#- is still in that srf so yay)
hellyeahydkj · 1 year
Mavis: Hun, people only listen to the very first part anyway. Cookie: Wh- What do you- What is that- What are you talking about? They're playing the game, how can they not be listening to the... Mavis: I don't know. I mean it would be like listening to us now. They just don't pay attention during that part. Cookie: They're not paying attention to what we're saying right now? Mavis: No they're not. Cookie: Wh... Mavis: They probably already hit the spacebar. Cookie: Really? Mavis: Yeah. Cookie: Well. Are you saying that like right now what we're actually doing is betraying the whole interactivity of the game by making it seem like this is all pre-recorded? Mavis: Doh. Cookie: (Laughter)
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Hi jess I wanted to ask you about Victoria and Daniel. When they started dating was there alot of gossip? I am pretty sure.Daniel was not royal and also her trainer. I guess what I'm asking if it was scandalous at first?
Yay! SRF questions!! I don’t know if scandalous is the right word but it definitely was a talking point. Firstly Victoria had recently broken up from Daniel 1- Daniel Collert- after a very long term relationship so there were comments about it being a rebound (as there were with Madde and Chris and CP and Sofia who also proved everyone wrong). He was a country boy with a thick accent who wasn’t part of the elite social set so there were stories about how her friends didn’t like him and how the King didn’t want him to marry her which is why it took so long. I don’t buy a lot of that. I especially don’t buy the idea that CG didn’t want them to get married because of his background because he married a commoner with a very sketchy family history and he let Bertil and Lilian marry too. It doesn’t ring true to me. If he did ask them to wait I think it’s just because he knew Daniel would have to able to take on the job and needed time to decide if he wanted to marry Victoria the royal as well as Victoria the person. Ultimately all of these stories proved to be nonsense because they’re still together now after around 18 years and have two beautiful children together 
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