#./knightly screeching D<
proditoreques · 3 months
Nerd! Stop playing with your ai >:c
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"...But if I'm here I can't talk to Firefly."
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rileyhastheanswers · 5 years
The Sword of R’lyeh - Chapter 5, Page 71 - “An Unexpected Spark of Passion At The Robotic Bear”
Here’s an exclusive section of my novel ((DO NOT STEAL! IT’S ON MY BLOG AND THAT’S BASICALLY COPYRIGHT!)) wherein R’lyeh meets their love interest, Tobias (I’m not married to that name yet, it’s just a stand-in) at the tavern where he works. 
Important thing to remember: I write all these in long-hand on my various notebooks, and this is a direct transcription, so there’ll be some mistakes and strikethroughs, I just ask you to not read those parts.
Without further adieu, enjoy this brief extract from chapter five.
Another day of hardcore demon slaying has concluded, meaning R’lyeh needed to get themselves a well-earned drink and snack from the local tarvern in their home township of Tallahassia: Ye Olde Pizza Pizzazz-O Pizza Pizzazzia Pizzaronia? The Robotic Bear. For not only did The Robotic Bear, a fine establishment that had been in Tallahassia for as long as R’lyeh had remembered, serve the finest circular bread with prodigious cheeses and even smaller discs of pure meat on top, they also provide novelty in the form of games, with tests of knightly skill like firing arrows and skee ball.
HOWEVER, on this night, R’lyeh would find another kind of feast than the one that would satisfy their stomach - this time, they found a feast for their eyes - that, by the way, were normal size and not weird and starey.
The tavern was strolled into by R’lyeh, whomst stood perfectly upright, their spine a beautiful obelisk to the concept of being at a ninety degree angle from the ground rather than curved at the top. Also they had very thick biceps, and a toned torso with really shredded abs and defined pecs that leant them a kind of alluring yet androgynous look, and their armer fit them perfectly and while They walked among the crowd in the tavern the people in the tarvern looked at them and could barely comprehend how cool and amazing they areAlso their hair was straight too and neatly syled and I know while I’ve said this in previous chapters I think its important to just emphasise this again just in case.
However, before Riley R’lyeh could order their circular cheese circular meat bread, and before they could experience sensory overload from the numerous very loud children who were running all over and creating these big lines at the games and just don’t you think it’s kind of fucked up how there are like no restaurants with games where it’s socially acceptable for adults to show up and play the games without everyone looking at you like some kind of creep? Like I don’t wanna kidnap your shitty little kid, Karen, he’d probably just tastebad anyway like that one in the play area in McDonalds before they removed the play area because of the fact I 
R’lyeh saw Tobias, the tavern waiter man, across one of the tables, as he cleaned the table with a rag and some Pledge Pledgia. He was on the tall side, like really tall, like he was going on for days, and he was skinny but that was okay, he had a kind-looking face with round, soft cheeks and hair that looked like it’d be fun to run your claws through. The way he leaned over to clean the desk I R’lyeh could see down his shirt and saw some of his chest hair and they just kept looking and standing in the same place and it was weird but Riley could feel their heart beating so, even though they were are a master iof theur own mind and heart, this was a new an d exciing experience and soft face and R’lyehjust stood there and stared for what they later realised was two full minutes.
Eventually, Tobias, wgo was as vigilant as he was handsome, noticed that R’lyehwas staring anf so approached R’lyeh, flattered to have received the curious gaze of such a dashing and erudite and famished knight.
“Can I help you, Mx?” he said and he even used the gender-neutral term and wow that was impressive becuse even though R’lyeh is CLEARLY non-binary they get constanrly misgendered by people but no, Tobias was special. “Have you ordered?”
R’lyeh, who was typically extraodinarily articulate and socially adept, was at a loss for words. They continued to be silent and kept steely eye contact with their eyes that are not too big and starey despite of what some people have said.
“Mx?” Tobias repeated, his voice cracked a little but like in an adorable way, like when you can tell someone is nervous because they like you too? Anyway-- “Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
However, R’lyeh, deciding that, at the time, it was the most clever tactical decision, made a loud, almost piercing shreking shrieking noise that made everyone in the restaurant shudder in surprise and some dropepd what they were holding. While everyone there was confounded by the Warrior Screech emitted by R’lyeh, R’lyeh quickly fled the establishment and stole away into the night, without so much as a single session of skee ball or some pizza bread circules.
R’lyeh decided to then just eat a dead fox rhey found that night, but they could barelt swallow, because the waiter that they would later learn was named Tobias ((for now like I said I’m not married to it, the character, like all characters in The Sword of R’lyeh, bears no resemblance to anyone real, dead, or undead in real life/my life)) was twisting their green guts into passionate knots.
Little did they know of the size of the grrat blaze’s size that would come from that little spark of passion at The Robotic Bear.
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mrjaxington · 5 years
Tag ten people you’d like to get to know better!
Thank you @elvenbean for tagging me!
1. Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first four songs
• The Modern Leper - Biffy Clyro
• Swimming Pool - Millie Turner
• Top of the World - Dixie Chicks
• Better Together - Jack Johnson
2. Grab the nearest book. Turn to page 23, Line 27
"Damnation, how many years has it been? And he gives us no more notice than this? Haw many in his party, did the message say?"
3. Ever had a song or poem written about you?
Not that I know of
4. When was the last time you played air guitar?
Two or three days ago
5. Celebrity crushes?
Katie McGrath, Natalie Dormer, Keira Knightly, Emilia Clarke, Naomi Watts, Margot Robbie, Samara Weaving, Laura Prepon, Sophie Rundle, Lilly Collins, Hayley Atwell and Suranne Jones
7. Sounds you hate/love?
• Doors/cupboards slamming
• Flies buzzing
• Screeching/squealing
• Nails on a chalkboard/plate/anything metal
• Rain/thunderstorms
• Wind
• Leaves crunching
• Any kind of music (especially acoustic)
• Birds chirping
• Any kind of water sounds
• High heels on a hard surface
8. Do you drive, and have you ever crashed?
I've like just started learning to drive, and thankfully haven't been in any crashes yet
9. Last book you read?
Only the Animals by Ceridwen Dovey, had to read for my literature class at school
10. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yea, but I haven't experienced anything paranormal myself
11. Do you believe in aliens?
Hells yea, the universe is wayyy too big for our planet to be the only one that contains life
12. Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Sure do
13. Last movie you saw?
'King of Kong a Fistful of Quarters', it's a documentary about a guy trying to beat the world record in Donkey Kong that I watched in my media class
14. Do you have an obsession right now?
Gentleman Jack, aaand listening to podcasts
15. Do you tend to hold grudges?
Depends on the person and what they did to upset me, but generally I'm a forgivable person
I’m tagging @dobbyofearth @shibdenhalls @yesthankyoujames @annelistersthermometer @chansontristesse @only-the-fairer-sex @marian-lister @thought-i-to-myself @gentleman-jack-the-lass @gentjackthelass  
Anyone who sees this post and wants to participate - tag me, if you do :D
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choisgirls · 7 years
Ok, for once maybe I have a request~ Er. Maybe the RFA with an MC who has a younger sister about 5-7 years old? I was think about this one because I thought it'd be hilarious but kinda cute for them to see the smol child and be like "I WILL GUARD THE PRECIOUS BEAN WITH MY LIFE--" or maybe its just me, haha. you dont have to do this meh-- ~C the shy anon (may or may not have a younger sister that's 7 years old and is a precious bean)
A/N: C, MY FRIEND, ITOO HAVE YOUNGER SIBLINGS (THE AGES 6 AND 10) AND I’M LIKE THE BIGGEST GUARDDOG FOR MY YOUNGEST BROTHER so like if the rfa didn’t like my siblings i’dprobably have to fight them, fists flying, maybe even a baseball bat, who knows~Admin 404
I went for more genderneutral just in case, ya know? ^^;; cause i mean some people have either a sister or a brother or none, rip;;
               -He absolutely loves his oldersister
               -So siblings are Grade A forhim! You’ve got one? GREAT!
               -You told him about your youngersibling and he about fangirled into next week
               -“HOW MUCH YOUNGER? A YEAR?TWO?”
               -Try several years there buddyboy,,,
               -You’ve decided to make a playdate out of their first meeting!
               -Jungle gym at the park, getready
               -The moment he walked up to you,there was a marshmallow being flung at his forehead and he almost dropped tothe floor, looking for cover
               -“MC, WHAT ISHAPPENING?!” he asked, watching you from behind the park bench as youburst into laughter, walking towards the jungle gym
               -“Oh, your majesty, youmustn’t shoot your deadly Marshmallow Arrows at the new knight, he is here toprotect and create an alliance!” you told your sibling, throwing yourselfdramatically against a bar as they popped their head out from behind theirhiding spot
               -His eyes went wide as he lookedat your sibling, couldn’t be much older than around 6, listening to them recitetheir speech loud and proud, acting as a mighty (lord/lady), treating you likea prince(ss)
               -“COME FORTH, SIR KNIGHT,AND HAVE A TALK WITH THE ALMIGHTY (Sibling’s name)!” you sibling boomed,throwing their hand on their hip, raising their slingshot-turned-bow in the air
               -Yoosung could not be moreexcited to run up and kneel to one knee, bowing his head and gesturing up atyou. He was about to get into the zone and channel his LOLOL knight character
               -“I’ve come to ask for yourpermission- wait no, to ask for your honour! To protect the lovely MC witheverything that I have- I shall protect them from all harm, and raise my swordto protect their precious heart!” He stood up to look at your sibling,feeling so confident and proud, like he was a real knight!
               -Until his confidence shrankunder the intense stare from the younger kid. He had no idea he could feel sointimidated by your younger sibling. If they didn’t like him then, well, whatwould happen to the two of you? Would you leave him?!
               -You jumped down from the perchyou had climbed to earlier when your sibling started their speech, dramaticallythrowing yourself to Yoosung, grabbing onto his arm (you scared him a littlewhen you did this) but you threw your other hand to your forehead as youstarted to pretend to fall to the floor
               -“You don’t understand!This knight, I love him! You can’t separate us! You simply can’t!” youcried, watching from the corner of your eye as Yoosung turned a crimson colour,looking at you then back to your sibling
               -They stood with their armscrossed, looking over your boyfriend, trying to decide if they deem him worthyenough to date their older sibling
               -“Fine. I shall allow thisrelationship to continue! But only if you stay true to your word, knight! Andit totally isn’t because you played Castle with me!”
               -He was s o r e l i e v e d, hegot your siblings blessing and now he has an excuse to play LOLOL more!
               -“MC! We have a play datetomorrow, I have to sharpen my knightly skills!”
               -People love him, he wasabsolutely sure that your sibling would love him too
               -He loved when you would talkabout your sibling because you always got this tender look on your face
               -And he m e l t e d when yourexpression got that soft
               -Always begged to meet yoursibling, so you decided you’d take them to his latest show!
               -You just.. forgot to mention toyour sibling that your boyfriend was /The/ Zen.
               -And you forgot to mention toZen that your sibling is one of his biggest fans. But you were ready to see howit all played out
               -Throughout the whole play, youcould almost see physical stars in your siblings eyes as they watched Zencommand the stage, the younger kid practically vibrating with happiness andadmiration
               -At the end of the show, you siblingwas standing, clapping as hard and as fast as their little hands could go
               -“Hey, (Sibling name),would you like to go and meet some of the actors from the show?”
               -“HECK YEAH I WOULD, MC!LET’S GO! Do you think I could meet Zen? Oh my g o s h, MC! CAN WE MEETZEN?!”
               -You couldn’t help but giggle asyou guided the smaller child towards backstage, watching as they skip along,screeching to a halt when they caught glimpse of Zen
               -He looked over at you andsmiled, his smile only grew when he looked to your sibling
               -Practically jogging over to thetwo of you, he held onto your arm as he leaned it to place a kiss softly onyour lips
               -He jumped 3 feet into the airwhen he heard your sibling screech, you just sighed and placed two fingersagainst your head, muttering “Well, here we go” under your breath.Zen looked at you, tilting his head in confusing until he looked over at them
               -Your siblings rant continued onand on and Zen was just staring at them, starting a rant of his own about howcute they were and how much he couldn’t believe they looked like a littleversion of you
               -The two of them just started toyell compliments at each other and you just stood there. What were you supposedto do???
               -It only ended when Zen pickedyour sibling up in such a warm, loving hug
               -Your sibling refused to let goand they stuck their tongue out at you when Zen wasn’t looking
               -The little brat straight stoleyour boyfriend??? You tried to suggest putting them down but Zen immediatelyrefused it
               -“MC I will carry this kidwith me everywhere now. Have you seen how cute they are?? They’re almost ascute as me!!”
               -There was a small child runningaround the cafe
               -Touching everything, playingwith the stereo, running behind the counter
               -‘Whose kid is this?!’ she askedherself, trying to look out and spot someone looking for a child
               -She couldn’t find anyone, soshe gave a heavy sigh
               -But now?? She couldn’t?? Findthe kid??
               -She found them behind thecounter, eating a couple of cookies from the pastry case
               -“What- get out of there!What are you doing? That isn’t for you!” she said, grabbing the kids handsternly but still with a gentle aura around her, “we’ll find yourfamily”
               -“Myff fmly isnt here rifhtnow,” the kid said through their cookie. Jaehee sat them down and toldthem to finish eating before talking, it was rude not to.
               -“I said, my family isn’there right now! I’m waiting for my older sibling but they aren’t back yet Ithink,” they told her, she watched as their eyes turned from mischievousto soft and a little upset, but they shook it off fairly quickly
               -“My sibling said if I everget lost I should come here and wait, they’d always come find me!” the kidsaid with a large smile
               -Jaehee couldn’t help but sitand talk with the kid (the shop was slow at the moment anyway), she learnedtheir favourite movies, books, what they like to do, and she decided that thiskid was amazing!
               -They were so sweet, and shecould tell they were raised with manners and a great intellectual taste, theiroutburst earlier must have just one of those things that “all childrendo”
               -Suddenly, she heard the door tothe cafe burst open and she jumped a little bit before turning to see youlooking like a complete mess
               -Disheveled and out of breath,your eyes went wide when you looked at your sibling sitting at the table
               -“(Siblings name)! Thereyou are!” you ran over to them and dropped down to their level, pullingthem into a tight hug
               -Jaehee’s eyes went wide,looking between the two of you, just now realizing the similarities you shared
               -“MC? This is your youngersibling?” she watched as you nodded, letting go of them. Your siblingturned to her and smiled, giggling slightly
               -“Oh! So you’re Jaehee,MC’s girlfriend! I knew you would be nice!” they turned to you and puttheir hand up, attempting to tell you a secret but they weren’t so quiet aboutit
               -“She’s pretty. And shedidn’t get mad when I ate the cookies, I like her. I want to come play with hermore often”
               -JAEHEE’S GIGGLE WAS LIKE HEAVENLET ME TELL YOU. She immediately adopted this young kid and kept them under herwing, sometimes she had play dates with them without you, they had tea parties.She reads them so many books, sometimes they have to call her just to get abedtime story and she thinks it is one of the most adorable things
               -He has younger siblings aswell, he just doesn’t see them often. They’re nowhere near close with eachother, so he didn’t quite get how you and your sibling could be so close
               -Don’t get him wrong, he loveswatching how your face lit up at just the thought of your siblings but he neverexperienced a relationship like that
               -Hell, his relationship with youwas still new and the feelings were slightly confusing. How was he supposed tomanage a sort of friendship.. or would it be more of a brotherly relationship?MC, he was lost please help him
               -You came home to find himpacing back and forth in the living room, looking through some sort of magazinefrom one of the big toy stores in town
               -“Uh, Jumin? Sweetheart?You okay there?” you ask as he quickly spun on his heel to face you,shaking the magazine in his hand
               -“MC! Did you know thereare so many different toys? So many different age groups, different themes,different types, what am I going to do? What am I supposed to get your sibling?What if they come over and they’re bored? If they’re bored, they won’t enjoy mypresence. If they don’t enjoy my presence, they won’t enjoy our relationship,and if they don’t like our relationship then-”
               -You cut him off by placing afinger to his lips and giggling, which completely melted his heart. He loweredthe magazine and straightened himself out, not before placing a kiss to yourfinger though
               -“Jumin, it’ll be okay.They’ll bring their favourite toys and some movies for their sleep over.They’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. It’ll be fun!” you assured him, kissinghis cheek before heading to the guest room in the penthouse to make sureeverything was ready for your sibling
               -Later that day, you returnedwith your sibling in tow, hiding behind your leg as you introduced them toJumin
               -“Come on out! He’s notgonna bite you, it’s okay!” you comforted your sibling, Jumin held out hishand so they could grab onto it and he could coax them out. It didn’t workuntil he gave a small smile and your sibling started to think about coming outfrom hiding
               -Jumin spent hours trying totalk to your sibling, trying to b o n d but they? Wouldn’t? Talk? To him?
               -They wouldn’t even change theirfacial expression. They just had a blank look the whole time. The only timethey somewhat showed any emotion was any time you talked to them
               -When they went to pick a movieto watch and you had left to make snacks, Jumin decided he’d give up. If thechild wanted to approach him, they could. But trying so hard was gettingexhausting and he didn’t want to do it
               -But that actually seemed tocalm the kid down? Your sibling started to scoot closer and closer to Jumin,making him hold a teddy bear and eventually asked him to make a “MovieFort” with them halfway through the second movie. He was so surprised tohear them talk? And ask him to participate in something?
               - The two of them spent a lot ofthe night in their Movie Fort, talking about the cartoons and how ridiculousthey are
               - Jumin was super surprised thatthe two of them were actually getting along?? Your sibling was very quiet andonly spoke selectively. They were polite with great manners, and only showedtheir emotions when they deemed necessary
               - Was your sibling related toyou??? Or Jumin??? The world may never know??
               - You left for 5 minutes. 5.Minutes. And you came back to the two of them fast asleep on the ground. Youdecided not to chance it and simply covered the two of them in a warm blanketfor the night
               -The next morning, Jumin wassurprised to find himself on the floor?? And he was even more surprised  to see Elizabeth walk right past him. Hecalled to her but she just kept walking?
               -Turns out she was followingyour sibling. They would bend down and pet her every once in a while, but shewould meow and try climbing into their lap every time until they picked her upand carried her. She constantly headbutted against their jaw and would licktheir cheek
               -Immediately Jumin decided heliked your sibling, a lot. If someone is worthy of Elizabeth’s attention likethat, they are an amazing person (he knew from her experience with you). Theyremind him of how he was as a child and he is Ready to Protect This Child™.He spoils them like crazy. They have intellectual talks /without you/. Whatlittle brats
               -What a cowinky dink there MC,he has a twin, you have a sibling, the two of you are meant to be
               -“I don’t think that’s howthat works, Saeyoung” “DON’T KILL MY DREAMS”
               -He thinks your sibling and himwill get along so well!
               -Not to mention he’s alreadydecided he was going to protect this child with his life. He wants to do abetter job with your sibling than he got to do for Saeran… not that he’d tellyou that
               -You brought your sibling overfor a play date, but when you got through the door, Saeyoung was nowhere to befound?
               -You called out for him, lookingaround until your sibling picked up a cat-shaped piece of paper
               -“MC! Look! It says he’shiding and we have to find him. Oh! Like hide and seek! I love that game!”they said, starting to jump up and down out of excitement
               -Placing the paper on thecounter, you looked around, trying to gather your thoughts on where in thehouse he could be hiding from the two of you. Your sibling pulled on yoursleeve, “MC? Do you think he has more kitty paper? I wanna draw on somelater!”
               -You nodded and pointed them toone side of the house while you searched the other
               -Your sibling looked up and downthrough every room but the one with the large “GO AWAY” sign on it,it was too scary for them
               -Opening a small cupboard in thebathroom, they found Saeyoung cramped up in there, they giggled as he fell outonto the floor
               -Standing up, he applauded yoursibling, a large smile on his face
               -“You found me! Good job!!You must be (Siblings name)! MC told me you were the /best/ hide and seeker inthe whole wide world! I knew you were going to find me first!”
               -The younger kid did their bestsuperhero pose they could, puffing out their chest and beamed with pride
               -“Of course I am! MC can’teven find an elephant if it tapped them on the nose!” this time it wasSaeyoung’s turn to laugh, nodding in agreement. He suggested he and yoursibling should attempt to scare you
               -And it succeeded. Who knewopening a closet and having two people tackle you to the ground would bescary??
               -At this point, Saeran came outof his room and you practically clung onto him, hoping to avoid any of thepranks Saeyoung and your sibling may have placed
               -The two of them dressed up assuperheros, running around, attempting to save you from the “evildragon”
               -Though Saeran did put on thepaper dragon horns your sibling made because they were… kind of cute. But hedenies it. He said he put them on solely because he didn’t want to put on theones Saeyoung made
               -Saeyoung and your siblingliterally ran themselves down. They ran around playing all day, they passed outon the couch, cuddling together. You knew they would get along since Saeyoungloved to play around and your sibling was young and full of energy! You justdidn’t know they’d get along this well. From then on, you have to make your owncostumes just so you’re included in the games
*DaddV (soRRY):
               -So precious™ so pure™
               -He loves younger kids!!! Lovelove loves them!
               -He thinks younger kids areinnocent and deserve the world on a silver platter and he just really admiresthem?
               -Especially when they’recompletely adorable and passionate about anything they love, even play time!
               -The moment you told him youwanted to bring him along to your siblings speech debate he was practicallyalready in the car with 5 different video recorders
               -The two of you watched as yoursibling dominated the stage, dripping with passion about why there should bemore funding for animal shelters
               -The fire in your siblings eyes,the passion in their voice, the emotion on their face, V was completelyinvested
               -He could definitely see that itruns in your family, because he loves seeing you the same way!
               -After the debate, your siblingran over to you, hugging you before extending their hand out professionally togreet V
               -“Hello. You’re Jihyun,correct? I’ve heard a lot about you and I think you make a great candidate formy siblings future husband.”
               -You turned as red as could be,wondering how V would react, but all he did was smile??
               -It was such a heartfelt smilethat even your sibling was enraptured by it??
               -He knelt down and hugged yoursibling as they stood there, unsure of what to do.
               -“Thank you,” V said,pulling back to look at the younger kid, “my love for MC is as passionateas you are about the animal shelters, and I want you to know that. I hope thatyou and I could be friends. I’d also like your permission to show the video ofyour debate to a friend, I think it could be beneficial to you!”
               -Your sibling completely droppedtheir guard?? They turned to look at you with complete panic on their facebefore they turned to the man with the soft eyes
               -“I- um, I mean I..would… appreciate that. Very much. You… you recorded my debate, though?May.. may I see it? I don’t let MC record it because they’re terrible”
               -V laughed (r u d e, V) andnodded, completely agreeing with the child
               -“MC isn’t the best with acamera, but that’s okay! I’ve been teaching them a few things so they couldsurprise you!” your sibling tilted their head in confusion until V let outa /precious/ little laugh and followed up with, “I’m a photographer, Iwork with cameras!”
               -Your sibling instantly fell inlove. Complete heart eyes. Your sibling consistently hung out with V and tookphotography lessons from him, and even got to visit multiple differentcharities that he suggested! The little kid was so excited to find someone whocared about the world and people in it, just like them!
               -Not only that, but they were/so excited/ when V introduced them to Jumin (after showing him their recordeddebate)
               -Because!!! From then on!! Valways helped them collect donations for charities! It was a tag team, yoursibling provided the speeches and V provided the exposure for the cause!
               -He could hardly handle peoplehis age
               -What made you think he couldhandle /children/??
               -You brought your sibling overfor a play date anyway and he was not excited
               -But apparently neither was yoursibling?
               -You opened the door and hecould hear your sibling throwing a fit
               -“I don’t want to meet yourboyfriend! Why couldn’t I just stay home. I don’t want to be here. I’m surehe’s fine for you. I just want to go home and take a nap!”
               -You sighed and shut the door, Saeranpeeking from around the corner to look at the two of you, hoping the kid didn’tnotice. Maybe he could run and hide somewhere. Maybe he could go into Saeyoung’sroom and pretend to be him?
               -But it was too late, the kidgave him such a death glare that he swear to god he saw himself in his face
               -His eyebrows furrowed together,as he came around the corner and gave your little sibling an angry glare, butyour siblings expression didn’t change? At all? That confused him and hiseyebrows grew even closer
               -“You’re Saeran? I thoughtyour name would be Edgy Mc My Chemical Romance” you sibling said, turningto walk back out of the door, “Okay, I met Debbie Downer there, I’m goinghome”
               -Saeran was S H O C K E D. Didyou sibling really just call him that? Who did they think they were?
               -You went to stop them butSaeran did instead? He pushed the door closed from above them and grabbed theirhand, dragging them to the living room. You followed closely behind, afraidyour sibling was going to sass him to the point he would snap
               -Saeran sat them down and handedthem his 3DS, crossing his arms when they looked up at him with a blank stare
               -“Pass this level,” hesaid, sitting down next to them. They watched him sit down and tried handingthe system back. “No,” Saeran said, pushing the game back to them,“Play it.”
               -“Look, you don’t have tobe nice to me. We don’t have to be friends. And we don’t have to play thisgame. Take it back,” your sibling said, trying to hand it back to himagain
               -He leaned in close to theirface, his eyebrows coming together once again, he whispered, “You willplay this game. You will hush. And you will like it. MC wants us to be friends,and if that will make them happy then we. Are. Doing it. Understood?”
               -Your sibling stared at him witha blank stare for a while before turning away and muttering“whatever”; they started to play Saeran’s game and the two of themsat in silence while you went to the kitchen to make some snacks for the threeof you. It totally wasn’t to get away from the awkward tension in the room.
               -Saeyoung came out of his roomto find Saeran and your sibling staring at the game, both with no emotions ontheir face. He decided he was going to lighten up the mood and cut the tension!
               -“Meow meow! Hi guys!Whatcha doing? Playing? We can play something else so all three of us can play!Ooooh! What about hide and seek?? I’m the master at hide and seek!”
               -“Good. Go hide and wewon’t seek you,” Your sibling and Saeran said completely emotionless, atthe same time. Saeyoung fake cried and left the room, yelling something like“NOT ANOTHER ONE” over his shoulder before slamming his door shut
               -Saeran and your sibling lookedat each other, nodding once and sharing a small smile. Saeran decided theyweren’t so bad- if they can be mean to Saeyoung like that, then they could getalong. Your sibling kept wanting to come back for play dates but didn’t wantyou to be there? You thought maybe it was because your sibling didn’t want youto see how much they liked Saeran- which was part of it. But mainly, it wasbecause your sibling wanted to bond with Saeran by playing pranks and sassingSaeyoung and didn’t want you to get mad at them. Saeran was 100% okay with thisbecause now?? He has a partner???
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