#.·:* còmhraidhean || conversations *:·.
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luckymcavoy-blog · 7 years ago
“so in the space of one singular week, i’ve almost broken multiple bones, been stuck up a tree, accused of faking my accent, and now i’ve apparently adopted this little guy.” lucky gestured with a nod to the small cat that was presently curled up asleep on the arm of his sofa. the presently unnamed feline had decided to claim lucky upon being rescued from the tree. “who, by the way, is surprisingly okay with mario and luigi. what’s occurring in your life, bud?” the scotsman shifted his position on the sofa, resting his feet on the coffee table in front of him and folding his arms across his chest as he focused his attention on @ncthanwinters. “my life is desperately calling for either some normality or a 3am road trip – i haven’t decided which yet.”
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annoyedfanfiction · 6 years ago
Spock x reader (2) --> italics are Vulcan
“Spock! Just the person I wanted to see,” Jim raced in front of you to harass the poor First Officer, and you followed more peacefully behind him. “I have to get to the bridge, would you mind showing Y/N around, please?” “I was not notified of any emergency, Captain,” Spock frowned, turning to face you both. “However in such a situation, perhaps it would be better to delay the Lieutenant’s tour.” “Don’t worry, Commander,” you smiled, glaring at Jim as you tugged him back from clinging to the half-Vulcan’s arm. “Jim’s just scared that I’ll murder him if he doesn’t stop interfering in matters with which my Captain should not be concerned.” Spock’s frown deepened, though he did not move to defend Jim from the strikes you didn’t seem to be making. “I cannot condone such an unwise action,” he offered, eyes twinkling a little. If not for your time on New Vulcan you would have dismissed it as a trick of the light. “However, I can confirm that a nerve pinch is a sufficient sedative for at least 7 minutes.” Jim took one look at him and gasped something about betrayal, before shoving you off and racing away down the corridor. “Infant,” you shook your head as he fled. “Ni'droi'ik nar-tor (i’m sorry), Commander. There is no reason for my bickering to have interrupted your work.” You turned to move back down the corridor, but stopped at the sudden grip on your wrist. Spock had been careful to limit his grasp to above your cuff, barely two fingers touching the red uniform. “As the Captain seems to be...otherwise occupied at the moment,” he offered, lips twitching upwards a little, “May I offer you a tour?”
“These are your assigned quarters,” he finished, still carrying the bag you’d retrieved from Jim’s room. “As you saw, the Captain’s quarters are two doors to the left. I am sure he positioned this so that you could seek his presence if you needed or desired to do so. However, if it is not too forward, in the event that you cannot or do not want to contact the Captain, my quarters are next to his on the same side of the hallway.” “Never thought I’d see the day ye were having secre’ conversations wit’ a new recruit in the hallways, Mr Spock,” Scotty teased, emerging from the room opposite Jim’s. You grinned, wickedly, but straightened your face when Spock looked over to you helplessly, ears tinted a light green. “Na gabh dragh (don’t worry), Mr Scott,” you smirked, “Tha ùine againn airson tòrr de na còmhraidhean seo (we have time for plenty of these conversations). So long as you’ve memorised your engineering degree in Gaelic as well.” Scotty snorted through his nose, shook his head, and vanished down the corridor, muttering something about a nose for trouble and genius genes running in the family. “James and I have no genetic connection, Mr Scott!” you called after him, earning only garbled Scottish yelling in response. Spock remained affixed to his place, staring intently at your bag. “Would you like me to leave this here? I should report to the bridge,” he asked, quietly, when you turned to face him again. “I’ll take that now, thank you Commander,” you smiled, and, a small surge of confidence spiking in your veins, stepped a little closer to take his clothed wrist, jerking his head up to look at yours. “For everything. Will I see you in the mess after Alpha shift?”
“Y/N, what did you do to my First Officer?” Jim demanded, bursting into engineering as Alpha shift drew to a close. You tilted your head and frowned at him. “I do not believe I harmed Commander Spock,” you replied, confusedly. “It is unlikely that I would not have noticed an incident occurring while he was with me.” “No, I mean like, emotionally, mentally,” he pressed, encircling his arm with yours. “The lass was having secre’ Vulcan conversations wit’ him in the hall, if tha’ helps,” Scotty grinned, appearing on Jim’s other side. “Sassed me with something about engineering in Gaelic when I got too involved.” You felt heat rush to your cheeks, and you barely caught yourself from stumbling as you hurriedly turned to face them both. “The Commander was ensuring my satisfaction with my quarters and position in the crew,” you answered, quickly, as you realised their implications.  “Spock doesn’t normally take too much interest in the illogical emotions of his human crewmates,” Jim countered, narrowing his eyes at you as you hurriedly shut the three of you in the lift.
“If you must know, he simply assured me that in the event I could not locate or tolerate you, I would be able to find him if I so desired.” You folded your arms protectively in front of you as Scotty and Jim glanced between you and each other, suspiciously. “I believe he has realised my discomfort in adjusting to humans after spending so long immersed in the traditions and behaviours of New Vulcan. Regardless, I’m sure as my superiors you will both have ample opportunity to ensure your knowledge of any connections I make, with or aside from Commander Spock.” You didn’t mention that you had worked closely with Selek or the anxieties about returning you had entrusted to him, because as you spoke your final words, the lift slid to a stop and opened, revealing Spock and Bones standing on the other side.
“Lieutenant, Captain, Mr Scott,” Spock nodded, tilting his head. “May I inquire as to my role in your discussion?” He and Bones both stepped into the lift, and you took that moment to shift your weight away from Jim and hurry into the corridor. “Good evening Commander, Doctor,” you smiled, nodding warmly at each of them. “I’m afraid...something requires my attention in communications. I will attempt to join you all for dinner soon.” Even as Jim protested about you not being in communications for another week, the lift doors closed and you scurried away down the hall. Slamming open a storage cupboard, you crawled into the Jeffries Tube and clambered up it, until you reached the floor below the mess hall, where you slipped out and joined two startled ensigns in the turbolift.
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luckymcavoy-blog · 7 years ago
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donut in one hand and a box with another half dozen in his other hand, lucky had been paying little-to-no attention to his surroundings as he moved through the corridor. as he’d been about to take a bite of the donut, he hesitated, gaze lifting from the confectionary item to the familiar face of @xncvhs​. offering a sheepish smile, he set the donut back into the box and put the lid back on top of it. “man, my personal trainer and dietician would destroy me if i ate these.” he extended the box to noah, “you’d be doing me a favour if you took them off my hands.”
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