#--- do u fucking hear yourselves? u sure arent fucking anti-prisons or anti-capital punishment.
man-squared · 2 months
I just was scrolling through someone's blog (someone who made a post about not believing in transandrophobia; someone who is a transfemme), and I just . . .
I was scrolling, and there is one post that was essentially like a trans woman saying it's easy for quite a few trans women to pass and the reposts are like "yeah I put on a woman's shirt and passed a mirror and said 'oh I look like a cis woman." However, I'm still scrolling and find a post that says all the transmascs talking about how it's hard for us to pass are probably pre-T/transition but it's so much harder for trans women to pass.
I'm so tired of people deciding what passing is for trans people and what works and what doesn't. You can pass in one situation and look exactly the same and not pass in another. And also which is it? Do all trans men pass when we put on men's clothes (I know we don't automatically pass, please engage with trans men please), or do we not pass until we have our first testosterone appointment (seriously, why are we so behind in transfeminism and unity?)? It's pretty fucking ironic how we talk about how trans men's experience are erased and ignored, and you decide to do the exact thing we mention.
Why are people so quick to decide they are the fucking authority on other's experiences? I don't see how any of this makes sense or is productive. We, as trans people (as a whole), all have trouble passing, and yes, there are outliers to every statement on passing or experience we try to pass as absolutes, and honestly, some of you are so wrong about other's experiences that you aren't creating "good theory" or empathizing with people who are hurting JUST AS MUCH AS YOU. But sure, let's keep arguing who is the biggest enemy and who has it better as we watch our brothers, sisters, and siblings drop like flies in a transphobic society. How are you helping, even yourself, by doing this? Hint: you aren't.
Rant in tags. Can someone send some positivity my way? Like about unity or something because my blood is boiling and my heart is breaking.
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