#. | bearer of the conch (surface ocean)
singofus-a · 1 year
@intothewildsea requested a starter from TRITON!
Triton smiled at her as he hoisted himself up onto the rocks beside her, laying back and sighing happily as the heat from them melts into his sore muscles. He had travelled quite the way to see her, but it was worth it every single time.
"You'll have to tell me something. Would it be considered rude or disrespectful if I gave you a gift? Without any conditions, I mean."
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Trinkets, 41: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
A small looking glass which plays tricks on the eyes. Glancing through it provides normal magnification, but one might see a spire of gold in the shape of a sunlit mountain, or a musical box and floating notes in a cloud, or a laughing rabbit in the shapes of the stars.
A mask crafted from thin cast iron covers the entirety of the head. The face itself is made of brass and shaped into the face of a hideous snarling creature.
A rabbit felt wide brimmed, high crown fedora with a band around it. It looks dusty with age.
A one gallon cask filled with inky black whisky. Thicker than most scotch whiskeys, it has a black tone that glows golden when the light hits it. The whisky has a penetrating woody taste, and does not light a fire in the belly; it goes down smooth and cold.
A small black metal box that fits under the arm. It has 20 colored pieces of glass arranged in a spiral pattern on one side. With the switch of a lever and the twist of a few knobs on the back , the glass pulse with glowing light at different rates, immediately drawing the eye to their pattern. An noncombatant viewer can lulled into a slight state of relaxation and well-being, being momentarily distracted by the pattern. A bearer can use this as a relaxation tool or as a hypnosis aid.
A piece of crimson coral carved into the shape of a shark.
A pair of earrings, made of wrought silver and ivory. The design appears to be two sinuous female forms, touching at the hands, which are extended above their heads (This is where the clasp is) and the feet.
A conch pearl the size of the thumb's first joint, of a deep and brilliant blood-scarlet hue.
A silk robe, dyed blood red with extremely long sleeves that hang past the hands, down to the knees. The outside is plain, but the inside reveals a subtle motif woven with orange threads: a nightingale swallowing a fox.  Small, jingly bells hang from the hem.
A brass chalice with chilling imagery of demons and tormented humans.
A fleshy ball the size of a large man’s fist. Dozens of tiny mouths appear, disappear and reappear at strange intervals, each one constantly groaning and muttering unintelligible words.
A large, brightly colored, decorative tin containing a well preserved fruitcake. The sweet bread is studded with dried fruits, nuts and strongly flavored with brandy which adds both to taste and shelf life. The loaf is so dense and nutritious that a single slice can be substituted as a full meal. The sealed tin can be used as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large conch shell that, when put to the ear, makes the wielder hear the sounds of the ocean. If the bearer closes his eyes while doing so, he will see visions of infinite horizons and calming ocean waves.
A raw, unprocessed chunk of tourmaline that catches the and reflects different colors as it moves. It protrudes out of a base of stone and is flecked with dust and dirt.
A whistle made from deer antler with a silver mouthpiece. Its single mid-range tone is strong and audible at a long distance.
A bizarre, intricately painted miniature sculpture, made of a lightweight material; neither wood nor stone. The figurine bears an uncanny resemblance to a member of the party.
A translucent pearl with a coral blue shimmer.
A set of glass playing cards in a brass case. Each card has a set of symbols and numerals unknown to scholars and the learned.
A flask with an unknown liquid. It cannot be poured out unless it is standing upright (In which case nothing happens since gravity). The flask is very sturdy and in inscription reads; “Those that drink smart and slow will drink this drink made long ago.’’
An envelope stuffed with cheap woodcut prints of men in various states of undress.
A tattered, oft-folded letter on which are written a mother’s pleas for her daughter to stop her dangerous adventuring and come home while they both still live.
A turquoise courtier’s uniform adorned with the stylized symbol of a dagger poised above a cup just above the bearer’s heart. Crow’s feathers dangle from the epaulettes.
A dented tin bucket filed with human teeth. Hundreds of them. Teeth of all shapes and sizes, from white, through all the shades of yellow, to brown. Teeth with bloody roots and with shreds of flesh attached.
A delicate silver bracelet, fashioned into the appearance of a spider, it's legs hugging the arm.
A silver charm bracelet with small kitsunes holding up different types of gemstones as if presenting a gift.
A sequined squid skin belt pouch.
An ivory scroll case with silk bands and silver plated caps.
A gold coin of strange design, one one side of the coin are two crossed-swords and on the other a bulbous eye that appears to blink occasionally.
A marble bust of a vainglorious adventurer.
An oddly detailed drawing of a pack of wolves chasing a small cloaked child. The numbers six, one, and two are arranged in a equilateral triangle pattern with the six being on the point above the wolves. Strange symbols are on the corners of the page.
A petrified pixie that would make a cute paperweight.
A lizardfolk statuette made from petrified wood and snakebone in the shape of a scaly hand emerging from water holding an axe.
An ancient scrimshaw with a well carved boat labelled, “The Mourning Hag.”
A finely tanned, soft leather pouch filled with thirty-six small, polished hematite tiles about 2 cm across, inscribed with non-magical glyphs on both sides. Some of the tiles have different glyphs on opposing sides. The pouch has a leather drawstring.
A small sapphire hairpin carved into the shape of an ocean wave.
A large oil painting of some otherworldly sea where creatures who are octopoid from the neck down but with human heads float in bliss.
A bar of lavender colored soap that when used, makes things dirtier instead of cleaner.
A mundane looking flat rock has been washed smooth by eons of swift rapids flowing over it. It still drips as if recently removed from the river that created it.
A copper pot with dragon head handle.
A large wooden box of dozens small painted lead figurines depicting knights, wizards, beasts, and dragons.
A simple silver ewer etched with a floral pattern.
A pouch of dried kelp filled with razor-sharp mollusk shells broken into pieces and tied together to act as an area denial weapon. The shells functions as caltrops in every respect.
A quartz statuette of a pegasus taking flight.
An old, straw-filled ragdoll with a patch above its heart. It is always comfortably warm to the touch.  
A glossy black hunting horn, chased with runes and knotwork of silver.
A well-loved teddy bear missing one of its button eyes. An observer who looks at feels a strong urge to comfort the bear, wanting to repair it. Yet for some reason they wish to repair it with an actual fresh humanoid eye.
A squat hematite idol with blue quartz eyes.
Pocket Watch of The Far Realm: A blued steel pocket watch with a silver chain that always tells the accurate time of the entire plane of the far realm. The far realm is a place beyond space and time. The pocket watches hands move fast and sporadically, sometimes even gaining a third and fourth hand. It is completely useless at telling the time on the material plane.
A dark soapstone sculpture of a large crouching cat.
A barely legible prayer written on leather, dotted with stains. It reads “May vengeance steady your hand with righteous anger. In this den of thieves, murderers, and monsters, there is but one answer, one god, and her name is written in blood.”
A large silk flag for a fallen kingdom.
A knotted gland consisting of a cancerous mass of gnarled tissues. The tissue thumps with an irregular cadence, as if two  hearts are intertwined in this tangled clump. The longer it's held, the more clear if becomes that a multitude is contained within one's own flesh.
A bronze brooch of an maple leaf.
A featureless steel cube with one open side. Light does not penetrate the open side and an overwhelming sense of power emanates from within.
A crystal that projects starry patterns when placed before a light.
A gold plated compass with cracked crystal in a small teak box carved with waves.
An obsidian tablet the width and height of a human hand upon which when viewed under the night sky tiny green and blue dots appear to move.
A large glass jug, stoppered tightly. Inside appears to be a diorama of a small forested island with a port town. If left undisturbed for a time, observers may notice that the water surrounding the island seems to move, and the trees wave. At night, tiny flickering lights can be seen in the town.
A perfectly fresh pineapple that has somehow resisted the ravages of time.
A sturdy cloth backpack made of high quality cotton, adorned with exotic feathers and pretty cross stitches.
A wand made from a rare elm with grains of sand sprinkled across its handle.
A bronze ashtray of a sleeping dragon.
A gold rimmed monocle with light rope of gold and clip. The glass of the monocle is smudged and cloudy but resists all attempts at cleaning.
A tear stained map of the local cemetery with an “X” marking a specific grave.
A hairpin with head shaped like a spider and set with red agate.
A crystalline hand-sized scorpion figurine that is so full of cracks and occlusions that it looks as if it could fall apart at any minute.
A portrait of an unsmiling woman painted on a poplar panel.
A human skull goblet with silver base.
A one gallon cask of Eye of Medusa, a paralyzing mix of grain alcohol, lime juice, simple syrup, and poppy flowers. This drink numbs the tongue before leaving you feeling like solid stone.
A slate tablet on which is carved a prophecy by a famed oracle.
A small knife forged from a unique metal alloy created by a fallen star.
The mostly straight bones of a humanoid bound with rough twine to make a macabre sort of ladder, rolled into a bundle.
A boar tusk scroll case encircled with silver bands.
A gilded puzzle box decorated with a asymmetrical geometric pattern.
A flat, round gray stone ring the size of a coin worn smooth by water and time with an attached tag reading "Shieldmeet 1120 DR, is this the key?"
A clay tablet with the answers to the favorite riddles of a certain guardian sphinx.
A tall brass rod is etched with an abstract circular design that seems to be devoid of any pattern.
A small glass sphere the size of a fist is astoundingly heavy, and appears to be mostly full of a thick golden liquid. It weighs ten pounds and has no visible opening or markings on it.
An odd contraption comprised of a small crystal orb set within a thick metal semi-sphere, covering most of the orb, and is about six inches across.
A pouch made of rough toad skin.
A small bottle of eyes-burning-from-the-smell-alone wretchedly spicy but delicious hot sauce (Which will cause vomiting and incapacitate the non-spice tolerant).
A well made bracelet of silver chain with small silver heart charms hanging off each link. A single one of these charms is carved from a rose zircon, which gives off a small amount of heat.
A wand made of a line of conjoined tiny rodent skulls with emerald eyes that makes it a grisly site to behold.
A wooden flute made of red wood with etchings of leaves around part of its base
An oddly shaped curved wand with elven writing carved within. When held at nighttime it helps its owner sleep peacefully to the sounds of nature.
A bone case containing black votive candles that burn with a green flame and can only be quenched by blood, not water.
An ode to Genial Jack, the Godwhale, who swims the Sixty Seas with the city of Jackburg on His back and in His belly. Scribbled on the back is a mysterious phrase: “The tongues of the dead wag at midnight.”
A pink stone sculpture of an ear which grows warm when it hears false flattery.
A beautifully carved wooden prosthetic arm fitted for a small humanoid, etched with tiny runes in ancient High Goblin, a language now all but forgotten along with the proud culture that produced it, who some say were forerunners of goblins and gnomes alike.
A small pouch containing a handful of moss crusted with what looks like dried blood. The blood was in fact taken from a patricide, the moss from a hangman’s tree; the combination makes this quite a valuable reagent to the right buyers.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@saccharic asked: happy father’s day to triton, athena’s pseudo-father figure!
father's day celebration | Accepting for today
Triton smiles and wraps her up in a slow hug. He hadn't been sure if he would see Athena today, considering her sky dad and just...
So to see her here, uttering those words and showing him she still thought of him like that, it did bring a tearful smile to his face as he drifted over and wrapped her up in his arms.
"Thanks, little spear. Thank you for coming."
His home was far from empty nowadays, with his daughters all having come to see him and one another, many still living here. Yet it felt a little more complete now that she was here.
"Can you stay a little while? I'm being surprised with a feast soon." He smiles softly.
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singofus-a · 1 year
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@intothewildsea asked: 🫂 for triton!!! give him all the hugs
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. | Accepting
Triton grinned and gave a hearty chuckle as she moved up to him and gave him such a hug. It was so warm and Triton immediately reutnred it, bulking arms wrapping comfortably around her.
"Oh, wow...you give great hugs. Did you know that?" With his horse legs made of swirling water and sea foam, for once Triton was a huggable height, rather than lounging on the sand.
"What was this hug for?" He let her go then, realising he'd hugged her for a little while.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@saccharic asked: "much less brave than i admit, much more scared than they all think" athena and triton !
meme i've forgotten | Not Accepting
Triton chuckled, then glanced to her and stopped when he realised how that might look. He wasn't laughing at her, but at her naive assumption about everyone else.
Lounging at her side, he reaches over and grasps her shoulder, looking at her.
"Let me assure you, young one, that you are very brave. As brave as any one of us. And you can't be brave without conquering fear, so if you never have fear? You aren't brave. Nor courageous. You're just stupid. Something you aren't." A goddess of wisdom couldn't possibly be that.
Not one taught by him, especially.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@nectaric​ asked: [ OPEN ] amphi to triton !
[ OPEN ]:    sender wordlessly opens their arms out to offer the receiver a long-awaited hug.
Triton returned to the palace and sees his mother standing there opening her arms. There’s no delay, he’s floating over to settle into her arms. His own strong ones tugging her in close to him for a lingering embrace. “Hey mom. Good to see you again.” He murmured, holding onto her for just a little longer before pulling back. Amphitrite was greatly missed. Those words went unspoken, he didn’t think he needed to say them. Now he just smiled at her.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@nectaric​ asked: "Have you eaten anything?" amphi @ triton
ways to respond when someone says, “I’m okay.” | Accepting
Triton hesitated in answering his mom’s question, not because he didn’t want to tell her, but because he hadn’t remembered the last time he ate. His mind was just a ball of many thoughts right now, work thankfully keeping him very busy at the moment. It was a blessing and a curse.
“Yeah, I’ve eaten.” He said despite this, giving her a reassuring smile from behind his desk. The last thing he wanted was his mother to worry about him.
“I’m alright, mother. Really.”
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@inoblivicn​ asked: ❛ i like being close to you. you’re warm. ❜ nike @ triton
&. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | Accepting
Hearing that, he wrapped the arm around her waist a little tighter as she nestled on in. The both of them now settled, he tucked his other hand beneath his head as they lounged together. Perfect. Everything had flowed into this so nicely too, she seemed to fit perfectly against him.
“Now I’m no deep sea vent, but I’ll do.” He said with a lazy chuckle, his thumb rubbing at her waist. Then he realised after a second she might be hinting she was cold too. He assumed it was an excuse to get close, but what if it wasn’t? Maybe he was a little rusty...
“If you’re still cold I can get someone to get you a blanket.” His eyes cracked open to look at her, just in case he needed to summon a servant.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@inoblivicn requested a starter from TRITON for POSEIDON!
Lounging in the main living room, he heard the door open and familiar footsteps. Cracking an eye open, he gave a soft huff before sitting up. He’d just gotten comfortable in his lounging! He liked his work but right now?! Then he saw dad’s expression, and he squinted a bit. Damn, was he being serious or only pretending to look serious to bluff him? He’d done both before!
“You’re doing the thing. I can’t tell if you’re about to give me work or offer to do something cool. Don’t let me down here, dad. It’s gotta be something cool!”
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singofus-a · 2 years
@ichoric requested a starter from TRITON for RHODE!
Triton sat down beside his sister, lounging on his side with his head in his hand as he watches his sister crafting shells. A few of her previous bracelets hung around his wrist on full display.
“What’s the plan for this piece then? A... necklace right? What colours and shapes’re you thinking?” He asked, waiting to be either given a job or just chat with her as she worked on it.
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singofus-a · 2 years
@ichoric requested a starter from TRITON for APHRODITE!
Triton popped his head out of the waves and grinned brightly, arms reaching out wide above the water, wanting to embrace her as soon as she ran over to him.
“I knew it was you! I could see that bright smile miles away!” He called to her, holding her close when she came in close enough. Gave her a squeeze and a kiss to the forehead.
“Is this gonna be just a beach visit, or do I get the honour of escorting you back to see mother and father?” He asked her, the both of them now bobbing along with the gentle waves. “Your room’s still available. That lover boy of yours’s welcome too.” He briefly glanced around to see if the god was there.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@ichoric​ asked: ‘ dad grounded me. he GROUNDED me. ‘ percy is huffily floating in the hallway. ‘ all i did was trip hermes, and i got caught because it was so funny i pulled a muscle laughing. how’s that fair ? ‘ brother help
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
Triton chuckled at his little bro’s escapades, and the image of Hermes going flying, as he leant against a wall and watched the other pace.
“First off, that’s hilarious. Wish I’d seen that.” He held his hand out so they could come give him a high five. “Second though, he is being fair - hear me out.” He tacked that request on before he got his brother all huffy again. “You don’t really have a sense of danger or self-preservation, little bro. Dad’s just flexing his muscles and makin’ you sit and think on a lesson.”
He comes floating over then and stands in front of him, older brother mode truly activating. As a son, and as a dad himself, Triton could understand both sides. But on this one Dad was right. As he usually was.
“When I was younger, like equivalent to a teen, I started getting really curious about the sea trenches and the deep sea. I’d heard cool things about the beings down there and wanted to go look. So what did I do? I just started swimming down. And down. And down.” He paused a little, and mimicked an expression of concern. “And then...then I started finding it difficult to breathe. Like really quite difficult. I looked around, thinking I should head up, and I realised that I was so far down that the light was pretty much gone. I couldn’t tell which way was up. I started panicking. I realised too late that I’d fucked up. I swam around, tryin’ to find an edge, but I was panicking too much. Then I black out.” Another pause.
“I wake up in my room with dad and mom standing over me. Mom lookin’ really worried, ‘n dad with an expression I’d never seen on him before. He grounded me for months right there and then. Turns out I was fine, but a few weeks later I found out something I hadn’t known, but I really should have before goin’ down there. At some depth, even for gods, it gets to toxic and deprived of all regular nutrients that your body can’t handle it if it’s not used to it. That’s why those that go between, and aren’t born there, slowly trained themselves to get to deeper and deeper depths. Gotta let my pliable immortal body make some changes.”
Now he took himself out of his storytelling voice, and put on his big brother tone again.
“I also learnt, that the few boundaries Dad puts in place are there for a reason. With mine, it was not me dying for curiosity. For you...well perhaps it’s best you figure that out yourself. But I’m saying, that it’s something that’ll keep you safe. And he, and I, want you safe most of all.”
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@ichoric​ asked: o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . ( dite for Triton! )
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 . | Accepting
Triton had just been drifting off to sleep when he heard a soft knock. Having late night visits from family wasn’t that uncommon so it just had him give a soft sigh as he got up to float over.
Opening it, he saw Dite and hid his concern behind a warm smile - though was clearly analysing her.
“Hey little oyster, come on in.” He told her, drifting aside, so she could come in, wondering what she needed. Though there didn’t need to be an excuse, he did enjoy the extra company regardless.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@ichoric​ asked: zag enjoys how the sand feels on his feet. his family decided on a beach day, and he’s been given permission to find his friend while hades spoils his daughters with snacks. zagreus finds triton with a bright grin. ‘ you made it ! ‘ 
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
The agreed upon beach day arrived and Triton turned up a little later on, as promised, to give Zag his very first horseback tour of the ocean. He popped his head out of the water and grinned to see Hades and his daughters there too. All enjoying the beach as they should - though they all looked quite hilariously pale compared to the sea god and beach-lounger himself.
When Zag spots him, he swims to shore and pulls himself up into the sand a bit - so far still in his tail. Thought he might shapeshift in front of Zag for that extra bit of wonder.
“Of course! Can’t have a tour without the tour guide after all.” He offers out a hand for a high five. “How are you enjoyin’ the beach so far? Awesome, right?”
Glancing back, he saw Hades look over at them and gave him and his girls a wave and a thumbs up.
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@ichoric​ asked: ‘ i have to head to cyprus for a few days. will you be alright handling things down here ? ‘ poseidon has his back straight, expression serious. this time is no joke. ‘ your mother may need the help, but i won’t be gone long. ‘ @ triton 
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
Triton tried to listen to everything his father said, but his mind immediately began to swim with thoughts of his responsibilities that he would need to take on. The young god knew his schedule would not differ too much - but it would go from shadowing and aiding his father to taking over what his mother did not. He would be the man of the house now too. It was a heavy weight on his shoulders but he knew he could handle it.
The strength in his posture, the mirrored seriousness in his expression, proved as much.
A nod came from him.
“I will be alright, you have my word. Our people will hardly notice a difference in the daily running of things.” Then curiosity got the better of him. “Can I ask why you are going to Cyprus?”
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singofus-a · 2 years
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@tragedyprophesied​ asked: ❛  am i going mad, or did the word ‘think’ escape your lips ?  ❜ // Amphitrite for Triton! meme i’ve forgotten | Not Accepting
Triton gives a fake roll of his eyes and deep sigh, very lightly flicking her with his tail fin since she stood close enough.
“Hah! Hilarious!” The jokey sarcasm flows from his lips.
“I mix up my words a few times, make a mistake here or there, and suddenly my own mother is calling me dumb. I am my father’s son though I guess.” He grins then.
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