#*sigh* yea i have to make a tag for soma now...
watanabes-cum-dump · 1 month
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Thancred is unfortuanately growing on me so here are sum screenies of him and my OC Soma who is actually Elysia's older brother btw.
Me and my friend joked that since Thancred is a dad he would solve Elysia and Soma's daddy issues and essentially become the family therapist that helps the siblings see eye to eye.
I also just think the idea of Soma who is super stuck up being with a notorious flirt like Thancred would be funny.
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Elysia is having a great time btw
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pandacommander24a · 8 years
22 seconds Bell to Bell
So Fastlane was... about a mix bag but ultimately its the ending and climax that tells you whether or not it was worth it. Pretty much first half was good times. Then 22 seconds, yeah, 22 seconds. Matches varied from alright to good. Then just nose dive into crap. 
Cruiser Weight matches, both, were really good, just wished I could care about 205 live. I don’t so meh.  Swan and Tozawa out flippy shit  Dar and Kendric. Good fun.
Sami and Soma was a lot of fun, Sami never has a bad match and I really like Soma; best theme on Raw. The match wasn’t the HYPE but was good fun and got me excited for the rest of the night. So a really good opener... Should have stopped.
Tag team was fun, I live for Cory Gary’s absolute hatred of Enzo. Big Cass was strong but The Club were wasted again and kind of stole the win...  The club are both talented guys but they essentially are being jobbed out making them look weak and getting shitty wins like this... Still better than Smackdown in regards to the Tag Team Divison. I don’t know if they are just in a holding pattern until they decide what to do with the New Day
Sasha and Jax, not a squash match. Surprising, Jax threw Sasha around, Sasha threw everything at Jax and then surprise Roll up. Little sloppy but not a bad match. I like Jax and hope she keeps building up to something either at Wrestlemania or something. I was kind of hoping Sasha would do something kind of underhanded to start that heel turn they have been teasing during her injury but whatever. 
Rusev and Mahal, who were a team but now hate each other, demanded a matched. Kind of expected Fowley to come out and tell them to Wrassle it out. What we got was better. 
Mahal throws Rusev threw a barrier and demands a wrestler. Who comes out Cesaro! Que me loosing my shit. There are a couple of people who no matter what always have a match that doesn’t fail to entertain. Styles, Owens, Sami, and my favorite Cesaro. Cesaro works through his extensive roster of moves, and show his Swiss 619 which he has actually mastered. Cesaro faked a back injury during the match because Cesaro wouldn’t be having fun if he wasn’t handicapped in some way. Cesaro wins because Mahal saw Rusev got up and took his eyes off the birdie.  (Seriously like most of the Single matches I saw of Cesaro he’s hurt or some way not at 100%. Shamus and Cesaro feud where he kayfab broke his arm “I fought with only one arm before, let me fight!” Against the Big Show no less. Speaking of which...)
Rusev comes in after the pin and brutalizes Mahal. Then the Big Shows music hits. And out comes epic level Big Show, a good damn match between Big Show and Rusev. Big Show has been hitting the gym for his match against Shaq, which won’t happen. So I think they are setting up a feud with Rusev for Wrestlmania or just trying to reinvent the character. Either way a surprising fun match and Big Show was not the Big Slow tonight.
The New Day come out to shill merch and Ice Cream, remind us they were hosting Wrestlmania and that’s it... Big E wanted to sleep with everyone including the Ice Cream Bicycle they road in on, it was weird but I can dig it. It was the New Day, it got a laugh and was fun. And you know what... The New Day stole the fun when they left because it was all kind of down hill from here.
Second Cruiser Weight match. As I stated Great match. Incredible talent from both Neville, hill Neville the best Neville, and Gallagher. Crazy good match, that trademark Flippy shit and Neville retains. Again I wish I cared about 205LIVE but I can’t for some reason, even though its got more talent than the main raw roster, HEYOH!
Roman Reigns and  Braun Strowman. Okay Reigns had new gear on and honestly it was the same but different and honestly I dug it. The match was by the numbers, Reigns outlasted and out survived everything Strowman threw at him. It kind of was a suprise ending though. Strowman goes for a top rope , Yea the nearly 400 pounds 8 foot tall mofo threw him self from the Turn buckle at Reigns. Reigns moves out of the way and SPALT. Reign coves. So Reigns didn’t beat Strowman, Strowman decided he wanted to be Nevilel but forgot... Only Neville is forgotten by Gravity. So ignoring the bitching of smarks, It was a match with an ending that made Strowman taken ddown by his own hubris rather than his opponent which I can dig.
Then the... SIgh... Okay so at the end of the Raw after Elimination Chamber I had a story idea in mind. Bailey would beat Charlotte at FastLane, clean and then face a heel Sasha at Wrestlemania. Reason? Sasha doesn’t really work as a Face and Charlotte’s  whole gimmick is more or less to be a female version of her father kind of. The hot potato of the belt for the last six months has done nothing for the Raw’s Women division. Charlotte’s streak was impressive but also kind of lame considering its just a PPV streak, she just lost after the PPV so much that the Women’s Division was playing hot potato. So I am not sure why it was such a big deal she had a streak. She just lost on less on important nights. She wasn’t the undefeated champion, she was the lost a bunch when we were not charging for it champion. Bailey is also our plucky underdog. A clean win would help cement her as the champion and cement the belt as something other than a tacky gimmick.
So what happened, a match that was sadly not as good as the match were Bailey won the belt from Charlotte in the first place. Then it ends with Sasha interfering... After Babyface Bailey called out Charlotte’s reliance on Dana Brooke. So heel Charlotte loose from interference from two baby faces... What? Like seriously, What? Is Charlotte going to go Face? Why is Bailey being booked like a heel if she has face promos? Why didn’t the match end in a DQ? IS this some story line for fucking Foley to be fired to cover having to leave for his hip surgery? What did Charlotte, Sasha and Bailey do, or not do, to get this shit booking?
So after that confusion... Something happened that actually made that ending a better ending... KO and Goldberg... I look at my watch and to my suprise There is 10 minutes left of in the PPV. What crazy thing is going to happen, still could be something great right? Fuck my sense of wanting something entertaining and fun to go to work on. Five minutes of setup between Goldberg fucking entrance alone and KO face of he knows this is shit, 3 minutes of KO dancing around the outside of the ring before the match EVEN STARTS. 5 seconds for the Gift of Jericho, which the first official appearance in a month since the festival of friendship. THAN 22 FUCKING SECONDS!
THE PUT THE FUCKING BELT ON GOLDBERG? The only thing that makes this entire asinine story line worst is that Goldberg will face off against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, where no doubt, Lesnar will win and then loose to Roman Reigns. New Era, Same Old Shit. This is on top of the garbage bag of dog shit that has been KO’s run as the Champion, where he has never won on his own, clean or other wise, someone always helped him. Because he’s the pudgy underdog or something... KO deserved better...
I am so fucking done, this is was honestly the first time I was actually hugely upset with watching a PPV.
I know a lot of long term smarks might have better idea but honestly Lesnar and Goldberg is a goddamn snore fest. Between both of them they have maybe have half the moves of KO alone, and KO jobs to fucking GOLDBERG?!? This is a nostalgia match only a handful of really boring people want. Remember the first time, because I watched it. Hell I watched Goldberg’s historic Streak, it was fucking boring. Every match was the same, Spear, Jackhammer, COVER. THE END. NO set up. Maybe it was something at the time a monster suddenly appearing and quietly going back into the night... To much has happened since then, also who cares now? I only care because I wasted two hours of my life for that ending? At least work the fucking handle don’t talk dirty to me than leave me with out a payoff.
I said earlier that KO never have a bad match, well... Goldberg sucks so badly that he is the exception that proves the rule.
I honestly was kind of excited for this match. KO has three fucking story lines going on. He met with Triple H before the Festival of Friendship to work something out. THEN Jericho promises that he has made arrangements for KO to win against Goldberg. Then KO get legit HEAT with everyone by tearing Jericho apart, on the promise of something from Triple H. This combined with the fact that KO usually has incredible PPVs, like every time there is a PPV no matter what, if KO was in it, there was going to be a OMG! moment and it made it worth it to watch his matches, every time, every single time.
So what is the big match end for FASTLANE tonight?  Spear, Jackhammer, COVER. THE END. After Jericho comes out and distracts KO... SO much build up, such great story plotting, an incredibly fucking talented Wrestler and you have him job out to a WCW freakshow you originally ran out of the company 15 years ago, and for what? A few seats at Wrestlemania 33? I mean Wrestlemania the greatest ride ever, or whatever we are suppose to call so Vince doesn’t feel old and senile LIKE HIS FUCKING BOOKING!
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