#*stares in time line placement of twili* so anyway im ignoring that
livingecho-arch · 3 years
@telesthisia​ raised their hand in class ! / s. c 
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teaching someone to control their magic was always more fun then books -- at least for the student. vis von hellbert could spend hours in the large libraries of the castle  &  and just read . soaking up all they had to offer like a sponge. he was always hungry for more -- but magic was fine too . if anything it was more . . . interconnected. yes , that was the word. magic ran through all of hyrule like water runs through every blade of grass. 
he was allowed to come to the castle to help the princess study , but found something much more interesting . . . princess zelda was very special . 
she had some sort of connection , deeper then any other had ever know . was it the goddesses blessing her ? was it the triforce giving her it’s life from beyond ? ah , he would never know . all he knew was that she held so much potential for greater spells. though clairvoyance she could speak to him . but where were the limits ? limits needed to be found to break them . 
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“ answer me -- but not with your voice. now , tell me your favorite poem. ” he sat, crossing his legs with a smile upon his lips. how clear would her voice be in his head ? would he hear anything along side her words ? ah -- this was quite exciting !
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