#- also did homeboy really get her a sakura diamond ring?? mike pLEASE SKJDF
shrapnelsong · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Alice! 
@honedtalent​ asked: has an exhausting week ahead of him. a trip from argentina to japan amounts to an entire day and matching up timezones and schedules adds another layer of careful planning. arrives back in his native country with enough time to freshen up at a friend’s home before heading to her studio. waits outside for a bit, looking up when he hears the door and smiling at the look on her face. that makes it all worth it. “do i count as a gift?” a cheeky grin despite the fact that he’s holding a plum blossom arrangement and a ring whose cut is her namesake in his pocket. “happy birthday, sakura-chan.”
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     A long distance relationship between different prefectures and rival schools is hard enough, let alone between two continents, but they make it work. As much as being unable to see each other in person can be a little disheartening on special days, they both put in effort to make up for it in other ways. Tooru was the first to wish her a happy birthday, a whole two days before the actual date because he would be traveling nonstop and couldn’t promise he’d have good service. Throughout that time, she constantly went back to their chat and read the message again, smiling quietly to herself and saving all those emotions for when they could see each other again.
If anything, all the longing fuels her work. She could compile several albums with all the love songs that come to her when she finds herself missing him for the smallest and strangest things. A lot of those end up too personal to send off to other artists, sometimes even for her own discography, and she keeps them hidden in her heart, sheets and sheets filling up a music book that no one is privy to. Spending another birthday with the man she loves in an opposite timezone put her in that exact mood and she settles for a solo session with her piano, letting her heart sing in the privacy of her personal recording room.
By the time lunch comes around, everyone was to take her out to celebrate, and while she’s not exactly in the mood, she thankfully accepts, not wanting to be completely alone right then. One step out of the studio and she idly wonders if she isn’t still asleep. That can’t be Tooru waiting outside, can it? Alice doesn’t bother to check if it is a hallucination or not, throwing herself into his arms with reckless abandon.
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“Absolutely it counts!” She says to his chest, hugging him tightly and willing herself not to cry. “I can’t believe you’re here...” Her voice betrays her, full of all the emotions she’s been saving up for him. “You’re the best gift I could have asked for.”
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