#*smack* STOP IT
un-fathom · 7 months
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oblivion is game of the year, every year
(reads bottom to top)
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manda-kat · 4 months
I think it's important to remember that just because you find someone basic or boring or whatever, you're actually very wrong and they are a unique and layered person with their own complicated life, emotions and interests. They don't have to perform anything to show you how interesting or special they are.
That straight white girl with her stanly cup and sephora makeup doesn't have to show you what makes her 'unique'. The older gentleman who shares conspiracy theories on facebook and mows his lawn early in the morning doesn't have to prove he isn't an 'npc' to you. The woman with the 'Karen' haircut and her son who watches stupid youtube videos don't have to drop everything to demonstrate to you that they can break the stereotypes you've associated with them.
Every person is a real person. Even if you never see them do a thing other than what you expect them to do, they are just as deep and emotional as you are because they are ALIVE! They're real! And they don't owe you a tour into their lives just to prove to you that they have thoughts and feelings! Just because you lack the empathy or understanding to see that someone who doesn't share your same lifestyle, hobbies or stereotypes might actually have a rich and detailed life, doesn't mean you're right.
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dietmimo · 3 months
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HSY: *feral screaming and cursing*
DKOS: I said I was sorry.
HSY: *feral screaming and cursing INTENSIVES*
[ID: Animated Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fanart. Kim Dokja is in Demon King form, and he's much bigger than Han Sooyoung, who's comparatively tiny and is clinging to his nose and face while furiously yelling and thrashing around as Kim Dokja nervously tries to appease her. End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
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littlelightfish · 4 months
Marcille stop killing the tallman please
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alexturntable · 18 days
What are the logistics behind an F1 season?
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loganslowdown4 · 13 days
Logan: Virgil! Get off the refrigerator now!
Patton: Aw Logan, he just needs a little love and kindness-
Patton: Kiddo, you wanna come down from there? Pretty please?
Virgil: *demonic hissing*
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Inspired by this post.
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gunnrblze · 3 months
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waitineedaname · 2 months
ENCYCLOPEDIA -- In Proud Immortal Demon Way, Luo Binghe emerges from the Endless Abyss a fully realized heavenly demon. This marks the beginning of his quest for revenge against those who wronged him, along with bedding every woman he comes across.
HALF LIGHT -- He comes out hungry for blood. Your blood.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Easy: Success] -- You remember cheering when you read his revenge against Shen Qingqiu. In fact, you remember commenting that he should've gone further when punishing the scum villain. Little did you know that someday you'd be the scum villain in question.
HALF LIGHT -- You have five years before Luo Binghe decides to turn you into a human stick. Better start running.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY -- I can take him.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT -- In a fight, right?
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT -- In a fight, right?
AUTHORITY [Formidable: Failure] -- You absolutely cannot take him, in a fight or otherwise. He's the stallion protagonist, what are you talking about? You're just his poser shizun. You don't stand a chance.
HALF LIGHT -- You pushed your beloved, sticky little white lotus disciple into the Endless Abyss, and there's no coming back from it. You need to start planning now. When he comes back, what will you do?
[Conceptualization: Impossible] Understand the changes you've already made to the story.
[Rhetoric: Challenging] Explain why you did what you did.
[Physical Instrument: Godly] I can take him.
[Electrochemistry: Formidable] I can take him.
[Drama: Challenging] Fake your death.
DRAMA [Challenging: Failure] -- He can't kill you if you're already dead, right? Of course, faking your death is too cliche, and there are too many ways it could go wrong. If you faked your death normally and ran off, there's always the chance he could find you again.
DRAMA -- There's only one option. You're going to have to kill yourself for real.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] -- You know, there's a mushroom that might help with this...
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fandomsnrambles · 4 months
Nya but we spend the time to explore her character
Nya but we explore her rage towards social attitudes due to her gender
Nya but we talk about her suppressed rage in being overlooked as a woman (particularly in skybound) without bringing up Jay’s feelings
Nya but we give her the space to be angry at the way shes treated in early seasons
Nya but we try to understand her flaws without calling her a selfish bitch and other demeaning names
Nya but we stop mischaracterising her for her feelings of rage and stop saying she needs to chill
Nya but we give her the same energy as male characters
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piggiebonez · 20 days
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fav pokemon character justinrpg
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i played pokemon black 4 times in a row in these past 2 months that fucking game just captivates me for some reason its absurd. i dont even like pokemon games that much. i didnt like any of the previous ones. bw rules though
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i didnt play any gen7 games but that cutsecene with ghetsis fcuking punching a pathetic looking little girl so hard she fell on the floor and then threatening the player made me almost throw up from laughing when i first saw it i love grandpa
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wrmhles · 26 days
horror movie final girls buckbucky is saurrrr tasty like the both of them official or unofficial leaders of a group of survivors having to watch their guys go down around them one by one each harder and bloodier than the last and the threat of that creeping ever closer is making bucky go crazy go stupid + become increasingly reckless but it's not like he didn't Know in the back of his head he always knew that if there were only two of them left it would be him and it would be gale right. all this in contrast to how we know gale deals with panic/danger by fortifying the fortress walls guarding the ugly vulnerable bits of himself and locking in on keeping his head down to survive lmao. a little bit afraid of letting himself get violent despite being very good at it because he knows what violence looks like, he's seen it at home. john's begging without words for gale to give him a single crumb and help fight back because if he doesn't have gale when they get out of this what the hell does he have. they're both covered in gore and viscera after john snaps and beats something to a bloody pulp with his bare fists and he only calms down when gale grabs his shoulders and says john look at me. you were right. of course it was going to be the two of us
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sanji-screenshots · 2 months
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gaeboy69420 · 2 months
Why are all the fanfics of Derwin and derick got the worst grammar or piss kink
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angel when darlin
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ahappydnp · 7 months
how long til phil brings up how they ‘touched slits’
placing my bet for 48 seconds into the next dapg video
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