#. ルスカ . muse info
mangher-a · 2 years
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Fandomless OC - Ruska Koivusalo - 23 - he/him
Species: human Occupation: College student / game streamer Hobbies: collecting figurines, going to conventions, binging anime series Pets: Wants a corgi Favorite plushie: a big round hedgehog he named Sebastian
Hair: Red; short and messy Eyes: Red  Piercings: both ears
Ruska is a guy that seems all cool and unapproachable at first but the moment you interact with him you’ll unlock his real nature. He is nothing short of an idiot. He can be flamboyant, loud and over the top. That is mainly for him to just try avoid being embarrassed. Usually, it’s a lost call and he ends up being a blushing mess. Even so, Ruska is a kind, attentive young man. He is easily exciteable and he likes having fun, alone or with friends. He gets crushes easily and just as easily gets heartbroken. He’s kind of used to having relationships not go his way, so he doesn’t really try or pay attention anymore. Oh, he’s having butterflies again? Eh, it’ll be over in a few days. Ahhahhaa~
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Academically he’s just a notch above average, but not in a sense that he’d stress out if he got a few bad grades here or there. Pretty chill. Parties are also fun, though he doesn’t participate in all of them. 
He is also the type that can munch on pretty much anything and barely gain any weight from it. Both a curse and a blessing, really. 
He likes to get into long discussions about series he’s following, the games he’s playing or the figurines he plan on getting.
At he moment he’s a college student, who streams horror games, visual novels and such. ...He also plays dating games, since that’s the only romance in life he apparently can get.
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Ruska absolutely cannot handle compliments, being flirted with or being praised. His whole face burns nearly as red as his hair and his voice gets a few notches higher in pitch. Sure, praise and compliments make him giddy as all fuck, and really really happy, he just don’t know how to react. May even end up crying if he gets embarrassed enough.
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