#*slams fist on table* would u still fucking love her????? AS A WORM??????
abbey-abdominal · 9 months
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would u still love me if I was a worm would u still love me if I had nothing to offer u if I couldn’t talk to u or cry to u or touch u would u still love me if i essentially was not the same as I started out w/ u would u still love me even if u hated bugs and I was a jester girl and u were a ragdoll girl and we’ll never be the same after letting ourselves be vulnerable with each other and exposing our innards would u still
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theartofdyingrp · 4 years
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Welcome, Valeria! You’ve been accepted as Aaron Solano. Well, I may or may not have cried reading this. Thanks for that. I think your vision of Aaron is so well thought out and I can’t wait to play on the dash :) 
Please send in your account to the main within 24 hours and be sure to read our New Member Welcome Page.
Valeria, she/her.
A C T I V I T Y  L E V E L
A N Y T H I N G  E L S E
D E S I R E D  R O L E
Aaron Solano.
W H O  A R E  T H E Y  T O  Y O U
Aaron is deeply afraid of disappointing the people who matter the most to him. Failure is simply not an option for someone like Aaron Solano. That’s why he ended things with Eileen. Whenever his father went to prison, Aaron felt disappointment and hurt within himself, and deep down, he wanted to spare Eileen of that. Even if it was on a subconscious level. On the surface, Aaron believes that he ended things with Eileen because she simply didn’t understand that type of grief that he was feeling. She didn’t understand the world that he was a part of because he wouldn’t let her.
For someone Aaron’s size, it’s pretty impressive that he managed to worm his way into such a violent hobby. Determined and competitive, Aaron’s rather fearless whenever it comes to his opponents. Most people would think that someone of his stature would be easy to beat, but Aaron has a lot of heart, and he was trained by the very best. Aaron cannot shy away from a challenge. He’s gotta be the greatest, every time – it’s probably a Solano thing.
Though Aaron noticed the flaws in his father, he still thought that the man was the closest thing to perfection. Aaron idolized the man, aspired to be just like him whenever he was all grown up. The fact that Aaron placed his father on such a pristine pedestal certainly made everything all the more difficult whenever his father fell from grace. Aaron sincerely believed that his dad was untouchable and watching him cuffed and sentenced in a court room hasn’t left his mind since. Aaron didn’t like the idea of not being in control of that situation – that there was nothing he could possibly do to fix his father’s mistake. Because of that, Aaron is wildly protective of Amelia. While his cousins don’t necessarily need protecting, that doesn’t mean that Aaron wouldn’t do anything humanly possible to keep prevent another family tragedy.
Whenever it comes to work, Aaron can actually be rather charming! Most people underestimate Aaron because of his boyish looks, but Aaron’s managed to win over quite a few independent dealers with his charisma. Money looks good on Aaron, and he wears it exceptionally well. Aaron’s confident, and potential clients can always see that. With a wave of the hand, Aaron can usually summon a server with the most expensive bottle of liquor in the building.
I don’t have any creative stuff (yet) aside from the para sample~~ I will try to maybe get some other things together later!
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No matter how hard Aaron tried, he couldn’t move on from the idea that his father was gone. For-fucking-ever. He’d rot in a prison cell for the rest of his days – a goddamn sin for such a skilled fighter. Now, his father would eat shitty, prison food. He’d lose his agility as the years went on – his muscles would get stiff. He’d grow old in a gray fucking cell, wearing an orange colored jumpsuit, and miss out on Aaron and Amelia’s entire lives.
Aaron didn’t think it was humanly possible to be as angry as he was. Losing the man who had taught him everything, after losing his Uncle Luis. It was a shitty fucking year. Why not get rid of the last good thing in his life?
Aaron loved her – a whole fucking lot. But after all of the loss that he’d endured, there was no room for love in his heart. There was no room for tenderness, or understanding, or patience.
Aaron stood at Eileen’s doorway, stiff as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was trying to comfort him – to show him compassion and empathy, but there was a wall that Aaron couldn’t tear down. There was another side to Aaron’s family that she was, for the most part, very unfamiliar with. She could never understand.
“You doing okay?” Eileen wondered, her hand resting on the nape of Aaron’s neck. He glanced down, found her eyes, and nodded – as if he wasn’t about to fucking break her heart. He could see the concern on her features as she tried to decipher the puzzle before her.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Aaron began, gently removing her hand from the back of his neck. Aaron took a step back. As if he wasn’t ripping his own heart in two. “We’re over.”
Eileen stood there like she’d been hit so hard that she couldn’t breathe. Finally, she opened her mouth – to argue or offer some sort of explanation, but Aaron couldn’t hear her. He’d made up his mind.
“I can’t, Eileen,” he snapped, his voice cold and detached. “I just can’t fucking do this anymore.” He said it like it didn’t hurt.
Aaron turned around, walked away before Eileen could say another word. He made it down to his car, sped away to the location of the next fight. It was over. Thank fucking god it was over. Right?
Aaron forced himself not to think on the fight over. He didn’t wonder if he’d regret this later on, once the dust has settled. He didn’t think about what Eileen had done once he’d left. He didn’t think about how Max’s arms were probably around her.
He won the fight, but only barely. Aaron walked away with a few broken ribs and a swollen left eye. But he’d won, and every time that his fist slammed into his opponent, he saw his father, his uncle, his ex-girlfriend. He’d walked away from the match with a couple thousand bucks – pocket change for Aaron Solano. It meant nothing.
A trusted associate dropped him off at Amy’s. He didn’t want to go to a hospital. She opened the door, obviously concerned, and tended to Aaron’s wounds. Amy went to work quickly, digging out the first aid kit that had been running low on supplies after his last few visits.
“You look like shit,” Amy said gently, trying to mask the concern in her voice. She knew that it was a difficult time for… everyone. And Aaron seemed to be taking it the hardest.
“You should see the other guy… or whatever,” Aaron replied with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Amy didn’t laugh. He stood, pulled at the ends of his shirt to change into a spare t-shirt that Amy had, but he winced in obvious pain. Aaron tensed, stifled a cry in his throat. He watched as Amelia’s hand inched towards her cell phone – probably to call a doctor.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “They can’t do shit for broken ribs. It’ll be fine. Just… let me crash on the couch.”
Amelia frowned. “You need to get out of that shirt if you’re getting anywhere near my couch.”
Amy walked over, fished out a pair of scissors from a drawer, and tore Aaron’s shirt down the middle. Amelia froze whenever she saw the deep, purple bruises forming on his abdomen. Aaron didn’t realize they were that bad.
“I’m fine,” he insisted. “Just gotta sleep it off. I don’t work for a few days.”
Amelia stayed silent as she wrapped an ice pack with a clean kitchen towel. She pressed it against Aaron’s swollen eye. “I can call Eileen–”
“Nah. We broke up.”
Amelia knew better than to lecture Aaron, or pry into the details of his break up. Especially right now.
“Oh. That sucks. I’m… really sorry.”
“It’s fine. Hey, we should order expensive food and a few bottles. On me.” Aaron dug out the wadded up hundreds in his pocket. He slammed them on the table.
The twin telepathy thing was real. He could physically feel Amy’s concern, and he knew that she could feel how badly he was hurting. Even if he’d never admit it.
“'kay. You pick what we watch,” she said, handing him the TV remote. Aaron looked up at the TV, his vision slightly blurry. He blinked a few times. Fuck. Did he have a concussion, maybe? Amy must’ve notice the look of confusion on his face, and the way he was squinting to get a better look at the TV.
“Aaron…” Amy said, staring at him with the same sad eyes that she’d had since their father got locked up. “You’re– I think– you’re…”
Aaron looked down, saw that his chest was wet. He reached up, the pads of his fingers brushing away what felt like tears. He was crying.
“Oh. I guess my ribs hurt more than I thought,” he simply said.
Amy nodded. She knew what that really meant. She wrapped a blanket around Aaron’s shoulders.
“I think we should watch something scary,” she suggested. “I hear Hereditary is really fucked up. I bet you’ll be so scared, your ribs won’t hurt anymore.”
Aaron nodded. He walked over to the couch, sat down as comfortably as he could without being in too much pain. As Amy pressed play on the movie, all Aaron could think about was how fucking miserable he felt. He had no desire to crawl his way out of this misery, either. He wanted to live in it forever – his own prison cell.
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