#. šŸ•øļø YOU SAY YOU MISS ME ( Iā€™M RIGHT HERE ) ā•± starters.
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
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Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  HOW Ā  OUT Ā  OF Ā  HAND Ā  ITā€™S Ā  GOTTEN Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  ooc.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  MY Ā  FLESH Ā  IS Ā  LACED Ā  WITH Ā  SUGAR Ā  AND Ā  MAGGOTS Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  asks.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  YOU Ā  SAY Ā  YOU Ā  MISS Ā  MEĀ  Ā  (Ā  Iā€™M Ā  RIGHT Ā  HEREĀ  ) Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  starters.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  WITH Ā  PINK Ā  EYESHADOW Ā  AND Ā  A Ā  SOBBING Ā  PRAYER Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  isms.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  ANYTHING Ā  COULD Ā  BE Ā  HOLY Ā  UNDER Ā  NEONĀ  LIGHTS Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  visage.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  DO Ā  YOU Ā  FEEL Ā  THE Ā  EYES Ā  OVER Ā  YOUR Ā  BODY Ā  STILL? Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  promo.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  TO Ā  SWEETLY Ā  MELT Ā  IN Ā  SIN Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  rp memes.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  I Ā  DRINK Ā  ; Ā  I Ā  BURN Ā  ; Ā  I Ā  SHATTER Ā  MY Ā  OWN Ā  DREAMS Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  open starter.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  YOUR Ā  FISH Ā  HOOK Ā  IN Ā  MY Ā  MOUTH Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  crack.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  EATEN Ā  IN Ā  PIECES Ā  ; Ā  NOT Ā  MEANT Ā  TO Ā  BEĀ  Ā  KNOWN Ā  WHOLE Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  ic.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  I Ā  BELIEVE Ā  YOU Ā  LIKE Ā  AĀ  Ā  BEATEN Ā  DOG Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  dash games.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  I Ā  WILL Ā  NEVER Ā  BE Ā  FORGIVEN Ā  FOR Ā  WANTING Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  affiliates.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  KISS Ā  ME Ā  WITH Ā  MY Ā  BLOOD Ā  BETWEEN Ā  YOUR Ā  TEETH Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  ships.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  TO Ā  BE Ā  LOOKED Ā  ATĀ  Ā  &. Ā  NEVER Ā  SEEN Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  art.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•øļøĀ  TOUCHED Ā  DOWN Ā  TO Ā  THE Ā  DELICATE Ā  BONES Ā  Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  poetry.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  INĀ  NEONĀ  LIGHTS Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  canon &. main verse.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  THEĀ  CALLĀ  OFĀ  THEĀ  ANGELS Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  overlord verse.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  FEATHERĀ  BOASĀ  ANDĀ  GLITTER Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  70ā€™s verse. (ft. sirserpentine)
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  OVERSEERĀ  OFĀ  HELL Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  zestialā€™s employee verse (ft. zestials)
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  GOODĀ  OLDĀ  FASHIONEDĀ  LOVERĀ  BOY Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  human verse.
Ā Ā . Ā  šŸ•·Ā  | Ā  LACEDĀ  WITHĀ  BELLADONNA Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  lost twins verse (ft. spyderdust)
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  DOĀ  YOUĀ  LIKEĀ  THEĀ  SHOW ?Ā  AREĀ  YOUĀ  TIREDĀ  OFĀ  IT ? Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  videoaux.
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  THEĀ  LASTĀ  SHREDĀ  OFĀ  TRUTHĀ  INĀ  THEĀ  LOSTĀ  MYTHĀ  OFĀ  TRUEĀ  LOVE Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  hellsbroadcaster.
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  BUTĀ  Iā€™DĀ  NEVERĀ  SAYĀ  IĀ  LOVEĀ  YOUĀ  JUSTĀ  TOĀ  HEARĀ  YOUĀ  SAYĀ  ITĀ  BACK Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  sirserpentine.
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  Iā€™MĀ  PUTĀ  TOĀ  AWEĀ  SOMETHINGĀ  SOĀ  FLAWEDĀ  ANDĀ  FREE Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  dark-ambition.
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  YOURĀ  BEAUTYĀ  NEVERĀ  EVERĀ  SCAREDĀ  ME Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  gamblins.
Ā Ā . Ā  ā™”Ā  BUTĀ  YOUā€™REĀ  HOLDINGĀ  MEĀ  LIKEĀ  WATERĀ  INĀ  YOURĀ  HANDS Ā  Ā  ā•± Ā  Ā  oriiginis.
#. šŸ•øļø HOW OUT OF HAND ITā€™S GOTTEN ā•± ooc.#. šŸ•øļø MY FLESH IS LACED WITH SUGAR AND MAGGOTS ā•± asks.#. šŸ•øļø YOU SAY YOU MISS ME ( Iā€™M RIGHT HERE ) ā•± starters.#. šŸ•øļø WITH PINK EYESHADOW AND A SOBBING PRAYER ā•± isms.#. šŸ•øļø ANYTHING COULD BE HOLY UNDER NEON LIGHTS ā•± visage.#. šŸ•øļø DO YOU FEEL THE EYES OVER YOUR BODY STILL? ā•± promo.#. šŸ•øļø TO SWEETLY MELT IN SIN ā•± rp memes.#. šŸ•øļø I DRINK ; I BURN ; I SHATTER MY OWN DREAMS ā•± open starter.#. šŸ•øļø YOUR FISH HOOK IN MY MOUTH ā•± crack.#. šŸ•øļø EATEN IN PIECES ; NOT MEANT TO BE KNOWN WHOLE ā•± ic.#. šŸ•øļø I BELIEVE YOU LIKE A BEATEN DOG ā•± dash games.#. šŸ•øļø I WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN FOR WANTING ā•± affiliates.#. šŸ•øļø KISS ME WITH MY BLOOD BETWEEN YOUR TEETH ā•± ships.#. šŸ•øļø TO BE LOOKED AT &. NEVER SEEN ā•± art.#. šŸ•øļø TOUCHED DOWN TO THE DELICATE BONES ā•± poetry.#. šŸ•· | IN NEON LIGHTS ā•± canon &. main verse.#. šŸ•· | THE CALL OF THE ANGELS ā•± overlord verse.#. šŸ•· | FEATHER BOAS AND GLITTER ā•± 70ā€™s verse. (ft. sirserpentine)#. šŸ•· | OVERSEER OF HELL ā•± zestialā€™s employee verse (ft. zestials)#. šŸ•· | GOOD OLD FASHIONED LOVER BOY ā•± human verse.#. šŸ•· | LACED WITH BELLADONNA ā•± lost twins verse (ft. spyderdust)#. ā™” DO YOU LIKE THE SHOW ? ARE YOU TIRED OF IT ? ā•± videoaux.#. ā™” THE LAST SHRED OF TRUTH IN THE LOST MYTH OF TRUE LOVE ā•± hellsbroadcaster.#. ā™” I COULD NEVER DEFINE ALL THAT YOU ARE TO ME ā•± r-adio.#. ā™” BUT Iā€™D NEVER SAY I LOVE YOU JUST TO HEAR YOU SAY IT BACK ā•± sirserpentine.#. ā™” Iā€™M PUT TO AWE SOMETHING SO FLAWED AND FREE ā•± dark-ambition.#. ā™” YOUR BEAUTY NEVER EVER SCARED ME ā•± gamblins.#. ā™” THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN / THE FACE IN MONOCHROME ā•± zestials.#. ā™” YOU HATE THE APPLAUSE / YOU CRAVE THE ATTENTION ā•± xluciifer.#. ā™” BUT YOUā€™RE HOLDING ME LIKE WATER IN YOUR HANDS ā•± oriiginis.
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
šƒš„š€š‘ š€ššˆš†š€šˆš‹ ; šš š©š«šžšŖš®šžš„ š¬š­ššš«š­šžš« . . . @alastor-radiodemon
HE DOES NOT BELONG HERE, Ā Ā Ā Ā but he enters the gates beside the princess of hell herself,Ā  tryingĀ  desperatelyĀ  to keep his shoulders from appearing as tense as he felt. the spider - demon could feel each set of eyes tracing his uncertain frameĀ  : Ā  ( ripping him apart with their gazes ), craning their curious necks to see the wretched thing walk the streets.Ā  ANGEL WAS NO ANGELĀ  in the most literal sense of the word.Ā  charlie might not haveĀ  perfectlyĀ  fitĀ  in Ā  when it came to her appearance, but angel dust had no hope of evenĀ  tryingĀ  to blend in at all.Ā  he imagined himself asĀ  šƒš€š‘šŠš„šš„šƒ šš‹šŽšŽšƒ š€š‚š‘šŽš’š’ š€ š–š‡šˆš“š„ šŒš€š‘šš‹š„ š–š€š‹š‹.Ā  staining holy land with everyĀ  uncharacteristically timidĀ  step that he took.
even still,Ā  angel walked with purpose. a HESITANT PURPOSE, one that he wasnā€™t entirely sure where he was meant to find, butĀ  PURPOSE NONETHELESS.Ā  he strolled through the ivory city streets, letting the pleasant coolness of the air brush over his skin.Ā  š™·š™“ šš†š™°šš‚ šš‚š™¾ šš„šš‚š™“š™³ ššƒš™¾ š™øš™½š™µš™“ššš™½š™°š™» šš‚š™ŗš™øš™“šš‚,Ā  being in heaven almost felt like being alive again, touched by the lithe fingers of springtime.Ā  angel knew it was only for a short time,Ā  but he could still close his eyes.Ā  āøŗ Ā  HE COULD STILL PRETEND.
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he finds himself in a what heĀ  supposesĀ  is a cafeĀ  (Ā  LORD, HE HADNā€™T BEEN IN AN ESTABLISHMENT THAT WASNā€™T A CLUB IN DECADESĀ  )Ā  . Ā  the sweet scent of espresso and caramel hit him at once, enveloping him in a deeply unfamiliar warmth that forced him to pause in the middle of the crowded place. around him, Ā  much Ā  shorter Ā  angelsĀ  were drifting in and out of the establishment,Ā  glancing at him with demented curiousity as they did.Ā  ANGELS WERE STILL JUST AS JUDGEMENTALĀ  ,Ā  it seemed.Ā  allowed to spend eternity in peace, and yet the fucks stillĀ  STAREDĀ  at something out of the ordinary, as if angel couldnā€™tĀ  see them do it.Ā Ā 
his eyes found the corner of the cafe, and, in turn, he met the gaze of a womanā€™s softened features. she hadnā€™t seemed to have her appearance asĀ  SHIFTEDĀ  as the others around herĀ  āøŗĀ  she looked . . . almost human.Ā  an Ā  ETHEREALĀ  version of a typical angel. two pale, feathered wings were relaxed beside her, a soft, aegan - blue in their color. they stood out against the deepness of her skin, lingering with a subtle, golden gleam, as if her appearance alone proved she wasĀ  š—§š—¢š—Øš—–š—›š—˜š—— š—•š—¬ š—¦š—¢š— š—˜š—§š—›š—œš—”š—š š—›š—¢š—Ÿš—¬.Ā  her hair was worn in thick, ebony curls that tumbled down her delicate shoulders. she looks up at angel withĀ  ICHORED EYES,Ā  and itā€™s as if sheā€™s speaking to him Ā  (Ā  WITHOUT ANY WORDS AT ALL !Ā  ) Ā  he recognizes pieces of herĀ  āøŗĀ  not from a lifeĀ  HE HAD ONCE LIVEDĀ  , but from a man heĀ  now knew.Ā  Ā 
angel slowly pushed himself further into the crowd, hesitantly stopping in front of her before holding out one of his hands.Ā  A PEACE OFFERING,Ā  of sorts.Ā 
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ā Ā  Ā  ANGEL.Ā  Ā  āžĀ  Ā  he speaks the words with a confidence heĀ  forces himself to have.Ā  ā Ā  Ā  i know ā€˜ya, uh . . . have no reason to believe me, or nothinā€™, but . . . Ā  āž Ā  Ā  itā€™s a shot in the dark, but perhaps this was redemption, in a way. selflessness, wasnā€™t it ?Ā  a reason to try.
ā Ā  Ā  i think i know how ā€˜ya can see him again.Ā  Ā  āžĀ  she listens because she knows what he means. the unspoken words.Ā  āøŗ Ā  ABIGAIL, RETURN TO ALASTOR. šŒšŽš“š‡š„š‘, š‘š„š“š”š‘š š“šŽ š’šŽš.
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
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theĀ  adorationĀ  inĀ  hisĀ  lungsĀ  isĀ  atavistic. Ā  centuries - old, almost archaic in its sensation.Ā  the same love that drowns angel dustā€™s shaking body is found in the pages of a diary a hundred years ago on earth, or in the delicate handwriting of a love letter between two angels in heaven.Ā  AĀ  MILLIONĀ  PEOPLEĀ  HADĀ  FELTĀ  THISĀ  SAME,Ā  INFERNALĀ  HEATĀ  of being so desperately in love that it felt as if he mightĀ  dieĀ  again Ā  Ā  ; Ā  Ā  and truth be told, he didnā€™t know how anybody else had ever survived such a feeling.Ā 
ANGELĀ  WASĀ  AWAREĀ  OFĀ  LUST.Ā  he could handle the furious, carnal burn of ardor and sex.Ā  butĀ  LOVEĀ  . . .Ā  the wretchedly human desire to just be close to him, to remember every detail of his form, to know him again ?Ā  Ā it felt suffocating.Ā  SOFT AND SWEET yet bloodied and raw in the same breath.Ā Ā 
itā€™s here that he sits in that feeling, his long legs hiked up to his chest as he watches Ā  @r-adio Ā  from afar, his eyes tracing over each movement he makes as he sips at his tea. the flickering fireflies radiate light from the wilderness side of alastorā€™s bedroom, painting the demonā€™s face in a faint shade of angelic gold.Ā  HEĀ  ISĀ  SOĀ  UNCHARACTERISTICALLY ETHEREAL Ā that it sends angelā€™s chest tightening all over again.
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ā Ā  uhĀ  - Ā  āžĀ  Ā  Ā  angel swallowed. the shattering of the silence made alastorā€™s head turn, and somehow that made the feeling burn hotter. Ā  Ā  Ā  ā Ā  this might, uhĀ  . . .Ā  soundĀ  realĀ  fuckinā€™Ā  stupidĀ  orĀ  whatevaā€™Ā  ,Ā  butĀ  . . . Ā  yā€™know,Ā  when i first met ā€˜ya down here again,Ā  afterĀ  allĀ  thatĀ  timeĀ  ? Ā  didnā€™tĀ  . . .Ā  really think ā€˜ya would meanĀ  thisĀ  muchĀ  toĀ  me. Ā  āž
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
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š“šŽ šŒš„š„š“ šˆš š‹š”š’š“ ( š“š‡š„š’š„ š€š‚š‡šˆšš†, š‚š€š‘šš€š‹ šƒš„š‹šˆš†š‡š“š’ ) : @dark-ambition
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THEĀ  STREETSĀ  OFĀ  PENTAGRAMĀ  CITYĀ  AREĀ  LITĀ  UPĀ  INĀ  NEON, Ā  and the leather of angelā€™s thigh - high platforms are positively glimmering in it with every step. stained - glass barfront windows reflected their multicolored touch against his faceĀ  :Ā  WHITE FUR shining with hues of pink and red.Ā  theseĀ  areĀ  nightsĀ  designedĀ  forĀ  throwingĀ  inhibitionsĀ  toĀ  theĀ  infernalĀ  sky.Ā  where his half - lidded eyes would stay focused on the streets ahead, searching for whatever entertainment he could get his hands on.
andĀ  entertainmentĀ  heĀ  certainlyĀ  found,Ā  when his gaze shifted to the other side of the road, past the crowds of DRUNKEN SIN. it was there he met eyes, so briefly, with anĀ  ALL - TOO FAMILIAR SNAKE. Ā  a man who seemed to freeze momentarily when their gazes touched, as if angelā€™s presence was enough to shake him still. they remembered one anotherĀ  :Ā  how couldnā€™t theyĀ  ?Ā  Ā the events of the prior afternoon were still fresh in both of their minds. they were certainly fresh in angelā€™s mind, at leastĀ  ,Ā  and perhaps itā€™s why he went to re - apply his lip gloss before walking over, adding a purposeful cock in his hips with his steps.
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ā Ā  wellĀ  heyĀ  there,Ā  handsomeĀ  -Ā  fancy seeinā€™ you around here.Ā  Ā  āž Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  he tilts his head to the side a little as he approaches, eyeing pentious with the corner of his bottom lip pulled slightly between his teeth.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā Ā  didnā€™t think this place wasĀ  . . .Ā  your kindaĀ  scene, yā€™knowĀ  ? Ā  ā€˜ya lostĀ  ? Ā  āž
a purposeful brush of the arm with expert fingers, his touch trailing up penā€™s shoulder,Ā  GAUGING HIS REACTIONĀ  with a full smile that was painted with neon lights and unmistakable lust.
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
@r-adio āøŗ long - ass plotted starter : blood - stained fawn
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the night after the radio demon tore himself through the front door of the hazbin hotel, ANGEL DUST DREAMED OF LOUISIANA. he dreamt of a curly-haired, honeymouthed boy with a performerā€™s voice and soft hands. he dreamt of bayou summers, of wet air and rainy nights. he dreamt of a memory that took the shape of a childhood he had long since forgotten about, for what was the purpose of remembering such things? what was his benefit, lingering on memories, back when he had a heartbeat? there was none. there was none.
(Ā  but he dreamt of it anyway. just for one night. as if the wicked universe was reminding him that he would never have it back, that he was not destined to be remembered. the radio demon would not remember his life. he would not remember anthony. but angel would remember, just as heā€™d remember the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night following the dream. he is eighteen again. he is drunk on a cocktail of stolen vodka and lovesickness. he is praying to god but he feels no reply, and he knows why.Ā  )
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new orleans used to be kind to anthony borrelli. lively city streets, radio stations that wrapped him up in upbeat jazz. in another world, he wouldā€™ve stayed there forever: a world where he didnā€™t need to keep returning to new york with his family. he wouldā€™ve stayed with the boy he grew up with, the one heā€™d known since the tender and wretched age of twelve. back when the world made so much sense and so little sense all at the same time.
and that was it, he supposed. he wouldā€™ve loved alastor if they stayed young forever. in another life, they were in that world. in another life, alastor was still teasing anthony for putting too much sugar in his coffeeĀ  ( ā€œyouā€™re ruining the flavor, you know. you might as well just drink a cup of milk and a pound of sweetener.ā€ )Ā  in another life, anthony was worshipping such sinful love from atop the kitchen counter. his heart feels as though a sunset has opened within it. in another life, nothing wretched had ever happened, and heaven and hell were simply words in an empty poem.Ā 
that was the world angel had dreamt of that night. the world where heā€™d been able to stay. maybe he wouldā€™ve seen alastor fall apart. maybe he wouldā€™ve known why the radio demon had ended up in hell to begin with, and maybe he wouldā€™ve cared about him anyway. Ā ( Ā  how embarassing, wishing your friendship wouldā€™ve been enough to turn a monster into a man again.Ā  )
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in the flickering light inside of a dilapidated radio tower, its walls torn asunder by holy hands, angel dust finds the hunched and trembling figure of alastor once again.Ā  all that was unholy, he looked awful.
the radio demon had separated from the group as the fight between them and the exterminator angels truly began, and angel had barely any time to think anything of it. it wasnā€™t until the chaos had died to smoke and rubble, when the ground was painted in shades of gold and crimson, that the realization of two losses had hit all of them. pentious was dead, alastor was missing, the hotel was in pieces, and perhaps the panic of it was what made it so easy for angel to slip away from the grieving group. he only found alastor because he knew him. there were few places he couldā€™ve been. Ā  (Ā  ANGEL FOLLOWED THE DROPS OF BLOOD ALL THE WAY TO THE TOWER IN THE DARK. )
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alastorā€™s pulled himself into a tight, shaking ball underneath the soundboard of the radio tower, halfway hidden, with his shadows cloaked over him in a half attempt to shield him in darkness. the antlers atop his head are grown a little larger than normal in the midst of his panic, though his body doesnā€™t appear to have fully transformed into his more demonic appearance. his ears are pinned back against his head, and mixed with the strained, grimace-like smile on his features, he looks like a frightened animal. his eyes snap up to look at angel as he takes a step forward, and his pupils look foggy, glazed over. his chest pours blood between his fingers, where a hand presses loosely over top. a gash from an angelic weapon.Ā 
in spite of everything, angel kneels. like heā€™s praying again. how ironic. how odd. who do you pray for, and who do you pray to? Ā 
( Ā  you used to joke about being scared of being loved. in reality, you are scared of being loved by anyone that is not him. you are scared of housing all the love for him that youā€™ve held since you were thirteen. you are scared that there will be nowhere else for that love to go, and itā€™ll weigh on your shoulders forever. until eternal damnation finally teaches you a fucking lesson. Ā  )
alastorā€™s eyes, fogged and feverish as they might be, glowed yellow when they met angelā€™s own. angel shook his head at the radio demon. his voice felt light ; as if it werenā€™t actually coming from his own body.
ā Ā  Ā  no - one else is cominā€™.Ā  Ā  āžĀ  Ā  Ā  he doesnā€™t know why itā€™s the first thing he says, but itā€™s a reassurance for both of them. this connection feels delicate ; one wrong move, and alastor didnā€™t have any reason not to rip him apart. why wasnā€™t he afraid ?Ā Ā Ā angelā€™s gaze flickered down to the wound on his chest, and for a moment, he wishes heā€™d grabbed some sort of first aid kit. something. anything.
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spiderslvts Ā· 1 year ago
@sirserpentine - ā youā€™re šƒš„š€šƒ šŽš š˜šŽš”š‘ š…š„š„š“, poor thing. come on, you need some sleep. āž
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THEĀ  LEATHERĀ  BODYSUITĀ  Ā  that adorns the curves of his body feels cheaply made and uncomfortable against his skin, clinging to angel just a bit too tightly. this wasĀ  PURPOSEFUL. Ā  such outfits were not made to be kept on for too long Ā  āøŗ Ā  val only bought them to beĀ  TORNĀ  OFFĀ  in fits of firey passion and violent heat.Ā  angel supposed, though he never got confirmation beforehand, that a man willing to spend so muchĀ  MONEYĀ  -Ā  enough to buy out the remaining time slots angel had for the evening Ā  -Ā  would be the sort looking to witness one of angelā€™sĀ  š’ š‡ šŽ š– š’.
heā€™d almost expected an overlord. Ā  š’šŽšŒš„Ā  š‡šŽš“Ā  -Ā  š’š‡šŽš“Ā  šŒšˆš‹š‹šˆšŽšš€šˆš‘š„Ā  Ā looking to keep angel to himself for hours on end. angel had taken extra care in his makeup that eveningĀ  Ā  :Ā  Ā  ( Ā  whenĀ  theĀ  eyelinerĀ  wasĀ  thickĀ  enough,Ā  nobodyĀ  inĀ  theirĀ  rightĀ  mindĀ  wouldĀ  payĀ  attentionĀ  toĀ  theĀ  bagsĀ  formingĀ  underĀ  hisĀ  eyes.Ā  )Ā  Ā  the faux lust that painted his face, the cock of his hips in every step he took,Ā  QUICKLY MELTED at the sight of the client in the hotel room.Ā Ā 
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the familiar face stood at the foot of the bed, glancing curiously around the hotel room with a basket in his hands, filled to the brim with a wide assortment of little gifts. pajamas that looked beyond antique, more resembling deep, blue robes. bottles of water, blankets. angel didnā€™t have a chance to say anything to the snake before pentious turned around with a startled yell, hurrying to cover his eyes and hand over the basket to aĀ  BALKINGĀ  angel dust.
the words are kind, theyā€™re gentle, and angel is holding the basket to his chest, feeling the exhaustion paint over the persona for just a brief second.Ā  itā€™s trueĀ  ;Ā  heā€™sĀ  EXHAUSTED,Ā  and as he wraps the blanket from the basket around his shoulders, it hits him all at once.
āĀ  Ā  hold on - Ā  Ā  āž Ā  Ā  angel put the basket down. his shoulders ached. Ā  Ā  āĀ  Ā  let me get this straight.Ā  you fuckinā€™ spentĀ  moneyĀ  on all my time slots, just toĀ  . . . whatĀ  ?Ā  NOT fuckĀ  ?Ā  or is this some weird - ass kink shitĀ  ?Ā  because that, i can work with. Ā  Ā  āž
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