arm. She’d ran from all of that before the world decided to go to the Hells with mindflayers and cultists, as if he didn’t have enough to worry about.
And the result was that Ambrose was… skittish, at times. Reserved. Head down, tried not to draw attention to herself. Not that the whole… tadpoles and invasion and all that left much choice there - and… somewhere along the way, that… clicked, finally. Choice. Something long taken out of her hands. Something he had left up to others to define him. That he was too dangerous, she was uncooperative, some… hapless lamb in need of guidance. True, it takes a great deal of travels and trials with her new companions for Ambrose to finally realize… enough. Enough with being beholden, to letting fear and someone else’s greed define her.
Raphael may nearly have caught her in yet another web, but… perhaps he can thank the devil for that much. Dragons, demons, mindflayers… Finally, it was all enough to make Ambrose realize she had her own damn spine. And she was going to use it. With, of course, no small amount of thanks also to the support of lovers like Shadowheart and Halsin, and stalwart hearts like Karlach and Wyll. She owes much to their guidance and support. None of it would have been possible without them. She won’t soon forget what they taught her. That’s a promise.
Does your OC have an object that’s particularly important to them? Why is it special? Do they carry it with them, or if not, where do they keep it? How would they react if it were lost/stolen/destroyed?
That little wooden duck Halsin carves for him as they settle down means the world to him. It fits comfortably in her palm, and she enjoys tracing the grooves in the wood that define the wings, the feathers. That Halsin gifted it to her alone would be enough, but that it is crafted with such care to fit so carefully within her hands… And in a pocket, for when he leaves to travel with Shadowheart. It is to take a piece of home with them, and reminds her that she has a home now - somewhere he is safe and loved. He always keeps it close. If it is not traveling with him, it is on a nightstand, or carefully set beside the bedroll - so it’s like Halsin is with them. When they return from their travels, he likes to briefly return it to Halsin’s hands to share their latest journey’s stories. The children seem quite fond of this, too.
It… could, as a physical object, be replaced, true. But it would devastated her to misplace, and she’d frankly probably be willing to risk a fireball or large icey swath of doom if someone tried to steal it from her or damage it intentionally. In it, Ambrose has bequeathed his found sense of identity and family, his hopes and dreams that finally felt safe enough to have. It is symbolic of no longer having to be afraid of herself. It would be heartbreaking to lose and… again, he… has learned he’s quite powerful on an explosive sense of self and temperament. She’d hold it on good authority that the Hells hold no fury quite like a wild magic sorcerer scorned.
Tags! Hmm.. I think a lot of my usual suspects have beat me to this one, butttt... I'm gonna second a tag for @ho1ythunder :3 @viennen annndd... @kartaylirsden if y'all would like to answer some blorbo questions? :3
Here are my questions for your blorbos <3
What is your OC's preferred method of travel/transportation? What do they enjoy about it? What do they dislike about it? Is there another means they would prefer to use, if they had the option? (IE, if their preferred method is on-foot, would they like some sort of vehicle or animal to rely on?)
Is there someone in your OC's life that motivates them towards a goal? A friend, a family member, a colleague, a romantic partner? Is that motivation inspiring, something they look up to? Or is it more of a pressure in their life, something that feels perhaps like a burden?
How does your OC handle failure? Of a task, of an obligation to someone? What lengths might they go to in efforts to avoid failure, or the feeling of it?
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thief-throwdown · 2 years
the poll is still dangerously close so please allow me to go feral for a blorbo i've had for over a decade for a bit
so! Kuroba Kaito (family name first because the manga has never been officially translated and i don't believe anything with his normal name got dubbed into english, so it Feels Weird to type the other way) is a high school magician who aspires to be as great as his father was before a tragic accident took him away
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i mostly have 100x100 size things because i used to roleplay this nerd (affectionate) on tumblr, bear with me
anyway! one night, he stumbles across a secret room in his house and finds out that his father used to be renowned phantom thief, Kaitou KID
in order to confirm this information, he dons the suit and monocle and shows up at the heist that had been announced. his dad's old assistant, Jii, confirms that Kaito's dad had been the thief, and Kaito decides that he's gonna find out the truth of what happened
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by being one of the showiest guys around. yeah, his most famous way of getting away from heists is having his cape turn into a hang glider. sometimes he even jumps through the window!
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he's a master of disguise, and has even fooled the police chief father of his childhood friend while dressed up as her!
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this started as a gag manga back before even Sailor Moon existed, by the way. it's old
KID has stolen many things: gems are the most well known, but he's also stolen paintings, a home run baseball for a child, and women's hearts
the reason gems are the most famous, is because he found out that his father was killed due to not working with a shady organization to steal Pandora, a legendary gem said to cry tears of immortality under a certain comet, and glows red under the light of the moon
the creator of both Magic Kaito and Detective Conan (or Case Closed, as some may know it) loved Kaitou KID so much, that he stuck him in the latter, and he gets to be even more showy there. though i'm not an expert on that as it's so long and i'm not as interested in murders. someone else can jump in with that
he's even stolen from safes with deadly traps on them more than once! which i can't find a good picture off right now, but if you see a clip of Conan with a maid by a safe and there's like an axe or something, the maid is him. why pick a random disguise if you can't be cute?
in closing: Kaitou KID is amazing and i love this dork (even more affectionate)
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see you next illusion
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I never watched or read anything related to detective conan so thanks for sending me this explanation.
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chaoticspacefam · 10 months
11, 15, 27 and 30 for Ahaszaai twins (questions for extraordinary muses)? (sorry if late)
From [Questions for 'Extraordinary' Muses]
(if you either want the list or wanna send in some more. Ik I rb'd this a while ago but after this & the blorbo bingo one(s) are answered the askbox is gonna be empty again so open to taking more if y'all want! 💪)
Thank you for the ask @a-master-procrastinator !! I had fun with this one hehe
Some notes:
Gonna take the stance of "ability" being the Force ability that they're most well-known for rather than just the Force as a whole because. That's not "extraordinary" in and of itself in the SWTOR universe xP Click the ability name for the Wookieepedia page in case you're not familiar with the Force ability itself and want a refresher/explanation! :3 For Saarai, it's psychometry and for Ni'kasi it's Force-walking
Also feel like it'd be more fun to answer these in-character for a change so that's what we're gonna do! 😊
Alrighty now that we're on the same page, onto the questions!! :'DD Under a cut bc it's a long post, no specific warnings needed other than spoilers for the Sith Inquisitor storyline if you haven't done it, some swearing, and some mild implied angst <3
11. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while using your ability?
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Saarai huffs softly, her jaw spurs rattling in embarrassment as she ducks her head and mutters. "Lana and Koth promised not to tell anyone!" she whines, staring at her own shoes for a moment, before begrudgingly looking up to answer. "...Yeah, okay. Fine. I'll admit it." the Pureblood shuffles her weight from one foot to another, arms crossing over her broad chest. "Sometimes I forget to wear my gloves, so it can be pretty embarrassing when I pick something up or touch something and all of a sudden I'm bitch-slapped with a torrent of Force visions about all the blood and death and shit that the thing was connected to. Usually I'm er...I'm better at planting my feet and pushing through it but...." a distant look enters her sulfur-yellow eyes, and she trails off for a long moment as if Saarai were somewhere else entirely. If you're observant, you'll notice a shudder of discomfort work its way through the Pureblood's normally-sturdy frame. "But Nathema...that was a whole different beast. I didn't think- Gods, I never wanted to cry like that in front of Lana or Koth but it all hit me at once and I just couldn't help it." It might be best not to press her for more details, whatever she saw in those visions, it clearly was upsetting for Saarai.
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Ni'kasi, however, remains quiet at first. Her eyes scrutinise you closely, as if she's trying to decide whether she can get away with giving away information that might make her 'vulnerable'. A soft breath huffs from her nostrils, and she shakes her shoulders out before admitting, her face blank and unreadable of any sort of humiliation or sheepishness that might give away how she really feels about the story she's telling. "....I suppose, the first time I tried to use it. The first time I fought Thanaton. That's what I get for trusting Zash at her word, it never happened again, and it never will. I got cocky, and figured I could handle far more power than I was prepared to." more quietly, she mutters. "Mother was right, as usual. Should've listened to her." her impassive mask of an expression does crack, then, as she flashes a sharp-toothed grin. "Fucker's deader than the ghosts in my head, now so...tell someone about Darth Occulus' greatest fuck up, or don't. Nobody's going to believe you if you do."
15. Would you ever choose to trade your ability for another?
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Again, Saarai goes quiet. For a moment you wonder if she's heard your question at all, but when she speaks up it's clear she had, it was just something she genuinely had to put a lot of thought into for a moment. "....You know what? I don't think so." she shrugs, letting out a mirthful laugh and seeming to shake off the melancholy that had taken hold of her moments before. "Listen, as much as not being able to touch shit without gloves on can suck sometimes it's...it's something that's always been there, y'know? It's a part of me, just like the Force is. I think I'd feel like I wasn't whole if I woke up tomorrow and the psychometry was gone."
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Ni'kasi doesn't even hesitate before she shakes her head. "No. Not for anything in the galaxy. It was a difficult ability to master, but it...gave me a connection to my family, my mother in particular, that I'm not sure I would've had without it." she smirks, thinking of Thanaton, though her lips settle into a smile that's far more fond as she carries on talking. "I could've found a way to kill that bastard without it, but...having mother there to talk to, even now, is nice. Makes me miss her a lot less than I did before I learned to Force-walk."
27. If you could give your abilities to one person for a day, who would it be?
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Saarai's answer this time is far more immediate, and her voice raises perhaps a little more than she means it to in her vigor to convey her point. "NO ONE!" seeming to realize that such a loud outburst might have startled you, she coughs, spurs trembling again, and when she speaks again her tone returns to its normal register. "Look, I'm not even sure if this is something that you can just learn or...or give to someone else. I was born with it, as far as I know. But even if it was possible, trust me, I wouldn't want anyone else rushing into this. It seems cool on paper, and as much as I'm used to it now and wouldn't get "rid" of it, seriously...it gets old real fast. When it's helpful, it's helpful but when it sucks? It really sucks. The constant fear that some weapon or object you pick up is gonna be a metaphorical brick to the face, the nightmares in your sleep...You don't want this."
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Lady Occulus folds her arms behind her back, raises her chin and stares down at you, hard. "Why?" she asks at length, trying to parse out why you're prying into that particular question. "Who wants to know?"
(Author intervention (for the actual answer since Kas isn't gonna give it 🤣) : She might entertain teaching an apprentice she trusts, buuuuuttt she'd have to be certain they wouldn't turn on her and use it against her. I mean, that's basically what she did to Zash and Thanaton and she's not stupid enough to open herself up to that same achilles' heel 😉)
30. Name one skill you haven’t yet perfected that you want to master.
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Saarai smiles again, a big, toothy grin this time. Unlike her twin, she's not the least bit shy about admitting her shortcomings and even laughs as she does so. "I wouldn't mind learning how to be better with Force lightning. It's not something I was ever good at, I can do a little but...Kas and Lana are way better at it than I am." she gestures at her posture, all bulk and hard muscle. "Doesn't lend itself so well to the artistry and the fine hand movements, does it? Nah, I'm more like...the battering ram that kicks the door in while they do the finicky lightning work. Still, it might be handy to be better at it, bet it comes in handy for short-circuiting those droids, or consoles and stuff."
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Ni'kasi sniffs, seeming almost offended that you're still trying to poke into her weak points. When Rai gets more animated discussing hers, however, she seems to consider an answer of her own that isn't too damning to her reputation. A soft chuckle escapes the Pureblood, her eyes shining with an undeniable fondness and admiration for her sister, if you're looking closely enough to notice that is. "...I'm not good with people. Not like Rai is. Bossing people around and telling them what to do? That I can do. But making friends, making people like me? She makes it look so fucking easy and sometimes I wish I could be more like her..."
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xserpx · 1 year
Leo🦁 for the blorbo bingo!
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Thank you so much for sending me this ask 😆! And just to be extra obnoxiously self-indulgent I'm gonna ascribe each square I picked to a specific chapter in the Age of Madness trilogy! 🦁❤️:
OUGHHHH *disintegrates into dust*: "Jurand looked up and their eyes met, and Leo froze, his breath held, his face tingling." The Same Side, TWOC.
Blorbo from my special interest: "Leo bared his teeth, squelching forward through mud battered and mashed by countless boots advancing and retreating, advancing and retreating. The fighting had been fiercest here. Bodies everywhere. Bodies from both sides. Men still and men still moving, crawling, crying, pawing at the ground, pawing at themselves. Leo stepped between them, stepped over them, teeth clenched, head throbbing, pushing on towards the bridge." Settle This Like Men, ALH.
Putting them thru the horrors: "‘I’m fine,’ said Leo, weakly shaking the man off. Fine. Broken, defeated, in constant agony, with a useless arm and an amputated leg, convicted of treason and already on the gallows. Fine." A Footnote to History, TTWP.
I HATE YOU: "Before the Great Change it would’ve been him asking whether they should do something. Bursting through that door in some self-indulgent, self-defeating puke of gallantry. But then he used to be a reckless, soft-hearted fool." Love, Hate, Fear, TWOC.
Fandom is so mean to them 💔: "‘Are you sure?’ asked Brock. ‘I have three-score flatbows with a different opinion.’" The Sentence, TWOC.
Explodes them with my mind (affectionate): "‘No, no, it’s the small cutlery, Leo.’" Common Ground, TTWP.
Gay infinity: "They’d touched each other a thousand times. They’d wrestled and sparred and hugged. But there was something different about that touch. More than one old friend supporting another. Far more. Jurand’s hand didn’t just rest there. It squeezed, ever so lightly, and Leo felt a strange need to tilt his head and press his cheek against it. Take that hand and hold it to his face, to his heart, to his mouth." Grown Up, TTWP.
Bouncing off the walls: "‘Cheer up.’ Leo hugged him roughly with one arm, looking back to the building. The one lit window. ‘There are plenty of ladies for all of us.’ Though he couldn’t think of any close to Savine dan Glokta’s class. ‘Plenty of ladies,’ Jurand echoed, gloomily." A Bit About Courage, ALH.
Killing them with hammers: "Now they huddled in close. United by a common enemy, and a shared purpose, and a righteous cause. Just talk, of course, fuelled by Leo’s frustration, and jealousy, and the pain in his leg. Just talk, perhaps, but dangerous, still. Exciting, still. Just talk, wasn’t it? But with each word said it became more thrillingly real." Future Treason, Past Affairs, TTWP.
Bestie it's not funny anymore get therapy: "They’d both stabbed him in the back while they stabbed each other in the face, yet somehow they could glide away friends, ruling the gardens, loved by all, while he was left nursing unhealable wounds, hated and feared and alone." Good Times, TWOC.
Free Space: "As handsome a crowd of young heroes as you could hope to find. What a painting they’d make! Maybe Leo would get one commissioned. Who’d know an artist?" Young Heroes, ALH.
Babygirl 💖 (has committed horrific atrocities): "‘They love the fire,’ said Leo, tugging his jacket smooth, then turning away. ‘They can have the fire.’" Purity, TWOC.
HGGHHGHHJKGHJURTGEHJM etc: "He wanted to say it all. To puke up his resentments. He had his mouth open to do it. But why bother? The past isn’t made of facts, not really, just stories people tell to make themselves feel better. To make themselves look better." Not For the Prizes, TWOC.
Smacking the floor: "What he wanted to do more than anything was lurch into Jurand’s arms and never let go of him." Different This Time, TWOC.
Rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken: "He hated Styria, hated Sipani, hated Cardotti’s, hated this degenerate excuse for a king most of all. He raised his chin, trying to look haughtily down his nose, but his eyes kept being drawn to that trail of dark hair from Jappo’s navel into the not entirely concealing shadows of his gown…" All Tastes, No Judgements, TTWP.
The fandom doesn't know them like I do: "‘We both know you’re not a fool, Leo. For whose benefit are you pretending to be one?’" Where The Fight's Hottest, ALH.
pls talk to me about them I promise I'll be normal :))): "‘You can call me treacherous. Call me ruthless. But ask who I learned it from.’" The Villain, TWOC.
Explodes them with my mind (derogatory): "‘Goes to show,’ he grunted, ‘you have to be your own hero.’" Redemption, TWOC.
Tearing them apart with my teeth: "A representative from the Angland delegation was plucking at the hem of Leo’s jacket in an effort to pull him down, but Leo angrily slapped his hand away. ‘Sit down, you bloody fool,’ Savine forced through gritted teeth, gripping the rail of the gallery. But the Young Lion would not sit down." The King's Justice, TTWP.
Tucking them into bed and kissing them on the forehead 💖: "Tits. Men talked a lot about tits. So Leo did, too. Nudge in the ribs, look at the cargo she’s carrying. But if he was entirely honest, he didn’t really understand the appeal. To Leo, tits were just… there." The Lion and the Wolf, ALH.
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