#- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
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kkkindered · 3 months ago
Delphine is a brat enabler.
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kkkindered · 3 months ago
oh, delphine, my beloved.
she loves sinking her teeth into things to see how they react. are you going to turn limp? let her teeth sink until her jaw clamps and, even then, offer her more blood? or are you going to thrash? claw? squirm? howl? find a way to bite her back? even so. is it out of survival? instinct? desperation? Plain and simply, you just don't want to go without a fight?
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kkkindered · 10 months ago
- ̗̀ aesthetic ̖́- 𖥸 ─ k’in.
- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ k’in
.- ̗̀ replies ̖́- 𖥸 ─ k’in
- ̗̀ ship aes ̖́- 𖥸 ─ k’in.
- ̗̀ open ̖́- 𖥸 ─ k’in.
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- ̗̀ aesthetic ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kio.
- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kio.
- ̗̀ replies ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kio.
- ̗̀ ship aes ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kio.
- ̗̀ open ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kio.
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- ̗̀ aesthetic ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
- ̗̀ ship aes ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
- ̗̀ replies ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
- ̗̀ open ̖́- 𖥸 ─ onyx.
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- ̗̀ aesthetic ̖́- 𖥸 ─ zara.
- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ zara.
- ̗̀ ship aes ̖́- 𖥸 ─ zara.
- ̗̀ replies ̖́- 𖥸 ─ zara.
- ̗̀ open ̖́- 𖥸 ─ zara.
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- ̗̀ aesthetic ̖́- 𖥸 ─ delta.
- ̗̀ interest ̖́- 𖥸 ─ delta.
- ̗̀ ship aes ̖́- 𖥸 ─ delta.
- ̗̀ replies ̖́- 𖥸 ─ delta.
- ̗̀ open ̖́- 𖥸 ─ delta.
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- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ pictures.
.- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ rp
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ headcanons.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ asks.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ games.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ main v.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ mafia v.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ modern v.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ kny v.
pt ||
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ modern adj v.
- ̗̀ 𖧧 ̖́- 𖥸 ─ suggestive/nsfw.
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