#*tips 45 ft tall cowboy hat*
tanukihost · 5 years
{ I was born and raised in the south and I give you And Haruhi the official Yeeple badge of honor. Welcome. Yee Yee. }
@iliyovunjika / @nyota-sungura
DO U SEE, LEO!?!?!?!? DO U SEE 
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fernlomwrites · 6 years
Chronicles of Tenaria: A Fatal Encounter
Forgotten Ambitions was your typical Old West Town, saloon, bank, sheriff’s office, general store, scattered houses and inns, farms at the outskirts, the usual stuff. Except, for the Winged beast perched atop the church bell tower, obvious pieces of broken robot in its arms and mouth. That, is unusual. What’s more unusual is the Sherriff, with only half a face, a hole in his chest, and a hole in his back, shooting at said monster.
“Come on then beast!” The undead Sherriff shouted “How about you try and rip me up! See how easy it is then!”
A chuckle, so strangely calming, yet so deeply unnerving came from the beast “My name is Fatality, allow me to show you why fool”
In the blink of an eye, Fatality had him pinned down, his arm of flame deep into the hole in his chest “You still can feel pain here can’t you?” His smirk was so cold, and cruel, it made the Sherriff shiver and kick him off.
“Shockingly enough, no, I do not feel pain there. That part of me is long dead.” He rose to his feet, and drew out his dual blades. “Come on you ugly son-of-a-bitch.” He smirked, or at least the living part of his face did. “or is the living fear afraid of something he can’t scare? ~”
Fatality chuckled slightly and rose to his feet “If I can’t scare you, or kill you, why waste my time?” He fluttered his wings out and bared his teeth. “you aren’t worth my energy then”
“I’d say the same to you, but I actually don’t have anything to loose here” His gaze was firmly focused on the beast, and nothing could distract him. He was determined to take it down, no matter how long it took, he had forever.
“You are determined alright, fine cowboy, attack me~” The trap was obvious, attacking when it is expected is foolish, but foolish is exactly what Sherriff McCreed was. And so, without hesitation, he lunged forward, right after Fatality uttered the word “me”. His move was so sudden Fatality didn’t even get the chance to deflect or defend, and instead took to blades straight to his chest.
“Gah! Be gone!” Fatality quickly blew him back with his wings and took flight away from town, the blades still firmly lodged in his chest.
“Where you goin pansy?!” He quickly got back to his feet and fired his pistols at the flying beast “I Ain’t done yet!” He unloaded his pistols before realizing the beast was too far away to hit anymore.
“McCreed! Did you get it?” Waters called out as he approached his undead comrade. Waters looked out and saw the beast in the distance, still flying away from town. “no, but you did scare it off.”
“Great job old man” Pinstripe was close behind and nodded respectfully to McCreed. “To take it on by yourself was foolish, but impressive”
“Son, don’t think just because you and Waters are the same person I wouldn’t shoot you, cause honestly I’d shoot both of you”
Waters and Pinstripe both laugh in unison at the boldness of their ally.
“yes I know McCreed, you tried to shoot me the first time you came back to town”
“I wish I had, I still don’t fully trust you running my town. Especially when you bring him with you”
It was clear McCreed did not like Pinstripe, and it was fully warranted. Why should he trust this man, who is clearly a killer and nothing else? Why should he even allow him into town? Where he is a very clear danger? Pinstripe has proven how valuable he is, and that he isn’t a threat to town, but McCreed still had his doubts, and Pinstripe respected them.
“McCreed, I’m here to help and you know it.” He held out his hand, and McCreed reluctantly shook it.
“Fine Stabby, but I got my eye on you.” true to the phrase, he pointed at his one eye and pointed back at Pinstripe, who was fighting off laughter.
“Yah, your one eye.”
“Yah no shit smart ass” McCreed never had any issues cussing and swearing. The man had the mouth of a sailor, and in his time, it was still pretty unusual.
“McCreed, please, at least try to censor yourself” That much foul language sometimes did bother Waters.
“Right, church boy over here. Sorry Pastor Waters.”
“I’m not a pastor, nor do I even go to the church. You know this”
“Why on earth would I go to church?” Pinstripe seemed perplexed by the insult “I am definitely not a church person, and neither was Ronald…I am confused”
McCreed sighs “Son, I swear a lot, and the Sherriff here” Waters eyes glow slightly brighter from annoyance “doesn’t like it, like he’s some kind of pastor or somethin- “
“It annoys me because there is no need for it. You can get your point across just the same without such language” The flames of his bandana were raging bright as an inferno, smoke coming out from underneath it. “it’s ridiculous! And absolutely annoying!” He sighed and the fire settled down. “it just bugs me”
McCreed shifted slightly on his feet “Yah, I know it does. Honestly? I couldn’t care less.”
Pinstripe watched silently, as the two kept their gazes firmly on each other, wondering who would make the mistake of starting a fight. The tree stood silent, the only sounds were the wind blowing by, and the robot reforming itself. “reconstitution measures 85 and 32 commencing” the machine called out “Repairs desperate, damage critical. Mission status failed.” Hearing their fallen teammate seemed to snap the two men back to their senses.
“Seems Colt 45 is still active”
“Yah, dumb son-of-a-bitch took quite the mauling.” McCreed laughed slightly “but you can’t kill a machine”
Pinstripe turned and faced the now standing robot. Though it was clearly badly damaged, it was still an intimidating figure. It stood about 8 ft. tall, clothed in traditional western gunslinger garb, but it wasn’t armed with pistols, or even the gun it was named after. Instead it was armed with two laser pistols from its own time period, and strapped to its back was a very dangerous looking rifle, covered in wires, and various panels. It was clear that it wasn’t a normal gun, and Pinstripe never had the opportunity to see it used. He was curious, but wasn’t stupid.
Slowly Colt. 45 hobbled over to the trio, his body almost fully repaired. “Sherriff Waters, Sherriff McCreed, Pinstripe, the mission was a failure, I apologize”
“You didn’t fail 45, McCreed here managed to scare it off. And you are still functioning, so to me that is a success.”
The machine nodded and slightly tipped its hat “Yes Sir”
“Good, now, come on, we have work to do gentlemen” Pinstripe started walking first, followed by the three.
Chrono Link
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fernlom · 8 years
The Return of Pinstripe : Chapter 3
(It's been a while since I posted this story enjoy ) Forgotten Ambitions was your typical Old West Town, saloon, bank, sheriff’s office, general store, scattered houses and inns, farms at the outskirts, the usual stuff. Except, for the Winged beast perched atop the church bell tower, obvious pieces of broken robot in its arms and mouth. That, is unusual. What’s more unusual is the Sherriff, with only half a face, a hole in his chest, and a hole in his back, shooting at said monster. “Come on then beast!” The undead Sherriff shouted “How about you try and rip me up! See how easy it is then!” A chuckle, so strangely calming, yet so deeply unnerving came from the beast “My name is Fatality, allow me to show you why fool” In the blink of an eye, Fatality had him pinned down, his arm of flame deep into the hole in his chest “You still can feel pain here can’t you?” His smirk was so cold, and cruel, it made the Sherriff shiver and kick him off. “Shockingly enough, no, I do not feel pain there. That part of me is long dead.” He rose to his feet, and drew out his dual blades. “Come on you ugly son-of-a-bitch.” He smirked, or at least the living part of his face did. “or is the living fear afraid of something he can’t scare? ~” Fatality chuckled slightly and rose to his feet “If I can’t scare you, or kill you, why waste my time?” He fluttered his wings out and bared his teeth. “you aren’t worth my energy then” “I’d say the same to you, but I actually don’t have anything to loose here” His gaze was firmly focused on the beast, and nothing could distract him. He was determined to take it down, no matter how long it took, he had forever. “You are determined alright, fine cowboy, attack me~” The trap was obvious, attacking when it is expected is foolish, but foolish is exactly what Sherriff McCreed was. And so, without hesitation, he lunged forward, right after Fatality uttered the word “me”. His move was so sudden Fatality didn’t even get the chance to deflect or defend, and instead took to blades straight to his chest. “Gah! Be gone!” Fatality quickly blew him back with his wings and took flight away from town, the blades still firmly lodged in his chest. “Where you goin pansy?!” He quickly got back to his feet and fired his pistols at the flying beast “I Ain’t done yet!” He unloaded his pistols before realizing the beast was too far away to hit anymore. “McCreed! Did you get it?” Waters called out as he approached his undead comrade. Waters looked out and saw the beast in the distance, still flying away from town. “no, but you did scare it off.” “Great job old man” Pinstripe was close behind and nodded respectfully to McCreed. “To take it on by yourself was foolish, but impressive” “Son, don’t think just because you and Waters are the same person I wouldn’t shoot you, cause honestly I’d shoot both of you” Waters and Pinstripe both laugh in unison at the boldness of their ally. “yes I know McCreed, you tried to shoot me the first time you came back to town” “I wish I had, I still don’t fully trust you running my town. Especially when you bring him with you” It was clear McCreed did not like Pinstripe, and it was fully warranted. Why should he trust this man, who is clearly a killer and nothing else? Why should he even allow him into town? Where he is a very clear danger? Pinstripe has proven how valuable he is, and that he isn’t a threat to town, but McCreed still had his doubts, and Pinstripe respected them. “McCreed, I’m here to help and you know it.” He held out his hand, and McCreed reluctantly shook it. “Fine Stabby, but I got my eye on you.” true to the phrase, he pointed at his one eye and pointed back at Pinstripe, who was fighting off laughter. “Yah, your one eye.” “Yah no shit smart ass” McCreed never had any issues cussing and swearing. The man had the mouth of a sailor, and in his time, it was still pretty unusual. “McCreed, please, at least try to censor yourself” That much foul language sometimes did bother Waters. “Right, church boy over here. Sorry Pastor Waters.” “I’m not a pastor, nor do I even go to the church. You know this” “Why on earth would I go to church?” Pinstripe seemed perplexed by the insult “I am definitely not a church person, and neither was Ronald…I am confused” McCreed sighs “Son, I swear a lot, and the Sherriff here” Waters eyes glow slightly brighter from annoyance “doesn’t like it, like he’s some kind of pastor or somethin- “ “It annoys me because there is no need for it. You can get your point across just the same without such language” The flames of his bandana were raging bright as an inferno, smoke coming out from underneath it. “it’s ridiculous! And absolutely annoying!” He sighed and the fire settled down. “it just bugs me” McCreed shifted slightly on his feet “Yah, I know it does. Honestly? I couldn’t care less.” Pinstripe watched silently, as the two kept their gazes firmly on each other, wondering who would make the mistake of starting a fight. The tree stood silent, the only sounds were the wind blowing by, and the robot reforming itself. “reconstitution measures 85 and 32 commencing” the machine called out “Repairs desperate, damage critical. Mission status failed.” Hearing their fallen teammate seemed to snap the two men back to their senses. “Seems Colt 45 is still active” “Yah, dumb son-of-a-bitch took quite the mauling.” McCreed laughed slightly “but you can’t kill a machine” Pinstripe turned and faced the now standing robot. Though it was clearly badly damaged, it was still an intimidating figure. It stood about 8 ft. tall, clothed in traditional western gunslinger garb, but it wasn’t armed with pistols, or even the gun it was named after. Instead it was armed with two laser pistols from its own time period, and strapped to its back was a very dangerous looking rifle, covered in wires, and various panels. It was clear that it wasn’t a normal gun, and Pinstripe never had the opportunity to see it used. He was curious, but wasn’t stupid. Slowly Colt. 45 hobbled over to the trio, his body almost fully repaired. “Sherriff Waters, Sherriff McCreed, Pinstripe, the mission was a failure, I apologize” “You didn’t fail 45, McCreed here managed to scare it off. And you are still functioning, so to me that is a success.” The machine nodded and slightly tipped its hat “Yes Sir” “Good, now, come on, we have work to do gentlemen” Pinstripe started walking first, followed by the three.
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