#*state. Idk how he originally trapped them so don't ask XD
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Lmao another one, mysterious white mewtwo belongs to @oogaboogaspookyman he is an evil bastard and he is tormenting my children. Hope you enjoy
Time loop
Lacerations decorated her baby brothers skin, the wounds oozed red black liquid, he'd stopped gurgling and choking around his own blood by now and was quiet, all she could do was hold him holding the back of his head gently and her other arm slowly pulled out of his chest and wrapped around him sobbing.
She was blood stained and covered in bruises and as the illusion faded away her condition worsened, deep aching wounds ran down her back from being cut open with shards of glass, one of her horns had been snapped and dangled painfully, her tail hung limply crushed and bludgeoned along with many other wounds that began to weep and scream. Her brother was worse, half his face had been blasted off in one of the previous runs and his eye had started to rot and leak from the socket, his body was barely held together having been crushed, torn apart, cut open, hacked into, burnt, electrocuted, whatever the twisted mind of the monochrome one could come up with that fate had befell her brother and she couldn't save him.
She felt the cold before she heard the demons laugh, deep and amused, echoed and tormenting, he clapped his hands together in slow praise as he glided easily over as the world around them faded to gray.
"Please, haven't you had your fun?" May looked up at the other two still protectively cradling the cool body of her brother, the other two watched her looking down upon her with his empty black eyes, expression unreadable, "don't make him go through any more, I beg of you." A smile cracked upon his face in amusement watching her growing panic feeling her growing fear.
"You can torture me instead, just me! You must be getting bored with this formula of things, give him his freedom and life back and just make me suffer. I-imagine what you could do, you could have me fight for my life and freedom that you'll never grant, make me fight thinking I'm to reunite with him just to rip me back, break me, tear apart and put my body back together over and over, make me relive my worst memories, just, please. He doesn't deserve this." She begged, to frankly deaf ears, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at the one tormenting them, wishing, praying for him to consider and let him go.
The other brought their hand to their chin in mock thought, though May in her anguish still could not read his body language, they floated to one side then the other as if in consideration. May could only watch trying not to get her hopes up and failing miserably clutching onto her sibling just wanting him safe.
The pale white two stopped in front of her, even in this other space time they continued to distort their form never truly stable. His hand came to hold her face in a way that was almost kind, but she knew better as she felt his grip start to tighten and tighten around her muzzle painfully gripping and drawing lines of blood as he slowly leant in close as he crushed her bones slowly.
He threw her backwards with a smirk as the world fell around her as she plummeted into the darkness.
Thick leaves blocked out the light and subdued the heat of the sun within the forest, it was quiet save for the breeze. May blinked as she looked around, having the strange feeling she had forgotten something but searching her thoughts provided no answers. She frowned a bit to herself in confusion as she stood from resting under a tree, there was a cool breeze against her as she stood her tail swayed.
She looked around before walking listening out for her brothers psychic energy or just his laughters being that he was a generally a noisy boisterous lad. She smiled hearing his laughter following the sound of it wondering what exactly he was up to.
Deeper she walked and yet never feeling as though she was getting closer, she stopped, listening out furrowing her brows in confusion. The pleasant cool breeze began turning cold and the warmth of the sun began to weaken sending a shiver through her. She turned her head trying to listen.
"Matt? Where are you?" She called out into the darkness of the forest before her as it creeped around her starting to chill her body.
The sound of her brother changed from joyous laughter in play to panicked frantic yelling and screams.
She ran into the darkness ahead of her following the distressed screams going as fast as she could manage before her psychic abilities turned on allowing her to fly forward at speeds desperately chasing the sounds forward as the dark forest ran past her in her peripheral vision.
Everything started to rapidly cool, the sun turning cold on her back, the dark greens turning to icy blues and frosts. Cold icy winds cut through her as she broke from the treeline into a wintery tundra, she fell into the snow from the shock shivering and teeth chattering as she gasped shoving herself up to stand breath clouding in front of her with each frozen gasp.
Her brother screamed and despite the horrific freezing cold she pushed forward towards the sound, body trembling with each step grasping herself and trying to use her tail for insulation. Sharp ice cut her face in each violent gust whipping at her to push her back increasing her struggles. By the time she reached the mouth of a cave she felt half frozen, frost decorating her body as she stumbled inside hearing quiet sobbing and crying.
The ground was still freezing and each step hurt as she pushed on deeper into the cave, finally making out a shape within the darkness huddled away from her and whimpering, "Matt?" She hurried over the best she could despite her cold state moving her hand to gently grab his shoulder.
His skin cracked and splintered cracking away from his body shoulder snapping off and gluing to her palm from heat difference, he was frozen solid. She yelped and whimpered trying to pull her brothers upper arm from her palm as the cold burnt against her. The half limb finally came loose falling from her hand shattering across the cold ground. She stood trembling in both cold and sheer terror, slowly backing away from the splintering corpse of her brother that was still whimpering.
She ran back to leave the cave to find the entrance frozen over trapping her inside, she hit her palms and hands against the ice kicking and cursing until it hurt her hands bleeding from her own skin being ripped off as it stuck against the ice wall. She cursed softly as her hands burnt with cold and pain droplets of blood falling from her trembling fingers as she turned to walk back into the cave desperate to find another exit.
Her brother was looking at her now, his body still expression locked in horror and fear his glassy eyes stared at her frozen open forever huddled forward tail wrapped around himself. Her breathing was rapid and fearful as scratched writing became visible along the icey walls asking where she was why didn't she save him and she could feel the guilt weighing down on her freezing body causing her to slowly slump to her knees where she could feel her flesh freezing to the cold sticking in a way she knew would rip away skin hands on her knees her blood warm against herself as she hung her head as her tears froze against her face painfully.
She looked up again and his corpse was closer mouth open still in his last breath patterns of frost dancing across his face in swirls and shapes, she sobbed softly in horror and fear and deep sadness at his face. She hesitantly brought her hand to his face, but didn't touch, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't fast enough I let you down." His eyes stared forward without seeing. A soft whimper left her throat as she put her forehead to his chest, she couldn't escape, she'd freeze here she knew it and that terrified her but she'd be with her brother at least as she shut her eyes ready to fall asleep and not wake up.
The cold cut into her body freezing her skin and breaking it, she could feel her fresh blood as it fell from her wounds before it froze blistering against her skin. She could feel all of her body screaming in pain burning and freezing each tremble ripping wounds in her fragile frosty form, her lips were bleeding and cracked and it felt like her eyes were frozen shut. But death wasn't coming. Something wasn't allowing her to die yet. Time seemed to drag endlessly and yet pass so rapidly as it cut and froze her. She couldn't feel anything anymore, even thinking was sluggish and yet she felt the pain as it stabbed into her stomach, a twisting hunger a starvation a primal desperate need to eat. She ignored it. Endured it. There was nothing to eat after all, may as well freeze on an empty stomach.
She felt the pain lurching squeezing inside her, everything was hurting and yet everything was numb at the same time. She was afraid that it would never end, that this was it, stuck forever in starvation pain and numbness, was Matt frozen caught in agony and fear forever too? Was he conscious but unable to do anything anymore? Was this death? Or worse? Purgatory? Hell? She wasn't particularly religious but it made her wonder and consider the mistakes and actions of her life. Though her memory was failing her, blurring and chopped, she couldn't recall much of anything really it all blurred as cold crept across her mind.
"Hey, you gonna eat or sit there nodding off huh?" Her brothers' voice, her eyes opened and she was back in the forest, it was warm and he was fine smiling at her waving fruits in the air that he collected with his psychic powers. He grinned at her with teeth saying, "come on, or I won't share with you." A fruit landed into her open palm. It was warm from the sun and her memories melted away.
She bit into the fruit, the moment the texture of the skin and flesh made contact with her teeth she knew something was wrong, it tasted wrong, it was stringy and meaty almost like pork but again too stringy as the taste of copper and meat washed over her tongue making her gag to herself to look at the fruit in horror. Her body went cold, everything turned dark and bleak her hands were bloody again she was back in the cave blood covering her hand holding a hunk of flesh. Blurred behind her hand her brothers' corpse with a hunk of flesh ripped out from his upper stomach tail area. She gagged again ready to throw up, dropping her brothers' flesh in disgust as she retched.
Dark psychic energy clamped her mouth shut to prevent her vomiting up the mouthful she swallowed, the acidicness burned her throat as tears streamed in her eyes as the scene fell away back to the gray void, her monochrome tormentor observing her with his usual twisted smirk.
"Ah ah."
He simply mocked as she choked trying to claw away the psychic energy to no avail, she choked and cried and struggled until she could only swallow. He released his grip on her as she panted in horror trembling before him, her brothers body lay nearby still missing a hunk of flesh.
"My my, getting a taste for it?"
The white mewtwo floated in front of her grinning a sick grin of glee down at her as she sat there trembling. He could feel the horror and fear rolling off of her in waves, the anger the hate the instability of her consciousness as she went through delightful cycle after cycle for him witnessing and committing atrocities for his entertainment.
"You made me do that, you tricked me.." She mumbled bleakly trying to look at him in defiance but her eyes were long since broken and bleak missing the twinkle of life behind them making her defiance fall flat.
He laughed at her dark and ominous in a way that made her terrified all over again. He could only laugh at her pitiful sorry state, really it was all fun for him. Watching the crumbling of her resolve the breaking of her mind as he pulled and ripped away at her very being, puppetting her to do exactly as he wanted simply by knowing how she ticked what actions would make her react, he could make her jump and however high he desired. He had her all figured out like the toy she was, and he still had so many more ways to play with her. He snapped his fingers lazily and watched her tumble down into the bleakness into a new cycle as he created a new world and situation to play with.
#My writing#My ocs#Mewtwo oc Matt#Mewtwosona May#@oogaboogaspookymans oc#@oogaboogaspookymans ???#@oogaboogaspookymans monochrome bastard lmao#Tw cannibalism#Tw injuries#Tw rotting#Tw vomit mention#Tw blood#So context @oogaboogaspookymans horrid little man has them in like a time loop groundhog day sandbox time pocket thing lmao#Don't ask me how#At the start of each loop Matt is alive but usually dies by the end and each wound sustained remains in the limbo gray world#And this bastard is able to then manipulate it and send them back to the beginning of the loop over and over to make them suffer#He can manipulate May's perspective of things ext activate or suppress memories change the environment ect#Basically he can just keep playing with them over and over again because he can to make them suffer#They've probably been through countless loops at this point hence their stage#*state. Idk how he originally trapped them so don't ask XD#I will probably randomly add more short torture stories for fun lmao#I think he probably bullshit threatened if May tried to kill him it'd just destroy his time loop with Matt still dead at the end#So like kill me ur brother stays dead forever but maybe I'll let him go still alive (he probably won't)#He really just be beefing with these two for no reason XD#I kinda imagine despite his general beef with humanity he dislikes matt for his human mannerisms and quirks#And he despises May for like being complacent to humans like ur a mewtwo and yet you let them push you around disgusting torture upon you#Idk that's my personal kinda interpretation/where his angle is when I write him
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