#-is dusting off the spider webs on Marion for sleeping in this blog-
pioxys-twitchpp · 7 years
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A New Run Awaits Us
Hey guys, it's been awhile! Just thought I stop by this blog to update everyone that the next TwitchPlaysPokemon run is about to go underway! 
What is it this time you may ask?
Twitch Plays Pokeon Blaze Glazed
Or just Pokemon Glazed Version, but made even more TPP challenging! Knowing the Dev team, there surely be a surprise or 2 mid way or end of the game. Or just like the old Blaze Black 2 run, and Waning Moon run, we may find some hidden challengers to our liking. Who knows what we'll find on this new adventure!
I never played any actual ROM hacks aside from Brown, Prism, and somewhat Flora Sky. (Not counting the TPP ROM hacks) So I have no clue what to say about this game. However it is one of the more well received and recognizable ROM hacks throughout the community. So that just tells me we're in for a good time! The only thing I'm gonna have horrid flashbacks about is the gen 3 menus... Here we go again folks... Lets hope the PC crane game is nice to us this time around, and we can actually teach pokemon TMs in less than a day.
As of what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna watch and wing it. Not planning any impressions this time around, but if I do find something fun to poke at, or draw, I will update it here. Just don't expect much. I'm more of a visitor now days in TPP than the obsessed fanatic I was. 
I mean I'm still a TPP nut, but you get what I mean. Kappa
Anyway Here's to a new run! By the time this is posted, we should be about at dawn of the final half hour. So stop by at the stream, grab some snacks, and get ready to goof off with the chat again!
Like always I'm dragging ya over there. Click me.~
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