#--around and look gor the plugs. the outlets. I would rip that all out of the wall. save everyone and myself a headache and time.
hollowsart · 11 months
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Took random iq tests out of boredom last night and like.. questions like this confuse the ever living heck out of me.
What the HECK do either of these mean?
Every other question makes sense to me to some degree, but THIS? can I please go back to individually counting how many 4-sided shapes are in an absurd scribbling of some geometric block? Looking at actual simple patterns presenting themselves within a circle or square like a clock?
Very very few exceptions. Wish there was an option I could select that literally just says "What" because that's all I really have for "answering" these questions that provide me with literally nothing to actually work with to solve them.
"Yeah, so Sarah is 4 times her brothers age, how hold will her brother be when he is half her age?" ??? WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS TO WORK FROM? YOU GAVE ME NOTHING. (Another quiz actually gave me a question like this. No numbers were provided in the question at all, but you had to pick a number from the answers)
Anyways, these iq tests make me feel terrible. I know they're not about intelligence, but oof, they make me feel bad anyway. (My results from 1 that I took twice cuz they had a 2nd version with different questions were: 112 & 116)
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