silviacrossdresser · 30 days
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By Stana, found on www.femulate.org
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multifandom-gif · 2 months
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Stana Katic as Zoe Strachan in Murder in a Small Town 🔥
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nikki-rook · 11 months
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Stana Katic as Emily Byrne - Kicking Ass in Absentia Season 2
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zerox77660 · 3 months
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isasicons · 2 years
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stana katic icons
like/reblog if you save/use
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Elon Musk ar fi debarcat la o stână din România, unde a dat o petrecere (PRO TV)
Elon Musk ar fi debarcat la o stână din România, unde a dat o petrecere (PRO TV)
Miliardarul Elon Musk se află deja în România, anunță PRO TV, care citează informații pe surse. Conform postului TV, Musk ar fi aterizat deja în România, iar prima oprire pe care a făcut-o e fix în stilul excentric cu care și-a obișnuit fanii. Noul patrol al Twitter a debarcat la o stână din Poiana Brașov, acolo unde a servit tradiționala pâine cu sare. Unii dintre cei mai bogaţi oameni ai lumii,…
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me seeing the two Freddies together: “it’s Stana and Anats”
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the-dapa-files · 9 months
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Stana and Nathan infamously couldn’t stand each other and wouldn’t even talk to each other on set. Stana got fired and fans were outraged at the thought of Castle without Beckett so the whole show got cancelled soon afterwards.
Nothing beyond that has ever been reported by a reliable source. It’s all speculation that has spread like wildfire on the internet. (I’m not even a Nathan Fillion fan). But considering on his next show an actress filed a complaint about sexual harassment (not against him, but a recurring guest star) and you can find every detail about it online, because of Me Too and the fact that incidents like that are investigated by the network, I’m inclined not to believe the rumors
Thanks for the info Laurie. Greatly appreciated.
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l0stinthelight · 1 year
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I need this album like I need air
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multifandom-gif · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Stana! ✨️❤️
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nikki-rook · 11 months
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Stana Katic as Emily Byrne in Absentia Season 2
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Stana Katic
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Richard Castle & Kate Beckett - Castle (2009-2016)
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