#. [ 🌸 i've never seen mlp so i hope i did her at least a little bit of justice! ]
queenbeeibee · 2 months
}!{ pinkie pie from MLP, she's pretty much like bee, a party machine
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"SUR-PRISE! Welcome to Ponyville! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I've thrown the party JUST for you! Were ya surprised, huh, huh? I hope you were!!! Well, c'mon! There's so much for you to see! We've got giant ice cream cake, a huge game area - Pin the Tail on the Discord is SUCH a fave of everypony, AND I even baked cupcakes! Oh, and you have GOT to meet my friends! Hey, hey, Rainbow Dash! C'mere and meet my new party pal!"
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